Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 12, 1891, p. 4

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n tire ctctt jc press tito rsiut kivujineu it 1891 clrr outtg yolks a vttllxvs lavgtttx- f all uir ult of tiravrn may rlnp all hie itii d limvrn tnv lie all tlit wrlu en pitlli my ipitlip r tlif inl of rrtl niftv bring all t roun3ttocrhrr pnrtrturthtnll thine bra hfcni cf titvit tojic mns- fcvu1 cf wtod t mndckd fttrnm wrlurp kfttcfa iwome onl wiijfl inwutu wftniccauitt oiie uiirj jet there tbttt ticne hi ftiltj te itt ciitmc b dotro hcinl of cicn txncut the ittti ilrxv1thcrrhhnrttf sltftia itp00taa j oo j atid uclt f f totted rf vctt hflit hi am twin tlif owrtno nio t height klj thilij cfr ituchtcr ovru ixll cl vtlconie rolled t vi rlotili such note dot tcm krtinira witocin todcotom at tlktdiutmpotu otfm hero tint tine forth titvru htlio coutn cfcvtswr wcr nif htitfeftlcnhy lbc sniiugcj id heard of ncn xf-r- t fcatf is rsxtt ft bru iaiiv avhim of fcrcu notes hre and there itamt of qanarstl tntertitt to fraa prab reader iklsrla iitcrlly rocsiu tiad ir poltouout win wiiftig fob low marthy lini or from decaying vegetable matter are breathed into the long ukeu up by the blood mil unlets the villi fluid i purified by tho use of poojmcdicialikoltoodfilrprillt the unfortunate victim it noon rivetpowered even in the mors advanced cue where th terrible fever prevailt thi taocflttfal medicine list effected rcratrktble ante thote who aw exposed to maltrit or other poiiom thoald keep the tilood put by tak ing hoods btrtstptrilta it it now ttrac iid hi school teacher on bit return to work after a summer jachtigg lo set the ttudkcrttnii keep au cxpretsioa up4iithe buoya wt 1 corttt i tcudertwut wtaful cotui toft corni btdaff aejrtjc ttttd carat cprrof tlliuidt and ot tit iltfcsj in tllke ttmbved a iltw dayt by tbo ui ot ratmintltlnlcttcora eltrtetorj felivqc ttllt to cure ntvor ctutct unj- ptti cover ictvet deep tpott tint tre ntoo uunoyittp tbtn tho orlgini dlconifott i give pattittat ptlnlta cora rtil a true sttry seme otrs txo t yoontf ud tpplied t mj t tore tor fi potition he fu bricht and i took a likiticw bitq and pat bio to work be temnned in cjy employ tot dsjnbr ot yert doicj wu and fittioc hiewkfor a jood tneoe7iil batinefa cantr whcobe tin abont twcntvtico rrs olj he had a petition as one of fonr tuoimcnf alary ilioo a year after an abiwice of thrce inoulht io torope the nriurcn comir home tniued the yonnj sakfniin from the store on atkinc or hini 1 was idformeii that on acconnt of tnu muter in which avqanf woman rat imcreitiihe decided to bav the city and tv wetj lie weut oar ficro cave htm a pood letter of recommendation andhckot a tsd position in chicago three yeara afttrward he apain presented himeeli for a petition as clerk in oar home caving that he did uot feel at home elsewhere wfc took him pn apuin to travel at talet- mtn on tie toad he did well for foar or five years tit we noticed that he looked like a manthat was drinkfhe ter beer ht admitted that he was bat that it did tect do him any harm he grew larger ad tocn weighed 200 poands after which be grtw to leicdoltot and lary so we dtiridcltoafkbimfo get another place we sccded in tecuring him a position where he wonid not have to travel at the mwc tirre advisin him to give op the drickir2 habit twjyeirs rolled by i met this yaacg rnac occasionally and be always seemed try ranch pleaded to see me bnt i roictd that be still looked as tiiongh he tck his tetr i heird thtt his trcpoer did cot want him after july 1st two weeks alter a tewspsper reporter called to enrjnire abont 1 hitry wiiile with cs on asking why ve wcri icfcrmtd that he was missing hid frticn his father that ht should revtr see him ilv cre and that he bad vvnttii seme letters bidding hit frieads gosibye in answer to notices about it in the public pret it was discovered that his bjiiy was toirna floaiicg in the bound and that he hsd been buried near where they fmd the body a basinet card was feend in thejpoctet of his coat with bis wie as rep rtsentative of uie firm printed f n it 35oral lager beer leads to suicide young mtnfbeware kpucopal etcordrr a ldy in syracuie vtritet tofibodt seven yuart teforo tiking iforthwp lymaut vegetable ditcovery and djtpcp tio cure 1 buffered from a cxxnplaiat very prevalent with our sex i vras unable to walk any distance of atandou my feet for mora than a few rrurjatea at a time with out feeling ethauttcd hlit now i am thaukful to tay ictn walk to milet without feeling tho least iucbuvcnieucc for female complaints it hat no equal the cabin in which sitting hull wat killed it to be exhibited at the worlds fur k i tn b1 il ut of red chicacoshighest buildings the highest building in chicago at pre- ssnt and orie which is not built on the new chicago coctructioa system is the audit orium its j loftiest point is 296 feet above the sidewalk the fair building now aimpst completeted in one section measures 211 feet to the coping and u is possible that it will be cajriftl higher to sixteen or eighteen storte lie new if atonic tempi over all 174 feet this u constructed entirely oo the new system the afhlsnd black measures liloleet to tbi coping the womant tem ple whose tcpmot storiet are now being finished towels 200 eet from the ground the manhattei 193 feet the monadnock lilthe heating tad speed block 192 the abstract bcildini 190 the chamber of coxmerce bodk 1ki thehome iaturajuce 17 j tnetaooia 175 the northern sotel 174 tbepookery 10t the owings block 101 the kindmcxilly 143 the chicago opera boose 13j and the l xeiter builling 1s3 feet a drunkrds will atjiorc and draojtardt the lewspsper known as a ft gn es the f oliotvicg as wii 1 tie to fecifcy a ruiced character wretcltd dimple and a meujory tbat will hyyj rot i leave to ray parents daring tie reel cf tbeiriivea as tnocb eoitow an hncriijity id fcfetble and declining state cin rastbin i leava to my brofliera and titters aa rroch mortitcaiion aninjur as i cculd bncg on thra i leave to tny vrjffc a broken biart ta life of wretcbednwa jsrathbmc to j weep orer my prematore deat i five and bequeath to each of my children povtfty icooradce and low ch2rictcr ana a remembrance that their father vcb a monster counting the cost a tituro iu a georgiaa courtroom w tiiiuifrd by the godgetbat be ma6t tll the wholo trtftb utll yer te boss said the witoae tec ltrej to tell de whole troth for fer i might ttll a lie i cj hnow- the oatnre of bd oath ttked the judge -sfeh- lo cu underctend what you are to ewtar to 1 ytf tiih im to bwearto teil thetraf and whtt will happen if you do not tell it i fpeuourfideji win tfe case tah j i pt ttie surprise way roo wnt jrour cottont iinene always sweat cfejan anowy whftej vou want fthe waah dona the eaajttat h clean- art he qulekort the cheap i attt way i sohphjge soap the sur- prtati war wfthotrt bofflngor ncaldlng gfvec theee retwlttj wrapper if thcte is any pain more excruciating that fcialica it is j et lo be found and such must have bceu the experience of mr t c simons who writes from lowville n v u s a february j 160 and sajs i suffered six montht with sciatica iu tbe hip tu confined to ld three montht used crutches tit weeks i used thre bottle of st jacobs oil and wat cured have had no return of pain in foor yeara smeller id have you to know that 1 put brains in my business bass ah i see thats what vhu do with them then extractor a trial tlcwtre of tubttltuttt 8old by druggists everywhere poltort a co klnrttoi ipropftetort tit suggestion madf by th snuttittrt to congrtte that lis if tttlttfppi foiprovamout oottltt of a ey s cm oi mttuemiiopgth levees below katchj shows lltit the bed o the river ia w cccolto das ttlentlou ctnida tbtftig eoagttttatatod ottrywbtt ou the egcclwucetiof hor j ratnuotakt art 6 ui tied filsti it promiueutly la th rout rank of bkr tmnrovtmentt uituka to sfccmtland sod of totonto wh or 0 ytrtrt have itbired tjot only to tooamu lit mofjsy uu to make stained toci orna mental oltu t all ktndt a otedlt to th dominion tho old southern hello onco to well known to laku tourists it being broken np at peseronto rta castoria for infantsi and ohlldreri ci t caatn rcco imead tsr or 1 well qcroumiriidcd t tm fiappyi siy i tavo 1 yellow oil for burnt 1 arid cutt and find tbat better i recotpmend it to tround here 0uetitei sourit mto 1 1 r 1 mii bittcrlip potai her btchehr f rind oldpump in tho ribt with her umbrella knd asked lo you bfclicvo in womant riphts vet ho answered and i lovetdcclebratethem celehratothera 1 what do you mean i mean herfuner al rites dnvt eitis used hatysril bruises sprali there if uotbln all royjfrkod ams fatelll tot wltili latal tttor terlaut to tttl adapted to ciutdmn that itttiuperforto anj- pwacripuoo torn ii a aicnxn if d lit 6 oxford el brooklyn k y um of caatort 1 to onlrcrttl and una wtll kxtoilti that it teerot n work otuotttenilont ftwarelt m flmlllwliodomtkp cittori eaar reach ntoordaidalo eciocuiol church castorfa curat colic ooutrtpatfoa boar stomach ctantiaul liuctatlob kilu worms cites ilop ami iprutooteav df without uyttrioottiedlcailoi for aoteral rwrt f haro recommended sour caatorlal tad shall alwtfa ooflttnuii to otmultbas larartably produoed beneficial rotultt eowt f rsotk vi iho wlotasoii liph btioct obd tdi are tfewvockcity a 1 qur fall millinery cperstegiwilltkke place on sept 3hy heri miss stoddar t who was with vus fast zm ctirrisa cottraxr tt euitir erjisutt kcr totx slasori will be please i to- shw tite ladies of ii 1 i acton- and yici ijity arge i and fine assortment i i hats and bonnets- at reasonable prices endersq mcrae diy 00 wali ekq h0xer0u ckvrcif ofcii bohoar of yoiitb ionw the u mo tbat teetpi moct tkcot wtt 1 bon tba sunday icrvlco douo wo tuntewdloauieitreet tbe v utfo krwt botcn ft rok of jpliralta aciljtrch the iy vu pleccant to our feet wb a iralttcfi home from charcb ulu by father arm tho leaned ix y aothr old ladklud butp attrkjttygrajranttl we qutbemrarbebiod raw roud ttfti i thed for my tfkk bhe left them in tho lurch bcr wmthcartj wijo would fain homo with her from church hero w ale the thir3 pae of the toronto viitf 11 ell is noted for want advertiiementa if yoq want to bay or sell anytbing if yod wknt a citnation a mechanic a bust- nees machinery lodgince if you have lol or ound anything or tf yon want to find oat where anyone i advectita in the to- rrato idj7y hail and read tbe advertises menta on the third pace of that paper tbe charge is tjro cents a word each in- leftioa addresstar mail toronto cn- tda one cf the hardest tilings in all public affaire i toiefthe bras biud from mis- ukicgiteeif from the entire ptooefaioil advie free keep the ied cool the feet warm and tbe bowels recitlar and no disease can attack you this is a celebrated german physicians advice and bel be accomplish ed by using bardock blood bitters the best regulator and pnrifiet ktiowti it cores ail disorders of the ttomach liver bowels and blood helioj bub yoare tto voudr to- shoe horfies i aint- here to shoe bones im here to eboo fiiea ilrl henry grthtm wiobam trite i was iu north dakota last xlay and i took a txatie of northrop lyman nege- table iieoovery with me as i did not fee eife withootit while there a lady friend ru suffering with indigestion biliousness and headache i recommended the vege table discovery to her and she tried it arid tbe result was that it did her ao mocb good that i had to leae tbe balance of tbe bottle with her dear mr jones said a learned woman yon remind me of a barometer tbat is filled with nothing in the npper atory dlvide amelia browu retorted jones yoa occapy my npper story rffify 1mb erfal fiakintt powder purest stroreest bests cacttin no alurn ammonia licte phssphxtes or sy iiijuruac ew ctllett toronto c7nf tkectxrof eusiia the czar of russia probably bad bis own troubles at well at we commoner mortals where we have the advantage in such trembles as dyspepsia biliousness consti pation bad blood and the like ib being able to procure easily a perfect remedy- burdock blood bitters natures crand restorative tonic exd purifier edmund franklsh was killed on a farm near peterborough monday in a runaway accident prompt potent and permanent result always come from the use of milburns aromatic quinine wine i an siphed the sentimental snozeu- bfocm as he gazed npon the landscape ah what is so old as the hills v the valleys my dear responded mrs 8 and snozenwoom looked disgusted a sea vnyajre a sea voyage is tin expensive and exten sire prescription especially when equally good refulfttfl reardt health are to be bad by simply takiufl burdock blood bitters according to direotions it is 1 specific furl dyspepsia cleanses the blood regulates the liver bowels and kidneys and removes all impure matterifrorri the system w l bpeart of tobermoraj was thrown from bia waggon nd killed hon- dafafternoo r i if you want to bny or sell a farm ad vertise in thetoronto wetldy hail that paper reach 100000 farmers home every week and yoar advertisement tbould meet the eye of someone whnwants to pur chase advertisement of this class cro n- tertd in the toronto ivefufiuau for eke cent a word each insertion or twenty oat word for five insertions address the mail toronto canada i- i those who withoot knowing ut think speak evudo at harm j it it not we tfcty attack but tire phactorii it their orj imagination ii- jjii how afre you niotilsttiiivak you tataakvptior l wh the inventor of sqotts wlicli caret ae of cqksumpnaw gie tiatifar its discovery that it 13 rwcauke you sick when you fatetj give tksnkt thit it is three timet a efficacilius as tlic oldfiihioaed cod uvif oil git ttentt thatitissuch awondcr- fnl fleshprbducvt civt limit ijhatiti ac best remedy fjr consumption scrofula bronchitis hasting ftit- eaes cuughs and cold bestirs yihgtukfeaiiiieisjpjpi oor wrapper ibj by all iiugciis it ioc arid si cc stltt c ppwnt rtrile-vill- covsluptifjx clekd an oldphysiattn retired tirom practioe having had placed in his hands by an east india missionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and per manent core of consumption brondbitit catarrh asthma and all throat and lang affections also a positive and radical can for nervous debility and all nervont com plaints after htving tested itt wonderful curative potrert an thousands of cases baa ell it his duty to make it known to all hit suffering fellowt jactnited by this motive and adesire toejivehnman suffering t will send fro of charge to all who decire it this recipe in german french or english with till directed for preparing and uafoe sent by jrijailby addressing with stamp aunina- this paper w a note 620 pisrert block rochester s y archbishop fapre has issued an appeal to bit people to oomply with the vaccination regulations dear with ulctrated dipbtbet bat with been for into if eh i httiri lgret dipl th- tii n any a rear tine tiers 1 strolled vvh 1 klttjr cor mj edilo as no v mj daughter walks before her lover by her side and t y old wtfo and x would noer for tweeter pleasure search tbau calking down tbe country romfv toe ther home frttn church a severed attark itttot beffleeur foe catata it th h doit easiest la umandofceiiai catarrh told ky taiatiu at soot br mafl j e t ttimltlnn wureni ta ils a g mhkt sh kljl wb to bo t tloh often a yed the trouble ancl anttoyajioe ed by mtcbtaery men ilrt jjy children were taken ill tore throat bordering on i had nothing in tho house trdt yellow oil which i used benefit t am sure if it bad not t the diseuo would have developed icria it it splendid medicine el cauckov moores fails one qavtttley it art exarnpla police if tglttrtu ritchie nfit j6u1 8an4ty afternoon attended tbe atajil monthly meeting of st ictrytyuanicniad t t a tnd b loeiety halifax and wh called npqn fpc ihojt iddreit ipoiej iff tbe benelh of temperanoe and- pofnteb sfrlegntrd tilley a tn example of taooettful total tbtttlner who aarried bit priooiple from thetbop where be w firtt employed a a clerk to the governmeot house at freierioton at the latter plaije fine dinner were given by hit -honor- bit t a drop of tflnecoald ba oanil on tlje table at the data jadge ritchie wi heartily applauded ttid tendered a itandidg vote of thankii fredertctoo herald the national educational association will tnee at saratogti bext july and not at helena plcontana why 0 limping and whining abont your corns when a 23 cent bottle of hollo ways will remove them give it a you will uot regret it corn trial and ct re a meihtnt of berlin having fallen in love witt an opera singer purchased two drawe t nd tent them to her to make ber choice 1 tying be would call to know her decision shortly however before the hour whi n he bad intended to set out on nil crrind he merchant received from hip bi6ved 1 billet doux to the following effect c the dresses yoa have tent i like one cjalta u veil a the other i will mltct keep botl to that yoa have no need to call sick headache oaused by excels ot bile or a disordered stomach is promptly relie vej by using national pills snnw and frottaro reported in- many parts of great britain and the european continent a dciale effect iteib sins i hive nted hagyardt pec torsi balsam for bronchitis and bad cough with the best results andean highly recom- meed it to all eaffsrers oscog praslev 250delaware av toronto whats that child crying so for i dontknaw hes been crying for in hour i thodght you said you didnt know what hejwas cryinc forl soldid andldont but yonsaid hed been crying for an honr i 0 i see i welljjl think he wont get it bafei certain j prompt economic thoso adjeotivea apply with peculiar force to dr thomas ecleciric oil- a standard externa and internal remedy adapted to the relief and cure of coughs sore throat hoarsnesb and all affections of tbe breath ing organs kidney troubles exooriations sores lameness ancl physical pain would yon like a new sang with an old refriin t asked a lady of an unmusical beau to which he replied witlrnthntiasm ah i when you talk of music i always like to bear there is to bo a refraining he emphasized the last word so peculiarly that shebut the piano with a bang i alfred a taylor of llargaree harbor says one bottlo minards liniment cured a swelling of the gamble joint and save a horse worth 5140 tbos w payne bf bathorst saved the life if a valuable horse that the vet had given up withafewbottledof minards liniment tsmttj pure powdered lye purest strongest bjmt acute usee acauaqulsciuadsbiutioda sat bf am groecr a dneststc iteid or do then valuable foe bom nothing the ear david smiths jump fron are you deaf ou suffer from noises in the bead 3 cent stamp tnd i will tend a ret lite containing fall particular cure which cost comparatively a splendid work an defae and addreptar g croseatontreal brown of ottawa was killed at fall on sunday while trying to moving cpr tftin it is no breach of logic to conclude that the man with rumbloudm i blooming chumn soldier tee a great deal of private life i ltrdine ha 74 do i by ctated by the a of 1 poor oil f itttcrae- cth pnly iell theri that lardiost it tjis oil thi ttaktt the lead for all rate itne parpotec 3 why us 1 poor oil ibtt williplaro yc ir mtchinry whett yoa atn et tbe celebrtfed famous cylinder pit oil gitarttnteed tobebetter and cheaper than will fry no other bewtrejof imitation ofltalint- toronto theirclindar oil guaranteed lobetalferanet cheaper than jahaw try tbove oils and youj lnurji 1 mccoil brosufc to und6r msjiliij6 00 t jn i fasinaiv u ex ircas i b3 pm rtirrttti ljj m ml ltrmjlffl4ib fatmogst wuunil uxd ujoij x tiistor ctrfsiio iuil jp aehl wetts hjbwmt 30 fern a bojniait 10 jo am ant j 80 ja this timo able went itto tffett 00 jdm i vm x l v drokf 1 ttnlversal uedlclnetpoi m hprse8anp if vicn j liloon rptntivflbr rvm ramoteatt ajtit etitlor trademark hr prctibt anyaa that may bis about u v la uxperlorto aa tlon pogrdernov u ulocmoitbt enabllngtbtatoi cattlu bslr a pood tpataa4i itftand sptrttt tatoamnifanisi ettor of bote vyenss mcerbus iorbptlntrlsi carbf8iis letfetno blemla- qui kertban an other bllttar- d ck8 qlstitent it ibwlatble lb ottats brulsetsaddleoalla sorea tj s btcks ldiimest it blghlr rteommi for 3w1imm brtitm contiaiont 8ealdajqkl bor etcja man or aand u a cure- jit rhi umatism it is simply woodetf nl there it be 1 iarsjtcg oil orlfnlment tu tbe market that can begin vuemparawttbv it blood pnrldtr soe bmster soe ointment u unlmeut for sale by cxuggtstt and ueilert tterywhtt 1 idiokasicotm p0bo4ct2 s iiimontsau 1 etc crtkt no inltatett bltmuuiv dot it wok wttiiiiai m dufwsm mcrae oo s in all sizes women arc tho buyers of everything everywhere women are active- najtaep at home and the silent partners at tie office the man ho pays the bill tie woman tho hold the throttle valve of the home and business engine she regulat 1 tho steam in the ho a so and at the offic e the man may not know that the does hpt she does the better the wife the moi directly she ia interested in her httsbajiijjs stockings his bat and other things ti woman clothes the children and- is com quently thrown into relation with cv storo where things for men and boy ai sold tire average woman can bay bettir things from shoestrings to ulster coats fi less money than tho average man can be y for more money- painful burnt bruiiet scalds and cat are quickly soothed and healed by victoria carbolic salve jtlf gore a c spn i fold by acqbs0i1 pi flnpttyanipennaiieally rheumatism lam mti healclie toothaclie uralfsla 1tiraatstrelllatt fraschttet r at 1 c a as nratsec barns scnltx jrutruts md dialers everywhere i ijffl ults uhlotsl fttim oh jiamoivd vbracira foe i dyspepsia and ai stomach troubles inoicttstioh kttusea sotir stcjm- ach cfdcl i nose heartburn con at i- n fullness food rising ttjeeabto taste kervous- nud dculimor wntby mirilce 2o cis boxes aoci iu ttua causiu loot units imaaj st tnroairx ou when baby was riefc wo e5xtehercsstorf whea sba wm4 caild sho crim for cistocii whesshs became ifirt she cltmgto ot when she had cclilrca slia jave toeai castod jame trow the liberal whip member for south perth ha been unseated by fb actof his son fine natural wool underclothing from j4j to- 44 breast measure -w- hecooksbestfriend ur0e8tsalejfrcanada7 ereelcutbn worm pqwdeks aroplcariatotia coatala their cn twti 0 li a kfo prn ciiefinu icftropsr of trams li cullttlnoradiillr teeth 5 teeth has the bestilristrumentsaiid accessoribs turns out the best photos in the county i enjoys a provincial reputation anvkiriti v for excellence the parlor the dinjng room the bedrooms thehau the kitchen ten may inepd furniture teeth for the next three months l0o and ss00 per sett perfuct st guaranteed and best quality dstirton lds graduate of toronto school of bentisfry audi ltoyt college of penttl surgeons oftlcn next post office acton i i shit tabject may have been in yduj mind foe a month or so and- it will psy you to spend alittla time looking for scmething that will please voa aisit toiour shop- will v give an ilea of how much can ba had for a relitivelyjsmall amount ot money e j can tafely promise to sqtt yoa undertakino itiallmts branohas i 1 l speigtst son j a speight sranser dr t a klocnmi 1 oxygenic id emulsion of pure cotl liver oil if yon i xve weal lnngs use it for sale byal druggists 35 cents per bottle whiskey lpwers the man and raises tho devil it issafs as they ai injure thi wo and thati iybald to use freemans worm powders toqly pn the worms and do not child i feels where man thinks yea what trjaket the mm premature- n have sold eclaotrio throat affection it is a bd bruiees mtrae bioklet oombmat wyebridge writes- i large quantities of dr thomas oil it jtfj nsed for colds sore 0- and in fact for any f the throat it works like magic e care for burns wounds and croup anticonsumptive syrup is a m of several medicinal herbs which exe x a most wonderful influence in curing pi lmonary consumption jind all other ditei set of tbe lnnga chestaud throat it promotis free and easy expectoration tnd gives itse even to the greatest sufferer cougbt cjldt thortnett o breath and affections if the chest atfnded wtthrweak- nets of thi digestive organt or with general debility s em to vanish nuder it ate no other remi dy act so readily in tllaying in- fiammitioi or breakirg up a tevere cold even the n ottobttluate coagh it overcome by ft pet strating anfl healing propertied when c tlldrert are fffeoted with cold oonght in lammattou hf the lungs oroup utriotey a id tort ihroit this syrup is of hit lcnpouiioetba number of deatht among ohi irea from these diseases it truly alarming it is so palatable tibitt a child will not re ass it and la put up at such a price bat rill not eickde the poor from lubenefili m i can furnish you with the best pressesjfor countty news and job work to- be had in this countryknd at lowerprices than for any other new cytindet press v i a comb to jicton vltio see our improved gdunfry protfty press v kit mork v l- aju butchus sofkus v 4n4tnls tsrctt frria itban c wilson ts soali 0 tirnaoe- street fcast tosomtcont leiiie e- err icefitiri i- l b unlock b lqpd vwll cure jr frelieve efjzzlnes i wopslry flunertngi 1 flf the heajit l acidity of f i the stouaot i dryness x of the sklkp- id-e-fei-t- epocles ct disease tiiftnr tronr disordered zzkss wrtit stsitacebo 03 blood- i biuousness dyspepsia indigesnofe jaundice jbysipelas ifxlrrheuh martburn is mttabdrir- c0jagf va i arlon j3 jnmi acfey fcc mac fjl qusi tore ufcfai nba i st x rllle0 acksess i lissirnrttr moto- kfippidt m ntn rorat an bnre ifaki tsae kn8y twmo slit u nan ux an new rxmrx en beat at ka i isi j noioj isaa toibt otairass uksrikb f hi root mc l8cvabeuld st toromto oxt j the free press is printed on the above press and the woirk illustratesiits merits n0s1500 drilm cylinder pres cando betternewpaier orposjter work iuty for eight years and the long4 we ran it the better we likfe it j it it simple eityto ran etjy on tvn to handle oottt little for repairahd i easy onthe pnntec 1 pocket book we can it the best preit to b htd he world cr the money come and tea oqr fret at work q yoa detirewmplej of work tend for them and we will gladly furnith we can give yon yoar choice of aumberof differct t tise aud styles of presset at all pricei f think of it a new j col folio or we have ran the proi easy tc today for the money them or an 8 col book press ifi 8ob 5 rql-qtfi- poyrfer prpss foconly6op to 870 luu particulars frorf canada acton ont roimimc sumwertour8 piuetstftntm uwrttt ror rrips per vrmk sitna detroit mackinac island detroit and cleveland wr f llustratto pamphlet8 bj- jeer otast itot or 4ujsr at k scktmir utqp a onwr mk tlje oetroltl cuvojd stumjmvctv i 1- j v ii i rsfqwilem -witd- tnmbmf iholerambrhus iifljmea jlfsehfelg rf f 3 0 h tfaoat 3 rnv v m v 1 m 1 is

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