Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 21, 1892, p. 3

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the hi 0i8t church iiotoh rev josxph iook mitosi rt l ss4 ixum stttncert an visffawt unn ni 1 bank qf hamiltpn hemjofttce hakiltok cuitalpjjtrtr htjeim cttttltuu n 8 sieves asst cuhim loti dloroktowk aoekct couxortoit aifc oo til i22gi savbeosj rstartmest rrerd int aliased from etrd old fetation thkhewsathoje 2rik n m w walsh bfattn in he town hell acioa rv 1tlh hel trill be stated by t01 uuelpb tud rock to he front throoun wy a nwlum8upolltajty oorra- belvaiion rai wednead ceau admit soldiers ftdra the auelph band hmmnivy voir pbndante and kx mlltonf the p t hojdooe 10 drrcitrwo fluid sfcoal 0kf0ut8 peoples vote resolution tut bargains 5cts per 4 sheets note piper ouire just think of paper for gets envelopes 5 per pack age 25 envelopes fair quail f 5cti school bags itv for the following attar mutciauvtd vaster day it the ftulr run offioe drriii do yoa not think that mr headarion hef forfeited ed rightto the tomwaioe by hit not supporting ha spring la favorof immediita prohibition ijtj also did ho not vote that it wa not he- duty of the dcdhean government to prof ids raichineryj fa force the scolt act t should not dfljirent action hive beta expected of birh yoari phortbittox 1 ifsf roa satioatansouoait-j- r j ths programme for hejeujitftj cottto- ion tl be held t georgetown 2th end x5h feb will be out in a few deyt amongst ho speakers are messrs j w freemen mi w v hopkins burliajjtfltl mr d l hitrriwa uiltbo revi j wwi md jo kdgc actoa itev jo geofketown rev s s iter j 1ickerum tb pctralvoc mf lun mtln mlttoa ippeart in itlt lini of the fnrmtrt aicvaue imoug the profilatat beeedtf o he pro law ep mil at the cegulir meeting af court edca fcuu no j05 t of held lul wednee- ly eviala the follovrlag affiance were i elected tor the eanlaf mrm or c if ttluoa i vcr wax hiiupioii us lime inner fs wto j oi j trqu km luaay i sw arcb itolitfruoa jw j u robert 6dcp alilmtu jb j k kndttiou cujijiajr pbj ilk b drrliin uo otsiolit d tf webb flmn cammlttea win tftupda tad umqny 1 tfle municipal council miton kn the etectloae ro boilng hot both school bqojc anything the children require far school will be found at g hynds uclee hmtnt keedqaerten for vlfdditie eujo o the biewftcli f- cjko tfyifts acton oat s little local briefleri which ceught th eyes or er of free preseji reporters this week the dy of uie hottr pto renew end remit for the vucz pttt i i fl i- jj- i l grippe bcjd the fort be ejection ueoiiotioa tody elecuoii uexitherkuyjth jiooiirv tf f p c1 the asm clmt he ooeroet pjar tidewelke plentr oaorlehtog now- leep teir pertfet tre- now being cod- eidetei i peel bjetlectiei hte beea pottpoaed trntil febrntxy thl the relieioo urtiote in lire stoarde hell hete been duexjotioaed jckbem cirried e byitw lut ek by 7 rote to erect 1 000 hifa eehool tte gaelph jpreebytery met in chlmr church gaelph on taeecuy adrerie uh that invite the public to ftimin yomegoaji knd anteparchtjej the buhop of1cugtr coqrmed e nimoer of ctodiditw t gwiph on son- i4 5cew awe hre been pat into the eighty hp bailer u the atton tinning coewotke h here you hid the grip ii the pre- tiiling qoextioa jot now score of oar citiaene toewer in the effirmitivp itr j k jiitaoo- it mitchell jitlaab goelph opcapied the pulpit of thlfetho chore- hut ssndey kev 3 edge pretehed niitsioniry ernxtne in the kuueoe st uid eqjenld 8t ur eharcn onsundty coeaeillortndstjre hevill eoterttined the member of th4 old coalcil it their home 00 church st fitthiirdv evening i tb 00m weather hu idrinced the ptjee af pork tajlstp j575 ii aonqaoted oiu here fellea iaj price to ebout thirty centc 1 v the tnnail coarention uf the niem- geweye saadty scbdu attociition will be held in the preebjtenta church sodom fridty 12th feoruirr- i teraeetiog kill be held in the uethodiet church littnehouw ootoeevfey ereniog zad febnuiy acted vethoditt rioir wlli protf ie marie the ditnct doandl eoytl tetnp- lire of tetnpenuee at the ceynty of hel ton wijl be beldia the aiifof actoa coon- cil oa fndy 12tb fetmairy ae 1 result of the recent firmtrt iattitote come firmera in thie section who beve a repoutioa for pood butter tilk of idopting 1 uhel for tieir mike a petition tigofl by tcore af oar citizeae 1 the council topurcluce e ptiao for the town hill will bp presented it n t meeting of thit lagust body rev ir edge will coauaae bis sorieeef iermons on ithe teh catnmuti- ente neit sendiyj evening nupject honor thy fether ihd tby mother idr w p cempbell hs the mitfor tone to fxll off the roof it coaucilbc hirveyi house on sfondiy no botiet were broken bat he wukiiidlyiehiken op jjn s a seoord hid inujly fill it john etreet crowing on uih street on moadty morning her head received a severe blow tud she m otberwiee bruited fo accordtuce wjli a proclimitiob by the lit or gaelph aierchiota closed their stores yesterday froaa two till four oclock the time of the fuuerel of ilia dale of clareoce the new gtk bridge over the stream at 8tewertcowowheu completed will kff traveller ovlr that point a tense j of eeearity which hai not been felt for half a dozen years past mr john fceofey jr of keany bros who has beesjreeidfw with hhsfather in law mr johi nickel jtoartb line eioes- ing haa moved into tawu his numeroas friend here welcome ihim the katcpumi hi in receipt of a neat little ehiireli paper frem revc acaok pastor pf the lirst baptist church bloom- teiiffj itiseiledtaekvfer and no doabt acoompluhe nwchin thriving the charite over which oaold friendfa jjastor t will be obeervtrf that the council falierl o sppoint a reading boom committee at tlir tntin on k ndsy theacbtme isikst to be allowed to fall throofh so aooa lit b not had half a trial jet in facthereadiafidekwbiflli ire an eaaentla element to a properly aipped rwdinif rodm have never beeti erected give ue nalter a farther trial reotlemen qamserrmdre cmalttec room atchek6rtlififaop atainst open ererr atog 7 frsrod and sapporier of mr p jbaatrtoo tl uberal ckaaerrative twlidit anoonu ur faritcd to attaod feunell criig oakville adjllr r qoatte milton mr a b uivieeeei aurora reva bd thomis vd v g wallace bi mjilr alfred diy toronto mirji cun- maghaai st citheriues sauday schools ihocld have their delecatet appointed at once forward names to rev v 1 nor ton georgetown as uou is spnoiufments ateniide i ottl double tlvrczvccieut lit week wih a sad one iu the home of the ate join tie jvfjc fieja on thiirsjr itev georce ioio whe wis cu 11 1y frii lrr readers breith- ut after suflcririji from a lut t 1011 fur minm time iri hajl9 vis a probalioner in ilie presbvltrikii citncb had ccurcd a ojl iiucatiou md i 1111 pro- peclb for futuie succcs 111 hid holy cellini wero very cojd he hw ssepfcspsted is ixussicosry work the past summer de ceased leaves 1 joaric wife to moorn his lofn the followii day mr john iloie father of ihe alove jvas aajl4 awxyj- he hail vinnl tl- ripeetd tee if b ind lid for nu erm bft in alfreined kuipiittf na8aaveya adjuble ibneral irxs i v j on rjsturday whtiialarite ctlier- inii of friends and neighbors acsembted to pay their last refpects to the memory of ftther ss canada ihtl lue ctatduat t1 t i r if hfi chiush hut friday evening coder the ausnices of the paafop a4tajllatitstrhjpros and in- ttrtraslbn l hit introductio the lecturer vividly portrayed thedjjcfiieryof america by columbus and subsequently tbat- of cinida by cabaa and cartier- the varioae historical chants of the country were given step by ijepfcibe several martial oampaignruomsa anxafsfcapsiaat of the country the goveromenf chi trace relations and the protpecls for the future were all referred to in an interesting manner the sahject matter of the lecture evidenced cirefolistuiy wide reading and deepthoufiht and its delivery was listened to with undivided atteotionby those pre j sent mr i francis president of the league presided aad the choir of the church rendered several jmtpcitjee during tbe eveuing g f vj board of hdaczttoa tbe meeting of tbe trot tees of acton public school pr organization was held at one oclock yestesjiy afternoon kev g b cooke was away mtkibg a ooaptebappy at rockwood and was consequently not present to subscribe to his declaration of office mr gwtat tijfrrcjas was efeeted chairman for-ttej-yey- fceslmfng his position mr ufiif tiqd tie worfc of the year if the new school is 1o be built this year the board must proceed at once witb rrraufproeati upiel- sreom- modstion coatsjrsie sejbred fccoffeveral departments burng tfie ericxlorl of the candidates ara holding pablio nteetlags ill around the county j on suordiy evening jan iclh mr hendenod held a meeting in the town hall brookvtlle where he ucpoanded the prlncl plea df the abbott admnlrston fq a brilliant speech tho aadieaco wsa not si largo as might ihia been etpcoted on 10 sue a night on monday evening mr john d lie gregor the p of 1 candidate held a meet- iog in the sama place a large crowd gathered to hear hlro i on thursday jan 11th geo logic aged 33 years and on friday jan 15th his father mr john logle aejj os yav departed this life the remain were interred in the presbyterian oennery at sodom on saturday 1 smthiqg is- it its best now land the teamsters are tniking lively use of it rockwood 1 tha annual meeting of the ermoii jyownhip aurienllurai society wl lirl i in the ioivn lull last tliursdsy iii prri dent wro sharp in the chair the ie porta prevented tbowed the ijandaome balinbeoahandof 221g9 the follow ing officers were elected for the ensuing yeari president colin cameron vise president john doff secretary tressurerr drrdue directors joseph croft jolm mntiie jit ojbrien norria black a j carrie w kifchlng wmjefcmstreet j auditors henry strange 0 s paa more the jetes for the neit ehow wero aelec ed as thursday and friday ctbaud 7th octobej- it wis deaided to tnaka improve- meats io the grounds by moving 1 and en- urging- the hall and jiving more iptot to the horse ring the dkeotari hive se cured another row of to along the oath- rest aide of tha preaeat graand which will greatly increase the accammodatioa and give much better space for tha horse ring the i rass baud will give the first carni val of t ie season in rockwood rink friday aveninc a good list of prize a offered the be id will discourse romio during the ettoinp a tea meeting and concert in which there is mud 1 to attract will be gives in the town hi 11 next tuesday evening under the iurptcii of tha methodist church tha colored jubilee singers of tha b m e church gttejph will give a concert after the tea revs bakerof evertaa harvey of jgaelph and 8traehan iart and kiteh- ittir rokwooi will deliver addressee the proceedings iwill close with rev w t hjntere celebrated address to the lsdies quite a fashionable wedding was con summated in st johns church here yesterday afternoon when mr jestorey of the ontario erperimental farm guelphjwas united in matrimony to miss charlotte anstee of eramoaa the orrerhoiy was perfannod by rv g b ooofce jtud was witneased by many friends of tbe bridal pair new school be would feel potpontdent of thebnilding until year when the uachers could blret by the motilh iodo by the year favor nest rnged und tbe borh wouldf not b obliged to pay salaries when cot rnpfortd the stand ing committees of the year were struck as fallows finance t h harding and rev g b cooke property james mc- lam and itobert holmes supplies george hynd and robert wallace i build- ingii vikltft bsmf- it si moved oyr holmes seconded by james mcltm that inatmitchrivlull property committee report the wood delivered to be inferior to that required by terms of tender that the contract be cancelled ind the sum pf 00 bo allowed as nsvjraejtiafull foe thequautity delierbd ctriettseeretsjrr instrndted to notify the second tender be was at libertpthsaprlv balance of wood required bf iftjqtfjpergtdci com- mittee in iujhst report recommended ment othtlcsflnrsoconnu h doagajjvjetmaisfcrown fic acton bankidg co iatereit r cook cuttinj wood s7x0 y v kannawin suppliei fow the secretary postace sic s7c the report was adopted the board adjourned to meet on liotiday evening- at 730 to consider matterof the new school the prize off red by the rev f h gane to the pupil of the arahertlburg ifvthodiii sundaysphaplfocrsgilarstten- dance at the suodl f- sawisseawa awarded to davidjohnion 77e vio office devil he not having misted a service durin tbe year thp metropoln in toncert company of tbe georgetown young man to air is thick with electjop rumors sow flakes and grip an energetic thovel snow for some of riur citizens who would rather wide knee deep than do the job themselves j i jiritobo q harey if slowly ckcovering from sj savero attack offipjp hl5h jhai bitu keeping him inbed fctbpotwo weeks i queuth alasled to pa iiamaat would mr mcpregsr still be able to qualify as a patron of this dlrukuwraudth tjhbta 1 1 xttphinorwlth hs prai itjjnni pf ih mu ileipal aotun msmbsrs meet of ths o01 noil of this manieipalliy mtt it 11 am on doudsy aud batyr clark moor tub- hi 4i tout dadl anlloos of offlos and of iu noatloo t is rtova and coauoil dr lowty slid mss in hsrrey lsartoo beoqrri and beadmore thou took their jilsoes and use e lowry d ths trfuifjdkagaral mm rkt i t h saidws htt it uktu our deel ntioni of oflloa and it is bopid that who wegatfo ihablompfiha jairlt will be m u that wshave oarrfedoul th letter a w ii at tha spirit of the declarations ha t loaght it was not well for oouoolllori to b 1 too i thin skinned and illustrated this iy the story of a fatal aooidaat at an irish fair dating the intsrnhange of the custoury frisndly passes with the blacl thorn at ths fair ha tkcll of oc 1 of the participants wsa broken and death ensued a postmortem elimination found tha ikstl of tha deceased to oa ax oeadii gly bin at h rial ha prisoner wast ked what ha hid to say and replied that c 1 man witli saoh a thin skull should ulenc in irish flr so fa ilia case o memb rs of a municipal council ha reeve thougl t the absence of a thin ikfa would do mi oh to add tha comfort of the count for or othsr public officer tha annoy ng tilings generally came he oaidj about the closo of the year be ore lha oleetio 1 but wa will liave a goi leal o work 1 triuiiec befora hat time cornea for us 1 a heir thctn sgsln j refe riog to the various matters requir ing he attention of ha council during the year ti 3 following were specially pointed out tins tftreet rnjuiro pome work upon hem mid tlio reeve miouadt church street hovkl riktivr stemiu this year tiil gii 1 mill nnet rft ilie sidewslfcs will lie j to h lookwl liter t lio drill fihid ii pfilttp reqeitcwinii rvarranre- inciit t give iir ligi i j iiinffift and a tnori iminuly riiir-iiu- i flrirabl thv ftiu hill i-l-ijinriii- t iok litl iini n d nee- ruivaiiin ju i fvtairs ti the tad toriuii tuid tneru is a teat dval of otltei wqrk which mutt bo taken up i da not eo why we should iidt have an sgrteac 0 year together he oontlbued i go along well with the old coonail jiirlhue leii found faiilr yiih fur tienl nig fnvi rilil 11 iimsi tii lfilt tut it van un friir tu icier ri our plriaxiit es- rieuo together i think if i lisd not spoken reit of the men with whom i was atsocial kj last year yoa would now have reason to regard ma with feelings of sutpiac 1 i tnilcipate it pleasant ci- perienot daring the second term the lutiaess of he day was now pro ceeded ltd a by- aw to appoint auditors was intro duced r ltd ha required number of times and pfsed he name of mr a e kicklin bein inserted by ha council end- that 6t i g mttthewt by the reeve movei by j b pearsoa seconded by alex s onrd that the beeva and council- ion baa tduiota and harvey be a com mittee 1 3 strike the standing committees for he urreot year carried tiec immiitee after a short reltrement reported tho standing committees as follows- j fiilv c coxxintr j b pearson and john h irvey srasz a wins t liitrs a beardm ire and aler seoord tosri dstx-wh- lpwpy beardm ire i i cncti av w seoord pxiur the ceeve and cooncih movet by j b pearson seconded by alex se ord that tha report of the com mittee o strike standing committee be adopted jarried counc 1 adjourned tomeei on moaday evening text at 8 0clock etectort of halton tsar vafe rjili are respectfully eqn 0hmfe as your roprosonfauve htoe of sfltnmotisflf wlha- t will faithfully ditoharga thu duties of ha responsiblo position and do jnjvy amott o guard your interests election thursday ji qua hundred maa were entora ia a mine ucar glasgow bya was rsglng near lha shaft las ling a iba pits moalh and were ptiojo would have been burned oi deal one man with jrsat presenoi raihed tfrrough lhaflanaa tnshal1ia safety door ptatauling tha flra aftec six hours the from wiliioat and tlm meuv tdence canada sdhool bocks zxtrein books pibm d i i crniii i t dru sertbbltn sum injc duttlmxnjl blak baobt j aad otuml sit tiontrr at the g stationery store v 2sth id monday lira which token and bad not of mind ajew fines oc h0liday goodis to bo rushed 06t at extremely low ptloes j v kannawin prsadlng fire ws oilrgulshet i weak oases of j mana bays and efiffd when we raoeafra oarajtook all- m w eppfa puinl9hlrt8 ibisueek bast aver shown in town t iriikttv it wuibavtt j ltf tvvi ik dont forget ttroall and see t nr haw style hati juttf pwr caoa aj tyrwwmm l- wahavo booght an entir ely new and fraah stock pf groceries andwm deliver thsm soy place jt town atvery cfciepricas m we srant y a few words 0 the easlj parchasers aiid it is this that any p oomiog to anr store with oash io their bandeau have more goods and better al 11 hey ever got in their uvea j tbau hay ml raaooed 0 and a o h lowry and alex a cure almoat kit when i was m yearsef age i l stuck of rheumatism and after i liad 0 go on crutches aycirulersaoiulai f la hefotm of whiter tweluugt annearoi an rarloas pxrlt of my podf ud for it years t was an iiitjim being confined to iay bed t rcirt in uiat time einir elcvcii rarct ni- pcucd and broke causing mo great lulu alid luaerfor i feared licvcr should sit wcll early to uk i west o chicago to visit a sister bat was eonflned 0 ray bed most of ha me i was here la july i read took 1 day with a circus la which were sutfemenu of cures 6y hoods bartanarllfa t tri so lss- nresaed with he inteeu of ihumjedlelne hat i decided to try if to my great grtialdrattnsi- tbe sores soon decreased nai i bepa a feel better and in a short tit i was m ami out of doors i conllnueifto take hoitfi bar- aparflls for shoot a yearithen batni osetf six bottles i had become so fnuy released from he disease tint i went io work for ho fuatttlkng mfg co and sin oe then itavi kot ivost a slvole jtirj oa account of ttekness i believe ujcdueaio isexpenedfrommysyiteni inlwaysfh well sm la good rptrttx and iiavo agood afiiicul am now years of ajesad can leas irejl as any oat- except that one limb 1 x little tswrtcr haa ho other owing to tl ecus of bone and he sores formerly on my ipit le- to my friends my recovery teen sj almost miraculous and f uuak hoods si ssperlllt is its king of medicines wit tfc lddx xsaflroad 8t kendalltuij r i represents our new watchmakers athe 1 we hiveall- th alspnonebut firstclass wjbrki nenand nothing butfirstcjass roajen41- usedm every e j wfttftritriftitsirg qnelpll mm vur a tud- of industry his own definition somewhat new fangled article is one the major part of whose income it derived from mauuat employment was tbat pay he wood ro54 the toronto will under the uutpioes of sens of scotland b tha ive agrahd iday evening january wingartistawill provida theprojramrrie iiiiiatafkjbjffaoutio prano missliiluj iicostrmrsiiai if iss marguerite dunn elocutpi84dfred trevor tenormrj francis t chai j rlckaby children 15 cents the town hall on i 22nd when the folic baritone mr w admission 25 cent doors svosslph there wis great rejoicing in certain circles here when it was known that the sentb io the person of the county jddge had vetoed etquestngs prime ministers little game in crest iug mr campbell a councillor the recount gave mr stewart a majority of sic anniversary services were held ia tha congregational church on snooty the services were conducted by rav b b williams of gaelph whose sermons both marning and evening were listened to with rapt attention by large tuditnees hit sermon in the cveniug wasoa thfea great- presibe t yetterday todf y ind to morrow this rather novel kabject was treated in a most masterly manner and the been oytlers fruit peels aad eonfeestoliary it t h htcnikoa grocery v i geiitlernen rtqiiiriugtrtiiticoverccjits suits or troutentihculd call at b nicslluv if yon rant fir claa guel sssli and ermotio filling seventeen museum af berlin tnumdrle ia pmcea- eiisibb fill your order it his pllaiag mill d stirtsus lus will insert teeth at k and 8 par sat fir next three months tpeciilajegiva to office maujiews block acton tba imperial were fpand by a eom- tl mittee of sroboologists to ie cations of alexandrian dealers ttatt tba ransenqiihad paid oa jicbtfir6 full of thought and- pithy sayings choir wis up to the mark inlheir several renderings i the old and the new councils me on moupay the only change around tha board ft he retirement of coaocillor moors and the occupation of his chair by dj cook eiq xha only boiinesa af importance betidetlie passing n a number of acaoantt was the reoauitructloti of our fire loom- panies hereafter our tosrii will have two bose companies of fifteeo man each there will be no regular hook and laddai co hat ha town retains thair abparatosjo ba used by 108 hose companleaiwhan naeilad mr e searoh waa roappojati 8aifr inspector and engineer jtnthj jitraf udkanzieyroston and ajfi moklajayi aborbofaajh 1 1 i t vj mr 0 ryan tahaa the salt ahba board made vacant by the retirement wlmoleodesq j fel 1 jl tba famous ftikjnmleej fliogart j ai billed fur a concert tfi our tpvn jhall halt taesday jinj 20th their pfloetihiaiim araxora within reason being 5 snd 2ict tie anniversary teameeting iu tbe coiiurckauouil cliatclviiu moudny aveoicg was a treat of j treats lbs viiodv were delious aad plentiful and tha whole enter- taiament all hit could be desired there was a yoang feilownaaisl wisp vrho bought eomspoadsne to clsin bit when winter grew ooli poori j haktoirtltsupoatofhfs grasp aothsrlookupapfaaaieanilspkliv ana a aeat jlttf arav for hi in made ctoming and going visitors to arid from j acton atnd various other personal notes mr 8 muel dennyof nerval vittd friends 1 ere this week mr 1 l wordan sr has dtngerot sly ill for several weeks mr n il mcnabb kfrkfiejd is vfsifttig his brotl ier mr arch mcnabb mr illitmmoqre toronto was in town a c inple of days lut week mr w j moore of toroato bis been home fo s day or two his week messr d stlrton and w kelly visited friends 1 1 georgetown on sunday iti uilliam clarke of west ldrna spent a 1 w days last week very pleasantly with fri ads la town mrs l e5i secord is in guelph nurs ing bar f ithar and mother who have bean ill for se aral weaki with laj grippe reeve dowry and mr john u warren were del gates to be convention of haiton tampan laesoourtys union at burungkc ontueiiy messrs thomas eatton xhomu perry man and robert wallaca who have beerr vary ill for the patt week or two tre rocoverii j amonj ha chairmen elected preside lover tba various standing committees of gaelph ity council during the year wa notice th names of menrs w g smith for fintni e and it e nelson for railways the o nadiaii ecaugrlut says respeating the sppo atment to the disciples charge here b fa w g charltoo is engaged to give all b s time to thol church at acton may ha lord srenghen him for and bless hin in this work hoods sarsaparilla soldbjiudnwttru si ttxtdrss frq trsdnltr ctikradroarxhiituiieiais 00 doses one dptlar havent weueesdit jan 201 we kept faith wii m tm ranniiignis shcj iaaioiiloa wmtj a- i reajd the wrinkle these isansibla gfrls hearing to mach about lib wonderful ad vantsges of using buuligh soap have resolved to nte vt next was i day andare reading i he decor ations ot tha wrapper in order uiatthey may kno r bovto da a jwaali vvfthoot hard ro wng and wlthoat boiling fhe c clothes 3 jt waahing powder thay will ano e8tlta capital wrinkle or btms f dwomai wbonave waahilog ado i i i iml riyoalf havent wi pivea yoa the biggest jirgaini yoa have teen iu all tha trade of iuelph we ask he hundreds who bare r amdlha fruit of our test winter clearing i alatinos its commeuccmcnt on january si d o say- whether ha bargains wa have gii an hem havent beea bigger and buift 4n than we advertised why we coaldiii hv mentioned every fteui or alass t goods that we are pushing out the ft l it the thing hat gone to welt that many lires that wa hadnt at first thought of forag oug have joined in the general carnira that is ha reason why aftec 10 dayt of unpre cedented rolling the airactiom ara u great and as varied as ever vn dont mean to let ha uciterusntgo down fresh lines arc being reduced in price at i if oca lino thats advertised is told out w take a better liue and make it take its pla 4 waj atk you to take a look around then coma to us end o if wa dont da better than youve seeu eltewhira iwalva literally pelted tha trtda with b rgalnsj and the great public baa fully real sod the genuiaencssof oar promised progrsmme of winter spor for the balance of this week wa not 0 meutioa specially about is storm 3oltrs at about half price 2 b laver and 1 astracban ca at a greatjr iductlon i 81 jong boasat fromtloo tjor f 5oti worth three time the money 2 long bear boas at about half price 87 astrachan mans t from 1j50 fo 300 worth ttoo to j 700 8 bsltio seal bear sable and xotti muffs about half price 8 beautiful beaver muffs very cheap i ohlldsoroylinib set at a bargain 8 seal caps one third oft ii beaver caps much below price 23 choice persian dumb caps price wa have never told one lhiru m fors in one wiutar at iu hit prices away below he market auq choice j in the mantle rojom i v ifi jaokettt price rnnnlng from utooitp t3d0c reiliiriijiotoeahh jf- 68 jaokels of all grades atalii ut ona third oft- the prloi v v sfl ilqogcoats awfully obcapa librvj thing in be muntlo booni prices j 5r j auflf il f pnnjijg ea i rramm ia

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