Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 26, 1891, p. 3

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m fbv am llf ss iq rtrc ibs f ic r tt tr j rtii at ticss may v mi sere it j pen 3 rs m n fa i ai teb ki fhemethoblstcjhurch aotoh rev joseph edfce pastor prmoitrliciraoie ptr ftn enmity edbytho allconiiallylnviled bank of hamilton hsadoffioe sltltom carirai pun rr tlrsbllt tiisn isco h r btlttks at cltmlt pmnctoiw s kaviat ovilvrr tors jorrk 6rstltt ivtcmcol a it vifpts jots isoero tlitst ueoitcama t woo a b ltt sot ditcocnkdtne advance n ids en all 3ltmrmurtu drifts on til r rtc of cix ipith citard kratts aim it urine and hit camiikhvt or kvror bowti tnt tali colxfcyto tua e on til acottaihl potato oa most favorable terms swings rsraittuexb 1 k rot ri received of el and utiwaiuttnd in- irrrct allotted frutu date of dapatit co dau of special deposits alroreccirffd at carved rates of laterttt ko entire of withdrawal required el ifwatmn ajot xmasj presents and where to buy geo hynds for watches geo hynds for jewellery geo hynds for silverware geo hynds for fans geo hynds for albutnls geo hynds tor bibles geo hynds for book geo hynds for toys geo hynds for dolls geo hynds fortupsts saucers evrretlitbc ju want for aa snu f it will bo found it sacta clans headquarters 0bo hynds acn ont the h ewsat home xftl a ecu act p- 1m1 fall ploughing i pretty we lje jctott jf tee stttss thursday november jstlsmi little local brie lets which caught the eyes or ears of free press r 3 sorters this veek bad roads now prevail holiday stocks ire no- beii g opened ii over fori board of education raeeticg evening at eight oclock specul services are in projraa in the church at creirme comtr the boy hida fe dys ttluiog this ireek it wm not vert aafe thoich lome school hta engaccd a 3ew tetch- er for 12 uiaa jesiie jlc jonild of oranceville htrt broa ilfg co 3rmplod closeditr workson sttrrdy tiebabidesa iain liqaidatiod mra slartinllnrphy bube n eogajd to ting at concert to be riven in geor- torn on dec 13th the three days rain cinsed he ice and mow to vtniah bat they app xei tgtin yetterdty tnorniog the annual cbrictmtt ent irttinraent of the methodist sohcol kill til e place on curistmu evening taoenij qoelph city coancil bat bieo presen ted with an aroboltnce built i a t resolt lliit amrie keating effort mre wm smith who ls slightly injored by tailing ont of t dc crt last tek it able to be a boot aaio the byltw to rtise 2s00cj korksjoo ptrry sbapd wts carried friday by a mtjority of nlueteej ilr jtmea brown hu itted op a boflding in hit wood yard at d pot in a boiler and engine and circular i aw eev mr robertson lol poalinch preached a toand and praci ical fioapel tejaoo ia knox church on so iday morn ia a lixeatze crayon portrait handsomely framed gireo to the perton leanog larseat order for photon between todi y aid 25th dec h rikihi on saturday tbelittletwo yesxoldton of llr win ball yoooatti iet slipped while crosrine the newly vrnbed floor and fractured hit thich knox church sunday school library baa jnst been replenished with dred rolnmes of new books re ftpened neit sunday llr tbomaa gibbons an the acton tanning co had j severely crashed by rettint ctjight in btrk carrier last gatorday mr george buskin esjangelist motuy lry liorft ihtofaatlne ivcia kfi toa pcfon ust wm k at clood hall toronto the bill of uttlcultc lis tbo potitot aaidic he eleclion atjj fnlhttiitao aas lp tof reel waefilej i od tho same day tlio counter mtitioa aiaiutt the debated candidate w a ucculla was alto filed in tho corner- relive petition there are tome 87 charraa of cotruptidtt aaluat frienda of bether clone its the couuter letillon tholllbcrali makosl jhargca tho trial baa for dec jrov a chumltsoxrfntr v j the aneounccracnt by the publluiera of tho itemiiioh ittiutmtnl that they would this year issue a chriitmaa number raoro bekotiral ktict vtltribto than oven ttirit own last yera issue baa been followed by ai rush of orders from every xiruoii of uie domin- ion thin numlxr tritl fc a purslyttuv- ditn work in the fullest senio and aa a msvcnir to acini to absent frieuda vvtli not beofparted tchile ita hwari merit and artistic beauty combined with the njagoi- floent special tupplcrientt will render it a charming visitor iu every homo from the atlantio o the pacific rftc attafimllrcsm meeting j the canadian vreaa association execu tive niet in toroiito a week ago a groat deal of butinefa tvas gone through with iududiuc llio tevuiou of the constitution and the inception of arrmijoitata for the annual njecliug in iabruary it waa deoi iei it thduld be held at ottawa providing parltimeit utetntrtea in febrwry from the programme already sketched out the neit aunusj raectijg of the- msocition should be the best in ita history every y aubjeeta ditcusaod for water oo several hun- md will be employee of left band the of agoraa spent a day fast week in acton k number of he received financial aid from persons upon whom he called rev j w rte will addreti wellington county 6 s convention at toeaday rev dr giffordofj also take part in the programme anniversary service will qoelph next fergus will be held in tfie methodist church geor3town next sunday itev dr bagley of victoria university will occupy the pt ipit 6t albaoa sunday schoc i is engaged in mating preptrxtiona for the r christmaa entertainment a caouta sill form a considerable part of tbe progri mme mr a e kicklina ut le daughter daiey bad the misfortune to fatl one day last week and again fracture her arm whieth was broken early in the aurnmer dn i little hat disiosed of the vacant lot on the north wettlcomer of her property to mr jamea brown mr brown will remove hia weigh scale t lereaiid erect building orer them a good many people attended st joaepha church last snndaj to hear rev father devlinv sermons o i temporal punishment in the morning ind generd judtemeut the evening tlie coming farcy fair joaepha church ia receiving attention from members ol gallon hand bills hare bee announcing the perticojars gramme the dale december the wb jaekon farm can s nataagaweyfc 100 a by anctiou on friday to h hn ktogregor teaxher for 13300 in adtition to the farnr aactioaeer hemstre it apoceaafal ia ditpodng of arge quantity of stock and taplemaots aid of st general the coogre- o districted of the pro- 0tb to iith treilpt2c ret waa sold agent wasiu cf for the elmirai tefegratt in acton greteat family paper on d rtb tareoty s foor ps lively boy can i- ajdrtaw ilairi telegram 1 irhtra hy grindiag atone wtalmhw aeythe aoavsary ato nfpec and other artiatef for tak hu b a skooko a iss knak money metberuf the kitcutnovas present an unusual fact indicative of a growing inter est in the work of the organization vck- engine uiul holler owing ia the constantly increasing baki- neasof the canada glove works measra w h storey a sod have been obligc4 to incteaee the capacity of their buckskin tannery j a new sshp encjoe and boiler have been placed in position the past week and othcrimprovements jvju follow tbii enterprising firm haie it contemplation theintrpdnctioa of electric light for their glove and tannery premises the storage system is favored and will probably be adopted is iy iu operation the aiectrioty woald be 6tortjiduribg the day and ino attention be necetsary at night sadden death of a jvounn woman list friday morning miss emma maulcs daupbtfr of mr cliriitoplier masaloilied very suddenly at uie home of her sister mrs w j lee at campbell- ville miss masales went oyern few days before to visit her friends at campbellulle and on thursday afternoon was taken ill witb vomiting a blood vessel was rup- tunii aik in a few hours the poor girls life had ebbed nuny she was in her tiveiityfocrtb year and will be much missed by the family it is only ten weeks since mr mttsalas was called to lay tlw remains cf his partner in life in the grave and this second bereavement o froon renders his affliction heavy indeed the dominion voters lint saturday was quite a field day with the local politicians the occasion being the judges court of revision a lare num ber of appeals for the addition or removal of names to the liets were put in by the committees of both parties respecting a considerable number of these it was mutu ally agiecd by the committees to insert or remove as the case might be and the re maining names were disposed of by acting- judge tiktrd it is conceded that in the court of revision thecooservatives made netgaiu bt as the liberals made consider able advances in the preliminary lists the list as finally reviled wju sot he very much changed from the lbt one as far is the ratio of names to each party la con cerned switufxrocsffoafor sflcn -tdv-fc- while in elora recently a fril prtsa representative pot up at one of the hotels andricioed neatly fcaioej and banging in a censpiciqas place in the sitting room a card bearing the following exhortation hvlih not at am to late gods holy nsfflfi fn vafu on mortal tis a dire disgrace by ttliich jou break bisboly law aua nice defiance ill his face 1 tbocks the sou 10 hear the blest supreme iadely ajpealtd to on each trifling thcine mailitaio your ianfc vulgarity despite to swear is neither brave polite nor vise you would not saear u0i tb bed of death hcflect your ilaker no could stoi your breath kwcar not atalt ii was a curious place indeed to find such a kentiment o publicly proclaimed the advice is soond aod we reproduce it perhaps some thoughtless swearer may be induced te abstain aa a lesult of the elora hotelkeepert words jat session of present county council county council met at the court house milton on tuesdty last at 10 m the chief matter of business was that of an additional grant to the georgetown high school by a legislative enactment passed last may the cost of maintainence of county pumls esceedibg that obtained from government grant added to the fees must be met by a grantfrom the county council the amount titto waa accordingly passed another matter in connection with the high school was the fixing of fees for county pupils which ia done by the county council these were opon recoav mendation of the education committee placed at 300 and sb 00 for junior and senior cleeiis respectively the fees for spring term b300 and 8500 that of ftu term 200 arid 300 these rates remain fixed for thre years the council remain ed in sefsion until almost 2pm dispensing with the usral noon adjournment this wm done to tipediate business and also to enable the tw mbery ttrniorebeartily enjoy the dioner g ven vf the worthy warden dr bock hejpread which awaited tho gnests atthe wallace house was most excel lent and did credit to the host and hosteea upward of fifty pat down to dinner the ad ditional number being made np ofprominant clerioal professional and other friends after dinner the warden who presided propofed the usual loyal toasts bringing responaes from senator mckiudsey ptvberuoa dr freemsri and ciftf fax tften followed the religions abi jedacatfonal interests hi c tnada proposed by the yioe- cbairmari dr lowry this toatt aliomd i appropriate lddresee in reply from the rev mr mckenrie rev mr haddtjw and ifr detconj ps iospector the legal and medical protections the manoiaciur- ing and agricultural iuduatriea the war den the preel and the ladiea all rsomved due attentioj and were reaponded to by tpeeeii or song the tinging of the queen led by mr htddow bcocght to t ciote a moat pleaan tneetng iih annivbrsary brvpjt in tht mmhodlat chureli of a matt irvtarflttlnn chftratotarr revdfj 8utheftuano edlfipa t it aa utnrly halt a cehtory since ho organl aon of the mefliodlit aocicty in acton njd among all the anniversary i cr vices hciaduringthoyiaratnatliiveclan led nono were rrioro tucocaafal than ihoaa of lat sdntlay and monday j on ganday ho rain ncjutccl down unceattiigly during he day bjtiiotwitlistandlngtlilii deterrent i fluenccj ho congregationa wcte largo l til mornldgshd evening and tho grund iir mohe ithe comforublo autroundlngs nod the stdaftctory aggregate of tho offerii g of the day put all intereitod into cxcell nt iiriu tho ovauing eongtcgalion v4 largelylawelled by tho presonijof ho here of other chuclictparticdlarly by thiw of knox churchvyh6o evening mryicevfaa kindly withdrawn 1 aapriovjoualyamiouncedinthcsecolunut rev dt sutherland general secmulry of xflstiona toronto waa tho preacher nd liia able and eloquent scrmoua were in cr esting to tho highest degree and apprecuv cd by all i dr sutherland is one of tho mast advanced thinkers and philotophical roas in ert of the day and hia pulpit utterances iro characterited by powerful argument so lucidly expressed aa to he thoroughly aai it- stood and generally convincing itisscld im that a preacher so completely clectriflce lia audiences ut the dr succeeded iu doing this occasion and there sccma tobo no ccptiou to tho ciprcsaiona of satisfaction profit and comfort experienoed by tie hearers nor of approval of bis troatmenljof the ltatowel town coancil follpwine the example af berlin ha passed a bylaw to have trie town bell rang at 9 pm and all boyt uoder 15 years of age found on h streets anacoooipaoied by their parents after that boar will be taken in charge by the constable the subject of the moroirtjg discoul so was based upon that portion of bt pau firet epistle to tho corinthians found in t le third chapter and tenth to fifteenth vcre a tho topio was jesus christ tho si re foandation and tho various plana f it building nd tho material utilized wcro c- ilmined and commented upon and tho vti 10 and unwiso huildcrs of christian life ai d character were pointed out in distinct al d striking contrast the cjuestion of rowar is the world to come was dwelt upon t o speaker claiming that the righteous will regarded according to thctr success n building upon the sure foundation the first five verses of tho lfltb chapt of matthew was selected as the text for tl e evening sermon tho principal though s presented clustered around the sffinnatie a that death noes not change much le destroy our personal identity fdlotcpd c p with tho conclusion that the children i f god will know etch other in their- glorifi d relationship androoogniro their previously departed loved jones in heaven this beir j a subject rarity treated in an ordinar y pulpit much interest was manifested an 1 gratitude apparent for the remarkably cleo r and terso exposition given npon a ijuestio i surrounded by knistyopistons and unsettle i coavictioas in the minds of the mtjority fchristians the revelation of christ s yivine glory tie divine appropriateness i i the arrangement of the transfiguration an i the light it givs us as a result of comrnm ion with cod in prayer was referred to a s also the value and power of prayer and tt j fact that true prayer ia never unantwerec instead ca tho usual anniversary dinne r the cbngregiticin hod been asked to oot tribute t collection of t75 during tho ds r to assist the ladies aid society in meetin the interest on the cnarchi debt for th 3 year when the collection tras counted o i sunday evening tho pastor j expressed th j satisfaction he subsejaently saw deplete 1 npon the faces of the congregation when h announced hat as t response to ms roquet t the sum offjls had been coatribatei the days services then concluded with th very hearty singing of the doxology and th benediction jjy rev dr sutherland the r not subsided on monday eveninmbihpro was novertheless a ver large attendance at tho basket social pre vided by the ladies it was given withou admission fee ar collection theinvitatioi i was broa4jsssahf course the people com in large numbets to manifest their appreci stion tho object of the social was to pre serve tho social side of the anniversary after the cotteo sandwiches and cake been thoroughly discussed the people tri invited upstairs to the auditorium where hearty welcome was extended by the pastoi rev g b cooke of st albana chute in a few felicitous terms oocgratak ihc pastor upon hia hearty reception to hi now charge and expressed tho hope that t present bright prospects would bo full realized and his pastorate bo thorough successful and satisfactory to the con gation rev dr griffin of gait exfreaiderit it guelph conference was introduced as tie bpeaker of the evening the dr hasa jwidje reputation for affability and surrounded h poiuted utterances with apt and oftlmt amusing illustrations hia half century f experience in the itinerancy has given hi a ample opportunity for storingan abundant e of strikiogand interesting matter whicp flows forthwith the utmost freedom in h platform talks to the delight of his hetreri in hia address on monday evening the d touched a variety of tubjecte the priviief e of giving to tbe utile of god and tt o response today as compared with that t tbe bible dispensation was dwelt upon vv thouldgiveprayerfully deliberately and a tematictlly and then alt would realize it f bet means of grace to give if the lesde s of christian enterprises would go for mone i in tbe right aod direct way there would 1 3 no necessity of inviting people to come o church dinners and pay 25 cents fort o privilege of eating what had cost then several dollars tj prepare he admired tl e specess of the present anniversary servio s in tbis respect and congratulated the peop e npon their direct offerings on this oxasfo i the dr urged ha necessity of men at d women working together in all their effor t toadvance the cause of the lord instead if multiplying separate and distinct organir tioub the address was interests g throughout and tbe many remimsoano is given kept the large anidenooin conttnuq s good humor to the choir of the church spec i mention is iueifor their excellent servic both on sunctay and monday the r anthems audi choruses were high y creditable much of the success of the snniversaty is due to the nsteemed pastor rerjci edge for his considerate tnpervision of tl e arrangements and his very soceptab s method of patting tho request for tie tpecisl collection the fbee peiss is if opinion that this congregation hu pret y definitely ponclnded tnat hsnitfter whi n finances are required for any special pa tho doctort arts rt toronto first three months fee of charge the stiff of eminent ohrtfeiant sad surgeons htvearriredfntbcdototndtre permanent ly located at their residence ko 272 jarvis street near geirard all invalids who visit thtse etninaut doctors before jaauary lit will receive tetvieec for three months tree of charge tho object in pursuing this coarse is to become rapidly sad per sonally acquainted with the sick add afflicted the doctors treat every variety of disease and deformity but will not accept incurable cases if your malady is beyond all hope they will frankly tell yon so alto caution yon against spending money for useless treatment remember thai date aod go early as their p l offices will ho crowded hours from 3 a pose they will be contributed without toe elaborate dinner le circumvention of an tea parties thinking about wiulerjbthinaj j thould call tad inspect tbeuefc of b borne people give as n excuse foe nit advertising that bey have been long e tablixhed in their trade and are known 0 all from whom they are likely to obtc rt patronage in this coantry of rap i chatjges kach a claim is simply absur l tha newcomers should be invited to tru e witu the old firms else the yoprigrlva ill get i will get ibera and the old ootlomerf also trtex curt colds ate com1n o vltltort to nd from aoton and varloutothorptrtonalnotaa ifr and un ii umsliaw spent a ftw daytthilweekrnbllq mr janf sftpooi if arrived in aoton frotndibxr go on monday miss htltia barnihaw of rockffood visited fruods ban over banday mraodktri r ie nelson of quslph mad aoton tldt ihort visit this week mr crakthiw o llrnaboqm hta moved into tho itooe boats oa mill sod gaelph ittwtt lit bfuiuel jonnttoohaibeen vmjffit thepttt woek kls thought to be im proving ji 1mrav ttylorj plowm soaad md his sister sfn rav joseph edge t hott rlsit this week j j mr edward nolan of milwaukee waa tho guest of mr k 8 holmes t couple of day last week- mra jj varay bf toronto is vltlting fritnlt in town rev mtlculm qdrdon and family of iteyadlds ky wero visitors at tlio old home list faek mrs w h storey who has been ill for a couple of weeks it progressing favorably toru4 recovery hit a makabbt lilt saturday fpr dan- trobo to attend thefaneral of bee nephew itci donald bell mti and urt s s colomto of freelton spent nveraldaya the past week with friendsia this section iut mr ooaalot of georgetown who baa btin imrringj from ta attack of typbofd favsx js tboowriog mrii lgray hamilton who bat been spsndintjiaeiople of weeks wiit frieods tad rs9tittw in aoioa returned ham t jitutdtf mataiaf- mrs todd asbiw of a m todd of lbs olintoa nriot fecdrtf tfisd at woodttock on tbariday aftemixin deceatd was stricken with paralydt about t tceek pre viously end heart tailors let in among those who attended the funeral of mitt iftttleton sauday weco messrs r hatnlltan and cj walker firm mrs f coon andmrt t matthews gaelph mr and mrs mclaughliit campbell ville and miss haynec toronto ii i i i thejfriepcfsiiiapton ofmro gbttck- well will beipleesed to bear again of bis preferment george ft now cashier of the missoari pacific uailwiy tt carthage ho witb a staff of faar clerka under him he ia climbing up the ladder with agility the frienda among the readers of the fari pcrst will be pleated to learu that ural philipheraitreet who celebrated her sevetltyointh birthday on 8atsruxy is en- joying excellent health mrs hemttreet wat a resident of acton f or wi daring its early history bat is nor rettding witb her daughter tt keurnors miob the uaoitobt free fro says at last meeting of winnipeg lodge knights of pythias put chtnoeflot bennstto prtsint- ed pftt cbtnoelor j h hacking with a handsome gold i beaded cane tniteoiy engraved mr hackog tiaoe tbsfoand- iug of the ledge nintrystrs ago bat been one cifttt moat eothosiastio members snd bas filled various offices j and the present- ktlonwss the eiprostion of good will by the lodge in view of mr hackings approach ing removal i to detroit mr hacking made a fitting response to tho presentation a traqedvof lono aqo a human sfcalatori bounds to a tree with a chain nttjaoao out kqv 23 mr john fieldsiwbilejottc haaiirlg in the woods along the north shore friday met with a start- hag incident having band t brood of partridge in ope of the largest snd tallest pines he was about to firs among them when be beard the clanking of ohsias hit cariosity being ttpased be proceeded to investigate looking csrefally around ho found claw marks hi the sand that was scooped out beneath tbe tree and oo climb- it t most unusual sight was seen there boaad to the tree trees the bones of what proved to be t human ksleton the ck tin was nearly eaten through with rust this nnfortanate reiio was a subject of much conjecture to tll the question is whether he had in some moment of delirium or remorse committed suicide in this extraor dinary manner or had been the victim of some maraading ptrtyot indians isttrlhiwihlllillmliii an iaiiistaci mufioftltaistiivt dkuuno nov 88 tho drnrabo deer huntsn tr 10 retarned oh jtdday ftdm lege hat while tiny were thets t mrlons- 1 hootjort affravottjls isot fat from berathsy ytp located as sidothtjr pti ty andit apptttrt ithtl onjof ht dogt bs oaglugto tbe fiaito tan t der into a ftrjoiira ibamyafditor iois reason not explaintd the farttitf shoittis lo tho bontti coining o tjodfitltig hie detd sound jhsri tiibi loo of the fttnurt oowr to et oven tbe farmer iliraged at jills ihjt the hunter hroogb the arm wllca he shot biok killing ht fitmr 5qo e rrefe p f all iv 8ranti prasanta b26o0o t to iattoouflsdpair owtlttl livsr pills qalokly f wilt give lo iijoo persons ho will diipose of three slri- nltis or twelve baiei of oar pllli i 25a pot box amongst he r friends an elegant assort ment of thi finest watohas sjivorwtrs slo etc yoa pay no money io adrtwe we send tho goods free wheajiold yoa send a ha money tad we will jssod yoa lbs pare what jlllt yoi cant lell mf take back wo ran ail the risk 1 send a yoar address taovoofbc trial psflkago of pills llluitrjitod avlaloguo ol prires in- llrocdons itc vfi pay pottage oa all goods addreas at i dean tt co box 23cohtlttpnt vitus a rub for our oermsji mantles suiowt no ttternoi high fanltlass it vies ad extremely moderate prices art tbe iirae actors that keep irllng we show the greatest variety of this seasons newest godds give ijtervioe tod self at prices which are a source of astonishment to oar oompeiltori tbsrtssoo it w bought right i wttto ariwhatacoiiih wiliyoa heed tha warning th sigial perhaptof tfiojacire approtcbof that mors tetrlbls ditesso consumption ask your selves if yoa can afford for the lake of saving 50o t run tlio risk and do nothing for it we know from sxpecieooe hat shilohs ca o will euro yoar coagh it never fails ba w do not think there htstrer been brought into gaelph laobtyarhtydf tatdies r and dbildrena wraps as wet present for yoar lospectioo tail week virtually controlling the market in tbegttrmsnssaodldjoyinga groiuaridapprtc1atiiemtotlertde ws hater this season surpassed prsvioos efforik not only in oar stsertlon- of tii tlmost fsalllstwmtntls stock bal ajao in ths volume ami rapiditjofoursaies in thudepartment m old aak the ladies of saalpb and vicinity not to do ihemtejves the- injptlios of a jsokst or wrap bsfcrs taking a look throagh oar stock of ibase garments v roa will find oar mantis ctotbs near itylitb haodsome and prices right ws keep a itrgwusortmenf of tbesejoodt onhsnd atkto have tbeni ihownto yoa jwf booght ooiitook of furs esriyiu the seaton a time wheowe wen certain of tbe odoioess goodt injhe msrketv lanyooe postponing their purchsses of fun preswt rttaas u ete7 one famuiirwilh thete goods will admit have a stock ig mainly of cubt and artfcles of inferior rjnality toa will bedehgbted the next sunday evening rev jot edge will commence t aeries of sermons oo tha ten commandments rev mr edges previous series on the lords prayer wis fall of interest and much appreciated by those who heard them the coogrej gation will look foe able anu kill thoagflt but sermons on the subject to be presented the following pottoffices were estab lished in canada si the beginning of the month at tiniob fronienso christys lace sooth lanark brtrg sutiou eaj sitpcoa hossio dan dss makes the weak tlio marked down or weakened itate of health deriro laj ccmcuistvely proves m to 5 and from 7 to 8 p m banday from llol pm tha sottas ncw vacant there are now thirteen teats vacant in the hoase of commons ono througn tho death of be lata premier another by tho acceptance of a portfolio and the remainder by tbe action of the election courts tha following were the majorities given tt the last general election in these constituencies contliiaeitcia kingston uncoil jr ttaltoa- il perth south l sim coe east ivavsl ml oatmarancy fcfrl tarte qatbec west j richouea i cjaeeas jf 8 vretorsirti 1 i kinsrssfs- j drucebtjt coanty falkiit lieneut mow- fort lote tfce i oklyl v grbsihysinf st 0i which people in run from hoods sirsapaffj i lie claim tlijit i his niciricuie makes the weak stroiie lfloes notact like it stlmolxut iniriartliifrjklli lau sreng1h from which there most fallow a reaction of greater weakness than before i ut in tie most natural way hoods sirup irtlia overcomes that tired feeling creates cit aiij etlte- iwrifles tlie bleod and iu snort gives great uodlly nerve niental and digestive ircugth i derived v ery timcli benefit from hoods rarsaparllbwilchitoikforffeiieraidebtuty it uullt pie rlgkt up agd gave me an excet- lentappeffie ebjataysmtrurajeifi f fugged out last spring i wit completely gged oat uy ttrengtli if t mo anil i felt sick and nd- crahle all the time sotluti coqld lardly attend to my usluess ji took pue bottle of hoods sarsaf irilla anil it cured me there isnothluguki it ki beoole editor euterfiruc b leylllc micii worn out- l restored mie to good heajth todeei i rolgiit sar trotiifttur it tared my life to one feclinr tired and worn j eat i would earnestly reeotnmend rt irisfof hoods sarsarjrilla mb5fifbehositex so brooks btreet east boston htss k b if youj decide 0 take roods ssrta- ptrflla do not up induced to bur tottiilng else lttstetd insist upon harlnj rjblphv fr -til- s blitd i prices tft oollffi ths j v kannawin 1 qffluaa mill streit hboafs sarsaparjlla setdbytsenajau jiittilotastreparsdoalr by c l hood ijotapotaacaoea torsfl ifass 106 0oo one dollar nosiles or season dickwardi in other words its been a bickwtrd and hot t forward season thurfur fur fprs whatever tho weather haa b en good but wo good fur furs his flibt touched the floor 9ye com rt s3 1 i lot 177 a37 i5t 107 a xb 101 52 161 ik quit 2ayearrdld cadrga wallaca strangled himself nevertheless cuirirrlioau pntj nov 23 george wallace k years of age lately oat from- scotlsnd has sfnoe july 12 been- living with i farmer bemanjiu moir threa miles from here yestetdryraorning ha appeared to be in good cheer ac 930 be went a the attbln ind did op his won he then took t baiter rope and placing it bver t small beam in tbe stable with a slip knot around hit neck bold 60s end with bis hand and jamped off a ivor about a foot from the ground when the body wat foil iljhs f4t were toaeb ing tfe grosad while there was only si space of iixlincbm from his head tojthe betm iitieiilth is pa at lt8wailbsirttpetha for- n toil three hjontht bpseltl cas gifen to fiuiog ofileamtfthewibiooaotiii fur it hasnt beer furbetr criticism and bear the weather riot even the barest fur it furnished as lie opportunity of securing i lot of beaver seal possum tod sable persian lamb bear fars at rery bate prices if youll take a f urtive lance at our window yoau barely get an idea of the immense stock which wo farvently deireyoato tees with in so far so good bat the idea is simply this we have jjait cleared- 1 largo manufacturer a stock uf furs at about one r i r half their ordinary value wd purposely delayed our ur ordi r early expecting jast such an opportaui y and oar expeo tations bsvo been fc lly reslited we venture to sty that yotiva nacer teen inch t targe lot of hotce fiiva in the city and we certainly have never seen them it so low t price we commence a great ftjs sale in saturday kriv ilband with low prices snd weather the lot large is it t wohthut very long ttia litii natrit baltic seal ahytluag like cool woiiaiaot ladies possam attraoban persian iamt baover and sable tftbrm collars ladles sabwr beaver and astra- chin caper ladies j bear boaa ladiea seal i sable i beater ibvi possara aslrachau rnntris baltic seal tad coney muds ltdiei set astraehtn i persian lamb beaver sable- and nutria caps gents persian lamb astrtcban baal betver and kutrit papa and childrens furs of all kinds if thefurdoavfiy it isnt bectasb we are not catting prices or because there isnt stock euoagh ctsh wmtedfind cup jtnlf erb01mc0 s5 a7tjbvirwyn4ii consumption fw wath itaasy tw cw i a taamtaaa kttt vtfit 2ais ha tstjskf k at sash mmjtlja ft tyo aomjs nun we wish to call the ilfentlon o sporumen to what we tyla oar all round doable barrelled breach loading osit or it gauge top lever laminated steel barrels ehof 6 bored extpqsion rib ease hardened breech and mbbnlinga low it ielrealar rebounding hammers well selected pistot grip wjunotstookaadptb sutp foreadcbeottoredrobbrharauartoideloi jra tih inntlrfffli i shooter with 100 loaded shells partmenif ilrl mwi i vtliv 84 0wwt3lmrioif orurvit kelly bros i i- suitings pantlngs arid overcoatings m will guarantee perfect fit best of workmanahiplii iiir orsha ttjmanfj i at lower prices than any other firm in tb coonry- daril week oases of aoton larllt tela uuv ycuarou vsaiag too i uttrwstroi taoastajwitri 1 marts bojsartd childrens suds overcoats odd pants l aridvestsvc fu wben we eite oar stock ut gents furnishings vnfasrebk ltrijl b i betiervbtabownintosrn f j i j m dont or get to call anises our new at sbnut the underwear ties saapenl m its arid wir caps- ti ovbstsox buirtt ootct cosp sto iai ems wstavt oogbt an entirely ntjwj4i fresh stmkbfrooefe amd wotdtfisr 1 tbtrianypiaopiu town avs7oiomprioet iv awwii t j ewenl to say a to out id theirj tew words to the ctthpurclissert rid ft ittmu ny per j siorewith each ia their band ban hays more goods and better- salna rj tv jtt cligacleiir 1 l th begs to draw the attention ofthe ladies of acton to a few of ear letdingrde- i i l r it i i mantf8a jar weakndwa repasstion for tlway i hiving the largest arid beat otsorved stock id this dnpartrhent a well as the best value h is more than been sustained thit season fr a f- 7 7 tn srtistlc h illinery atataiysra feed both at to vslaa style snd woraintnabip oar uuptwtttfonaittera larger jjbaa ever ibis season espeoitllr in such lines of trimmings at otonot be got hi this coantry j j n v dre86mkkingi r fbit isjs department we like to spetk of- we hare eonfi onr drtssmiker ye feel that wevhave tnsde a decideti j s of miss crostland and we are attnredjihat yoa will only if iv abultjr lerrioes with yoar work su bo iuspiredwith the same opnfideoce we have 3or thelves tra li of tha ef eti art very stfiki tweed e facts aid stanley oj tbe rean t tssarb to be i dress q with the very latest bercesltrgely bredo l wa respecutilly solieittn irsjioljbnofiat to all oonoeraed ir- a i in it and in the lliiu ttondnatha ive to tjtftr iir- j v f liyvjq s i r i jilct test novelties 5n dress fjabrics soma s t -v- iredoriiiatte weihaw a large range of i srfzji ijii ocjtutijy yj

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