Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 18, 1892, p. 2

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v bqa uamrat warte u finn kimgtws o jan hit um wife ur john ktof it oft it armed ucutx tirrirntv at ttw uum korru on ucmecttttf ot esbjlnc to lotu kuy of a ucuictvkhcktm th uae soctilpa wsattuf rtb tnt ty ifct bv j artx o jtx honop both of ulwcilutus ltvnuviftitturta bfcratiac oo ta lxh fcbtturr tt uwmfcliom of ui bdd rr- mtn by ih kt r dwr luiated by kt tiitxnu q tod kct d ie bacbtatn utn k undur c actoa to jtttnl dcqtitr of kfcturd gothcm i dt i bikfcni16 ptxtroodoa tit 11th fctrciry tnkronat rttrtton on the iftb feby mr wiilicui ttiemtmoatrd ft yctr nlttujkin acton oottlo ijtb ffbtbctt btuj fhe doibory ittc4 vxu mefcttn icvd jr rirrirnai the ptrvontcc curtutcw ire di in tb mrd yrr of bli cr toltok4ih frtmm oa the i3th fbmmt toltoa tod ts yecn tad 1 tuoatbx- fctcutlq actoa oo ut itch februrr ettn- lie wilfred udriflc roancec wottot ptrict tottoxla eruuo oa the wth februry eliioa ethel bert tt only ttod oa of liccjcmlaukl eutrict toltoa tl usmontht tlljc jtttttjrcc press thursday febbyart 19 16w notes and comments in considering the question of cheeper postage it it veil to remember thet the in creased volame of basinet mold toon make op the deficiency dated by the rs- dacttou in the price of postage stamps if postmaster ceroa will only bring ia he penny postage bill we will let him lure hi portrait engraved on the stempe they j1 uy he if food of looting tt pic ture of himself heralj the uedieti deputtaent of the uinittryj of the interior ku proposed new projeci for the recsktioa of the tnie in tecond- hind trtide etpecitlly clothing all ecoodhrnd article pat op for cxle mact be ditinfected md provided with ubel testifying to the cct of infection tnd the medictj lucof the police isthoritiee it to c3cctt dl tecoodhtnd irticle not pro vided with the proper tectimoauis ontario legislature the second sewtohof th 9vrrth ptrtdment optmd lt thur4iy mr kirkwaoolntrockjceo tueostu febv ii the icooad ktaktr of the teventh prlittnetit of oaurio uru fonn4ly opened ertrdy ti tcraooo chief jutioe htjtrty officuung tt tdtninlitrttor it t nowsk yecn liaoe the firtt ptrlu- ycnt pri h14 ia the wett wing of iho the the pottmutergecertj hu been notified thit the government of the leevtrd itllis live bteeated to convention for direct ptroel pott betreen ctntji tnd the itlude it kill cd into effect on april lit it hu tlso been decided to etublitb t direct money order service between the two eoontrief tad u eoon u the prelimin trie bare been completed dae notice will be given u to the dite on which it will go into effect cuitdtt trtde with greet briuin did not increcte very erectly but yetr osr importi in 1690 unoonted in nine to tjl- uii5odinie91 to j913m s8 deeline of jm55j1 oor eiporu which in 1690 weje vxlaed it 4ssj3cu were in 1s91 of the vilae of 1020858 tn incrette of ttnlu the locreue in thelggregite trtde between ctctd tnd greet britxin but yecr ru t j12cis tgtintt netrly three rcillioot of uj increue is the trtde between ctntdi tnd the united bute f k gisboame superintendent of govercment tefegnph lines ttite thtiu it probthie naotioa will be mde ntxv section for the government to toqsire the tslegrtpii line end opertte litem in coo- oectioo with the poctel tertice t in cog und he hci prepared en ebbbortte re- port oa the tabject which will be preeent- ed he clumt thxt a lerge usoant of intereet ccn be mtde oa the firtt cott tad out the tmotint of mttter telegtxphed woold be meterully increued buildibg sir john colborqe opened mtioa there in 1830 tad u this wtt to be the but huioa in leguutive pile soma hiitabiotl iaterett tluchod ta tie event sttny clicsge lutve ukea plsoo tiacettien the baitding it unchnogod except tlit it it dcupidtfcd tnd weather- bottcu the form of government hu beta replteed by mother ad the genentioa tnt rpreicked til uitt tu wise and socitlly brilusnt on uitt ocouioa hu puedwy mr 6petker took the ohsir shortly before 3 oclock nd renl tfie writs celling tor elections to uke the puboof the exmem bers uetsrc uetoslfe sad lhmtop ifr gpsiker then left the chtlr ootside wss c compsny of toronto in commend of cept uslcdoagell snd lieut lsarie when the cerrisge containing chief jnttioe hegtrty reached the building c compsny bund ttrack ffp the ktttoael authem end c compsny pive the generel selita chief j jattioe fisgerty sctihg u lieotentntgoernor entered the roam promptly si 8 oclock he tu fol lowed by commender lew b n mr verner hsreourtl lieutcol grsy brigade usjor lieatgol hemilton cept h howst the aiminutrstor took his tost snd sstcd the m xnbers to be tested ho then reed the tpc xh from the throne after chief ja tiee htgerty hsd retired en interval f oil jwed daring which the hoase wu clean d lit speaker n ranted the chair sad reed a copy of the lieutenantgovernors address ir epeaker ennonncod tint he had re ceived a certificate of the election of mr rarkwoodsipp for east wellington bfccara kowat and drrdea retired and then entered supporting jtr- kirkwood mr mowat repeated the introdocing formal end mr kirkwood took his seat mr mowat moved that the ipoech- from the throne be taken into enntidfratioo on sfonderj he said that when the debate began on friday there ru very little to be done oa the uondey following end he cgreed with the bon gentleman opposite tliat the reply thoold bo pottponed end to introduced the motion he added that he expected the public acoocntt wonld be laid on the table oo the day following the con- clatioa of the debate oa the address and that the financial statement would be given the day following that the motion was pasted if r uowat then moved end if r hardy tecotvled that the following select standing committee be appointed 1st on privileges sad elections 2nd on railways 3rd on uiaoellaneoat end private bills 4th on standing orders oth on public aooonnts cth on printing th on uanicipii law and that the said comthittees shall be severally empowered to examine and enquire into all such matters snd things s shall be referred to them by thi hoase end to report from time to time their observstioas end opinions thereon with power to tend for persons paper end records the motion was cerried mr uowat moved bat the house edjoorn snd stand sdjoomed till today the hoase adjourned at 33 pm i sotek hon c f fraser commissioner of pnb- licrorks was the only absent member of j the v th 06vmmnt otrrdd sluout of i nf 8ft wulnutwif feb luhsaty caru conlvth otmtt number for gut dtaos who wis dttiated by reubeti trait lib hit aterch oerrtad tht oonitl aanoy tjtjnst the tttne oandldtta lodsy msiorilyia i jbtuurrox feb 11 the eleclfaa i a itsl day retatttdi a iheretlealloa of oseph featherstoo lib br an iooreased utjor- ivy reaching 13 fesslov fiua ftfr ii in kottft victoria then wart no ipeoiat rsasc as foe eipectlng the defeat of mr barren the liberal who had twtoe been elected hie majority st geatral tleotioo wu jft mr bamatt liojhet being hit opponent how ever if r haghw lotprtmil both wends and opponeau by carrying the ooostf aioof by the respectable raj jorlty of iso lrybuc fab 11 the station la ioatk victoria today retailed u wu eip led is favor of the unstated member cnarlst fairbara bat by ta increased mtjonty 219 hr fairbaroa mtjqrity lait ifaroh lusvos feb tlia kast afiddlawx utaeiectioa of the unseated isembsc mr j iftahill wu a foregone oonolnsion hit oppaaent wu mr george tartar a dieffocted coassttatire sfajotitf for atartbell 500 sir ilfanhaus mtjority st the jeoersl electtoa wu 115 agtiait the same oaudidate j qiltrui n s feb il8tairj and ksaney the cootertstive caadidite hart 300 msjority in halifax snd dsrtajoath the vote polled wss away below- that of usrcb late when eenny hsd 1100 majority end stairs 3m h hiuru feb is the elections satur day in dicby and kingt retailed la the reelectioa at the two liberal candidates fw bordeo liberal defeated mr bom by a majority of so ia kings snd je bowers libers defeated bill ia digby b c2 majority i 1 the vacancy ia digby wu caused by the unletting of e o bowers wha defeated herbert l jooe in msrch by 7 rotes the election in kings wu caused by the unseating of dr borden liberal whose majority in if arch wu is1 the roval templars of tho county meat in aotn in annual district council talk of the da y an iprlomil ofth wcrwt dolngi d4rlnthwlf two byeelections are oo the list for week they will take plaoe oo saturday in east fluting end south ontario politician are outing anxious eyes oo these coot tftaeocee u they are both of the encertain kind the election now pend ing are u follows esst hastings soath ontario west harou london quebec west two moantsiat veadreail itontcalm qat feb 20 feb 20 feb 23 feb 20 feb 2c feb 27 feb 22 march 3 net today he it sojoaming st 1 springs near the base of pikes i miles from denver he will not vn time to participate in the budget vt ft expected towards the close of the datie j of the public finest will be attended to in hon richard herooart the revolt tgtimt mr merrier on the pert ol the liberals is growing mr p b catgraio llatet who sat for many years in the commons is pcrticuierly outspoken in his election eddrees he seysi re pudiate merrier squarely because it is im- posxiole for en honest man to defend hit acts 1 cm recolvoro fight him and hit turroundirigt in- order to bring aboat a radical change of regime and to pot a stop to an organized tyttem of twindling pil lage end boodiicg of ell aorta in his fall and u a canadian i say it with regret le hu left us with pur national honor rallied a province humiliated and despised abroad the unmerited opprobrium end unjust oon- tercpt of other creeds towards the morality of our religion in hit speech st the opening of tbs legielatare of british columbia tbs lieutenantgovernor spoke very hopefully of the prospects of the province the development of mining is the chief reason for this last year the coal out put wu over ooe million tons or 0 per cent more than the preceding year operations tbe discovery of extensive qucrtz in tbe koo- teuay district hu beeu attracting capital- uu attention wbilrt hydrtnlio mining enterprise in cariboo promise a revival of tbe mioing activity of old days in that gold field the completion of the kootenay end colombia railway promise to open op and develop a new tectionof coantry they are decidedly cheerful in british columbia over tbe foture and cot without reason the ways tnd means committee of the house at washington will be petitioned to prepare a bill invoking the paternal coo- demnetipc of the ffovernmeat upon the cigarette habit representatives cochrane camming sod stehlneoest of new york ell have ia their posaesefcra bills which they hsre bees petitioned to introduce providing for the suppression of agsrette tstnafaeiare by imposing ta internal revecae tax of 110 per i00o oa ell imported or domestic cigarettes told in fhe doited eitttt aocompaoiog the- roemoritl it a statement which stye clipping taken frost papers throagboat the united states show that during the past year there hare been aboat 100 deaths of yojc men most ly under 1g years of age from lac effects at smoking paper- wrapped cigarettes ia some case- there has beeo an analytic of the ttomceb sod ia most instances hav beeo foaod poasphorbac end arsenic which are largely used in the manaiactare of dgarette papero aboat 100 men here also beeo consigned to insane uylams from thevscaie eanse chool building tendevevvill pvobably b invited in aboutvten days the public school board met on monday evening the principal business was to receive the plans and specifications for the new building members present messrs g hynds t h harding iter g b l cooke and b holmes the minutes of last meeting were read confirmed the secretary was instructed to renew the insurance on the school buildings for one year mr cameron was present and submitted a portion of the plans but had not com pleted the specifications the board gave some further instructions andarranged to meet on monday evening next to receive the plans- etc complete after which tenders will be asked for moved by g b cooke seconded by t h harding that the council be requested to grant that portion of tend adjacent to tbe school grounds known ss the survey for gnelph street for the enlergement of the play grooid carried the board then adjourned queen victoria park the annual meeting of the royal test plart of temperance wu held here test friday although the day wu very oolci and stormy delegate were present from all the councils in the county except oajkville asiollows gtotmetoas h w kennedy rev g a love and arwatson acutos a c bally and w j ttropg bciuxiiros misses inglchart and and messrs it j allan j 6 all mccyh t foster and w sharpe aitov hisses lottie speight higgle matthews hattie thornton annie and sadie turton and hosts h p moore revj w rae rev r b cook i l warren h h worden r somervillei end r lambert i reports from the various councils for the six months ending lit january rere given while several of the councils showed an increase of membership there wis a net decrease in the membership of the order during the half year of 23 this deficiency is expected however to be dis solved by a large increase daring the winter i months tho meeting of helton tern societies union wet reported organization is arranging for i meeting of the temperance societies ct hornby next summer when in addition to the disccicod of temperance topics a pic nio will be given to which all temperance workers will be invited various matters pertaining to the work of the order were introduced for discussion during the day the officers for the ensuing year vere elected as follows pjjc h w kennedy ba george town dch t foster bdrliugtoa vcf miss lottie speight acton sectya c bally miltoa t treath mckeil oakvillb chap rev g a love georgetown heraldh h wordenj acton depherald miss maggie matthcjvs acton i r guard it j allan burlington sentinel w j armstrong milton rep to grand council h w kenne ly b aj the next meeting will bo held atgeor e- town on friday 2ftth august u da loasw tht canal boildsr it ttri- oatljlu wumntc diitrsu it being ataul by fsmlns la mo ilaaajro it it baljtti 1 thai a gtottil- tleotlon it imminent a hrtit britain export apt from othaws to eaglsud oontina to n tlisa top prioss tht town rt brigade if rat portage man hu ret gntd in a body a lonatio bi swltr wu arretted yttarday la iht ooott o itpal tt btrilk thtlfoatc ilm aomlatlloa it fixed for ftb is tad be polling for meroh fivehandn i tad sixtyfour tloret and 8079 dwtilinj t art vacant in toronw the qotbed press atsooislion held lit euuael diunetia montreal oa saturday alght two baker itorst at kingttoa vert burned dowa ga saturday at a lost of ij000 civil war it repotted to he waging irdaad khartoam ta i another soadau aptiting it probebie tht minces jolit city coancil bu passed an ordinance ermitllng tatoont to be open ot saadayt i bar w g tadsrson of perth goot to winnipeg u putor of zba mothodiif church there f xu annuel neeting of the ontario grand lodge aoi w oommeaoed tt ottawa on wednesday louit rube ileia of montreal the chem- pioo ugare tk tor of the world hu retired from the trtcl mr c ec ateroat tr of ifaepelebrtted firm of that i cme in brentford died hut friday aged tb lite 6 r adam wilsons estate it relied tt f it 837 which wu bequeathed to lady wil a sixteen tho tund mor persons from the feminettrick a district hare taken refuge inst peiertlarg stmael ma idey of woodstock lost hit right hsnd w lilo workiug with a heavy iron planer oi saturday the friaee 3f wales wilt make hit finvj pabuosppear nee after the royal moarn log tt a mok ng concert ccancillor htrwood of woodstock it ittd he ta simbed titer t ptiafalaper ttioa perform id in detroit foar thosci ad mea tamed oat to t tea- mile wolf drit tt girsrd ksn tnd killed 22 of the brat t oa saturday ker kenn dy creightoo one of the pioneer minis ert of the methodist church in csnsds di d ia toronto isit week thomas sa idler tn old tad highly re- speeted reside t of north dorchester town ship died frai heart disease da friday the health athoritie of kew title ere rabjecting trr ring alitatio tteenuhipt to strict search fc trace of soatagiout disease the hriuiaa display of aurora boreeiic saturday nlgl t wu seen by obserters a til pert of 0 terio cud ia the northern end eutera tttt editor fere pens articles appear almost every day in the daily joarnala concerning tbe future ores of the queen victoria niagara falls park what i the meaning of these- ramorttndj mattering do the people of canada desire to mate themselves ridiculous in the eye cj their neighbor uncle bern end of the whote world clao respect for the for the good end grtcioat qdeen titer whom the perk is named should protect the people tribute from the dirt tnd smoke of a railroad train and it accompaniment a ftation end possibly e peanut stand shame ten thousand times theme every british tabject should cry et even the suggestion of such en outrage a promin ent journal ttate a good deal of credence is given to the rumor which is strengthen ed by thefcat thet the elleged electrio road company is composed entirely of prominent cpjr- men and that um mater iel for the road proposed ft heavy- enough for any railroad with a large traffic can it be possible that transportation by steam in this the haudsomett park in the world ft contemplated imagine inch a scheme proposed by any railroad company to the state of kew york after the people had appropriated certain lauds for purfc parnotat to be held for tbe benefit of tbe people of the state tbe legislefare of the stele would never dare to- break faith ia each a meaner vita the people we hop tad trust thet dtme kumar it wrong tnd also that the good and proud people of oauriowatj resent by universe protest any tacit vandalism let the qataa victoria niaan falls park remain is apart of and jfor the people with thi tlavfl tidition fiieiutae to her mtltstytod lecoodjy i ttctae of mr james mclaren the railway lumber- man of buckingham qae end prectdjnt of the bank of ottawa died friday aged 74 he wu a brother of prof melaeo of knox college toronto lyiakes the weak strong the imrkcd uuejt klcb peiiilc lit rua down or weakened state of health derive from hdridg sarujiaruli coaclilsively provc the claim tint this medicine roike lie aeale ttroqc fc does not act like a stltnuhxut uuianlug dctltlotu strcitftli frotu which there must ftllowa reaction of greater mtafctiesi than befurehut lu the most natural wajr tfood karsariarina overcomes that tfred feettrtg creates fin aiijietlte imrlflcs the wood and in sbortj gives great lwdlly nerve itientai and digestive strength i dctlved veryiiiiicli heueflt from hoods garsaiiarllla which i iouk fur general dehlllty it hullt tue rigtit u and gave me an excel- leutappetlte edjrjrkiksittssirtgehd fagged out list sjirlng i wat completely fugged out ky elreiigth left me and i felt sick and mis erable all the time so thai i could hardly attend to my business i txjfcune bottle oci hoods fiarsanarllla and it cund me there ts iiotlilug like it b c beoole editori emerprtie benevllle hlcb i worn out hoods sarsaporilla restored metogood hetuh indeed i might say truthfully it saved my life to one feeling red and worn out i would earnestly recommend a trtaf of hoods garsipartria mbpoeewo m brooks street east boston mass n b if you decide to lake hoods 8t- rorula do not oe induced to bay anjtiing el instead insist npoulurtng canadian c ogt mtde almost a clean sweep of the prise girerr for clamber field snd coal tr spaniels at the chicago bench thaw it t week at the ipprt aching session of ptrlitment a company i ill seek incorporation who propose to oo utruct a bridge across the niagara tt q eenston the archb shops pu torsi eojoining purity in the mlng election fa quebec wu read in sj the roman catholic church ex of the prov nee yetterfty rev ctaaa dcvidsoo of colborne died suddenly in rorouto sunday from heart faiiare he 1 id been ettendipg the ooaven tiaa of the br itherhood of sti andrew bertram si 1 loundge in jail et ham iltoa charged ritn the healop murder are not allowed tt shave they tr forced to grow beard 1 r the purpose of identisca- tiort eliza allen kewmarket a widow left 23 when shi i died bequeathing it to the methodist cht rch of that place after de ducting her oi n funeral end testamentary expeutet t- k k m is j i 1 5c saved i 1 lost it it false ocoaomy saving 5 cent by a bar of poor sotp for that bar of poor soap will do mors than a dotlart worth of damage to your clothes by rotting them to aj nothing of the barm it doe to the hands whea yaa bay sunlight soap yonj get the very best value it goes farther wishes easier save fuel and hard work and cannot possibly injure the clothe or skin no matter how fine or delicate it it real economy to ate sunlight soap give it a trial see that yoa get the right article u imitators are trying to humbug the peopd lever brof ltd toronto buy time in the e urie of every lady hobds sarsaparilla 8tbtmirbaltufltiuiirlstrmnimlt i bralhooocoxihartotrsaisaia i oo doses one dollar it is said that the imperial government hu eitured the cpr that they will tubj itdise a submarine cauls between van couver and japan by way of unimsjc island and the ajealiani effort tre being made in england to raise capital to xnttract the company j i v stirtoo dds will insert teeth tt 6 tnd 4 per set far next three months extraction free special care girea to filling cjeoo afsllhews biock acton 1 jj 1t m ji i l 11 m b 1 1 41 1 f s sm i i y m m rr tl ft n the public thoald bear in mind that dr thomas eelectric oil ha nothing ia com moo with tbe irapar deteriar ing claet of nealled medicinti oils it ij eminenlly para end reehy efficacious retieving pain and lameness stiffness of the joint end masciet and tore or hurts besides being an excellent specific for rheumatism coughs tnd bronchial complaints 7 tktf goods from this hme until the 1st of april every home f busy with sewing and get ting ererythiot ia order for spring there- j fore this neoes itate a lot of dry goods sucii u prt jt8 cotton shirt ings grert cotrbn8 whttb cottons embroideries etc yoa mast buy those good torn place the question it w tare we think we hear some ladies sa ive been getting mine at bollert zot for a number of years and have tlwt s gat good satisfectiaa tad yoa can alwey depeadupoo them then one greet edv mttge ia baying there it hey always hi ve such a large assortment to choose from then again tome other ladies will taj ive been going here and there and ail t rer for my dry good knd cannot say tht 1 hate ever got very good satisfaction o such persons we would tty atone to give at t trial u we are tare yaa traal be perfectly satisfied both with our usoi ment and with our price then to those tho are always a tbe habit of dealing wit oa we will just say we appreciate yoi r castom very much tnd will slwtyt en ecvor tb do the very best we can for yoa and if at any time yoa per- j chance should i et tny goods from a tatt i did not give ttl isfaatioa yoa wilt do at k greet favor to et at know of it tad we will et ante ms te it right with yaa by re funding the mfasy we do not pretend to be perfect si the best of at will mike mistakes bat o irsimis to do afeirtqatxe hoaest batiaeti j now we will ask yoa to osil ead inspeit oar new cotton shxfltina8i iew gres tad white cottons jiewembiwipbbibf ic it will pay ron to do to u tiny are extra vtiae ht ilk stocktaktnq drtmiity 10 per cent discount i f of all dress goods fob cash i clearing sale of 6ry goods dr goods millineny mantle mantle sto6k qiff r r every worbaniknowt what hoot oleeniflgil a reillin on a gederai and cleaning just what bouto cleaning it to a boasehoti ttock taking it to the more only on a larger scale drawer after drawer is enipued measured a box after j box it totted tad counted it may easffly be ondtrttoiid that maiy and remnants knd odd pieces ere met with tt tuei a time and that are placed on op centre itmwj or i coautert troomintl prioea f j here and there at intervelt throughout oor stock nay be doficed indications aiet the tpring season ft approaching a poe of spring pietson one hand kew flanael- ettet te oa the other point to preparation being made already for tht corning mum advioe of the shipment of ten packages of otr spring pojehasee were received from j england this week tnd package after paeiagebf intotcetlt already arriving pointing out that oar buyers htve been on the alert to secure the early delivery of their parchaaes j for spring vj j we shall be in position to serve yon better this doming truon dreviootttme in oar history 1 i- darchetes than at any other cents si i c i i i t t itrj iar 11 j h rra wselfrfjg- pgihtness of tepjieb cloths knitted ifv0olen goods furs sleighrobes readymade qioting o coats ffahnels carpets carpets boots shoes ovei shoes khaarit ltainuat ettrt pfbttaaru i thi ptrk isssiflkulkstlsrtsstse two omtrixt the ids of r nstfss2 a i8a aoiuioe consumption i tin s pasubt nmtrjot um stm ctsm hr us la uuwia atsshs if th tcm sm ml ttttlf wexknwaant bass m stnse swliiai jati one wot i tboat oar linen de pabtmekt u really worth- lotpeef foe j onahoaldi jtstjse the table uner trf telling i t 0c per yard tbd the t4ble napijins it 1135 per doten lihen towe s tt 35c perpair i goods t e not damtged either bat 8h c iean new goods and at s these goodt before par- rim pr r i a t w ioo i fin put i ay ys toronto 0t 1 1 big and startling bargains will begieu also for spring kdp prints new sateen svirew oqtlpnfl itew okeck shirtltw new i sewed huslin embroidery aijd inser tions the rhjkmmofh 9 k sj if r -ii- ii r m i wmclleodfflgo georgetown nbmwesrasirr s w f trwlwph

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