i- mi mmmamikmmmmmimkif j i iittiplitesiiliiife bobv ton lb wit et gaits lcemub ot too brawn itiit plum rt- detieit uih ih wit a itr wttley j buli of mo dbxmxet nustctwere oa th mtatt tbt vu of j6hn dotujdwa ot deertur actffrtitd v t laour6bakat lb mutra ot the urtkt father bdumfid num daw br jo6 bllicr beams umor homto um and dilbr nrwtueiytehl aaetftsscet part cook kan all ot kite ltrrnk3rton tb tad tutbr hr cats fltb luddklhtr ortb bride it fel utaatsc mm torestta ctan cnnte at tomato to lulun ucklm of oribttvult registrar ot the oxiatr ot deserts butd cotuicaat tonata oo th xn not lottie ut dtafhter of tta uk ftatktrttoa coulne tatvserty ot hflwe aged v ytart thursday december 10 i88l7 to the few who itrw ovrtwvi years in arrears far thbfr subscription tliofeispatt it iesiroutof holdiag til eta tobacribers andantmt iaoly removed froa it iu with greet ret actence- bat tb detire ta hold dimes doec not carry the ttahuehtr to the extreme of sohmiulagto teed the jabot for nothing theretrevery few who teem to expect thit lo tba credit of the fue puss readers end u evidence ot the class ot people among whom it cir culate it matt be said that it a rule the keep tha pohliaher kindly in mind tad attend with a fair degree of promptnetttb their renewals there remain a few how- erer who neglect their obligations and u rtpeterf request have failed to produce in effect sp to thia time it is hoped this kind ly reference to the matter will bear trait and remittance follow from ail in arrears wheathf price of the paper ta so cheap and medat qt4emirtaace tol easy tad safe subscriber who allow their aeedout to uv two rears need not be tarprited f the publisher oonctrcea their neglect into an intention to evade payment and tceord- iagty retort to more or leaa stringent mean to secure what is his doe notes akd comments the canadian ptcific railway authorities declare that the company has sp to date mowd hrte miilioo baaliela of thia iaeuoaa rrin from korthweat patnta to the take front the moremest of grain a now proceeding at the rate of one hundred thousand bashet a day according to the latest enumeration canada has a roman catholic population ot txsls aoola tha clergy ievmsda apof 30 ardjbiihops and biahopa jjks nriaatjf 0j eocleaiaaticc there are aiao 12 aecqinadee 28 daaaical ccjiafrea 67 penaionnau and academiac 2782 echoola for bora and airls 14s hoapitau and aaytama and 105 religion oomoooiti the chnrefcee number 1820 and tha chapel 21j the heslop murderers at last there aplasntdslctuwi damagt sull tkee msh jmpttjftted uucrrp bee b ttiareia a atrong probability that- the fleetop marder mystery is aboat to tkach a tglauoa a people bite almott torgotteu the elrcam- suaoeeof the aeaaalioau end of lie an- caster treuarir who died while to placklly defending thetr home jut january but while public oplniou has been eontent to let the tragedy pas iwajf tmoog th lilt o anaxplainad mjaieries the machinery of the law uu beta qaietly bat it it believed none the leu lately cloeiag round the per petrtlore of that dutardiyi deed and meuere hare now jartabooi ceaehed a climax the namber concerned in the tragedy ksvo good canto tor the belief that the truth would tooatr or later be diacloaed and to it has turued oul from the first hief yaaglian ti- the jbraattord tolice farce had reason to luipeot thatvoba bartram a white man living at uiddle- poru net tit indian reterre tad who bore a hard repsttttonksew tomethjing p theafftir and it was accordingly decided to arrett hint on a charge of atealjng iteert coqklabl adsrot and county coattabta hunter were entraated vilh the teak of effectirg the capture and when they eecor- ed their man be was under the innaeooe of liaor and madeaotnedamagingitatemente which aecmeoto more than confirm the loapician entertained he itated that it they woaldjut him off on tha cattle uttx inj butineas he would put them on ta something a great deal better further asking if there was uot areward ot 12000 offered with regardto the ilncaater buiioeta and also remarking that he knew who did it and that he could tell where the jewellery was tui ial uttxttcilox when brought to the jail here bertram who had somewhat recovered from his jaunt tat pale and trembling and pit was noticed that when the cell door doted be hind him he manitotted s fear and appre- benaioo altogether oat ot proportion io the crime with which he wis attehsiblf chtrg ed the pruoaer was committad for trial and bis cue is down to come op at the coanty conxf which opened here today meanwhile detectire greer of toronto had been at work on another tack- as the result ot his enquiries he went to lewittoa and beguiled a coaple of indiana named etmcei gcocey and george dooglaes to this tide ot the uoe when they werearreated afld lodgedj in brastford jail where they haw spent three weeks put on the tririsi charge of ttealing harness snd bare been dnly re manded also to come up at the coanty court sessions dtxcct ciuti or unriixa the tvijrum lams cp electioo trials in the following fashion election trials practically decide not which party is most virtaoot hat which is the meat tkillfal in eottnng op it tracks member are tin- aaatad generally beeanse tsppcrters are badaooogfato use money corruptly and not bast eooogh to forget all the facts when they are in the witness box the member whose agent are bad enoogh to twear them round the corner keeps ms teat s the repretentatire of the united states at the emigration conference recently held in paris says that the contennr of orrieioa ta he congress wss that consoler intpectioo was necessary for the regulation of emigrant same from france to the c cited shite he also expressed the belief that an inspector thoold accom pany erery emigrant ship and mix with the emigrants in order to learn their real character if be prereoted half a joxeojcrislnals from landing in each year be wopld more than earn his pay this morning detective greer who has been working in concert with the brentford authentic arrived in town foe the pur- pose if bertram and the other pritoaert ahoald be acquitted on the charges for which they are held of arresting bertram on the direct chsrgn ot marder and the others for alleged complicity in the crime it it asserted thatboth the indians hsva made ttsteroents at different times to var ious people in which they hare to it it alleged ginn atones of tha crime which fit in rery closely with the scoount of the two nafortsnate witnesses ot the crime- the mother and daughter when they were told that betnm had laid he would tell who killed heslop both the indisns volunteered ttatemeststothegoalerwhich it true would be strong evidence in conr- mauoo of tha detectives nunteidn in regard to bertram u2 a marvellous escape j thej british trade and navigation re- tatna foe the first nine montha of the pre sent 5 ear ibow that there was a falling off of rtooc 9m0oo in exports from the unite l kingdom it compared with the oorrei pocding period of the previous year of ti is decrease only a little more than onethird was io exports to the united suoas and this is fully accounted for by the abnormal export of the september quarter of 1890 in anticipation of the kckinley tariff the figures for this year ahbwankicretseof 2000003 ever those for the came nine months of 1689 the revenue of canada for the month past was f29s930t v the expenditure tj88i4s7 the revenue for the five months of the fiscal year endmg november 30 was i15038ifl00 an increase during kovember of 1575517 and an increase in twelre months of nearly two millions the expenditure on account of consolidated fond wss 13881147 foe the month com- tred with fs5u611 for kovember 1690 in the five montha ot the current fiscal year the expenditure has been f 125607i egaisst an expenditure for the correspond ing period last year amounting to 11735 8 the final revision of the dominion voters list for the county of helton was completed but thursday the list fit now in the hands of the quaes printer at ottawa and will probably be gazetted on sstardsy it has been tttted io the daily press thit tha writ for a new election in this county has been iatasd this is t a mlttake ko writ for hsiton has yet been iatued the fixing of s time for the new election will no doubt depend a good deal on the dtaaioo of the gorerement as to when parliament will be called together and what time the ntw raters lilt will be ready for tie ins patriotic address at kingston the other anaingber principal grant claim- ed list the recent exposares at ottawa will sweep tome personages in canada from culelife- the demand of he boat was men lor parliament who are not merely party hacks or seekers for oflsoe jchey wanted men who were qntehsth snd honorshlej ken who coold rise above party- to tat their own actions woqld detnan eacrifice readers rose shore party to federate the uonuoon tod itrelf men sac rite shove party io save a nation torn corruption canada mutt bare a purer snd konetter government than the buererhsd wfthjnen of both partija in it apd strong enough to expel tafcied uwnbtrt instead of offtring besrty apologia fag teem strong enough without bribes from eonttitoenaet or tolls front if they oouid not get each then evil dsyt were in stars he aalied for coorag on tha electors iftbsy detnaod pod tnjest he deoured tiey oan hs v it samueljackson pusllnch thrown from hi wagon by etrsln grrxrn dec 7 this evening shout g jo oclock kfr samuel jackson of poalinch farmer in driving aver the has- kistoo street railway cresting had sosrrow escape from inttsnt death a passing train caoght the rear end of his wagon twitting it around the sudden jeck throwing ifr jackson to the groqod be plackily hong on to the rains ancf althoagh he wheel of the wagon passed over him he managed to bring the horses to a ctcndttill when picked up it was found that he had not aattained any serious injury capgtsftkttkv cupid tok wlnt ttre ialb victor r upkvdt tjttlnoe afbttt victor daktof clartbaxaarondalt tht eldttt ton if the ituce onftiet on friday pro noted to tad wi motpled by prlnoea viowrit mtryjagedxsftht only dtubter of the duke of teok it luloa hall whtrt bolljhavo been staying lattly wkht large party the young prince genu to tendon to4ay to idfora hif partntt who ihtnot t led to windsor in order ta gala tb tppoviiof btr mtjetty queen victoria ail weie grtttly pjeistd qston vlotorii hav ng iptoliuy dttlrtd be union which it tijd lo be qait a loir matoh e gresteit ptttinre i manitotted priioeis mary tji geotftl fttorlte qtaea victocla hit placed tht former rmijotk of the d johut o ctmbridge st jan as palace at the dlipotal of the cooplt pen ling a more toitkblt retldtnce at the iettre ot the wedding itbelng trttngtd for i nsrcli iptli tht isib inntvertary of tht prit be tod princess of wtlu the cere mocy wiltuke place iaptceogt ohtpti wintor an 41 r through t4 titrmtl bitxu do 7 grand trunk ihroogh pan soger trtlut oommenoed ranoing throzgh the tunnel lo day according io the oey time table and ertryililnjt j working mfirtt class bipe thetrtint being handled at b ith ends ot the tanoet and ihroogh it in rmtrksbly rood time the town depot and the lanntl depot are connected by a butjjcbtn train whlck cant tb tad from all ihroogh traias taking the tunnel route betides thit alt local trains come into the town depot vrhea the first passenger traii patted through messrs hobeon larmosr tifiih and other gtb officials war preteat a popular paper rani thsl yoqog ipeoplta eight- ptge weekly edited i by dr wilhrow begun a ytai ago report very gratifying progress with acircaisllcn of nearly 17000 it it atiosily the voang peopttt organ of melhodum and furnish fdu irts tram their many yoaug peoples eties it is handsomely tllnitrtted gives tpeciai prominence lb temperance itocle and it ttry cheap free prizes for all 2 sao elegant preaefvte value t62bo0oj tol introaaoed our own little liver pills quickly we will give to 2600 persons who will ditpote of three tir nine or twelve boxes of oar pills at 25c per box amongtt their friends an tlegast assort ment of the finest watches bilverwtre etcletc yoq payno money fa advance waenpthe goods free when told yea tead at the money and we will tend jott theprixe what piht yaa cant tell we ttktjbtck we ran all the risk send at yoarl sddress and 5c for trial package ot filial ufrttrtted catalogue of prizes ta- itractfoni etc we pay postage oa all goods- address a i dead 4 co box 230 orilliti qnt t south oxford election no evidence offered against sir richard cartwrlght at ingersoll itgessoix ont deo 7 there wss an unexpected termination of the election petition proceedings against sir bichard carjwright thit morning it was in this petition that the treason charges were made againat sir richard csrtwright kr laurier and ur erastus wiman jcstioes fslconbridge and street took their teats an the bench st eleven oclock when ifr wtltb for the petitioner uid that he was instructed to offer no evidence in tnpport of the petition judgement was pronounced dismissing the petition with colt happiness happiness often consittt in reading s good pager one that leaves a pleasant tssteia the mouth one that etn rite yen up from derating with the knowledge that ybtc have gained something of permanent ad vantage there are papers which do not give this happiness bat which while ex citing for the moment result is permanent evir although the immediate effect at the moment may net be apparent jthe mac- treat wuiku is 4 paper of the former class it is ool the weekly edition t tent to subscribers for one dollar ayesx the daily for tares dollars snd the kprfber ifeucx- gtr i paper for the young members of the j faroily particalarly and for sqaday school for tl irty cent a year tha canadian almanac this tsth annial lataej of the almanac is ealeredto2z page end contains over 1g0oo facte and 17000 iddreaset covering almoi t every department of information reqaied by the canadian citizen there it alt a complete report of the centos to far u made pablic a list of all the pott office i in canada and a revised cuttomt tsrifi the icoiiciptl sad coanty isxorm- stioa no eombritet ls provinces of ontario quebec and f tnitobsj the clergjr list has been extenaed to include hole dominion the copp j clark ltd deservje great pralae for the publication of o replete a compendiius of iafornjatiba i i i i hundreds of dead ducks they get caught jln the niagara i rapids and are carried over the falls locirokt n y deo 8 one of the strangest things that has happened st kisgsra falls in tomh time it the isrge nnmber ot wild ducks which have been goine over the fallt the past week the birds which have been centreing in large numbers over the filltfor two or three weeks pstt host down the river until they ire caught in the rapids and teem nnahle to rise oat of the swift- current snd are then whirled over tbe brink the largest bag of thia game was made the other night when dozen hunterspicked op toads foo in the river below the falls y- ewscewt t dismissed from tha civil servloa orriffi dec 7 an order-in- council has been patted formally diimiuing from the civil service johnr arnold i e bradley horace talbot ernett diohnt andre benecal and h j brontkill hone of the above have received pay from the government tinoe their tuspentioo ifr bradley was within a year of tnperannat- tioo when he would have retired from the service ed been entitled to nearly 12000 a year the wrongdoing of every one of these men waa exposed by tbe corageoat course cf the parliamentary committees last testioo snd the government htd no other coarse open to them than to ditmiss them we the christmas lare in receipt of ab sdvanceeppy of qlirutmas dominion iuudrate snd cannot bat feel proad thst tach a magni ficent tssoe is as we are informed entirely the rroduct ot canadian skill andjenter- prise it it far and away ahead of any chrisl mas issue we hro teen the lngttth holidn y issues jutt out do not begin to com parp with it for beaaty sad variety of colore 3 supplements and general illustra tion the supplement are four in nnmber chief i if these arewo large reprodueifonsof oilpa ntingt one a type of canadian baaal y bjr if r s w t fortter of toronto the ether the young recaits by mr c pai tenon of montreal both are beaa- tifnl in design and color snd are well worth nch framing anil places of honor in any loom another sapplemenj also in colors is an eight page series of comic sketches of the iritlt and mishaps of a corpulent english sportsman while canting in the woods away- back in the french canadian country a fourth it a photo gravure showing all tha universities of the dominion printed on i large sheet of heavy piste paper tnitahle tor framing j the nnmber itself la a beauty itoon- taint iq pages of itorieg poems and article from tjie peas of totne of oar mott brilliant writcri almott every page oohtains n exquisite illustration printed in colors no less than five different tints are used is the jjressijorkof the volume altogether the issue it a superb one and canadians shaald feelpriadqf tnclx a national contribution to the bristmis literature of the year prettbn school damaged by fire psnrrojr oct deo7at half partetghi oclock this eveaicg the fire alarm was tonnded sad it was foand that the preston public school was on fire by hard work it the pamp the main building wu saved tb part totally dattroyed vu the wiog which eoouintd the lindsrgsrten fifth division an4 the dattrooro the gait fine company wss sent for and quickly res- ponded and was toon throwing a ttropg lueam on the bafldiig the oaildingl was insured i cxkgtjltptbs cured an c id physician retired firom practice having had placed in his hands by as east india i jittionaryjthe formal of a timple vegetal le remody or tbe t needy tad per maljenl care of coniumptlao bronchitis catarrl attfamaand all throat and long tffeotio it also a positlrt and radical oar for ntr root debility and all nervoas com plaints after having tested fit wonderful curst vi kpowert la tbontandt of oaaet bat feil h doty to jnakeit known to all his anfftrin fellows j actuated by thit motive anda dmrtoreliet jiamso ttutering i wulttn i fretof itrgatoajtwho4titit thitrrec pfii bertnan ifreooh or english wfttj j- nsiiw beniby mail w addrastlpg with ttamp jtmlng thjt p w a notii tfo po4iblookjbocbtwnv i till dlrtetoi tor rseparing and issearjretlnii 4 cldew proi teat sumj rytart deolltd at unooln nomlti ikioa ibtfis htt beoomttpl4tmiottmor- drain adljoba tit qubsb leglalaiare ii tatthtt pto- sbbi until tht mth intt i t i r s tht rattltn amln it uptoled to otuto abudrtdtfidtotl0000i0 a u id of h0q doatn ekfi orotted from windi ir to detroit on saorday7 j mr john hugraft m p for wert not- ihnmt irland hu bean nnteated i i lit spargtottl ditrsit it prcnounotd in- oanbl 1 and tsjait raulti oourte tbe north middlesex election wet d imisltd at londoa tuesday tbs late j s ftad private banker oraos itllit itft wealth to the imouot ot m00l cyt 11 w field la gradnally linking hltbnditlon fa tafd to be pitiful in the txtrto sir john macdonaldt memory will be perpei jtlsd ba hew church at battleford nw t i i mr j mitton contecvtlivemp forsaaih lantit intends 10 resign and accept a jadgei hip etj jrqeneral herbert it going to reiide at 1 rntcliffe until iprlog tad it now motlbcia df roame tbe tory m p toe west middl etxj has been judicially confirmed a htt ualj tht protett agalntt dr roome mp tor watt liddxwai dismissed at london on mo idty gra id trank putenger trains com menoe t running through the sarnie tunoel oa mo idsy an ffort is being msde to tecare tbe doting of ail aalooaa in montreal at 7 pm on saturdays foa vestelthavtjmtltltcharlouetown pex with 21000 bathel of oau for the brillal market geoi ge mcdonald a woodttock boy ot 12 hi i his cose broken friday night by hlsgoj kioaiag 1 sir 1 ioderiok csmerin is gaxetted real dento mmistloner from new soath wile laths korldi fiir the consetvauvet of east brace hare oemtai led mr oergul at their candidate for the coming election eeny rftt thoemiser of mitchell oat til down tad died ta t field near that to vn oh saturday the ion f w stanley is oq his way to canadi vlo ipend chrittmv with hit persnli at rideaa hall dari ig this year i0u9 boats have passed hroagb the canal at sault suharie agalntt i05ot but year thrt 1 olerkija lb t department of rail wayi a id casals have been dirmittcd and ft ii ta ttnort wiufello tha salihy temlitryvjf st salpicehts tabeari ied 2o00o towardt eom pitting be piters oathtdral montreal sena or vtdal has tendered hit retigna- tloa as monty treasurer of lambton after filling t ie office for w yeari the itction ot andrew b ingram is m p i r east elgin hat been voided on the groi nd of bribery by igent ktw jbjifflbarg hu decided to give 1 bona 1 1 hfioi to transfer fottett shoe factory o that own from berlin the 1 etittos against the retain of mr sempte liberal mp for centre well- iagton rat ditmittad with costs pemb na north dakota is itoltted by a biixrera 9fdewalks and itrteta ire filled with tn wbankt 10 to u feet high lltat cat b b boyd eommtadant of slnd bi aoa betallicn died at port elgin sundsy rem cancer of the ttomsch the 1 liberal of kings coauty k- s have agi in nominated dr fw borden as candidal t of the hoasef of commont a ten ttion has been canted at peoria iii by u e dttcottry that a chiaese iaon- dryman here it imicted with leprosy politic at j are lo circalatlon asking the wbodttc k city coaaciltoiabmitabyiaw reducing tbej number of liquor licenser thf vo yoabger sons of kr george gibson of poo typed oat while fletgh riding 01 the ice on moadsy broke through ud were drowned d eiirloa lj3s will latert teeth it 16 and 1 1 per tat for next three months extrscti n free special care given to filling yftlce matthews block acton dr ti ai sloeomt i oxygeoixd emultioa of pare cod liver oil lymtat if yon ktnt tobay or sell a firm ad vertise ic the toronto wauy uau that paper r aches kwooo farmers hpmes every we k and yoar ad vertitement should meet the lye of someone who wtrrseto pur chase i dvertisemenuof tfaisoiaissre a- sorted in the toronto watty mail for five cents a rord each insertion or twenty cents a 1 ord for five naertlont addrsw the mall toronto canada mr jiba bisckwell of thsjbink of commer e toronto writes hiving taffered i ir over four years from dytpep- is and 1 eak ittomach and having tried nameroai remedies with bat little- effect t wis at ijtt advised to give narthropj vegeuble discovery a trial- i did io wijh a nappy retult receivlnggreat benefit f om one bottle i then tried a teoond it 1 third bottle and now i find my ippetite maoh restored sad j ttomsch itrtagtbe ied iotnpartfkeofaheatty meat wjtl oat any of toe anpleatantneai i formerly experienced 5 lo m on st m al ntst amaat etiaw tetfa if 1 um aas ttmm unssltar oak busts itmxva lai two sorrxci ran viattai ixu imstrnaiai aai nw tour rscmota rolmotlmumslsotxxhojrosilmi t as ooum m 0 189 adilaioi 8t wlftitobohtooht totej lion often lithe whr lardioe auelphbuslnetlicolleawouj nt w4 art omrjo tagtjandlaljlol hithtrtobotjon- tbt toopt nd thtt ltimp9iiitipt itsi0ii hairilnot ltbcatidundplt hnetv c- oar com- metolal oonrt it thown by the fact thuaavralotoar undaatt during tht put yeir have been offered iftoatlont ailbooliietpert do oobdltlon that ihty took tluoommarcisl oourte- t tb gutlph boilntujoollegt j lu oar- shorthand and typtwrttlng peparttnent tht uo leading shorthand syilema ol tht pnitot day lire taught our method it thejoaioataeol leu yttrt eiperlenot in teaching shorthand and leads to tht bttt pjaotloal retaltt in the ihorteetpbtiibli 1 tlffle ii bar modern lingasgtj department yon can jjei 1 praotloil 00m mind of either preneh or gtrmanl while punning the r commercial coortel and wlthoqt txtra oharge both language art taught by tba natural mtthod which entbit the itujentto read writ and speak them thlittl a rtrt opportonity wblohtht tmbitiaqt and enei getlo young mtn or womin win notfall lo tela la penmintblp out worklttlnmlr itlon of ill who set it send for a specimen thise intending to take 1 courtt this falj thold enter at u early a data u pcsslpli v j fot r hlticooatmycprlnolpai i i qdtlnbont- osuaax atjacot cough j j ohjwhi j wityoahe perhaps of the sure abprosjoh of bat more terrible diieu a contnmptlon ask your solves if you can afford for tbe take lot saving 50a k ran thi rftk ind do notfifng for it we know irom experience that i the learning the signal itjij bbdotis cad never ills will sort your oougb it mertehaiit ftciilclr overcoajtingt stod and twied suitings trjiuserlnets c chofe ft lock ot cheviot wor hiving owned up 1 merchant tailoring battnott in utoa with a view of haying here and mi king ft a taooesi i would re spectfully olicit a ubertl hare of the patronage 0 the pablti i will end lavor togtleperfectaaliafaotioa and seep ab tut ot tha timet u regardt style price do intpectlon invked ijennt btnotly oath betpwlfully barr riggs ntcklin wm mcleoddtco iaie drbs feoods 10 pjsif cent ta the of at discount ladies- jtho uammoth bogs to announclthat tliey havo au immense firstjclasi stock of dres goods ia all the latest fabrics 1 and deaiptis including serges eatamene diagooals camels bair gloth qheviots black and colored henriettas black andj colored silks black and gotorad mervgj blafik iasters beugaltnes porieees fongari etc and that we nire decided to givo adiscpaht of llojpercenton all dress jloodaraijd dress silks with th the exceptiaa of ihe cat lines of dress goods at 50 and 10c per varii this is a rare opportttnimrj for ladies to procuii their dress goods from aimaffnificent stock at aatouiah- ing aigain prices this sale begins tiow arid will continue to the 81st ofdacemtier 189fc i our general stock is complete cnmphreheisive selling very cheap i rnt hka-t- is engaged foifffie xinai trkdef it hf saiirages jial storey i csujelph hehqpeiijohtbufday loth dec witha 25c ahdoc c untej santiclaus see th jtjoys arid girls early jhis year i wb wijfshdv samplesdf gobc ondux2c aid 5cc courjlers in our window i by trie we haveaneww see it nvhejn you come to gnelph j savage j e w ei 1 9 rai f q u e 1 p h 0lri8tmai we are ltiaking great tuti ladies sc gents for the holiday td in fiii ml- see ourjriew stockjof mantle goods they are marked to sel im i large feange of j- ribbons laces silk handker chiefs and fancy cpods of al lands- henderson mcrae a jiivf -f- htryboi a co i i the oldest drtie store tjx gw r ti aipebsoltwhe wwleg ot is tag br day or plot write lertni to lie is giuin- wakiell l tjavcjoperebittd mralltrswariboni 1 p- fs ptpareto jljiiteajbe or all kinds of griin aetoo aoiuth 1891 josoi b- itv ageiiti wanteds j if yon want to- mike mojity u boy and tell our ehole nnrttryttock now it f timr wrhees si one far tirms- fu8ilothe8stki kowtta rocrwoo4ciie iockwooactoir fitst will b in wdndtrtyth oetobei taasasy na fridair dnria iftkltsm fon applet left optha ly wffl 1 tbabaekoodci stst on every tuet the iaasoa- appl titer six oclock wvft jetted the astbxlek boas tad jjv recently oecuplodby wm3 ia foe font ttts a very detuabu recently aeeapdey wmort very destrabtolpr teuonsbj piles will bi rente st a tenant apply ta irssbavn hstsii valuable abobhitnnonlotlio ntn tbi ship of fee us sent wwlo atl mxu timbered wiln bead stsplt bemli plne-etasrroekstidtoftuii- alto s aton and roubetdwnbgof and two musrs tmbo stawe with ten j idphllsricaailqostrestltnt 1 t i cub or erehanse tot apnlrto a latso acton clipge of bpaqii hattno lattlf i tnebn obywhi eratinaaitueemieetlanjwbtamj thou favoring at with thetr rstrmwgsnisj ly on tb best of trtmeiit- j mmitt yratb sad salt mttiattti 1 all kinds of mesafith iia fowl la i grootrioi hour snd feed tiiow i in town owbksototbabip it thb tsar fistr plsci nt baiins tb 1 1 i tbobmioh botissw taaittto v 3 ylk a oa aijt nlti tsadanads tsen visit tbel cetlsg txanis en fail to prodsce the practical and extasstr ooueg preniitas sod tb and most sqltablt farnltar mjlv voo a foil ootcst- dosoement eiving lull drtst i orins to 4b fineyftire hsuaadwillbewdlv who have osaasd rt opoii aba nrtmiiithitiil dl tiset itssy ot tbestenbtsttsfati spoksnof r vi1 ibkeeaesttntatlttbubmflaeswa oontattfbrtba natlonsj fudrettattssjsv ada tbe nag it exit met tadlfv 1 wfllretalnll t next come the dollcoi bav received st lovely dollt and lanr new rtndhslw may tact at and eockwood an wetlttt bappy ta tar thst actoh lssast oewt trcm o icttbair caodidate lotaod b efoojeg thb phonobraprtt tad remai tbeflvo days he onldsrar pea as tbe this evaritneteamng ula an intaresfinf mi name ot kts if dutgnsn ud mr p biaad lar btaoaokt known to tqnlre do further lot kot tbe least attraeuoa tm4 tbepreuima ot tboeoimtdwrt bs mn robert btydoni cjf qjit mme eictfs furs of all binds iety ourjdrees and idintlemaking millinery and ordered clothing departmen a weroiieyer in better form turni ig out qpds to suit and gratify our jptitrons in tit styleand pici wmclbodcvco oioabtowk avhktshklil lb the trouble and ibooyince oanied by the w juked by machinery men we can only tell them ljirdin oil feat take the lead for all machine purposes i j poor oil that will injort yonr machinery when mm famous cylinder plj thw bybodtr ou gipxruiptad to b brtter and obtaperj thiib ttllilw itry abbt od anjl yowflttry nor bfwvf ot imitation r lsrlqe f 1 in great i rar- yoa oan gif tbe celebrated i r fk ii foiffiirj jc has the best instruments and accessories ho to ar r i i ajt3n n i turns out the best photos in the county enjbys a provincial reputation i for excellence itotihiiit tauori rockwood bakcrt tvaotp saturday night banot ot aetoq is anbooa jtrnos that tatmtstot tbay wlllb sbleto tbtomi manr otnet atiisatlbb wayjif eleeauonitfe j atbtjr tbo expaetjslont ot tor tba most popdarinao 1 t will be qdoti today tin tbe isuiabjyaxe tba list bpaa l bt jojoba i iislij wbowlll act at t many o trbnilvrilitowa7l3 emsn actaaodbacetbetaaes i0b ii m fjcadasatt speiq kuuariraifndlmprovlsd ctaitiitaeibffw afsix speeds eerbrej cs and aijteotcbaxoeate aofbeatzjrtaaryaattejj- to istajkn ujsry- st 1 1 bv tbia crest paper from jow dll 1st iabuarr 1s83 is page raadisg matter veouy and sosofefjv great premium pietire sosqs 5f ii kroaltloq y agents want i4bertl finrrimlsalon toawbtid agboi fortbu dlttdet it wasted at onotmcn t tak an taant in pothlag tttr mskesthoroogb nnvsstotj i for terhu and partiodlartj 6rb0tatcft m w v i i5jrii 1 irdsifcey