Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 10, 1891, p. 4

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mrtmffmflimmfctiiflfti l r n f w tl sir ft j r- 1 l j ttttlrrdat december 10 1891 cc fottng folks i j ca tftts xa9kb jtttdtke kcsklt ttife intfe m a smalt iny uauiad cjiiltas wase vvfotwsujw i fasdaader antics tree j tuvfaaye rbett oawuos w barfiy and good uootwatifal afrttt the edce of ht wcot xnicncrcr catullat lu naoiitj- ult ud the tire of uie tr l both doleftl aad tad to imro hlttoo c coadact old ur atte hid to lut ts ui matieal ire if tile tree cave iw4weoa aorroafalbowl aiijttic nlfrqn the cupboard a fatty of jl rlf rci wakl riif iu vaovtmeot taottj fa i i lirvhta ultaooocatcllctmaee it it trrr made t nolo at the uooaotlbsilar ll lacant tbat catlaltia trcca aehool wax awey an j viiferci further question when toaiewart iwcaxue j i hejlaudhltetatctuy uiocp useaenecof on tiir whe n cattailo was merry and pool tlctr htvvlaadairaatueedieofthewoot a wave ia ike odorous btxeol jane ttio rlsccautancbea were til oat of tctte bai mr ttapee fteaee do tnacical tree i tun uaic tic uclitve what i east plainly isec no irjrr sifin or symbol shall covevu my acts 1 fclj you tti3 it be bqt oq facta i tvc ahind yoa tboatb eood when the tassir was sad xt indeed air jeo bare coiadded the la lor eacu ifcraamcj irwlcyid mr jfaess i asd tile cext day be cbprred town the tnuaical tmc i she pidnt dartj do it the other day a nag tod woman cam to a sudden bast oa grand street and the reman dropped a basket the ni atrryuig and called oat i sill i will ill not lire with joa soother day youll leave cnewill yoa he calmly aaked yteiwill wheo xnw right off this mmnte ycrau po aaajr ve iir i waaldnt if i were yoa i bat i will and defy yoa topreveat me i hare qttered at yoar hand u long afc i cao fratep itb it oh i ahant try to atop yoo he qaiet- lv replied ill rimply report to the polios tbat my wife baa nutterioatly disappeared they trill waat joar deecriptton and i tialicjvj tt yoa wear no 7 abdeaj oa i have aojfjarte month yoa wilt rtiff rf1neajoar note tome ap at the end hairfthe color of a brick tertacotta v in faahioo eyes rather oo the kaintraoe ptrtares of wretch jda tjoilnt dare do that aee acnauied i eeruihiy will aad the description will go into all the papers toej tared at each other for a minsts eitecau ttea he waited oq she lofted npandliown thae ttreet kritted her teeth together anduhea picked cp her bexfcet aad followed oh after be had what they call the deadwood oa her notescherranptherv tumofqaravt lntrit to fcti prat ratldtr ifaa to tet tc andlhii ittieway it xiai iu the la tereattif othrtdsrt m vine st phiiadelphtai pai d8 jaoiiary22is8a cnsoliciled allow me to add my teatt- inooiiitojooriratdanlalonam cerasdy 8t jacoba 01 a abort tim aga my left ankle and toot began to iwalt and became ly twtae their wiuhltira the await- iakweaaeoomnaiited by paint altuoat nn bearable nundin h hip sleep wa impoeaible t finally ned bt jacob a 01 i fonnd relief from the firtt apphoatloa and permanent core after ming halt m botoe r weotinea efaia be wruoap t hf ttebcukabootle j i sill such a remedy eeyond price atarita the drink of the ttantgreasor tshaftf t iere it not a more dancerotit claaaof disorders lata those which effect the hreathioeotkant nullify tit danger with dr thorau kclectrio oil a palmonfo of acknowledged efscaoy it cares lameneas and soreoeas when afplitd ocurparjaa well at twelled neck and crick in ths bickt and at an inward tpecific portesies moat abitantial claima to pablio confijenoe the wordt that- barn waatepaper bakrtfirtt co into the i prompt potent and permanent retails jwayt come from uubnrni aromitio qatulne viin a man may be lantern jawed and yet hit face twey never uht np i trua sayings h the thankfaj maa is always rich goodneaaakes all pecple beautiful the fid that dies the harden ta pride a coed habit is a tyord a bad habitla chain la gods tenice the maa who dees nothing gets notninc- uaay handkerchiefs are moistened by sorrows that never occur tore woald nerer have to iweep if t conid always be noderatcod ko man is good wbe behaves himself icmply beeasse he has to cndiyicg to the botcosi of flean res we bring op more gravel than peart the devil lias to work extra hart to get hold of the children who bavt good mothers hope bnilda a oast ia aiaas haai t where diaappointment hatches its brood if any keep their reputations polished only that jthey may ontahiae their neigb uinds of moderate calibre ordinarily everything which ia beyond their range dun sica hy mother was attacked with innammattoo of the longs which lefu her very weak and never free- from coidj till at last the rot a very severe cold and coogh she resolved to try fjegvards peel toral batsatn aodon to doing foand it did her more good than any other medicine the ever tried icas k0ieuv 50mith av htmiltoo oot i a yankee who bet that be conld eat over a hundred eggs ia one hoar won the wager by making a hearty meal ofahadroe two boston horses i would like to tell yoa what i saw from my window oa huntington areoae today a handsome team of horses stopped near oar door where the grass looked temtingly green the oeir horse mosahed the grass contentedly which the sear horse tried in vain to reach saddenly to my astonish ment the near horse raised his betd with hrs tnonth fall of grata and held it near hit contpaaiozs moath the o5 1 one ac cepted the apparent invitation to at aad took the grass from the other ones month after timing aad eating a while on bis own accoant he repeated this auacauvre and i then called in the other members of my family to watch them therecoaldbe nomittake about it the bone who coald reach the grass fed bis compenioa tt ihort intervals as long as they stood before he door i disrespectfully abbreviated hen who becotxfe suddenly richahoaldbe jadged leniently they have mtoy temp utiont from which the rest of nt are hap pily delivered mr john johnston a man of this class wu deciqoat to be known as of a literary torn and to that end proceeded to lay io a library one of his purchases m an old dictionary which being mmetrhat oat of repair was sent to the binders when it returned to the purchaser be oaod printed on the back the words johnstons dictionary thi slight threw him into a furious passion and be diaahdii of the messenger t whv didnttie pat the fall n lme 00 john johnsons dictionary lw copsnit 1 holioways coro care is he medicine to rseaove to all kinds of eonts wartf aiooy costs the small sons oftweniy- fisteenic e yob wntth- lubpatmcfaap tiijfcafc one poukd a day i a eis of a rocxo a imv is the caseofaltan wko has hecout all kus dowx akd has ekiun to take tiut trirrirtr ruot n scotts emulsion of pure cod liver oil with hypophosphlles of lima sods is ikothdta nxcxial titts fiat itueecrteteotueoovtr andovet agaiv palatable as mile en iitsed it pliysiciaxs scotts ekrutox is nt ur oxlv is sautos color vtarrets sotn it all datq cists at 5oc and 103 scyrrc- fioirx a tlte best yet ptthspt hukf itmi it tfctt not ittloh for tiie original tudbist oorn curt atuamt palnleas telite u accept any oltftt fla icodsclog mbttut offered by greedy tealcrt who make itrget profit and dlars- ard us nleretls iulettcetaln in a halt column 1 at week d a noroo oawlt iatowoowcxf rtremedtjapuls i iiiiitnl the thfcd page itlfl autufedtii ak a soled fqft vsi uawlkfcmdts llyowanlhlibayatsutwiyuiing u y want a iluata tmsbk a h nut maahlmtyiodjjiflgt 1700 have lost ooaodtjihyik orif ycra want to find a ttwkere anyone itjtdvutlm la the to- fettc x ie charge is two oents a word eaoh in m rtioa address the halt toronto oan vi f- could yoa not it you cledgrtrtt me a place m thai icy heart of ypartv ifjrheavtdaf iefcfcisil aayife say jitr si ipbtelgli bat ail the tame i am oot in tie cold itonige buttaess j ii i 1 1 u tuo kestan vuy the reaioa why bdrdoclc blood bitten leads all olhsr medioiae ia the rase for popularity is because ft tt absoluuly pan cannot hsrtn the moat delicate auud and nercr fails to care bnioatnen dytpepslt bait blood constipation etc a man thoald be csretal haw he walks en there it a wash out in hit back yard c c kictuuus ooj 1 have ated yaar iiiaardr linlmeat tuccessfally in a serioss case of croup ia my family i ounsider it a remedy no house thoald he without i cape laland j fc cniktvoiuk cuat home a bottle of slinards liniment striae on my finger means bring cold weather ttlalt i eib bias this fall and winter i f offer- from keoralgia in my face and had the beit medical advice without avail itt lut ught of trying bbb and after uting on bottle have not felt any symtoms of netralgia sisor i regard it as a cue family medietas j t dcost heeslip kan when there it work to be doae the burr tav is always willing a take a hand pr t a woeamt oxygenized emuiaisn of pare cod liver oil if yoa hare a cold ute it for sale by all druggists 35 cents per bottle not for hhn did the confess her lore to yoa i yes and f ighing im to act as best man canada it being congratulated everywhere on ths excellences of her manufactures art stained glass is prominently in the front rank of her improvements thanks to kccaosiaad son of toronto who for 0 years have labored not oaly to accama- tste money bat to make staioed and orna mental glass of all kinds a credit to the dominion he shall we try the bicycle or buggy this morning laura 7 6be either george im yours for wheel or for whoa probptly aad pemumtly rheumatism asli0 hesdehetaat4xkai ketjralgia sere titrate gweluaet frostbites sgi a t i c ai spralaa brttlmt bams bexms 1 sold by drjsistj inil rxaleii ererywhere diamond veracuiia rre dy8pcr8ia asd at stoifiach troubles indicestiqn hetusea sour stom ach glddlnoss heartjburn conttt- gatlon fullness food rising itagraeotble taste nervous- at druttirt i reoeljit vtzi iittiinl iailrriirntljymanoc cu tiui iuiii lu tuaina- nflu ma m a msii n tatcua mt a good verdict i siib i have great reason to speak wel of your bbbitters i have taken till bottles for myself and family and find that for loss of appetite and weakness it has no equal it cores sick headache purifies tha blood and will not fail when need l heartily recommend it to all wanting a pure medicine ilvn hcua mtncrr traro n s 1 paps aid little freddy wnose nau tical knowledge fs a little miied- when ships beat their record do they do it with their spankers daugeni of delay if we were allowed to look into the f ntnre and see the fatal conseqaences that follow abesjlected cold how differently woald oar coarse be j coald we realise oar dinger how speedily we we woali seek a cure bat with many itu only whetttb monster duaase his fastened itsfans apononr lang that wb awaken to dor folly what follows a neglected cold isit pot diteues of the lliroat and lanes bronchitis asthma con adoption sad many other diseases of like nature it is worse than madness to neglect a cold and it is folly not to have somegood remedy available for this fro- qowt complait one of the roott iieca- ciias medjciaes foe all diseases of the thwat and laogs s bioklet antlconsum tire byrup this medicine is composed of trrsrat medicinal herbs which exert most wondtrfal influence in coring coa- afflntionaad other ditesses of the laogs sad ohest it promotes a free and easy iorajiop teotltes irriu tion and dnvss disease from the ty stem how ft it that yoa are hajtj aust hearty jowsee uncle lie1 t gueta wit osase ive always been to batyuiat fre mterned untsto tendto my health not injarruiechflic worms and do if yoa want tobayorsell a farm ad- rtite in the toronto iriy ilaii that paier reaches 100000 fsrmen homes evjry week and your advertisement ahould trieefrtjieeyd oc tomaone who want to pnr- casse advertisements of this class are o- serted in the tfotontoj iteetfy ifaif for fire ceits a worjl each insertion or- twenty cents a word for five iasertioos address thekeil toronto canada were yoa ever ambuscaded by a coal nsp no buti tjwaysftad them lying ia height i m enjafin a btesslnr dtuc sins last summer my younger sisters were taken very htdty- wflh crotrtt iadeed we were simast in despair having littjebope for caring them finally we applied hagysrds yellow os and to o great joy it cared them perfectly and they are now enjoying the blessing of perfect health avsnr johxstox dalhoasie n the average country newspaper comes oat in a new dross aboat as seldom at the editors wife tbe tut qf oasterta it sosnlrsnal aad ll taaflts to wu ta tbat sestns a work sht osju ciai marrrx da kii troekouy i its raster bi h o ctiurati jtoiml rears i havvftjoinitienna roar oastorla and stall si rays antlowto so to si ill haetavariauy pro iwt rseaefloul nvajts ftwnc i pa am id m tuare ksvycekcllr tta psstina ooariirr it moaaar sraar pjtaljb j lspottadfrsmthsworll 0 kather keeii ttityluutoliudafaiaj tsijafroatoir heart eaehfsprart thought aad make me pars ttitbia utapted from the world o fttheriet uy lffs sad tetlass lie iia ersaud opristt kltjd and good and filled wfth leva for thee pijepotted fretn the ivorld my fauier msr 1 i thsuartng iyt of foath ksirfut mhtart uorumpt oiyomt i tiwabdsrfinitiirtriith u ipotttd frooiht wirw 0 keep nt tsr so close to jems tide tliaj ia bis fori and tntthj my life karevtrtliahabide j chitdt paper reads letter lay agrootr meeting a milkman of aiir a ready anawar on eti his a iuaintaoe laid t i wlu be a pity lot yoar la the day of judg rnefif johnj 1 i anj james t hope you aiid me will btitti deejlntheaa day vital for said james i i eoai tte the deevtl wul be that thrang wi y a fur light weight aad wee measure ill f it sklppta hy aadpell never see mel r h th 1 gitdaal djuppiaranoe from the engl lit tiflguageof ihl letter r raucli sffiici s a correspondent of ho notes aad oner m i do not allokej be writes to ihed oil sound hat lometijbos shocks us when wesre told that rbawabbas was a wobb r iknowicanqa who always to it i mean tho slamatj avtr he teas snd calling a carriag a caage an lorala moiand to oq che way in which j r is slurred oyer or all ngetiier omitted fay the average eug- lishs an gives hint a marked pecalarlty ben he speaks any foreign language if he hi e had a teacher whose ear is quick to detec ilia infirmity hit care ia possible exce tin those cales ll have mentioned wberir it distinctly tarnod into w they i fear are hopeless si c headache cauaod by excess cf bite orscl isordered stomach it promptly relieved by uiing national pills j 1 ua ire fined 10 said the iadge to jays mtfij arretted for drankenness mar jdge pttitosea jsytmith yqt only fined me 15 last time hckin- ley b li isappose baa raited prices john blackwell of tha bank of toronto writes having far over four years from dytpep- i weak stomach and having tried eroos remedies with bnt little effect a was at last advised to give norutrop lymans vegetable discovery a trial i k lowith a happy result receiriog great benefit from one bottle tthen tried a second and third bottle and now i find my appetite so mach restored aad stomach strehgthened that lean partake ota hearty meal without any of the nnpteasantaess i formerly eiperienced yin may be able o find a choice cut in the botchers shop bat yoa seldom find one in the daily newipapere xow free from pain d5in8im i have been jtroabled with lame back for about 0 months aad thought i would try hegytrds yellow oil which eared me am now free from all paint and recommend yellow oil very highly fexsk paiatcb winona out 0 your son hi been starring as an actor ifr casheoupter 1 yes do tell me all about him wuoit supporting himfr i am j t jdhn hayi credit p o says his f hoalder was so lame for nine months hat he coald not rake bis hand to his hesd but by the use of- dr thomas kclectrio oil the pain andlamjuessdisappesaedaud although three months hat elapsed he luu not had en atta of it since 1 kconomy rightly tinderstood is not re fusing to spend money it is spending jsdicioualy l j j rls iinimaac euros coidsl e ill lsaijivjm wfca baby was sfcfcj we se ber oattorls vna aha was a otifli aho c ried cor caeortz wbei she became kia the cluogtocattoric wbsi abshadctalrtnabo3vflubmcsajia pal ifal barns hraiseti scalds aad cats sreqi icily toothed and healed by victoria carbt io salve thi re it no feehng at which men are capat e hat promises sol mach and pays so litlie it rsrsoge la me pi iravst 8tsonce8t best j ferjuelaanr qnantltr- for makimr soyi kortaa asrvalai mc irawr 1 vim p i n j inn bas l osix tresis vtwvailmtm wja 1 u ir ait crxr il draawua sattftifttxta tonasto anrboantltr for meln soytl ratar ikvfrapinssnd ahaadnd atbsr mesktt stott jury chemists bow- manv le write we thoald direct atten tion 10 korthrop a ljmant yegeutble dltoo ery which is giving perfect salitfae- tioa u oar hameroat castomecs all the prepa suoas manufactured by this well- knowt house are amoug the most reliable in ths market a coshion poll enets is like not be mocb la it but it of kno ks received m life there may lessens the force are ycu jaf or jo yon tatter from aoises in he head then i end s cent stamp and i will send a valutb e treatise containlngfall psrtlcalars for he 58 care which coits comparatively nothtn a splendid work on deafness and the eai addreespnor gj omsehonlrai saocest jwilhou all dri positii oare ct 1 shilohs onsumption cure i i b cough 3 for it croup sad reii loos dti use itj ask price langs poroul i yot r gebat cjoufcia oltre this oixn8tjmptioff coke it a parallel in he blftqryqfmedlcine fists are authoriiei to sell it oa a guarantee a test that no other tqcoessf alljj stand j it yoa have a ore throat nr bronchitis ate it oare yoa ilf yaar child lis the whooping cough ase ft promptly if js sure if yon iiretd fast insid- consoilptrqn dont fail o will aure yoa orl cost aothlac draiozist tot shilohs core mots tad 4100 if yoar tore or bsok lame uso 8hiiohs platter isois hots 1 re yellowlb cufilo rheumatism k rtftosz el ra benady foroiiain is the i m bfatlssitottesaiesseatt catarrh tols by draashs or sswtwtsetrioet tnasltlawamj r lawa qcbmat that won t go yotif t yev iry day yoa may i ftevar hove ths j agninijqt tfaiatc ibeatqialityjoaerihinc ijktdffloyeti 75 cierptt jbyerypaii gaf ranted roq bits sverv lady i org i go gl vea kuoyg- gtjamped tfosephide express 1 i8 taru mtll p s3p apte ri eat f boots fc shoes we have just reoet red oar fall stock e boots and shoes front the best menu- facturers in canada snddefy com- pelillqn la sl eymtywhore aatct6 for ttita linje wbively we jeattnot repeat hem leaa tuaa 1 grand ftrjuiik kalfi v ko wast 1 ftouiaaui ti r 1 l bstwijrits rito i flksb ejtnttul lt5 mall 6 h tnajutil i4ttittts i fianeiiserjf mtrnnf awstd i j 11 llbs vj jrjitwqrciiiatxfl srsils fj m doing wa- so tm and jobju ooingxattrbstlaisand jsopis thiatuae table went intoffscs ijss stb- dnly get 12 do at wejhavti th 00 want 1 she who heitate uhorjt oripaya jtnll jtlgarej her quallly style orfprioe we make a 1 oeoialitytot t wi sjongj- fft the eamo price- wti can 8dperior trjalc lio trimmednijt j milliaeryjhag a ttmble for tjie balatice of the bmboji there j no rndy it it br ni we pave b x rjpon box ot teingat birdig and tipj and dozens of primmed ahd igntrirrijried hata i that muatgi todt at a prictf thata 4uongh to nakfa ns tnpi griby btit we wo aid n ther have heyioney thairthe got da grepe id tlea 60 cents per ya rd m black ioiijintfae clotr 6 icenti boots which for ttylefit excelled wm williams asthma d and wear cannot be acton tafts afltaatalekb rear addrsss snd wsyulvai wlif mss free trial bottle brtajt8h08bhtjtppf ester jcv canadian detrt us adtc jilvlv 1 hide st w toronto ourf canada young men stock a this line menrfucaisb mgs the parlor the dining room the- bedrooms thehall trrjs kitchen ulround mf 04u sportsmen towhat we ttyla oar all roi nttdonnta bsiextvsteseli lqadiasfigab lfj or 12 gtage top liyer isminafedsleet barrels ohoke bored exteosion rib case her lened ireech kndimonntingi lotr set eirealar rebonddiag iiammerf well seleouri putol grip irtundt ttoot ahd patetit tnap for ileodlchebfared robber heel piittj ljpxaestm ihooter with joo traded shells any tire or atge waterproof canvas oarer flannel hi ed with hendfc htii f0ris2o0o 4 the chasstark cf i can furnish you with the best presses for country newslanlt job jvorkta be had coiintry andat lower prices tban for i the fre pri dp- church st toronto 5w cyhnderpress ress in this i 1 i no r 500 drum cylinxler press j press is printed on the above press and th work iliustriteis its merits artdo better hev spaper or we have ran tin proaty for eight yean aad the loos little fortepalrt and is sty on the easy tdhandle costs today for the morje them we can give youyourobolceotanamberof difforent sites sad ilyles of p thinfcoft f come and tee our press at work if yoa desire llj 1 t ll flltf li uj a new col folio or 5 or an 8 col b66k press we ran it t is belter we lil e i fit it tin rinter 1 pocket book wei all it the bed nmplesof weak eddfor thitb nd we- wfll gla41y rnrnlah a allprioes powekprfiss for 6 nly fybak to 700 m iciyviil iter work pie tasy to run aaty oh type jrf to be had in the world carivtractoii out biuousness nlhgesno jaunwc heafitburn heamctjl drqps v- njmtrfws vj ofmheab afflditvofo tfryhesi v of the abd every cooeics rf tf iwmjciisnrijarb xjt2b stoma cb bo wezqb tshpirnfrco pr fowejej 1 vild m holeramoehus amoiau summeis xjompuums i ip nxz dfwc bowao it fssaferhncr retlable tor ntswstdtstwtb our1iiiu atwnsx riii lqaf uri ixtk

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