Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 7, 1892, p. 2

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r borv xfvrw iti actonor new yrire lisv the wife ohn acne a son t oiwxt al tn creel nwt on the ltli ieco ei ol jolinociot n miliarriiiln kiwtxt on thofli lcc the ircf purrm mcvlrecorriafoh lnlvoii tlimtisv htli iyeemlr the ife ol urrac hslhhlluuiof a davifhter vtekjfen ilill nncunoo rrfeetlinlst 1w1 kt thr viiiriottitreii juciiinli aleub- y home li snote dtvehtu of jn 11 vllo nomishrv urn mtiivailliltiuoo thealijsiiv in thelli v t mr june hen neve- ut i oi io etrle dsurmcr of ieorce stniri lo niuptbt mliriar cimitttat the retijcnce ol mr 1 wrt clfv crin octlie jxh rocinurtv jin jolin heit ijocitd john urlntvrv to i mn ill of lna i kiit- piint rt id georcrmwn on new v 1 k d m imkautn wirncr ic klc on rt ktrd slruin ei atton to mit1ir cuuftitrr w itobert diullirv ot vnuiouliiilileod limrlittiluiuuat mjl waithrrmurncc or iir ln1r tittcr on llierjli ofdcopiolvr i tlir lirt j s tmier of arthur eatkvl l liri u v kikulltktit klon and ket k a ct of rejtofi mr i 11 ktiiflit ol ivnirretot to mie kara jteeool tuuciller of israhatn fi ol fllon nirrt i i i in artoo oruiciih jaiiuir tlic lu in aiufttrrnttlioe storey ipsl to irttr if he xrton jfrcc jtes tiirnsdayjasvaiiv t isa notes and comments the icelanders in the northwest are doinc ti well that a movement ii on foot to briiy mere people from that region u the dominion the population of iceland amounts lo about 5000 of which the cipitil iteikjavik comprise not more tbin sftxl for this population it is reed leii to say there ie ample room id western canada and to cenede those who look to e micntion a the only core for their 11a would natcrelly with to come the wheat crop of ell canada in ikk t down by one eothoritj s0231 41u batiele end by tnother e1 i0i17oil hatheli lett veer the wheet crop of menttob end the northwest ft netrly so 0000 bathele end ot onuno 32ss142c batiele to that utinc no loooant of qccbec wd the atlentic end pecioc rrotinoee the whet crop of 1891 ie s3 ocoofo baebele better then the whet crcp cf l9w the domicion stetieticein hes iuacd the third cesecs bulletin it detli with the pppoletion of the three ileritiqieprovincee the eunrea being given by kroopt of coao- ti end tubdistrict of the ooontiet thaa croaped eixteen show decreefes end twenty tliht increuee in popnlilipa teiicc the three provincea tocelher the popalitian idcreieed 13 i percent in 1ss1 u comptred with lt71 end bardy 12 per ent in 1s91 u compared witb 11 it i rccoared that mr john wijdie de cimee to except the domimtioa of the reform party bat we onderiuod prejsnre to being brought to bear cpoa him to in duce recontideretion of his refund the pstront of industry candideie is at work and holding meetings at some points in the couoty in an interview with the irrioa tcesdty mr james beattyqc toronto said tbere is some talk of my running in halton at the recent hindoo national congress resolutions were adopted affirming the ne cessity of establithing a colonial legislature inr india in which the people of hindostan shall be represented and that a reduction be made in the army expenditures it is evident that as the hindoo masse become educated the demeode for borne rale for ibe empire will increase and the task of governing such a vtst population by a viceroy and an irresponsible canned will become more difficult the fjrst case on record in which at indian ku sought relief from matrimonial tortures in divorce has coenred in cham berlain 8 v a sioux indian asked ibe white mans judge to releaaehim from nie aoaw because she was a dangerous woman to live with she had attempted to brain him with an ai the judge granted the divorce that inditn bu departed far indeed from the custom of hie fathers in those days he would bve snatched the axe and braiaedher and indian public sentiment would have ally justified birn in this effectual method of getting a divorce farm machinery did not come into gen eral nee until farmers were convinced by their own eye that it wonld lessen mater ially the cost of production so it is with roads whenever farmers are convinced that good roads will cheapen the cost of production they will ukc step to create thoroughfares asbard and smooth a those in france and germany the action of some of the neighboring township councils in adopting the plan of performing road work- by contract instead of by statute labor as at present will have a tendency to eecaring better roads as might be expected from the bad har- vetts in great britaan the condition of trade there is much worse than it is witb ce the official returns show that oaring to the crop failure the imports of food into great britain for the month of november last exceed in value those or november 1w0 by h07rw9 and for the first eleria months of the year they are 9g6s8 in exceas of those of last year duridg the 6ame months at the same time the ex ports of home manufactured product for thu november are lees than thoee ot november 190 by 223g01 and for the first eleven months of the year 14 72o772 lees showing a decrease either of productive capacity or of foreign demand the me who won tfuntcipauttes the death roll for lbjl contains the tiameeofmanyremarkxblemen and women la the list must be placed the narna of kiogkie the british historian emma abbott the famoss vocalist gen ban croft the united btate historian kaiak- iu king ot the sandwich islands abdurrahman khad ameer of afghanis tan william wtndoca secretary of tne uuited ptttestreaxory cha bradlangh thenoted british siuov admiral porter of the united state ny gen wo tecumsetb sherman erf the united states army prince kapoleoo bonapcrte gen johnston rftheuoitedbt4okildetacy barnum the great showman vonkoltke the plioner of the franccprneiito war hbishop kagee primate of england sime blavatsky head of the thecophiiu sir john acdonald conserrative leader in canad b j ulunita jarce retell lowell baveustand poet gen boulanger the frenchman karl eccentric kmg of wuriemonr win henry smith fix lord of the knglitt treuar ctutrti stewart pawi sir john pope heoney an exciting cmtesrt in whlohfclllhe rlne r broken up 4 outsioe for about two recks it has been conceded dial tlicjiiunlciii il coult here on monday would bo one of tlio most exciting nnd keenly fought ii i tlio history ot acton tlio nicntlicr o lio old council cro anxious for reeli cticui aud felt pretty con fident that the allot boxes would prove them all ictoti us the manufacturers candidates were ually certain that their ticket would ik c ecteil with a good major ity at their backi in this conclusion both the ndrtir vcre ilupnointcd for tho re turns given bclo v show that it was the pleasure of the cl ctorato to select two men from each party and thiie annihilalc tlio concerfcd forces jliolli it must be ad mitted however that the manufacturers nominees wore m ire successful than their opikincuts mcsj rs seeord and brardmore were not only ciotcil but mr harvey ono of tho men of tin ir second choice though also a member if the old council was elected at tho heoi of the poll mr pear son who so tealoisly gusrdetl the treasury eiceptin park expenditures last year was given last place i i the raoo among those who won a scat a the couucil board the vote wsb the largest etrr given at any municipxl lection here last year 115 ballots were cast in polling subdivision no 1 and 131 ii no i a total of 217 on this oooisio there were l votes polled 121 m nc 1 and 147 in no ii though the contest was exciting no ill will wsb manifested and the best of good- natured competition prevailed during the day the electors generally are well pleased with the result we have a very good council and although there are likely to be difference of opinion on certain questions it fs hoped that harmony and good feeling will prevail and the business of the muni cipality be transacted jin a mahncrcajculat- ed as best for all concerned the result of the polling is a6 follows ooancillors ward i ktjgtir dry a d chiiholm vt hchtikrit ward 1 tho itowirt tho lviiteaaon cant boberi william i vttdbvkndcciaii c p chiiholm john ucoonild likotrrsikii toruhti deputy joha warren council wtgleworth campbell and stewart tic council reelected by gronirtown- acclamation iciiin tiiwskhil deputy iteem 1 by acclaiuatmii in coancillors john kmx viluiik hi heeve robrtt lang gcorgo iloblnsba i deputy peter mcotll uff and robeit akltt eve c hwalfccr by acelarnatlon coujiclllori dr martin win hamilton rf medley and jamea lang tonoxtn- after olio of the most exciting oooteste in the city history rj fleming has been elected mayor by a pluralty over osier which is somewhere in the neighbor hood of 800 mcmillan it hourly fooo votes behind and beoty total vbto waa only about coo thp yoto on sunday street cars resulted as fillows for 10c3j against 15180 msjjority against 4103 a vote was taken also on the question of furnishing free school booki wlth tho following result for uottt against week cues of 4m 1 i i h- h i niiir goods ahd lotot prices kelly bros have i eoidel to oontlnuo builuess in actou belag unable to lad nitrcbaiein f r toclc or prcr iiie wo hive bought iminenia qatntitle of new goodi such ta tl a bmt maoufaojuirta of english irish scomu and canadian tweeds and worstedrfor suttlngss pantingjaand overtjoattngs we wljt guarantee perfect fit belt of workmtnihlp la our ordered clothing arid at lower prices tuaa any othnr arm lu thai county dara sell at w wilt ceceiva this juto fyfyrtiimtttts tej mens bys and children suits overcoats odd pants and vests c when we roc lm majority for hamilton illaich cornciuin so i no ioh1 john haiiui 71 77 lvi aitx srroun iir hi 147 a 0 bmimiorj k 81 14g j bprxnsn i 71 hi george havill 5j 71 130 joa anderson ill co m john kennev 41 54 w trustels no 1 no 1 total rort holim r1 m 17f gronvi hym- fo 100 iri liiv g bcoott w fci lw isaac francis m in 101 jamc6 matthews 17 51 ih votes polled in no 1 ul otes iiollcd in so j 147 total 271 the council for tho present year will be rirrr dr lowry cicsctllor john harvey alex secord a o beardmore and j b pearson the public school board tvill include messrs george hynds it holmes and rev g b cooke with messrs t h harding james mclam and robert wal lace who wetj elected last year atuurct ltaisxaai t cares dtpacieru it was six oclock before the result of the election was ascertained and by this time a very large number of electors and citizens had assembled in the town hall speeches were called for and several of the successful candidates responded in brief addresses ml hirnt thanked tlie electors for placing him at the head of the poll as they had doae the previou year he fcit that very little was neoessary to be said and thought he could promise a clean sheet at the end of the year mb secolmi also thanked his many friends for placing him in so gratifying a position he did not expect to be placed so near the top but duly appreciated the confidence of the people and promised to fulfill the duties of the office to the best of his ability to the end of the chapter ma- beahiimoll was the next speaker and expressed the pleasore he felt at being honored with election to a seat in acton council ai stated at the nomination the business intrusted to him will be as care fully conducted as if it were his own he had made no election promises the people had seen fit to elect him and they could rest asenred public interests would not suffer as a consequence mb peinso was repeatedly called but owing no doubt to the crowd hewas unable to get intoithe hall me holues who headed the poll for school trustee 6aid it was useless for him to try to make a speech it was the first time he had ever occupied a public office but hoped to be able to transact the duties of the office satisfactorily mr hvxns followed in a calm and well- spoken address heiiid it is i assure you exceedinglygratifyingtohave so manj votes recorded in my favor though i have been on the school board for a num ber of years this is the first time my name has appeared on a ballot perhaps it will not be the last i will endeavor to do my best as i have in the past i trust the men elected will please yon all and if i ever again liave tha pleasure of coming before yon foe reelection that my work during the present year will have your approbation llxcnov 1mv jottimis the school election by ballot was favor ably received of course it occupied an extra half hbar for counting the ballots nine electors spoiled their ballots by vot ing tor four trustees instead of three a number of lady voters eierciscd their franehise plumper were received by half a dozen candidates but most of them were amoag the trustees only one voter anable to read presented himself this is creditable to the educa- tionaf standing of the municipality exactly fifty mate rotes were cast than at the municipal election two years ago notwithstanding the big vote polled councillor harvey received 16 votes lees than in last years contest and his col leagues had from 0 to 3c less than before the school board will have a very able member in rev g b jooke whose exper ience in such matters will be of value the present year in the erection of a new school imlding mr holmeb polled the highest vote ever given a school trustee in acton but he ssys i worked for it end the man who wirks best generally wins especially if be is a new candidate it is to be regretted that mr francis wa not returned to the beard his con nection with it the past five or six year proved him a usefuland interested member no trustee baaever taken a greater inter- art in school matters than has mr francis during his term of office elections klfcevhktie blcxutarov reeve atkinson council lors 8 oolbrsn w jdooghu w h fiamitnoretnd f w galloway ilicrox itayor samuel dies rcoved- xiobertaou couacillotb east ward cou- wy hemstreet hedowell niirth ward campbell harrfioo hannatrt svxrth want armstrong peacocfc hcuinrake oxsvelu ltayorgeo alutrew reeve j felan deputy reeve t reynolds 400j r was elected mayor by a large majority iver dixon and copp paris ii stroud orangovtlle johnston lindsay clinton w dohetty mitchell j w c ill mount forest w colclcugh newmarket lloy 1 listowcl w m llruco mcaford j j jo ifiston waterloo wm s lidcr peterboro james kendry stratford nodginb owen sound frost london spencer gait lumsdcn ottawadurocher the heslop murder dont forget i call and seo our new itylai abort lb eivo our stock of qsnts furnishings tni w w b tl1 beteverihowa in town hats and fur caps- alio inquire underwear tic 8aepeoder ulovc tiox shirts caturs cuff 4o croceries i wa have bought anlentlrcly new and fresh stock of orooeriel and will deliver them any place in town kt very etoaa prlom 1 i ws ant to say a fen words to the cash purchasers and it is son coming tc our store with cash in their band can have more goodi than they ref got in their live this that any per- and batter value strong evidence that bartrsim fired the fatal shot hauilton jan 8 tho prelimloary ex amination ot witnesses in this case ni held hereon thursday had not george douglas when in his cup made tha ad missions he did to old torq voaog and his wife about the heilap murder it la likely that detective greer would still be hunting for the murderer when this story leaked out it gave tha dtjtlve clue and it was not long before they secured other strong evidenoa at tha preliminary examination on thursday the crown did not usei the circumstantial evidence gathered by detective greer douglas was oomaaittcd for trial witb lottridge and will have to remain in- jail until the spring isaixe became the evidence is not strong a to whttbec it sra bartram or douglas that fired the hot before the trial inducement were made to lottridge to take advantage ot theprodtm- ation and tell all he know about tha tragedy but he oulil not squeal the brautford cuui ier says the fact that goosey and docglaa held for com plicity in the uealop nurder have coolext- ed while bartram an 1 lottridge deny all knowledge of the crime means that tha issue will be one of tbe word of two white men against that of two indians it wa rumored on the strees to day that bar tram had made a etttement implicating one of the companions fatal shot there is na truth in the state ment bartram knows that bis pals have given the thing away but still shows no signs of apprehension the editor of the fuel pel3 visited hamilton jail where lottridge and douglf were committed the other day and had a chatjwitb dougls s he is a fine well as having fired the built yonog indian says got him into the situation he was asked bid company has he present unenviable to gofora drive with bartram and the othe a on the night of the murder but claimb to have had no idea of the intention of bnrlariring the heclop homestead douglas expect his action of turning qaeene evidence will secure his pardon imperial penny postage will soon be realized despite canadas hesitancy to leadtheway itisexpeptedthaturgosch- en will make the last year of hi occupancy of the office of chancellor of the exchequer famoub by carrying the next great step in the direction of federation through kelly bros shotlnthssi acton customers aiicl friends as wo arc at tha close jof another to thatik oaf numerous havlke parchanfd ifrnle kites sreh ant prepared tt pay lb hljlust c4a t or all klmuot grain i johs ecottt aeteuaus- ltb 1wi ageiita wanted if on tint to rnike money taka hold aai sellearehofea nursery stack xo is lbs tun writ u st obee for terms mux mothers xarmrrmm kocbetler k t- year we defre customers and friends for the very generous part of tlioiritrade given us very soon we will finish our seven h year of business id aetoa und notwitnstauding tie depression in bumiiess felt everywhere we have laid seven froperotis and and pleasant years and weope m will not he accused ot flattery tvhon we say hatnowherchave we found a more agreeable peoplo o do business with than we have in acton and suronndirrg coantty we niay not have pleased in ever case we expect to but we conid scaticely outcfar winber sports snow or no snow we propose starting a grand carniva of amusement pleasure and profit on satt rday january 2nd 1602 by our grand be crianuoal clearing out sale you a cordial invitation to tha same we are in for t we made purchase in many line i rocn wholesale people who were over stot iced at about bne half the usual import ng price in addition to thete wa hav gone systematically and carefully thn ugh our own stock and marked down he price and the- result la an immense ol ering of really choice fresh goods in many case at lea than one half the usual price r nor ha oar stock ever presented so many attractions every we extend to participate in routing time berlin ont jan a a yoaag rain of this town named cramer wis walking past herteiua blacfrm h shop ha was shot in tha left shoulder by tome oao un known there is cot tha slfghett duo u to who did tha shooting though ti thought that tome person were fooling with pistol when it wis discharged tha ball striking cramer in tha shoulder guelph business collars oualph ont corner i full present yt say how we cannot specify detailk in this advert sement we refer you to our large bill i for particulars but uf thoroughly enj iy the sport you must be long it will last we cannot pots bly a whole months buai- pree prizes 2500 elegant p esanta value 5250 to introduced our fob all i 00 own littlo liver hree six nine or i at 25c per box an elegant assort- tches silverware pills quickly we will gio to 2600 persons who will dispose of twelve boxes of our pill amongst their friends roent of the finest w eto etc you pay no tnoney in advance we send the goods free when sold you send ub thesnoney and we will eod you the prize what pills you cant sell we take bsck we run all the risk send us your address and 5c for trial package of pillb illustrated catalogue of prize in structions etc we pay postage on all goods address a j dean fe co box 2m orillia ont surprise h expressed that canadian public men were altogether forgotten lo the distribution of honors by her majeaty on new years day several australian and other colonists received knighthoods but no canadian was mentioned though it wis expected that mr abbott would receive a title mr james mecullougb of the well- known hamilton jewellery firm of davi a mecullougb poured coal ail into bis furnace on saturday morning to hstetj the lire the same burst from tha furnace door and mr mecullougb waa burned to death net will be irowded into a ooupl of 1 week our p irpote it to clear out just 0 many lens ot i lonsanda of dollar of stock and we are 1st ng a plan that will not takej us long to do i be on hand therefore on the early days if the carnival yon will find everything a we advertise and every preparation mi de for an unusually rousing time tho spor hu commenped e r bulert co 25 27 ltwer wyndhm st gluelph sfllglfs consumption ure thi great cough cure this- laeceaaini cx1 bolfption cure i without a parall il in tha history ot medicine 1 all druggist ar i cuthorired to tell it on a positive guarat tee a test that no other cure can tucoeti fully stand if yon have a cough sara th oat or bronchitis use it for it will cure j ra if your child has the croup or whoo log cough us it promptly and relief it inr if you dread that intid- lost disease co isumption dont fail to use it it will c ire yon or cost nothing ait your druggi it for bhilohs cure price loctt seta and 100 if voor lung are sore i r back lame use shtlohs porotie platter 25ct wa are now offering educational advan- tage and tuition rata such a have not hitherto boea offered tho csntdixa people the scope and thoroughnja of oarcom mercial course ta strikingly shown by the fact that several of our students during tha put year have been offered situation a boakkeepert oa condition that they took tha commercial court at the guelph basineas college in our shorthand and trptnrritinf department tha- two leading shorthand system of tha prsnat day u taught our method is tha outcome ot tau years experience in teaching shocthtnd and leads to the best practical result in the shortest possible time in our modern lengmge depirtmeot yon can get a practical command of either french or german whtla punaidg tha commercial coarse and without extra chtrge both language are taught bjj the natural method wklcb enables thai student to read writs and speak thamj thi ia a rare opportunity which tha ambitious and eaergetis young man or woman will not fail to setzt in penmanship our work is the admir ation ot all who tea i it send for a spacimea those intending to take ai coarse thit fall should enter at a early a data ac poeaiple for terms act addrsat u luccoeuidk principal i guslftn oa coxfiukmok cured an old pbyticlan retired firom practice having had placed in hixhandsby an east india mlssionxry tha formula off a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy- and per manent cure of consumption bronchitis catarrh asthma and all throat audi lung affections also a positive and radical cure for nervoa dehtiity an4 ellnervou com plaint after hiving tetted it wonderful curative power in thousands of cata hu fell it hi duty to make it known to all hit suffering fellows actuated by this motive and a desire to relieve human suffering i will sead free of chtrge to all who desire it thi recipe in german french or english with full direction fir preparing and using sent by mail by addressing tvith stamp naming this paper w a norct 620 power block roohetter n y k have always tned to give our customers the very bestfotlue for fheir money a ahd our increasing trade proyes to us beyond the possibility of a doubt that we have succcded next year we are dctarmfned to extend our business still fiirtherand we are aware itcan only be done by selling heaper than other stores we solicit your esteemed patronage 1 again thanting you we wish you all a very happy and prosperous new year we nre kesjpectfuuyyoursi rbjeemyn rockwooi tder jress the boekrood cidtr press rill opsa for bmtt- iv hill october sad fll rs lpridar inpjos loft m other it pretved tiler lit oclock if desired nest on wedne4r th october sad j apposlete other days trm h ttrytijesds the ktsen w bbbaop rcekveedoai alactbfe properrv for sale abuse fsnn in lot it con it lo- th torn- ship ofiueerlls sere ltfc scdtltor kxis umbered with beech msrl hstale jtea cedar rock and soft lnrr alto tstonesnd rough east dwelllnff of room and two eeuart initne suble wiui wo let fit land on ooelpbt harl and queeo itteets la bm vtllajeoticton j terms hi cash or exehanse for other pra- pertjs apply o i- i l luxaacloa out m- it a representative electrician oi the i dorerkwend electric belt pp of your while to enquire lata themttef caof willbeat cempoeflt hotel acton b- v monour uui january where he eaa be ecasultd with about all forms of tcueularkerrout i cbronie diseamav drspnitlt kld- ny tod liver trouble heart weak ness ssuul comlm bheuma- utnl geiauct ooat ksanlgst kervoof debility ftmal complalou asthma braoeiiitia and sit lome trouble e will have with hist a mil line of the doreaxod eleetrieal appuaneat tha worlds beat system for seuttxeatmeat also tf oil eated cheat prookton aixsmninti bopeorten obstetric binders tc kodxna treatment su ears effected br eectrtoai sad iceeiitafcal ap- pliauee he will qot treat you hot show foe how to- treat yoottah at hoot cheaptyaad sneoeafunr- cooalderbawmaatowc healttxsiidi vijor ta aleetrietty s applied by tin poreavendlatentioa is it worth liidsei the liiot thos who testily to their merits perhaps you mtyaad the uameaot ixisnds ot heiffabort among them ka charge for con ruhatfoo book on home treatment presented free to eyt ry caller tteccmeatatbaptareaspeciaut ixrau are ruptured and ire wearing a trass call sue sea the new utachinentwaerebryour tras eaa be into an glectric truss miking care more ortoin and raoid and airuiremeandcaoitortta tha hewitt also hav a full line of trusses bemember at campbell house on honda y 1 1th wearer jan dorenwend e b co toronto pan will also bo in auelph wellington h the parlor the dining room the bedrooms the hall- the kitchen may need new furniture on saturday night at toronto lire elixa barker a widow go year of age was burned to death owing to a lamp explosion and yesterday mrs christopher armstrong also at toronto i secenmbed to frightful injuries received from the uptettiug of an oil lamp a she was about to retire on thursday evening literary note an important literary feature of r- ixrg ilaijawe for 1h92 will be tha publi cation for the first time of six paper by mr james russell lowell on tho old english dramatists in this his last literary work mr lowell returned to tha love of hit youth his earliest ttndiea having been in that field and wa shall have in tha paper the results of his ripest thought on a subject which profoundly interested he three greatest critic of oar century lamb hazlitt and coleridge these studies aro not only example of tha beat criticism but are a professor cntrle eliot norton designate them gexuurjs piece of good literature they abound also in passage ot intimate personal in ler- est reflexes of mr lowells moods tad at tbe impression occasioned by incident of b i later years v v boots shoes wa have just re eived our fall stock of boot and sh oa from the beat manu- 5tqtda anddefy oom- either quality fictaren in petition it ie or price wa ma e a tpeoiality of i boo wuich for ttyle wm willl mb 8 shoes tit and wear cannot be xcelled tal tuex and wad- 12th and 13ut fan- businealfgl at i btre bad loo mnch bosfaots to- suesd oflitelhatb soldi mj butchecuig business to krpstnu of auelph twill oow be ibleto psr mote jartlculsr st- tentloatoinrformarbusinest those waetlni crocera3 1 j four and fetf will cnd mr stoefclrah tad of betiaaltt tnaofcliicmvnqoietoo jrostcmers iorjafr liberal patronise in the past and solicitlag sasw lo future i 1 iremam jourt truly i john abthdbi p sas 11 is now the time oi rear to halam icecrants those wbb are iadebtea to me wfil ece- r fsrafarbr bv calllae sndsettlidf s soeq s postlbla 1 j the new meat majiket j 0 stull hit pleasure uttanouileinr to the eftixeoabf acton snd ridnltv that he lias oaplatat rnmtiu ta open a kew heat markerln- ii dolldlcc reeeutlr erected kt the corner of jtut tndhsiiatrteubjiirlwoord j xaxttnijiday ucrnlotvxthd hut a full stock of all kinds ot fresh meati owi ejto will be opened the sett quality alwan fo- ttocx i e i haviiurlladerperleneelii the bualseat leu aasuresll who favor me with their- order- entfr latitfaetion highest cuh price paid for forty huetj tl- i lowie bartiex ha vis cattle 4c to sell are requetted to tall i bfrrulljr i- nqtice to ceedit0b8 ia tha matter of the estate of oedrgal lowrar daoeaaect fitotice is hereby given pursuant tojectjon ix 36 of chapter lloof the revised -siatoa- of ontarloist that all jcreditart and- others harim claims against the estate of geotwo lowrsy late of the township of kassagawera da the county of halton firmer deceased woedied oaorsixartthexttiiday ctfpbroarxailsba9 an required to deliver or to tend hy pott prepaid to itessrs pigsar i- lee of- the canaa ufa chambers in tie city of hi gill ton la the feat- catwentwortfa solicitors for john lowrey of tha said city of himilton the administrator of th property of the said deceased on or bafore the lsch day of february 19m their fall name iddresawt and descriptians sad th full paxtie- ttltrt of ehelr clalmc and of the seeurfaeslu aayl held br them and that after toe last mentioned data the said administrator- will proceed with the distribution and diviia of the erite of the said deceased bavins resaun only to the claimt of vhich nosiea shall nave been reeeived and tliat the said admiiiistrator will not be lisble for sueh ataeta or any part thereof so distributed to sny person or person of whose claim- notice shall not have been reeelted at the time of sueh custrlbation bkkjable soudtorxforssidaamhilstrator canida iifacttatdbers hamfltun ohc- dsti it hmlillon lhi 6th jtausrj las thi snbject may have been in your mind fpc a month or so ano it will pay yott to spend a little time looking for something hat will please you a visit fa oar ihoff will give yon as idea of bow roach can hj hid for a rait tively small vmaunt ot money we can tafely proloise to toit you undertaking in all its branches speigrht 3t son j a speiaht jtanaser the lionktock to no reservation be cleared all musgo i every a tide reduced importjlnft ann01ements to be made later in the meantime w will mention a few of theiines we are offering as a sample of what we are doing throuorhout the whole sjtoclc colored velveteen 10o pongee 8 ilka 20flj i fancy plaid bee a goods go qarcaah flannel 120 all wool sera llo heavf cojtamft cloth 25a i tweed saitingc reduced from wo to 20o j600 cdttume fhr t250 j i i i a crane line of ores goods ranging in price from 30c to 30 to be cleared at i2jb i 63 pair black ahd colored s kid glove at lie j j i j colored flannelettes ejo i i i canton flannel cjo i 20o fqr i2jo off sil kintle t l cottonada ii per cen table lin in sqoifor 20o white blahseltiaji wool at j225 per pair reac gingham so foe oo towels 5o per pair linen to elliag so stocking iitrn soc lb lt ylwatia clothing keustweid overcoots 351 i boys and rouths 0 varcoatt 200 up- iten twejki suits 0o ji00oworitelqvercoat70o boys suits 2 piece 150 li stripidptiiting at 50o 83500 i rew v the cn nlidfa n agrjcnlgrlart oreatfaa 1 umxarrcjornpotltion- the fiitii hail yearly eiterary qompetiaoo- fft xltrisr ameneas old fsily m agaximaj fallow of ta ckxnuir aauccltrvst americas old s fsilrmi the following splendid prixes wlllbe and reliable luottrai open civek free to penoot sending- in she greaicvt num ber of words msde- out of letters rontarneqw t in the wordt tax ilicrraiteb assictxttn- ist1 xrevery one sending in a list of not leat than 100 words will receive a vafcmm- j present of silrerware a 1st grand beward 1 s0o in gam lad grand kano valued at ssu jrd imsolngold ith 1 il organ valued at 0 5th j -u- eiootaoew th senci gold watch loll jewased th i ladies cold watch mluewelled 6lh asougom tfc iesjinbold1 10kewardlof10eacli j 100 kelt 3d prfiet ar silver tei sell qeadrople plats warranted i j kext so prixr50 silver dessert sets warranted heavy plate xextlda pvftet 100 silver butter dishes 4c warranted heavy plate kext son price eonalats of heart rlated silver kattiealbntter diihe fruit baiketi biscuit jam 6asi shells butter e te klh lolly wamuited makings total or689tpteu41d rewards the value ot- which will rrectte mmo rji this grand literary competition 1t open to everybody everywhere the following are the condition l tiis words most be constructed only from letter in thewordttbx lixcmutcb aoaictn rcrurr and must be only suen it ar found la webtera unahridged dtctionary in tbebodyof- the boolc none of the sapplementto be used s the- words must be written in rotation and numbered 1 2 j and so on for facilitating in dt- clding the vinnerr j sttert cannot be usedoftenertnan they appear in the words the lllrsnutan-asas- cvxtobiar for instatiee the word al eaa- not be used u there la but one g in the three words r i the list coqtaining the largest number of words wilt be awarded first pruetnd so on in- order of merit eehllstat1t is received will be numbered snd if- twtroc mot tis the flrtt- reeelved will be swarded flrst prise and so on therefore the benefit of tending lneaxly wu1 readily be seen 5 each list must befceompanied by 1 for six months subscriptiou td the inaicclctrfflt the following- gentleineu nave kindly eoaseni- ed to set as lodge j q usedonald dtr aavi- faterborough canada and commodore calcutt peterboronta our last mom vvjbvt xtixe reoeiveou e- j t bapuwertstfperior 300 priae reeeivwl thankta v bobertaon tomato andrato others in united state and cantda this isko liottebymartt only will count the reputation for fiirnes gained bytmiaoai- ecxttnustiuthepasfls ample guarantee that this competition will be condaoted in lute man ner send sc sttmpfor full particulars to the agriculturist eetexlxughuadi a teeth teeth 1 fv acton atlnarda liolm int ouret diphtheria leiok out for our lext announpemntv 5 aal 7 wyneaam st 84 oswald storlisgow- qimlph amsori cfe db t5eth for theinext three mouths 0x and 8sjx perictt ierlect tit guaranteed and best qutllty pstirton lds grdaca of torocta schoql ot diititry tuid t koyil coliegc of dental surgeons omck kert post office actau f yi k ftsoi beewtyfcccatarrh is ta h best eaueat to psa and ckeapett lh catarrh b 8cjdbydttstsseaftiyinau9ld f e t niscluae warren pa u 8 a 1 tbef body ofa man tiarnedbre farm laborer- was found hnginffroii trea near bradford pntalaiiaay itrt f b parker orar been married but sir weewejjtid ailafftf ilwa aftendayaaf bongoitiiahatj t v f vr m

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