Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 28, 1892, p. 2

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3pstitiusitmkiasasfiismkmaktgxvi- alxiubrtaoottabrt jeaiatt ocrolmttillaavocasea ucwu0b lea kucttac wife of rme- ciasaltlliltaaec a too m lenotrj- the wife cf sfimttn hcmaaumlkhjuiaututttf jrjote li tfsmucbcamafvbiiitaejtaakw te lt of id uitfamia oc a m kmnartn reenter an eaearr tm the kirtleatt sf a deeet u tr prbviogjjjjtioi ttm ot oandidaloe to contest lb byieratoota this county took ptaoa hi ivuiiaoocanrtat ijuconaoitob jia ink brfttr parent mr v2ttwta btuehaicot mataas to tnh diottfer at sotoem oorttaftr baa lutiitoearooicoji wtdaeedar eaost art it tw nameeooa of the brides wuh komaleun by bti chho t b cratctir k iv mtdat to utile eideagaterot wist any dues twkvuiljraahoa tsiuetrr laucb- laolumcioiieswatrearsaadlnmbthi uacaacxta actoa ilw tlnl aagarr uar- ru kccullcatn wfie at fttar iato coin danoo a lia wmu wttaot l kk66ln tftkitioft kucfunx4y keyc die retamtng offi and at pm announced that he had received two nomitn6otsahbaarailjaaiar acton and john d mcgregor farmer trafalgar than wan no others and a pr waa duly dernandeu and the aleotlbn wwdehs today aa la wall known bj- fas pass readers mr hendereoa is nominated is the interests of ihegmserralive party and mr me- oregor at the champion of the patrons of industry for the first time then j a the history ot helton the rvtorm party hat do candidate la the field no doubt many reformers wih inpport mr mcgregor be- caaaehit puuirm comet neawr to that of their party than the other bat as many more will heeitite to do ao on the ground that trie palrone oandidajte hat repeatedly declared himeetf- oppoaei to unrestricted redpnxity at he ctoet of the nomination a buhlier meeting was held and mr dic we chosen chairman the hall m densely crowded by people from ail part ot the county and many could not gain admittance when it oemo to the candidate addressing the etectect thewwufon mr mcgregor had h ajhobertaooo assist him bat hit opponent was alone the two patrons of iuduilf y wanted a time limit fixed tor the apeakert bqt to this mr hendenoa would not agree expressing a willingness to j have either jifi mcgregor or mr bobertaod lead off whea he woold follow and the other obqtd wind op cantiderabte parley fol lowed and mcgregor eventually agreed to take the floor first alter peaking for about two hours it became apparent that he wet determined to lake ad ventage of jcr eendertooa arrangement and apeak ill afternoon there being no time limit tie endieooa thowed tignt of oneaaineaa aa well emthetpeekere who were to follow finally the chairmen wax appealed to and after a wordy conteat ot eertrtl minute the tpeaier pond od4 let addreat mr hen denca than came forward and apoke antil wxirtmla gtratioa lha ttt4 liaaur ikw vattaat ncemrtr oc jletoa iced u jvan 10 stont i toiws la aaalpit oat tstd lisvuj irthar kree4tui6ldtoof dtrtuoiloa ifd 6 jeartuidaeaaiitfaa ktltkat gtmlph oa hth junmtt ctulotl sfeulth ulorrf irtfetot kt tl tl vrtt a4t moouia i atfjc sxtcitrtc frcss rhuasdarjakdarr ts is notes and comments mr hendereoa the oooakratite oandi dkte he ealtoo ia amaa of good itrong coiboo eeaee aa able ipeaker and an at pert politietaa he vitl find oar yoaag trwadmr hcgrejor foeman worthy of hit iteel streetaraie retier the hilton patrons of ndoatry hare pita the society there a death blow by coinc into politios if their man loaea the txety will fall to pjeoae if be wins be will be fonei to be an ordinary grit and a putitaa aociety cannot hut bola hilton hamilton tfrrtaioc there ahoatd be na doabt is to the re coil of the elecuoo to be held is heltyo lurid hendereoa who ie tgiio the con- ftrritire candidate i that cooatitaeocy properly ooaaidered last aeaaioa as tfiag one of the iblert ipeekere in the minitterial fouowiag rom ontario the hamilton vertfaf i i shortly before the oiw year the btatis- lical inttitdta is madrid made public he rxalta ot be ltd sens in spain accord- inc to wbicb the country eontaina 8gii- nulee and 646j1 femalec or a tota popalatiao of 17jf63s3t the peresns who can neither read nor write number 11954 71 who can read bat not write 601005 who can both read and write 5004170 tiere are in spain lito frenchmen toi portoneee 5tij engliihmen sg77 italiaca 1836 germane tu ajnericant andjta bi majority or- handei j trafamiit ko ltheuoynet no i urumquvu kopoatvlllo ko i uunnaooroefa ko j palermo ko c c route while the tnpply of natural gas in many important american centres is giving oat the wellt on the niagara peninsula are showing no diminntion and in other parts of ontario large flows of this foel are being obtained it is abmjdancy clear thatthere u a limit to he qnaniity of gas obtainable in this way and that watte in one well afts the entire locality in many ca it has jjeen known that gas has been escap ing freely for years before any attempt was snide hi otilire it withacarefolhaibafidj ingoftiie tspply canada ahouh profit from it it rfiach if not more than oar neighbors hive in the past dark giving the elector an able and hanrtive address the third speaker m never heard it is pretty generally admitted that ifr henderson will be reelected his frieids expecthismsioritywilibe largely in mi- vance ot that of the general election while lbs patrons of industry claim that the majority wilt be a narrow one i runutsccomiiis i the following tables giving the official returns at the last byeejection on th 22nd ahgoat 1888akt the general- election 5th march 1831 will be fotrnd interesting ito the electoral the official eocnt in the bye- etectioa was as folkiwt icqpr 1 ihexdcih0 vfiixic kb1 pouingsabdivijfon 01 s3 ko 2 do i u s4 1 a cablegram has been received by the dominion government from the imperial isthontiet with reference to the j reciprocal arrangements between the united states and the bcitiah west india idinaa by which the latter agree to lower tbeir datiee oa floor end kerosene b3 in cociideratioa of the united states admit ting their togar free tiei prerioas un rtttioo that there will be no iiscrim inition agaiatt canada is confirmed sod it appears to be now p fatty well aatured that canadian soar w 11 i be admitted to these ilntf on the aa ns terms of the united states u that the fiat of pending bysetectiosa correct- td pp to date is as fouajars f january zs hilton kingtton lincoln laval pq boilangee pq lennox prince edward xorth victoria south victoria peel qa3enk s east middlesex east simoce eitt breee hikar i janoary 28 janoary 28 febraary 1 febraary 3 j february febraary ftbraiy pebroacy i february tebroary febraary 11 february 11 febraary 11 february 11 henhitujr hettoo k p tbe postal reformer with two friendsiari anttrtinn millionaire and an engliaaeapitaliat his csered to eoxrtntee the britith oorern menttgaintt all toes if a peony poatage he eatabiiahed uetweeu tbe iendiah tpeak ag peoples of tbe british empire asd tbe united states of america the probable iocs was estimated by hri goachen bim- ftif at 75000 per ssnum vet mr heatos mirntaica that tfce loss would not extend over more than three yearri and that after 11 st ocean penny postage woold make a tost as has been the ease with the inland penny pottage ur goeenen las jest communicated his reply to mr hestoni o5er in which he says that for a variety of reasons the gorernment eaanot tee its wiy to- except tbe offer mf heaton will trlrg the matter before parliament fti c very abort time tbe annsal report of the montreal board of trade contains a large amoant of information pertaututg to the trade of the metropolis pf the dominion it is a re- nfiring docament iaasmach ssit shows tt the past year was a pxd one fori fee exporting icteretpf the coontry dor ite lil 725 seagoing vessels arrivedvin mobtreal wittt a tduf toonigi of 33857 tbe ralae of the export emanated to 3i as3 against h2qz7is6 tn 18w the vtlte of imports fa i8s1 readied c70 being an increase of hoouw orer tba pmioas year ortcsifikjooo boahate f eraiaaearly ooehalf wtwat was ihipped from montreal to british potts daring the put season t3m exports of lira stock abow a eain lac oatut of iftoo bead and a akgbt f aliing oft in abeep indieatieos point to a v large trade daring tb coming seasoa it it confidently aotupatad thatttia britttn raarketa will be hi geod thapa to ketb4rsaiiidero toe larre eropjliar- vntsdiothslaoruiweat laatias aadihai the mofstnabt will oamtaei i the springs not to taws aatif the tigattoo of th8t uwreno i eloaaw 105 majority for henderton ss i bckllkatos ko 1 polling sabdivitiaa 53 ko 2 do 7 100 ifajority for valdiorw geobaetowtf ko 1 polling sabdivitiaa o ko 2 polling sabdinnon 60 i 109 majority of waldie it joltos kd 1 korth ward no 2 south jtard kaseatt ward- majority foe no 1 ward ko 2 ward ko s ward wauie 20 oikvtxie 39 37 110 6 50 co majority for 1c2 henderaoa 35 kevl sproafs schoce u ko2 korval j 113 ko8stewartiown 77 kodubunj 37 ko thoebpsoo corners 6f ko 0 glenwitliatns 1 79 4 majority for waldie u slssaqaweta kai c9 ko 2 brookvise s3 ko 3knatchholl 55 majority for weldie n kemos 207 no 1 freeman ko 2 kelson vtlhie bo 3 catuniiixstilie kot bells school no 5 clines c orners majority for 19 73 78 82 85 337 henderson 3- rkafalgir k3 kq lthebpyw no 2 drumqaln 122 koj foetvilli 70 ko tmaimtporners 03 ko 5 palermo j 50 no 6 bronte j v 5g majority for clejurnajoi the voce at tl create from tb election the following 07 i 62 52 114 85 153 87 42 51 i 130 36 87 54 in 87 73 73 80 ts go 458 87- 1ck 2s5 51 65 75 55 48 29t fs 00 88 c3 51 74 15 ml 444 lendenon 30 ityforwaldie24 is election was 55j of a de- t of tbe previous general is a recapttaktioa of the votes polled far each candidate at the several potltng the 5th march 11 actok ko 1 polling sabdi virion ko2 do tations ia the county oa hdtdeekos wiuitr 85 74 j 153 majority far henderton os bckuxotox ko 1 fonmgsobdiviiiotj53 ko2 do 04 majority for wsldia 32 georgetown no 1 polling sobdi virion ko2 do 117 74 7j- majority for waldie 1 milton ko 1 korth wsrd ko2soatb ward ko 3 east ward 153 52 45 45 i 142 majority for henderson t oakvillb ko i ward a 01 ko 2 wardj 1 g7 ko 3 ward j 84 i 212 majority for henderaoo 43 esquesikoi ko 1 sproatt school set ko korval 129 ko 3 8tewarttowni 82 koc4dawio- 1 41 kovs thompsons comers 93 ka 6 gieowillisau w j 5k majority for henderson o kassaflavtbtx ko 1 campbellville kbrpflkraie ko 40 51 si 80 os 149 74 80 154 0 s3 55 138 37 40 180 1g9 81 93 75 91 75 500 02 tit kg imajorily for honderaon 5 clear rnjority for hapderson 104 the vote was a very large one and num bered 4808- i the n canada prtmlr announbei are- p ejortttruotad mlrilitrv drrxtrji jan 25 at a maettng of the cabiaatloday hon mr abbott innoancad uls reagnilracted oamnet as follows j prime minitter and praaldant of the qfaant pttvy coancil- john joteph cald wall abbott klniiter of pabjjo worfctjoteph aldario oaimet mioltterof cattorat joseph aldolphi cbtpleaa minitter of jaitioe sir john sparrow david thompson minitter of finance george ualit fos ter minitter of marine and fithariat i charles hibbert tapper minitter ot agriculture john cirliag minitter of inland raveaoejoha cottlgan secretary ot staujamts coebrooka ptturton minltterof bailwaya and caaalc- john graham hafkart minitter otrmuitia and defence maa- ketuia boweuj fbstmutergeneral siradolpht caron minitter of the interior edgar dewd- ney i withoat portifoliofraak smith of these meatrt bowel carting palter son haggert and smith are from ontario the meetin of p aaratted for thursday feb 25tk a short sslonantolpatct oniwi jan 25 the proclamation calling parliament for the despatch of botincasbn tharsday febraary islh was usaed saturday the belief prevails in the departments that an effort will be made to get through the bottnees of the country by the qaeens birthdayj it it hardly likely that the government will hive much legitktion of an important character the piece de resistance will probably be the rcdittribatioq bill one measure which it ia definitely understood the government will introdacj lit for the reuniting pf the marine and fishery departments under one depaty head the change will a tate the retirement of one of the deputy ministers and it is on that mr tilton the deputy minister of fiaherics will be superannuated j the mun councit- tha regularsemlmonthlv maatlnj on monday evartlrtg the coancil got down to the regular rostioe batineas of the year oa monday eveaiag all the memljcrs were breaent beer liwry ia the chair i the minatcs of th previous mealing were read ted confirmed j tbe first report of the commit at on finance was presented and the fallowing accounts recommended for payment hint ca eutioaery 1 r h p koore prinucc to tit si the report wis adopted the collector reported that there are ttitl tome arrears of taxes moved by j b pearson seconded by a seoord that the time for the retant of tbe collector 1 roll be farther extended antil the gth febraary carried it was represented to the council that uts payment for taxes by mrs b w niok- lin included the amoant doe aa the personal property ot w j king v moved by j b pearson teoonded by a 0 beardmoro that the torn of five dollan and forty cents be ref anded to alex lasby being amoant ot taxes oa personal property of w j king carried the council thea adjourned worlds fair traffic tha grand trunk will rfaird doubto tracks to gat its sharer bcnilo jan 23 tbe chicago a grand tronk and ita ooanectioas sad the grand trunk of canada are taking steps to secure their fall shire of the iacreased traffic that may be expected daring the worlds fair at chicago portions of the road are to be doabletracked 104 this has already been done betweeo hamilton and toronto j it it the intention also to double lha track betweeo hamilton and niagara falls and boild a connection between the simla branch wbicb is in a direct line between chicago and niagara falls and glenooe on toe main line betweeo detroit and nitfjtrt falls with a view to facilitating the handling of traffic which now goes by way of londira and which it somewhat hampered by the ttafno on the tingle lino rbis litter line is actually ander ocrattrai linn i rewards or bible readera dreat winter combatltlon of the i ladles home magraxtna 1 i ctxnosswhere does the following tords first appoar in the old testament kxowtedoi wnx and sdaxxv where does th following words first appear in the new tertament fwcx ftxzil indejajr j weilt pn ois every weektbroaghoat this great competition prices will be dit tribated asfollows thefirtt correct answer received the poitmack data on each letter to be taken as the data received at the offioa of the ladiu home ifagadtte teach aadjevery week doripg 1892 wiu gat 200 the second correct anawer i0o the third 50foarth abeantifal tuvar aarvioe fifth five orelook silver seevfoe and tbe next sowrreot anewers will get prizes ranging from 2h down to 12 every fifth corrot anawer irrespective of whether a priee winner or not will get a tpecial prise comprititors residing in the toatuera statei at well ait other distant point have in oqatl chanoe withi those nearer home at the fcstraark wtli be ouranthorityw every ease j- j hcnrsrieach iftt of aaawert matt be acooropaniedby 1 topay for air montat tnieariptian to one of the best home magasanesia america 1 i i jkaeasxxjna the iqdui ffrnne vagi afta well- able to carry ont its promhe paterboanjogh canada timet plead id paper and finanoially strong- hasttiigt- canada c7ar every prlae wianor will be tare to teotlre just what b is ittfti tied tonorwood canada btrfitoi money ahoold ipe sent by post othos 0 or reitured letter addreaa tbe home ilagatinr peterboroagh cam been 111 the past takt lh attvloss otonto formerly eroaily ill with urt lot oowdy jr of qaelpb vitlted minttt lereon monday mr c raham iwaonof eatt preeraoul mloh 1 vlaitlng hit fati iuv it- ohailton ak ii wu unable in boat iy bar r iplrtiltia of of gebigatowa is dn brlgbli disease rett i ball and w h graham ipent aa hoar or to at ui afathodlat piraooaga 00 fridi y evening j mf ii ha lawton sr hat been having a bad km 1 igtia thlt wtek he it tome better ai wt a to preu i mr j ha arthart ha ltd a vary terloos attack 01 the grip mr jr i qooay it managin his bail oast for him yow v6t tad inhupo j are itespeetf oily folleltedfer d p of i candldata pfhaltos far the house of cbmmpnsl r blaotloa ijtaniiaiy 26ili 189 aod save the qukbi i plaktfojravc j v or tut- they hav 1 been lor the past year mr 1 hornet eattaa is still very iil his toot john of sarnla and alfred of chicago with other frleude hare arrived bars thlt week mr at jot ken aedy who has been in tha western hales for teteral years retarned home fit at dearer col oa taesday angiitis ooking wall and hit many friaudt here ire 1 lad to see him home again the ho ie of mr w b slorty r qoite a bospiial tt prseanl mrs storey who ou been 1 1 for aavertl monthtit not yet oonvaleaoi at lett week mr storey was attacked 1 1th la grippe which has ilill a prtlty in hold npon him and mr ff a stony is oonflned to h boats with a aevart alti sk of congestion of lha longs rorrua a po oular fashion journal tke dtli leater for march 1892 will be a great ana ber repltt with novelties in awary dap utment of faahton and illn triled by i mxt two to three handred care fully exaoa ed engravings while tapply- ing alto thi oraal artidet oa dainty fancy work no t at crocheting drawn work knitting i leamaking and poker work k will fnfrodi oe a highly interesting aeries oa phytii al culture and another on child lift each of themto be fliostrtled umsjbe eqairsd by thi taxl artwlee of the varii u aeries now current la the magasine i ill be foaod in their ragalar place arao ig them a moat aportsdt one oa the mtk sg at boys ojumeatc j dont fail to tacar 1 a copy of tha march number it will plase yoa tte sobtdrtptioa price of lb 1 maguine l tl00 a year- single copy 15 cents sand orders direct to tie ik hi tator pubuabjng company of toronto l mited ii richmond street wast toroi io patrons induairy ot noth ajokuoa aioftti tl lttdqt stfllliiii tsqlj r p pfly ui periawhijr rhe tltmatism tcuabai a haadaeli teethaelie neuralgia sew tto at twetllaav froitbitea s c j at ix c a f ptalai nrnttea buna ealds sold by pen li oad fxile ererrwliew 1 cmafa dwt uuitouitoijl ftrau on dlamond veracura rate v dy8pep8ca akd ix stomach troubles 1 koiaeatiok hiusea sour stom- acri gtddlnoaa heartburn qort at r illnaaa food rising taato nervoua- nd ijettlttcjfir wnt it mill oe ctt uattui ta itimpa ultijamiltirilljoll annawin bay all roar f x- sehoalboa j sxireiia bokt ptnr ptmcilt cnyaat scribblers suits lajc d asutss ensern buok sadies and ctfluertl supaaerr at the drug stationery store to be rathe a few lines of holiday goods o5 at extremely low prices j v kannawin emiat mill sir aoton shilohs cons re this greaticouoh cabe thit toeeeesfal coke omption cube it without a parallel ntbehittoryofmedioine all drnggitts art 1 utborized to tell it oq a positive goarante 1 a teat that uo other oare aooorsafi ily atadd if yoa have a oongh bora thro t or brooobitit ate ft for it will care yot if your child hia the croap or whoopu 1 coaghj ate itpromptly and reliaf it tore it yon dread that intld- loot disease conf dmption dont fail to aseitit will our 1 yon or cost nothing askyoardruggitt for shilohs cube prtoe10cts fioot 1 end 4100 if vodr lang art tore or jack lame ate sblloht poroui plaster sets lvlti smsfeciiy bnt 1 btmtttmmmm t9 gtwamjai nut uaxnt u baaaar- khoaw katiisj j k814qum l luurtrs uttmaitt paras pmhtkeru lit malntenaaea ot britiahjnnaotlon 2nd the reservation w tha fnke tiai for the actiiai tattler 3rd purity of adminittration and abao- late independence of parliament 4th rigid economy n every department ot thepablfo eervice mh8impiiflitioa of the uwt and general reddotloa in the machinery government jlnthe aboutioa of the ceoadlaa senate j 7lhi the redaction of the grand jary from twealyfoor members as at present ooattitafed to twelve membert j seven members ta coaititote a quoram i stha tyttem of civil strvir reform that will give each county power to tppoiai or elect til coaoiy omoiajt paid by them except county judges j olhtsrirr for revenae only aid to adjusted at to fall u far aa potalbla apon the laxaries and not npon the ntowt sifts of life lolit reolprpcaltrada on fafcan4 aqaft- able terms between canada and the world lllheffecinal legftlatfon that will pro tect labor and the results of labor from those combination and monopolies which tiadaiy enhance tba price of the articles prod need by tacit combinations or mono- polies i2th prohibition of the bonatlag of railways by government gnats as con trary to tba public interest i3lh preparatioa of the dominion and provincial 1 votenmiats by the municipal omeers i i th conformity of electoral ditrriete fa county boundaries u conttituted for manidpal purposes at far at the principle ot representation by population will allow parties thinking about winter clothing thoaid call end inipect the ttocfcot b nicklln before pnrahating eitewhere j stock taking opportuiliy 10 per cent discount off all dress goods for ca8r i i clearing 8ale of j i dry goods dress qtifods millinery mantles mantta cloths knitted woollen goods furs sleighrobes readymade clothing over coats flannels tweed8 carpets carpets boots shoes over shoes t bitj and gtartlingbargaing- will begweli j 1 a i 1 aisoj for spriugjitew frintg new sateens ketv cottons new gheck 8iurting8 new sewed maslin bmbrohery and tasor- tions 1 the mammoth wtwcleddjcqr abohobtown rfsbih io tb next three awutbi eiaiand tjia i imo n r aett perfoet at guaranteed bettetoalltyt driftton tm mv2 e jjili j j gm8tqckj a great drives immensi discounts it means dollars to you but there is noplnndecirjit for us thousands of dollars worth of winter goods mustgoi we mantthe roorp yoy warit the goods the- i- i tr 1 prices wih make you glad j profits knocked silly- old tiler 110 draft robes now i ii 50 5dj i w9 4 05 3 90 s4adoabia width dreat goods j10w 75 i 80 j 50 ii i r50 89 35 82 single width good 15 for is 80 fos 20 25for18 20 for 15 and for io80 dreat qoodf njiie other itoret keep that trash wt dont 1 t cloaking was 825 now 115 250 for 100 205 for 150 1w for 125 im for ms aaii issar80 imfolois totsiui k for47 flahotlt all wooj soe lot m for 85 85 for 27 so for 44 25 for 20 20 for 15 and liforl4 j i hotlary anil olotm this it where we bine do yon wfa s pain good too caihnjtrt boat tor imo or i pairs 40o far ttt jotwjfibloa kid glottt in oolort 4 buttons leogtatartto too caabmert gloves forweet ttf tbeabovewfllgiirtyoabataillght idea of what we lntand o do wa hart no tpaot to tell yon of bqndrads at bargalnt in other departmsnta oooia m and let at prove to yon thai wt do axaairy uw advertiae i f- r 85 cent curtain poles 25a dnring febraary rb jermyn bttqkwoobj theeot tbeboesweod cider praas win ceanlai new on wadaaadsr mm oetciaf and w mtr tuaaday andfnlay dnrifltj tbeaaaaofl aplte rton br dan 1 pretsed after rl j oeloek irdaefiad w bbfkl vdtiabie joufcitlt mni7tn i let tl aerea wlulci abubhfa ship of kim timben jstnt eedar reek and aoft titoniaodoe7htairtdwuln0f ana two eauarairama stab with tea it land 00 oaelvh atatla aaj tjeeao atnetsi with beaeb rflapla vdlaasi party si b or sxabaaga toiotberi pry te alalsoactea oat acton builfjiirk ji notic8 is hank aif as that a t lag of tbe aorebolden dlibe sofulaa atarfitionlumlled will be 1 thtorao ot whfoteyftsmsaa amodibon on taesday we jkoodaaar february at the boaajaf oft efloosxet attenmon- all bbarefteuars at cba are hereby ewdfled toi astead aatfmses relntiontowlnd nuths aatoejaocftw rabmittad asd of mudg tbe r aaaodation an bloe or otbetwlae w htobti i d i frealaenb aotodfany hajl8jjj tontbill koraerle larsaet la r no act e wantnliableea to tea ear rsrsery stock trtviees not a any mab wftb tat eaasaeeaeet taraia liberal eetat mew spedal ties which ire o treat ralaej vhjetaeanoiurtw tabaitna at war dvtrartioalar atteotaen tb tbe r eardr vulaaka inrtabla to the 1 u001 of canada for unas apply to tohb at wklwotoir j j taronto 1- nmcie the geaeral anaroal meatiiirol waluaston hotailhr lajaxaiieec paafrwill be held la the company pflecl ontbe wb cay of febrtjarjtiiext 4 t6tkthvtncttftntmilmaji ttatement4efortbeaaitbs aleeuon toll hfs tbe place cf tbe retiring piieetoa sad any eta jit bustneeaxerimttothenieetlr kifs v by oroc itjrt fc ktnejcbasdljrawohtiaryl aeejpbxtjaauarjl7 j- cjgtj at i have had too much tmitibeee of late i have told or fentdieriasv xr stall of oaelpb lwjnaewbis ayl atue topar netej teatlen tomvfonaer bntfneaa croiperles rbvlslonis four and rawrili wfl find my itock thva oca ia k fashionable cufe i j j 11 that iiat tba kind ot a faefaionable cat thai yoa get 1uoot of oar 1680 taiti ii bat neeaesary tcfteu half the trnth abtmtoaxaf aallam ttl ots hantoi tuerei money in them more money for yon tbaa for oa tber wira njsda with ant tbfngwillbearallthaemphititweoanglveltl yoa may easily dot pfetiwy do better and the chances are yon wont do at well wdrats yoa oabot mhnfles u this b thaiubfmtw delight in it matt be on account ot ujdelightf ul goods we tb lion i pwlnfly thalbantle fiocevb ot ooaha wa assatsaopie aril ao well aware ofi where they ean tee the- largest eeleotion and thabaetvaimln kantla that hmjappaarad afotoat anparflaotdvertotla afsalav wiw laaoat anpernoona hi d to many other lines to talk abont wewerbeforehadaarihaitookaflaantiesuwe had this bid such a run on them at the beginning ot the fall trade jnlpoarirrrst repeat order fwqebmak maiwlks bepeat well oa the way crpeeing the atlantic wajtite and juvi and we- never already broken r the second yoa no doubt have teen the flnt importaliont 00 not tail to saertbe reoeat bv tbe repeals wedo not mean repeats of the tame ttylee at we had atth bawffing of the j d illiamson oo vgflktwootwetheisfll outesnnpv i- d williamson glasgow i- phbeutteir ont ball of others assorted kavy fawra grey ap4 brown in price ringingi qerman agentsat once and ihip by firat ateamer 4x so blaok and the bee the 0wuamsbh cof for6bbayg arxnjj -at- l 1 j j j lsm halftoj make room tor an enormous bpriagstoikwa ulten gooat for lha next 60 days at aurprulingly low prioea which mea 1 cost and away sndaraowi for moat goods j- 1 i j in order not to jerry ojer toy winter ovarootiiagt ot snitinga we iwiu make 0 oder for the next 00 dayt a suit 0 overcoat jor leas money than will porchai clot iand trimmingelaewhere 1 offer i- j any beadymado overeoet orbuit in the hoast and 1 ee for yooraelf wehavetvery kind of cap that is worn- and w01 not relate any reasonable or any of theto- tha auboot 1ialtpioel come in i in ii iji ii- mw ab0at9yiijggopdt tti tewprtosa for s andmyttoekf ypaauaf my nnaxrou conns ubenl patronage in tbe put aoev la futore jj 1 remain yours trilji i j v obk amttrjbfc aeeooste tboae wno ire itdeliftifto otvul te a favor by calling arid ae possible i the 3sbw haa pieaaara la aaoonnbbwtoj aetna and vidaltv thai mbasj rangatnenfa toopenaew jfeat building renuywted at tbe l ana main stnttabyas oor4 r keai tuaadaj- moinlnxtodliitarau ot ed toa otvi fresh mejiytywlyrttv wmbropenedj tbe be quail tyahyta having bad expeiiasefa b the tmihiisi t oaaf i aware all who favor me with qwfrjwaars etrgre i aiflffgftlti a iij csav price paid few po bhai parttea hiving cattto i tosearaaatafl 4llijutva ofxt the matter attar of tha zsbtla of oeorai iim vea n6tiob is hereby atv m of chapter ffo the onantjof ballon fanaer on or aboat tbe nh dair of are required to deuverdrto to afsaere bigger- cbamberautlvolf of waatwortbbou- aald cfty of batosofattba property of tbe said de 1mb day of february a asd deacriptlona aad olars of their wia adj ofit any bald by them tad 1 that mentionod date tbe aald ada- proceed with the dlitribotiaa s the estate of tbe nid dedaaeeo only to tba cialmaof which notice j been received lad thlt tavaaidi will not be liabla for 1 tbereafeo dlibribated fe of wboafe claim notice recsltktattoetiaiaef aaehd biq0ab4lee 8onettbrafotaal can i 3500 malldr j l al ltt jj i the oanadlan literary the filth half raaxry uu for tba winter of tbkof smci rcaur anwriaai old aad family hagiilm ia rplndid prliea w mediae ta the gm ont ot fatten eoatalned wlllibe gh tathegreateatrrtual j lljiturin annmmroiamjiiaasi hading in a list of not leaattbaii ltowhdawffl receive a valnautpreaeotmaumtitam w arand bewaitlj3ia dead t lobewardt amssj2s s wssirartvabaaat n bbsmivr f waiuatoslis i gward tb tula grand literary bnmpktluoa u ai l jjewordamoitde conr mna in tnwordithi rowst asd moat be imlyt ffbtat oiiabsdeel r becknone of seat ltbeworuamsstov aa- pwanasjr j colruanrr forlnataaeet l tbarejabuto order of merit be numbered ajaftrsti bsss xn tolknriiii nuanmu mw -snxernlrlwa-iale5wor-

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