Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 31, 1891, p. 2

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p- m ii i i i k m attsmtj at artoe ob deej isth hy owtle mr ttanas keoajr to lite her dr torneee fires tojlb ptu- 9 mlst lost kanrtt ktmutajfi teisur0iuat ocmc charra both- witt wttirtmlif oh jd or astrkr kiwi albert t wsftbsm et aottw kuw lmaw astsjnter of jit juj lru kvilrwiiwni4tlb mstieea rwejt kilnrrivairit lb natdeocj w uw nw tutwr koaa kilk oa lbs mpie- by fjjkutfjjuriscubjt rainser m m of it of mut kissisfcwtrev ucdoluvflmlahb tthurtrmuprfdtwm udosl ostaele tofiloss atfloha fsmerbse kodietwta erin ea lb nil daabr ttttiencldtamtftaabcfcwafitfcwabr kr joe tmvur k f moan oolr ton at taos a mortw aetae mist asxis itusamr lochler iftc jxtatt fttt ffcess thorfiday begembsr gjlwi 5 motw and comments gaul raaeot year jew were totbtddeu to tnntl estate a any ooaatryj oo th ooouoaetof europe litany b nterett- iog therifors to know thit thei largest find owner is lb world um man with en not aerea thin en anerioan rntiliciairs who bayi trp what counties oa ipecalstioa i jew baron fiirfcb o farts byaltuparohs in the anfan- tins republic be becciiiet um proprietor gf tbrm latgt than the tutooonwegro he will sttlh nu of bit txparipted roesiinbrtlhern there tbe people o ontario bits meaes dixs- ud with lb legitimate iodbcodiet rieonree ttrf be farther northwest that they have overioow their own note im mediate northwttt which mmij way often greater inducements to settlers than any ouiec put of uxic coatiocat if tbe uowt qottnuncat wnald bary iuirtuker- tac for priii polltiot kad dovot um of tfat 4w mq0o00fr ncptox to thtuin op oltfe nout laaft ia the rafayj kirer dbtric tod other portioat of tbe ptotus- cutkorutwwttit win dmcre wt otj ptot uid fatore ptnetatioot iqtiatoo iooottiln to uw mw sinking iot the qtmfflot will on juuury ut po tau of all ooeulffltd nac tbit bi4nen lyiag ia cay of toe ebutereil baaka for fite jfatri it tbertra behoawt til pnio wbohtrt tnd ia tnjof thebtofct aad btf not madetoy dtlnr thetroo or htd way traawetiob bemrico for fir ystrt to call a uw baaks cod mth food laeir ajtlma there are a great many pertons ia tblc ckaatibs aatoe of ibern pareata who 01 1 be birth of a ohih bare ate by a tmt 1 tarn to catber iakerett for ten or twtoty yoart and who oerer imijine that it ia in daager of diatppetr- tnj the nomina dr lowry rtsw aotofl b nomn88wrev seldom ha tc gnat ia iuteiett tjeen la of luualoipal ofsoert here at wat to be tea oa monday e towo hall ru filled with a wellbehkr- ed aad halt aahonr ptawd afur twelv oclock before beioraw offiaer mooro wiut addreued it til pc lowtip wat the firtt bomloated cor reenj and than eaob mamber oftfae preeeat oooaou ia qowk noobttioa and he nofflia auont ooaiireed nnul lue otmidtblt utt below had been propoeed rqaatxtc da dtwat nomiotlrct by k b oik teboadedby aler grant wa oockouoik x b ptxaeotf uotncaated by ool a1uq tteooded by john willicmt ftinc hxtrcr dominated by ool ailtn koooded by urt lambert i flra eitiu nomintw by alex grant teconded by k b cook jon ksnatox dominated by- ajcii campbcir iecocded by thoc suthtro ua bzmtd nominate by edward forbea eeeohded by john r kenrwdy a0 btumxoir bomtnated by wt smyth teoobifed by te mbeoord johx fcccsxti domintled by wm7 hem- eirtet asoondtd by a e ntcilin a e kictun oomlnadby h h wcr- den atoooded by itmtt wfltoa jxmx waijija nominated by seoart teoooded by w t bmyut roa ecaoocrartrera juces itimm nominated by jpearton eeaoaded by john htncyf otoaot htxw nominated by harill teoaaded by levi lambert luxe fuxot admlnated by ae kicklia teoonded by h h wordcnl w h srotcr nominated by a 0 beardmbre leoonded by wm hetrtttreet jtira obijc nominatedby alei grant aooooded by b b cook reig b coo noatibatedby alex seeord ttoooded by a 0 beerdmore rorr holkca nominated by joe ander- toa teoooded by w d smith binoe the naminaboot sfctsra a e nfekin and john wuliemt ha vo declined to enter the oantett for cooncillort and uetart w e storey toil jtmee cobban for school srattae at tie eondation of the hoar far reodr- log nomiaatioae reeve lowry wat moved to the chair and the ladienoo pricked up it eart to hear the ipoecha of the mem ber of the council of the put year and of the casdidaiea entering the oootett before taking hit teat ta chtirmtn the reetetoofc opportunity in a tpeech of tometegth to gin a general review of tbit juet j b geo ttontaat for ui otl mrtwll4 a ditgutunajf forth the ttf 1 of hu ftirow- nd gone a kttlt s fetrilfanhttalimhed t tht wfmm ajut wat to iy had bean that tbe piople geni piettion from 0 wnmllort thai teuton uo far otjd moh ti oiulaofthi bwb anupeotei mrtattwtnlgl b iuua threat b rotated odj tiotnlmua freely tolktdjibout bofcji nuting lukdi nothing more jwrioat than at amutiog offeot whn i nfljotod at a final thrott sir ptartoajlndttlged ib ht oiotflrnpuue rjtiritutioa libit tot reaton tc r uia conns panned by the fta plm i that i u lubtidiaek fi om oertain in town i thfi it i fav rtt eipret- wilhahtndfalofoppoenu of umfmi 1 fid itijtrotttd oat w lent wr the ondct of tht otte demand bat hit it firtt pcoudoii any oilier hat been itef nl tnoogh to gin toe kiln hood pahue uleriooe ir feartoa wa not man oogu to aty who wat doing tht lubtldiaing aagb it it terttinly dot be ooanoti the fan fjatt hi ponmtly earned ery cwlar it ever reoiived from that it uat if tnrel- notthemaoo- uteri iatom for while it u 1 fileitore exeaaie the work required fay oor local ofactarerijlo manier taperioc to if of city offidef we retina h fiol that pdoettos have to oomaete with all the y etubuthmtntt ut nit tht merohantt aeanredly mr pearton hat dona noj btidiifng xhe public ire wtlt aware at the fate pint hat atwayt beta dependent otj laoh aid hatj followed a latittent and ttrtlghtforward jooorte and no crf nor the organ of any cjiqae party oorporttton we are aitiified werer the oowardly iminoiiion will aboat at niach weight at fhe peouliar keeping and figurk jexhibited bat lefitoc paws wit not the ahlyqaarter hich received attention from the wreihy cpancillor in canalading bit addreet to what otnlldiu ofpfffbbtoflnlbary aftalfffi it f 6oe put oor boat rnttohtntt thd bnyt ooal of wwalpbt fitther oottoolni ellolud he tot uiat fjfaw hatmrt had oothi n ootwi4 pay froai thi 7 eorpontoti dotinx t ii 1 ytar to work performed or goodt 1 pplltd i- aaferfioklo hit rtlttloni with ubeere o wftllrj tearaon laid you koow im a crank and far storey u a oruk and wt bithagm oi toitpolnt tr john wulumiazprtued tht opinion t ut tie moijoleal polluet win run la tbe 0 poajtt direotlon to which tbty iboald bav 1 ii effort ttemt to be to ret mu oatof ti aoounoll lotttu of frying to git good ojtnjlu i i i 0kriri6 axtawijmr f eagcuixa reev dr webttir j ut rfcpaty jobnj wirron nd dcook 9ud i ipofy lawjon naolilorij l rlggletworth s raddelidampbeu and biwart kuaioawta the oldoounoil were re 1 oted at follow j reivo lu acuuaea d ipqty beiti david haloheon coanail loftrjoan iunhill thoi moon ju bcilixarox for reeve j c smith and t atunjoo for oonnoiljorf w h finn m ire d a oheot a b ojleman f w q jloway yvj doogln sy colhnoiz q ahaai at ottawa the nunitter of marine la eooaitering the qtuttioa of caoptraine o the lyafam adopted by the leading tteam- abjp ootipaaiet ia the traatauaatia trade detuned to uaaea the tiafaility to couiaioa the tyttea ooatltta of the adoption of a umfono eoone between leading pari is britain tod a already the canard white star fames gayea and rational tasamahipcot haw agreed upon a tailiag batia whereby their eteaeubipa fboow eerfcla gttea eoareea on the ocean and it it now p to extend thetyttem to the leading rtautahtp unaa between canada and britain the tyttem eomprimt a northern and a eaathern route the litter beint followed daring the period aeeeaury to avoid foe and icebergs each route oomprie twuparaued uoet one fohovef on thcwetjern trip tod the other eastward the ottawa gttxa binia editoritlly that the 4inj of thoc kogreevy bac been carried far encash thai hie apaltioa from the hoaee of commoae tod 10b- teqaect protecatioa la the ooaru of ftilia- meet ire cnoagb tod argue hat to follow htm to the death it repugnant even to opponentc hitherto continue the artieiej the whole tyttem of raiatng money waa improper both paxtiaadid it adetjthe aim tad object and policy ihooldt now be to change that trctem and to make puotie ufa and it reward and honor dependent apon great national iaraea domettio letjalattoa progr tutetminihiplj if the tytttm of aocepuaoe of ooatribatone from oootraetor waa enooortged by roem- bera of he oppoaiuoa or ktsitferc 1a or tapportert of the government end we preaame this to be the cue it ttehds to rettoa hat what he one tocepted and the other gave thootd be equally open to oca- tore to blame and to ooodemnauon logically if the receiver wax a aunt the donor couli acaroaly b called tticnerj tnd both thould he open to all the ermtegieaoet cr bc declared badralidert bet not legal iy puniahabie cccrta of he grand during be part year he tuted that it the firtt meeting cf he codoetl be ha4 eipreteed he hope hat the member had not come into power irith 14 intention of carrying oat any pet tcheme of their own bat that they woold have con fidence in each other and work harmooiod- ly for the belt intent of he msnidpality eis hope of hat date wac now an experi ence he found the membertiiad no par ticular tcheme to carry oat tod their meet- lags had been harmooloa continuing he referred to he work aocomplithed daring heir term of office dwelling ptrtimliriy upon the removal of he drill shed giving in detail the hutory of the ccrretpcndeoce with he government and the agreement concerning iu removal the work at the fart stating that the layingoatof the aew trick had really been done the previoat year and the adoption of one man for all work which idea he had originated years ago for this work hey had foand a well- outlined man who had not only been able to satitfaciorqy perform the duties of hit office bat to rock the cradle of a new tori and heir as well the work on the streets was- referred to and pronounced done and well done he benefits of the bee4ing boom opeoed during the yearand he lact of tppreciation by the people were alluded to the beeve claimed that all the election promises of a year sgo have been fushed the taxes have been reduced his own belng i5jw leas than last year before oooclud- ing his remarks the park was again referred to he had teen tome where hat be grareit btnf is ih oirl tbe era vest bout to the set the cravatf man is the foot jlhalt elec j mr vtajdl ain nomlnatec in the reform intarmtr j i stores dec ti at a cooveotioa of j the liberals of helton held here yesterday hr john wajdie was chosen o atrry their standard in the election made nesfs atry by the recent n of mr ha- derton the convention was moat entha- iattie ktr waidie was not present tnd it is not yet definitely known swhetbsr he will accept the nomination it is under stooix thathe woald prefer aot to do sbif he eontulted his incfinatioo bat his friends sod the contention hope ihat when tit made kneifti to him with what entbseieitfo onahimity ha was chosen be will eon ist tosbud1 r thevration was presided over by br eobioton and hr e dixon discharted the daties- of secretary rha rrplt inert the object of the conven referred id be ceota to which was due new elecboc he hoped bat wh might be chosen the choice woold be rp unaa moat if this was done and worked with a will they would tee candidate istentm hi hry bobinsoo cf trafalgar watdaa efiih ooonty nominated kfr jol wodia tbe dominttion was teoooded hr waxielsod reeve oj qeorgeto hwiardtn both of them tod die choice eeaveailonwtthtfisgri disoot betog p aaboti- of ittasrs d wbelian aad- mm and acquaint him with the imaiil lieeoitsatlon v aloraot jokdib of rort3 n won fvol vbirnumta ar 8 brown pri and he bad learned last week that tbe ertvattetiaig is the part while in his ft frame of the dr might have sdded foroneof his col- leagoet edtnetti that a very few years sgo the ersrefc uoecuon yss the aev ctftustert however at that is now a dead issue let it pass proceeding he said it was stated that acton is not a racing town bat he was of opinion that if there wat ahorse race on the park at tpe present hour it would have beendifscak to find enough ratepayers present to hold a nomination he said he celt himself to be in a delicate position a number of excellent gentleman had been nominated bat ia all fairness he bad to speak is the highest terms of the members of the present coanaj each in turn were eulogized and a he proof of the padding it the eating of it be thought the momci- fptiity would be safe in their bands far an other year ia closing his rpeech the beeve let fall a remark which was very generally construed as most unfair to the manufacturer who are taking part in the contest itwittwr let ut feel that we are not like the serfs of rauia bat have freedom of speech of pulpit and of press and to exercise onr franchise as free men after thanking the people far a renewal of their oornldenoe tfie reeve took theehajr and called npee councillor pearton to address the assembly 1 the i local minister of finance came to the platform loaded with ledger financial statements and s goodsized scrap book containing clipping from the columns of the- fin poms forth past year or so he prefaced hi fiery half hoars speech i with the statement that he had come tonnder an account of his stewardship for the past year bat owing to hit nervous tempera meat woold rather do the work of ayeer than stood before the people and tell them about it hi financial statement and ledger were then ibrooght into service and the ratepayer wen treated- to a carefully prepared list of accounts and figoret in which the otneial statement and treasurers books were- slmotfe totally ignored iur peanonhas kept a wt of books of hit own covering all municipal fioanoa during the w po 4 attic stating that he was notfoingtossy oii word against shy cendidkteyb made it oqrart attsck uponjar beardmore villoot ask lay man in h tannery to to for me it i would not be the meant haviig any man discharged sf r pearton is one of thota safortanato iodindoalt ocossionallpalected to pubue poattions whoevlaently overlook the fact that i av public men their actions are liabiato be criticised and thi psbiio whose servants tley are have t perfect right o express opinfoot upon llieur conduct of municipal or itate batineat these people oonclade that sit opposiiion or difference of opinloa is wtorialwheni almost mvariasly it is the public tct and not the man which it criticized k men iilalcrlpesronacoept pofclicotitiont hoy mutt agree to diffee heir fellow tndillow others tothire on as well themselves instead of nally ttucldng them otharwise they rest sssurpd their career will not y be strewnjjwith ihoroless rosea r hsrviy ohsirmaa of ttreett and t then give a nviiw of the work is oomraitteaj he showed a clot as aqce with the details of lh wort armed which could only be obtained iat lapervition staled that b now strred for two years in th ooun- eitnd sited tht electors o judge at to hit itnsat for farther honors f it e hsvillc speech wss brief sod a the pout he claimed the oouncil had dona tbsi r best fbc the municipality the past yea and if the people thought to it wis thea duty to re elect tbem j hr anderson said he oocopisd sboat the lime potitioa is hr hsrilf and if elected woold give his sttentioa to the in- tsrens of actaa i lir alex seeord cheerfully tocepted th nootiaetiba tor councillor sod tallr fpeou to be elected he mads some comparisons of municipstfigares with the year 1990 to shalv hat many of this boasted eoanomie wins fictitious sn this was particularly pouted out in the case of the oaeman sp pointment it tu reported that if mr beardmore and himself were elected they j woold twamp the town with high taxes but oa promised ifjetsctsd that true soon- omy woold ehsiaeterize bis coarse in every particular hr beardmore followed ia a quiet and good assured speech ee referred to torn of he figares in th official statement bat oootested hi inability to undentand ha spsdisl figures and oomparlssu of the chairinanoffinaare h took istnewflh hr pearson in the matter of ihkrjing meoj who would not vote for him oor meo ere not litres he laid and ttatod thau ao coercion bid ever or would ever be exercised toward them he thought the manuf sotucir eboald not he regarded as intruders upon the municipality and felt that they had a right to take an in terei t in municipal affair he concluded by p romiting if elected to have a careful oversight o matters intrusted to him as he woak if jit were his own basiness aadjwoald lay nothing unkind of any candidate as he expected to sit with soma of them next yesr hr a e kfcklin one of ha best ipeejbes of he afternooa the manner in whicp be bandied municipal finance wss warthyrf a lifslong politician his figures irersjconcitely put sad went to show that coutueriug the work performed by the councils of 1890 sad the present year the forma deserved credit for the greater aooai my he could tee nothing wonderful ia the proteised soooaipliiboeat of th present council tho meet wonderful thiaf he could see sbaat if was the woader f nl n ixlng up of figuni he also wondered if tin proient oouncil would take neoeseery ttepi for repacing the ceoor dozen trees de itroywloa bgwer avenue by rtinovti of the driilj shed ha drew hi remsrlc to a close by declining toenter the contest hrj john wlihsms wtt tbe sit ipeaker on mjuulciptl tfltlrrl he compared him atlf to a llmehoom spesker it a recent tapper in own he hoped every elector would come out sad vote for the msa wliocji they contidec belt fitted tor the offisej bat declared bimislf not a oandi date iwj mayor 8- dioa toolamallon robertson u aoolamatioa korth ward 8 esnnaot d j h harrison j h he- hemttreet soath wird w j armstrong i h peacock w h llnd- m rcrirlet jones hj hollinrake east w ndlc conway i duncan r l hem- t set r s porter r ramthew t mc- dwtlt jixrrtu miyor george andrew accta- m uoo for reeve 4l petan andw h ung or deputy reeve john ion and ti orhaa beynoldt councillpri wtrd 1 b gar bray a d chliholm william w lituaer w h cronkrito john mason w kid 2 capt robert williams thomas pi tenon w x uarlett thomas howarth jo eph boon ward s e b anderson c w andinonic a bradbury 0 p ctis- ho my j a doty robert howes john me- ix said jarnes taylor and john wales oaoxro messrs fleming osier mc millan and beefy are in the field for mayor mi yor clarke wat onoe more renominated ba withdrew r there it an unusnally tar te number otj aldermaaio nominees con- lid gthcojncii board has been reduced a i idy candidate is running in each ward for school trustee 1 xaxosa at the nomination monday at co tie inn thej oouncil of eramcaa were all reelected by acclamation 11 follows vi beeve john uutrie r reeve jot ph fletcbtr coandllon root htm- ilto t matthew lone daniel talbot tmn- mclean cox mcdoogall dai ocber and yslade were today nomin al for the rnayorahty i hook william spencer and e t est ry candidttet for mayor george t dai lt and william jones water commit slot en by soolamation ulan rr ioctaianoir si ilmsg h molntyre b locxvaie d s booth b stsraxls o bogart r msjowk john cochrine jr p ara william butler 0 ixxaoewjsianlcf tetter 0 rroir3irga andre wiltjanlltuh a walker w litritoxlwilliam hichardsoh mmoi s pice- 1 d aaaarro ej w bathbcm oibawa wploowan f at here si h barbara f acstpm mccahiu k laui henry panird 1 si thoiot robert moguily i ginvra thomas goidie si por l campbell w kanxx malcolm dbogla g otauclt john butler o ixrixiv e p callsghan or nxijsw ut harvey di xsngi jw sharpe bi siatilo bitter ei ixx csmtjohn milne ti joxmao william mnvtrmtld b rrtuh richards i h amnrro 8 at henryi o mcibwllham battell h awnt for mayor p c blaicher will am copp james dixon r ptt 0f prbs ckdqd8 at topwnoentdi8o6uit l i to th ladies the mammoth begs ta aqiiouncethht thef havo au immenie firbtclasj rtsclc of dress qpds in rall the latest fabrics ui cuslittis iooiaciing serges eatamenes diagonals oamelcfrair olcjtb cheyrbts black and ooloredl henriettas black aridj coloted bilks j black aad oalord mervs block liasten beiigfllin mi podgeoi k pdngon etc and hkt we ti are decided- to give a di icpant of 10percedton all dresslqoods and dress silks with th the sxoeptioa of the jotttf lines of drass goods atoc and 10cverytrdj f thh r ii fe rare opportune for ladies to procure their dress goods from a magnificent stock at asunish ing bargain prices thissale begins now and will continae to the slat of december 1891 j onr general itock is compl yiraphrehensive and sellin cheap ajyaarqajtifejclpoe outtitiier jwr we desire jto thapkor namerfnoashi9wtlndi foitiiev wrygenib iwas iartcif their tiaejitfl ua ery soon- ve willflniali ooir sevetorr ytar oftbnsiaejin aotbrr and notwithstanding the dpfesbionirtbusinem felt everywhere we haye rhid seven prosperous and and pleasant years and we hope w will opt ie accused orfkttrywhen we saylthit bowherihato we toarid a more agreeable people to do basiness with lban we have in aoton and arronnd not have i pleased in ever k m t the fjeptr5it llpiiltcjgaitjjnge wrtdlyirenesliptifoic a o beardm as a ri i i la- for 18984 ugi ase fart of 1 iety ute very epnntry we may vrej cbnld scarcely pec- 4ft haye alfaytfiibti ftrgive our colwrrtfii wqfiul vaiuforjfbeirrnoney a and oor incran8irfg tradr jirof a to us beyond the possibility of a doubt that w hay eiiocccded i next year we are determined 0 extend bar basiness still further and we are aware i i 1 selling oheapcr than olher stores esteemed patronage again thanking yoo ve jvighybti all a vefy happy and prosperous new year we are respectfully yiarg jlibj15rmy t kinds in great oar dteag ttnd nfantlemalcin iliuinery atd ordered clithfn departments were never injbetter form tamiijg oat goods jto suit and gratify oar patrons u fit tyfe and ptice w mcleod go aioromowh teteth teeth tsetk far lb sun per bettqaautr seztthrs moetuilmo ctrfect flt fusraatied dstlfttqn ld8j qradaite of tojanto school of deotlttrr tad boyatcoumsot dental surseon orrtca ksxt epst omee aeton ttfaara aprsttjtrio ireotfan of a new school balldurwas in year wbetbtt bseadse he quostiohed the i fifot of ertalfng a school which would be a honesty or ability of the municipal treat credit olhe pftbe and though not smiout 0 ssforl revojwfvcfafatm- glttlwll rtbsgwwjtkti fursteei m user has not been stated however by hfiown peculiar system of bookkeeping hi labored for some time- to prove to the people how mach money the present codnotl hsot- put into tho pockets of the ratepayers battt wttemieot hstnootle anderstood his figures timroaghly bat him- tsu andhia yeart effort and troul lie with munwpal ocoakeepiog counted lfitfe if lofcwfth hfi brrrs the jmm of ml wfoanstod uw sortp btok was sfth tsjrtbcn at waded into too r ltrfaiity p-ttatoojtod- mtinaslissoateaidi w dttor cwontton efje codt- n fcy wltornnkittton m wqfmi oft mr george t thought nls posifion as a lublio schooi fruiite wssj not a very dtffic lit one u there hid been no reoklest fexlrt rtgince r be board refttrred 0 in rperieuce in ichool mitten the past five it ill yesn and to lie absolute neoai iffy now facing tbe board for the oletulineti and latiifastlon an a results from the aw of sunlight en wsh say tnd every other day telf with ink soap has no equsl it a oliwnter of dirt and grtasi ud diver falls 1 1 please all good grooeri keep it tnd a dliont of iwlw vomen ate it you bwiirtorpheip imitations e trlooi 9oap it is a ffj do what edlbe for rtelectloa wbulo endeavori is right ia sll matter if igiin couficeooe of the people i mr i fraocltwasjfbe last sbeakeraod ihlsre btski wen spfhfed end ti the point ha tlinked bit nominees md referred to i nit to icocraaecllon with t lie scflool board he hi d ilwtyi don bit utmortlin tht in- erett of fhe school aid felt tit greater it n- ileetod fad oourai would m ihnilsr to sfcstyttt i f v noioiiark ecbbis vi wmmfw kirmi coao iltort ptsrson sm htrrrw itohs consumption ibwlb iri ofleat opugh cdbe thit this aoostayol ithooiil jul drrkgistsjamani ittmhiia 6 u it on i utt that no other tw otoa6efroiri at onres diisaiaartaj to oontino basiaest in a we batra best manufactures of eogush suiting ha v decided to con tfam trem tajaoioo btosaiib tori hock op nremtoti we ban booght immense quadtlflaiof new goods both as the irisb sootoh ind cardla twiedt 14 worsted for pantlngs arid ovevooatings iv f ji w will gutrinue perfsct fit best of workmanabiri in om tola iny cjther firm in the hnv i of it lower prfoe tosh in other firm in tbeonnky dan sail at- w will rsesire this j weekoatetoi li jtt 1 i ti menf ioya enl children ultt overcoat odd pint andvet when we noeeive ool stock of cent furllhlng thisfwaek iti wol bs best ever shown dont forget to call and tee our sboat the underwear ties 6uipenderslorei oroories wewsnt to aty a few words to the oast sou coming to oar itore with cash in their hand than they ever got m their lives next frida and saturday w we will offer about j at the sarhe dress lerigihs or robes at ajgfeatrednctiori this y hfi a grand oppcrtunitji to buy sdmandqseluttjrent for very little money it cananly be done by we solicit yoar rr till theelecto i v jr thit littniciallty fji v ladle and cjentlerrren voor vote arid iriflpeiice re at the approaching rtinnldpil i dp my qtwst towartiiir istering yourarlair wrth-ri- dofc hrid ehomyl j j yonrstery trnly i i iaiiir bros iltiln ladies dbhh iitl biiormouslbddugfcibns still bei just bee the mag th allwool french dress u diiiv 10 to ladle plltots frm to m oshts hesfiomtoto nadenblrusosawtnyrontflt lt4u and cblwrspt coilart fani oitriah fmbsff about half slut mantli pliih l immt magnlfioebt assprtmefil of f immensity offronoh ooo0e ladli ladlsa kid gloveadofo from mantles good fuam glothnvliif itlflviwna brntiatsivilv oorajsf oabbb lab of bosiebavtl lftli1 sjimuton dtoiinbar joel 1891 ik we will offerfabbut ljifty 6t asoeasbns jackets and jljisters in some cases- at less thah half price forget friday and saturday ovjblifthi felfiw oamels hair dbeis goods iiajrlke ironjsoa to uo short jaokstfdown from jllijoo to kj0 from u to li dtrenlar ffloaw tromllsto q ji r astraobtp glovi from 70d fo boy mens nstoral do froni 180 to llsft aj ndbroneteaoowntontorly harjprio mllllnsry 11 silk hntrvbuakjfid colored slljt firookdek prlotsj skdmlt flwboini and veillngi rsboflb tm 8 oafleji oorj riujbiaith

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