Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 19, 1891, p. 3

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tff ir tssbfff k sy i i 1 i 1 lust lit uh rvtee tekv lk f cicrb roi net titu btnoc actoa a to yoa co i sale l t twmnt lot r 1 tin f ciiwfc lj ile artec irs ontario hcrtcc- tfey nil ectjee i89i themkliodistcfturch a0tok i mtr xoaipa ttae ltoir ftrsoatsebowtrivta putof aiiwtgitribvis yl bank of hamilton head ofriob hiklltok cirtttt put rr itmtmo tursbctt chuck wtmsl b steven ast citalta oomtt geo rotcs a t wi5x cjeorastowk aqknot advances midt on ill em drrj oa ill para to 0 s titc auu burua tnd 2suus m0 savijcos tspasruekt dtrtciredolluisoprdmd in- suswu 4tt 4 special depostts aj received it comae rates of interest ko oo of withdrawal rkruirsdt wett h kwatsosateat i-v-u- thenewathme setutp for tf ft a lookport k v despatch says sid the arab podlarwlidwas arrestee tliaetot some weeks on cllltg8 of l t 0un8 wla0 ct with bijn wsstound guilty 61 murder in llio ead degr on rufurdar saad wts brought into court sad received his sentence at the h of judge lambert it wis that ho be cmtinodria 8utvprin for tha reiicr afhii ntulme hibtb tweired his tentenco with tho umof t comivxaro sft dnth te t yoaah jfn a headquarters the holiday season is fast approaching and as usual we are making bur store the head- quarters for xmas and kew year presents opening up hcvv lines in vatches jewel er- silverware toys dolls cups and sailcers books bibles vases albums oar prices ire right oar utortmeot cot be bam remeteber the plee siirn iff e bic witch hindqkrters for 5mt md new yer protc geo hynds acton ont liento- of tfce i x bty kcofier lb is land wiy i u tie l jf- il lrn 1 hrt- it r le vt itn ib 1i i i ri 1 1- 1 1 r i 4 is t tw i uud uie 1 ittgtl i fi 1 n 1 i r i iw i f i 1iaj 1 iu kflf fic xtrra jrcfi floss 7 thcrdat koveuber 19 1891 which caught tho eyes or ears of frea press reporters this week winter b evidenuy eel d aoctioo tales ire frequent this fill single copies of the fktx pass three ceati a bretj is telling it eleven ceub id j i wbfa will the new election be txnafodced iierchsts shoald now smme for chrittmts tdvertittng inniiereiry services in the ifclboditt church neit sandsy tnd mojdsy the ofbciil evidence of the recent election tritl has not yet come to hud r- sseyertl of oar citirent attended lthe tnnertl of the late judge miller at hamil ton qa satarday t eemecaoer the snow bylaw citirens yoareidewalk mnst be cleared of snow after every storm wheat bas ao npward tendency the wue 6ne prophecy that it will reach a tljmiefore chrittmu f mr wm t boggin ton of eat geo baggtn has pnrchased the cio a newe- paper poblitbeiio platuville toedayg tcow ttorm prtty ihoroarb- ly covered the qroand with tnow and thisre weredrifts a foot deep in some places mr james hntcbeon of kixsaaweya has pasted his examination sod been adl mitted to practice as a land surveyor a sciopticoa exhibition pf scenes in the new testament and pilgrims progress was iven in the brick church last re5ing tbe arthur enirryri reports that a peel farmer tays be has tornips so large that they have to be rolled ip a plank into a wagon it was mr james scott of the third line who ras injured lat week by a load of wood at georgetown instead of williasa he is getting arband again rev jos edge preached an able and appropriate sermon on thankrgiving evening the school room of the church was well filled on the occasion the voting in the doll contest in connection with st jotepiitcbarch fancy fairprooiises to be an interesting feature acton leads with guelph georgetown and bockwood following closely the seafortb ezpwiujr has been enlarged and generally improved a new precs and dress makes it a model provincial weekly ifr w y ifclean has fine terrrlbry for circulation aod mates profit- able ute of it i bev j wrae will preach annivertary sermons at caffs church east fatlincb on sunday rev llr eooertson ill preach in knox church in the morning the evening service has been withdrawn to allow the congregation to attend tke anniversary services in the methodist church iatthe annual meeting of the womens missionary society of ksor church last wednesday the following officers wereelec- ted president mrs j w rsej vioe presidents mrs d henderton aod mrs james cobban secretary mrs lowry aaet secy mits mcphail treasurer mrs arch campbell there was i total eclipse of the moon sunday night contact with theeartha central shadow begao at 015 and lasted oatil eh the last contact look place at nine unf ortanately the sty was so cloudy that the moon was covered daring the whole time and the eqlipse conld not be viewed to advantage here services will beheld in the catholic church next bunds morning at 1030 end again at 7pm the kev ob devlin will discourse at the morning terviceon tem poral punishment or the catholic beliefin a middle state called pargatory in tbe evenioutbe subject will be general jftdg- meot a are most cordially invited a texette of young fellows who were moretbaa halffull of taugle leg behave4 themselves in a beastly fsthiou on sunday night has the promiscuous ale of liquor on sunday commenced again bro brothers yott bad better come up to acton and investigate the hoodlums above referred to may yet haye to sniwer ia the court tor ttetr behavior actoo graic ciarket is entirely aciiifsotorilv to farmers this fali prices sre hkber here thao ia msny other pfaoes inriis vicini in oodwbiatioa wttkr jzj cotry- yeiterdjiy be rtsted bat be had already porchsted is loads of grain this season ind paid oat for the tame 12 stu ifhe prices this week areufoitojrt fauriiet9jto 90s spria suittoe to sjse tarow4 barley 53a pefcoslwov he tudden aud anexpected dettli ot thomas atthorseliost tou ot ur thomu arthurs of lot 15 oqa 2 etqaeting on thanksgiving day was s very sad event the young man was about 19 years of ago had been employed with mr wm giuc of the scotch block daring the lumraer his time wasup on saturday and he intend ed returning horai on ifgoday 8th last oa sunday be wauekureb wbeohe returned jomped oat on the barn floor audtn so doing burst a blood vestel- ha lived uutil thursday when death took place the funeral oo saturday afternoon from bis fathers bouse was verf largely atteoded itoo church thtatitlrtbt rev j w rao preached au exoellent thanksgiving sermon last thartday morn ing basing hit rrmarktoa ii cor 8 2t there was a good sired coogrfeittoir a collection was takca up in aid ot the french evaugeliiatiop fund in the evening a social tgifti lit the own tall by the lsdiesaii alter tea rsate ha wry took the chair the choir diccoarted several appropriate selections and rv gave an interesting review of the recent provincial sunday school convention at ottawa with brief sketches of the various speakers the vivid pratactttion of so many exoellent thoegkts thtown oat sad new ideas gleaned from the convention was thoroughly appreciated by the audience the drill shed property the council met in regular bession on monday evening all the members wero present the only matter which camo up for consideration was the 6le of tho drill shed property the tenders were again scrutinized and one councillor at least was anxious that the lot shoald be put up at public auction and sold to tho highest binder this w npt favoraj however and the mowing motion was carried moved by john harvey seconded by jos anderson that as this council has received an o5er 25 in advance of the highest ten der 250 for the drill shed sitetbmatter be leftover so tost smplaopaortaaity may be risen jor further offers frean any wio i eel interested in doing socswi atid sotiatnatserrssu tie rjabllo will likely be slow at potting in fenders to the muni cipal council in future xtthodist anrrirersarj- services the fortykventb anniversary of ttie metuoditi church in acton will t celebrat ed next sunday and monday and services of uuusua interest are anticipated rev dr sutherland of toronto who has the management of the various missionary enterpntes of the ctturch will preach morning aud evening dr sutherland is oi e of the foremojl meu of his church is an able elotjueut and tiuent ppealter and his termona are always replete with luter- est special callestions will be taken in be- halfof the funds of the ladies aid a social evening will be provided on monday evening bv the ladies of the congregation a baiktt social will be first in order after which rev griffin nf gait expresi dent of tho conference will address the audience tjbe dr is to well and favor ably known here that httle need be said respaotuk uua eu sdrfrttas sxsiovari- ably bright lull of interest and highly entaruiding the choir of the church will add to the interest of tne occasion themsixl is taurefv free of charge aod a cordial invitation has been extended to tbe public both from the pulpit and by large posterb a f rsodnent pedlar the frequency with which people are gulled by strangers pedding one commodity and another is surprising one day last week a woman came to town with- an assortment of silverware and of course the found purchasers who woaldptronize her in prefersqceto a responsible merchant in town one lady purchaser who invested a considerable amobot in best quadruple plated silver knives forks and spoons became uneasy as to the genuine character of her goods concludedto test the matter and took them to a local dealerforexamin- ation they proved to be trash the worst dau and instead of quadruple plate were osly brats dipped in a silver solution the iadyshuspand looked upthe swindling pedlar charged her with the fraud and the money was pretnptly refunded other purchasers were not so fortunate the woman nut up at the dominion hotel and late in tbe afternoon went out leaving a valise add aa unpaid board bill with tbe landlady earnestly re- questing ber to take good care of the former she failed to return havingtaken the evening train the valise was suse queutly found to contain not even poor silverware but a useless collection of papers why will people allow themselves to be cheated by travelling pedlars invariably is it a fact better goods in any cjtsa can be purchased for less money from our own merchants who deserve their patronage death otjadge miller after en illness of six weeks duration judge miller of this county died at his residence at milton on the morning of thanksgiving pay yhj dtoeasod was born in the township ot jsettou county of helton on september 15th 1830 and was therefore ijlyearsof age hewaseducated at queens college kingston and subse quently stodied law in the offices of tbe late judge morrisoo and the late hon adam crooks he was appointed county attor ney and clerk of the peace of waterloo county in 1657and twentyfive years sfcotvu made judge of hsltou county previoas to bis appointment he practiced law la berlin and was known widely as careful legal adviser and very ranch trusud by many of the older residents of tbat coantf he was married to miss ussber of brentford who survives her jodge miller wit a matt of considerable ability and hit transaction of tbe business which came before bitxi was equitable expeditious and generally satis factory he was seized with hemorrhage ol the brain the funeral took pfaoe on satsrday morning tbe residence of his nephew dr miller hamilton thencei to burlingtou cemetery maoyresidentspfthe county accompanied the friends to hamil ton the pallbearers were r cok pitton oakville a g haavea milton col murray btewirttown heflryj watson and senator kokindsey milionj and john sproat etquesing rev w j uokenzii conducted the services the country aitounc l wt ltmt8tiotli by con t- pndnu ntt exchanges oakvitte her being vt oummlni oakvllls who wtl ihcr wilhe had wan thsnsms of oajof the most graceful and proficient child hiihtand dancers th the domlnlot and whtwo fame had spread to tho british file dlejl oe diphtheria an wednesdsj er j 8 williamson nreached a siocia aerjaon to young psopls on sunday ov camphellville t log some pretty wild shoottntt was done the twatnpi ardond khatchbull on thiol i- giringjdtyand by iba sound of thegu s one would think tbat atr game waagettii g it pretty rough but by all appearano t be only got a- bad scare the cedar hill lodge patrons of industry purpose holding an open lodge ou frida r lib december in no 8 school house the members of the metboditt chart i at kuatcbbnll sre basy repairing and fixii g it up so as to be comfortable during tie winter mrs franklin rtoitbaw returned iron a ou saturday from a three weeks visit to kiucar line and vicinity ttie recent rains have put the roads in l muddy condition sno hikes were flying thick yesterdsr morning a au indication of an earl i winter bloomsbury tbe great atonementof obsrammergau at the town hall y gnndtng ttone wbeelliarroir jwytstj secretary stove pipes and othsrsrlicjas for the new rrcsbyteriaa csarchat c imp- belhrtlle was openod on sunday let ions behjg preached morning and ovnin by projt molarcn of knox cotlegetor mto in ihe afternoon tho pastor iter mr bis r occupied the palpit the ser loos ihzx aghottt ware bright sad interes ing thd new edifioo is commodidas aadh iad- sam special services- will also bo xn dueled next sunday milton vounr man named william hows d is lyirtiin jail at milton charged with br ak- ingmto tho house of th4 limestone c eek fjshing club at nelson obsoct 2gth he was ktrrested by detective doyle ot ha nil- ton who was detailed on the can t una weeks aco the prisoner was working in tbe woods at netugawoys when arret ed among the ituff stolen were numbei of blanklc and a quantity of clothing m- munttion etc valued at about f 50 howard was arraigned before mayor 1 ice on friday last on tbe cliarge of ho so- breaking and larceny and committed for trial it the december assices ca it panton lost a couple ot ralut dogs vhile at mutkoka hunting ble ballimfad th i special tervioes in tbe metho itt chunh btve been ooacladed twelve derto is were received oa trial as a ret tt ot th meetings tbcibfint child of rev sir ernes of btllirlafadj who has been daugeroatly il reeovjriag rapidly francis harding died near ballinafi d on tw 1st iutt aged 66 years mr and mrs george beswtck have be m vititiag their son ebenezer tbe prut wt ik or to i rev thos gee of georgetown preach d ifitaianary teroiont- here on sani y eveniat mits hattie cook daughter of datid cook esq was married yesterday to r lindtiy of tbe seventh line erin 1 knatckbull burlington the sudden death of mits msggie baste do of valvular disease of the heart lai week has deeply pained and shocked th whole community the sunday school convention of th i township of nelson was held oa tuesda in the methodist church appleby a first clats programme was carried dat there is some talk of a local optio campaign in this village as many tr deeply pained st the growing evidences o the increase in the cooaamptioa of on beverage that produces disorder and crime tbe topic tbat most agitates the public mind here at the present time is whxl is tbe matter with halton the unseat ing of mr henderson pats the county into pouticai agitation again it is much to be regretted that the good came of halton should be brought into such illrepute it is to be hoped that this right little tight little cdinty will not equal the bad pre eminence of haldimand limehouse charlie moore left ia tuesday for his american home at monroe mr morning micb theniw bridgeover tbe dam atnesr- tons factory is s secure tnd satitfactory improvement oo tbe old mr j t ellis sold bit fine little road ster mars to his brother in detroit j lswson v 6 of acton took her over on monday mr and mrs h t leptge of toronto visited friends here oo friday exmayor and mrs gowdy of guelpb spent tfaankigiving tbe guests of mr and- urt john moore mrs l- gray of hamilton visited lireboose friends on monday mr charlie moore made tome splendid photographic views of tbe lime workt factories rocks and surroundings while visiting here the attendance at the public school is very smail at present owing to the skin disease which has prevailed of late among the children jj f mountain oftruths dospltod by 8om psoplh sdma i wlitnot examlnt truth ba- ou convlflclno oanaoian test l- mon 1 1 there ar raths whlohiametneujespiio because thsy bars not inralaetj them tad whloblbsjr will not mmimbtjsttim tbsy dullkathmxt importantandhifehlytrulhl sre ooatinualljr bag iccumalaud ill going to prove that our cinadlsn piopls hive oow in their mldtt the grandest agency for the complete cure of nervousuesi tleepleit- uett brokendown bodies wsarltd and be fogged brsln dyspepsia aod rheumatitm aver heard of la tits chrittlsa wc rid ic it the great rettorerofliie thtt oar orefalhart to eagerly soaght foribat oaalaj not had provldenoa in its awn good ira through oae of the gtsiteit i pbyslaisi t ot fhs century give to sufferlug man paiuei cslery compaaad up to the pretent time its msgaiuceat sad bssimablested triumphs hsvs beeniominy sndtoramsrk- tble hit rainy estduk phyigtansof the lower order have defplted ittlwondrous effects tnd will tint condescend to examlno trtrtbs oonnsbled with its limply because they dislike it tnd fear it will take away their mesas of obtaining a living bhame on suoh i6tr fordid character away crltii tucb inen who put personal gain before the pabiio weal add god t wa now oai be attention of out readers to a few oolatirring facts and tt the sard time we would if form thots jealous physicians who dislike tho truth j that full and ample proofs can be shown to them of ths following ourts hrb hutotfisg a weilkdown seal eslata and ricaiieial agent ofjifonlreal p q lafforedfor filly etis from neurit gta tnd rheumatitm he wst cured by paiqes celery oompoaad itkfafsthsrjallj of lilddleton n 8 whose ufa was a long continued sgony from tleeplestriess neurtlsta and rheuma- tttra foaad a perfect care in paiass celery compound cipuia ooajtu broprietor of lis lelatad house innipeg man used paiuet celery compound for ditpepsia indigettlon and uttitade he is now enjoying perfect halthj sad says celery compound beats all the efforts of the doctors i mr r allea ot orsageville oat was a martyr to rheumatttm tad sleeplessness he foaad a new lease of life after using paiaea celery compound mr j t diflati chairmanboard of city asseseors moatreil pq was for i many years s sufferer from indigestion natolency and rheaniathim he his become a new man through the ute of patnes celery compound tnd now possesses a robust coastitstion mr joseph hsnael cf west brome p q wis given up by the doctors at an in curable fiom dropsy ha was expected to die nut providence directed friends to try the effects of piiasa celery cornpound on the tafferer with tbe resell thst he fsao in good hsmltli ifr e v bourke of sl maruns nb was a terrible mffeter from neuralgic be was eared in ashort time by paiues celery cotnpoaad mr chis robertsop electrical expert and mechtaioal superintendent- of i the roysl electric works montreal pqj was a terrible sufferer owing to nervousness ileepletiiiesii and overwork of body and briia he is now eojoyibg perfect health tad atreugth owing to the grand effects of patnes celery compoaud mrs j howard of greuville pq was nevoot weak tnd faiuc the found a new sxistsboo a new life after uiiug- paiues celery compoaud for a tburt tiue it does a work in the home that no other medicine can accomplish and it always cures it is the only preparation iu existence that the best physicians are now prescribing sad recommending to their patient i rockwood mr john carlisle of brentford has nndertaken the running of ijoores mill in rockwood mr james stinson jr has opened a gents furnishings and grocery store in the building formerly oocaniod by messrs fairies and strachoc mrs w h hatchwaad mrs metterell of parkhlll spent last week in town with mrs dryden on saturday james meadows an em ployee of mr harveys while backing a load of stone to be damped into s- lime kiln accidentally let the horse and cart go over the rooks a diifaace of some thirty feet killing the hsrso and smashing things generally a magic lantern entertainment of bible scenes eto was given on monday evening in the methodist church by aifr menge of toronto it was well attended and the views tnd hr mengos remarks were very interesting a concert for thebenefit of the choir was given in the presbyterian church on tues day evening by a number of yoang people from guelph the programme was excel lent and well appreciated by a good audi ence that notwithstanding the storm ventured oat to enjoy an evening of first class music mr geo pike had his face severely burned one day last week while- at work at the lime kilns -i- hbmej j d sticton lds will insert teeth tt c and0 per set for next three months extraction free special care given to filling paioe matthews block acton efcln j a number of gneintj foresters jfttited their erin brethren on thanksgiving day and assisted in the installation of the officers they werp hospitably entertained anniversary services were held in the methodist churchitst sanday when fiev h caldwell of fonsoabysnd rev t gee of georgeidwn preached excellent sermons speciallservicesare in progress at the church at belfoanfain the toaghs continue to rale the town st night aridivsrioas depedatlont were com milted last week ther onion thankagiviiig servfce in the presbyterian church on thanksgiving day was well attended jsci frasar has left with some thirteen head of horses for the great norwest where he expects to make qtrite a stake by this undertakibg the second qnarterly official meeting of the methodist cbarch erin eircait was held at cdcingtby nov lt the finances onthe whole were shead of last fear the following stewards were elected by ballot for the oorainfi year erin t bingham w orr ballinsfad n ismond k h hendersoa cbningsby w satton bel fountain angus blair forks k coyne jit h henderson to be seoording stewart ffbemtturdflnvifirnjaiaooessor to the present pastor whoso terta erpires next jan4waa tslfasi over4it jkction wis de- fetwd anta the febriary meeting- the meeilx4iiroagfaont was very hannonloasv advocate r in the oi4 hartj rut comin and q visitor to and ffonn aoton antt various othr personal notes mrs jotu wtlkerobtrtfora slti h awray nss been very 111 thf paitmek i j- if j f mut btrbsft yvswn lit tllitfng frisndi in tpronlo b i itr flso todxirtotii iol tbe ptgii from hssover mssr fred storey kent to toroaid fotj thsaktgtvlng jday mr percy fiioordiofst cttbstiam wts home for the holldty i i poslmiilec tisilhewt spent several days this week with friends a hamilton miss lltry jeaslou of nelson wss gai of mr tomts eutott last week mr sod mrs james fintbrcokhats been spending 1 week with toronto friends f urind iftfredbmyhof toronto wefe the gaetlscif frwndihsreoversaaday mrs harlaudi of chatoa wss t guest st themsihoditt tjsrsoosge dqring the srfc mr h j tirea of st marys wte tho guest of dr ureu ovec thsuksgiring r miss lottie hjsmstreet has retained her studies at th toronto conservatory of ifutlo i- mr p d ro of thaakitmvoaritaf ottawt will be married today to miss llttlejohn of toronto messrs james boss and joha aotman of toronto were guests of princintlsoore oa thanksgiving day i revjohnpriiighiport arthur former ly of georgeiown sat been elected aider ttcrbf the syqod tt brtndoa rev j aiaodonild editor of knoz collejt ifontily wis iadutjted into the pettorete of kuox coalrah st thotna lyesterdty i mrs charles symoat who was foe many yetrs to esteemed resident of aotoa has returned to town tnd ttkonnp her residence here mrs 8ymons and family have been livjug in denver col for some time past john willitnu the once highly respected landlord of tlje clark house bat now sv bonded livery man of the neat little town of acton paid tome bt bis old friends a thort vitit on tuesday last erio adaxace the hamilton timet says rev t albert moore gave bis secbud talk tt the ymca yesterday on vtrtps in social lite judgiug by the large aadlences of men thtt gatberedtoheer bim mr moore pas woh the hearts of be yoaog men hit words of wit jom are tpokea plainly and seriously and mtke adeep impression extract ur rxtfucvt sicx oxhja car cvrxsoysttpszl f tomuptsxirskv i 1 u i s dandelion vts is tbx bxst bloob purifoh prepared and so ht j v kannawlri ohxmibt mi1x stbeeiy to bs sited the trouble sod annoyance caused by the rue c jjjsjioroli f lion ofte aiksd by miohlnt men we oan onjy teilitietb 0 oan onjy leuidem sou jj ij- m the oil tbattiket the sjad ui su tntehtne parps6sj j 1 i y rattkfpry beji yoa tan get tee dertedj t y aboi aotoit consumption the irttportarica of kteplnjuieblood ut a pure condition is aiuversally known indyet there are very tew people who taveiperfeejtlrpn blood the taint ot serofala salt rheum or other foul humor is heredlted and transmitted far jenentionj causing unfold suffering and we tlsb tccamnltte poison tnd germs of dls- esse from thetlrw bretthe the food we ut or u all i to we drlnl w l there is nothlas r i iii if more con clusively i uui ptorei thtn the 7 poiltlre power of hood5 garsapsrfua overall disetset o the blood this rsedicine when fairly tried does expel jevery trice of scrofula or salt tbeum removes the taint which ctoset catarrh neatrallies the tdditrandcajes rheamttism drljes out the genus ot railtrut blood pi- scoioe etc ic tl 10 vltauies and e 1- rlchei the mood i ins overeomln j that tired feeling sod build ug onthe pbole system tlxmuajias testtfr a he fupriorttrohoodi iriaptrllltu a 1 lopd portaar zvu fnfor ruatloa and jtatsm nta est cans sent free sarsaparilla mm brill toigxtiu jsiitliforsi pisparsslosit br c l uo0d t cojapotbwrll loten kits 00 doses one dollar nosaes or seasop backward inotber words its been a backward sad not a forward season thus fur ftfr furs whatever the weather has been good fur it hsaatnbjgeh good fur furs but we f utbfltr m tad bear the westhec not even the barest resentment fur it farnithed us the opportunity of teanring ajiot of beaver sable persian iltrjib seal possum and bear fart tt very bare pribet if yoall take a furtive gtuc 1 at but window yottu htrely get aa idea f the immease stock which we facvenlly desire yaa to see- with in so far sogwd bat the ideals simplythis wehie fast cleared a urge mtnuftcturarf s stoc of furs at about oue half their ordinary value we purposely delayed oir far ardsrs early expecting just such an opportunity and oar expec tations hsva j been fally tetlizbd we veatare tossy tha youve neverseen such a ltrge lot of choice uur in the city and we certainly hive never seea them tt so low a prioe we oommeace agreat fdr sale on saturday nov ifthtfld with low- prices and thfthiug like ebcu weather tho lot iirgo is ic is won t list very dog the iiaa consists of ladies nutria btltia seal possam atfrschair persisii lamb bearer and 6obie storm collars lidiea sable beavec and astrt- chan capes ladies bear boas ladies seal sable beaver bear jposiam astnchtnjnatrit btltia seal tnd coney mqfit lidies sesf istrichsd persiaa lsmb beaver sable aalnatrta caps gents pettian lamb aslroehm seal beaver and natria paps tnd children x t km t sotsn mttlror cw atu sab ot sum 4luant its wa mna lastm ao tola bau uat j a wd two sorloniil tro ratortoll i 1 a 8uooi m a iea aottiot st wut toronto ok r cc tsaosvotlav si wrmoi femoyj8 cylinder ii3 olitrstnitssittjui be bettersod cheaper tnsa tallow trt above i jilff d yott wfli try no athet besireof taitatfon of lardfnel i icqostt ci the parlor htdmfngrooiri he fiedfobms nihehall j the kitchen may jed new purnitire sprghti son l 14 fjj r p4ij oirplli b01 intt doable hwrrelled bfhjioidtnk rstw lii u r h f i borei oa rib case hai dened bchtad mxnsckfs iieals v sffiwjpss asulljjfe address erw th ssm jrkb s anktcli r 0id antles i p f- aii always 4 leading depirlmebt ttithosv we have beiniliatther i were possibilities if son jwfmyetluitaowninihui vicliiiiy he reaiisatiw of this is now bertiij oar mantle roojhanf our sales ottnese ibods iuci ease not6nly from day to day bat from season to teasonj hot a rtyfa or variety bat 1 oa will fiad its repreatu- i talfve in bar ttoclci probably the largest la western ontario ii dress gobds wehsvariivsna good deal of care adthbshi to this dtparttenv bringing into it simply serviceable dresrmeterials in sfylet si 0 colors of the mctailuis fashion il considerable a a frets goods stock bat this is not e lough for nsi onreleo- re s 8 cobds uonsmaithavetndtlalitvrs topdhof jaaiitiliesi or oiiginility about tbain as nell w we ve la ked to it that all these point tre met waye looked iartharatill ted broosht r pnrdorn to a leyd not reached by sach goods before l t i i i x j j- t m lv millinery blinerv dspartmedt are very will bn- their wjiyi sfe make te and heir openin fbvealsiuonrsm maoh of hem they please and help business bai after the opening wfiit jnst this every day is the equal of opening day jtewcooee tiont tni stylek appear daily and whetherin hats and bonnets trimmed or ntrin njedfiowersrtfeashets ribbons prntments or trimrhiugib of any description wis tbjak weivn show yoa the largest stcjeki ihe most varied and the best meheya worth as well ar the best tsite in combining the same r 1 v i 1 guelph ha va decided to cqiifane basmesb in- actbn beiag unablito iiud parcbaaeia rfltocki or j prettiseff wio have boafciimmerisd qiiaatitieftof new jrooda nch aa the best rriannfissftiiiiegrof fciimmedsdqiiaatitieaof new saoda acb aa the best tnannfttotii englisbirisibi scotch ana oanadiaii twfeeds and woreteaa for 1 i i suitings pantings and overcoatings i j we wulgutrinfee perteet fitibekt of workmanship in ear ordered clbtiiing and at lower price thau anyother firm in ttte eoaaty dtre telut we will reoeivethie week cues of 1 a i 1 i tt v- t iivt til i i cry f i 1 i- si mens boys and chi idrens suits ovetcbats qdp s- vests ike 11 if j n gome women will persist in sticking to the old hard rut through life when the easy and pletaaot roadit open o them for instance manyjtoil tad slave ever the wishing tteamfng themselves half to death and fobbing their fiogers tore to get the ololhes clean wheresf if they would use sunlight soap jand follow directions thit soap would do most tbe work for them and sera l toose from steam tnd the clothes mul hands from injury make up yoar mind to tr it fars of all jkinds it isnt because wear beeaaie there isnt the far dont fly not caitidgpriaesyar ik enough 1 cult wtnud utdlctsttouifr e rboliert cq 25 27 lower gfijelph wyndltam st en we receive our stock of sl 1 5j cents furnishings r l- 4 i t this weefcitili be the best ever ihpwn ia town p- ni j i dont fbrgel i1s also enquire tbpat et to call md seel oar oew style hats airld fiirjlb i t i j rv sl w grogeribsi n- mt wabavebonjgit ttsteijijitj iresn ttobk of owerim arui itrclsis gmj them any plsoe intowntiveryoioiivj v ii f- q vivj 1- j- we want to say a fewiiwdrdg to thicah fjorcbasers and ifew wi8uhsjvisfliismj okms witb iu ehw tatidcan uai rabre goods aridbetter viitqetliapijr iilffiis sh jsi

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