Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 7, 1892, p. 3

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etl at ill i i t- w i vi tocbph edo fwlegerrteeeleaoajai uju gtnoasrt ca ef atrn- vygsrzvr bank of hamilton kkajjomoji ttucttok clrttllpiro cr itwttv rem z 1 tlrxbtrtiu iu0bjmb worn b 6 steven atltcllslsasj djrectorsjos gnrirr preeidtot a a kiiceit ateaprm iaxx lltoctot out okohost6wk aakkot ktf e diseauated and advance- mad oa ale tautm mcarttjec churn willmitfot cis- id um uetrwo stint qatar barrirr end tk ooxmrtrr or bear bought tad iold ueluxtton ok oo ill mnstsfbl galnta oa savotds dspabtitkjct dtntm recall at tltattepwtrda and la- tersttallewedfretttdtt at deposit to date at special deposits atoncriraditeurabtpuatot merest ka j if my afeet thanks with the advent of the kew year it it oar pleasure to think oar many friend for their kind favor m tb yer juat cioeing tod wib to etch end til t happy tod proeperoac it willb oar cm ta the tutor u ever ta keep oar store the head quarter cor watches clock jellrysirerireichooiooou esti eutidoery wedding- birth- day pweect gig citbje bij weteh grxo e7kss aatan oat thursday jakuaby 7 little local brreflets which caught ibe eye or ear of fr pnjas reporter th wek p leap rx na ofler its opporlanitie tbe public schoeta reopened monday morning the farmer insulate i in eeeeioa in um town hall to too storm yesterday gave very fair atiighfng twnejar belfry of loco public school bow containe t fairly goodtooed ball kew yeajrw tu t bright plaeetnt bat rery qoet dty tha ctlleri vera fe jr alex lubjr u electad to the lome school bocrd lut weet by lorlimt- tion tha tmmthia it kelaoa fpeat fjis far cntritjrfwis urtheep tilled by doga uacyatr the rjyr j tbera hu been aom iplesdid ektting the put week tad tha boya tad girls htte eajored it tbkrin aicoatt it to be loctted tt ptlmerctan a new ptperwill thortlr be iataedu erin sahacribe toe the fcrc ftrm it will be rt uithlol regoltr tod wcloama tititor erery wetk of th yetr mtny- tnbacribers tre renewiag their tabaeripttaaa to tha fcxc pub vny promptiy htre yoa done io yet a tingle drop of printer ink will mtke t thoattad readers think try it in ta tttrtcutefux puns tdrertlteoenci mr- k kelaoo hevded the poll in hia trt fa goelph the ftrx puaa oootrttalttea yoe aldermta keleoo otkrillea fintneitj itttemest ihotra thttheratre tsail of trretraof urea some trritrtgetezfeod beck into 137 th old yetr wta rery good one bat there is now t golden opportunity to decide thtt uilc yetr thtll be t better oae the firx ptzst carrier boy detire to tender their intake to their mtny frieada or their libertl rattment on new yetrt dty rchildreo under lixteen tre not tllow ed to loiter oothe ttreett in grtvenhartt titer 8 pm a byltw btt beeo puted ia thtteaeot the ftrt pttis fttaed fiftythree edilkmt itit yetr thu anatatl clccsm ituee iu owing to the ftct thtt the yetr begta on tharadty tad ended oa thandty rtbe cooaerrttivea of the coaaty of htitqq will meet in ooareatioa tt uutoa naxttaoadty aiternoon for tha porpoaa of tevwring t eaodidtte for the coming bye- alaotjoo jit byltw for 113000 toezleadthe wilaiworit goelph wta defatted on iton- dty by a rota of us to 67 the loeti improweaent byltw wta tieo defatted by s81 to 717 bat jotepb edge will delirer hit lectors on ceaadvtcd the ctatdiuw oa friday evening the 15th fort in tha hethodiat chareh aader thetajpfoet at tbe epworth letgae i the tetm of lr j htiner ecqaeting ru twty an bower aknae with t lotd of tpptea one day lttt week the team wta flopped on willow itreet apples i were ttrewa til tkrae tbe itreet mr g c cltrk tod one of the maoi- ciptl otndidttea hid rather to udcerenjon- ioaa tpill ou if ill ttreet on ifoadty titer- adaa tbe kheel of the etrritge etme off bat ta he faorae wta t quiet on uodtmtge wu eaatained the eenfrew iferotrjr ttya the firif vantara in life of jadge 1 tmieaon of goelph wu tt the age of is ta editor of mewtptper in tha tillage judge jtmieaoo latmadthe art at printing erring hit tppreaticethip ia the old firilult standard office in perth o where amy boy tonight 7 how many parent atfc thiaqaettioaia earnest how mtay pwenta retilylcnoj where their boya end girla tre titer nightfall secret of them may be foaad oatbeitreeu tt night tad the conduct of many ia not tucfa ta ptreatageuertlly woold appreciate the fkrt pgeaa u in receipt of t tery pretty and atefal toureofr from the uamdar traui toronto it ia a morocco boand tettpocket iltte with calendar lot isit and fntereafing memoranda tbe uoteluy taut ia in ite iith year toot maiolainf ita high poaicioa in bafiaaaalal world x3arin diaeaaa by eleefaicity a hoana at par adtariiaamant it wiilhtl man that a tijur el ot dooewebdelectriaelt co toroojo vftt be at caopbeur hotel oo oody 11 sakry wbate be oao ha eooaalmd ariuj hoot tna aalf oaraof alf maacnlar oarroaa tmi cfanow meeaaat nov the affliettjt ufa ait offortbbftr ot unit tronwabli v woatly owuaeu criaaajrtmi svwryl teaaaercace caareauea th milton dtatrict otlhi mathodut cj m taunaranea mnuon fe limai hi taewutt iir lh turae nation wlu be held doting lh day ptpara and addnaaet wilt be gitan by strnaat tamptrauoa wotktra in lh diatriotj diacataioo a invited on all mtttert fa ereaclagf facta eafret j let etrry tabtcriber who learna of any local oorwaot in hiaor her neighborhood jot down- tha ptrticaltra and tend them to thefuc pros all noh are aver wal come if reliable keter miod the tpajling wriltng oe oompotitioo do the keatyoa oao give oa the ptrticnliot in yoat own worda and in yoar own way jjltt tha aam at if yoa were writing t letter to a friend and we will do the reat caaadian home circle the ofilcera of acton circlo were ia lulled tt the lut meeting ufoilowt leader urc jttneauclun vice l4 un i pnndi socruryl o uttlht treasurer n p ucltm flo secw wulitrnt cttiltlort t e u beeord wtrjenjtrt a beeord unudun thoa elliott ud eiim-drlowr- jtmoat aa ernoaon the betatital retideaoe of eireete storey saaderltnd yiutnaenwufeacapad aariaoa injary on eanday morning from aome retaon the iteam boiler wu foajii to bewithoatwtlertnd with a ttroog fire going at the time the itsttioa wu looked apoa u t vary preotrioat one the are wu at once drtwn tpdjt wu teen that the fiaee were badly burned oat the repeire cocanied aboat twentyfoar hottrt and darmgtievery iadamao weflber of the iltattxl there wu no fire in the hoots aa iu thg-grrtet- the fttmly are to be oongratnlated upbnheir etcape from diautrooa cooeeqnencet jtn editor la tbe panit the palpit of the uethodiat church wu occupied uabvudiy by ujbobert holmea thwtajeoald editor of tberdtistan kocen mr holmea preached in the morning on the a abject o faith and in the evening hit topio wu kepentanoa hit ertnent ware clear and able axpoaitiona of the porttona of the word of god apoa which they were baaed thowed careful tody pertontl experience of theiab- jecte preaented and were treated from a bounce mana ttandpoiat llr holmea it moat acceptable preacher poteaeea a good mice diitinct ennncittioa tad quite aclencal tppearahce he ia alrnott ood- atantly in demand ua ity preacher the farmers institute the firtt teaaion of the firmer in- ttitate wu opened io the town hall yeater- day preaident george eflthercoeapied the chair owing to the itormy weather the tttendanawvacnfc rary urge in the morning bat in the ifiexoaca there wu a very reapectable gtlberiog of firmer and m amall rprinkting of citirena the prognmirie tu ftrf intereatiog prof shattlewortapake an the bataxioa of crop and ethoda of feeditig- 6 f rjoltermenn of brentford do bee keep- ic on the farm and joeeph ycill ej ofcarleton place on profita of winter dairying the evening prorudine drew th j w4t itjamt5uppli4 by qorrt- 1 pondanta and kxohincaa i i ulb early pa tneaday morning of tut wtek flta brokt oat la tha weouan factory iot sjrkaat ft alatty flamet wart found to be banting from their oond baildlog com prlalng paoking mixing bqtler tod dry roomt atbataar the mill nor village hivvhonor augtnt it war bow impoatibla to aave thla part au effutu watj dlraoted to ha malninildlng which ta only is feat from thi other both art of itooe a atrong north aut wind teemed toj thraatan not only the deelruouoa of both jdlrltiooa of tha mill bat half tha village bat by great effort the fire wu confined to the one ballding jut two yeare age the etme part wu biruad the proprietor are an engliih company who bought theproparty foar vtare ago and hive liooe beaa eairy tog on a goodmaoufictariog baiidau eon tilting chiefly af low grade blanket tweeda and carpat yarn riagaooi i oakville ttie reaalt of the start ooateat failed to coincide very oloaely with that of the ballot box j- another pair of twfoa arrived in town on ohrittmu day they art brand qew and- may be teen at the home kr w battel the new aue chareh will be opened sail cjaajrwfla appropriate oeremoniet thasfar tnta the byealeotloalovar 0 that poiluoiaat may be qitated down agtin i the permere laatltata will meet hare today prof shaw geo oliae and t g beynor will be the principal ipeakan w h young jp if to ipeakonl tha strong and weak pbinu of local jpon at tta temteranoa oonvantion at mlltoe neitatday j or j ifcfadyen hu retarded tq hit home la cwoo oal kr indmrt charlie toang vara home for the ijolidayi ro dr paamore ofweat toroato janotion nl in town oa tuesday eegatar monthly aertloea were bald in the borhan catholla church sanday morn ing and evening daniel strachtn ba ooodicted the texticea in the fratbvtarian chareh oa saadtylut uta hoid newmarket and tha oliaaea wallt of wtatoter vlaited lut week at krsballeyt a xuue tree entertainment for the young foike of st johna church wu held ta he town hill on sew ietrt ere oa wedaeeday ifr george young wu elected school trutee to fill the vacancy canted by the retirement of llr iolifla from the board we are aorry to learn that mr robert pumore ir ia vary aarkmtly ill i ura donald black and her eoa jimet lef t rockwood lait week they will take up their abode temporarily with mr sinclair of strathroy bau1wafa01 fattia ecewabots thu wrjtljlnii sfaitt wmtrpeaxonthecaitsind manage ment of dtiry cattle and ifr holter- mann on the bee in relation to plant life itaax cftarea s s aaalrerury r the saaal kew ttarl eatertainment of knot church sunday school wu held laat friday evening and war a gratifying tocceaa tha attendanoe tu large and the programme ot a highly iatereating character in addition to the ehocatee etc by the tcbool liitt wetbertld elocatlonitt torobta- renedered teveral numbers in tmot acceptable manner bev j w rte occupied che chair and tbe programme wu given u followi i cbomt htppy gretlpsl tbe scbool iter b b coot hill to the sew yeai- tee school a chrutoita priyer elde quittner alitue oirli trouble hiy prentice orroi tidioas thebclaool jctat love lie utad rjdcr tu becdlnc suu cluu in the llloet u l j k wtuiertldteloetrtloout toroato 9 chorus merry merry xmit tbe primtry clue 10 recitation- the liitle llonle jennie cameron ii iieadinc how jitniur tended the baby utu wtthertld is duet wont voa bay my pretty flowen ancle hynd aqd jenme smftb 11 redtauoa lo coueert tbe ship on fire utbel kae xiara ojbbta kellie uiwri lurpranum- 11 keduhon theftto petchci etlecoian 15 recitaties- i s it i were a 8e kay ryder 16 cboroi strike strike for victory tbe school t prtrer s choru 4 13edl i recitation c ctmm 7 recitation tbe annual sunday school teameeting in the uethodiat church oa stir yaara eve ia elweye an important event of thtt vicinity lut thursday eveatug the people flocked to the chareh u uaial tnd a vary intareating time aru apaot after lew lha programme waa opened in the chorchanth bar j ball hi tha chair excellent epeechea were made by bar mr emee preabyterian ifinitter bar i edse acton and bev w h graham the uethodiat choir of acton provided thematic far tbe ooaatiaq andl it wu roach enjoyed the ipeekera referred to the choir in the moat complimentary terms- children of the sabbath school recited a number of piece with good effect tbe new public school teachtira took their placea on ifoaday hr d cook hu agaia been defeated by mr warren an elector tud yesterday tht hr cook might have tome chance for election after hit opponent had bid edleo to the thinga of this world until then bit ia a forlorn hope an bpl tavlk of the day v worn tol torn of thr worldi bolnga during trmwmk wn votadluooo to all a railway for faweir botal blaftio ooe took hu voted lloadmi the jl untrtsl jail hooted 181s pllaontn lutyek blauhpim defeated a bonda to thawalkar railroad ftre oielroyed tha agricultural ali la atmorrte i vi viueta hyde health inapeetor oi belle- jead brookfrfll voted 30000 to bonni labbparl an needed for the winnipeg 4 car- puhlio knatchboll ikntoictlok hiriitianlty in i itbteebett jucacoavinoi disjocne christianity in history or skep glrlslind three br jtlct cotvlnce4 oi tint sciucft btary 17 ell ia keadlns ttita wetnertid i 19 tfnsieal drill artoo broom brfosde sis girls and sis bote with broomt d recitation tsefetepbone ri becfutlan i i6 xhrfiuba bird tellt jennie smith tt beitatioe for somebody else kettle holmea n cborus in happy boag ttj shyl u reading a new cure tor rheumatism kiss wctbtrsld iv encore the bteajn cbtlr kisa wetberald j cborus new vcarthrtaa tbesebool a iteadicc the deacoat prayer lilts wetbertld distribution of nrttectc to children the secretarys report thawed the fol lowing ftctt total number on roll 202 teechcrt and officers 21 total average at tendance 12taveraceatteadaaceof taachera and ofscere 20 total collectioat for the year 112 7 the airfiaifpajithe r arming f expeefea of the acgaoi the total collec tion ia miisioniry in chtrecter and ia divided f the end of the year at the teachers and scholars direct the ilau empire and otooc have each been advanced in price from 13 to kj per year for the morning edition and from s to tt for tbe evening the new arrange ment went into effect thia vatac the extra dolltr will help to wairjtjom deficiency on the big weekly editiaoa taaneil at 100 l t boptnred persona should tee tha ahr 1 dorenwead electrical attachment ta 0001- bine with any truss mtkiog caraa- dalw and adding comfort call tt ceowtra hotel on ifoodayllth janatry per adver tisement in another column tj the annual meeting of school tectlon ko 9 kuttgtweyt wu held in the school boose on wedoeadty dec 30tb when the following ogcera were elected the wit- ton thoa nearand john b kickelifor trustee end thoa witeoo aeotreaa for the year 18w j the btoomebury lodge ko 589 patron of industry elected their officer for the present quarter at follow john jt gregory preaident it had vioaprec geo gordon sec edlrd darby treat samuel lathy guide donald mcgregor sen ifite hattie eagle uioerva hist aggie ltnd demetra i mrs robert hatband of the north watt territory ia home on a viiii to her mother and friends at darby ville geo knot of mooaomin norh watt territory la visiting lfxa wataon kataagaweya i mrt joaeph cornell of beverly town ahip u vitftlng relativea and friend at knatchball j wu ada euton ta visiting friend tnd relttive in jfiteegeweya mr tod mrt joshat kbrrish have re turned home from st cttharioei where they were vltitiog during chrfitcnaa and kew yeara at their ton a enos korrish mr tkemp an old resident p eden killa felf backward 15 t hoase the other day and j tattained severe injartet he it improving mr george smith of edin mills go thtt leg broken a short time tgo by bone fail ing apoa him i hon frank smtth to succeed sir alexander campbali at llautgovernor of ontario ontwi jan i the report t revlved that u hon john cahlog tt anxious to remain in the cabiftet the bon frank smivh will inboeed sic alexander campbell a lieutgovernor ixf ontario mrs j baokai of cletrrlile dropped daadafltatidlaae colon 1 gillmor erclerk o the pnisco legisltt ii odfed yesterday tbac p e bolli new altvalow lut 1 yetr wit i a capacity of 25i2000 uaahalt boben carr of txentoo wu f ataily hart win t jamptng from apattaugei ttaln john i islet the fat giant who jeighcd 765 poan 1 1 died in cincinnati on friday in k r york city feat keek then wart sco deal i 90 of which were from la grippe col vi m harehaar of the northwest moanted pnlloe lied at calgary ba rdty night i king aorge of greece who for some tinie hu bean lit with imailpox i si r- oovarei b b cuon who aru mayor of qhioaga at the lii ie of the great fire died sunday aged8d i dr 0 ton of goelph brother cf dr orion hj died on saturday o blood pottonmi tbe ti oal option bylaw wu oarr i in- pickerini ownshin with tboot 7s majority ooacoody wilier wtitert a farmer dear tondon wu thro nrfrom hit boggy and killed on saturday night i the 8 o preme court it philadelphia hold saloon ke pert liable for damage stated by telling ta intoxicated persons it ia reported that he tribes in he vicinity afjtangtere tre in open revolt against lie saltan dhorrooco a boy a ashiiod pa tell- apoa i lead pencil w iloh patted through t long and lodged in tha urer he will die tea ci inaman and two women smog- glen wire drowned while oroaalog tha itraitaat toarnaend california i the oo aplele retumt from north lanark ire mr bptamond the cdnaarvativa candidal a majoritof 3i vote i i 7 1 the be fy of george cheliover 70 a wealthy etident of south london w foandfkx tfog in the thame sanday f the ag regale debt of the united bute on jenda y 1 wu 1111590561- cub balance ii the treasury 1m118 jo i preajiefe it hsmsonoa salqrdajl annoon- 1 eed the si ming of a reciprocity agreement betweew alvador and the omted state 1 johtf h urigan g t b bagtmreman at port hop s wu injured by a train landet which hi wu crawling saturday jnlghf j the ne r quebec government it ia said will ntra a boyal jommiaaian to thoroagh- iy tavetjit sta dltbeacuofiupredeceaaarr itmet fallen of philadelphia swallowed a roairy i wo feet long containing w beads he thong it it would give htm eternal life the ab tioa oatilloa la north waterloo againat it ie bowman wet diamtaaed j ettardaj no evidence being offend ia iu tappoatj i tbe0iltedsufecralaertoareji and c3kr uio are at san diego which will likely be i bat of operttiona in the j event of war wj ih chili influent of such t virulent form it racing in somemcihirt tnd ddraetahire that all abour on the farms hul been practially atopped the voi a on the by law baying the banald fire engto i and potting down tankt to give thetowt cleat d loaaruce wu carried by a big i tajdrity at bieobeim on monday foe u edward qwena of kew york risked hu life to save a pog dog from a burning 1 out he etted the dog but wu sobarnet that he tad to goto the hoapltal a tern i bllaird raged on friday and satorday throruhoat the american and canadian north- weal on friday at mid night the thermometer registered u below at wiaaf eg prohrbitive measure restcttntug the grain buy rra of manitoba from parcfauiag certtia redee af wheat for export tre having a seriously ill effect upon many vlaltore to various coming ilpqoinq b arid othwl pi- sps1 srrrlaotdlt ronino1ai watiaij mr wuuam pint kiw laarl jit and mrs btjory frlandeln milton iteiiwe mr ani mrs it jp imtjore frlendi in htrnllton 1w wti jd ma v tbanton ibini niav nji ftit week with friends at aahuw mn robk qibboilajaaa5 friends at otkville the naatiwek mrs john walkerjitstratbrdtji the put wsek dt so with frtapda i mr henry gmilh and mist mary are pending a taw dkvr fhh frieudt at owen bound i iivii- mr john mionsywio reocntly rtmov- ad from acton to markdagois reported 0 be vary hi- mr arthur lilug leaves llln week to pdtln a term at 3j m sofaool toroato j i mrieli snyderof toronjtoiviiitesl hit old friends and relitlveifa this vljsiutry theputweek mr and mm b jdi warren 61 herald georgetown spent thejkew at cedar creek farm i mttt emma holmes of beea visiting her brother mr g t r agent thit week mr tad mrs thomfa pettyfnau a week or so jwith frlendi at elorsi other points ia the vicinity mr and mr a 4 bowie of mount forest look in acton bn theft j brinal trip and were the guettii of councillor harvey mir junes wilton whi has been spend ing ha holidays with hit family returned to hla dalles at strokes bf oamoaday mcw d uacttoa- of buffalo kt formerly of kannawtnt prog storei and mist jackson of gaeleh here in town isj week ranewtbg aeqaailatjcee j j the yar lut the delay by the gorfrjirneatia the ep- pdntmeutof theeoyalcamtnlsiioabj en quire into prohlbitttia tuggttt t question uto how long he eiecuiive ean refrain bom carrying out thai iniuuutiont of tha house of oam mons it tbey on wiit a year without goad eioute before giving affect to the wishes of the peoplas eepre- tentative they oould it rsaaonably delay for all time it cannot b that hare la anyaoarujtyfl maiarrootwhieb to ohooae tuitabla eommiaaiooart for the capital wu beaeiged by tpplioaoia all eoon jii tha appointment of the oommiulop waa de cided upon poatiblyiheeioeativenamber of expectant oommlasjjoersreoden itjdifi- oull for tbe governmenito make aaaleition mr foatera explanation howevery w that a report it not desired nuti aettion after next this u not a paitioalariy orediuble reaaon jfaif orxig storj 1 atewlineijol holiday tobernabedoffat extremely low prioe j v kannawin ohimibt tfi isavsbhsvwt ilb h he will open oil thurdayj iothi pec witiia 2cd5oc eoiintti l santa qaus waritbtcj see the boys and mrstearly jltikyew ve will show samples of goods t pnri5c and 5ccohnters mr wjndow m v i by the by we havea hef wmdowj see it when kb guelpk savalgjfc op i- a- has fconjmenced iril tasab the maritime preaajla aitia i ditoateiog the advlubilityof thenneittionef isew- foundland to canada the idea rwcjelvea a qoaiilled support from jtbei ba ijjoku qtabe which gcea to fir aa to uy thai a gnat many persons injoanajde would like to ree kewfoundland become part of the dominion it it poinfedoul that it is only- natural for the imperial government to desire such a union it it would render more easy of eefttement the troobleaome qaettlon u to the rirhu of frtaoe and set at rettihe differeuce fctwaeh the coldniea even if it were ciearmthat the withe of themother land tended in that direckon the colonies would insist upalt the clgot ta decide the qaettioh u their interest might dictate snch auaionli therefore must he bawntobe to the fmalual benefit at canada and newtouwiland before it can ba certoasly discaued claaiee oft people in the province iii avery lisutroia fire occured it seaforlh on mondi y morning by which theobatent of tbe t are oocnpitd by john bekttie drygood sod millinery and hat of jack- ton bra merchant teiloif and genta farnishin weradeairoyed j new y sut night during the abeeaeedf hugh ctnpaoo about font milea from muieell bit honae took fin and hii ftlher in aged tad blind man wu bijrned a daattn the honae and everything in it wu deatr iyed origin of fire not known the importauci of keeiuirtbeblocdln a pure omdulc t la liulrertally kac wn and yekjthere am vfryfepeople sho lverirteeflyiure blood the taint of ta ifula aawneua other fool humor la hercfllcedtadl for generations caualn jjuritew i we tiao accumulate polaon ease from j breathe we eat or we drink nothing elutlrely than the f power of hoods ginaparllli jac tit blood this medicine when fairly tried does expel everrj bice of urotulir ult tbeum removet the taint vrbjeh eaiiet citirrh neutrallrea the acidity and cures rheumatism drives out the germs of ratlarta btood pot- sorung etc it also rltalitet and en riches the blood thus cjvettnoiuiglthit tl ieeliug and building op lie whole tytem thoostnds testuy to uisupetiorjtyjat hoods btrtiparola u a bloodl purtler tull infer raitlon and statementa it caret eeni free hood sarsa beldbrsltentxlitc ldrforfil tirclboodtcxiaiiaaii 00 doses p m m ded g centre tables will be cto4ed with bargains one price only -v- i autlph grelafc tilearinisedeial kshteowsefe vm l t i s si- jefdre removal iatea goods immensely beducedlllaelateat style of nevrileiiuerrwri from u w 8 i til jtckettfromlho9uto760 ofld ltflies mtvotlee termjlb to 8utolto0 qoiltedt 10 to is ih jo to 18 to 15 longimtntlu fron iu to 17 lio- to h18 uttsmitukm liv beat brrwelac iiss to 1113 tapestry carpets from96c to boo 8sd to tie brussels remnants from 1 j5 to 90c union ant al oarpeta greatly redooed in prioe bilk flushes and velveteens in nearly all colon btrldosra vr iotritsat3cod4 rtdacedm price emboaatd silk phubett immenael reduced in prioes mfllinery goods telling t qnder half pent and ladlea glove offering far teat thafa coat prlceai and wfes of othw arttclep eqoajly obaap jut m cottoos the sc bhirtingi the 7o flannelattes the jloo cwtnuades the 5 cfiatoo flanndaeie i assortment ov rkmnant8 drb8s goods flakeels pbjmt8 ettt 0nbamy allikisb colors selling at less than half pbloes a big stock of blankets 5btilrat3 gbeatlz reduoeir pbiobs ladies would bavtvmionbyby ieobchasing iif sweepeb8 they will save ten jtimea flhem pmob ijj cabjettiblrobb tsby remember oromptoss corsets mbribbjaibt ajbtitaommrsoobsetsjtll other makes of corsets of which th8be are about 80 0a8es bold atthbrig evebyyeab- mbthomabw watkin8 ib nowon htb way if wfjbopejto buy the 8pb 8ummeb 8tocks and ib detebminbd thatthey shall not be excelled any hou canauafr be atltystyles fashions flciti8andcheapnb88 15 packager of flew oooi week oontitting of 2 balea broatelt oarpeta rolls coca matting 1 oat ohristmu fanoy goodaj lease oot containing a000 paokagea of pin and needles 1 cast blankets 3 caee curttin tolea i eajarssxioaitaveiaiair shirtingtcoloredcantonjtannelt etc plea euter theatore by the door nrt1he new bnlldinlkjijy i jfekfasd was v m oysters fruits peela lodoonfecttonery at thhikbar a grocery f jentlemen requiring artistic orarcoatt auita or trousers should oall at b nlcklins if yoa want tlrrtclau goelph aaab and doora at qrnrtph prices t miai oao fill yoe e order at hla planing mill d stlcton t jds vnulnurt teeth at and k per set for next three monrtia extraction free special eanuta to lsjiara if falrflaw fining offioa mtewsvblot cxttwlbere a sttutj ask yoar drnggitt for -ttnt4t- harper t youiiq peopltlatiatatty iih veiogia first in 19w wlu ba tailed h ibw nmdber w joeoiiatjbf tweotyjfour page and ip4olallr deelgned cover -aid- will contain the jt4ory of chriatopber columbus in briei told ky ehomaa a anvler tha fu mu inthanewworld by kirk mdibp tbe ninth inatalrriant of the ooinmboa nijitb inamrrnanaroi toe iuoiuoi aeriaul dlago plnron j the second part of the fate of belfield new years in butafaj by the oouoteas norraikow and other ttoriea artiplte poems and pioturaa ffrio offers pnsea of 180 130 and 110 iar tha beat ahorfhomorooa artjola story aoemfiarrative jjr oharaotar suteh aent kbefomirbh 1 189a tbe iriia wiu be awarded not eomoejj onliterary merit as npoir the hdrrior ahdj aptneaa of tbe con- joept profeetdorml wriurii btfn debvrea hes5 are my entment8 mm m it- on lht soap i take mysundtndde claro tha i to long at i can get banltght soap i w 11 use uo other beotue it t fir upertor o all others u a laboraaver and oleanaer ft will do what no other soaji can doi dod its absolute parity end letting j properilejirneke it the beat arid ohsjapeet wld tilhtxi eqeptoohe sistert take my adirie4 oae bonliht soap for all dor4atfo i thinking about winter t it intpeet tbe atoek if tightness vof tiae cotastinptip sgimirddtiiai gatafthr oolxis fefi itf mis top

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