Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 18, 1892, p. 4

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thursday ffbrrauy 18 it she oung folks i vrivr ro 1 rtil i nai 1 1 nvuttuwll hit i ioimpj 1 runt m1- i meant to ttf wculioi miln uno err 1 1 r t hv to bwi i mutt p nrntto mi i 1 vmio wiitc ill tutt m n jilo rt 0 tut i meant t i fv i iilk i itv oli tvc t ait ciin oh ol i nrut to 1 1 wo tv nt tlir ctlc at i t rftnv iml mk nulo i umtltt to 1tr tttr ihmiiij tin oiii m lr i vtr in look it tom- 1 initiil ti t 1 trn r iijt jmiiiy lit to 1 ri ivii t1 iu frvtn tun till iuti i iut to t u lf oa to in- mar- i tl m vr itta i ittnt ri birthdays icrvptiiom nvtiir the day of the wff k arc man v the following i an om smch rhme ofijfc iotti tiowadaji uoufcr yatii tmijfvv liatli wijui t- liit jt mil tir t fr orvsi- in ro j low mtf lti ro t j1 ic leu a a rainy uy u iloraya coi- iifrti tirjky far a n-eidinc- here is ciro trijni aloct lucky and unlucky oif kruo iiol ruriliv in r k tija ilij i ofvl t crc mirry aluhl rf a trvi v ir i tioi jj cf a kiuriit wv tvr iir it li u ncrc jt tiai iv- ivt tlf it ai vt cza or t tie ijti cf friday uir au ullncky day s albeit cwvertil figs and thistles gx iawe are i force crtry where hatred i a tire which bare bat con- rrre not vihtr ivjf j it e they are cot fit t iu vheroc iev is unrrarce there is self clt a tos thit flceped izi harvest cicse than- mk- ad overccriii difficalliea rral- chiru al hcr ls will a bhini yoj ayi churc cz fcrect if cr ees were lftcr the sura coald fite cj rrrre lht heaiel j to be ths hrae of thde who arc- heaieriy htrted fertectiic a cooi rain is the devil ay of itrikirc at gad proof of meanness notes here and there item of oenorat irverctt to free proi reitders torn vortml lvinl licovcrmi at lut i remedy ihttta surt lafc an4 painlcts futntraa fiinlctt corn extractor never ftlti tievtr ctqm4 pain nor tta tho ajihteu diacrafort buy rutoamt corn kitrtctor and beware of tlie many chwp danccroui and fleah eatmn tuulitutei in the market sec that it i made by voiron co kiucilon i there it hardly a man on earth who liu to poor au opinion of himcejf that he doesnt think that he catwmake fine weather by taking fit umbrella aliic and by icaviuj it at home can brine down a delude why aufter from disorder cauwd by impure blkxl when thousands are being car1 by mini northrop a lyman vege table diacovrn it remove vimplei and all frtiptict cf the tkin mr john c foi olinda write northrop 4 iymana vretablfi ihcovery i civintl aatrt- faction thofc who havemurd it nay it haa done lherb more cood than vnjthinj they have ever taken so much attention and praise i civen the wcrthleaa man when he die that it i very difoouratink to the hardworking fpjlow ulio i doaiji his best lirrnil itenelitcd ltaii sirv1 havebfcd ukinj ivhh- for cancer of the breast during the laat two year and four month tolh externally and ititemally and have been cfctly bene fited haehad cancer otcr wven yean and no medicine eer did me to much ood a bbit i feel sure that loftertra from cancer can obtain relief or even cure from hbb and will be plewed to aniwer any laostioni a to the use and benefit received from thi iremedy mks a rttiot watcrdown oct way you want your cotton linens flannels always cweet clean anowy white you want the wath done the easiest the clean- est the quickest the choap- est way f surprise soap the8ur- prtse way without bolllngor scalding gives those results 1vu oath wrapper ncihiafi aavb john foster more palpably bftraje littleness meanness of izzl tiin fspercilioa looking down on titimalle friends cf icfexior order after a man las attained some unexpected eltvaticn and et nothing is more com- nn a can neeta with a sudden incretee cf weajth anil he fail to recognue u tiuaietalcta the puan people with whom be was pltd to associate are pxsed by accordinc to foster there must be a great deil cf meannets of eoal in the world rewards for bible readers great winter competition of the ladles home magazine qclstioxs where doe the following fccrds first appear in the old testament 1 koltroe win and 4 vhere does the fpllowinc worda firat appear ictbe 5ew tettmnt jnli fufe and kiyj weekli plizti zrery week throagtout luis grtat oonrpetitiod prize will be dia- tribated as followi the first correct answer received the poetmark date od each mter to be ukectathe date received at the oftx o the ladif horn jfapeine letch and every week daring w2 will get v200 the second correct answer 100 the thrd s0 f earth a beautiful silver senioe fifth five oclcck silver eervjce and the next 50 correct answers will get prizes ranging frm yij down to 2 every fifth correct tniwer irrespective of whether a prize winner cr not will et a eptcial prize competitore residing in the toathern states u wtil lt crhtr distant points have an eca chtlct with those nearer home ai the fostrnarbwill be onr anthority in every ctte iinj- lacli list of anevrers mnet be accomraniti by 1 to pay for eix month subscription id ole pi the best home rracazres in america rercxe3rrthe lulifijm iaja ji ia well able to carry oat ite promise iverbourcjgh canada 7vmm a fillerdid paper and financially strong hajticg iceutdm star kvery prize winner will be mrc to rtctiit juat what he is tltiutuo norwood canada rtglr moey thotld be sect by post office ordr jot regiiterij letter addres the ladt hjs ucj3i itttrbojoufib canada ucllwat corn cure deitroysall kind cf corn tid warts roots and branch who then would endure them with such a cheap fcld ifucvtl remedy within reach a woudtfulrhanpe gtmlluhn for twenty years 1 suffered fnxn rbeomatum djepepia poor appetite ete- and received no benefit if rom the many medictnei i tried but after takiug five bottle of b b 11 i can eat tieaitilydf any food and am strong and smart it is a grand mtlidre and ha made a wonderful chance in my health tlfcs w h lie harley ont it isrrt a girl who can earn her own living bat the one who can earn twn livioga wbois being anxiously looked for by some young men to the question which i your favorite poem there may be a variety of answers but when asked which t your favorite blood purifir theie can be only one reply ayers sarbapirilla because it is the purest safest and bpst econoihical i one of the greatest mistakes a man can make is to sit down at a desk and worry himself tick over business and then call it a dave work oh what a cough will you heed the warning tne signal perhaps of lhe sure approach of that more terrible disetse consumption ask your selves if ou can afford for the take of eaving 50 to run the risk and do nothing for it we know from experience that bhilohs care will cure ycrur cough it nevej fails time flies so fait that little girl babiea are no sooner oot ot long dresea than they are young women and are put into them again i prompt potent and perrcaotnt results always come from milburnf aromatic quinine wine consumption clueh klfiatda liniment etrre dfpbtfcerfa an old physician retired firom practice having had placed in his hands by an kut india mieionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and per manent cure of codfumptton bronchitis catarrh asthma and all throat and luog affections also positive and radical cure for nervous debility and all nervoub com plaints after having tested its wonderful curative powers in thousand of cases has fell it his duty to make it known to all his suffering fellows actuate by this motive and e deeire to relieve human coffering i will send free qf charge to all who desire it this recipe in german french or englibh with full directions for preparing and ueing seal by mail by tddresaiog with stamp naming this paper w a korea 6jo power block rochester n y an eccentric old fellow who lives along of a graveyard was asked if it was not an unpleaeant location no said he i uever jined placee in my life with a tet of neighbor that mind ed their own busineta so rtiddy as they do the blood u the life gbod health without pare blood is simply impossible end to secure pure blood is theefore absolutely especially in spring when bvd blood is very prevalent bur dock blood bitters is the remedy without an eijual in the wprld of medii cicef it drives out all poisonous humors of the blood from a common pim pie to the vort acrofoloas ore badger mad and excited say yoar dodateup seven of my nenb last night what are you going to do about it mcoall well if it dont make the dog f ick i wotiu do anything abont it f cu yon est ilieartily with relish and vrtthost dlt v tmt yon ood irervird if uot recommend to itpod kircttitnll wbloh cntjxt tpeute itid io luvijqctus lbs itotiicli m j bowel thit the food la properly dl t i tai l ll nutriment rtjlmlktod hoods 1illi ire purely vfgctthle per t ly liumlcin citectire bat do uot cium la or cripp he kire to gt koodl tlitjjnflucno lipliinc rcturdtni mciit there it however a rmllcrn boat ill pcrlormtoe4 thit fow people tpwclite if you wiftt to buy or tell firtnjli vettim in the toronto kvrxfy um- thit ptpcr rotchte 100000 ftrmcn home eury wk vca youndtertlieinentthinw meet th eye of lomeono who vmtt to par- eliuo adtrtlccmenuof una olua uj a- ud in tho toronto ify hail for five ccnu word etch intertion or taty ceol fcworj for five lniertlon add thi uiil toronto cnid homeuto llwi giio the wife twoth rd of llio lnubnudi clle but ttl of lllem k the uholc cuto to tho lwyert illililfli fori amcnc the ininy foci to liumtn hei 1th and hippincm dypopii jnd oonctiption are t1n enemici jrclly to be fetrod with i d b to driro them out of the lystcm lionevcr no dinger need bo tnucl piled it every dote bring the coffenr l loiifj itep further on the roid to perfect health ind itrength sijd i permiuent care iw rcvulti wirmiftectioni and then cold criticism turned oalp tlje child ire very apt to crick its temper c c llninusi co gent i hive nted miuardi liniment in my fimilj for a number of yean for rariou casea of lick- neas and more particularly in a cevjre attack of la grippe which i contracted lait winter and i firmly believe that it wn the menu of laving my life c i lmcr sydney c 11 rerhap some people feel a little alarmed itxrat the year 1ki because it began on friday airylnf et ii lvery crying evil ihould bo promptly removed sick headache ii a crying elvil affectiug thoutandi of cauadian which can easily be removed by the use of bar- dock fjlood ditteri the best known etomtcb liverand bowel regulator and cure for tick headache from whatever cause arising isot it strange how a little bile in he husband will keep the whole family in hot water a lady writes the simple troth ae follows barrie island oot i have been a grpat snfferer from ncurtigja for the last nna yean but txing advited to try stjacibi oil can now hraitily endorse it ai bein a most excellent remedy for this compuiut an i hate been greatly benefited by its use mls john mclzas keep what his folks sav tic counsels ut of domes the public should bear io mind that qt thomas kclectric oil has nothing in com mon with the impure deteriorating claw of bocalled medicinal oils it is eminently pure and really erecacions relieving pilil and lameness bliffnesj of the joint and musclea and sores or hnrta betides beiojg an excellent specific for rheumatitin coacljs and bronchial complaints the cod that holps tocuro the gold the disagreeable aste of lha gqduyer oil is dissipated in scotts ofpure ctxl liver ou ysitft hypopkospkittts ob lime ajcjd soda tlic j alicnt suffering from i consumption bitaxaiitth tot gb cold aa whltting dixptrrri tatei lb rrtimr he would lake milt a per frrl nanulno tni awaaterrilttetlibrmcer tate no ithrr all druqguti ocl loo sott no pry dtkiiu and throkt troubles there is no of medicine can compere wi for cooghs coldi bronchitis and all lui preparation lb bickks aoticomsumptive syrup it never fat a to afford prompt add permanent relief it remorea all soreness and heals the diseas ed pirts it immediately icnthia the mott troublesome coogh and by promotia expectoration removes the muooui whici stops op the air tubes which causes diff culty fnjbreatbing thereby gives relief t that depressing tightueti experienced in tft chest public speakers and- singers wi 1 find blcklei anticousamptire syrup cif inestimable value ai it speedily tad eff tually jcllisys all irritation and buskin in tbe throat and bronchial tabes and giri power to the vocal cords rendering voice dear and sonorous if parents wis to cave the lives of their children rni themselves from much lanxiety troubl and expeuse let tbem procure i bottle ol bicklee bvuticonsumptive syrup and whenever a child has taken cold has t cough br hoarseness give the syrup iccop diug to directions mamroi ask dr doce to look at my sick duckling papa said he was a quack doctor stroncest cst to us it is safe to use freemans worm pow derf as they act only on the worms and do not injure the child adjectives are words used to qualify bon- uete babies and beaoi lifer ire loperla- tlve npersnperlative and snperlatively tilly r are you deaf or do you suffer from noises in the hesrj then send 3 cent stamp and j will send a valaable trettue containing fdli ptrttcdlsrs for home curs which costs eomparttirely nothing a splttidia work oo deafness and lhe ear addressptcro cnweaoatrcs dr t a klwuiii oxygenized emulsion of pure cod liver oil if yon have jbronchitis use it for sale by all druggists 35 coots per bottle shllgti s consumption this successful cure cheat cough cube this 1 consumption cure is without a parallel in the history of medicine all druggists are authorized to sell it on a positive gnirantee a test that no other cure cat 6acceffullystand if you have a coagh gore throat or bronchitis axe it for it wdl eore you if your child his tha croup ot whooping cough use it promptly and reliif ii sure if yoa dread that insid ious disiase consumption dont fail to use it it will cure yon or cost nothine ask your drogeist for shilohs cure price- loets 0cts and floo if your lungr are sore or back lame use bbilouv poroai flutter 25et l imvknci- kasti usa auso 1888 ocargc patterson felt from a iceandloty window strlkln j a fence i found hint uiinf s jacobs on housed it freely ill over tils hnilscs i iw him next mornlnj at work all the blue spots rapidly dlsamc red icnvinr ncllhcr poin scat nor swcflfne c k neulilann m d aulrlohtt ttjac0l01t00 it castoria for infants and children uterfaitbsrlladaodtochrilrettuiit rreoaubeii csssapertortoaxpetscrfptioa tnowa to me it a asnrit k d ill s oxford st brooklri k t kit the use its merits so of runenroei tf tntelllceetlalt wlthta castoru la so universal and it saowa imc it seems a work loo to endorse it few sretlie who do uot keep csstort 1 chios larmr dd tew york ctty lata raster i cotn inrdsla bitformed ctiurcil cstars ettessooite ojcsstlpcuon boor bsornsrh pisrrheaa erucuuoo ellti warms tree sleep and proaiotea df- wlthoat tajuriaai medlcstloa ror serenl years i hate recommended roar osstcrfs sad shall alwsjx ooatiuua w so so w it him ktariibly produced benetlctal tewlu j wt f piansx k d j u kewyocfccit to ctzrare oosrairr tl uuitw etuit net toar lye pure8t kmtjtfoinftn sofuauost wafer wt jloastxjbt f14 hi m 3s2 xv trokcest best anfqrantilr vor intklbc 8oc iinfrfiiiifa a bundred otiaif olfuijiiiallhala crorti and drt lij toronto the third mail it noted ft if yoa want to yon want a titt ness machinery or pund any out where any onto daijf mention the the charge is lertion add ada of tho toronto diui want adrerticcmeota doy or siu anything if mechanic a bust lodging if you have lost or if you wrat to find is advortibo in the to- and read the advertise- ird page of that paper wo cent a word each in ta the mail toronto can- pige thi 3g ma i ih the devil rat times but he ci horn y drag a christian some- i never drive him flami a short road thoso sufferio to heajth wt opened to rom chronic cough uthma bronihiti catarrh lumbago tamora rheun atiem exooriated nipple or inflamed brei st aud kidney cotnplainta by the introduction of the inexpensive aud ffective remedy dr thomas kclectric on painful burni bruises scalds and cut are quickly soot ied and healed by vic tori catholic salve it is hard to courage from th i mr john anderson writes the vi mp is all gone hia greatly benetitted it one man in him a new ma i much for its cl tie aid 1 grasmere ont efcetable discovery you seat 1 am glad to sav that it those who have used particular say it has made and he cannot say too sitfg aod curative quali tru i the test of willing to suffer headi htrtesiog miierable cure like dardoc able water who have re the man who gets his lord manhood is what it it or others ache3 make many lives needlessly so when a prompt blood bitters is obtain- god never sent n people to fiii in deep iroken nets cantdait beini congratolaied everywhere oo the excellent es of her manufactares art stained gh as i prominently in the front rank of her improvements thanks to uccaasland son of toronto who for iq years have jat ored not only to accumu late money but 1 3 make staioed tod orna mental glass of ail kinds a credit to the dominion dont waste i trying erery ne advertised in the your trouble is ir or kidneys tab i onoe tad be care what man is whit he believes ime money and belth f medicine you may see paper if the cause of the blood liver stomach ayeri sarsaptrilla at of acure take no other ii always depend ppon iod to tw d lows r syrup destroys an 3 removes worms of all kinc s in children dr adults sweitas syrup ano cannot hrm the most 5oeticate child if work is grow people who are ve b the world is fll of v small sick headache c msed by excess cf bil oradisordered stp oach is promptly relieved by usingnational pills when baby was rfrl vtticn sho wa a c j when she became then she had oul i teli i an exchange call from a little and wealthy one i time for prayer an not feel cure of his finally some one the street ho neighbor is you well answered t paw is still prayi the things is packet tvo pavi her cajrtorla z cnd for tvtorlal is sho clunc to castorir a abo avo uvrn costort of a parson who had a lntry parish to a large a big city he asked i consideration he did light a month puied his youngest eonin is it josiab said his father going to b 4 1 le youngster judiciously g forjlight but most of jafixar5s3 laiiiiviipi cures rheumatism feeema2ts work powdeet ara pldlcaat to uta ccataln their m porntivo ii a nfo trro oiid ecteettiu ttuarajvr at wvnam la cfittlrcn or jltlalt- the press new york for 1s92 haa a irpfr daily circulttftu than any etber hcpubllcan nekspccr in auvcjica daily sunday weekly j i tbe acrtrruive itcpublican journal o the jjctro polls a ncariptivr for tbo uute founded dccsjinlwr 1st 1hh7 circulation over 100000 copies daily tin pntti u tlio orpan ai no faction pulli no wire baafco anirnocitic to avencts v tbo most remarkable uptxt saccei in new york ticc icmii ikauaaikcirppcr cbesp news viilcar senixtloni and trtxh flnd no plac in the eolumui of tar preis 1 tsn irxsj bl the brigtatect editorial pare in xsv york it cpcrkes vitb pbiau the pnxas bckdxy editios is a tpltjadid twenty pego paper covering every current topio ofiotertjet j tun psrsa wceclt editios contain ul thj codd tbtoga of tbe datlynj bandy editiotu i or ujoco who eannot afford the daily or are prevented by diatance from ecrly ning its tbe weekljr i a splendid sabttitata as an advertising medium tin pbfm baa nosuperior in new york tkepsess i within tbe roach of ail tbe beet and cbeahesc kewspcper la america duly tad suadty dulyoaly one yetr fourmoaths sundzy one yetr weekly press one yctr one yetr oo 6 months i so 30o too boo mo bend for toe prei circular samples free ageuta wanted ererywherc liberal coin in f scions addreca 1 the press l 36 park bow ti y fihe parlor the dining room tliic bedrooms wchall the kitchen may need new furnittire this mujt may hevo beea lu your rnnd p4ad s llltlo time looking for something a yoa in ides of how much can ixt hid can isfel nrprhlsato ait you undertaklnq tit for for i maallt orto ind it stilt pfjjoa o will pleim yoa a rliit la car shop will a relatifoly email acnoaru of mooey wji n all it branches spsight on j a speightj jtanaer l r superiorto all others lti the following pointy best ihipo of finger bar tor law cutting a simple strong darebls driving gestr alight strong grain divider made of singed steel a flanged steel frame in a single piece light and strong entire elevator ffame mado at flanged iteel i r tiblo frame of flanged steel iii one piecs with itrongj limpleoonaecuoas a drive wheel timule to cdnstrbctiaa large darabte andnettiatrjjeannce iowerf ui cutting appcratos with direct pitmia oanuectioa i both ends of machine raised or loweredpy driver- without lesring his seat convenient arrangement for adjusting machine to suit variations in crop c the lightest binding part and sjmplest irootter ever prpduceet a knotter that positively satres ftom two to four inches of twine fotersry handle four discbarge arms making perfect separation and delivery of abeaf i a machine of light draft easy to operaterand coftuitu awir pru a anr other noxon bros mfgco cm injakli oot wm hemstreet agent acton steel frame over 25000 hoosier drills and feed in use grain drill seeders with pur positif e force 5 guaranteed the best in tbe world and the only drill that eta be iusuntly resralstecs to run the desired depth ia hard and soft ground while moving i the hoosier is tha only drill that sows all kinds of grsia vii seedn ereoly and at the depth desired in all kinds o soil j i i the hoosier is the only drill that commences to sow the instant the horst move the hoosier is the only positive force feed and is the only drill that deposit the grain evenly just the depth- yoa want it in hard or soft soft remember thir i the hoosier combined drill with cultivator teeth is the best cultivator mde and is the only implement made with teeth oa independent draw bsi that can bi set for hard and soft land while toe team in motion the hoosier is lighter on b horse thin any other drill made tha points of excellencs in the hoosier that other drills do not have ire worth mora to the farmer thati any any drill in theworld tha combined hoosier can be changed from drillto seeder or seeder to drill in less time than drill made send for our new illustrated catalogue and iteatltnotusi sheet beware of parching drills that infringe oar pitents i kosok bros itfg co ltd rngersoli ont wm hcmstreet agent acton aim agent ffewyaawi i i railway tat ltime ym grand trunk ocrxa wsst es elress ltsil mum express- i i3ara mill 6slin express k st pm halt c og pm passeuger 5 04 p m mrrtor cixsix soiojlwts istaaudiat3frin qoinj east 10 it am ant5 this time libra went into tthlml railway oorxo tast ly stnger l u tj trdlfercairmdkiaei tor hordes an cj cattle diofesj btood eubbltt will remove in flsjti j of irovcr la hotsssijs cattle and eosaovssbw lbhjil that mar be sabu ludut it la faamusr soiertdr ut aay eoskli uaa potder ww osstt khc loosed ihs mv r teobliaitiie sxtlsoajto n hsjr cles arpetiteaodnev and srlrtu h i- an caiaaoigeradl ot bu aacr il losjal l kui 10 11 psl 40 pm t effect otdccetubst 1 trademark rcksblisteb curb- nti etcoiies no irrftauoo circa ao smimti daeitf work better ui qaldker tbaanrocberbiatr dtclvsoixtuesr 1 inntinxblc iir all eaasa at cau brauec suddje gtsjjk 5ores scratctmi tic j dicks likikekt is ibfcbly itcomamtoi forbvelliiigi brnlse 6cjda old sore etc in asn or bestl and arc enn urn rheamflmlt 4 cmply inqudrlul tber7i laimintiin the mi no garghxg oil or lfuli ecu begtn to compare villi 50c blister 50e oiameat for ule by druggist and t po box 482 f majth vaat blood rtruw 23tjnimeat eaierx ererttbei diohjstco montreal for laformsfjori and five hi kusjt t co 861 baoid- otctest bwresa for secsslns l l and free hsndtookwrtts to fxjffggj itnaertes erertpsteut taken ootbru is vmstit before lae peine by anottce stten tffee et cosixe la the trresc circa laroa of jmr tdtuuse peper tntfa mont fpieoiiitut illostratm xo mwffint man kfioqjil ije trltjkwt tf weektr 3b a tear l atr tncnlbx iddieaa hjjtqf hi co- puboigcas3a brolttr lott h thecoofcsbestfrienp largest sale imcanadad p f the largest i scale worit in canada over qo styles of hay scaltts grain scales t farm scales tea scales improved show cases mm drawers hutcuoppers amd sutchebs ancxrssnc fcll i write is teraxi c wilsotm sow 3 o esplanade street east itjjrrjntcont 20 packages new foods just atrited at tie thii right hotse i 2 br patent i case american fruit of the loom hite cases warner improved stiffening io them whtchtkaaka the corsets st easy and are very durable cotton cheap and good 2 cases and ii btairpads i bales carpet ijinings i base shirt and drawers ladies and genu hisses and boys uaderwear of all useful kinds in abundance selling off at very small profits startling reductioks io clear odt goods bfforp removing to new premise wanncniir uinnio pnotirao nnm4m yyr yi to 2 csarking velv frouifa to u iu75 to 7 cheap and good 2 cues and 1 baleof newpriuts in charming styles and unusuilty good value grouicsrpets ubsjes ids 2 bale carpet linings i base shirt and drawers ladies and gents kisses and boys uaderwear off at very small profits startling reductions to clear out gool lelhse- handsoile madras curtains dowhl frosx fmooto 6 ffiss lolj and is et cufitains froii 20 to 3 and h75 to f7 uagn1jicentchenille curtilks to 7 afad s1023 to 50 beautiful furniture coverings from ll5 to fl andll 30 to fl verr superior 8wii lace curtains from h7 to 11 old and middleseed lsdies ifantles frhm 1750 to jiff f i5to 19 llito is and 3 to 10 ladies ulsters from u2 to 7 andlf 850 to h ladies jackets from 1450 to tj 12 to isand tff tafs ladies circulars fu 50 to 18 and 10 to 15 if sntla cloths from 5105 to i125 to fl50 and ji50 to 75o broctded silk velvet mantling at half prices colored velteteens and silk plushesat half jrices colored gros grain silks iniminaelt reduced si prices dress and mantle trimmingi going at their value newest styles french allwool dress bootttt at enoromou8 reductionsj cr0sslev8 beautiful wilton carrets going far below thprl value cr08sleys 5frame iiagnificent brussels carpets put a wav down ceossm handsome tapestry carhet8 going at a bltf reduction allwool and union cabeets reduced greatly please enter the stores next the new bailding many make mistakes and do not getinto the kieht house i hamilton februiry 0th 1892 thomas o i watsiijlsrs bufd0ck rlegulatea the llvir and bowcfs thesejcretio nsu bloocf and remove t purities from et 1 theworstscrbful s totna ach urifocks i ifteathe alllm- mpie to asorss ou blood cure3 15 bilfousness constipation headache salt rheua scrofula dizziness dropsy rheumatism skimplscses bitters fl t i can furnish you with the best presses for country news and job work to had in this country and at lower prices than for any other nliw cylinder press cime to kcton knd see our i j improved counttly prouty press kr kork l r et the freeipress is printed on the above press and the work no 1500 drum cylinder press can do better newspap we have run the prouty for eight yesii and the longer we run it tha better we like it i ic simple easy 0 ran easy aa easy to handle costs littla for repairs and is easy 00 the printer s pooket book we call it 1 2 best press to be had fn the wj5d today for the money them coma and see our press at work if yoa desire samples o work send we can give you your choice of t number of different sizes and styles of presses at all think of jt a new 8 col folio or 5 col qto power press or an col book press for 800 illustrates its merits x or poster work full particulars from for them and wa will gladly fur jrices for only 600 to 700 hpmoqre agent forioanada acton ont dr f extof btioleralmbrhys irvfvfps iarrhqea iysehteits ako allsummer cdmplalkts and rtuxs of the fcowels it is safe and reliable for children qr aoultfc if h i jure fits ttrllactafuira toe u- nv kt maif r arrn itn ueril mm or tot t-rrcritlic- 1 a nwcisslt r my ifwn tiir- oatailressuiaweluited trial battle dbtaftbbos i esteriy canadian dept 1s6 siie st w toronto canada teeth- i teith a afthuaoeek cfallsiseod mail tree free rofcl ilei rpsete for ihe ut th n moo hi moo and gujiranteea and dstlrtonili hoyal ooheso oltoentij 8u prfjctsxf po offlco aden rh d ntlstry and our wens

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