Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 28, 1892, p. 4

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h v 1 i 1 fftjf 3rtctt jfrcr jrcss ijiritmiayjincalvy s isp2 -j- t i getting jfolfcs fixiitr luniuitifs cinttkas i7wkd ii vvr kuiurl wrm lo tlj- rupvtl 1 i lr r tlillluiiis rii- w l ri lfm mil sail dee lnlimll- aloee ll to c n conie jnilc auj fiadic d the in hat rcul co joti rfrtmw nrw lulcm llir real tuni tlal 1 imito tuitl lt ttiullit cjllr lanio aadatuall ciriftlua 1 batt 1 lueircd aolilea ciinttiuaalljlwxlim of nil j 1 tfcr oufatbtolied tls k1j toclj lick tcvl ttj lirid up fc hands tq tktcbl u ink oi mather kcmrt hlmttjt lrr rujtcm willi alr twllt lliat iftm tommys grpt invention iw svit it ft new srtv to make iiiikc imor mid rtimy as he ctru m from tin- worthed with a little kt in i is hand im frrg to invent intiptsr5rftvm1tmat- i sjise then oull invent a jackknife tlut v l lost atd aockct that will ir n w r oat nrl golf patch that can w i- l fir rclty si cents timi ilnt halfihrar being very busy ith lu little hoi wh wu hke if lot my invention ilcl pitrrfsiid u- at laat ive pot i rll iel i n jit oie little point its a ii- trip oe hre he cocoes looking fr his h i j r aid heres a sort of little fil u 11 1feie aid cheese and he smells tii- tlnvse andkrrrr4jng round till 1 sisit itiithea ip he goc at this 1v an 1 ij coatee pe little door and lierv t mr vcus1 lofaifs lots better thin a vt why of course til fuid vucle piter itll ncwr acfatch tbe baby or drink out of the milk run or keep folks awake in the tight i can see its bitter than a cat and ill make a ugger one for rata and iy i gvvlid one for rabbits and mty- tcacrrtaininienreoneforbetrs wouldnt thatksiliudid i sioou think so cried incle teter i etf i aie another look at this great iti- vi iu l- of yours hcrv he goes into this hole ird fjp toinrs tlie little door thats lilt cay isnt it hilt wlrm flops the little do- well 6iti tominy dondy yon know i sill there was jntt oiie thingi liadnl got ho vol y im thought and tried and i cant saiii to find any way to flop list little dorr wht i the tuejse gilca in bat im not gxrc t live np on aeooiint of a httw nlat- ir like thio twa if i iavc to- sit behind the o1ujs and flop i myself iveav mr leiitlttoc m hisvftirrkrtt cives pin y inttances of mittakea made by rtpclers through ignorance the first is jhit f a stenographer who rrtdo lorj carntrvca fay that in these days clergy men re expected to hate the wisdom and learning of a journeyman tailor jeremy tatlr cf course in another case the isle john bright was spoken of as the cimecoek icveid of the gamaliel of birmingham and in a third reference was made to those beotiful line of bis hop hbor taotstions hare often had sad hioemi5e of them asirhet one reporter tnrced in heaven yclept ecphrosyce into in heaven she crept aad froze her knee and when another made baron dowse cite as tennysons the line better fifty years of karope than a circa ta bsinbiy cycle of cstfcav perhapathe funniest mistake dee to the reporter was made tsheathe words kissed her coder the silent itars were itrtntformed into kicked lier under the cellar itaira the indistinctness of the copy scpplied to the compositors is retponsiwe for u aojoticj bioridernow and then daring the sora- mer of ltxi the bishop of stasaph referred in the coarse of speech at some focctioa in his diocese to his youoger aod rasher days bat the lootl paperi reported him as having deplored bi younger and masher days tee most troublesome rnan or woman in the church is not theruielyoatspokeoone cor yet the chronic grumbler and objector nor jet the perpetual critic and fault finder nor ye the churci gossip bad as they are they are dot so had as the man or the woman whose nervous irritability or indittitrvd lets there constantly on the lookout for slights and intuits which were never intended nor giin and applies every thoughtless remark every word and deed that is tsfjahle of inappreciable inter- prttiuou to limself or herself and is coo- ettntlj- being hurt offended insulted aod threitiii to leave the chnrch yen von cin icikrcely crook your finger without giving some people offence take a charit able view of your fellow beings if yon are treated coldly and cantionsly instead of kindly it is becanse yao are not frank ted generous irs uspicioas life takes its huts from the color of your own mind dont be easily proroked be slow to take offence keepcool soon firesooo ashes korgiie injuries to err is homan to fcrgiie divine fitlfyincsr flood deeds usee the good deeds done by that unequalled family liniment hagyariis 5ellow oil duri the thirty years it has been held id f leriiicreisiog esteem by the pvbhc would fill yutumc we cannot here enumerate all its good fluidities but that it can be relied en as a care for croup coughs colia sore tfcrost und all pains goea without say ing j wormi calte feverishoeee monping tni reueobidoring ilecp mother drcves vtorm liter mioetor is pjeadt enre m tfitectctj ifyoar drncit hta done id eot ft him to proenre it foryou ifv notes here and there itarn of qri rmtit tot ffh tatjsli6rt tue llest jkathorlttr gnujdttljo cstwii trot orw i4 other sgrcx that catarth is not a loot but a constitutional disease it therefor ro quire a constitutional remedy liko hoods fiartatrifl ivlitcb atfcctitallj ahd ptr mauentlycufcseatarth thousands praise it hooda pills cure llrecille jattndioe hilifmiineics headache constipation and- all trooblec of the digestive organ old so womin is reallj bcautitul until ahe ic ttioaa intolerably painful and constant ly harming things called piles whlob trouble so winy people are toou healecvby dr thomaa kcleotnc jiltl treat tenia remedy for physical lustriae and meaut of telievitir ralna a vey mall ijuantity achlevet results of the most grati fying kind moit women are anitltious they want to be men a irvuiit kciiilt dam sirs two year ago i wt very ill with jmudioe i ad tried maoy medicine which did me no ood until i was advised to try bbb when after using htlt a bottle waf effectually cared cmrlottti m rton klphinstone man sweethearts ait wives are entirely dif ferent women nothing fo suddenly obtrpctt uie pera piratinn as saddi u transitions from heat ojcoidj deal rarioes the blood qntcjna the circulation and increase the perspira tion- but when these are suddenly checked the consequences must be bad the mott common cwute of disease is obstructed per spiration or what common rfciee by tha name of eatchtut cold cough colds sorehroat etc if attended to io time are easily subdued bat it allowed to run their own coarak generally prove the foraroaaec ol more dangerooa di nintoths of the consumptive data their affliction from a neglected coiav and lb6 diseaaea that are caused by wet feet damp clothe or exposure- are more numerous than are generally anpposed one of the moat efs- cacioas medicine for til diwase of the throat and luogtts biokles ajui-orasamp- tire syrup it promote a free and easy expectoration which free the lung from viscid phlegm by changing the secretions from a diseased to a healthy state keep a clear conscience and lead a life void of offence srranlk yelluii oil this great internal and external remedy always allays alt pain it is a specific for croup and- promptly cures coughs colds sore throat sprains bruises barns rheu matism cute wouods etc good for man or betst islands all tests sold every- where price 2j cents hagyarda yellow oil i worcen are apt to criticise women with undue severitv porest viftlts oo alcn aisausiavume i pt3tp2ijcacwiyiiiriaat hi yearsuflerliii dear sir l was troubled for six year with erysipelas and two bottle of bur- dock blood bitters entirely cured me i keeobb b constantly in the house and think it an effectual cure for all disease canted by bad blood ifxk il dowkktt portland ont a woman is seldom prosaic until she is some mans motherinlaw the third jpage of the toronto daily mail is noted for want advertisements if you want to boy at sell anytnnjg if you want a tituition a roechanie a busi ness machinery lodgings if you have lost or oond anything or if you want to find out where anyone is advertise in the to ronto daily iiad and read the advertise ments on the third page of that paper the charge is two cent a word each in sertion address 7ie hail toronto can ada to keep jour own 6ecrtt is wisdom to expect other to keep it is folly mi fnfiamniatifjn of the kjescartd jacob i miller newbary writ i wts tronbled vith inflammation of the zyee to tfait darine nearly tbe whole time of the sammer of 1802 i loon id not wort took sverajbtte6 of northrop lymni vegetable ditoovcry and it fiivefl me great pleunw to iuform you thttit cured me of my affliction it in au excellent medicine for coetivenecr a flirtation id i hash p day a cry to- morrow and a quth every day thereafter surprise f5sba wbasbsst cafdfng gfvac tno rmsuf mrs g m young 1 sully street gnpve street- liverpool eng writea that the contents of ode bottlo of 6t jacobs oil cured her of lumbago aftershe bad given up all hope of ever being better j never put irdn or steel bits in a liorsts mouth in frosty weather without first warming thero- they will iake the skin iff the horse tongue am iiuportaiit krleutinljl60itcrv nervilinethe lateit dlfepferedtmlnreme dy may safely challenge the world for a substitute that will asepeedily and prompt- lycheck inflamtcatory aotion the highly penetrating properfie of nerviline make ft nev ifiiliflgji jail caaes of irhesmalisrn neuralgia cramp pains in be back and aide headache lumbago etc it possesee piarkaviunfltio and oeancer irritant iroprt n at ojtce saltfae ll inflatn- patory acttpi brma4 v dng spek weu of kerriline urga bottle j5 try vtw ifl and e tterual paia core sold by all drug- tsnd country dajrs r tfvio klaard uaiaent uttt d fphehtri i tt imjata waar a smtkag fam and lauju our trouble dan fft all our ulus ulals wait j ourlaushtcrorourfrowii itsuiaui tha tusjto ot a smile our dolhl till fade awsy astach iheirtct laearljr iprtue 1 i heoeath the suuur ray it pajs to make a worthy cause hi helping it our own to givy the current ot ourllres a true and noble loue ii tys to eomfort hsavy hoarta oppressed wlw dull dpar aud icara la sorjawlarkoafd lttt j poo fleam of brlgktiitu than it ija toirlreaiisltuxiw band to satxr saruaat routh to nats with all tliett waywanlttaa tuclr eoungo and thotr trutti i to strive wlta irmpth- and lot tusir eonfiitsad to win it iiaj ta lnca wld th heart audletihsuaaullii i ur ii b uckinuau painurrvoaol albert itfii istit lammetj my lyiuai got mprepiale i with tii letdul- lirpuu vuvtised lu ptiauaji my body ovirtd titbj aoarlet spot m larj ti a 85 out piece and i m in molt a sat that i onnld aoarcely yraik r gos i bottl of northrop layman vegcttbl duioorary and at onco commenced taking it la itrj dbsetand beforooua half of the bottle wa used thero wis not a spot to be teen and i never felt better in my life a man life and a horse life ato worth mora than a fo tail cullnden fullurs cistlidirnin 1s88 i wts severely afflicted with gravel of the kidneya frocn which i suffered great pain iwaareoom- maaded to take burdock blood bitter whlcliidtdfiildldggrttrlei tad after taking four bottle can truly any i am cafed and hat not line been troubled i hiiily recommend it j ptttut wt culloden p o0nt- itk life a mtnisfjry ot love and it will alwty be worth living tyfc giuwrt lairdjst stargarou hope ork ney scotland nti am requeated bjrmjreral friend to order anothet ntroej of dti thocnaa eclectrio oil tholuti got frbm yoa having been tcated in several cawjalotbheumatiam has given relief when doctor medicines have failed to have any effeotj the excellent qualitie ol thtt mediaoe should bo mads knownv that ti mlllioas of infferen throughout the world may benefit by it providential discovery when a family that doe not attend church or support the church require the service of a christian minister he should bi compensated for his time and labor culhd from tlicold year lewis s butler burin nfld rheamatutm tbos wassoa sheffield n b lockjaw by sfcllullin chatham out neartlgia c i lsgue sydney c b la grippe in every cito unsolicited and authentica ted they attest lotbe mcriu of ltlfikntr liniment money j not nearly so valuable a char acter for money cannot buy the respect of thoughtful men aud women painful burns bruise scalds and cute re quickly toothed and healed by victori carbolic salve a willful falsehood is a cripple not able ta atthd by itself without another to inpf port it it is easy to tell a lie bat it is hard to tell only one lie ara you deaf or do yoa suffer from noises in the head then send 3 cent stamp and 1 will send a taiaabio treatise containing fall particular for home cure which cost comparatively nothing a splendid work on deafneu and the eat aojlrcporgcajjcacontrej soma folks think that their personal im- portanabfill a largo space in the pablio eye when it is all iu their own coming event coming oousattiption is foreshadowed by a backing cough night weu pain in the chert etc arrert it progrej at ooos by taking hagyarde pectoral balsam whih never fail to care coaghs colds broachfti hoarsene etc and even in confirmed consumption affords great relief never pall a book from a shelf bythe binding the top but by the back if yon want to buy or sell a farm ad vertise in the toronto wetily mail thtt paper reachea 100000 farmer home every week and your advertisement thoald meet the eye of someone who want to par- chase j advertisement of thu cits are a- erted in the toronto wteuy halt for five cent a word each insertion or twenty cents aword for five insertion addre the mail toronto canada always turn leaves from the top with the middle or forfinger oh w a co will you hees to warning ttw tsfaal perhapa of the sate approach of thasmore terrible disease consumption ask yonr selvea if you can afford forjia sake of saving 50c to ran the rlifc aid do nothing for it we knosr from- etpttfaa that shilohs core will cure yonr ooagh it never fails alcohol opium tobacca inddcenopat- nes are ageuciet for haiin raid ppif6d hy four great arcbangelf from lriiof darkness nd death drtaeiooams oxygenized emulsion of pare cod liver oil if you havo difficulty ofbretthing uie it for salo by all druggist s3 cent per bottle how are youl nicely thaala you lajlicwo r why the inteator of wlifett osred ms of cohsuh ptioif 67i ik anki for its discovery that it hoes not make yoa tick what yoa tike ft give ikaifi that it is three times is efficacious as the oldfashioned cod iter oil f give vtht itissach froni ful fleshnrojucer give tvwnhititisfjsrtiiiq for coritumplloii8er0i snneklltt waiuttf bll ealiu cougkt ant caldt berurcvougeitnegenumefnsajnion color wraitper sold by all druggists at roc jnd jioo scotjt bowke belleville wiawpsisi t i4t viii ki- u twrjrv 6i castoria cajmik a it so mtfsdapll in chfldren riat treoonuw idlfmtiipertoraoaiiypnacrlpuoq knltnofle n a atcszx h d fl iso oxford stbrooklyn kt luuneaty reach for infants and children tha ui i of castor is to ualterul tad lumartl awsllanawntltttictfeaiaaweeic of ruptrsi icauoo w endorse it few ara taa aullicenl families who do tut keep castorta vithtoeaavrtaeli mew tort aty outstrf a canioaua ocerfpauon sour stmnaovpitrrtipja crueutwi qua worms tve slsap and y dl- wiiulnurfaus medloatfaa tie sereral year i hae rseomnnoded jour oaatorla and shall always ooounu lo a so as it haa tmartaulr prodaoed msellaul results r eawn f fitntt tf d thnwuithrepiaaietrrtiladwiafo kswrortatr itmlisv cbimhirbworaodcuurca tms currioa ojawjrr tt ituatar flramr ktr tosii te oldest druigstore f- grumubh handsome array elegant goods of cut crass ottsias the very latest designs ladles dressing caabs and manicure sets in erra ootta old lold crlus and peteoek blue bor brushes combs mirrors ta csllalold and hard itubbek whisks far wall podkets perfunie atomizers perfunies oyalltbebestliiisiers sponges bath two o is etc etc v t j corne and see our goods kgsmthco i dispensing chemists g-uelpji- dnjt urdock pills afurccurc fob ituduindu coksvnpaflon ndiacr lokjoizzmcsc kick kcaouci c okcsscs op tkc ttomaci uitr an lowck tkct src ilotkosough 0 r0kft i acnok ko roan avscvaatc aio to luaoo a itnosvlsstrcac k tkc ttcatttca am anoomrinai aomstt ckhokic atftmmci t ild tfia truth acletuma i not llong slnoe observed bona jockey t yiog p take in a gcatleman by imposing apon him a brokenwfaded hone for a tot nd aae the parson taking the gratlemar aside told him to be can tioas of the rx rson he cu dealing with the genflemt i declined tha parclitsc and tha jccluyqa tenet ttedobserred parson i had much n tier hear yoa preach than ta see yoa pri stely interfere in btrgifns betweb mm ind rata in this may well repli d the ptrsooif yjoa had been where on ought to have boea last sunday yea a ight btve heard me pratcit whara wa hat inquired the jociay in the state prison returned tha clergy man eaxstistraox coked 1 an old physioltn rstired firotn prtotji having had placed in his hands by an- east india missionary tha formula of a simile vegetable remedy for tha spoedy tni pit- rathent cure of consumption bronchlns catarrh asthma tnd ththrott tud loljg arlection also a poattlra and radicaj core for kerroot bebility and all nervous oox plaints aftet ntvfag battel u woojfaml co rati vo powers in thoasands of oasea hm fell it hit duty to make it knowu to ill hta saffering fellow actuated by this motifb tnd a dattra to mit hanun luffannglt will sand free of ihtrga to til who datura it thi recipe ia gjrtnan french or englitk with fall direeuoa for preparing ana ating sent by mail by addressing wm tump naming tfalt papar w a norn 20 powers block rochester n y alwty keep yoar place with a thirf boot mark i prompt potent and permanent retails alwty come fronj sfjibarnt awmatic quiaiuo wiae rules for utlne booms never drop i book before a fire never drop book npoothe floor never tarn leave with the thumb never lean r rest apou tn open bolk kevet tarn i own the corners of lexvef eetl jcrlc i theeharact iristio of hoods sariapar ilia and ft ia t itnifested pvery day iu the remarkable c re this medicine accom plishes drag lists sty when we cell a bottle ot hood i santparilla to a new- cus tomer we are e irs to ceo him back in a few weak after m ire proving that the good results from a rial bottle warrant contin uing it use this positive merit hoods 8trbarilia p iisessc by virtue of the pecbjiar com sination proportion and propes used 1 1 t preparation arid by which all the remedikl value ol the ingre dient used is etained hoods serssper- 11 ia thus pec iliar to itself and absolutely unequalled in i t power a a blood purifier tad as a tonic i ir building up the weak tnd weary and giv in nerve strength at freeman worm pow den as hey tot only on h worms tnd do not injure ha child r give a young man plenty of money wine and fast horses and satan ha no anxiety aboacthtt man ho ceases to watch him and only give directions for hft recaption wiett baby wa let we pavo her giuiiorfa wain she was a till j k cried for ccitorla when she becerr i hiss she cluue to tstorr whenaoebadqi ilrco she gave theacastorla always place before opening largo book on the table boots si des we hsve just re elved oar fall stock of bdqt and bh e from the best manu- faotarers in hintdtanddefyoom- i petition n either quality i stj la or price canada is befog ngntatld ayerysrhere on tha excellence of her manufacture art blamed glass it procoiuenlly in the front rank of her improvements thinks to ifcctasltnd son of toronto who for io year hart labored not only 0 tocami- lata money bat to make stained and orna mental gkas of kit kinds t credit to he dominion never touch t book with damp or soiled hands gbrand cletiriit for 3d days willoffergreafcbar- gaiqs -in- irlahtle and wool- goods purs overcoats ly jreduoed- no realonaleofler refused itgreat- prloes ku press lull expressls jtpai brprraa tjai hail i- 6 osptu mtl il 6 iamogr4 oo pa mud u 10 u jj tu or ctetixn kail ootaj wui1 tl am and s 0 ptn dolus btsrmd 15 aja and 5 0 pai this 101 labls treat jito ibrrl endsestn tth urn i henderson wlofuluf ifasthe best instruments and accessories urns out tjhe best photos in the cointy 8 fl dicks ttilvertaulmsdiefnes ior ly horses anp cailer i r dicks pf iiipop yvprumf wfll remain all linjoys a provincial reputation for excellence itk at it jafe jsfc quel ph business guelphontl y- wearo now offenhg edaeatioakl tdrtnttgee and tnftioa kit inch u bate not hitherto beeaopered the csnsditn people by any elftnpportinglnatitiitlon the loope tad thoroughness of oari commeraisi cohrsa is strikingly thcjtrn sytba faoi that- aiertt ot oar students during the past year have been are4 sitnations on eotdition that they took the coraraercitl coara iat tha goelph bosinaa clohage in oar bhorthtnd and typariling depaitmant th tfo- leading stujrihand by tern of tha present day tr taaght ogr method it tbe putcorob of tea years eiferfence in teaching shorthand tnd leads to the best practictj reaulu in shortest possible time i i in aar slodern language department joa can get a franch or germtxt while pdrsoing the oimmenuu coarse charge both language are taaght by ha nstaral method student lo read write tnd tpeakr them this is a rare op ambitious and energetic young nun or woman will not fall io in penmanship oar work is the admiration of all who tea it students from england tnd united sfttet ara now in attendance for terms etc address- i- j m mppemte erineipal issuju s ic is ttfe to c piso cure for b the best c0u6h medicine kurriiimistj mrmxu f consumption jftfjffdlows iworm syrup dcstroy and rtmvve ttorm5 or au kinds in children or adults swettt as syrui and cankotharm tkc most petcatc child 6- furs bear ea also- g0l1fcrs kndcubrs shaw gruh m hfi parlor dining roonr bedrooms ffell kitchen may need new i purniifctire hi subject may hava been in yonr mind foe a month or so and it will pajr yoo o ttlittla time looking for something that will please yoa a viait to otic shop will ipand rive ton an idea of how much can bo had for relatively small amount of money saaiuely promiseito suit yoa i j i- 1- undertak1nq in all its branched pi6h i can furnish you with the best country and at lowe comb u t 8l son j a speight pftjsses for country news and job work tc pnees than forj any other new cylinder j see fee had in ress p scton sndf pountry prouty ipreissf t work which for style tt tnd i wear cannot be toelled wm williams think of it anew8coi hoc 5 col qto power press for only or an 8 col- biok e ha tjii t k- u m i acjon thefeee press is printed b i the above fjrdss- and the brk illustrates no 1500 drurft cylinder press can do better newspaper 5r poster we have raa th prouty for efghtyetrt tnd she easy to handle costs little for repairs and is easy on today for tha money cmaandieaoarpresiatwrirk them we can give yon yonr oholoa of anamber bf uteerent sizes and styles of fretsea at til prices its merits voiki n ress for 8po full particulars from to s7oo agent for canjida acto largest scale n panada pvtr io6 syvliits hay scales grain scales farmjscvates tea scales iyproyed show i uonet yeatcdoppersf and butchebs sbppua ssatxst ik ruil j write x t d ue6puna8e triattteast v i torontciont phreveriiuncirowrlu mi cumsd iera morhns mcmioa ihh 1 and- au s jmmer cafopuits nonux4sifthe boas it is safeynti reliabus children pftwaift f mi- j t remedy 5wjvii- onoe lor a utum ciaar root tp est li i eatary oanadl u ii wwwisastrtate

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