Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 25, 1892, p. 4

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ii 4 tkdkfepaitnkbrliartu i8w chf filing jfoiks nreketter psjtleb i 1 tb 3 i tit an j tulnfc c4 bear sobcutttai and r f notes herein there rami of qtrll interest to fr pr reederj ttt cowato ttemp fbf acvttbtet taint t u mrt r ktnlai there tod the cotlttalfcxm bare i- ttini or tlw utr ctrjiiilitd u tarthlr tlt1 j i anl tot pur marine aiej sijtjiiat euti ae- il hod m the toll tcrtlrillea betm o ilord ho jiotr- oh hfnl i lo be tbtttmaintnybcattl lorl cpeo ui6a lliiri elen4 l nlo ttvdtv ant tbo i turn to rllirut and inmj- thouflrta i s i tsc tmalluitauxl cornet circa ebtrceto tbe work llit ctets be ilof tbtre wblcb no one th bfiart thtt ro1 tlie tare uiat tltinc th brt4 ebole with ra tbe iuau lbt mut be uained and ut to ctleh tbw n cd doe an j lbr acoa so unes to io tbetr lbt in my swanlttrajv lirj thut titrate tod olll u not tod w tew rot loear i asawn goftfj an army kitten oik emiinp tacrd the dot of the war while ttiiod soldiers lay in camp oo a hiluide near th stauto kwr virginia the cry of halt i who gee there f froro a sentry startled every takaaer at hit feet ud revert of the more cdriooa ran to the cuardlio to find oat what lie trouble wee a minute later all anew that the night visitor who had been challenged m m enemy a little little prt aboat ten yecrt of e holding a white kitten in her artnc came forward into tbe iteht of the fire conducted by two soldier who bad told the xctry to pau her in and who looted aa proad as khhey were escorting a qneeo the whole regiment cttnered iacladinf the colonel himself to fcnk at the child and hear her ell her lory a eery abort story il was scarcely a paragraph bat- there was matter enough in it for a fall chapter she lived near by with berfatber who was tick and poor and theyi were northerners the eaid and iniou folks her mother wai dead and her brother had been killed while fighting in tbe federal aray fcibe wanted to give some- thicg and when the unbo aoldiera came the tbcxight she woaldv bring her pet kitten and pretest it to tbe oofosei the colonel took the little girl in hi arms and kitced her and the kittra too and aaid hewaa not a bit shamed pf hia weakneca he aoorpted the kitten with thanks and its ionooent donor au gallaat- ly waited on to her bumble borne loaded with gtnerooa contribatioai the white kitten waa adopted by the regiment baf coctidered itie property and tpecial petf the colonel and when the war was orer he took it home with him lika tbe white lamb that auid d fed with tbe victors after the battle of antie- tam that little creature daring its abort bat stirring army life wai a daily inspira tion to better feelings and thoughts in tbe presence of all that is wont a liring flag of trace gleaming among tbe thunderclouds of heman pasaion and etrife harfr piubux oat fi mm it gvwe me ptei handerited treat kenilin- i liava from keral rears a so woo at i observed th thepowerof s no tbe most tremendom wbrd in the eng itih laoguigt is the short yet mighty no it baa been he pirot on which innamer able destinies have turned far this world and the next spoken a tbe right moment it has tared moltitades from disgrace from ruia- yet troo an endless heh tbe splendid career of joseph turned on the promp no tpofcen at thp very nick of time had be stooped to parley with that wsctoa woman as too many young men stop to talk with it brighteyed teaiptreta in the street b would hare been lost how can i do this great wickednea and tin against god tared him from the dioy edge of he precipice daciej mighfiatily hare taij to himself o ereryboly ihou the court here drink wine and lues high aa tbe kings neat i do not want to be thought queer or puritanical he dared tq be singular at the ead of two weeks be bail a cleaner countenance and a rweeter breatn than any of the- fast iivera in tbe palaee so did not i wa tbe motto of this sturdy teetotaler if be had yielded to the cur- rent of texnptatioa and drifted with it we never thoald have heard of such a mao aa daniel all tbe people wbjo make a mark ed tuccese in life and wholachieteanygood work for god are the people who are not fuhamed to be thought singular the ajan who runs wtih the crowd counta for cothiog ititwbeb he turns about and facet the multitade who are ruebing oa to do evil that be eommardseiery eye then by a bold protest he may put a thouaand to flight so the young monk lather turned aboat and faced the bosu of the papacy his heroic kp nailed up on the churchdoor of wirtemberg aroused europe from its delutire and deadly dreams standing alone be was reinforced by tbe almighty lb cot delay in getting relief for little folks mother grave worm extermin ator ia a pleasant and sure care if yoa love your child why do yoa let it suffer when a remedy is so near at hand brt aflomtai oxygenized emulsion of pare cod liver oil if you have bronchitis ite it for 6le by all drugista 85 cents per bottle canada isbeing congratulated everywhere i the eiceilenoea of her manufactares art etamed fflass it promineotly in tbe front rank of bawmprovemente thinks to kccaosiaod son of toronto who for io years have labored not only to accumu late money bat to make stained and orna mental glass of all kinds a credit to the dominion wectstltaeestbesl i afnnj aaacalsa tama oiujfttitl kw tofofrto onc lil888aaue areilo lei yoa know t frotn ll um ol v- l uw utui a ffreat lafferar ralgia n tlau tice and laat two i quite a martyr to the malady s i obaervedjlhi kecviliue adrcr- tited i obtained a bottle from our droggittt uecsra john gray co parkdate and the effect waaratrvelloot j pala ceased and t can etgoy son ad tfccp kt night and rite refnabed i cannot speak too- highly of it and heartily recommend it 1 aiatikbin sttci archdefboo farrar ol london offers t500 for the pro4 of anv one jase either in the church or out of it where draakenneethaa been cured wilhoat total abstinence for the thorough and speedy cur of all blood disease and eruptions of the skin take northrop al mans vegetable dis covery j ura b forbea detroit had a running act oa her leg for a long lime commeoced using northrop lymanv vegetable diaooeery and she la now com pletely cured her hutbaud thinks there i colhieg equal to it fori ague or any low fever j j that old saying attributed to the heathen chineee i first the man take a dnnk then the drink take a drink then the drink take the man needs in the light of tcientiso truth an addition of one lioe to make it complete namely then the drink take hia child after he orin and atatlypholit ever dlphthstia pain moat or other proslrtitogdlaeant hoods rarstparilla is jasl what it hcdd w ra stor the ilmucthiod vitot mraaohdmltd and ho npsl alt poison train th blood il hu hid wonderful sucottt la many out hoods rills act especially upon the liver routing it from torpidity to it natural duties cunt constipation and suite digest ion an eminent surgeon gives the following opinion few people outtlde the medtool ptoftstiou have an meoc the large num ber of deaths which occur every year and an oertlted according to th organ or or gans principally dlsaanod but whloli aro in reality auributable to slcohol th lost to th country of pettoot a th prime cc ll from this source ttesorma fatly dsgeo- cration of th tiuiie of the body or at it raigtti otlierwiaa be called prematura old age it one of ilia most frequent phystcal retails ot taking alcohol even whan taken in what tome might call moderation n yoti wnt ycjur cotton o tenants flannslc aluvay f3 tweiat cletrt rtovry white ifoo nt tho wah dono the olrt the ctrt- k est the qulckowt the chn- 1 surprise soap the sur- i prijowmy without bolllrtgor fcaxwlng gives theae resutts k vtoadi rial change grvniuex for twenty year i suffered from rheumatism dyspepsia poor appetite etc and received no benefit from the many medicines i tried but after taking fire bottles f b b b lean eat heartilyof any food and am strong and smart it it a grand medicice and has made a wonderful change in my health mrs w h lee harley ont a if a family spends 15 cent a day for beer bow much it expended jn four weeks b how many loaves of bread at 10 cent a loaf could be bought for tbe same money prompt potent and permanent result always come from hilburnt aromatic quinine wine a a smoker spends 50 cents a day for cigars many dollara will be spend inooe year b how many books at 2 each could he buy with this money covslhption cured an old phytician retired firom practice having had placed in hia band by an east india missionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for tbe speedy and per manent core of conf umption bronchitis catarrb asthma and all throat and lung affections also a positive and radical cure for kerroua debility and all nerroua com plain tt after having teated it wooderful curative power in thousand case hat fell it hi doty to make it known to all hi suffering fellows actuated by thft motive and a desire to relieve human suffering i will send free of charge to all who desire it this recipe in german french or english with fall directions for preparing and caing sent by mail by addressing with stamp naming this paper w a note 630 power block rochester n y a at 10 cents a gallon what it a family beer bill for 90 days taking two quart a day b how many pain of shoe at 12 a pair will this money purchase measrenortbrop lyman are the pro- priaioraoi dr thomaa eeleetnc oil which it now being told in immense quantitie throoghoat the dominion it it welcomed by the suffering invalid everywhere with emotion of delight because it banishe pain and give inttant relief this vtlot ble specific for almoat every ill that flesh i heir to is valued by the sufferer a more precious than gold it it the elixir of life to many a wasted frame if yoa have not purchased a bottle do so at once and keep it ready for an emergency iu cheapo 2o cents per bottle places it within the reach of all to tbe farmer it is inditpensible and it sboold be in every bouse everything from a beet to a glass of champagne is lo cents in yokoboma japan tbe blood is the life good health without pure blood is simply impossible and to secure pure blood it therefore absolutely especially in spring when bad blood is very prevalent bar- dock blood bitters is the remedy wiibost an equal in the world of medii cine it drives out all isonoua hamora of the blood from a common pim ple to the worst scrof nlou sore new york granite cutterswill have a f 5w0 monument at the worlds fair it it safe to use freemen worm pow derr as they act ooly 90 the worms apd do not injure tlio child only eitizeus who can read and wrife are allowed to vote in bolivia when baby waa ft tm pan her rtetorta tvnen tbe vat a ii3 criol for carforia wnea she brcaroo kfrt cue dang to ctttarir thieo she had children the va them ctdoru afails may be shipped by electricity from brooklyn 10 new york 5 are vou deaf or do yoa suffer from noise in the head then send 3 cent stamp and i will send a valuable treatit oootainfng full particular for home cur which cnt comparatively nothing a tplendid work on deafnett and the ear addrepeor g citueaootreal for coughs colds bronchitis and tlllang and throat troubles there no preparation ot medicine can compare with blckttv antlcomtumptive syrup it never fails to afford promptland permanent relief it remove all tortuot tnd beak th diseas ed part u immediately soothe the most troublesome cough and by promoting expectoration remove the mucous which stop up- the air tube which came difn- calty in breathing thereby gives relief to that depressing tightaestexpanenoedin th chest public speaker and linger will find bicklet antlcoatumptlto syrup of inestimable value a it speedily and effec tually allays all irritation and hutkiueat in the throat and brnqohialtlbet and givst power to be vocal cords rendering the voice clearl and sonorous it parent with 0 save the live of their children and themselves from much anxiety trouble and expense leb them procure a bottle of bicklas anticoatumptive syrap and whenever a child has taken cold haa a cough or hoarseness give the syrup tcoor- diug to directions spain has consolidated the pottoffice and telegraph business hidden foes among the many foe to human health and htppineae dyspeptia and constipation are twin enemie greatly to be feared with b b b to drive them out of the system however no danger need be antici pated at every doee brings the sufferer a loog ttep further on the road to perfect health aud strength and a permanent care always result a pastoral was read on sunday in many catholic cburche announcing that pope leo owing to the prevalence ot grip hail decided to countermand lenten regulation and also to permit the faithful to partake of flesh meat on fridays until further notice if you want to bay or tell a farm ad vertise in the toronto watty ifaitthat paper reache 100000 farmer jhome every week and your advertisement ahoojd meet the eye ot someone whs want to pur chase advertisement of thutciaasare n- serted in the toronto ifeeiy uatl toffive cent a word each insertion or twenty cent a word for five insertions address the hail toronto canada a nevada man claims a gun that fire fifteen shots a second c c ricmids ct co gents i have used ifinardt liniment in my family for a number of year for various case ot sick- nets and more particularly in a severe attack of la grippe which i contracted last winter and i firmly believe that it was the meana of saving my life c i lauce sydneyt c b rial clevaw fellaw baggs is real clevaw fellaw but what ia he clever at why at being so dooced clevaw dont chew knaw shiluhs cure this- great cough cube thit successful consumption cure fs without a parallel in the hittory of medicine all druggists are authorized to sell it on a positive guarantee a test that no other cure can successfully stand if yon have a cough sore throat or bronchitis use it for it will oure you if your child has the croup or whooping cough use it promptly and relief is sure ifyon dread that insid ious diseaae consumption dont fail to ate it it will care yoa or cost nothing ask yoajr druggitt for shilohs cure price locts 50ct and 100 if your lung are sore or back lame use shllohs porous platter 2ocu a crying evil every crying evil should be promptly removed sick headache ia a crying evil affecting thousands of canadian which can easily be removed jy tbe use of bar- dock blood bitten the best known stomach liver and bowel regulator and cure far sick headache from whatever cause arising not long sgo in london a preacher in dulged in thit little bit of sarcasm qver a small collection when i look at becon- gregatfon raid he 1 ask where are the poor and when i look at be collection i ask where are the rich mr john anderson grestmere out writes the vegetable discovery yon tent me is all gone and i am glad to say that it ha greatly benefitted those who bare used it one man in particular syt it hu made him a new man and he cannot say too much for its cleansing and curative quali tie- cain hohe pound a day a uik ok a roukd a day in till case uftlitax who has hecoke au kuh down akb uasbeouk to take that ukaiucaiiu fush pmduczj scotts emulsion of pure coo liver oil with kypophosphlies of lime a soda n xotkiko tnotoal thb feat has seek tzzfoiuzd 07ek and ovej agatx palatable as mix exi- ikjesto bit pimfcraki scotts i ehulsioli is put dp oxlv ik salmon coloewkafpeas sold bv all dluo- cists atjcoc axdjt00 r xcottfr bowne billailu 1 st jacobs w thb rbat fcmbby for pain qvuu rheumatism braliu cuts wpuidi 8rtni 8tlnwi8wningtbeltoht hen digit oclitlot bm sprilm arlc8 a vooilir oompahy baltimore omkllnn dr i tob out m sbl t 4 j for 60 d p mm lyatajiil kelly bros acton having ajsojdejd to lesson oor stock by half to fflak room spring stock we will tell goods for the nut 00 day i mean cost and away uoderooit for motf good in order 04tettektvsrftdtfsedtouidtatbt recotmiendtt superior to say nrscrlptto tnawutome 1ui bcpxtordti m umoc tatnerltaso of supererr- tataufaaat mpenrorslfcut uirtot fimfles outer it so uulrertat ted iknomliailttesmsawort totodonelt fewareth s who auot keep csjtorla law raster e pure pqwd5re0 l kmtfrforuaalaii sonaalnc water i wai acta hl y till t c tor infatitt nd children it a aaonta j- d brocklrn k t oaatotta esi oobs oeuttf patfatt boor htvh dsarnesa anstaltou kiuc warmaalve sleep and protaojea df troks hyarlout medleatloo meominendel i utliiuaci tor aavefal rearx ihav ttt foot osatoda and shall abrer so to a it hat bnadabtr prodr temltt i 1 eowor r pianaa il dj tt wlxihrijp lh street and rth kewtorii rays eboti jiua m 4oced benenclal cuptts purest dtrokqest best nrqitantitrjfoemailar boa uilcn itx sld ahuadxol cum 21ikuiit4boua 0l re prcitt tbe third pi e of the toroalo dtilf hail it noted foi want advertitements u yoa want to t ty or selll ahytptag if yoa want a situs ion a mechanic a buai nest machinery lodging if yoa bare lost or ottnd anytiur or if yon want to find out where anyoo 1 it adver ise in the- tc ronto baufittl and read the itdvertiaew meat on un tl ixd page f that paperj the charge it ti o cent a word each in tertian adores rht if ai j toronto can- ad i am at yonr urvice lar aaid when lbt him stealing til will yon heed perhaps of thettj terrible disease scire if yon a saving mo to r for it we bhiiohs cure never fails hat a cough 1 the warnini tbe signal re approach of that more pontumptioi 1 ask your afford foi the sake pf the risk a id io nothing knfaw tram ex perieoce that ill cure yo ir cough it painful burnt ate quickly carbolic salve heyon didnt did yon 6hejl tie yoa wear mairti u the burg lady of th 1 home canghtd bruise scalda and cute footijed til healed by victort urdock pills ntunceuric att rotuountucbntimlrok moiatmok otzzikcti iik hcadachc tan dittatct 0 tmc ttotuck liver akb iocl tkct aac kii9vm0auk ana momft ik acne aas ro a vttyatix aia ts luaoaca lueo iittcu lit tkc tacaraiorr aaa cvat er cmbokic ako oimkatc diieasc j the press new york l fqr 159 has a larger dally cfealallaa thi hepubllcan kewspaper la diiiy sunday wefekly tho tcgrcscive eflrablkeui ioamu of ha tftttrpoui a ktrriptptjr for old uutfx foandnc d4cambr jit 17 circulatioa over 100000 copies daily know i wai color blind tutpected from the neck- o wonder be to often repeated that promptest beat remedy surprised at it effects us a george patter- coud story window strik- fi and bun using st jlaobt freely all oyer his hurts morning at wort- all ially disappeard leaving nor swelling c k why should ij it it the surest when doctors ar lawrence ktnt ton tell from log a fence i oil he used it and i saw him the blue spot fil neither pain s neciuxs stv d women who luffer from nervosa and phytic debility find great help in the ate of ayeri sarti parilla it produce the rapid effect of a i timulant without reaotion the result bein a permanent increase ot strength and vigi r both of mind and body a scientist sa hnnjtn life haa year from thirtjr- a that the average term ot ucreased in the last fifty four to fortytwo yeara orctl- benefited i dtun sies 1 for cancer of tbe year and four and internally fited have had add no medicinb goodaabbb from cancer can trim bbb an any questions received from thii mas a have been using bbb breast during the last two ponths both externally have been greatly bene cancer over seven years ever did me to much feel tare thtttinerer dbtain relief or even cure will be pleated to answer to the use and benefit remedy eiiioti waterdowh ont adt i v shaped the front of en thelttast scheme coming much th air to the ploagb extendi track to th top sharp edge of fog it a comtnod men hut thing in railroad sqy people troableo head icfae will edy in ayert ttreugthen the lirerj restore heal organ t and thus ent n lief tax put u th onnui ot no ftctigd pulls no wires hs ao aulmatitiea to areagv the moat remarkable nswrpeper tucccat la kewvorkj tire bkzu it a kauanal kewt paper cbeap qawc vulgar seosatloflt and trash find no place la be cotamae of ttpr pnzs tan faxst baa uia brljtmt editcjriil pagd in krerort ft tparalaa wtln pouiia tmt paas bcvdix enmox is aj tpleodld twenty p paper oovertng evsry eorraat topic aflaterest i i tin pxzs wcirxt enrnov contains all the good things of ho daily and sftndaj- edition for those whoeanuotanord the dally or aro pravsnted by distance hem early recetag it the weeklr it a tpleadid tabstitute as an adtertlalnk madiuid tax pass oa aesuperlor la kswjvork thebress within the reach o all the beit tad clicftt ksttpaperla america j dulr ini sundtr one ytir s 00 szaaatlf z50 i 4s dellroaly oat yettr 3 0o fonrblqathx 110o smdtr oae yair 200 wtakly preat one year 100 send for ton paaac clrcalar sample tree agecu wanted e liberal commissions address the phess 36 park tad tee far yoarttlfj -at- j tajprltlngly not fp otrry over any o order for the next 0 days salt ooveroom for ls monty than cloth and trimming e x winter overooallngt or sultaogt we will make will porobaae th any readymwa 9 totcoat or salt n the house tt tbodt half pride com in we have fverjj kind ol 0p that worn tndwfunbt ritnt lay rmonble offer for any of them our tfock of laderwear sbfru glove handkerchiefs tie suspenders umbrella cottons ooftonades flannels shirting tpweflli e will go regsitllott ofoott v a r remember tbtt clering sale will last for 60ayt onlr and w ttjii mt right here hat the people of actoa sndvioinlty never befoie or tgafuhavu had or will bar the chance of baying goodt tttnch low price for caah 1 l kelleiyboa 1 fort an noriaea lotf prietai which 3 ffl ism siutt- tyar tanret tlall7 tag a paaaeri i ttkqtjof c oolnfl we t4 rial l ooing eait10 15 a dmtu im this tlm tbv 40 tc in december fife usd collf ri cuffs rift tblln a ce bar 6il- beaver aiid persian lamb caps also c0u kne cufrsi shaw t grundy q merchant tailors the parlor the diniht ro the bedrooms the hall 1 the kitchen m this subject may spend a little time looi give yoa an ideal of howl can aafely promise to i i hkve beenin yonr mind for a month or to and it will pay yam to lobkijig for tomethioglhst will pltue yoa a visit fo par shop will much can be had for a relatively small amount of mony it yoa i twits crywbjire rowlx miiyneed new eurniture i ujndertaktna in hflitf branches sfsioht son we j a 8pekkt jmaamstot tesjiitjonesii mechanicals general- wood engraving 10 king 5t east toronto setid him your ojrder for any class 01 wood rngraving- you jdesire 20 packages new goods just arrived attlie the irighft house i i i i c0n8i8tikg of s cases of iblankett in large sizes hekvyweightt pare wool and ranch below their teal rajae 8 cases ot corset one being crop ptons celebrated corset in vailpa maker from 60o up to the beat nurting cotteta ami dr warners corset alto the charivhugf n american corsets whi h are beooming general favorite and theehvelxfw patent improved stiffenlngt in them which make fhecoreeti fit easy and are very durable case american fruit of the loom whiter cotton cheap and good 2carieanctl bieof new print in chaming8tyieandnnunallygop4 ttjae 6 roll carpet t bale stair fad 2 bale carpet lining i ease shirt and draware lai iea and gent misses and boy uaderweir oftall nsefnl kind in ibundance selfing off at very small profit staetl ng red0otions to cleab out goods betore removing to new ereuises handsome madras cdrtains do wn frojt hosoio m kmm and 15 to charming velvet 0uli promi20 ta8rdif7j to7 maqniticest chenille cttbtaihs from 122 to fit mi75 toji7ad 11025 to is beautiful p superior switt ltce cariaina from l7 to 111 old and middles and 19 to 10 ladies ulster from c2 to 17 and 1350 to it lai i circulsrt ttt 50 to is aad 110 to f 5 mantle cloths from iic5 to tri lir ril vrij j cil ml u iti j turnitnre covering from 1115 to ii and 1130 lol very feed ladies fioitmimm 11750 to 110 115 to flto 18 iea jacket from tli50 to 19 tli to 18 and 19 to 16 ladies ii 1225 to 150 and 1150 to 75c brocaded silk- velvet mantling at half price colored velviiteent and silk plneua at hlalf price colored grot grain silk immenaelyrednced in tw8t stiles french allwool dreb oooos cros8ter6 beaotibul wilton carpets going far below thjbtr magnificent brdasels- carpets pdt away down orqsbiieys bit reddotion allwool and union cabpetb price dress and mantle trimmlugtjgoirig at j their value at enobomous reductions value crossleys 5feame handsome tapestry carpfits- going at a reduced greatly pleaie antir the ttote nexj the new building many make mistakes and do not get into the bight house i i i 1 i harsaaiog heai aches make many lives miserable needl uly so when a caije like burdockj blood bitter it expnues engine contrivance to be of tut yo get more ipeed natural of tha m a few inches of th smoke- te in front v expression ai log wind ii kgricnlture ginfea of the i fjont i fi poughi puoed i mpng i with aick and a most efficlcioni oatliaria ttjmach sliipa by action to the ffocd speedy and hinarda ltnhrjent ralleve prompt obtain are byover resistance ot the tbove the stack the shovelling rail- a new nervoat rem- they ate the jilgettive perraan fttnraljls hjgows r syrup 3cstr0yi ani on alu kinfj adults swi cannot iq p racrcuveb m s in ohild 7 as syru rm the chili eticatc lunsfcwim u ukou o tool h iu tflaqrlaat i ttkatatvdima lau t a 8looum stwerrt6ri e ss g tkfljttbtrl tttuntuktad two tbtv extixu tad m c 188 abklaloe onto ont hamilton february gth 1892 thoo- o wtezlits i can furnish you with trje best presses for country country and at lower prices than for coptb to rcton mprved counljry prouty prests news and job work to be had in this any other newcylinder press j knd seb our the free press is printedj otijthe above no 1500 drum cylinderj press can i we have ran the proaty far eight yeare and the longer we run easy to handle costs little or repairs and hi eisy on the printer s i tiday for the money come and teejonrpres at work if yondesl them we can give vpa yqnr choice qf a number ol different size pjress and the work illjuistrates its merits tjptter newspaper or poster iwork do wwwbtr think of it a new for an 8 t tha belter we like it it it tiinple easy- to run eaiy on type oket book we call it tha best press to beliad in the world re samples of work send for thenl and we will gladly fnttiah irtyletof pnoetatall price l t jqto pover press for jonly 600 to jop and 1 hbbh coll folid or 5 col ijoj book pressior8od full particulars frorn 1 fit hwy eittuiant ttmi iti j malt fuimist lr- bxi r liaj 19 jn do you kfcow artythirig apout horse j ami jij thettof20 tnej etre stooel tertof yetra dont wait until ydar beast fit tick but send apestilieanlatoomforruu prucolan about tbameldoea atkanydetlar far them po box 482 v j ijmontrxaii itr dickl brndnwioe ieibilttiiivaie lewfointmnt tie dletj unlmom tee it uett in lbs troru for omti cat lis rr- unlocks all the eloaged bowels kldneri and 0b giadnally witnout yr tmll the imparities cj the secretions at the rtctlrin acidity of earing bhionsnes heattadws dizziness constipation drrness sjvasjlel te flit j ycbjiiit g baiy f tbnl luiiimsi itinecorw stobutett sxitt tool juuiius4 tite dfowtr dimness of tlioe salt rheain totuoessvand these and many other yield to th htppj bl blood bitters rsxmikr 1ou depot j i jot the skin vlsloti jmni ftt s m ret infocmatlon tml nee mu jim co an baqapwatt hsaabekwrttfto tgwatt yst teant jgga ror i piteorsdotlsrad itf ebatjejati m raid sojendldlf 11 nun rioald be vuboat tt wl vecr tuo jr ndauu addroi ronusaptmsl bnmdvsr kev ml dunns baking powder thecoolcsbestfrlett largest sale in sanapa the largest scale works in canada overjioo styles bp hay scales graicf scale farm scales f ea scales j smffioved srfow cases uoney drawers meatcioppers 10 iptctias soi poszss ix nruj vjps ir leant j c wilson a sfrft 6 0 esplanade street eattt f torontcioms vhioiiuuspapereertunotoajwtii- ih mm ii i 1 w 1 5tti t i w tm hmr wi rih y m 11 ci wi tip drtfowilers ext- of 4 wiild mm cut jra iholepalmotbus ramps iarrhcea vsehtelt and all surfer c anfluxiisofthe it is safe anp r children or bulb compiaiins powels te f3a 1 raiapte bpolfeslhoes we bate just received oor boots and shoes from the faclnrers in canada andbefy c psitition hr either ohklity ttyle or price t we make spicialiljj of t i fall block of peat mna- 00m- i n boots 4 shoeb for ttyle flv audi excelled agent for canada actomvqnt witt wiliuaajg lh ma cannot- be j 1 atbn mm 1 rrr m

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