i wmtbos iwe4elet -wtbitl- 2s tctdcb dumww l- i astrcasana and ll uatiiiirtrili n oara stag eboat neighboring owat rt- himself a au agtat rf w f ta rt ha jfiw imm ejoek of member if eb4ae oklai ao ihafiiketa wutltupojrjheetrtoatg the kpu are moiomly uniting tht gobatj obk out forhtm ha may dy you a call 1 t -i- tavwnbi teneaj wiibaitwai tt e whort to iwltrna cifti oititonce j come in riaw while the riick of the choicest and best can be had avoids the- crowd arid the rash that always attend the last days of christmas shopping i our stock of watches jewellery silveir- ware plash good alhuml bibles books vases- cods queers toys dolls gih 3isfe xt ttt will nestth u oxoeyhdsaotonobt 4i 1 1 ft if 3 it 4 jtdtmfm ffresi vaj- ujj th0baxat december itrftjlj little local b which causrht tllm xy or ear tf fra pra reportara tht waalc christniaiaweektrom tomorrow methodist sunday school eanirenary christen msjal tfce sleight wr running again fore few eocrsoo tnesdav i i knot church seodty scugot anoiver- eery jnew iii wight ftahfnalaii methodist sunday school orrtan fniit anfa ud oaobctioaei exth hxxprsa gropery r j ciristrn and seer tear visitors may rare it tingle fsre for retaru- tiekete st albaas sunday school cnrietms tree tod cuitlt monday evening bar feiu lynch of hamilton paid a tint to the fancy fur oa mnndjeveniug mr d pmll of toronto ia tpaodiog k vast oc to vitfa riaodt is aofao ad liia- itj- j ear caapobooit acxaatred ipeqt c dj or as lact waafc villi kit q b csooka- j the itntuovntktr bo wiu be held u k3ioo oa oaoeaiocr 51nd jtnotrj lit iso mr stall o qtuloit it tboat to apa c meat toop n the rtore recenllj bult by hn8ardf his b little has applied for uje appamtamat ac direotrak of kinderrtrteq school in soaipfc t the liadf fair vill take the eraun off the prottia of the uacy bode dona thia fmottbaeaoavf it a wall tlteodad maatipg of tia koyai yi rsavlera of feyirajee jata wu aheodad maahpg of t wiputa tut tak lha folloin offloett w ataoted for th year of 1812 valtcetf elfusu 0 a8radrurtr f- h chovohr tiettsjt hnu tburitoa oupbro bt j w ru rnld- john darkiat qcattf- rolit umlxirt i 8uunl-l- k sbwoiartulf otsanutsta aai tttrton pabra i k wama i the ju feirr of aa mtereigtytifcrtcttr aueadwioe it looke er ttaaitwrniaf ckank to drill sbed the uuitia department agpeara to be 4ttkoirtetro7cels0thlorae biflei bliaiilieutpendotfia few di ya in the kutoo the rr i t near abed g r a ini alooabaiidioff fi w ff fi hlrfiietkhbwbood he mchrfiathtrbrfoictba ntnot bevriltbatthe flj tehapvadateirtoa mr vamsaoo k p far south ea- freer ha baeft ajrpoiflled junior judge of wetiuftaa oiooty j the sasdaf bofuob are all boey pre- parime for hchstj faleruinioenu iai the noaaaaace a rapidlj nrois by bis porohaea oa stiarfiy dticci seoord erfll base a good roond qoou ox imaaialfc to- heap cuer of anear aieeoc the olerieai riaitora to the faocr flair tjiii week erereiber fathers eeojmr pleat and olotoe goetph twenty dre quelph dog owners wiu hire est eodteaee with he poliee tfxgit trtu tomorrow the ears are tacleaa p at the njfcefani oflhe qaeiph board of edecatioa oa kfoodajr etsaiag 5 anil was nji to the reporters of the oity papers it j sods it the boay candidate improte eadt abiaing minute in proving to the electorate thit hes the man thats in it tile befarnt conrontioa for be nam instton of a candidate for the 4ooing by- election wfll be held to kiftonntwd- needar j thesarroooby birr jg sithbd ia knoi charefa last satoroxy was able and tmpreaaite sndmoeh enjoyed by the mofjregalion the ascrtmeaul eertioei ia knot cfaarch an sends were wed attended bar j w bast the pastor preached aa apeweprute aermoet- the secnitanad eumiasdons ia the pomic sehools here will be held neut toeaday afternoos en all j depsrtffieatc thepablfas aeaerally is iorited to be pcei y i i- it msy not be grnersllr known the postmasters from ginog letters papers oat jof heir afseee to chm aoderlea years of se wiihoat speei order ker j gijiowsy of clinton ihcvpalpftof he sfetoodist cboroh saodsy kfr gsxioway proted htmaelf pfeaeher of more hsn ordinary ability s dstrrered tw ekeeftent aermoof kr 0stiuoooeipa hss m srrsosenieots to open s newjineat marl is he baudinf reeeotty meted by seoord corner kb and mainctnett fall atoefc brohriatmae meajs fowl wilt he opened lo enatiamers beit toaads boys hare a end line anowbaiiing i rstfrad plsersjiff the atreete for y kswihspraetioa of thrownf aoowbaj mi ihtstrerts aad atpedslly at passu awofi v obastawe has the satatormw arrest erety snow sr fjsiti1aemtc pastor itoattea wntttnmhub stsaiiwt h 3 y 0 be boeght from the congregation by th qottrnment and when hued ap tor the pacpoeet of the compsur witllnake a apod drill ihedltffatiaojuj kiahf thai the regetauootoompiny drill wnedbutit ia large eooogh and it ia in en eicelleot ataie of repair mr d uodibbao barris- tar ia preparing the papers for he transfer of i the building to the gorernment jftfttcerftcov 6t albuiv einiay school wfu bold their aaaosi eateruinment and chriitmae tree next uonday evening in the town hall aainiertstcg pen of he propanue prill ibl praeecsatidd of the caauti xing wuxterwhiehhaabeen in preparation eome weeks this is an exbellent mosicsl and recitative production and the principal parte are being taken by prominent am atejira while the choruses will be rendered by he children of he school the pro gramme will include other nnmbers by the children and will conclude with a visit front santa clana and distribation of be christ- me presents this it the first entertain- meet of the festive aessoa and will no doobtbeweu attended street earner stmtktrr- the grinubr independent addressed the yogas men who offend pablicdfenity and are of tea disooarteoat to he sir kxio he fallowing ttrsitforwird manner why do yoo atssd oortbe street oorhers saywsy t there are bat two proper places for boys on elaaday nigtts sod theee are athome andateharcb if yoa dont went to go to oowkfctr wj hooie if ft dealt wnt to stay at home go to church bat if yoa really will not or cannot do eithei of these for goodness take go for s wtlk or a ride or eo crasy if yoa like bat dont stand oa the street corners sad tqairt tobacco juice oar obeerrstioa proves thst acton has veryfew to whom the above will apply bat it i hoped those who are guilty of lie danemly habit will now ska s hint and desist a wofrf to correeponrfeirts all newt papers are compelled to depend apoothe hbnar of thefr correspoadents sad no newspaper desires to unnecessarily offend by he ineertioa of paragraphs hat tre offensive or objectiootnle oar eorree- panseau with rare tpn hate never violated uriseoafideaee sad we believe this ia true of correspondents for other papers ss well bat ocessioaellf iteaw get in hit lock anobjeofioaitla hi heir face bat aire bidden meaning known in the locality hey an intended for kow we wiahi it toj be distinctly ondentood hit we do not wsatitims of ttfs kind say time we desire newt sad will gladly publish si tnch as we can get bat thrusts in the dark with a mean import we do hot want nor will we pauith them if they csit he detected beforehand gaccpb fit staeft shaw many leading men identified with ftrii- ii iatereets were attracted to gnelpfc by thalatsioifctnow and aaaaal meeting of thacjoaictl of the agrsenltare and arts aasociatioa lsat week the thaw was held onrie the joint aospioes of be agiicnlture sad arts aetociatfcm and the fat stock club of gnelph the were exhibited in he old curling rinfc they show in all classes was considerably better than last year and tu in every way tnoceaafnl rbeattendanceof visitors was good and jading wsi cerriwjpln the presence of a urge concoorse olpectators the fst stock gab entertained the guests at dinner ia the evening at the conclusion of he judging a public meeting was held at which speeches were made by prominent men pr tochers ertmlamtiabt isgi the following kodenut of milton hodel school have passed heir professional examination for third class certificates as public school teachers in ontario the names stand in order of merit the marks obtained range from 785 to 5sq pot of 900 the maximum l ssas eeamin 13 junec f shortffl x cbs4 loscombe 16 kstakseosdr 1 fred e deseoa 17 atf- x ptrtntgli brace j qodfrer i- 1 rwlle brown i wat i shertisea 19 cstbertde etiuiedy 6 uscdeeccaipbelll anae kixaa 7 wm walter stall c bobert t hoars wlnale etrl b wuusm jbrsut t joan p ejiisll i3 gordoa tacker ia chsvlottec font l innie g smrth u vet- c elliot is thomas f campbell it dents b hill k wsuingtoa stepnens u florence ii teterr it frsaeti b itciiuur it ltituetlirntcli ae0tsj3tark fhb count t 1 awaawsi n mi itimi buspjlcl by pondonta njel 0rbw8on j aary soddeideawi frldi j morning when jltr job i old aj d respmtsd resident mil tiled mr 1 mb reurid th avanlng i ejore ii hii osnal baejth hat wne called la breauaat heitt i aorning tiers jrftno w onaejaad hit to iinlaw mr wfiliam t jnia found ihatlo hajlgone to bis ettrnal home a itioke of paralyaii wuobawy the oaose mr lambwat bortij in bobtlatd in 11810 aad i migrated to canada 48 year lego short y alter aeulfng here he w k niarled to uii a margaret laibg and thi y oomtmn- li e on ihe farm here whei t he died htfpsnef to jllfe procedsd him to- the gri htta years ago the ret laini were iaurr id in the osborbe oemaiei y the aetr vfee- b itng conducted by berioha hart decea ied4eavea bbhind him thr semi and three laughters fo moara hit depirtare the tpecisl servicesj which he m heett in progn u the last five weeks were armiaited on sn idiy great good hat ret ilted from them etlags j bev flagg kstaagawyi pnaflhed la the methodist charon here npbanday eveatigj i revl e j harnweu of albert college the patrons of indastry it xealies school got inja big ttock of groo irlea from tocoqi o hat ireek a sunday school leameeting is talked of for 3hrutfrau week is aalk i ewy aa eveat whloh be far iff burlington i i ti itc laatj saturday mrs taffardj mother of mr ximet wilson ofthit tillage died at her laaghtecs rssidenoe kfiddia koad he int irnwnt taking place oa monday la hafpebycaieerr j mr joahae freeman of frseoun has been vy poorly for tavaral wieakt past both low recovering isi bit miny friends an gn atly rejoioed over the good bops of eeeiog litt aooo in his aoonatootad plaoes ia met d ufa very few of the ois asatlart arelaf and mr freeman la pathtfe the oldest agreatppwittunwdewimalha tt aewgooday school robav both by uw mahodist peopk wm dedwledoa bahbel b doe uu he bevjsoacsman cmave bceutariaeeaonbar estaetn it nestor- atwaouawi tti uocahgaadoaiag inthe open 8 laday sohool aaaaioa eras efoadsr evenia a pabttof held ihea the bev john milton sod others gave iaterattni d ireasei i the rev d li bcethoar who tu it bradfcrd last week attending hit tind sanosj meeting of the grand dtvfadoa at he8ot of temperance relorned hoot setardly evening he reports the old order ia beiig ia i uonrlahlng cooffltfbn over 1 oqo mkmbert were added last year report i of the grand officers ire very hopefa ia tone for he coming jeer- the old bar nercounlj halloa ii to have lha honor if welcoming the grand division next y ar which will jbe held in miltoa srtt week of next deeeuiber the jubilee of the order will se oeleoned next sep- tembefia new york kockwood ooc miss jsnaie joliffe if vtstting friends ia conestcge i a lit lie dskghter of mr wax gavins fell an the iceaaeday last week and brose her oolir booe mr j doffleld thpped three car loads of lamia on tuesday for the banaio market i mr john btrachan filled engagements in elocution last week st hiutbarg and baninafad batcl it kthoet esai took a tkip down lawn a i tnesday without a driver so damage mr john bailey arrived oa sunday morttin from st paul min he will spend a few weeks st home with his parents bev messrs flsgg haesegtweya and ff j e arnwell took ohsrge of thwaervieea in the methodist oharsh hut saadsy moraine and evening j onr opuiar tailor mr innis has aecarsd he ser rices offr knight of toronto aad is i ow better than ever able to eater to the wi its of men and boys in search of ciotmaj j arnoi g visitors to bocewood daring he past we ik were mies fatmore conesloga mrs w arner lather mr john wright dathan mias fumorej guelpb and the misses keray cleveland and tttltoa of action the v otu meeting in the methodist church on thortdsy evening was well attendee the bev d itrachan occuplng he chair bev i w bse of acton girt a splendid address and dwelt partlealarly on the false lights tqeh sspopalar opinion convenience financial gain ac held oat by opponents of he temperance- eaoae and which lead thoae who come onder tl eir influence npon the rocks and away friim he only safe ponrse m the public school will elbae next toes day afternoon for the christmas holidays tfoaog rasa dont become e croaker dont disparage ar own friends yoor own country end its inrfitalions abbot the mesnestand most hnoomfortable per on to have around iir society is the fellow who doesnt believe here is ssy virtue in anybody any prosperity in his town and who alwaya is prophesying dssster sad trouble your confirmed pesefuhstwnaldnc behsppyia psrsdfse mr j c allsn of aspen qoi wei kaovn to many farx paris readers has favored ne with an iotereeting pabticatirat entitled aspen illustrated in whlct many of he public boiuiags snrroaoding jsseaery sad he interior of various business giscesof ibovs city are beautifully por- frayed an hiterior view of mr allans fioe drag afore it given glimpse at whith would fill many aa eastern druggist with envy mr allan ha evidently got the inaida track of boaloeas ia his line in the eaterprismg city of aspen bwtartc xaiupws mfifrtlrt mjmltvilfrfirtrh- tiulfuaaf or plain suppsrs atooeaaiiis hi erin the lenlh tnaiterury of bonn church was heh on sunday and monday eev john keitbjl toronto preached etoellent sermoi the dwnship coancil held the hist meet tag of the year here on dan milloy left i lsat where h intends going taomoltjiol ralaniatef fv irjaiat y night was the it oapaoity anf c uy enjoys e money i wbieh bat wan so buslneii men and certain y nit apparent during the holding of the i ufuf fof the mannm jkwhloh the oath ft trad tmawwalmr would jnqatat one tonolade that there e isted aoaiewbarej gold mint free jto all i the vicinity there waa enter- tainme it excitement and fan galore and aithooj h those in ohirga wrf tired and weary rtiheaektoparajon tbepablio was ev jenuy not anixlbaa for tneproeeed lags to terminate and the olbek hid ttruck one yet lerday morning before the lightsof tbjctial wwreettofaiaoedi i j the irograranie wkl nen thurs day en aing with a grand ooncert by george town land ind a hnmber int vooal and inttraii ental performers and was tepfate with i itereat throoghoet tie five deye aoton i ipraet bud fcndlbooltwood brest band ring excellent and highly appreci ated vice two eveaingv each ansoog the vis ing and local artitu who asaiitad in the irogramme were the following bfaaea cummfngs and lee bookwoodi mias 1 l lambe toronto mlat byan george own aad the mfaeea gty of gnelph in eboii e piano solos tad duetts and mr f ohill viouhiolo kwnaroi vocal solos duets i oartetls eio were rendered by the gnelph quartette mist m heffernir and m a eelleher and mesars dtughan and sianlan misses brandon gnelph lee b ickwood and messrs brydon of quelph stark jeaai and benedict acton while taetlent redtatlons were given by miaiea rhinhart and traoey onelph mias clevela id anion messrs j p downey gnelph tndfpsmlth brampton kothing on the irograinmeave more entertainment than t j phonograph on saturday even ing mr d bwettoa exmlp varied the proceec ingt aomewhit by ail intereating apeech ia which he oongratnlated ber if father devlin upon the tacoess attending the fai rajid spoke ia vary flattering termt of the i latter in which au the arrangements wen carried oat j i amo ig the moat exciting of the aeverai ecn test arranged was that of the dou oom- petitloi among our bandtome little meider i from quelph georgetown book- wood ind acton great interest wee nsnife ted aad ft proved a highly profi table contest no lees a sum than fttj90 being reahntj the contest closed on saturday monday week for toronto into the butchering raturned from hat beea dor- has csmpbell iumbawhete be isst nine months bart jnd stevenson the county paid erin a visit last monday ilion to the present members of ji ooaneil it if rumored that the foltowing efttteo wol bkefy be candidates for the 0dfmril board j meatrs wi hamil ton d campbell d memorria j long i kl c iiler and b medley jdr mo- naoghte a martin and exopunoildr walker wflifighrfbetbe reevee1iipudeafc j the 1 atrris of ininwry at pinkham hetd an enurtainment with varied pro gramme friday evening the u tta folks counseled with prin dis ofples hnrch are rehearaing for their sanoal ateruinment which will ake place between chriitniaiand kew teira the methodi t s bohildrenwaientei tain their friends few tiirt ere thi tnooaet which hi a hi thertp attended these denomfn stionsl jatharingt is guarantod in thi flublep ogrannnla which will be iwaantad the font s ire deroted to the s subrartes etc i a quai ttfynntaioei hi beta tbipw fortheeiatern pommanlinga crop will export o m b9 menoehwe turnip i also fra prio7udtbeababda axtaniti i lading jot rwirtralirtni f gesi ilameti i j snitor toaamd artfttlo oajladj ereaind mia lena holmes aston the wir net with s088 votes miss ei heinhadt gnelph came next with i votes hits lixxie laigah j8t ani min kjhogaa rockwood each a adidate was preeeniedwith a hand- tome dnu i the onteat for the dominion keg in which he rofckwood georgetown and acico sands were the cahdidatea stows ifery cl te competition acton was how ever th i favorite with the electors though oar bo n won by a remarkably email margin the votes ooat ten oanta each and at thee oee stood rockwood189f george town 6t acton 670 the new flag should wave over the band stand ia frankli i square aeooi ding to the vote given atbc coo- test foe tht most popolar mania wwo mr jol a mogrsil enjoys that proud dis tinction hell be oat in he beeveship next lil sly meesr alex seoord and h s holn at were hie opponents but he led hem t the finish by many laps the rot wis mfgrail 770 seoord 76 holmes 78 the oaoe won in the oom- petitloo ia a very handsome ebony gold headed one mr mograil will pat away hiaoldihlilalah thoa snds of chances were purchased for the arioae aroojee which were to be present d to the perabris holding the iuuky number in each case among tht for lunate oee were mr ed forbes who secured an imitation walnut bedroom toite x sopa est of tingle carriage harneat j g mulholl indune lelaeoope j maud bead painted ore screen f b deilcb portrait of the late sir john a maodoosld jno ms- grail p jrtrait of hon w lauritr porrait of biahi p bowling miwm cassia dinner cravcarwii silver ftuit knives mite fay mocaen port and bbarry stand 3 falona cushion 3 newton coahioi presented by tbs aattart of st joseph j lamb table drape 1 beech- iaoc t ible carer w a msbooey amor l the most amatiag and not least profilab e feat ares of thefalr were be fish pond in l pott office which were continually oentres if attraction the 1 axar exhibited a very handsome diaplay if fancy work of almost every oon- oeiveble kind the whole of whloh was dispoaet of r the e itfre prooeeds of the fair netted uuhah laome amount of 11000 over and above li expenses which wul not only liquidat i the entire amount of indebtnets on st osephioharch but will leave a handtoi is balance for contemplated im- proremi nta durir the fiir many of tbemembera andadh ireo is of protestant churches dls- penaed iberaliy of their meant in aupport of the v irioat projeott no doubt the mem bers of it josephs will have opportunities in ihe f tare of reciprocating at tit eoneiuaion of the fair bev father evlin who presided each evening with gr t aoceptanoe in a neat tpeech thanked thefpdbllo for their astisteaoa and generou aapport and thai ended ihe great fi nay pair ling bpernl with and i0irn vooal tvtfm phiytri lj vtolin mr b mliamftl i w jpimi hn straohajn dla- ptraohanr i flmitb dma boi imisail tharstfisaohimr idgav pawy 6tibvt joeta ai reoljatioj mr wm player tog mr wrlghi r tang mr johw straohan mw faf al present j 1 i death ij ttilt at world this tlmi he had 9thjl jreyjajx btlod irffaof mr neil mophedran dakotajwbo igdon thjothoee this ft thithlrdbf th darby family thai hm pataedtvay ajlthin ay tar xhflaj la one of theeaddiet eventa t utj hat owjurrodfor a long time ta itleaves t is pope nxjlheralmottbroawhearted the nothir and family hare the deepest symp thy in this their tad bereavements vt rain and snow it the orderdf bevtj w kitching of booxwt and e flsgg of natsagaweya pulpits laat sunday the eden millt people will meeting on friday erenlug jo building of a village ball i tbemetfapdiat sunday schi millf helda chriatmaa feativai evening anniversary jterriceawera held on anday j j mr john mcgregor teacher beformer and mr jamea qordonfarmerdanterrative attended the patront conrentira at milton on tntadiy ask your druggist for i d amgtiit sbentgshsntburg drobt for i he blood psrtles hinkiog sbout wi iter ijlothing shoald call- and invpebt the afoek of b nicklle before porehaaitj els where uasrds uoiment onres from all quarters of lh dvqfaed globe oome words of praise of tl e grand cleansing etbunugb i i-n- greasi vanish and labor tiring qnalitij soap it makes dirt like magio and brings oleinunematidao j- fort to millions of homes ose it tonll never regret it de66nibef ba a stirring time ia this chrfatmai very close at hand you only need to tee bur diaplay to be remiided of the fact our stock bristles with isassonahlt dry goods- ouritore it flue i with purchaser our december special 8 le it ttirrlng tip a lively btutoeei our ti emendoat efforts ire bearing fruit the i ammse porohaaes we lately made are t impting plums come and pick while tb ly are npe we have only room to men ion a few rarities i i i- evening silks in pongors sarahs faille francait jo lovek thadeecoaije to order in moat elegant atyle and at the most jmohomieal prioetj try onr dress costume tryeetis bough serges and cai different deilgna and ool ly law pricet made op i ind cloths olotht iq many ings at uniform- i oor wwtkbown beautiful garmeata beanleas waists are onr specialty try onr i ressmaker are ha log a biggef lush i inra very oheap i lower iran the seaiettel than aver we bought af much sa sfj per oenl utnsl trade and we am olliog them cheap onr mantles arej alwaya well made and fit excellently try our mi ntlemikers weve jett- oleared aijothef fartap4 atedakeaot frices to toajl iem coma anj tee yoniej is mestfavflaj milton i the owjn council l express themaelres well talifiei with uat work jof he ball electric light co 4 j the r arrled man ofknox charch have decided oholdiaociaton jannry lt18m amr janfisedt residenosjtbe groat prbosedi to be given to th ltoiaa aid tbev iter in the reservoir a rather low and it w mid be wall to tend to the many leiky ta a in town ibrough which a great portion if tb water is wasted any t ranger ooold tell in a twinkliag that al tioa lime it near tboold be ait in t cos loll chaintitrforfa- few imihntei when t it epuneit is lolaeesiou every member or hit own ward j vwfmmsm a iy to aalewu eodldau for tb pbotion qouat tniotf itaapaol 11 tfsta fcfnldfenl veriiy the fi r floth fls tfes framedrgiren to the persbn order for photo between todajr aid mthj deo h riashi aiaowprlaaa0aaaayc mri moyi and wbn ws rioatff onvstoik i if doht forget to si ii aodswmar i ehoat the nn isrwesr ties wwlmfv eegllah aaitsijijt h- naototf ijaaabiatb ibjisotawdaia iboteiy aira tall a wttmfl o waekjltfwotif ever ahowh in sows v bkuvw nex w wantjto say a bit wiordi to the ipprnbasart and iris tblttbat any tooootuing to oil store with each in their haid cansrt nwitv gobataaa ihet than bay erijon their uree j j ac and8aturdai dessjtengths att ii k we wil m his wfll be irifld ijrmtyjto cm iniil le same timjb u 1adiesj dont forget fr di3 is we bar jxfaguagmirr i freah toek foroberfeiajd wffl them say place a town t rwrelaaai w- 4hm ww r r h- i iboot jreati uctionin prc some and usetu chijstrriai present j jforryei lp rnipnciy rlvvloir v 1ia iroa- lt jp e willort t aopt rpjotlastskns cketsant ulstersi in some cases at less th in half price day and saturday kh p5arn rjng theg ekt valut s we offer w e wish toj drawspbcj- ial aitentiin to cfmj line o mm sf itfjbie ifslll 5 d 7 wyaiuuflwonolli 6 i oawrsjd btaiaago v t i s these goods are worth from 660 to 70 n irynd it ysq want carpettdo not fail jto jm x qisp r tiri r- m h i 11 fu itsigi iv m m pifvonrsv i i thtambtot the tf hiwwe are kiuh fjjr makiifg lut vjaare making art ex inbitifiri equally as rerrrk- blerhrjie price- we are vsfisnflg qarpeta at aator- ye8 ieijy- one dodi the beaatiftiir effects in ihese gopdefdelight all beholhert le corampnertodiless da in herip flart brpesels abd tteyjareveaqbof ijse they ardeoiirn- fmort suitable j jar effort is to eombtbe qbalify and yalnavi whatever price we charge we ahn tq- hafoe possible fo the yery for that pricei best u 1 i 1 i i tee them before purchasing 1 wulpay you fver andottr again bnonnqu8 yfm 1 ivjx i t triici vkviifi i jifeli mm j jtj8t see the 1 agnifligpnij ww camels uloito bee the allwool french si mo to 18- jjaoia balew tomtatirrotrl csdarthlitsaha bowers ladisa and ohildrettliof ostrloh feathers abonth 8lttmajituwnaballimi badjtvl atatrtt goods ibopba tblo3al fft rnt mum o vi-8ir-3r- if isi1t m it f lijx0 it r ijfi ii ii ha i 1 1 i landlt tiiiwp