w j mt v 7 r i wtok ohdrcl fmto fcmtetartcek mm iuulbi mhoslijo bimclacoada irwtoc alloordujlf ta 6trta4rt sue visitors tlrj- ntam unlit ihtit uk dor sunday td at bank of hamiltoni tutucbutts cltuu timaa mgojoo h 8 steven mtbtctorsjcsri btcwist president a r tuxtt tuoroic a t vino a bvlxr i akoroetowm adekoit note altasaowd ttid tdrtae tatd aa ill lutltu karlu ditt 00 tit harts of cix- tpa w varrot stunt guttr btrrux and it cwcttxtvr or ssrmmt bawtic u bid cotxacrnw bk 0011 ainimlhl noises oa aatt ntraribl terms savings pspartitust dkkmncitiottltatfnr4tiai in- most allowed from dale of deposit to dtt o wltueawtl attorvcdrrdatctimtitramcc interest so cuwat60saut i xmas prices dolls from re to loocents toys from ic childs cup saucer plate 5c toybooks j price vblcs 15c albums from 25c to s500 vasis 5c purses 5c sleighs 25c see our xmas vtcheslocks jjewellry sftverware at xnus prices oorporclir price rtee fojt within ui rrntb et chcnc icom mn art limited and oar tni stsortmact cutset ill to rlcate the most nitiaftl barer i c2 la and sacta clans bsadijuartcrs geo jffykds acton ont faj cfojt ra fjress xarbpirxoesrberic tgnt wslm llq b whlcrj cuht ttje eyes or ears of free prej reporters this week december cbristmu in three weeks i the last instalment of taxes isdaeon saturday ttta new woodshed at tha town hell still reinsfnt wineinted tit tramp hive began to laxaritt in the oeiltfhe cold nights the rojtl tsmflof of tempertncs will meet pert jloocuy ertning the coaocil nd school trcutee eltetioai will se united this year ihe drill bhed cite on bower tyenae i towtolj bj racuon on sitnrday isth trat a jew veotnresoae tleiht and cntterj were oat daring the week the snow is pretty thin kr hcrrisao glore cotter inflicted an bfilygtih in bis foot the other day while plittin woocli the wheat market gireavery little aiyanca in pri thoagb higher fignrea are antiijwteij th hart gordon specialty cosipaaj oocoped the boards at the town ball the laat twotveniors tome bcbfaol section had over a hundred applicant for the poiiion of teacherj at a aalarj of 1300 or less a ko3 man ritkeni have been very indisertnt the part week abont complying wjth th bylaw reqairiut tbtt sidewalks be cleared of anow 5mrj alex elliot who is jcrt completing kiaiffirse at the connty kodej school hu been ected teacher at- baonockbarn school at the aahtrr of isw 8l foaepha cbarcfa faacy fair open in the towyhau nt thonday the cammlttees report arrowing interest in the vxrioas ooateu in progreac a oiw entrarjee to the park has been effected attb eat end of the ertnd stand ty the pcrchate or a twentyfoot trip along aide the poccd frotn mr thomas easton the pobhe did not eathose very wildly over the mechanical representation of the faaaioa flay in the town ball last week the proceeds hardly paid for rent of hall the local train which starts east daily frota goelpb and paste here at 92c and rttorcs j at s p mv will hereafter ran throah o slmira on the new branch from waterloo the j daily globe haa been enlarged to a seven coin mo paper and several import ac imptbvemeat introdabed the globe special train will however be cot down to a fsaicrdty trip thefrieads of jlr j t ellis agent of the g t r at limeboose who is about to remove to st jacobs rendered him a farewell tapper at the dominion hotel 00 honday nifibt dr jlopbatter a nagaweya boy u now at deover where he has a hospital for invalid and it is reported that hit receipt win verafief2d00o per year hi friend ere will be pleated to hear of bit rt prosperity the i methodist btmday school enter tainment 00 christma evening will com- prise as iateretting progrtrame by the icinldrenjand a pair of christma udder deoortt4 with evergreen and pretent for the children every merfiant who desire bi town j as well his basinets to prosper should liave hi kdvertisetneot in bit local pamper f or lue oitode world jade a place rtef tty by the locked it newspaper whiah lika a mirror reflect the chut of people in the towij tbeollowing legat item cornet from oaelpo an important casebetrdberore judge chiiwick today wa that of wat- kins v flenoedy the soit wat for rent 00 foperky norval judgment with cost was giveo against alea and r j kejuedyjjn fjtrar of watkint the plaintiff a titirtle resident of estjuesioe led an oli iiot through towu todtip to mr 1uuv on the second line and left tha poor creature there to die one cold day lut k some boy bfobt bun into town and tuwidwm and ke died ondec cover a few jayl after wiit fhoot the law relating t oraety to anfmalt thersere tveri erloa dtyt tt the metailattroe kt k lfjr edge t oaly remaining ton aboat oar lyeartoflvfe u tttitwwltb infltm matioti ofthe inttfi 5 for tome tme feu liffcwaiwredof ht now reoofer- inhowv and it erotly hoped by u that hw wil b rd to hl p j luoa p futp bdc a otr tajfpt article for 1 am 4 tale- to 3 nm jui the kews at home moatljf 0 a ucicjat chretr rtoi cyattftoirt trtfreittne- trmpaery county jadtt jad kingtmtul hu ba temporarily appointed judge of haltoaantll a luccettor of the late juorb miller it detigmled judge barret junior jkutvwfu take judge kiogsftftrt pmce lit wiat coauty during- the ltttcrt abtenoo mr titard will contmaoto perform the dnliea petajalnj to the office of revitiufi officer his appointment to that office u per- rnaneat x snralncil wrlm the usual graceful pulpit getturet in which rev j vra uset to effeclivclc were noticeably absent on sunday th week before when be wat on his way t preach annirtrsary turnout in pusliaob the horse became fractious the buggy was upset and mr rse bad hit right arm severely sprained at the wrist tholnjury hat been very painful butts now1mpkvihg rorjetownf wxerirorts j- the system ol waterworks for suppjyicg the vills of georgetown u ceoipleted with the exception at a few details lut f eek wheu the water was let into theipipct at uie reservoir the contractor are messrs garsou iurtcr of hamiltonand the price i in the neighborhood of jsoooo the water is sopplied by springs at 8ilver creek and is pronouueed first class tha reservoir hat a capacity of j 20 000 galfcm tndgivet an average pressure of h7 lbto the inch cancfo potatoes in demand the cauadian potato market isg9tng to be all rifht tamtrkedfotexoruirj barrett to the koth a day or to ago what makeayoo think so well in the first plaoewlherot stcacktha 1aoke potatoe prettyhrd oqrs was nothing ootnpared to it why man dear it has been so bad that they have been practically unable to get good potato in nesrltort and coioaga fact it lbr mutt rare canadian potato where ah oma thefgo loc thm one thing i eartaia thj sreat be- able tag their usual quota from ireland this year an american dealer was bere the other day and now he is out around hillsbnrg you may bet that when you see these fellows skirmishicg areoad that there is something in the wind eh ob you can d2t potatoes will be good value here toronto livm iow salaried teachers the inspector 0 school hat declared thil the standard of teaching at the public school iuonidgeuile it too low he says the school is not making satisfactory progress the majority of the staff are weak id teaching power good teacher refuse to remain long in thia school as they claim that they get no encouragement schoolkeeper not school teacher seem to be in faror at preteot a very indifferent school for a progressive town like orange- ville this meins that the school board does not pay high enoogh salaries for the teachers the meagrenets of the income oflered to qualified teachers in two many placet is a disgrace trustees seem to for get that teacher interred to work for their education and that they have to live just to long as the salaries are inadequate will teachers give but a perfunctoryritten- tion to their duties they will feel that their work is not appreciated and will throw no heart mtu it thecountry around news if ems aupnlleel by corret- pondant and exchanges bk a concert will be held here ou monday evening deo 7th the item announcing the marrirge of mitt hiui cook lift esteemed daughter octooauoillordaid cook oa tha 18th j november wtt incorrect our tsoredltad iufortntnt gave particular la good faith but hey were ooaiidertbly tooprtvioa it it sincerely hoped the young lady will overlook the uaintentaontl annoyance the annus connatlon of tha coauty sabbath gehoo attociatioa wa held tn gaelpb 6q taetday and wednesday very fbw of our oc1 sunday i school worker vjere pretedt 1 grewsons corners cloming and going vtilthr to iirxlfvom aoton anr4 vtroutothrparonilnot i f j kci t a farmer of this section whoso ciper- inco in killing pigs it umitod had quito an exciting day on saturday he arose early and assisted by an old butcher went to work to kill a couple pf porker in scald- the first ohe sideofthe scalding trough was knocked out and in hanging him up the sinews broke at d the carcass came dowii again a barrel was secured for scalditfg the second and with tha rest plungo tho bottom gave way both pigt were sliivcd without tho usual scalding when tho second pig wat ready to hang up it was found the dog had eaten a portion off tho shoulder of the first one tho pro ceedings of the day were concluded with tho annihilation of the dog milton the anniversary service of knox church were preached on sunday latt by rev it v mckay ma parkdale the teameeting held in the town hall on the following monday night wat vefy well at tended after refreshment were rsrtsucen of addresses were delivered n the hall by rev kongo frstwr dd of haminoo rev mr duncan and iter jolia pfokerinrj choice music was rendered by the choir and others on monday evening the men employed in rinng the clectrio lights completed their f- work and at about half past five the current was turned oh for a short time entertainments are now the order of the day five thu jfeek the yooofpodjjlsj the methodist church have organised an epworth league meetings to bo held every monday evening it is reported that mr robert mcjannct has leased the curling and skating rink for the coming season there are no less than eighteen different societies which meet in this town what othcrtown can beat that georgetown ao laterestlnn record the other day mr alex kennedy of gnelph who has all his life until last year been a resident of acton and vicinity showed the ftlr pir55 an interesting record he had just coma across inarj old memorandum book respecting the advent of the grand trunk railway here at ii well kdown the grand trunk runs through the kennedy homestead ta the firsfr con cession aras young man when the first train ran iacrots his fathers farmed which vat th record ty the first locomotive carrying iron for track came ou lot 31 con 1 esquesing on saturday 25th january j5fj and the first passenger car made its first way through the above lot on the following wedntfeday 30th january aod contained as a passenger sir edmund head gover nor general of canada ztiscotmequeut thirtylive tars next month eiuce acton and rts vicioity was connected wiin the outside world by railway another implement swindle the other day mr martin hawaa of mtrysville had to pay 918730 and all he has to show for this urge torn is five or six worthless old sulky harrows which nobody j- will bay list spring a polished agent called on him tatd that he bad six harrows at orion station worth 3750 escb and offered to give hawe one of them if he would take the lot from the station to his barnyard tbeagent said that be wanted to have a central point from which to dis tribute the harrows among the farmers around hawes signed a paper which he thought jembodiec the agreement or was only a recommenc ation of the harrows a few weeks later notner agent called and thenmr llawei nade the alarming dis- covaty that ha had agreedto purchase five sett of btrrowkfor 18750 a long ttory is made short by simply stating that mr hawes had tn pay the 61750 they are still lyiiig in hisyard and no one will give him io tor them exchange of pnljitts the pastors of the presbyterian and methodist churches exchanged pulpit last sunday evening her mr rae took for his text ueut 31 an interesting historical review of the lives of moses and tulwas given special reference beinj made to their intimate relationship wit god tbeirstrong faith earnest efforts and great accomplishments in the lord tervioe rev mr edge took for the text of biltermonin knox church iyaie 22 ii- ts the subject being the agony of our lord in the garden of getbsemane hit earnest ness in prayer was an important point touched and tho fact that god beard and strengthened him for the great trial which bewas called upon to endure god will also heir strengthen and relieve his believing children both sermons wet earnest and impressive and li6ientd to attentively by the respectitecongregarionr the exchange was quite acceptable to all concerned and occasional fraternal inter course of this character will tend to a broader more liberal and christuke cbrihtsnily the council will use lead pipe to connect domestic service with the water mains the hose agents are now paying the town marked attention a new gymnastic club has been organized with e finlay president w a miller vice- pre j b mcleod sectret a number from acton attended the con cert by the mcgibney family on tuesday evening mrs w mclean complains that she had a qantity of ladies clothing stolen from her clothes line last week col otter d a g inspected the stores of no 3 co georgetown last week and found everything in a satisfactory con- ditioft miss susie campbell left for philadel phia last week where aha has accepted a good situation as shorthand and type writer the annual meeting of the georgetown branch of the upper canada bible society will bo held pa monday evening 7th december in tho baptist church mt g t coo of the cjeorgetdwn frieght station is likely to succeed mr ellis at limehousc mr coo is a good citizen and we are sorry to loose him herald knatchbuul ou wedocsday evening the 25th kov about hall past six oclock fire wat ui- obrexed in the driving boase belonging to mr grummet the timely assistance of the neighbors saved tll the implement exceptingau old cultivator there wa in the building about 12 tons of good bay a pig pea attached to the driving house wa also baraed to the ground the loo it estimated at aboat 300 in all there is an iotarance on the building of 100 in the halton farmers mutual company thia is the first lost by fire the company hat had tinea it started the cedar hill lodge of patroa of industry held their open division last friday evening it wa a good aha the committee having an excellent programme when the programme was aboat half through the radlea of the association gave a good lunch which wat much enjoyed by all mr henry daniels of nistagaweya is bufieriug from diphtheria at preseut at alto miss mary ann laing of the town line 1 i a ery few more inchc of snow would make sleighing and it wohld be much en- joyed by all christmas three weeks from ntxt friday j torteytand geese are being fattened up for the holiday dinners hey j edge ib announced to preach missionary sermons on thib circuit on tho lath inst iff tho bptlgtt of totonio ntlov acw wtadithotlrtiltthiiwmk lit sndmrt h h worsen psnt isf ft dtyt last msrli rienatinerinj it tu ffatkm oflftwiph spent t hil b- w flhbfmi faw onj friday f runes qiavatj of ovangavlltt spent a day ir so this watk f ilii friindl her mr samuel johntou is ttlllvery ill hajvt slightly better whin we vreat to p j mrt s eyre of chjiialharst is sptadiag a cb 1 eeki vliiting fctsnds in acton and vlcliit r mr eorgs tharttoa has secared s good potiuot in ihtgofornmtat printing office tokah j i mr let wren of loudon paid a short visit u griendt in acton and vicinity this sreik met v hstowt a reooveriug from her net pt illnett she wa much better yestetdi y mr argsret iisevat o buffalo ny ha beet the gawt the pest week or to of mr mi saklaj btbjuin about tha middle of october it iol regaining he ate of her foot tflil latt frlday and wis unable for several perform her duties at the public dayr tchoo mr beaut tha tlafl oocuioa thtfl blaofc j- 1 f smith nomai oj moore who had her pier eland waf taken suddenly ill d eoat waaprmnud with a liirtr tes tod ooffar service by o the ouawjt fofeual on the o hit recent tnamag til ptfflt ha jutt lettnsd that rev jokeph edg tru torn time ago rithiexotismaibr of tie academy of political and social honored amerjcal solense reri t gibsoo b a the cowboy evangeh it who it at present in charga of the coo regatlonal church tt oburchill made th face pffem i pleasant call on mottdsy a we no ice by the racine daily timet that rev j e farmer racine wit well known t flint pcnsa reader as ona of the mas canadian yoaug men who are juccettfs iy and acceptably siting ameti- cm palpi j is now rev dr farmer mr t jamesmoore uitobeooogratalat sd upon lis appointment a principal of st geort is ward school gutlph by tha school m lnagement committee last friday evening there were 12t applicant for the posit jo the salary it 1500 and tha school bs 1 four departments tho foi rth of a serie ofsddrettea wa given by rev t albert moore at the men t leeting of tb9 young mans christian attociation snooty sftrnooa hut topic snag in retigioaa life wa handled trnestly pointedly md effective iy the large aadieoee present listened with do 1 tttentioajfahsmiltph timet mrs it ta bljt btetmlm ont known to th 00 tvra litarary pnblio as tha asthc ens of tntinttwisttng hotel oat of the be mr aai many chartolng poem and tketc ie hat drifted iato the newt ptper twi n being now attached to the staff of the pi u chicago new daily she alto s 001 tribntor to the unit timet txti aterocei n of that city tha mere nitutlou of tiliak siljpi is uflgetur of riohaetsfnd elequknoef ii lie nmtir of no imsjl dlteibolotmnt eft timm to rmr buoklbllkl htvithad ta stand more adolterttloa than any other line of dry ooodt hence ihe jiilk which yoa thought wtt toah a bargain turned oat to be 1 worthiest rag howevoj a genulnt black silk- good hottest utvtrnlthed umlied blaok silk a bisok slit that yoa dont bay at to much perl is but bo- cadst of th intriuslo parity of mtterial mah a black 811k always ijtsadf pre- tmluant u t wesrgfvlogioh and elegant tltni mtterial a thing of be uty sad a joy forsvar bach 1 8uk we gtisrtntee to give yoa not all oar bilk ti t that way wa btv jute ohetp heavy and natty tnoagh to oompete with anybody eat u you want areaf gsnuioa silk and will give as yoar caafideaoe well gaaraktee to give yoa tomtfhlng that will afford yoa satire ittiifsofloa better stilt it yea will leave toot order with oar dressmaker ton tea then guaranteed lauiftotfoa la fit and itylaju welt several score pieces to offer yoa mmi m vi wbjtmi tabue coverts a german manifutarorc slook of sim ple ttbls sad toilet stand chenille and tapestry covert came to at last week there rs no two akk in the lot they are all beauties the pries to yoa ft exactly tha manufacturers price to us la other words the import ootri price oar profit it the dlteoant ws koocked off by taking the trhol round lot they should alerest yaa a they tre wrf cheap and handtocne t mantles what a rot b of trtdev oar kantts rooak bat teen tha put few weeks the immense importation have dwindled into small proportions some llnet goae altogether we hare had to reorder sad now show new lines in yerjfpcelty black jackets just opened which you should- tee befofo yoa bay anywhere else ctih wanted and ctsh qaljr e e bollerll cq 25 27 lower wyjidham st guelpet we 1t ii if l goods i 1 r ese j- sm 1 aveone om beiyktcfimajcers incankdaafthe prient time- ilfyourj wih of tf te bring t tolas and iwefwiu guarantee satisfaction v pfrjes ths oar stock is- nowcoinplet in all ihe latest riovejtieefor tbs chrittnui trtde comprittng wushcoods f leather poods ajbufiis chrlstrhas cards 1 and booklets btbjes hjfmn books annualsfor 1892c toy books- t and ladies satchels iwsydowp in pries tf druc stos i yj kannawin chemist mul stefiet acton teeth teeth i the parlor the dining room the bedrooms the ff all j the kitchen ijrewftnir this tabject may have been in your msad for a tooath pr spend a little timelookiog for tomathfng tlat wilt jpletitfi ytw give yoa in ides of how much can bs had far a relatively ainal can safely promise to toit yoa undertak1nq i ctpt iooitll and lieut ioaug of the 8 a left he villagsi latt week on san day they leld their farewell meetings a horn belonging to mr chat mckab fell thcot gh a- hatchway into tha stable beneath the animal wa not killed and is expecte 1 to get better rockwoodj oakville rv s 3 craig it oreaching a series of sermons en unbelief the first last sun day eveni ig on feeling for a foundation command d good deal of interest the me bodist bunday schoorwill give a splendid tntata the birth of christ on friday ev ining 11th december sonvenl r spoont have struck oakville the old ki id have been seen here on starry nighte for years tramps are numerous the tern peranco meetings by the emerald i net last rock were well attended haltons 389 protest the ela tlon case which wis un- settlsd at the dissolution of pfrllamertt comes up ifyouwaut firstclass guelpb basil sad doors at gufelph prices t ebmos can fill your order at his planing mill partlft thinking about winter clothing ebqald call and inspect the stock of b nickliu before purchasing elsewhere a lifesize era von portrait hs udtomely framed given to the person leavi ig lrgest order for pbovos hetween today md 25th lisc htuutuik jftv8oo- m ueorge clifford wa mistaken for a deer and fatally shot while gunning usar parry soaad prompt potent sad perinais alt always oomai fronj- mubarnt acamatla qainiipe orrwa deo 2 a motion was made to thesupreiie court yesterday to ditmisa the appeal in thej halton election esse of 1889 for mt of protecation the coart held that t ie j motion oould be qxade in chsmbert ind refused to hear it after the coart i jse the case was argued before mr justi patterson krr bc for the respon tent supported the motion and aylesworti qcjortbeappellant contra it wat stio i that the petition vu tried dismiitad the petitioner appealed and before his appeal was heard parliament was ditto ed the object of the motion is to coal e respondent to get his costs fromlhe a nount deposited in coart under thotjet 1 is urged that there wat delay inpantinf tho record or it would have been argued in i ime the motion it opposed on the groana that the costs are entirely under the control of tho supreme court and de pend on ti j disposition of the appeal and tha report fo the speaker at there oonld be no repoft in this case there can be no erin the anniversary services of burns church eriu will bo held oa sunday deo 13th when rev j nell b ajof toronto will preach morning and evetjing on follow irig evening the annual entertainment will beheld i the advocate man is engaged in somewhat of s warfare- with the focal minister of the methodist church there is a full docket for next sitting of the divinion court rermr haines of chelteuham who tcofte4- call to he hilltbarg sad erin bsotistcharches j a charity concert will shortly be held hero tha poor require tome help for th wlojur j drj i webster of rforval parohaed last weejkithe grist mill 80 sere of land and a brickdwellnsi iterrs colts near sal hnchdyilfe for 250 the drjj told an inlertst in hit terra botuwork to s prsc- ticsl ptosnd folly intends loj have the warkf running next spring a very saccessfal programme wat render ed at liefauntain lut week the occasion of the wfm satictftinnjaat j batns church purpoie holding thtr annual thanksgiving offering meeting oa the afternoon of the second tbhrtday in deoei nber j fhi baptist sauday school chlidrtn will hold their annual te meeting oa bhrutau evening the httl folks will enter a their friodtabd fori this pur pose re ribeatftig a flu0ljt o motietl tndlteriryaaioat j j order modi reserved hfe decision tft5fltsmftertbatf05l mliasrd unldmstonrt oelds r ylisri fcandit wjll pmrtut to onr tty wh trf moosjf riiirubrnchw kxyrtordintrily high phriahfsiittr german matkles knows no abslsjnent qualities faaltless stylet sad extremely moderate prices are he three factors that keep oar trtde whirling wekhow the greatest variety of this seasons newest goods give beat fpossihte service mid sell at prices which are a source of attinishnient toout competitort the reason it weboaght right j i iv we do not think there hs ever been brought iato guelph sadh a vtriety of ladia and children wrapt a wa present for yoar inspection this week i vlrtatuy controlling the nurketm these garmenb and epjoylng a growingand appreciajtlvii mantle trade we havelthlt teuonsurptiaedaliiprevioat efforts not only in oar selection of an almost faultless mantle stock bat also in theiolums and rapidity of oar tale la fhisdepsrvment we woafd ask the ladie of guelph ani vicinity not to do themselves the injortioe t j baying a jacket or wrap before takings look liroaghour stock of thei garments yaa will findoflr mantle cioths new stylish handsome and price right ws ktfp a krga asjorloual of these gbodt on hand atk to have thenf shown w yon r vo bought oar stock of fare early in the teuton at a lime when we were certain pf getfijig he choicest gooilsih the msrket anyone pottpbnlng theif phrehates off reti ittfl th present matt as every ona familiar with these goods will ooosjttlng mainly of calls and articles of inferior qatlityl ioa will jbe delighi qaall iy of oar fart i i i one pride only i as to the costs hit lordship out jrjf harm s way arjjnithstesjtoj 0 b ryhn fc e willtallyqu something you ought all to know about our coi toocjmpatition it is nonienjeto uls- of it titloaiinqtja it ifthare i any- nndirterliog to he ilrine we propose to do it right here and when wa talk mpelftion dont oian local combetilion and wa dont draw- thej line any rlire between halifax and victoria jyoa will onderttsil d remsrkt when are sealing v ihe- force of these jfoa know we double width all woof amazon cloth theres fence ti n po close for fear here the gb and the chain ik strong sad teuse if safety and sattsfaclion comet over thai womau something lllai that which oo ni to ber whtn the uses botp and sees bow lit doss stjnllghtl swylth est tklaibi hard work ind turbs toil into l tuih th it safe in tha kuowltdge thst ihs iosf oannot fisrro th teudtr- ifrietl fabric for fjurlty it bss uo eqijal try it efc the new heavy wool sergfe v i at 55 cents former price 75cektsj the wew plaid costume qlotti i i cloth 57obktft worth 75 ceht8 at law nwldj bvcmwaoxus avjt v these are a foiy special line of a very good qatjily w will shew you equally goojl value threughoatthe deptrtjsant hv ii st ar alto offering soojf oaltu thfriip cloths at inpiecedented valoi e giving with pvay maouolothlngth one ot batterlokt perl sot mitliu pttterni and and7 jftwrhwnst t40iticlbt ki rpbfeth be ihe next three months- tsfio end j six per sett perfect fit fnaraateed and bestqutlitj i dstirtonlds qraduata of toronto scbbbl of 4 bayalcoueasol dottalsorbeoht ivf n j t hioiee stoekot i joverebatlngs cheviot wdr- sted and tweed suitings trousering csc ill ihating opened tips merchant tjloring buines in acton with aviewof tteyihg v- htre and making its success i would rs pectfully solicit a liberal share of bey patronage of the pabniirj j i will endeavor togije perfectatlsfsrisoni andaeepebreastof tha times atregtrdt style prices 4c inspection invited tennsx strictly cash bespectfnily ttburs j subsgrib i i t for canadas best family ltaper hamilton erjarctdand improved csxatanu ail tie stirs j i crisp aai pointed cobuasats the uoxnferiajiufiftqnas no otoicestut erwprjtfitterj svenrihini forcvtrrpody r to 1st jkn uhrv f 8937 ml tmrgret paper from now ilt 1st jantuay iflb- ptw reading tqaticr vecjorjtud our crmt nrmiam pieture b0kiqb 0fl0yb fortmiiy 1jb- agents vritd i ubttrri mmtainion to ieiru a good mont forthji dixtrict it nmnted it onotf dn how81 tamlfalurtinpijihldff the mmd nd will mika tthorojnth dintmi of 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