Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 24, 1891, p. 2

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i r i r- i kammixd vitxitslvwrcixon daeecal shkbe tw nfinai oc 0 aides anumcvat mji9e out bvv jatme webb alfred fc utbvevjai iwot rria to oece alberta ltab auareubs dtno cocuwxhlcoltirtabpricitpilol lefcvtkll ll java ik oovtooa asa yesm otsreea i i inter of thl emierty bvik4s imuo aa dinihn i keren tether et rem rrvee of um ttntfeai aged v rears fecmsrlr oot kirctt the racoewrevejejt3ra o lnb tatutat hut kjdaesb mite wn tad uiftfce savese of sum i utoioo thursday december it ll notes and comments mun0pl politic lett wwajrnf ihet nnutuel tttttetiou toe the ootnt beys he aspect has materially changed tad t mdfotuflit point to tit nauiutlly edcoatoet uwtttneibbennreuy uf uridexitood hit iho preeent until ttrllge till bm ilw o wuia uu dook obr lllo olivet idowet tt treinine or the leader ship at the reform petty in d imlaloa politic he has held the kround or hie party to ontario ud would mike t batter leader la the targsr field hta laajrttc ft chicago canadian- america the government has institated ngt against killer 4 richard th too typo oaudery barber ellii two works company baotia rei aleedoneld roger oo george j t jchutton la recover the paid to seoecel teteauperintendeni at the printing bureau at ottawa a swedieh newspaper toe oltgoteo takes a somewhat novel end ttriking view oi the etnigretioa queatioa tt eeye that daring the put tea yean stwxx persona hare lett sweden u emigrants the education of each of beee person coat at least a thouteojd crowns aboot ijtt mak ingadoovdoiuooooin all and as they emigrated when they became old enough to torn their edacalioa to account lad re turn tome service to the oooatrr the money pent oa heir edaoalioa vac dead lot to sweden from a national point of view pie capital saggestion ia being made that britain h6ald mediate between canada and kevfocndland nd thn end the iit- rraoefttl family qnanel noar in progrtaa tohave the mediation ork any lattice benefit the imperial government jahoajd fq eaxleaily backof the irderican treaty tronble into the long drawn out tariff fric- two between the two colonies and clear the channel ef trade between tuu msch aa the locatlhteretu of both will allcrw no objectiona to a oommeretal nnion are vary plain at preaent and if thia cdald be agreed nponall tronble for the ntora voold beooriatod bat no matter what the settlement may be the nterfarenos of britain wmoid do ranch to farther it the appointment of lord doffaril to the embaaay vacated by the death of lord ltuoo aapecially noteworthy becaoae ft f i the appointment of a liberal to ooia of he kigbeat and moat oonfitdential poata in the gift of a conwarraxira if iou try lord beaeocafield declared when he aelt lord dafferin to si- feterabcrg that helaawi no reaaona why party eonaideratiooai ahoold be alloved to vefgh ia the manigenlent of the diplomatic arriee and title eiccelieat rale haa bees followed ever tince ao that lord doffarint abilities and tact have been available in the viceroyalty of india in the ensbaaey of borne and now in the moat important of all diplomatic appoiht- menta theaction otthe korthweat lasemhly in refoaing by diriaioa of fifteen to nine to allow the prohibttian qaeatioa b go to a popniar vote and in appointxng a oom- mittee to draft a ioenu meatore iiidicaiet dearly how they intend to deal with the hqjnor traffic although a mtjoric r of he inembera elected were pledged to i lioeaae ryatem it was nontrmtri that the laeatfcm had not beeb ooght not airly da te merit bat that the election hid been carried spaofpersaaal lines on i ia other hand those who wanted to tnlmit the matter to a popalar vote wen taanted with a deaire to abirfc raapoaathili y tie prohiutioaiite need not toes hea rt far s fioensbrjteniii not neoeeearity p rmailent and can hardly be worse than the old per mit xyitem the etettioo eosrte have appli sd them- aeivea dilimtly to the heavy taak the pali- ticiana fmoaed apon them tore than half the 109 proteets have now ben trial with the reiolt that etght copaern tiveeooe tndependsst and fifteen libeial sects have been effaced vacant sera iteen pet itions againat conaervativea anl a lias bomber aaiejat liberals have xaa dis missed- i la addition to the eight cooser- vahre conetttqeacies opened by he coorts there are oar others which hat caied or other cease total of bye- elections already the way the party eoaveni nominating maeated members would iadi- esie that the offences are of a trivial natare or hat the- jadgetnenu of the eonrta are bat lightly regarded avia the statistical rear book of canada compiled by kr bydner cl koperiof thaj statistical branch of the nsrtmiwt of agricaltare tares the total an a of the pomfnino at 346533 in this estimate llojic sqoare miles are assigned to vatejr and 31s57 to land anrfaoe rhe table which yields this total is said to an en tirely new one having been espec ially pre pared at the request of the comp ler of the year book by the topographic 1 survey branch of the department of the interior the mouoree have all we are told been made anew and checked nd may be depended on in so far a wan anted by toe present geographical knowledge of the ooohtry no change win be mads in these figores unless based apoo new fnfeonafion jas thia is laoaeetion on which hoe has been a goodvissl of discassioa sidi macb difference of opinion it is sstiafscury to receive thia assurance from what we may regard as be highest official and irmsl aatlioritr youkq seals starve to death thousands oi them owprftrec of sustenanoisbjtheknifclfof their dam profei ia jabs coonalllorirh hive been a unit opon at tsjoe jasttooat avery qoaatlon owning betce them daring tb ftkicmn wfluag la ooauaiia nthatjresanlpoai iocs for nooliwr pro- videdssson and avery member would stand for raeleedoo thia ajtangetncntwaa not botrsrw teowtract with geqartl approbadon byoorottisenaand oppoaittoa of a some- what otgaolaednharaotor is now gtvnu daring ihi put year lie mauofacinring inletwsta whico ara rooigntsed on all sides obaofgrtadaportanoa totlie proanodfy of the own bar not tesa represented fn the conned and um act that toe two largest coooernvlbw canada glove wocki and the tajvosrioa of bsardmora ccvy annually betwwsn kw0o afid 110004 in wages to aotona reaidenai a claimed o be good and sufficient reason why hey should have a voice la he management of the aaairsot the municipality with he object la view of changing he personnel of he qooocil sod aecarugnnresenuuoa the ratepayers of base aaubliahmanu met lis other evening and aomioaud ueesrv i- o seardmore and alex seoord both of wbom art thocoagh basioem men and welt qaali- nsd to assist a the tranactwa of manicipat baatness exooanciltor joho kenney eras selected as bird man i conoaruing ha eeawahip it is generally conceded hat dr dowry destrvei to be continued in that honorable position he has ooenpied the ofttoe of chief axagiatnte with general satfafacuoa and in avery res pect baa snstaliwid its dignity as far as the faax pass can learn there fa no prob ability of opposition o hi reelection by acclamation i respecting ib ooodactof the councillors at present in office it most be said to their credit hey havt folued their tpeeial promise of redoeing the rate of taxation this has been accomplished to a satisfac tory degree bat whether another year of similar government of the municipality could be aocotapliahad with satisfaction to be people is very questionable it will be seen by the arundel abatement pahliabed alsewheie in fhis issoe that a oompariaively small amount waa rpnx foe improve ment of streets and aidewalka the past year and this ia particularly true of the sidewalks which in many places moat be renewed ia very few months if the tide- walfcs were to reeefveas econotmoal atten boa as daring the present term or e toc- oession of years actons reputatioa for neatness andgooa accommodation tocitliens would very soon wane and seriously suffer the gravest charge made againtt he pres ent administration which haa come to the ear of he fsxspiixa is the expenditure of 176467 under behead of park improve ment it ia well known that the greater portion of this smoont mare thcathe so- ire expeoditare on streets and sidewalks was expended in the oonstrnctioa of a new nice course par citizens all enjoy and appreciate be possession of a park of be extent and beauty of actons public park bat a very very few have any use for or sympathy with a race course and naturally object to expenditure from the public purse for such a purpose no doubt these matters will all be freely ventilated on the hustings the couneinors of the past year win then iiave an o of presenting iieir achievements in glowing colors to he i iiulim ratepayers and of defending hear actions in iit particulars while the aspirants for office will no doubt present their claims and formulate their promises in load and convincing periods ix hi dar at john lot ay on tamim hi- appestt w tcli i doaji not seem to be vary myoh troouid it ha unenviable position ia whloti as an intataajiptiteterjoljumtt ingi coanlyiatornayorararpplle4 forjlnoher adjoarnman t oi hi pralinilnay axajnlaattpa at tiki nrlmner abul bttotdajr ntxli whloawti frjtnw be rial of iho atipectd jhealop mur ra will not iikl place anlll h ipring tuttef 1 1 heratatom it hu bain cuitomary to itjr yimtnal awes at the anoary a tfti at lha iouri last year hajadga 000 iidered it was hot necessary at the ptli inert in jail awaiting trial oould ba trie i at ha gloecaj aaaaions in oeoambtr for that mason nd orand jdry haa seen sua moaed or he court ia jaoaary i lottrldga lacommlkedlby ba magis tral aha will hare j to linear in jsil until apiu before he la fled this win give dab ve qreer mon time oj work op tt oa bat it wfll be eagh on lha prisooar as 3oagla wntenbe of three months will exp re before hanjlf he i to b flhargad wit i he marder ha will htvaj o be rraat- oa i iit relatie from ail and irought ben bat ram la in central prison or two years for ha charge o oaltla alialing rev dr stafford dead methodlit d vine em the down a the tunnel working like jtchsxmcpr after orsitlot croaln sixxu dea 21 all grand trunk busi ness it natt carried oa through the tunnel aad the yards at point edward and fart gratiot which a few weeks ago were crowd ed with trains and bulling with the hunt of industry are now almost as silent sod deserted aa the egyptian pyramids the iooai trains rani op there but all through trains paseenget and freight pi the other way toe opening of jhe tunaalrouto and the conaqaent ahortatiing of the distanoo be tween chicago and buffalo is said to bira already perceptibly increased thebaeinees ofneqrs4trniik the tunnel works like a charm two tannel engines are kept with steam up one of then takes a train through front the station oa this side sad then beings a train hack then the other engine takes a train throats and brings one back and they con tinue to alternate in this way tney han dle a train of u loaded cars easily each tannel train has its own conofcetor wnginr and trainman whoaa doty it is to take the train through from this tide and bring one back the regular oondactors engineers tod brakemen going on at the itationson each aide- it took toe first regular passenger train that went through the canoe jastone minate and 68 seconds to go from portal to dortal the latest railway romor is thst the caaadiaa pacino haa made he grand trunk an offer farthefortgrariot crossing incloding yards and right of way oa both tidee six fexxdsce iise ljoanalaska sd- rices wejre reoeiict bsre by b united btstes revenue autter raeu which tetarned- here testeroay u 13ehring tea ftheadj vieeesay that wjth the deptrtaro of the aeais soohwsrd ta eppottaaity was given of inipecting the rookeries at seat islands and that more haa 10000 yoaag seals were found dead appanduy ton swrvsv ion the uviecrimiaats sugghtsr at lh seals wiiuout regard to sex tt is oon- feoded deprrrsd the young seals of hair dams and their osiural tnetemuias toe eatiec haa bast toga end the kcw sealer has faft bafatog see 1 rt dewtiia aaiae otlsjareussefciy r k v tripped to h13death a msrrlton manufactursr instantly j kllledbyivyaterwheel ifziarrosont dee 21 a g hill proprietor of is hill disk harrow co farnterly of grfnufcy an presbott hss re- eently commenced the msnufaeture of his implement here and was npermtending the erection of a j wire sable ia wilsons foandry lods y hewent into the shaft- room toshut down the waterwheel when a small rope which was lying on the floor be came entangled with tie shaft and caught hie feet before the wactwheetoaa be stopped his head was smithed and its legs broken into pieces the brains ware scat tered about the room kr hoi was aboat years of age dad unmarried his only knows relative fs mrs i c cortrin of prtretoo onfc i wellknovrtic paaies harhlttoh a- i i eiratox dec bevj dr e a stt rordputor of he centenary matha- diat church diedulleakarnoonatl onlook ho haa been ill for about four weeks and a nt mber of doctors have baa n is ittaod- anov batwere unauotoaaoaraui ha exact re of his complajat beo ratty he was ed leave of absence anc waa to nave goniaway in teaxolt of oomp ea teat bat haabeea ooweatto move ithoqgfi it ni known that he was very ill it waa not expected that 4 al ermlna- toalwss at hand sad he uooinoemeut of his death will be a horrib t jihock dr boaabroch one of i ia doctors in attaadaace uya hat daah waited froat head and nervous symptont of sn obseore ctor i j erra adams stafford was one of be moat itriking peraonallliea ux canadian llotiodiam savuamin il indomitable energy and force at characi er with few early advantages he naa mile his way to ba root by bta qrn anaide lefforta pr starford was a chdfanhajring been born in he townahip ot soadtwotd near 8t thocnat ont he had his ihtjre of officii honors he esteem and confijleaoe of hi mini iterfai bretharo having been aiown by his a ecuon u prealiantof every obi ifereaoa towiicbhe has belonged he montreal atan lobe acd totoato confei stabbedto the heaftt a v clou murder in thlviii age of new gerrnarxr near ri in btaxx ont dec 1 saiirda night abdu 10 oclock a mordec waa cot milled in th i village of germany about 1 i miles from here by liartia keiubard je maa aboai go years old the victim michael haual a yoang man aboat 38 jean of age was walking into he village whpnr inhard met hint and wilhoht a word pin iged a knife fato his heart killing hloi fm anljy mr haass father of he muraeret man fm mediately came here arid notified detective klippenj who uti it at oe or heaoene and tuooeided ia cabtannguie murdirerst uouboo itation atxit lit miles if rom here at hie time ac hii arrest a large jackknife tta ned with i hio i was foundi in keiahards poaaeasioo bs eoa- esaedthat it was thi weapon used the motive for which the crime was com nilted is not known bat will doubtless coi is ov at thej investigation which waijbe 1 ltd fo- morraw by icoroaer d b bowl ly l poatniartamvil be held by drs p bowlty rt berlin and kcoerts of kaar germ jiy the prisoner seems potitio keetily to feel hie j a fa ew to ashootngexpeclttona prom- i lalng young- man shrt miiiauk dec 5 the sequel to agon ningaecidsnt wit he death last night ot mrjobn eobinabmof thia place it sp pears khat aboat i wo weeks age the deceaa ed in oompany iwilb tome other yoaog men wsa raturnibg from a shooting ex- earaion when a kan inthe bandi of hoe of the party was anfotentfonally discharged ur bobinaon roceiviog the oonebe fill la hslee aopatiuon wlowed and his speedy recovery was looked for to taot jie- wasdoins spleodltt dilfl ioo1fcjw ieuwl him nd raeolted u lie taklngaway l 1 tijrmitel at jtoomelir n wjt was belaid fatoc eyj leeeeaooo 15 proprietor and twi piban were bnrned w and two id ail injured pbes5sia e the exports torn ta oar chief ports ia british colambtsvictorit btaieimo vaocoitverj and near weatminsterinave ygrowniu the past three years in 1888 twy amounted to 4e8ri7 in 1889 m tpw06 in imo to 45ttiti viototta head he uaj while ono the i he boal trade cornet next toe imports have likewise steadily giown i r r4 r l- i rewards fpjjbtblp rpaders greafl winter compeftiort of the ladles homo magazine i icrstidxt wherel doei the ollpwing words irst appear in he old testament l kiowxdok wrrt and dpvrjv wnere does the ollowing wordsflnt appear inthe ifow testament fentx axz and ector wee xr pjuzis every weak utroainoat his gr iat competition pritee wilt be dis- trihateise follows the first correct answer received he postmark date on each lei ter to be taken as the date received at the e ffice of the ltjmsflam mapzaiu each mdi every weak will get m00 the secoid xarrect antwerj tloo the third so fosrtb sbesntifal silver service fifth five oclock silver service and ie next 60 correct answers will j get prizes ranging from 125 down to f 2 j every fifth correct erisvpr irrespective o whether alprlse winner or j not will get a ipeciae prixe co oi pet tors residing ia the soithera states as well st other distant points hsje an equal ciacce vita those nearer hoof e as the postmark wflibe oor authority n every knuj each list of toxwert must be acomnpnfed by pi toj pay or aix minfht subscription j to pne if the beat home magatines in america j brrajntcthe todiu lime cuie it well able to carry oat its promwes pstertoarough canada timet a splendid paper snd iijanclally stroog hastings canadaf 454ir ieyerj winner i nil be sure to receive just whit be it entltli dto korwodd canada js money hoald be tentby port office or regial ired letter iidrei t the liquet home itaqaibie ptterbpfotu b caoad an e rtst a ttfo ofexvaueoceffjtbe ijaiif lyiiiuu wtehlff j iiaat and rteri ilemt of montreal the firetsa a daily ronx toe common el centre of c aoa a sbonld be read by 17017 sniuiese maji thajfetf wiuea 1 a naefal and iaifi gating family paper is known jhrpug 100 1 amerioa land great br tain jfbibv jvprf xueiagfr for the y loige t member io i be ttailffiod far sabtathsoboois their air alatlbn yry hemfilh the agjpx home neii s wdold sdd to year of tie watijj oftuejy ir 4 -v- snt py vsbpmfwgkyeaf cash i11 frbtnlsor trora 1990 forlwl cemeury let nrvey lefliatfve grant j swee ntwsikt lloer ei tow hu leanj takirreara i oamc lery rear pabliipark reokiptb i 00 09 m u 8607 si in os 1 188 00 i u 1 405 08 us 00 500 00 u hoq hi 18 assets on hand i bulk ngs 4 realestato libn ry 186 volumes arroi rs oftaxea 0etn tery grounds publiipatk unco lecmd taxes belei eeofo i- sml 82 t 08 01 11100 00 083w i mi isocfoo 8000 00 01wi8 mj 00 cemetery condngenolea tea v it thk monicipixlti- ob th janrwttodiohthv 1591- ryj sairags expenditure 10 oharitl debenture no intetmt pablle school streets walk printlnt towihau balarioa refund loan cemetery rear public perk balance xtijmoqre treasurer acton dee iglh 1901 liablittes yrale ibentore town ha i are cemetery debenture pabuo ptk dae school board balance 500 00 200 tflt at w8 0i wtilip 153 8585 1000 8000 800 ama 30810 ig ty wihlowjry reeve a 1 waive thousand dollar farm aiabsetiber to the montreal weekly wti m writeato that paper thai thtupgh the linu 1 received in lis agrionltural- oolann he la now the possessor of sj twetvi hoeaand dollar farm which ha othet rtas would not have owned and that he u rough ollowiog lit advice a naklag aanoeeaof hia orchard and bee oaiare tt it 1 notaila fast hat the readers of the jfont eal nrbutt are aa a rule welltodo proap irons and inuuedtfal people of this data idmlrt inch a paper at the wutu lid n tnortulng theiri proapanly and atan ling tfcelr influence for good it if a hlg ily iniereatlng paper whanf taken togatl er wtt he anton fxnc palau a6y boaniold a wei equipped ith reading mar maaara john doatall 4 son mont aal are tha publisher i qhwhatacouffht 4li yoa heed the warning tbejtinal petln at at he iaraapnroaoli of lhai mora errit e disease coniamptioo atkj yoar aelvee if yoi cla afford oe the take of sarini wcto run the risk and do nothing far it we know irom experience that bbilohs care will care yoar ooagn it never iads i i f at tifeaus crayon portrait handsomely franu i given to lie person leaving largest order lor photoe wtweea today and lt decv- h eiutfbxwi free prte8 for all i oor stock is now oomp ate a all the iaett novale for he 5iriaimurade jwmpcmng ruh coodt ij athercodcifl albumt chditmaj cardi andbooklt llbliyinn books annuals for 898 toy looks j i ooll evc pfpss and ladlas tatohals away down id to ntrodt 2bq0 elegant pmienti 528qtxj i veld oed bar own little liter piuaoialokjy wewuigive to ifico peraona who rltt dispose of three aix nine or twetvt boxeeof oorpllis ato per box amosf it their friends an elegant assort ment e thai finest watches silverware t payjae mooejr la advance we id helgooda jtree when sold yoa lead at ha money and we will tend you thepri ie- what pills you cant tell we takabek- weram ail he riak send as yoara idreetand 5c for rial package of pills llastreted oitalogue of prtxet in- ttracti iat eicj w pay postage on ail goods addrfcfaj deatt4 co box j3 qi mia ont d stirton ldis wiu insert teeth jit f6 and ffl pec set or next three months exttaefatt free special cexa given to filling office mstthewiblbclc acton shil0hs consumption that abeatf oough cdbel thii naeemil con80mftion cube it withoat parallel in the hlttory of medicine ail drtii gists ire authorfied to tell it oa a positive gosraotee a est that no other onreoai sucoeaafally lund- if yon have a googh lore throat or bronchitis use it toe it wfl core yoa k yoar child has the a quarter of a mil lion dollar- plant toe emui herak and ffetfy star ot montreal it now oot ifortably tattled a a jsnenew baildlng wiioh wii kemsgnl- fioeat equipment east i qaarterof amlllioo dollant and the best c f ii is that it it paid for ffee from any tot incnmberaooe the family herald toi wtiilf or it in anundonbtsdlystronj fiianoial position holiday goods ttts i drucs stoh9 j v kanriawln ohmetbt mill strmt acton tbete pethi tkethjor the next three months saa and i m pec mtt partect it goanuiteed and dsrirtonjldi8i iv ornciffut post offloe acton ff he will bridri oh tiuria v th r dec witfca 3 50 and 50c c oanier santa cliiislvants t6 see t g bjoys andgiris iaxlythis year v t- i we will bhw samples ogoods on our 25ti ajnd oc coucttck iri ouriwmdowvi- bythe by wfe have a new y mdow sees it when you cpirtejb uelph rli sstbf ht t i v- i v8 v iou cftcistxiias we are making great cu ladies m i for the holiday m m u- see our new stockof 1 theare rnaicejtff se 1 j i hr- t rib jajrgeringeiof bone li chiefs al heftdersi id fancy ofalikind4f n mcrai a co the oldest priigistoi xlst i jhiiwfibiirdyiof 1 eegai ymir tote and iirfliiedt aotfeawmo a3 a t im councillor for to rte e i- vastut udlbt and cent youcivote ahdinflui fespextfujlisolidted ft vu m vfsk vcovnclllii at the appoacbirig municipal electfon ifelected jli j d irijutrotrbrdmiifj j isiering ydtffi affair witp mi qpta amefhoifciy it r tewtrkly aljbxf si grmlnjakwi hafpngaumttieyt er annaaotirala jknavwaanosja f55soasa mi jobtteoobtri ialb18i5 i 1 ri zyiib yoa went to maks money aka bold a aauoavskolo ntaaa stoak bsw 11 tuna witte mat ones ttr terms mat bpotbbbrkuiearraefc j nvoodi tbebsekwood neat on wednateay every taaadav and i an ii fl9wft rrobt havjapek 5 owttekv j t valoahle pro aisi i- je aeon1 ttatal 4 mxuituabi ptnaeedar alsoasleae sodtwoeellai undcaowatnbjtofriiwiqpiissi vj terrna haw eaaha betty apply l mil for likaaeion weoswp tf if m crocerlos pr wlgi cutclj icpme see- pur lemistsi 1 r ottjss yeryuttst desttna drsttlnjg cass neiirtts ooata old oold bine usbss com i sadhar4su foirwlll atomiira bafl the best bath uelph ont tots r- croup o whooping couib use it promptly andrellf stare if you dread that inaid- ieus dis ase xjnsuatption dont fail to it i will enw yoa or cost nothing atlc yoa draggiit or shiloh8 cube pricell oil wots and 1100 if yoar langs s sore of beak lame uae shiloha potoai laster jsots bodtscfe shoes ws have last received bar fall stock ot boots ind shoes from the beat mena- faoti rert in canada and defy com pftltiooi in either qaallty style or price we make a tpiouultwof js nj ui am4 1fmi mvli iindw nitimuia1ka- ffi m i canfurnjsh you vjiih thebes presses for cduijftfy tf stv tj country arid at lower prices than foraay other newvgylinde press coke improved kctot id seb i i ews and fob work aim i ii wiih tobe had in this iter luytohaddleopiu today tor the money ms fjrlehtw c tyii- irt wto ihilli think efria piiess is ririne3jori the oovepresilf and the ndf 15c0 pxum py oureretrat if a bnml ar u- vv iji iikrt v- yr ti ijjfi 1 sm aytur iiiirfr illuistratiisfits merits or post irlwbrk we ban a tbtjtaity foe eight yean aid ind longer we run it he better wa like m jipqjftjpyab jtha prteripooket ook we oali it i if oo desire samples of work aendl rentaiiaaandaty ijewisjcoi bl b ok press tor ui ffp idi a ml- j r wvj 7rt7rtj5piv3 x u of pteatea at over prj fullp i simple ea y i bett press t ahem ant t tic igi mimzsii uiimm jforbrily jars from i run easy on i behadin the i wiuglaajy to 760 i fiv ewij -t-t- j 1 s3 w m ssi lcujtoi bertslataejai tesdets t- andi m lm- anttttwo ca jbaawoat iheepester readdvbeaeen afiustmastiei mantbssnbeadptoa dto set patetboroi metkie tutwpctetfbap ctnvniiaitjbtt lhls ner aobic itaantrlnde- flsir wsfewnwsisr

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