Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 28, 1892, p. 3

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1 yi 1 fl i the methodist gtturcr aoton rev jotjiph edde j kto rirtotugelvi owsravtnee rmlir venice lfl3imsti4fij3pm bandit rvonl t hit1trilocti3sete4bylhe rlor auoortliilty invited ktrtttgrt ia4 visiters always weleotus at- fsuvsottur itthedoof bank ofi hamilton hfiidomas hattoltok ctmtxi tltd tt itrsesvsfrkn tfluxshlx cuitm acixir gto boxes a t woon a iv lit georgetown agency sottiaiircaiited ana advances mide oa cl tatuble ssesriues tlturri oa til parts ot cis- unt osttir stitks otut utitux 1ks liltojco mcdoki h b steves ast citmns ootiscneics mh e oa til iccesslble polau oa svtvqs pkpatttukxt dcrotm fvl of 1 sod npwirds tad ta tnst iiled rem date at deposit to- dauqf specuii deposits also roetvl it esrrt ot ntt ot interest ko ooti of wltmrswll rwrnfi t withdrawal reqalrsd j msov ageat note bargains n t 5s per uuire just think 24 sheets of paper for sets envelopes sets per pack- age 25 envelopes- fair qual ity for sets school bare school books anything the children require for school l found g hvnds sign of the big wtteu geo hyndsagt ont rc cf art jjrte ress thtjrsday jtary 28 18821 mxxle locijtbrieflets which ctuht thti eyes or ears of frso press bepohers this week vote early this morning i- fine winter westber this week the jsnosry this n of hort dur ation the election tody promises to be ipinted one t esquaswg show will be beid on the to tad 30th sept there have been numerous samples of eaaher the put tnk trgaelphs death rtie lut year tu 03 higher than tint of toronto the skating rint project ess fallen throagh for the preserit season when the coal fire pes oat us tare tmrejthtt it useou morning a seriesof reek eight services will commence ii knot chorea shortly a 6 ot toronto ice mes will com meat to cot on harveys pond this week hsltoa teschers association will meet in convention t milton todsy nd tomorrow a tesmteting will be held in the brick ckcroa second line an wednesdsv even- infi 10th fehmsry est eb coos acton preached in thebsptist chareaisnndsy mornins benjetosrn herald i tb taoinotneter ijegistered 10 below sero tfleisioiht a wis down to 20 jiietwsujoefare j the pit hss pot on s new dress of type now presents s very hsndsomesppeszsneej mts hsrriet smith third dsoghter of the reaoied lsort secord died tx gaejph ust weefcsged jj yenrs the itillon ouanpicm deems it worthy of notiae thst st s osaqaet in kuton list weit the touts werjo drsnkun wster the lewiihtsryof the hethoditt sondsy school tu ojjened um sandsy there is s tpteoaaiouettton of boofcsi the ipecid serriee to the ifethodut charch wkich hsre beei la contemplstion for toaa time will be ebramecoed next ifoodsy evening 1 mrs peter anderson ttbo hss been tnfiering for the pssi stzmoeihsj died isst fridsy morning the focersl pn sjstanlsy m isrgely sttendoi- j fortyseven citizeo were drugged be- fore thebxsntfdri police ifsgichtte the other morning ehsrged with neglecting la clesn the toot o5 th stdewslks ueurs alex snd john b braos twio brother 4iei in gaelph list week witiia s few hoars of escb other they were highly esteemed yuaag men i thit hesr is prowiing sroend eria iiin ko leu in sathority thxn oar chief hsgistrste ui its trscks in the snow on the firm of mr robert atlsn nt line on sitordsy at the benqact of the sons of scotisnd in hilton isst week there spoke or sing in if pp s judge s sheriff s eoanty crown sttomey s clerk of thelcrowo s division coart clerk sad faar ministers sir wiljiem flsnkhu porchuel the fi mree psrtof lot 24 in the first con- cestioa of esqaesing ram adsrn cook there ii s comfertshle hoosa on theplsce sod mr pjinfc will mpve into ft next pfiifr i i ret g b cooke wjli deliver s lectare in st johns charch rockwood this even- ic on thi sabject of tempersnce rilt- tive ur the bud of hope movement the meeting is ander thej saspiees of the wctl j i trttt week so emprjee ia one of the jpx esisuishments oopetei n rf tnoity beloogidu to bis employer on fridsy night he skipped the town snd wis foujwed to georgetown fsc thst sll trsce of him u lost gaelpt jltraay the hoaakforest cepitktlacc iu seteuyesrold isst week f close sttea- tuo to bsine snd cssefal obodoet of his psper mrr j a lsmbert the wuuswske pawithef hu tnsde tie hrprtkolfilik t welojm weekly visitor if msny home the erin jdnrau bm been resorrec- mhyur wiliismhalt it sppssrrf ust week ii s complete new dress of type mad is now cue of the nesiet ioarosu in the aoautry if nioceelinj usoes spprosch th etcejiecce of the fist namber nndsr the lew msnsgeaientjth adwm l i oomcind s wide prestige- the concert by the sopoiiua con- oert co ouier the snspw of baa sootlsod ust frinsr sti f wu wended the progrsn tot m hsraljbp to tuhighetsndsrd the oaput poiised aef mcksbt ptwtav snd hit booteb y wu the best psrtu m thg nets at home mostly of a ttooal chsrstter snd evsrjr ttim tntereitlne the vet- mbfie ctaot a metting of the boird of traitees wis celled fir moudsy evcnitir st so to con sider the msttcr of the proposed new baild- ing snd pcthsps sdrsaoa the mslter s step only chtirmin tynds snd messrs moliui sod coake snd the stcretsry pat in sn sppcsrsnn fcnd it 8s the members who hsd come loft tot thet holbef ths thilr- mso htsjcslltd the members at the botrd to moot in the school gwuads oa ifridsy stls0pm luaelag on stellht ry ttd sccident occurred in st csthsrines en rstardsy which msy hssalt in the deslh of alfred ilegg the tenyesr- old too of mr willlsm begs the boy wit riding on pttsiug ileighs whejnby soma mesnt ho wis cither knocked down or fell ander ti horse feetfsnd received s severe kick on the hesd which crashed the stall bsdly this ibould be s turn uifi to actoa bo ubo ludalgo in the dsngeroas prsctice tfte ltttst lctp i4r fresfc an lathority ou prevsiling ideu in fsthion uys all the girls sre ssving their love letters diligently now in hopes to secumaltte enough with wliich to piper their bedrooms it if reslly quite the litest snd most tpproved form of will decoration hwjr aikcr the dsdo q lha envelopes snd the gcneril decorstion of the letter fhets- yonng men ill fteita write only on one side of the letter psge sftec this iiitmeffsxther sad tue very msek ink u tfatj tfel c mote srttstte rite coiicontl the coooty coaoeil met lit the coort uoose kfilioa ontaesdsy forklrginirsttoa thetirst buiinlsswu the election of wtx- deu for the yesrl qc robertson reeve of milton received th aasminoas vote of the council forytis office tnd his election will be eminently tocepubie to ill mr d w cstnpbell oonnty tressurcr wis elected c p r director on bedsit otythe foanty the stiudingcommittees wenitrack tad the asuil routine baunest trusicted sfter ich the meeting idjoarnfd sla of sn etrly seltler the reraiinsof the lite gebrce wsltcrs were interred in fsirview cemetery on mondiy mr walters died st the home of bis diagbter mrs i mckinnon george town on siturdiy he bid rtiehed the sdvtdced sge of k3 esrs snd 10 months mr v liters wu one of the oldest settlen of the section sud cime to acton theesr sfter the mckenzie rebellion iu 1839 he settled on the fsrta now occupied by his sop john on the first coooessioo mr wslters left actoo s few yesrs sgo snd hu since resided with hrs mckinnon zetrers o the free press the following tetters were received in the time mill on siturdly 1on will find enclosed 100 for the fkte pncts for soother yesr i bsveto think yotf for the promptness ind regalirity with wbich the piper srrives list yesr we received s copy every week witboat fiil atatilysboat six diys sfter pablisstioo yours kindly n m vsnooaver city bc enclosed pteee find c2 tmount 6f yoar scoonnt for printing wis mach pleised with the cirds ind most cordislly tbsnk yon for yoar promptness yonri sincerely cjd toronto kw items sudpllsdbvi i pandtinti and ttirehsjrissu crewson8 corners a cmo of oooildorsuls ntentu to leople ot this vicinity wis settled st the isit tittlug of the ulvitloa ooatt st actoa ths cssa wu between john dennett sad r nickcll sad over co cords were de stroyed judgement wis gtvtti for nlcklin tor tco li j the snnail tettnteung of i ho tfilha iia church wilt be held next taesdiy evening ia sdditiou to ihoaiatl tes thcro will batpoeclin itid the ptooeedlugt will be interspersed with mtulq by acmn choir i the miton work la the cat it no finish ed yet ths qtr took iu maa to toronto to do tome work thtre i severs of oar altueas sn working with ths otr in toronto vlood is coming in pretty fresly to the kilas only s limited jamtllf will be tsken hopever durlnt th wf tj k mef rd hid 15000 fire oa sfondsy looai tt irt msklng dprsd rtvsgei in chill bico ittles topper s down wlili ths la quasi rv ctitiosi sir frldty cum a sparceou ft ssia in soadltlaa ro hut fridsy evening the tiacy dress csmivsl took plsce oa tha rockwood ifcit- ing rink sud wu well ittendsd the ice wssiagood osaditloa sad ths asnd far ciished ia leoepuusprogrsmais of muiic the following irs the prise wiaaert best drauedisdy mlit k blrschsn best dressed igeatlemsn r mitchell gueiph oamlo gent a pike comfa iidy miss jennie mcphsil aotoa j isdy tkstsr miss hc stsluim actoa best dressed gent adder is yesrs j wright tsacy tktlsx ia costume mrs j l ftyan aatoa the two mile rice wu woo by ji kelly of actoo lesding t gsrstsng of roekwood by three ups a camber of gaelph tad actoa sisters were present sndj wees well plesssd with the eveaiags events ottswsi there teschers depatj joha csrling wui igiia oppose 4 eymsnioxoadoa oakville mr h p mccrsney of vsuooaver b c forhielyv oskville wulut week elected sn aldermen ot the citycoancil mr tbos niibet willlesve thortly for s good position in winnipeg messrs p doty goa hive sold thetr bssket basiaess to the oikville buket co the snnivertsry services of the metho dist charch oikville will be heldoa san dsy snd mdadsy jin 31st sad feb 1st thst sermons on sandsy will be presched by rev wo kettlewell sn old israelis snd former putor ot the charch c w anderson hu parchtsed from t c hsgsmsn the oteville tent snd tir- psalta works snd will in ill prabeaility iaaresse the oatpat ot the fictory mrs m smith sad miss ifiry andersoa sre visiting friends in pslmerston w t mtrlitt is enjoying himself imoog thei flowers in ths tauny soatb while us critters here sre shivering sad tasking with his highness mr cold ar milton 4m otymmrf a fratcraxj viit the fifteeiith snaiverssry of the orgtni- zition of acton lodge ioof ko 204 wu celebrsted in in ippropriste snd inter esting nutnner list wednetdsy evening about s dozen of the brethern of erin lodge csme down to psy s friternsl visit snd pirtiipste in the innivertiry after spending s conn le of hoars in the lodge room darimriwhich time s csndidste wis fnitisted intcj the mysteries of theoraer the brethren vere invited to the home of bro i frindis where s sumptuous repsst including oysters snd the vsrious delicscies oftbeseuon swsitd them the ltdies of the loesl brethren were present snd sdded very miteritlly to the comfort sadl enjoyment of sll who were preteot speeches were msde by p gs fnoein williims ind mclsm of acton md dd gm mcmorris ind pgs csmpbell snd hilloy of erin tongs ind recititions followed ind the bretbern pi the three links pirtd feeling thst the evening hsd been ene of real plessnre snd profitsble inuropurte actan lodge wis instituted in 1877 snd brouthot kennedy j h brown junes kicklinthos hcimpbell jos allm j d winlow d d msou snd i frsncis were the chirter members bro frsncis is tbe only member still s resident ofactdn the aricallutal societies the snnnil meetings of the msny agn- caltnrsl societies were held list week hilton societys treuury showed receipts of i2j909g snii diebarsements dfs2ci70q lesving s biliflce on hind of 73 with no sotting ljsbilities nnpsid tbe follow ing officers were elected president e dixou lit vice w alwrence ind vice w n scou secytreis wm clements directore j stewirt abrsm stsrk tnd john t elliott of eaaesing john mcdoapsll snd george bunby of trefilgir r b orrsnd wm hsrbottle of kelson md a c mcuillta snd ju- keid of kussgsweys anditors i h mecoliom snd johnson hirrison in ei4aesiog township the receipts were 837 10 tbe bslidce oo hind 558 tbe following boird ij directots wis elected president d little vice free d lsid- iiw geo hirdy a brown a keiwn r c mccalloagb r login j l wsrren w wood r a cmpbell w h gtlbrsitb auditors d mckenzie j ju leslie i at tbe mnatl meeting of the kussgsweys agricultarsi society held in the tawu hill brookville tbe following officers were elected far the pretentyesr president john ctnate vice pre ju erwip pirectors wslter elliott jsmes reid wm uredge wm moore m mo- millin r- gillies ames norrish j h anderson tbos wilton auditors j mc- phedrsn snd j a wstton the bosrd elected a c mcmillsn secretsry-treu- orer list fridsy morning s coapu of the fssc yoang men of town might hire been seen comipg home sboat foar oclock ifler s trip to georgetnwa snot elsewhere dragging- home shsftleu eatter they bsd been oat for s isrk snd it wu so es peotive one for the good nstared neighbor from whom they bsd borroced thejfiome snd cutter tbey were evidently tim befuddled to know wbit hsd become of tuehorteor to csre either for the owner wu obliged to go off slpue to sesreb for his lott property he found the horse in fo j ooaple of hoars bsdiy nsed ap srita the eatter snd fairness likewise the fym bste not yet been msnly enough tooflerpsy for the dsmsges they in- earrw or svea to spotagizeror their con- daet m w bro john ross robertson grind mister grind lodge of ciasds visited 8t clsir lodge no 1s5 gbc oa i mondsy ifternooa msay ot ths brethern were present to hesr bit lectare mr john pecoon who went to brsadon ust augast csme home list week tore ratio until spring ho uys he likes the northwest bot doesnt lite its winters the noted fisk jubilee singers will give s concert in the methodist charch milton mondsy evening feb 1st judge kingtmill delivered sentence oa j a csrrjqae convicted ot common stuult on miss ltwrence snd imposed s fine of 10 snd 10 costs j joseph brown the yoang rata convicted of ittempting to rob sad pointed s pistol it mrs louis kennedy et georgetown got oft with three months in jsil st bird tibar iocpnnderstion of s certificita of prerioat good chtrscter hiving beea receired by tbe court from s wellington county firmer with whom the prisoner bid worked for some mouths chamjuan first meeting of the county coancy wu held here on taesdsy jkmss gptlghti died fa trelsnd t ittuaoas empe or wllllim ot qarmitiy wu si yesrs oil jostcrdiy arohb shop tsohe oc ifsaltalis it isfd ar ia be with llltimt the iaetieo rojril commtttloa it to meet fa loll next week mr m ircler hu decided to fight to s flo 1th ia qi bso it ill costs firllijaent will meet for bailaets tt febrasrf sil t sgrest destlli ot pablic school a ths northwest minister of agrfcaltartt lowe left far lnglindjist week hoa chirlet f prtuosi mty of teak is to be ruted to if s roysi highness option byisw wit detested st kit week by s3 votet joha cirtrsm is the sole oonapsat of brintfot county jiil juit now elissv ittsrd it anqtrirtt ttssgfasw rged with hiving five hatbindsv poojibi in tfbersj sis strongly urging ths retlrei sent of mr mercier from pablio lite ths mliing md lumbering ctmps sroand sadbary tjrs lit btdiy sbrioksa with ths rrip jothat oreria it home serious between h troops absby in s folding bed brother mr loda a mscdoatld coatervstirs wis reelected m victoris county ks taesdsy hoa jifcies mcshsne his been elected nd yesr of the rasydfsltty of thsrsak a iocs bleahelmj tor s ec moatresl bcvertl ceorqetown tie fire company wis reorganizod on sstdrdsy night the fisk jubilee singers bid s rather slim crowd st their concert oh taesdsy evening election matters were to blame and not the merit of the company who sre even betterihan of yore a feeling is prevalent amongst our citi zens that our grocers sre not as generous in their prices as the grocers of the neighbor- ing towns comparing the ads in tbe different papers of the county i find that at least oh the one article of sugar there u just cause for complaint will some one arise and explain ac alarm of fire about 330 snndsy morning called out our citizens in a hurry the firewas in watkint store curk house block cause unknown but for some time it looked as if eien an unknown cause would be followed by disastrous results waterworks backed by our sturdy fireman without a doubt saved the entire block it was a practical testof oar water system and proved beyond the shadow of a dsabt its thorough efficiency loss about 300 on building and stock ko insurance on stock i am told btitsin oysters frait peeusuid confectionery st t bohisniws grocery d btirtoo lds will lnsernsi t 6 ind t per set for next thresmotitbs extraction free bpecui care fttsisti to nlbuofimmtiiews block atou erin tbe townships clejkvi salary this year will be 170 assessors 90 collectors 90 tbe erin skitiug rink is in good running order rev w h grihsm visited friends at st marys lut week rev john bill gave an address st a tec- meebng st gtenwilfiauts od mondsy night the annul meeting of the erin branch bible society was held lut thartdiy st 730 pm in the methodist chttrcb ths sgent rev b byran clergyman of ths english charch tad resident ministers addressed ths meeting the vtlltgs officers tiliries hire been fixed s follows clerk fifl assessor ind collector 185 tretiorar 110 andilor smlli2 i i j eleven membeitocccedit lodge l00f paid acton lodge a friternsl visit iuf wednesday evening- tbeyrspbrl hiving spent svery pieuanleaosj judging from the following from the moaot forest repruenlalik the lite adni fait tain hu not beea firmly etued u to his call to ths 2000 popolition town fn ths north of the county editor clirke who is movrng the erin xawafc pltnttopti merttaa wis fa town fridsy to lee whether this place offered any better inducements to a printer sboat his size thinpilmerttoc after looking sroand b decided ha would be happier ia ths railway town ibut bars messrs ed tolton arch hodoagsll and arab mclesn fogatberj with tha reeve and cleric esoffiears wers ppoptsd a locsl board ot health for ths township tnd a h mckinnon m d jnediasl hssjtjt oberadvaitf jsatummrei srtistfcj ovetposu while oat bi ions william of nine dsytf friday sac mccsxthy dncle siln 300000 for likes michfgin for like od aid j k tuits or troosers should call st b a- t nloklins tear yete and- ijiflaeifei arorespectf ally requested for ai your beproacnutivo la tha hiiflse 8f gomfnans of gariada i will faithfully discharge thp dutfes ot the rjespontiblo position aad do my umbsj to guard your interests election thursdy rn 2sh cahow sged 103 hssjatfgot sck ot ths grip in his michigtn engagements hive taken plies bel tribes in tribolitnd tarkith in philsdelphift wss tafiooeted by its seveayesrld 1 severe shocks of asxthqdiks were felt s rome fridsy night a pskis wu causei the mi rqttis of lome hu got ths vsctnt tin care u governor lad constable of wlndso cutle one day lut week there wu the in precedent number of 1s7 death notices in the loudoi times the poai f ftty of ths dachas ot fits tncceeding to the sjrooe csaiet much comment ty engu mr g charged wii leased orsll itislikelrthsthuki ted for behi sdtng u ing crimiai is in getmiay it it fesr d a million dotisnidvtii of cittle wilt i a lott on tha ranches of texul daring thff i kent cold spell the gear hu ordered the constcstfaa of wheat heu iy russian specalstbrtif tbey refute to re st a ftir price tha newfoabdlind govajramant praising the imperial governmont ssaotioa the rstlfiesfloa of the fresty the united states negotiated bl- mr bond in 1890adurfies that bars oa noatluar deuy in order thst the tceiiy msy psss the dnftsdstffas congress mforijllt tth lord kuuuford whoil tbs ii secretary for ths colonies snoesrs to reluotant to move in the matter the dasd body ot robert stevens th suadard bank clerk who wulmyiteribdi- ly absent from his home sod fitnily- all last week was fonud in higwpirk suodiy he bad committed taioida by ahootingi- dyspepsia tntense suffering for symrtbei stored to perfect betuk few people lure stilcred moie tererelr from dyswjwlx than hr e a i cmshou 1 well known rjoccrdltiauiou vi hesiys befaro 1kj i was hi excellent he ilth welgl tag over jjjnottlifisi in tlutyeu snillidcnt developed into acute drtpels mi soou i wis reduced to 12 pounds siuterpsliiiraui intense tensuuoai fn lie stoaucbl palpitation of jthe heart nausea tad indigestion i could not sit en lost all hcirt n my work had flls of miuciioihi tor days at a tune i would havej weieos- fciih i rcameidorom sullen snd irrluwe anct for eftht years ufawxs a burden 1 tried nuuy iihytlctuis aid many remcdies one da a workn i tit sartap it bad wife at sla i ahotila terrlule ceased ray rermg to be siked to obntributs in tnnuii subsidy of 250004 towards the ctciditn fast mail terries sir geare btdenpowell ths british bering sec nmmittioaer arrived at new york from sngftad mondiy yoang tat ies st a church social at pur- and hicbi m kissed all the men at 2 cents each result scsadsi lschlsn 1 cscoonsld of gaelph brother of the iste heriff micdoasid of goderich died satard y night aged 93 connolly 3ro have jutt got a cheqaa for 3200 1 from the government oa account of 1 liogston dry dock clarks j wellery store at tweed wu robbed ot k watches clark shot one of the two burj isrs bat they escsped bafftio re irchsnts iro petitioning con gress to hu the bsrley daty plsced st the old rats if 10 cents per bushel a little fe low nsmed montgomery wu fatally scale id by fslling into a psil of boiling wtte near onogiville hut week mr otto clotzrsf ter a continaoos service of 53 yesrs bu jast resigned u trustee and treuon r of the preston school bosrd stephen j ibertloog aged 1 waa sect- dentally she dead near hamilton fridsy d shooting witji two compsn- 8 years employed by me sajjested tnsli i j h rtlu ul eared bis dysfieiu tsklnsthe whole of anew urn tie i to silssvstd been tublected ehir jqhstded let tutiita peareh my jthret tyitem began to toneitfbsarctiiriiibg scuvityof y before idle was taken icd my former weight i f tinoday well and l ie hoods esrunutlis if yoa decide to take hoods saris- 1 do not bo induced to buy tar other arsaparilla r s drasglftt ft stx tar is l hood t oo jtpolhci doses one o the ftlghhi house before bjemoyetl j t1 cabperi greatly reduced 8weepebg they rembmbbborom other makes of o0h8et8 of tobbetsr thomp86n mmmssamamsmsssssst ooiuiuii iidii rxtcr shall not be excetlep by any hi oakapa for beautty 8tyle8 fashions qoawtie8 anp cheapne88f 25 paoksges of new fl week oonsisllng of 2 btllea brussels carpets- 8 rolls coca mstting 1 esse chrittmas fancy goods 1 tase oorsst containing 00q paoksges o pint snd needles i esse btankeu 2 ttt cortiin poles 3 esses osttonsdes sbirtlngti colored canton flsnnelt etc please enter the stores by the door next tbe new baildiag many make do not get into the rlgbt honsev i 1 i t- m nstarsl sserflieft snrton sn english inventor clsimt to h ve jsteated a gun that will revolationizt world hon edwkrd biskacoactadedhis speech the artillery systems ot the in the oonmee cue atottawa tru tucoearied by dalton proposes to spend nearly two revenue jcatters one for sod superior and one itio stewart of ottawa for many yesrs an a tive temperance worker hu been tppoi ted proviociil inspector of licences in p tie of te lite j w manning read the wrinkle weiedkoav jan 20h 1892j htvent we kept faith with yoif haveot we given yea the biggest bsrgsins yoa have seed in all the trade of gaelph we uk the handreds who have reapedlfae fruits of oar great winter clearing tale since its commencement on jtnaary ludtdiay whether the bargains we have given them havent been bigger and better svea than we advertised why we couldnt have mentioned every item or chut of goodiij thit wearepusbing out the fact is the thing bu gone ro well thit rainy lines that we hadnt at first thought of ft rciog oat hive joined in the general carnival thit it the reuon why after 10 days if unpre cedented selling the attractions are as great and is vtried as ever mean to let the excitementgodon fresh hues ire teing reduced id price line thats advertised is sold out better line and make it take its pi ask yoa to tike s look sroand then come to oa and see if wa dont do kndif oce wa take a lace vfbi hati better than youve seen eltewher literally pelted the trade with and the great public his fully realized the genuineness of our promised programme of inofred ji all women w ic these senllbjle glrlt hesr ing to much lshoot the w it lerful idvsatagsa of utlng baolight f m p bare rnsolved to ass it next wuh 8i y sncl are reading lbs decor ations ori th v rapper la order tbst they may know i n to do a wuh without jurd kjttbbiti and witboat boiling tbs ljolothet it d f g wubidtj powder they sti7ful tnojcdttas ospftfl for bve 4awg o do 1 winter sports for tho bilmwof this iveekw want to mention specully about 18 stor n colhut at about hslf price 2 beaver and 1 astrschm csps at is greatredaction 31 long boas it from 104 to 3 worth three times tho uioney- 2 loug bear boas at ilouthsifprioe 37 attrscbm muffs at ram j 160 300 worth u 00 to 700 8 biltio seal bear sable md muffs abont half price beiatifal beaver mafsj vefyl i childs grey lamb sat at a astgaln 8 heal caps one third off ii beaver csp much below prfce 2j choice persian lamb capk at hilf price wa htvs never sold one third fart in one wiutec as iu this prices away below the ratrket aud goods choice in the mantle room 15 00 to 15 jackets price running from 25 00 redaued to 10 00 esoh 03 jackets of all grade sthoat one third off the price 4g long coils awfully oheap tujid sysryj thing- in the mantlo room si prlcss 4 14 psrafvs1 t weti bargains possum phesp umanr reuon e r bolleilt h 2s 27 iiowr wyndhjim etjilsra rty oxygenized emulsion of pur for saie by laboratory all druqcists morojito i a

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