Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 26, 1891, p. 2

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ir ll a iu 1 1 s v iti yviltlcl i ii 111 i k u i 11 btl ll 1 it v 1 i i v ll- 1 i i 1 tt t r ll nil 1 r hilil a t riii t ait r if j ijc jton jfrcc jjrtss noites and comments mr a iui mt ii ten k kn j id nit pv i do prtttlivtt vrmil toreaislmm ration hi inaliti aticma are hi likobo tbat he is matr- who it to toon ciie t up iu iniuiuration work and who l jfaiiillikr vvlth tip niiu of hip scrth west i- v xtifewnoc will bo lnrl in toronto on tnrjsincit under tic u ice of thij pnorjr am asvauioii ot ontario the object of the tjotjfcrtnce it to further the cttke ol idton reform nd epulls to c tier the tt mcn of pvlni irc ucl kipvct to the rccommcndaiion of the pritnti comnjitin htl re of thecrcat cit inijkirtiioe- n the dire tion of reducing af ciuns i f crui e to muumuts the country arthind novs itemtsubdlted by connk- pondente stct eehrnsj erin one of i run firtt settler died on tho 11th nut in the person of kelt l cnrrte ivl the 1th lmo and tu interred in con ingtbt ccmetcrv tlio deceased m 7 joars of if oa lbs iimo clay mrs john molaculan died art tlte age of 63 mrs mel aclilan came to tint cauntrv in iss2 mr- xv as tuarric1 in 1645 end with her hut land ianu to 1 mi in lrt7 and tculud on bt j am 1 thj c0 tllktb in ln jtddrc cixcn at one i scotland latt keel 1 jta hartirctcn tpetkinc for lnmctf ai 4 the lib tall u onitts aenrral i said tl at if a majorit of the scottish people favored die establishment of the ottnh cltiicb he vvoalj support such a ruoxemcjt the am ouncement oftlus statement ha created surprise it having been s0pp ed that the government jvas op to dis etllihncut in sco land john mel nail tw toronto laborer wlosledtlat ctv f r damages far the sickuss cf h s clnlarcn with dipthena casd is he alleged bv carbafce dumped bv the citv in a ravine not fa- from ins haute ha6 won the case and been awarded 3v5 dtrutce thffjude in summing up jd thit hi k uld i be dome hi- dnlv ot- allv and as a ci n if he did not tx 1 i o lion ab t the url tence of the citv m depo iuti that deaynj natte- m ejcha putltc place j soiie me ao the maee co of toalo tmalpamajtd with harm s n a co of bradford and more rtoenl a cimtlar arrancometit was entered irito ij the i atteron 4 bxo co of toodstok atid the wioer co of brantford all iropercent macuacluref it isanno jci ed that the fenrfins have now become i ne companv it will thus be feeu that he implfn rr tlpilcf jf s cjjutr will be rajtcillt control td bv ibis fi m whether it will be advantaeon or otter vpib- to the farmer remain to be seen tl o larl of berdeen a british colnro bia latd pnrcbase wks a larcecae it con eitci o 1 1 000 tea- tle pnee beinj ftr the vianifv of hot ojj tb- tract n ntu ited iu the cu dlrem v alley and etrc tches from ntlma mile of ermon fo aout cuj milt acdli u evtd to be one of lhe mot valabe jo- c n in bntiah columbia it b the iarl s intention to b takept slarfetnct into email holdmga oo wli h he will fxtie sturdv voung bctcii farmers this is practical work for canada the prcportica cf travellers killed tn rulroad accideou in fracoe fro lo to lr30 was one to evtrv 24 001 xk of fi- enceet andcne worn ded to even 1000 0c0 in lccland f or the same irm one to evert jl 000 000 of pataenrerb fu tilled and cn to ever c 5 000 was wounded on tl e gertran railroads accidenta are morejis tuenf ihhoag6 tb number ol travelle ti le one to oiverv 0 000 000 of ptinge tu killed in belgiom utween the jet a ml and j on to every c eoo 000 r l killed and one to 77flf00 passengers w wounded ia the i mted 6tate thefe vr one to i j6 w rilled and one to eve ucuo jcjuted on faatarday the polmaster general t etived antelligejce that the j jaan tatfcoruies had atcented to the cos ventica for a direct parcel pe between canada and jamaica pd poed b one government the lirr it cf wtight ill be 6eved pounds and tie rate pe poftnd i cents the new servi will go into effect immediatelv the lirr j rf weh o parces between canada a nemffunalund in jo y parcels e ch22a vvib ctb- colntrts via gret britaitf has ben lncrcised to eev pcide an hmrcd table ol ratbs adap ed to the present limit cf weight h hen ptjared fjr th cu dance of pot matters ar ttis goverpf in lac ul l al re urns tb that lo lea- qcant tj than 1 u o0 p jnda crude opiu for rehuing purpoci was imported in camtda during the ltt fiscal ear is a dcw lrduetri for which tne meet doea not want mj credit the quantik lmpored ore wav onlj 82 0vj0 jjnndevv tnts opium can be refined canada free fom ati excise doty supermini tie en nt to which tl rjifam btb i has grown in canada dura the last me era is said bv oflicials ul thbald know to be alarming the lmud stes impjteo an internal revenue tax vlo a pound on the refined article so tb t a similar ere se dutj levied in canac woald prodooe a revenue of neatlv mnhoa dolurs a jear itjeaiau securities are tumbling and i a vast amjiitita are held in i ratio arl gemlnv the oollapee affect the moiwy nare a ia tl ose countries vvbich a e them live somewhat perplexed bj sbo harvtl most of the lnghab rewspape s f f rwanl to another period of uuivers d deiret tie cost and drain of tie tbati 1 i urojean armameota the ir i mnse tmiit- loat in lb panama canal tbelurch cotr tvi dicale and in tile argn line iltjblic hid now the part it failure of tbe crops througbouf turoje with actual famine in russia are telln tevtrel npcu the trade and finances of l e dd orld lhe british trade return show a rrarled falling off and mafy uadiuglines of iuduhrj art on the dow grade the ctradiau apjle tade with gret jjntair tlna season is far in advance c that cf an previous ver tbe tola uautityof barrels of apples received liverpool alone from canada and tin i mted btateaup w november 7 amounts t j ji 1000 barrels as against 02 000 barrc i t o the aahie date last j ear id rpite of tb tujrrrous ircretse price in nioetj nini cate out ofa liundrt j hatebeen remaut live to the thipperf canadian apples owing to tlnyr fupenlr keeping quality and jue apjiearance are irost ia favor with the bujtrs in tte 1 nglisli market canadian applet are preferred to anj other they not inly ifcep txtter ft tranttt fcet they te mora iojkim id teste ah af plea are totdfo liverpool by acttou witli amtting rapid ty ion wedoeaday lt some 30xo0 tjtrr were ditpoaed of at lit to ll shillings p r barrel tor ordinary tarittiear4dl7loji9ahillin for ktngt r knatchbull c linstmkt is coming and to ti illoomt i ur a annual etitrtitimcnt wlitch ia to bo held in the io b achoolhouao naaaaga- wi on the 1 tth ef dcoetnbcr tw com raittec arc spiring no paint to ratke it t suco ttno d latt week lira kingtbary mother of gilbert kipgtburv kaingavreyt had the misfortune to fall down ttairtt ana f rveture her wrial the break it a btd one kainv voather and nitidis roads an tho order of the dav mre m lcngnll kntclbttll it text ouslv ill with oonjetoti of the tungc mrs frankiin iumahaw wbd bat been ailing for the latt few weeks it not wiv bette i bukjitmtl ax l1mehouse the grand trunk masons an at work on the aoath tide of the oat which for some time has threatened to give way tnd thde down tjpon the track the work will keep therm busy for a oontider able line mr henrv crawshaw jr hat removed to vctou mrs john moore it spending a few davs with friecde in hamilton mr j 1 ellis agent g t r expecle to remove to st jacobs hit new charge etrlv iu december burlington the water at tbe beach wat low latt week that tho fern wu unahle to goacrots to trtfho wu topped tho hamilton aathoritie are takng steps to definitely designate the line oa the beach between hilton and weotworto john t butedo ooe of bcrlingsvaat oldest rettdenttt about to move from our midst c t eiard it going to quit the livery and bus bja ueta mr jttties gcrhatn died here latt week agedsjtart the l lyrt is about to throw up the sponge again and will be discontinued after acoiher month its career of a year and a half has been somewhat checkered rev j ball preached an able sermon to j oung men on 6undy evening tbe patrons of industry hate not tuc cceded in getting control ol the roller mill trade here at their own prices the w omen a mtstionarv society held an interesting meeting at belfoanbain last thursdav evening there is a good deal of satisfaction throjghoat the township at the election of iteevc kirkwcod to the pronncjrt legula ture the sermon preached bj rev t gee of georgetown in tbe methodist church last fundav in beliaif of the missionary society was much appreciated tbe collection mi subscriptions were several dollars alicad of that of hut vear advocate georgetown v the telephone list of tubtenbers is growing christrrjas tree entertainment will be held by the sunday school of the congregational church on tuesday even ing 20ci december special services are in progreat in the methocut ctiurcli the prospects are eecooriijing the home circle will give a concert on the ljtb december mrs d thomas and mr and mrs j s pne left for wilmington deb latt week mr fa blaciwell o toronto hat been engaged to succeed mr muir at suence and mathematical muter in the high school he will enter upon bit duties- at the new xeax the tax collector is busily engaged with his financial duties tbe llrall complaint of the smokers who frequent the reading room tbe waterworks are rap dly neartug completion it wai reported on tuesday evening that tho staunch temperance men the deputy reeve of hsqueting and the reeve of georgetown got home from the warden t supper gloriously full of cold water from drinking so many touts milton mr c 4 miller teacher in the model school 1 as secured the position of head mastcrof the dresden public school the electric light wires are strung and it is promised that by the endrjf the week the town will be illuminated by electricity ldwardcarswell the canadian gough lectured in the town hall milton latt evening i i the annual sabbath grvioes and tea meeting of raox church have been fixed for nth and 30th lnst rev mongo fraer of hamilton and other prominent btivtx will deliver addresses the terra cotta brick companies here have orders for nearlv 2 000 000 bricks principal gray of lhe model school had several young men up before mayor dice charged with duturbiog a literary entertainment fn the school house the trial concluded last friday eventug when the offenders were given the choice of paying a fine and expenses of the trial or spending a month in castle van mr edgar powell of thit place met with a severe accident on saturday lut caused by a block of wood falling on hit head although still very low he it making favorable progress towards re covery under the skillful treatment of dr robertson chief landetboro wu suspended lately by major dice for dereliction of doty a threatened investigation retailed in faff resignation at chief contttble tbya thvwrklcit dolnet urfkthwk slcliht are id ill firot u winnipeg the pone tpcattt of ifluaci u being near all the cahiuct mtnlwttt iu spain hut resigned over half a foot at snow fall ia bt pint on saturday k cold wave v 1th heavy tuow struck kautat sunday madagascar it oa tho ova of another la tenul upheaval i political excitement it gradually fermtat log in guatemala eledtrio street cart an going to be adopt ed to brtatfocd ctrtetott pott o floe wu broken into by bnrglare op friday prluce george of wbim it somtwhit worn with tjih id complele cable service with brazil bu been re established col audet kectper of records at ottawa it to be mpertamttted h wmillwailimillilillbailmlliitt iiti i r hiwst h w prefaunq forbojitest ttiapplotidhijdrrtlng in 1 i nlyht uu ef dtlnd ctvrv cjomptj v spatial ftjuturt of tht cotn- patitioni a shocking deith galt nov 23 about 5 30 thit evening as mr fitrouel weir a teamtter on ono of mr george taylor t etprett waggons wu leaving the yard of cant brot machine works with a heavy machine on bit wagon the wheel tltpped off the scales and the vtgoa wan uptet mr weir wu ihrowd iron tbo wigda the ratchme falling upon bia headr which was crashed almost to a jelly the poor fellow wu intttnuy killed oobokert htbiog to tti tttitunce found that the heart had alrsady ceased lo beat deceated lea vet a wife uid family ia rather poor ctreamtttjjeei they having nothhrg bat the intarane frooi the rndependent order of forester of which tociety he jt at a member the lut vessel navigation it now february 2uth general eltctiont berlin backers riitslt ia fiocfing ft mautceal baacuy tnd doted j fltmrtm out c tntfjnva itdiw art alrtady prpar lot for h flrtat pltntoad dt compekj lion i y ire rolflg nvo tbit fork with 4 tim tat urnhtaett that it traljr turprit- lot an lit lit well known faeflbtt when j tr tin ladiat enter upon iny work in tbit w it it jaiwtyt well dona of counts he km il notolty ot the work tnd the wide fie d at pperttion opeat up by thit auiqat sompetiloa will be the otant ot drawing ia jnuadrede of trdeut workertj who ar dtr prdiuary oiccamiuaoet would hetuuti before oommltllog tismtelvet to iroahle tad gnrunuautilte ork iu lb t liberal and highly icmmsudable contest inaugurated bv the cropcieton of diamotl dm the ladiet hi re an agent to worl with which dereloiet immense potaiii list tod producei ntultt which are pits ting to ifat eye the great variety o wot intht vartout cltatet open for oooftjstt tion does not by ad raeant take ia all that cut be aoaomplitiied by the oeiej brcttd itmoad dyet it it however ia the wtl regultted eoouomicsi and happy home ti at diamond dye are justly appre ciated nt oobitdered to be iudiipentibla helpt u i aids at season lacceedi teuoa the wli e wife tad mother thlnki of the wetrioi tpptfet beloogfagi a herulf hat band u i oiiildrea tad reilixet the impor- unt at that it cum be filled for wear once more tl rough the ue ol diamond dyet the mi lediit itill good bat ptrhtpt toa light in color and it may be faded with wear ti d exposure to the tun can be re dyed in tome fashionable dirk color or made a lovely shade of jet or blue black it jut i moon it to thit ut ladjrramarked for a trffliag outlay yon oaa have the lumxbtv wardrobe of a mail woman he child t antfortned into oew tod stylish trticlet foe aalamn and winter wear aires ly toon of wives tnd mother htvete t nlheneoettarytdplictuoaforcn inttmat og their intention of competing ia the gr tt diamond dye competition tcheme they know exactly tbe pacucajar line of rork they can excel in and feel ths he pro faced competition teluraeombraoct in lta a aple scope jutt such work u they it tbe day fixed tor the n brazil are forbidden to titbit her loans ctpt doutldto i it being boomed ti the new senator iron manitoba a case of tmi ii pox hu been teat to quarantine at kingston km j b tamer t high official la the pott office at quebec ft ander trrett an italian miner fau been killed in a ttreet fight art hnatlogdan que thcj caving of i sewer at brantford oa satarflay fatally njured george frank dr robertson an oltttrt deatitt had to betrrestedsatdiyonacmtrgeof lanicy a windsor fira oa friday took asrasot to detroit utgo dot en eggt valued tt 111a patriak walth ru fatally injured through falling off hit back xrjt ottawa on sunday adam lotto of ktptneo millt bu been killedma n lty accident uchtcago counterfeit one dollar dominion of can ada note are m ircalatioo near uttara fate thousand ir load otoraogee will be shipped eut f rpm rjaiifornlt hit winter can beslt aocomplitb with a the put three week ladiee la the united sulec have wnltto to ru uking if ihey will be allowed to compete we with 1 distinctly understood that tbit ditn md dye compttilioalit opea only to the ltdiee of canada however we devouti trtut that our fair american cousins will in due time have a competition of the i tme kind presented to them a vi f ipecitl feature of thit diamond dye jompetitioa it the fact of it bein free to til competitors kotwtth- tttadin f the great eott of i tt inauguratioa tad en ployment ot extra help for the proper anducting ot the scheme no fee are exa ted from the ladiet for thepnrilege of com sting and all goodt teotinforexbl bitioa r main lhe property of the makers and an to be retarned free pf charge to them u will that be teen that every pouible aid it extended to the ladiee to enable i ascnjto take large oath prizes with out met rring any expense j lite etail druggists of the dominion from oo an to ocean highly eommend the tcheme and predict tn interesting and profitab e time for the ladiet hundreds lhe 3111th anmrerttry of hp knqx he scottish re four men were buried alive by toe caring in of a sand beak in brooklyn oa sttardty the roman ctthotia church tt forttge la prairie hat been scorched to the extent oflcoo george sullivan waa ticzled to death by alive electric wiri in pittsburg oa satur day tuesday wu tbe death of jc former the raman wheat prohibition te official beyond ditpate and become operative moadty i an snkrjowa man leaped from brooklyn bridge sunday in the midst of hundred of people i mrt barbara barcb wu routed to a cinder in ateoement hlaxe tn new yotttti saturday i t james mthooey fell from a scaffold u brockville on saturday and died of a fractured tkeil tbe by law tc aite 128000 for nrater- work for parry sound wu carried friday by a majority of 1 1 annie pearson at hamilton while tofaag u cook of the schooner ettelle wu drown ed at manistee itti ch buthtoa dodd be ottawa organist who played for the provincial 6 8 convention died sunday monjing twenty four heart of steady rain in texas bu brokep tbe drought which threatened to tenoutly william connolly fell from a hay mow at newmarket and it believed to hate sustained fatal injuries it it denied that mr pottuger will succeed mr schreiber in the mtntgemeat of the intercolonial railway tbe government steamer stanley com mences a winter service between fictoa and georgetown p e 1 on dec i a credit of 100000000 marks bu been granted for the emperor to equip the ger man army with a new field gun a coroners verdict ot murder hu been returned against james mcgionit for tbe death of mortimer fotd atloatdtle this lesson 10ib09 head of cattle slfio sheep 79109 packages of butter and 1372- ci3 cheese were thlpped from montreal archduchess louise of auttriatuoaoy vat married in great state to prince fred erick augustus of saxony on saturday the canadian hattufactlkr announces that tbe dominion government hu re moved tbe duty on flax teed jtnd on degru major general herbert it ret pontible for tbe official courtesies lo be extended to ail canadiaaoscersvltitmgengland fn future the nova scoua central railway bat beensold by the sheriff to meters eisen lituer and wade of lunenburg n 8 for tj15000 pelee island produced this year 120000 worth of grape and 20000 bothelt of wheat besides 100000 gallont of wine made on the island at kinkora near stratford bridget kelly aged seven years wu accidentally hanged while aransiug herself twinging from a tbwel the special tramtourtntport 250 marines aud 25 officers of the imperial service from vancouver to halifax left montreal lut night far anooaver no successor is yet appointed to mr arnoldl under arrest in otttwt and hon frajik smith says a re arrangement of the staff will ttve the salary sister thereae i hetd of the loogue pointa insane ttylum below montreal died taddenlj on sunday she never recovered the shock of the late fire dtvid moantenty aged 70 it under arrest at belleville charged with the murder of a fivyearold boy named thomat courtney pf trenton harry h hatchjuton a ctntditn wm trrette4 at chicago latt week on a cbargs of smnggiing opiam in the bottom of hit truck 110 half pound packages of the drug were found i 1 mtjorwittemaathewetl knowngetmtn officer who led to expedition into he interior of ettt africa it lying tertoasly ill in cairo he fswfftiring from nfitrn malion of he longsi cicada itoks oolr 237000 squire muet to be u large ax tlie whole continent of earape it fa nearly thirty timet u largt at great britain and ireland and la 00 000 square mijet ltrger than the united statee s arthur 8tarthonston the ityear old ton of canou hout oa ot niatnri falls out hu been twirled the medilljot the roytl huraine bodeky ef etwland for pfuokily rettraiflg a ohlld and hi tnothtr from the niagara river npidf latitnmmer 1 i t th prfvlrif mbt bttath onthb two yourv wwxuk not mthafrtdeituki the prtlrie lltjt yoat tl rsportadfrom midi cine hat a iff oar old ton of l b oooh- rtuo and a 10 ytar old ion it e walsoa merohanl o hit ptaoa whoti rioobn re act outtida of town wars oaoilit in friday nighii bllttard while looklog for some cattle searching patties ft orgtnlnd he followng night wlian the cochrane boy wu found 10 rbllot frotaj home frotea o dttth beside he htyitepk hit horte eating hty over hit dead bodjr polios ate now scouring the oountcy torloihet boy 1 i 1 l mhtruftx urtmamd wmcxnnv nor ll mr truax st b for east brace wit anieatixi today tor wrongful practical by tgecd a witni timitted that ho hired a lively team wit which to eke rotors io the polls in he interest of mr truax addng however that ho was unaware at he i mo thit his act wat in violation of he lair if you want firtt clatt go tlph sub and doors at qaelph prloet t fill jour order tt bit pltaiog b l 1 i v emuai can mill l i meicjitot tailor cboico stock of overcoattngs cheviot wor sted arid tweed 8 iltlnga trouaerlnexs fco i of lettai t received from these druggists are full of usarucec of kind support and each dr ilgitt haf determined to do what he can to i acoaxtge the wives molhert and dtaghti rt of hit iowa to take u many prices i t possible all ao are not already supplied with comp itllioa books explaining he tcheme should apply for thorn at once to the wi us richardson co montreal j they wi 1 be teat poet free o any address i quell ih business college cuelph ont i we ai e no cettnng educational advan tages ti d tuition kates such tt have cot huhsrti boett offtred he canadian people the too o tnd thocoaghaess ot our conf mercial coarse ir strikingly shown by he fai t that several of our student daring lh past ytar have been offered sitaatio ir attbok keepers on condition hat h i took the commercial course at the que pu baatnesc college la o r shorthand and typewriting depart lent the two leading shorthand of the preteat day are taught our method it the outcome of teu yeart eipertetoe la fetching shorthand and leads the best practical results in the shortest possible time in oc r modern language department get a practical command of either or german while punning tbe yoacao french commei cial course and without extra chtrge ou1 boh languages are taught by the hai oral method which enables the student to read write and speak them this ft a rare opportunity which the embitio c and ecergetlo young man or woman nil cot fail to seite in pe imanthip our work it the admir atloo c all who tee it send for a tpecioe i those intending to take a coarse t its fall thoald eater xt xs early a dateu lostipte for terms est address u luccoblf ice principal yutlnb ont of harms way then t no oaaie for fence it tad set se of safely sod tatfifacdon comes over life which woman something like that somes to her when the utet est tkio hu no i high and he fear here the chain it ttrong banllj bt soap and mm how it dom iwty w th hatd work and tarni toil into i hia the it sate lo the knowledge that thiji soip cannot harm he tender or finettfabrlo for purity it unsj try owl ig e prttsur ot buslnest the faix sam t onahlt a soeepi u lnt httouol wardsnbaok to be prteeat at tbe annual c inner tt he olose 6f county gbnn- oil boiltlf on toesday afwfnoon stlban exunlbsaievrea lstfsto having opened up a merchant tailoring butineet in acton with a view ot staying here and making it a saooeat i would re spectfully solicit a liberal ffatre of he patronage ot the public i will endeavor togtveperfeituuttaotlon and aeep abreast of the times u regards tyle prices idto lutpectloa invited i new stock now lonkand at s1k jijwellepy rg6s ytops quelph milliner opeliimg t i ve 4to 5t itfijf wanted m br dty or plctttjviob to s too band wi te trmt lo tb tod olfl jatkbom to i jf grain mkfbda f 9 t- terms strtotlr outx ketpeottully yoart briggs nicklin subscrlbe i y fob canadas rest family paper the hamilton weekly spectator enlarged tnd im nrored caaulnxijl thtxtvrt sciarspecitlftttansj crisptail pointed comments thaltostfateruiaiat stones the choicest lileitrrllfttar 1 jftsrytiiii- tarsrerrbodr- i 893 i tluxerat ptpr from now tsu lit jnnurr kb fcipe net promlu for only il0o i9b fci p4c rudlce miltr vtwu nd oar agents wanted liberal eommlasloa to affent a food sant far this district is wanted at ooceooe vtbe will tat an taterat ia paabiug tbe paster tail will make a tborootii eaavast of tut district if or terms tnd particulars address spectator friktika co h1jc1tok- clxidi our fall millinery dpenig will take place oa steldjnjesdpy sept 30th when miss stoddart who- was i ii season will be pleasedlo sriow v actan and vicinity with qs last ie ladies of arlafgeand ririe assortment df hats and bonnets at reasohable prices j j i henderson mcrae co mir tdaittsa purebasad ut lilouaiawarsbobttt j jtl sjfwedtowtheliietstbati til tltflts of grain 7 iv obq cobbt ic onaug- htaia r ageu yen want to mats njoney tsar bold sflvt sl oar elwic nursery atoefc how i flit tixpt write as at ouoe for terniic t 1 ma4fabotbpbnbiatt epckwoofgeb fbess3 kkwood cider fsets will wedmssur wlb octobesv sttawhi wadty aodhidlar dwriog tbe belays 10 apple left on otbar days wo tbe bockwood naaroa wedi ertry tneada tbe season appl afters opsb for best t asawoltiia- tbebalatleset dart vffll be o clock u fsstred vt b bbaoo botjurooovost- house to betnt ssihl fl tt ihe fine brick beast tnd five teres bdwirtdf jf b will tesaat apply to mbs david whfimtfbot bavelaek ttoatjpb felteee eenovatob tl aidarsiimod will be in acton a abort tims jj boor so asney hcttj askswist- f eatnerbedt or polowa and want uxem rsaicv- aud and purlnsd jf they wflltaadlbesssotbe renovator or letort at tbptosav acton we will sand fox them ana tmthemtojr0s and gaarantes satisfaction csarfa modarsa j t bmclies fl itovember ism t l j t yaluabltf properly ifarif abd3s farm on lot lreon if in th to ship of fseliu sexes with log dw mxls timbsnd withbeech maple ben p also a slotaanorongti esvdwtriibiimiaf stat two eealars frsnxm stable with t i land on tttaerob twi and qoen vtuag of aeton j tanni half eatn or exebaiiee for otder i perty apply td xlado acton opt j lyulitjfl2i h f j 1 o a i 1 1 r has the best instruments accessories aik turns oat the best photqs the county u 1 r enjoys a provincial reputation for excellence i 4 v v v pv sfc come to wmmcleodtfcco big sale of dress goods at i i to par cant disoojant si to the ladies the hammoth begs to announce that tftey havo au immense firstclass stock of dress goods in all the latest fabrics and designs including serges estamenes diagonals camels hair cloth ohefiots black and colored henriettas black and colored silks black and colored mervsblack lusters beugalines pongees pongors etc and- that we have decided to give a discoant of 10 per cento ti all dress goods and dress bilks with th the exception of the cut lines ot dress goods at tic and 0c per yard this is a rare opportunity for ladies tp procute their dress goods from a magnificent stock at astonish ing pargain price tbjs saje begins uow and will continue- to the 8he of decainberf 189 j i i our general stock is complete chraphrehonsive and selling very cheap 1 furs of all kinds in great- voiv iety oar dress and fantlernaking millinery and ordered clothing departraentg were never in better form turning oat goodt to sort and gratify our jiatrons iu tit style aqd price w mclecid co anoaoitown doyoa want furs if ii are you awate we deal largely 1 1 that line i if your ideas run n the direction of a storm collar and muff a boa cape or jstjw we can stive you money wo hem v dont claim tq t e s than anybody else bufci i tia line t e have the pull arid can buy 1 j l fh i cheaper than most peqple it goods are not bong n right they i catrnotbesoldrightj irtthatiner tars we alwa sejejet skins se and hawthem m order so patrondrjanrely on- get 1 ting wbole skins pieced goodf are dear at any persian lamb examine our lp to our wea giviug great bagatns in mens ii j s ndj beaver oaps r hindoo buffalo robe no rqne looba so weujfor the money ar robe wears- ant the price places ft vrithin the each of all theso ool nights suggest blankets oar blanket stock was neve a m comp ve show a flae jijie in 5 6t k 8 ibtt ot57 ce its per lb other stores get 05 or nb better antcomtort- ables too we aave in jgreat var- iety from ihefl a pi ice kind to tbe jn eidef dow i faeautim col tve dont he ve tall prices for jthe odb we fould rather ael a lot ata small profit than a fafe at a lageproi t we would nit say one word i boat flannels i weequldntpro atoyonriiking hat our price re the lowelit 1 1 vfesitartatiiflc jimagine tho tnv ne68tof rey that pile ofllnglislvpu nnalettesat7 sent u going dowt hut change of business jthniyi note favoring me itb their t relj orctbe best of treataunt steshand salt meats taaaaees htastaa aji unas ot mui bab ai fort ta season sroeerfesr lour tad feed at 1ovm sartbate 1 i totown v ct i 4 tints and fowl dl an kindt boagbt by ttts ii eareabt j abtbtjm aetejti 1 notice to ceeprjofe tjqbsuant to tbe berisvadssaitrtescabtarje 17 ustbabalianptssotabatttiwastextias are elauq wpm fiwt xnhrfkfvtftyelaf oltbe riuace of acton in tbe cnoatj sjlm qenuemin deeaased who died on c t8tb dav- of april ad iba at oumusslmj aeton are berabv nottfiad to send partiealtiseit th4 same with date tsd items rf the ptts- lara of the seraritie if anvlbaw bxibstar letterpost paid and addressed to jo5i wi anhp tfoei actoap 0oatjwiltteei off or before tbe sotb day of novetnber mxl notice it neretnr jjtea th alter the latter date tbe tsm t proceed to distribute the batsfeet twttit- deeeued without regard to any clalka tplsttti bisx of which tbey have not teratgvrf aobs3 j amowati r soudiojfcvbxsetrsars j i owk sotmdostabiq mmr bxbt piocp in oawana to a4ra tbobooos blitluttt tbatsttttl j take a roend trtfl ft in canada then tisit lbs college examloe en fall to produce th jrseivid extensive enrnctstdy ooqetjeitemiaes a the bes tt and must tultable uriiltuie aad iey ffl aire yon t tohcossa tbeb gfnui country centleman i rvaw to f j hi ana croranotjvoess hartic idtttr 44 xml tftrowag lcjc aild lattlt whue it also insjnjrsssubahidr deptarrmintsof boial interest snob sal at poultry jcart bnto- mdlogy beeseeptbc ortjerinnrit sal grapsty veterinary ivrjltrgsatoiho m ajitwert fheside aeadlmj b i j scsunarir of ihas uxbxxt itxcoat utf i unasoa and mgeh aiteattoti t mid to tbea tit crops as throwing wit epohi moat important or all autitlcint when t and wbetv to sell it l uberslitjni anl by bcrtt eslsbobjiest more reading matter than ever befbr ssmeriptjon jirioe is emq oeryear but asecul jrbsmmom in our 1 1 clctiutainmtb two sabteriptloatl is one nmiitaneb hlabcrlptfom de de tuvalvo sabaerintion dj 4- y tarto sllewuwttbartff or mstjiajiintn adrance now we will send the paper wl tafetssajpw pacunon ropjesfrt address lctheb tcckeb i sok pnbliahs w i x ib jrmyn i j2 4- harpers bazai- imuitratia i i v t uikpljibiiiiilsalobrnalirortheiujmei it vm the latmjlnxtenitica with regard to tb fatblor anahbavmejmvmltationsparia dejgandrttettattopleamtsiiult- pmawmietbomednsritat aodtb whfiioferfila thoughtful eoayt itatlaxf afl tastes and ut latt pagotsiamoayaa bodjrtol wit and humor lntu ewylwmetiyttuiisulndndedw is ofinleatsfweiiiek the serials fee its win be imttettbr waltr sensut and wouan black hit ottpsmtw0ibeoise a eoutributor usmoitbarlatiavttomrtalas dry itrwad davoawaretotaadedtwwarroat axtdbaun t cultivated anldanee birpetfs periodiotia i i paa taaa 1 etimiis ufi tfi hitoaaa yl rtiireat wkksj1 hatirss t ukmjtjts pervear oittopbmkjsi lt- woo t i too too pottage prje to all tabsrartbem in tb united states canada ted weadoo 1 tbe velumtt of tbe satan begin with j first number for january of eaeh yew wb s it mmuooed tubttpdoai will r with the number ourrtat at thvtlme of r teuorelpvolomt j t suitress i h buy tlsxnojsfflfssv fi-s-jh- brtathii rjwwl bim ftwi nlsbt bfi reetipli jnrif ttesstfijfitur l i v t i u

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