Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 21, 1892, p. 4

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iy i oct euer told otytturdty w bad not teamed kv t lota latrnedjiev lilawtlfri to pudoa tat toad re tba teerxttpncfct word ba ttk lite baatwilr neon fail vh raet rate tatty wottrt tahiutim htmtn toagee can ull lot jnbtimlllmittalltau m iaitiad thooih y tire wet dsmb il tilt kit tboatiag us tn toil iawn uis itt it cofae i ksea sa arrive all other nan the year of jubilee viutiam ojvig iia wothbtaw itt4tso- letltlw so iota year aalgtbor it toaratuv b ihte beraaaciiti 1 aid stla pitt aeroas tha lelile he ihoatad one limaa what righrlad b to jt ara ibavmmatnd jnaalljhocdd j wlotootiny ww otyimtf milch ccw tad lock- ad hertotbe poood tlie low a in tiitmaadhomalr wank a isok baa4 tod toot j whoaa lota tad gram end bacrt tad tcwl hire all haao raaied est to tit there in tba aanctorr led boiler out amea if t eoqjd coot tha react pace titm never ihofll eain j one day tl doc eeme bjmy uoaae oailtd tba brcte irietda gate him act sal ot malt ito sat eod ba erawt- adeffiod diad klrtajonaadlia4tfchtthan bttal- fillet blai tee no ioaccfged timrjaton like him otd cat tba baatvf aia i bot o tilt acrmoo i ld ipta to bear it readied ataia uxxt facet vet charity ettd low of fallow ms j 1 i tuosiahufjt a if tjbaatad u beavaa eapacklaaiiu u that binned tilleo silat fits hadnt tat aerota tha cale j why they u information df has hod tni confidently tottfftehngosatait oft competition iattrmtiomm from latending oai fnttcom wl tobtfjklyawara of hit notaieomi in unm o it to the fact that it thefcntritiehlrti to thk alua tad toft to to happy tod thrifty a wtmnt bfttlly paring far that moat aailhadiamoad urat peeteay tha eotoyfytnfla ir mining ia htb ladiea aaon oljlitjr and taiqa konrmm st of iu dowlnloa andall pjou ioooi owolf u ba itartod lud the tackd opntmdu bytidojvhim fctt innwacariicoini io caotdi the w4t rlohtrdtaa ba minafactartn of lhappalar diamond 0ra ijl thli pr uaojac point ar coo her it opportam to ranu lilt ooitet of oar laidiog minti- aotarert ethibiv lb t liberal and bnid biuiimtt viavaiaoliif rapooalir olh midafiolqrrt at diilnond dytt ptople reoecaiij appraeiati liberalitr when property dicectedi and hu tba act i poitumoai- ai4tpafgjdi tribitiouoi t6xi to theladie otoar oaai try who hart bua attnjt a popalar and owfizt boaaeholi uuele hat never beu ihoagbt at belore the remark ncei luf mad br a promioaot lady fairly rail uprataw the feuiobtut the lediee tega tfiojthlalaamoadbyeccmpeuuan she laid it aeema l- ma that he toiatf- fcaott nra are paying at larm premtamit beaan w bate been aia many ot theirj beaatifni dyea in inr hoiuet trtib wewillbirk u ttaft oiatthuli tree jfar a itpwa i etre reqaeated to lay t at ooc gnat objec t of he competition u o itber iogetbeca v ut coiieetioo of be haed work of the ladiei from ail qoarlerv of tin i dominion to tb u the pablia niay hate iq opportnaityof adgutg of the peit pout lilitioa and amndei fafffcu of dlv moid dyea jj- foot pretty wocnen enktred an eightst aveoaeborucaratmbtieal aiet night aioat 9 ocjodc tayrlh hear xeat actml rr thry wenajlbtlarm faaf ateoiac ctrcejare aad they had in their haodc reticejee rmttininc aoooaaoriot tp trtniag toilette the down of ptnjc feather tan abtraded from one raliaoieaad the toec of ooe dindne tiippertframjaablaer tbty worefaaciaatort on their haade aad m endeotiy eb route to tome feetire xaafatr- in oue little woman wiih daffy blonde hair peeping oat from tbejmeehea of the tilt headrigcuie u the mirth prototiai member of the party she had bright brawn eyec that fairly t winkled a retroaete nose rather a widemettth mat reraajed a perfect raw of pearly teetjb and many dint plec that were evidently oat for a noli- day j they created ttrange havoe with dignity of her oompanioaa the atter tried not to loot at her bot aha ana an irreaiatiwe magnet and u their eye toagtt here they went into eonnlaione of langhwr by and bye the other paaeengerc yielded to the contatfoa- a weetfiued old lady tat next to tie blonde bit of fmmfn efferreecenee aad her tympeibetie kindly trnoe drew the attentioa of tie latter and the explained the jote to her etrrjbody httened it teemed to ban beoome a a matter of psblic intereet pleate excote at laid the eyes and the dimplec and the teeth bat im not tire bat we will die from the effect of thit joke too tee we were iarilajtlo ptrr and we were to happy to g that w didat half read the iaritatioo and ju not tio a a week from tonight we went tad now ce are going home watot tt dreadful v let at now poiot nd warn tbian ttbdjobv a that- mmre atry which lie hook of remind ib i book on the di hat they mt o the dialof timtaarfyl hmz w iir par rums b a partnaq jacobi bll oared m ffeeuuiuj olrhhma- titri wlawhloh iaffrd in jlrtflo i haw n er had aby ratnn tlubt of i bapato whlah t eudind for mouthi pttttioi it affordthie great plettart to r httt reoammindtd it o a number o frleodi too mac li prtiie ctonotbe dtvotao to iu haauog i ualitlet 1 araiurt ftl agebt 8 votk fit a aan rearijeef the to a of ltohote nearuootraal wu almott w pad outby flee friday qlibert laird st ifargarett hopi ork- oty j 8oo landryntea i am riaaeetad by hwri frtdndi to orer anoierparotl ot dr ti 30111 eoleotrla oil tba lait i got from ott hating been uittad la jmtaral effeot ttieabawajmeii o thit medicine owdbetwe knenftu that tit millioaiu laserert lirottghoav the world may beoelt by iu pwvfdenual dioery ur brontkiii the inipeaded italionery tapertatenkeatv hti tetlled the gorernmtat clairajmidn agaiutt him j i rui-rr- rfmu cmled front the old vear lewit a bmtc rjaridl3fe bbaavjiita thaa wujoa shebau b lockjaw by ucifania chatham oat heatilglai orljtaga sydney ajbr i it every o ta antoiicited and aathiqticai ied they ttteat to he meriu of affaardt tinimenc ft it h cm ntiiiw4a1mbkdtoeukubthat iraeeeu eadltmtuparicetoany komrat me h a ajfaaa it d jj irt4i til it o anlrerrtl and thaltamtawork vssto ltitf casorta ooojatdatt k- ssg fcrwixr paanttlt loo wtattwp 1w street and t ate kewtbckoltt tncmrioaoeanuirr tt koaait siun krrtoaa it- i v 5 atrtlaated that wj canadian indjanaj toke part io tha kamloopt ttherijjiblie i- l ail beda 1 eem hard 6 he rheamelte their jt or from e welit t rich hit thing 1 soatonabla sayincs all deed are great when thai pnrpate it great if thoq ha little make it boc leet by the man who doec hit beat doet a mnch at a king can io a rery tore way to ponith yaxtrtelf it to hateother people love it doubted when tt leave the cott- nurfcoo the if yea dont beliere that it it mora bleaaed to give hen to reeeirery it rt ja worth a thoaaand pocodc a year to have the habit of looking on tco bright tide of thitgi bow many lettdna of faith and becaty we ihooidlote if here were no winter in in oar year he who reeeivee a good tarn ihoald never forget it he jwho doe tne ihoald never remember it there are glimptea of heaven granted to at by etery act or thoaghtor word which reiaet at above cartel tot iajanaution of be eye cured hr jacob d huler kewbnry write t wat troubled with infitmniatiot of the eye to that daring nearly the whole time of ihe tammer of 1692 1 ooold not work i toot teveral bottle of korthrop a lymant vegetable ditoavery apd it give me great pieatore to infortt jloathtt it coned me of my affliction it tlan excellent imedieine for coatireneaa sir frtnci qart kurd britiili am- hataador to 6pai oat icen appointed britith ambataadorjtjtarkey do yoa feel a tbpagh yoar friend had 11 j fcatinew caiamttiet over whefcd yoa yoar jiodyrefatingwperform it date and even the- tan had taken reftgebebiod a elodd then caeiorthrop di lyaian vegetable diaoovery aid hope will retorn and detpondeoey dittppoar all the kiorgtrteoi in oodbatre to be famished with piinoc a prompt reenjt j dcit6restwoyetrt ago i wa very ill with jtandfoextid tried many midicint which did me no good nntil i wtl adviaed to try bbb when after otinfe ihalf a bottle i wat cffectoitlly cored f cuxzurm ifoetox elphinttoof han mfaarttc unimatt tares diphtheria ittill tjthe ladie that thit conidetiionii open a all ojototaattaoy ecatbrtjqer faaey wort ofother ini whether yoa are taocetaf ol or a priro or yoar trorfc rethem ydir property and it retard- tree of oott in thit way the gain it ait on yodr aide and the entire oott and expenaet fali as the maaafactarert at the pretent time we believe isfficient natheen taiotnviadaat1ottssa4vtt ability oi making early application for a plaoa in thit grand contett thit it neceuary a tpecial preparatioct have to be made for toitable exhibitioa tpece to properly dirplay the rut number of article that will be tent inr and ralec io have not iad dye com obtain it front ainm aaiokbiacutt fbotneaae ofaaj laforitat dablin corpontioo bat rented to coo gratolatethe heir pretampiire on hit ap proaching marriage prompt potentand pemu nent retaifa aiwayt come from milbornft aromttio jainine wine iuhxk ill tmii anowy ww jrwwwrt f tha wai toiwfakmtj the chain yftf pfcmp lethe chartcterittic of hobde sartapar ilia and it it mtnifetted every day in tha remarkable caree thit medi ane aeoom- pliihea draggitta iay whan we tell a bottle of hoodt sartaparilla u a new cat- tomer we are tare to tee bm back to a few weeka after more proving that the good rtttdt from a trial bottle warrant contin- aing it ate thit potitire merit hood barttptriu pometaet by viitae of the pecaliar combination proportion and proceat ated in itt preparation and by which all the remedial valoeo tbeingre- ifeclt naed it retained hoods butapar- tlla it that pecaliar to itself anaahaolataty anajaalled in power at a blopd porifier and as a tonic for bailding op theweafc and weary and giving nerve ttreopt x the order which prohibit ei y export tioo of wheat from hauit hi extended to finland i rem a uiy write i wit eniblec to remove thecornt root rand branch by thenaeof hbilcwayt corn core othen who have tried it have the tame experienoi eroett lyon too of tha earl if strath- more wit killed near belgrade rhile try og on hoftebacktobeat a train f ra wager 5lln itbecjajbifri ttmrmai tartion addret six jetrtsafferinf dear sitt i wit troubled for with eryiipeltt and two bottlei dock blood bitten entirely csraj keep bb b constantly in the bo think it in effectual care for i canted by bad blood i kei it dovtsett portlio kratta wimtnttod vbile break open the door of a bumin with an axe teverely woaaded hteft c taftertrt i apply o oil to yoar toning di thomat ioiot add duelet bely an it that yoa ria et 8ah it ly of thota who have the remedy it liiewite to for throat add list ditea- ot bruitet tic of uorroco i bitter at eog- ierferenoe with hit affairt tod nt agent of being aacretly kilao trade i br t a sloeantt joxygenixed emalaian of para cod liner ail f yoa hare tightaeat of beohett unit for tale by all draggitta ts otnft per ettle- gordon trader while hailing near trai laoit ontl wat accidentally killed by hit impanioda gnn i painful parnt braitee tcald abd- cat tr quickly bathed iadhalet byvfewrl carbolio salvej i i i t col qaimctt aoceptasoeof tha portfolio of fabric avortt will necettitala another election in laval raeytrda yellow ou thitgmt interntl and external remedy ikaya allayc ail pain it it a ipecifie for erotp ltd promptly cure coaght eoidt are throat rpraint bruitet barnt rhea- matumccu woanda etc jpodfor man or betit bttad all tettt sold erjery ye briess oatrtt hagyarit tallotr jwiilitm doig aktritfard farmer fell from hit loft a diitacce of 20 feet and hat tihoediei j nouiingvo taddealy obttract the pert pirttioo at tadden trantitiona from heat tpoold heat rarisec the blood quckent the circolatioa and increuet tha penpira tioo bat when theee are taddealy checked tbi oonteqaecoe mutt be bad the moat common caute ot diteaae it nbttracted per- tpiratiod or what commonly goat by ha name of rttrhing cold coaght oaldt tore throat etc if attended to in time ar eatily tabdw bat it allowed to run their own coorie generally prove tha foraranner of more dangerotti diteatet kinetenlht of the coctampttvea data their affliction from a neglected cold and the diteatet that are eaated by wet feet damp etolhea ore nameroot thaa are one of be moat effi- for all diteatet of the bicklet anti-contamp- lit syrap it pijomotet a free and aaty eipectoratiod which free he iongi from vitcid phlegm by thinging thit ecttiont from a diaeatad to ahealchy itate the trial of edward handeock for h murder of hit daughter sophia wat com menced sfonday it toroafo it will but teveral dayt or expotore are generally tapp caaoua mediciaer throat and iaagt doet pfotectioa protect f certainly in one instance it doe hoodt sargaparilla it the great protection againtt the danger of impure blood tad it will care or prevent all ditettea of bit claia it bat well woo itt name of tha beat blood purifier by it mtny remarkable tha hiehett prby vj ixoodt biila for ti acebb sold by all cent per box a t tii i hr joephjjiaithrtf6r prominent baajtar and b toronto dicdafbedty of la 3phe idest drug store handsome array of 1 shi goods wit j tpreaalt mixa mafl j tjs ptfataga ftn- i tin jgolnt tat9 joohlg e4tm a jri ib43 pari f ttmafct ubu t n lv is 4 j 1 i ij mm r a t- i cuuclasa ottelea the very iateatdaatgat ladles oraaaing case and manicure seta rafarra oof ta old oom crimtjn and peacock bla bolr rushes comlfs mirrors ra cajlaloid and hard habbtr whlaka for wall poolce perfume atomizers perfumes brautbebettaakatr sponges bath tweolai etocto come and see our goods stfcsmithfxco dispensing dhemists guelph ont yellorvii curts rhfumatisw wor aits in pleataa totskalcantatalttefreita tmati r ft bdwdeasc a tio tni ol cttxtuai id qaldrenorxdout- cilddeicilllast acrrtxiaar- la 1888 i wit leverely afiicted with gi tvel of he kidneys from which i tofferec great pain i wit recom mended to itk burdock blood bitlert which i al fin int great rtliaf and after taking four bo tlea can truly lay i am eared and bate odt tince been irpnbw i highly reoomn radit pite wt rr oalloden p 00ot i at the atiliea i hamilton yuierday tbe jury awarded fl co to ftmet tfaompton a lad of 118 for i he low of an arm in the atamping workt e t wright ii co cokb an old pbytioiin retired flrom praolioe paving badplioed in hlthaodt byjan eatt udfa miaiiooanr the formala ot i tirople wgeuble remedj- for the tpeedy tad per manent oareof conamptfon bronefaitia catarrh atthni and all throat and lung ifhatiout alto a poaitive and radical oore tor kerroat debility and all nervoat cora- plafnft after hvfng tetted itt wonderful enrative powert in thonaandt of oaaet bat pu it tilt doty to make it known to all hit offering febowt i actuated by thit motive aod a daafra to relieve human mffering 1 ajill tend free of charge to all who deeire it tjilt recipe in aerman ffenoh br englitb wjith full direotiont for preparing and naing sent by mail by addretting with itamp naming thia paper wil if on 880 power block boohettern x fbea babr wit afcfe we gavo ner cattoria 1 aha wat a cblbl tbo crtod t or oatiorft nen the became kii aba ebat to oattoria if b etfldixa aao jtva itanioatfcirjt idiscount 11 b allowed salesjof dress jgbbds for this molth i i i stock styles obrrebtj m i mm flretthi t itfj i tjjob oajfiotno luuji ft mairiaddytipjnuvi idstmas if yoa want to bay ar tell i farm ad- tertieainthetoriato wttklf uail that paper reachet 0o0go farmers home every week and j aar adtrertitemeat ihoald meet the eye of tc neaie who wants to par- abate advtrute nehi of thiaelatairo n- taried in the ton tin wtfilk ltall for five cent a word etojh intertion pr twenty gaol a word fori fnttrtiont addreat the uailtoroab canada tha election lit iicheliea ifondir where sir i hector lang via wat elected by 308 majority at the lai t election readied in be return of mr bra eaa the liberal candi date byamaoril of loi ohvwhitacough will yoa heed ti i warning tbe ligital perbapt o the tori approach of bat more terrible diaeato cc mumptiop atk your elviaif yoa can aarihg tor it we know shlloht care wil never fafli ifford or he tike of neriik tnd do nothing from experience that core yoarcodgli it cemfflg krent ffemiajt coaiumption it foreabtdowed by acting coogh night twetuptiu to ha onatt eto amttit progrett tt ow by taiing hagyardt pectoral balaam which never fafla to car coaght coldt bronchiut boanenett etc and even in oonfirined cootamptfon affordt great relief e aceeftioa it ofmtlly tnnotmced of prince abbat oldett ton of the late kh dive to he throne of egypt i tt it eefe o ate frettntnt worm potr dett it they tot only on be wormt aaddo not infare tha child pta baaadr aroatanli u tbe smtmt to cieaadcbeawat catarrh i aiidlirdratlattortbtbrnaula t t auelttaa winei pi xr b i i a terrible miaa e oitge coal mining t latt thartdty mfnert lott heir iivit plotion occurred it be 3o t mice tt nrebt i by which nearly 200 sick headache cai by aaing national p by exoett cf bile praditordered itoini ch ii promptly relieved lit the german beic itttg will toou ditcut he emperors tchen e for thsrepretaioa of or do yoa taffetjticoite then tend 3 cent tttmp and i will tend a valuable trealfte centtinjfwlpattldalart for home cdrewhlofi cotf domptrtbr nothing a splendid- work on deafnett tnd the ear addreat ptorj jouti ifontreil ktoarda liniment core diphtfiurta the third page of he toronij dxilt kaitim noted far want advertisement if yoa want to bay or tell tnything if yoa want a titaatioo g mehanioa butr- neav machinery lodgfirfet if yoa have bt or oaadahything orif yoa want to cad oatwbere anyone it advertite in the to- laewdaugmail and real the-cadrertiae- j- thirdptaja of hit paper addret tu mail toroaty can cfcu vfi tbe hattoa eleetris light company of mvlftlpafhw uf sopie beeflttfettvfrwtru vrrtftoiiilmer gt thin and weak fortify and build them up by the u of arttll m u a priterare n mlob ootw n mti drunkennett tmoag ooodde iit iubjeou idrdaae f- xh good deed dai e by hit unequalled family liniment hagyard yeliovvoil daring the thirty year it hia been held in everincreeaing et teer fill volume we et mot r enumerate ail ft good fualitiet relied on at a care for itora throat and all pa tog sir daniel wilton dnlvertity it leriootl by the pvblic would bat that it can be croup coaght ooldt at goetwitnoatiiy l iretident of toronto ul collars rnd u ff wear making greatcuts in ladies f gents 1 fdr the hbliday trade i j see our new stock of f mantle goods they are marked ta selh vi large ribbons laces silk handker- chiefs and fancy gbochn bfallkindg enderson mcrae 00 haw gnd canada it being cbng atalatodeierynhere on he exceliencea ol her minufaoturet art stained glut it prominently in he front rank of her impr vcmentt thinkt to hccaatland son f toronto who for 0 ytara have labored wt only to aooama- lata money bat to mak stained andorna- mental iglajt of all ki idt a credit to he dominion i the refiaenbavead tncedthe price of tngulto j peat i pout f j ualvenalte timony cannot be disputed aot he cue it yet to be heardjfrom in whioh patnamtpainleaa corn extractor ha f ifed to perform a perfect core thit will painless and rapid aition and freedom froc annoyance during bit the great corn md jbunion cure rtandt betrtreof the great di offered sm if painleit at tabititatet for corn extractdr n c care i utatmt painiew i jiikjiila htymil kingtton proprietort paiion i lite no other elt2ill jifi mayor clarke of ton 10 hat beei pointed pny k i ican furnish you with the bestpressis fcjr country newsand job work to hadhn country and at lower price than forany other new cylinder press vll i i i i- cokb to kcjtokkrld our j cpuntiy prbiity presr srrjok tbts eatyf today them wja have run the 2tp ap tflpcooj upamtstuinc the largest scale i works f- maokikul haycates onain scaiei fajf scales- 1- akd bbtpgess anbaaa ntroli o u csplattade stcrif e81ji j t9ontcort juut pang r tob win llfvlss r 1 bo gress aid the work illustrates its sl nb 15i0p druht cylinder presjs cajn do better newspaper wrkvp c handje oottt little for repairt apd ft eaty on the p titer pocket book we call it tb l h tald h podie and aee onrpre a work j i yoa detire tamnl n jftf sf e iniaranoe oom tsjs trfrt jj aa v en if- aty for iight yeart and the loon r we ran it the better wi ukeil anew 8 colfolio or or an 8coi itittimplatuy to ran lmlottblla thnkofitl a tsiua jii m-jik- ollioorsicqtb power press tqtloafyoo ioj6c book press roi8oo mlfaxticv-c-y- i m ttii

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