Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 19, 1891, p. 2

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p wweyptf 9 i r- i 1 v boifv turrwtit aetna oo th inh kanmber the wife of kory flewr ot a daughter sasafn brio oh the ctb novthewteotyie fcacot4aoght- j- rvrtn esqmstds oa ib mil scv lh kit o bifh rrdvr ol a saagbtrr firvtn actoo en ui ulb nowralr lue i 4 mr 1 1 fttuo of kaon incests col of dcogbter v j uuekai vm oo kovetnbee iu ma wrv ihrirtto ifcutwt iftd i rtart multnat bit midtuce ulitoa tbeatu slilkr joiner uicealy or haltoa t u t i anntrula kfminr od toe itih kewmbar tbonst dtal too or tuoaic anhart utjyars ti turat viitvrtobootetarty xevtmblr nu william llowoo ull tttwoo oftht llcurdolamlt id the ikn in of bit it thtlurday november ip 1681 j notes and comments the government has decided to tdofit e vigorous irareigrat ion policy agents will viit kant the dskotat xebrttke minntt wisookiia aud michigan to iuiuce termer to locate in usaitob ana the northwest a tentlemln who i generally well potted boot coutervstive party matters tayt that mr abbott will become minittejr of railways mr chspleau wilf ramaiu id the ittte department antll itr ctrlicg become lieutenant governor of ontario rbta he will get the agricultural depart toent and that mm dewdney willjbecome lieutenantgovernor if britith columbia 1 irragilaritie have it appears beeo dit revered id enotberof the department it ottawa the deputy ifioitter ot starin and fitberie i it it alleged involved tod the minuter mr topper bu present ed repott resecting upon him it appear that the investigation idto the oorrcptioa nd demoralisatioq of the department u no being carried on nicaragua it meting greet esort th agent in europe nofbjr offering wbttanual indaotmeat to epoocrac emigration to thd i ooontfy bat ilu covtrnraeat it dipoed to he very choioe is to iu adopted eitiieot a decree w uaaed reeeotly prohibituig the dmittioji of dettitste italian immigrant ace required now to briog a cfotalar crti6oat from the port at which they embark the arerage namhee ol american- paumt iataed yearly uabotit 00a epeuni chich come neareitto ct iiroe only aboot i000 to 5000 a year and its lyttem i very much more lax than bar patent are iataed in england irithoat any condi tion a to oorelty or merit and not tu pphcation in a handred are rejeeud la prauia the namoer granted acnaaujr i lea than 100 in belciam 1600 to 3300 the earl of aberfeea tpealc in eoooaraging term of the greati eqantry in the kbrtnaeat which it waiting to be peopled by gneoltaralitt from other land hi remark will do good u he it known in the old country a a man of standing and one who woald not lend him self to th booming of land companies or other fpecnjatire scheme there it room and ti tpare in th canadian northwest for mfny millions feb vfeiaisias wv the rumor is again afloat that the united state intend either to abrogate the treaty ofhuorioaak great britain to modify it secretary tracy it i said will dieos the subject in his next asnoal report to cccgrea should only modification of the treaty he foond deairable great britain will be sated to consent to sach changes a wib make it possible for the united state to construct war vessels on the lakes and for the cavil reserves- of the interior state to fit oat vessels for training par- pose rev or lshlitr of hamilton is speak- icg very plainly to the people of that city concerning the qoestion cf morality among ocr pauic mea at a pablio meeting recently he spoke strongly on the neccesttty for xigbteontoes ra pablio men as well u in private individuals and said we hsd only to glance at the doings in ottawa and qaebec to perceive that corruption was rampant where virtne sbonld be preveleai he orged hs bearers to see to it that the aldermen elected next year be men of honesty who would respect the demands of the public ap exper observer remarks as follows co the action of citizens as tbey affect the interests and access of their town in order to kill a town all yon hare to do is imply to underrate every present and prospective enterprise speak iu of the ehnrehe and school tell every body the hotels are bad enlarge the vices of the people especially the young peopla withhold the patronage from your mer chants and tradesmen and buy roar good and erocerie at some other place never subscribe for the local papers and if yuo are in basinesi refuse to advertice the new kortbwecs assembly having been elected it organizajjpn is the next thing on the programme speaking- of this the calgary fera say there will be no advisory coancil of the old style at the same time there will need to be the nucleus o a government legisla tion will to a considerable extent be coa- tpolled by etandjngipommittee a in the last house and the chairmen of these standing committees will in all probability coastttote a govenjment with the likeli hood that the prominent members of the house who are excluded from these posi tions will gather aroond themselves in opposition one of the first measures the assembly will be cahed upon to deal with will be a license bill wilfrid lajrier at boston th apootltlbn lhdarxmllvirmn addrtojanaurtlno comi- 1 poimt otdittrtcutkd q v boston km it th veildom ti lhrangt wuh th most ditllnculthed of boiuai cltitini toalcht ca the oca- siortof thihanajietto hon w laurler the ladro thslpprodttoa in lit dotnln- fotrhoon of coiimom the bnqiwt hall wa uandtomtly dcootated aqd sddremes wet delivered ty many of the igadlug poliudiut ot auuicuucmltt itr liatlecc speech ws a mulorrjcoa of dictloa fiowety la rhetoric and dollver 4 with his usual oratarioaj effect ills arguments in favor ot closer trade relation did not differ ciiurlally from llios put forth by htmielt sod followers in cansda durieg th paat year or lo english fiirmtr dttagmtas gitfra nov 16 uort john xfc jueea oakwood selkirk scotland and thomas davcy ueere uafaor farm cio- nidgton bridgewater england tljo two tenant farmer delrgates tut out by sir charlet tapper to report on the aoitabtliiy ot the uariliml province u a field for settle meat rnn sstunfay at the ontario agricultural college and farm they war shown around the itock buildings sad grouodt by president hills and profi hiw they exprtsiedi themselves a being well pleated with the work don there they hsdj high opiuiouof ontario at an tgieulturt country and conidered thefarmiug far more advanced than down by the tea where the condition of things sgriculturallyirbapkward on account ot the urroaodinrt and the restricted markets east w ellin qton ejection r ftkics kov 10 additianl returns received show that lit kirkwoods msjor ity has crept up to 175 j caaia fwtacwoot klchol 110 erin ana erin village c3j wott girtkraxa i hs wettluther si arthcrtowoatrip aa ifount fcrtst f 10 ftrgui ik elora n ii9 751 ujcritiorklrkooj its j the township of eriu gave eirkwood all but boat 50 votet otpririlo ward gave craig only 8 vote therelav bicycle race fst time made by the bicyclists tnanksglvlne day bicyclists generally are eolhutiastic over the uooessf si issue to which the relay raoe from hamilton to kiagstoo was brought at five oclock la the morning robertson and griffith wheeled out ot hmiltoa carrying a letter for president hiu of kingston there were thirteen relays to cover the 205 mila the total time wu 15 hoars aid so minute this establishes a record which it will be for future gener ation to break two huntarw i drowned by a deer wuots nov 15 it is reported here that two of a hooting party up the penin sula were drowood in one of the tmall lake the report asy tfaac the party had chased into the lake a large deer it was promptly hot and two of abe pxrty went with the small boat to tiring- it uhore thinking he was dead they took hold of the animal to take him itito the boat when he made several desperate struggles upsettieg the boat and before their company ootid reach them the wo sank to rite no more a mechanical wonder the citirens of acton and vicinity will be accorded the pleasure next wednesday evening of witnessing one of tbe mechanical wonders ot the age it ii a mechanical representation of the passion flay or the great atonement of oberammergaq bavaria and is the invention of a germtn who has devoted the past twenty year in coomplithiog this great work it fully portrays the birth life and sufferings of our saviour and the final destruction of jerat aletn both th press af d clergy concede it to be without aneqnai aw oeot day listen to our tale of woe we kkelj xoxet 1 a member of the cabinet stated on tuesday that the government would at once renew negotiations with a view to the early eatabhshment of s fast line steam ship service between halifax and great britain equal in point of speed and equip ment to any at the atlantis ocean grey- hounds sailing from the port of new york he says that the government is prepared to increase he annual subsidy from half a million dollars to tmaequarterofamiilion which figure it is honed will ensile canada to secure the long- talked of direct fast iteamshipjine between great britain rfld canadian porta it is expected that the government will have severslpropoaal to submit to parliament next session when the required appropriation will be asked for tbtnkagiricg day was the sportsmans opportunity the fohowiog illascrsces some their sooomplishnurtt fire mea ad dog aaa a vary hid bare want out or a walk fa th cold thaaaafmag ar- j 4 tn nm hb and the dog tntaot 1 f sefv a littta ao hew from uwtr deadly i ijvjscl iji wswh bar ttw bmc lb lmot wac sari rhiot isy oa the eali sortmber sbouom to aafc what co rlelsb has i w dm- ob aod m iat u th 1 w 1 -vi- the editor of the north by tlmti ad dresses his delinquent subscribers in tbe following delifcate fashion j the office jdevil is seven weeks behind on his wages and kicks on soap three times a day he may get mad and leave the paper dealers wont tnst any more our woodshed uemptyandacold winter coming tbe neighbor bave all bought padlocks the cow has drieij up and the baby is living on lime water the hens are on que strike and the mc- kin bill has boosted the price of codfish our summer pants are worn through the patches and the tailors are suspicious the grocery boy said he had orders not to call any more our wife says something must be done we have borrowed money to pay postage on thifa letter if you cant send us the money please write us your ideas of the quickest and easiest method of suicide we wattt this to ttrifce eveiy delinquent subscriber square in tbe pocket i theeuitob literary note thexbeory that fiction dealing exclusive ly with refined and poetical lore re bast written by women will be proved true if other women can write sacb ardent and tropical rhapsodies as sirs amelia e barrtlatest wprk love for an hoar is love forever it may however be justly doubted whether thy other woman can produce so exquiiitely tender o warm and so charming a lore story as tu lire jbtrrs favorite and masterpiece tbit roach of the thadry is certainly true that no male author can compete with mrs barr in the portrayal of idyllio love love for an hoori love forever will begin ta the new york ltdqcr of novem ber2it world doing itwmk 8 now was ge5aiu piu oc fit north wet tuaidt y iii 14 iuvoc at laaief ii npttmd to beucarly frota over teasiinuotilab sra la tor fa aw of kfogitqu dry dock jrdy twoatytsa newsptpatt a h itst of kantss sro odlted by women th appointment of he 8 g dawson as quesai printer t gimtud jturiiiiilwvathmbupulid ap tboct by the uoaltesl recorder artificial rdaraskiug has been iuoou fully atroducod lata put of indis the mardarerof btv mr largtla jspta ha given lilauolt upo th aathorilirs eckiaglliliuu to bleed the 8rvaa treasury igiiu to ha tan of 2000000 f it 1 reported sir a p ctroa will iaj- ceod llautqov auger at speneaiwoodv the big bell in ifotn dam church montreal ha cracked and will b rscast thaelectioa rwtitlaa agalatt ool tiidale soutli norfolk was dismissed oatqssdsy erttttt wimanlsgolugtosddrmapdb ho meeting at winnipeg on oomraerclal autoo i the election letitioa galnit alex mo eill uv tor north bruce ha beeo dit- ralllcd a death from hydrophabla it reported from ottawa a child turned dooloy u tha victim t 1 uayor ucshaae of montreal ha takto action tor 150000 sgtinit th toronto iot- re for libel i evangelist hunter and crosslsy wilt commence a serie of meeting to yfatoria bc on novjki twohnndnd sacks of canadian fleece wool for export scrota the border hav juct cold for iojc the venerable dean geddotdiedta ham iltooifondy of poeamoala he ni born iu kingston inj 1811 daring the sitting of the hamiltoa oouxt of revittoa j0oig wa ttouck off th original assessment i 1 the depatyif mister of agriculture say canada will be properly represented at the worlds fair ik chicago j ilr nathaniel qurcon a progressive young tory succeeds sir john gortt u under secretary jor india the government of spain ha decided to disband a portion of th itanding army th object being to eoonomice several inchi of suow fell at st past ulan on sundsy slueh threshing and ploaghiog remain andooa a boy named pratt ha been found guilty ot ttealing tskfrcm the dominion erpret office at portage i prairie robert worktle thirteenysarold ham- iltonian who ran away from home ha reached edinburgh scotland for selling whiskey oat of a tea kettle to indftut at he oneida fair win brown otlondon baa been fined 150 sir edwrd clarke british solicitor- geaenl says the government will appeal to the eoantry next november rev zcckaritb eddy the well knows congrcgationalitt died oa sunday afterl noon at detroit aged 7 years t the superannuation of litet col ifaci doneell sergeantatarma of the house 01 commont hat been decided upon frank the syearoid ion of jamechoodi of wtilrcotowntbiphsdhkikallfrtctareo en satnrday by a kick from a horse a party of fear hunter in oa outing an seal island quebec killed 193 black ducks 21 geese and a dumber of other birda richard rjteel a railroad laborer was fracas to death thanksgiving night while in an intoxicated state at winnipeg tbe stallloo palo alto oo tuesday ran a mile in 20s equalling the time of kaodl 8 add only surpassed by that of stool j tbe protest tgaintt the election of krj thomas btid si p fornorthweatworthj was diiraixted no evidence being offered i the recent municipal eensuc of toronto make the population of the city 18s9l a tgaintt 161220 by thedotninioa ixatat last spring rev canon ilacnab d d of st johns church bowmsnville died honday in the 60th year of his sge and tha aoth of his incumbency j it is said that lord ssitbury fit inti mated that great britain 1 ready to re open negotiatiodi toward regulating the affairs of egypt four libel suit for f50000 each have been taken agtinit the london fne prtu for printing d alleged filed document fn the hyman election petition the church ictcdtl st hamiltoa hs reached another tage by the decision to enter aa action against the rev mr craw ford to get possession of the rectory willism ccernwell csshierof thebaqk of buffalo told the bankers convention at new orleans that canada had acoor- ding to his belief tbe mostperfectcarrency system in the world the anuraat tpecticja is offered in boston of a daughter carrie a holme suing her father henry w smith he orgtq manufacturer forsomething like 20- 000 which she put into bis business while a young son of daniel baffss of mcdonald corners lanark coaaty wa partridge shooting the olher day hi gin went off accidentally th charge entering the boys mouth sod killing him instantly mcrae oo eine natural woolurderclothinfj from 34 to 44 hrekst measure iihaw grundy 7vtbrchhn tcublph o of thf compteuout wondart r th fumuf htnu wailit star i m mlnal hat bstn inurged sndvuuy im- yv tti s iwlcloo q ci pi itsd it is rsally a wondsriui paper it ia i paeoomeaal tit notttrange ip art- wondariug how inch a msgalfi m it pipec can be applies for io null in xcripkoa psooi who t iurfd la wnoders of he sge ihauld u the fffnim and wtelig star of intra it cost leu thsa hilt a cent a day to tat he vta fmsj l tk thin a dllfgant he 1 wostj earn in amoptb at he msrktt ce of ggst is thta a cigira fortnight ant a aheap one at bat less baa he b br would charge by the year to keep oa 1t hdr trimmed less ihsa a saefgetio icf1 hn girt will wiite la a week a pa toy a week can be isvcd a mtny a ter way than by itoopiog your paper dont fair to see the great mecttaaical wc ader at thiton hall i next wednesday nt ht parti thinking boat winter clothing ibbuld call and aspect the stock of b ni ildin before parahuftig mwhere ageate waated if yoa viae ta mjc tnaajr uko hold in4 cjloarhofckttrwt7 irtocfc kow u tha utaf lrrita tu tit oae for tetw i july brothers xarwrxmaa r jgewoob cider press u 1 be boekwood cider plots will opa for bacf n t an wedsssdsr hth october mi trill ran tri ry rnesdar and friday daring too balaaoo of stdaratid n anpta u teason anp pressed atarix oclock if w otbor days will bo desired b brack eockwood ouf owen sodsd qktario nnt vxar htpucs uc cxiim to oet a taoaocaa bctnress tuncnco 1 otnsvli then rimlttm korthnt bociaaa co f txtmxiie ertrfihlsf ihazvugiily it a ui to prodaa th mart thbrouf b oomtute pn stlau ud txuatiu ea vm oi itadr tha mt ool eb prvnitm tad lbab4tmdmhtccmvifa uu raoit nitblc nraittnw tad iprkiaf cirt roa ail ooaiw fhee for aaaol aa loaacaaua trmac all hixtfcaurf fna td- f prtadptl dra m subscribe for j ailag best family paper he hamilton weekly 1 calarged and improved canusuim tie rwx f iuar8peul feafurea crten aaif pofatodoommtnu tit host kattrumlatstarut tit chaietttlitvrritlutc srtrrtluiixfiwxrtrrthxisr- to 1st fflnurry r893 81 this wat paper from how till lit jtnuary z pages roadlue tnsuer weekly and aor proniam picture foxqs op love era ilyiloq ivgents wanted idt aral eommistloa to sgeats a good tgetxt far tl 1 dlttrlcc is wsated at oucoono who will uko in interest in paining too paper sad will msk s thorough canvass ot bis district fosj terms aodpartlculars address spectator peiktino co slxlltox clxidl k la attractive saareatr the st thomi evaitgvdintal which moved into it sue new building a few week ago has jui t issaed a souvenir edition illultrttire of st thomas giving a charm- tnzly written history ot tbe city tbetaleof the discovery and icarly days of south western ontario frbm lfwo down it is evidsutly a labor pf lore by a weltread local hiitorian it is illustrated with a number of well executed view the souvenir is published ia oomr letnoratiaa of the removal of the faraatint tit splendid new office which r act sar used ia westerp oattrio mr brietly tfa pjblnher ic one of the mosfintorprising nd prosperiogjoarnaluts of ib dotxdnim tb only thing he now lack is a dear uile wife to share his profperity a national family paper the annoaniement 6f the toidkt companuintat 1ij92 which we have received teem to toncn about all healthy utet it fiction embrace folklore serial ies tdven tare and holiday stories frank stockton clark russell will allen dromgoble ifsry catherine lee are a few of the distinguish ed ttory- writers its general articles cover a wide range eelfkducatloo buitaesa 8 access college success girls who think they can write natural hiitoiy railway life boys and girls at the world fair glimpse of royilty how to sea great cities praeti cal advice are itoma of fie hue to be written on by emiosnt specialists gladstone de leasept vssili verestcha- gip- cyru w field aadrswcanieie mrs henry mjsualey re among the contributors tac cbrapaifcw readers thai come idto personal toach with the people whose grestpfss ittske our sge ftmoat it 800000 subscribers show bow it is apprec iated whoever labtcribo now for ib9gtit from the me thi tabsenption it reosited till jsa i 1893 t75 a year addran tu idikaicomiito boston mass if f oa rsatfii tel gtielr h and door it onalpn rfe t etuat cin ffll yoar oroer silii pf mul every child ahoald see lb iff of oar givloar faliy portrayed at th jown hau wednesday aftern ion 1 piles of 5ew fall and winter goods tumbling ipy they ara ueautifal tw behold arid comfor-t- to look at and they are wjitiial cheap this is espicially trae of oar dress goods which we halro in plain and fancy cheviots plain and fancy tweed effects bias arid black sorgo diagonals camels hair cloths black and colbfid estameues fancy plaids checks black and colored silks satin herves pongee pongfs and bengalees fancyhlack goods black and colored henriettas an extensive varietyof f fancy dress goods beginning at 5cper yard and upwards oar staple aro purchased right and selling cheapttannel8 blankets and quilts are at the right price for the cus tomers grey flannels from 10c per yd upwards oar glovejs jhcsieryrancl ladies anderwear ate jitthe top of the fieap for variety and lownea of price we- havfe ladles jackets clpakt ufsters childrens reefers in prorasion and the very latest styles mantle goods and ulsterings of all kinds including sealettea and plushes j our millinery is in first oia4s working order replete with tbe latent fall novefeies our millii- ary opening- wilt bo on thursday jjith of september andthe f6low- ing days of the week oar dress maker has got back from her holidays fresh with new ideas tp hutch the dress goods we must not faiget to mentiatf 6ur tailoring department it is 41 we get customers from alt part if canada td patroniie this de partment the reason why rtfjb priie fit and workmanship of the garments are right bar readj- made clothing overcoats in boys and mens are in complete assort ment prices low ladies and trents footwear are right in price ifarietyand quality ourcarpet rugs curtains otlclntb liuojcams were never in j bettor shape- moo ikpeetry carpet for 25ciperydtctr f0c per yard yoa will jt onp worth 46 and excellent brussels darpet for 90c per yd we may jhstadd that we tried tosurpas8 cjur previous efforts and we hiiv i giled up andimmfease variety oft goods at extremely low price t- itispectioc and patrotiage ref- spetfuliy soiicted i w mcleodco i i orkokoretffwlir asfc i your druggist for dr aut koeniga hamborg drop forthe blood gentlemen requiriagartutiaofercoat taits or trousers should call at b kicklina merclxailt tailor chdei stock of ovircoatlrtgs cheviot wor- stjed and tweed suitings trouserings c mlaards unlmont cure colds a iif 3o you want futs yqu flwarewo deallargely line if your ideas run io are in that in the ltqffa boa capaior jftoket we irectlon of a storm collar and can sava you money on them we doht claim to fie smarter thanany dy el8ebuiinthig line wo hftve the pull and can buy cheaper than mbstj people irj i t r goods are not bought right they j be sold ri tn the liner furs wealways select the skin8 and have theni made up ti iaor patronscan rely ott get- tiugz whole skijis pieced gdoda ar dear at anjr money are giving great bargains in jfens persian lamb and beaver caps ohr hindoo- buffalo robe no rpbelooks soielt for a the moueyno robe weitfand the price placek it within ine teach luteft 4m a pbmaswpo i t ij sawing of latsbrdsyarpl write urait to tot tt d4bittmjiv3 minwanldf4 omi coiittv y- smprjpaxsdtepayl tor ill kinds of ajrala aetoaaufijthjii rrhe fins brlckoiim nd ave sorts tdjotntiii 11 is for wtnb unaot apply to ofall these blankets cool ni our blanket stock ws never m complete- we show a fine kne m g6 y b lbs at 57 cents- per lb pthrer- stores get 65 ables iety tor no betteetand comfort- too we have id great vary r6inthe 1 ilpiece kind to the fide eider dbwn beannfrilv cotojrs we doni hae tall prices for the goods we would rather getlalot tit aamall profit thaa i f ew at a large profit we woald nbt say oaewqrdaloatrflainelg i iifwe coaldrit jprcfve to yoar liking that our are the lowest 1 wis startat lftfrvirnajripe tho fine ness of i tjeii t groyj that pile i ofengmahilanneletteaiattcehtg is goifi ditiwri fat t f i i v tlie oldest rucrlstpfee tjst hi ving opened up merchant to loring basic ess in acton with a view of staying here ind making it a access i woald re- pectally solicit a liberal hue of the patro itge of the pablio i v ill endeavor to give perfect satlsf action and a aep abreast of the times as regards style price ta iutpectloa iavited terms stnctly oath eespecttully xoars bfiggs nicklin teeth oradist togi tee h for uu nest art months km suit oclper mi ferfsot tit gnsrsoleed sad bestiiu jlty psffrton ld8 toronto sobool of dentistry and doujoftsntal8urgoav omokjfaxt pott offlos aotop cst wellk nij wo reputation for always having the largi at and beat assorted jtoo in this department as well sj the tott val os liumcrs than ixnnjustamad thu satonj rvtiillnery i id artistlo millinery as usual we lead both as to value style and workmanship our importations were larger thanjever ths season especially in such line of trimming as cannot be got iathis eoantry i ii i- r tgaultcl satubw nam celd hi illtubmat i i dress making j- 3hii department we like to tpeai of wa have confidence m it andjin the ability of ourdrettmaker we feelj thi we have made a decided hit in secnrhig the i ervtoet of misi crobtland and w art assured that ydtt will only have to latril her withyoulr work to be inspired witmhe tsme confideueawe hae v press goods i ouritielve are loaded wiih the very latest noveluesjn drea fabric jiiaa 1 ga of of the street are vary itriking serkea largely predomlhate we show a urge ri tweed effeot and stanley ototh iw respectfully aolioit ao inipeotion of our itc- k anil the result 1 sure to b beneficial t 4 concerned r t- vii- xamsim a47ydhapi8 84 biwafd bt dlasjow r- v j i raouiuv occupied bywmprirtatjibsft i rrnt la very dtrbl prejmtyji win be rmtsaat armbl pric ce ajemfl to mb8 pavro wnxiaijsfa tmalock 8tflsslgh i u bej0xa rtoeiidniwd u1 bait lacton satoimtmi j faataarbsds of porme rorlii wfllssnd tot a and want ersemki atod and porlflita lftoar ju ffh ulttoitotlod xbargestaodtrtt banovatoror jrawfltund aodgnarante word at to patttwlra act 4 return tbtm to yocr i- xnsshioat b bcmefemtaco kowuiter 11 l tvm famf onjot rfeobi7 h fhttwv sl8aniberiiirlui beoeb nufitaweliit toe oeasrrtoes and soft tjm mk a hon sop rougn eratiluwof sfoeteav td two oanars frams ttable with an w w 1 i bushfaraioajotlt con17 hjihs a lfc of plllcmith 1 tauinnibejjrltobseeboael alta a tm7dosiprwgijpanwii sad two oanars trams ttable with tw let l land on ootlpb marl and qoeii street ia ft vulsgs ot aeton t terms half caahor eitbasg for othi perry apply to i jt hkofa actoivvatl- havwai llv cmttinneltisooi tiom storiog itii ifh tfa butcbartt- by w a bad jnwilhinyachu ib frith- audi petrnittg mtf treatxoent relyoa thsteatovuuwh froth and salt roeatttaowe haaueaitid all kinds of meats flab sad fowl in season j oroeerles soursn feed as low s abywhw fa tost- i meals and invot all tiait bought 7 z j cr n0tice1t0 dliiamffikf pub8cant to lbsrt18tattttolontr i in tosthtjftilpeikmhavlijaoratseruatrv tny claim er demand against mm aanaeay las oi too volage of acton fctlecoooty- 18th day of april ao 1m4i tin said acton an hereby notified toasnd tbessms with date and itam an laa otau mctuitie 1 antlhctd letter postpsid and addressed 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