clic jttoit jfjct wss i every thubsdaf jcorkiko fe ivw km frtatiajt0ee eill stufet liotox okt trukt or scseettrrtokoj dollar rrar irrl ini4ruorftmattinftamaihs front tnctcacette tlaprraru cotm ffc du so vhlb ercrr labacrtrtloa u 4octd by the itit pa lh address libel arvrartuxo itwiutimqsleet tifartis- ctcb eect pw kooru line toe tint a wruon icbii per um or mch taueqnat inruon cornier iutmth ollolac table show ccr rtto oc lb lctrtiwi ot idvruim0ts or specified prtodj trut i yiltck sjtnrhe 10tikh i inrho i inch nam 14100 ww it on u0o us 1100 s0b una it 09 wsj tin jo u too i 109 wil b lbtlim toe jrfthot tnocifie dtwetfon j forbid tad enarftvt weord icer ttmatetrt i4nttlmmats matt b ptj4 o adtvtoe 1 adtrttemtt will b chanced oac ceh masttr if dfwd for chine ottciwr tbtft qc maath tb mmruaitfesi tmsst b rjd or it recal rat cfcmfiej for ecatract drf rtimmesu matt be in lb ofte by hooood tveadayt himcooe hitorcaipropdttor wttstttcss btadatp w e lowrr m b uops qr2uteoctttlty0oilcifcozbrof cttue t pttrstetsat ul sarnaac oscidradeneealthabdeffndret r4t aetoo j f urek m d c m trinity un- ltwtitrkoaargrtdaite victoria coiver ll tac in ridicecorncr kill frederick streets too lbekkettlds dentist- a naxictan otrruto m cleas a iccleak brruurt8ciicitart kotart oaaftyaaoetc tt prtamtcndjtoialn wm a he lias jxo auclci3e t a mowat r bixttstul sotjcrtot kotaky pcuxc coney to loan orncx ditttidy ted sttttrday orncr eannawivi blott actan uptir r uckabb costetaxczs cbixtcroa etc rcu ud eooadu ocllctd acent fire cud life aflturuice propetty boacfat vsi iald uoa to locc on the uoct ftrtmbl terms j lttowats oace actoa s hiltok wallbrxdge4 stoke luxtutere solid tort ac tokoxto ain gcoegctot5 offlce cweltttai block gorct4yb ud trxdr ilnt cbcmtxfri c3 yo st toronto jhiltox e th kilxeetdoc hrctose ditekts sectjred prftimct hate paper and i eoltiqpm sttpkaaux v af gioma bittktr sw14t vloltu vt hir much rtur in otllloe rsar luon- ucstolh k ud fuhduibtc kobt rpr ta4 knrtop4o heb n re bov khorloc th lbor ririctw klch ibc of lhpc imu nml dlo la iltirtl colore tad bath piper utdcarlop u ptrf afsd to oorrmpoad ptitup in boice8f 35 cents tobhoalr tt days boqkstqre day sella cheap wliblnf tocaluftta 1 onauoo ut jo5j nllibl linia ind kaovliic hnr dffflaall ii te for lhm ooonlortu to swd r ul ilwin uuod to bam frmur prttuajt uun tafothtr climocbuiatuaiaa tr4ders bake or oikadt axu orricc tomkto rubcrpoiml oocni jut fuxo h 1900000 aublph branch w cu ronr ituallon a u roanaiucac offuadlir aijr 8tad illtak danarunast d- podii at ft tad optuda notlrodud lourait illrwdtttln rua ac r majufmr uaam not lata at dapotlt m ilidri3 paid oroom- poaodtd uturrtr oa lut hit i4 mcu no- nnnifr tadtin medo to rwpaaitlila finntn adraaoea mida to frmert oa tbo kkarity of sclnnotai a lcwty mtda o codccuoc farminiatoa oatac uut ao cliaxca mtda or oolkcuttf wbea batik of montreal capital rest 12000000 6000000 a savings bepautuent haa beta opened in connection witlrtbi branch latertat allowt4 it corrcat eat 4a8hfinl4y kuiicr gctlph b1ukcq w barber bros paper karters greorqeton ont iuxe a iftcultt ot machine flnlslisd book papers -4- itigh grade vtkekly xews the paper oaed in thta journal ii from the above milli wk barber bros stisel engravings hinc colored pictorci pictor uooldlnc froof etchidc colored pictorci plctora uoaldlcti ivory oae kilter oilt fob is vestioks keset grist omwi cikuji- teesty taan practica so pest no pit w m hekstreet lictssed arjtioseei kqitha coantie of ellinctoa and hlton order ufiftt the fbxe psxti oflce actoa or t qjr rcilcsc in actan vill b promptly tt- l3lilo terms recoable alto money to loco on the mot firortble terniauad at the lovect nte of lacerect in natol tsdouiddpvtrds john dat architect gceifhokt ornce wynihin street e1rascis kukak iszcecnor tot fchpmtu bookbisdea tgearcesjaxre gcelpbosuxlo accounl bookt of ill klnci xntd to order periodical of bttry decriptioa exxef ally boand ealicr oaatlftjid promptly don 1 mhe haklak barber shop hill snurr acroit an tuf cnare a ctyjieh hxiretit cood iafoaia an erbiicxatlncthaispoaivaitciteii basors honed and pntin fintclaae condition ldiee end cboldrenehxir tastily est 3 hwobdestoflorijarttu irelands desiccated wheat i for dyspeptics and anyone with weak digestion try it the ibeu5d national food co ltd tofzonto agents wanted foxthill noreri zaret in canada tuo aeree e tntrelixjleenereeticmira to aeh oor nursery t prciace erperience not deceacarr any mta with tact and energy en iocceed term liberal outfit free our afieati hare many adtantaeea each a selljnc botnron hardr caqadlan itock cbcrfce new bpecialtie vbicb are of creat value and which can only be aeeored from a we bare tfren panicnlar attention to the propceation of hardy varietiea cnitable to the northern sec tion of canada for terms apply to foe fc weixtnotok 1 toronto ont artists materials a foil stock of winter a kectoni v white donble tnbc eorney s loe 8 x 10 beep photo frttaea complete c 5 feet cornice role br fittinci tic our wall papers are taid to be the bct slected in the city waters bros established 1st st georges square otjelph new planing mid saab tnd door paotary john cameron contractor baa fittsd cp the tcildicc on uaia btreet lculr occapiad a a truss tctoryvitbnevmachierr and u prrpared to crnub plana fpecincatlon asd ectidax or all clasaca of bcilduica and ereccte all uodj or dbfsslvo uatchjsg and uouldixq u1xz itt ittlea op eathca doors and windows and door frames and dreoad lumbar and keep a ctock 03 btpd all order promptl attedad to john cameron actok livery bus line agents wanted j xa everi tcnrnahlp to sell the pictorial cyclopedia of ltre stoci and complete rgtoclc doctor tbptnatt aomf lete arid coorprelzeiure vork ererpobliahod- iu actbon itaod at the bead oti3b probation and bave a coatlnental repu tation worth it weifbt fa cold to aar one barinc horaea ebeep cattle swbx pocltrjr doc or beea a cfod oiportoqltjr to make mooer secore territory at once addrea e n koyer pnbuihe 120 yon a st toronto oaaiwoo r jafvies brown has on hand a large aclitity of excellent coal which he will iirouipuy delifcr to any patt of hi town at raaonabfe price hardwooi and slab eat itore laatb alvay on baod j the boderslcned respectfully solicit the natron ace of the pubjic and intornn them that well equipped cad stylu h rigs can win tw scured at his stable a comfortable bus meet all trains between 9 a m and 618 p m carefal attention given toeteryorder the xt of cannnercul trard- lert fully met jqhn william8 walfington mutual ksurafige cqmpaiy estaeueeed isto head office cuelph injure haildinc tf erchandise if ancfactorle and all other descriptions of insurable property on the cash and prqmlcm note system f w stokbr okas davidson president wanagcr john taylor aqent partblo in gaflipli hvi nntrpas4 fscilltie tor trttuoilt- u laonev to all puts of uift fldaaurr a ceneral banking butinoa transacted a f 13 jokes lcasacor qaelph brxaab crindells machine repaie shop in addltiou to machinery renalrinc e am now prepared to do horse shoeing a general blackflmitmii in a most satisfactory manner woodwork re- pflr also mc careful attention giten to all work broaght in any macliloaor lmplatntat by ha5inoter manufactured wulb repaired la ctocic mao like manner flow end machinery ffepcir coaitauiuy oa haad bxht aiundxitl 8eason1891 7hile retnrnlc v rotu for their tbtaks to our many pat jeral sapport in the put we wish to laioaa yoa that w hare entered into an arraoetmctit wttb k 6lttrt onajph tokeepeccttantltoacaada full stock o the ordinary tit of sashdoors etc and will clso lupply any special slie on short notice at gtxeiph pricec frames of alt ktnds made to ordet we alto teep in stock a line of rbvcamo and door cttn corner blocta yoartttinl r drd while you welt price tl bo per m primps being better able than heretofore we will supply either wood or iron pump prorapuy all work guaranteed utf sfactory please call and lstpeet before purchasing elsewhere 1 thosebbage ffanaxcr gentlemen ortier now your fall suit and overcoat kew goodi specially imported trade choice patterns for ray fit style acd workmabthip the beat prices the lowest lly specialty perfectfitting 4 pants to order r e nelson fashionable clothier 99 upper wjndhtm st qoelph rattan cdate bell pianos organs we be awabdrd the gold medal at jamaio slats rnational bzhibition is81 jo codjeutionwit american german english ud cauaafsn manufacturers hqcfcing ctiafrs card ladies sidetioards j wrifinglatiiiiets wksk to v coke bohe at k1gbt tbenan rathe loaetr ho to thobi amiba andth ahdlooii tbata otietr hourt or lb iwitj yeaa wife ne joaharaukmher st- n han bit tiooihtt o back tatbtbrfrhoodkoei for uia maud of b moihari rofoa lieb of bar saatla haad o urtalba i weal bopee to ntr i trqdaritand i btsna ra dottier oasa tl4 irtal 11 kfaara tbaraarl iadihe and the whoa ihe from and iba audit or wbea and yc 8h larnt aaibo fortbo aid ibal flat the are not t bar hooiebold uk j troableeomathfnaaarlae j lis to aik mother what to do ottartlliberra baka bov tar aaar the a rndtbert iorfoj can xitfitpr ber fatberc beartj laaftj aaelf enttahaca klatea yoa oodbjre to the mill svir i ttjratlie door with allluoilju thjoaa ot bo loof looa day j tv are idas that va ipeud alobo oklr tjreogtrlrt loc vuei leaoaoma tear for bocna lata of went shout rohi so where aadcanr juittl aod pralae and uaketba wbaa fl diibeliere lorevraa nerx so reoeired if urging he going for harrrhpoio vbea tbe aadc a dooe a avaitfoc yoa f ome tittle rfft aloag umd to tioi i har vock and her daloty ooct lonaatudbrtcbt ileat boor o all the day j booia home at night htrirau j fitppu i sttwt 3fstnu6 juaitttg ijinqali iidrt 50 the rej i i iurt4 in blakes itoro to a report that itcrtod in bulcea in onheartl of heresy at the oor urtoanduig u it si the corners without 4 aasdav of doabt it st hsrdljneeded p be known that un goodrich afternoon pnrchaaea herself irai the authority down at the tore on satnrday a oiaat to make her weekly anion blake who never failed when groceries weta purchased to conduct the castor lerto the other side of the store to look athedr goods and yios vera endearori g to leaa mrs goodrlen over to look at to 00 new winter goods then it came oat with libit of pardonable prida thi let hli iknow ihe had no noed to look at fal g ods in faitlismi corners or in wilhtm entre either sinoa hsnnth waa going to 1 1 city ncxtreekto do their fall shopping that she hannah had an aont then rho had the whole maimer been to come and that now the was l few days lira g odrtch ahook her large kirts and swept oat bgnrstively spsiking of coarse as her gar aents always escaped the floor by some inct hotting was hardly over the fieit day when hai oah was inteniewod aa to her intended i rip and the ladies who were not present in the morning interviewed her in the evenii gj od tho sabject they were so nnmeroas hen snd kept her so long that jerry dc wiling waiting impatiently for her outtid ooncluded she had gonejqat of the back walked 1n abundance atldvyg8trprice8 uppefiiilltaflri jff j icuelph special p to thoat pofltempladog tclepboae eotomott ration i v i i lloe hal to caokic oeotoktowk i appraisers valu- heal estate and agenbj j coortlssor wshlngton slmcoe yor and ontario f i frspondatisoratit aa or otilr boafnms fn lyatlaldad nrajnptly fob sale ls onuodtlily or qcarterly parniaatsftl only at c w keuy 23 lover vddbaui phone 17 music syoa c wjc uctfbvtaiv job printing tkoljudiite booaa x haad circular btat myle of the art at moderate prices and on thort notice apply or address a f hoobe atl fail is poce aetoo x and im laixf boojoc kill st qaorsa- lowa or addnaa baa us s jfccook k co aattlomars baucsomatl qdeeo 8t taat toronto sat cookfcoo aoouonears 1 1 flaor mows aid toropjo ageutf- foatatf hamilfcoiis marble workg j hauiltohl block formerly hatch block the gore corner of weafwicbsnd korfolk ttreetaqnelpb ont i john h hamilton proprietor wholesale and retail dealer and direct importer and maanfaetarerof all kinds of granite- md karble honamenta tombciones etc harioe had aitaxttfnifre exnadanctfiocthe lait 16 yean may nil 7 en iettjog all ranerlor tmiewaffanyotbtr oaaler j per cant off 0 eeired for the next 30 day meets intheoddfanovssajl ktiru na always welcome for cony of cooatlwaoa aa4 laws apply to tho nnderdgned or anjy memben j m embers wmlxtuub r hhwobdekj blcroxary sfs uaybkjthebsknrrymett a ridatsi frank aurcessj is prei wjkafftj s complete tausfsction oodiaipecialtr i ldinee mala st acton oor on parposa to cat and he hitne with another girt his mother 1 ho had not been on speaking terms wit 1 lira goodrich since that good made so ie remarks on the strength olj the batter irs downing hroagut to the ministeri donation last winter let jerry know wh a fae got home of hannahs in tended tri j snd suggested that a girt who ooaldnt my her winter dress st the corners 1 at matt go to new torsi for it- was to fin to bo a farmer wife jerry went to b d in despair while hannah was crying he self to ileep wondering hjw she coald hav 1 offended him 1 the ne t afternoon when the came in from her chool hannah wits mace than surprised o find lira dowting in tte sitt ing room eith her mother as the visitor had not b en to their house for over year har nah waa tare that she bore some message f om jerry and greeted her ac cordingly wondering meanwhile why her mother lo iked so grim snd knit as forioci- ly aa if fi e whole family were barefooted and saffe ing 1 it ws 1 o message from jrerrjr- however that brda iht mrs downing here today the lad a u working la a diataiit field snd did not k low of his matters eall after her little ecnarkust night abopt hannahs ahoppisg toor ihe had tboniht best to keep this risit 1 profotmd seara from him i was art telling ypar ma the began when haj nah fiashed and expectant was seaced that id been dows td blakes to getnr winter dress and that there werent a thing there idpnt oh my back qb nt thing hannah assented jaickly u going to new rork tor oar winter th ngs 80 i hes d and i wa telling yoat ma that afi ogac j on tregoingto towp ind goiog f iopfng haying bnsmofe dress woaldn 30 no more trouble to yoa bnying a whole wardrobe for jerrys mother 1 oold have been s delight oh n froiblea pteaiarev hannah cried des lite her taotaors frbwns there s that brown merino i got three years sgc this fsll ifrs downing went on the wei r ive had oat of it jnit beats au via won it steady wherever f went t waatellii g yoa that j didnt know as i coald be letter saifed thsni to have another jnit like t bo if yoa wont mind getting me 10 ya ds of dark brown merino say aboat so lents a yard or yoa might go is high ae 8 tvd be moch abhged and will do theia ne by yon j j doa bentiaa it rorietf hannah tuif- ing ont her notebook and adding his mall ite n to the long family iiit the 1 iddeyll be all right added mrs downing of 00 irse it will hannah laagbed gain to stay loog fron thnrsday to monday only i cant lea e my school longer vi b over then on monday night after it waal i most say hrsi goodrich boiaton m the ooor closed if ter sirs downing ibes got braes the idea of heraakii g yoa to log t dress up from the city for etl i didnt gin bee any encoorj agement when she spoke to me aboat it i can te yoa oh 1 lather i waaldn t refuse for he world lannah retarned tea ras over mrs hashing the dishes hannah dtjing ihem when tb 1 kitchen door was anorembayf iodslyo ened atallgaant woman with a oomin indingaiclas if ihe wen at he head of a disorderly reginwnt mirohsd in kwwhrsfoore i wi down to hill dpwningi ihe be gan wi boat mull prelude of a greetidg for a d ih of the and a an ihe ra tallin we jiiat hannah was goia to the cityneii wwjti tea on thursday ww wait down t thaliit no time for net gone over to her grandmothers and they aiaat anybody home to git mjoom lapper miss downing was saying 5 on wis gmng to git her a brown meraenir yi i impose it woutjw no triable j ii yoar baying to bay mo a black njareenr at i the same time none whatever hannahs smllo wa gelling hollow how long be yoa going to llay 1 till monday 111 bo roand monday ev ning wilit the money yoa can git me 75 centilnff aboat ierenyards 1 i she departed wllh as litlli oerombajras ihe had entered i old yoa mti told yoa so said mrs goodrich as she tiled a candle and went dawn into the cellar with i w milk jef yoa do it for 000 yoamait da it for he whole town j mia browd this drew qifcer dropimd in a lillle lat j l heard only juit now that i youre go ing to new york ihe rid ijto apologise for not coming sooner tind that yoare going lo get kmo things for mrsj downing 1 1 i yet a dress hannah retaraeoy while her mother gave a tremendo is ahemj so i heered i dont gc lo kew york very often myielf and iti afraid ifm getting a little behind ihej faihioni it dontpjy yoa know formejtoget behind slie simpered miss brown was more noted for her simper than fir the correct ness of her styles of coarse not j v i so i made bold to itep roand and ask yoa as yoare going to the city iinyay an will be looking t the fashions ojast give a look for me 1 cant lay exactly how many patterns vi like yoa jo lay meh oh yoa want me to bay palfernai do yoa v hannah aiked qoipkly she was one of the most obliging girls in the world but this sort of ihingwas becoming manij- tonoac as long as yoare in the city and going right by the fashion itoret i lappote it wont be any trouble for yoa 6 itep in ind hay a pattern or two yoa can get what ever yoa think is pretty4somo sacqaes bodices and skirts and so on yoi canjtcll better than i can when yoa lee them aa might get aboat ave dollars worth i think itll pay me ill let yoa have the money when yoa know how much ft is or ill tew it oat while hahhoh was silently making 1 note of this mrs dobbs their next neigh bor came in i j pretty neighbors 50a are wa her greeting pretty neighbors i melie she jait came ap from the itore ma ihe says what do yoa think handahjjoodrioii is going to the city athnridayj ashoppin and is going to get mrs dai miag a dress i wonder if she wouidntba met celt hat im sick and tired of miss millers hits of coarse ihe wdald ici l 1 pretty neighbor ihed be ef ihe wo ildnt why oertainly said hannabrying jo call ap a sails it wssoaly gliosj of one that responded however what fcicd of a hat will amelia want shes gain to leave that to your judg ment sometbin pretty land dressy and itybsh and that will be becoming to yoa rfnnh was dark with delicateleatares and very pretty amelia was light with coarse feataresand homely shes willing to go as high aa five dol lars mri dobbs went on still if yoa dont have to spend so mucn shell te tickled looking around a iittlerknd not taking tho fint thing thats offerea yoa kin sometimes save si much as fifty cents did please whn han- next ipriag even mrs downing wii nbi old lilt the- lait moment and then it was tecaaie hannah changed her name to dawning the day ihe went ind wis as pleasm u before of cootie to undertake any jcommisiion for jerryi mother ate la for tjoa im not gologfthiti what ill do about it well bay dot winter dreu goodi it blakef at he rjst of william will for all ne the next lime i mike ap my mind to go mew yottc not a iaoi in withim will know it till ma mri goodrich nab went eul ona h price ce i am gone if yoa please smilbt starters j- just rfajf dozpn ofthem done uplln reoloui pod architect aid od these paneli yoa with i beheye the doable convolate mri noaveaa0h no indeed i laid i wanted last a p sin wiggle running down each lide how did the iurprize party go off lait night 1 doabi i quick time the iar prised people tho ight they were barglari and turned the b la on hem whither ace ou bound t- tup to lee smithers he 1 the most conceited duffer in the woi id i am told he never wears his hat in his awn presence ybago o bed at twelve or one i and ihua destroy your health my ion no father wss the repartee j tis ketting up hats killing me i ho took her iaad tendecly a ring woald look iweet oa that little finger he said an engsferacnt ring it ianc the fashion to 1 ear eneigement rioii on the little finger the replied drawing her hand away i i little johnny in the coantry forjthe fintjiirae pips he is not a farmer l ne 1yes my son but bat papa where are the horns cnhii batidi harart bazar wanted encouragement got any wediug cloie bete he asked of a polite clerk in a woodward avenue clothing store according- to the detroit fraprtu f plenty of theni replied the clerk with a winning little grin how much are they 7 all the way from f 18 to fo i good ituftin em and giouine store cloaf nice enough for a tnilliontire to get married in we make a speciality iu that line let me look at a few wont you oertaiuly walk right back this way please acter aboat half an hour investigation he fadnd lomething that he thought would wit ill be in next week i tpose and take em he said moving as i r let meiwrsp theaftor yoi now urged theeferk the cuttomer gave aaervoas start geraialem milter he exclaimed i haint art thegil yit im jilt doing hs to gimme iand in my crawsosas i cad pp- wishes i with thit j 2 beings eaoagh money to thorn who want to get married but cannot now iffordtt i with thit every woman gets what the moit desires i have desired a certain piece of furrtlturofor twoyears and i hope 92 will bring it to me l i with ghat every man be prosperous in the ichool where hannsn vainly itrovet buiiueu snd that he has nmej fcoad how coaldl j goodrich was haoaah answered each day to make wilham oath learnwas some distance from her home and she took her luncheon with her she had just lettied down to it in the next room whim 1 delicate witherediookinglongago comely woman entered the room j hannah greeted her with anfailinff polite ness hoping against hope that the had not heard of her inteaded trip mrs guioa woald hot sit down she bad only ran over for a moment she had jost heard that morning that miss good- rich wat going to the city and wanted to- know if she woald be willing to do he least bit of an efrand there would the hi so kind of coarse hannah could not sy no and mrs guion chose to consider her embarass- ed tilence an assent and took front a bag three nieces of silk yellow blue andgijeea all peculiar shades woald miss goodrich be so kind as to match them in cepnyrs she bod vainly tried here and in adjacent towns to do so hot then toa coald not get anything there woald miss goodrich be so kind as to get ot half a pound ofjeach the very smalt item of matching three peculiar sbadei of silk was added to han- oatfe isii j j she was tewing that evening whe mrs cutrk the physicians wife came in this lady was well off dressy hut economical and very fussy all witham knew she was hard to please she would not burden miss goodrich for anything she began if ihe cpfek gossiwj- find itifpe oj g rwjsjlf j f city or if she could get what she wanted in witham she had a piece of brown plaid which abe woald like matched would miss goodrich be 10 kind aa to jet the same quality exactly and the time pattern bee there was thatfine l tripe did she notice that it was boagit three years ago mrs clark did not remember how whether it was in new yottc or philadel phia she paid a dollar a yard or it and shgiiithav6syawrej j mrs green from the corners mri drake from the centre mrs williams from northj withamvmr johnson mrst tones mrsj cole ono alter the other were diaered into the iittiagtoom beggedio have a piece at goods matched orsotiielhuighg or utile boaghl in the oity they always new if would be no trouble for her as long as fh4 was baying for herself and not one offered advance the the money far the pdrcjhasei after lapper on wednesday evening hannah wrote out i her lift fn fall she was itudying it a ijtug amugedl and very much veied whenhevmotnec entered ms ive been cbuutlug lap ihe nid wisi i ihlngi i sra recueited by ihe neighbors to buy amount at a rough guess lo lisd they wnuldl ekiiiy fill threa trunks- ind the work of hantidtt i for theft would occupy at lent four dayi hot one his offend a dent in advance or pay el- prestige 1 hive juat j60 and two days lo ipand in the oily t fold you sbliltoi what could i do offended every one of them caseto ham as ttfii wotnai to coafide ia and to oomfort him wish that the bells of m will ring out all cyuicum all folly all deception jali hyprociiy all selfiifiness from your lives i wish thst none of yoa his any one to find fault with yoa tojcofd yoa when yoa- are trying your best to pleaie i wish that every one has good health and that yon will have uo grief no sorrow t battle with fn ihe new year i wish that you will be happy sod get everything yoa pray for tnd to make both others and yourself happy how to saw furs three in 1852 doctor oliver- wetadjil holines delivered in farioui cilieva ioufse of fee- lurei oa the englfth poeliljt theniqc leenlh century helwai much iade- mand and for several yeati rriveuediibdat ihe obaafry actively during lecture leuon he listed hi iecluring terms in 1 letter to a certain official u foilnwt my lerni or a iere w4eul slay over night intbdeeii dollars and expeniei a room with n fire in it in a public house and a matlreaj to ileep on not a feather bed 5 as yoa j wrile in- ybdr individual cipicily i fell job at ouce my htbiiual exlgencei lani afraid id tleep in a cold room i canlt ileep onlfeslher bed i will not go u a private house j h 1 doctor holmes landlady hid hiafollow ing olrecrvalioni o makepnthis period of hii career j i he was aman that loved lo iliek round home as msch is any cat you ever see in your life ho used to say hed as lief have a tooth palled as to go away anywheres always got lick he said when he went away and never sick when he didnt pretty nigh killed hinself goln- about lecterin two or three winters but he got nigh enough of it and laid he preferred natural death to puttio himielf oot3f lthe world by tuch violent mean as ieetarin i a titled teetotalarj i i p lady micdonild the wife pt the late prime minister of canada u a staunch total abstainer the story of hat she be came so 1 his been told by herself she kyi ifter lome teideclipa she wis led to give up wins drinking suddenly at last kin christ mas day 1667 she had thought a good deal on the subject bdt neverynide say decided resolution until that day cobver- j lation at dinner turned 00 toutlabstinenoa- add a gnest a ttrictlyj temperance min who beldhigh oflice inthejdomuipc said that practically total abstineace wis im- posiible far any one in society ltdy mscdonsld canibitted tlfii and 11 a result of farther dcaiiian she- wis challenged 140 whether ihe woaljl herself teite np her glass of sheriryat dinner she it once decidedlo ry saying heaceforth i eater he rinks of the ofal abstairers and dnuk 0 oareaccess in water i heriadyv ships esumboy is thatpeincelhep thank god i have never found any necessity for wine in health i cando my lifels work without any aid from dapgercas stimaiaais ia iickuess i bavo invariably snd positireiy refused to touch it new york iforfci 1 things good to keep keepthv heart with all diligeace far out of it ire the issues of life i keep thy tongue fromevil aud thxjjps from speaking guile t i eeepi thee far from afalie matter i he that keepeth his imouth keepeth his we j i f- take heed 0 thytalf and keep thjsout duigentiy little children keep yourselves from idols jl mysonkeepthyfalherscommaadment my son keep soani wisdon and dii- crelion f remember the sabbath day to keep it holy i keep yourselves fn tlie lovecf god blessett ire hey thiuheir the wordof god and keep it haljonsundchooli the tjirtythrd ajnntia1 conven tion thoroughly credit due to cjeoroetown 1 i t 1 bi ml cekts sucsessful 1 i 1 allhappaaad dn friday decliration of independancrwis signed fruay jv wishlngton was botii eridiy queen vietoria wss married friday america was discovered fridiy mayflower landed friday join of- are was burned at th stakefri day battle of waterloo wis fought friday biitiie was burned friday i bsttle of hsrensj was tough friday julius cmiar was assassinated hndij- moscow was ljurned friday phskespeare was bdrfi friday king charles i wis beheaded friday batusof neworleijpswes fought fri day linooln was sssuiiled friday in case any lady wants to make over afurgarinet she cau dd so by following these directions whenever she wants to cut her furs she must mark out on the kin side with chalk and cut it with a sharp knife not letting it outright through at first and then pull the piece apart finishing the cut very delicately bo is not to pull the fur on no account must tcusoribe ased as they will cut the fur oh the outside iu spite of the- utmost pre- ciation when it ia ill cut the edges to be sewed ire brought together and moistened and sewed overhand with wax ed cotton thread silk cuts the skin when the seam is sewed ft should belaid fur tide down on a bbird and seam sgsin moistened and pressed flit by rubbing it with a shell or someothersmoothsurfaced article done this way no seam is visible on the outside and the gifment looks as wellasif done by profeadonaiiewers au kinds of fur are sewed- in the same way nearly every one needs medicine and hoods ssrsaprj doubtedlythe best- try it this why j canadas indian succeeded good spricg ua is uc season pdlloy has iha8 read general gasteruuieory that theuiiitad states hid to do with meat eat ing indians wheretg the ciniaian tribes are largely fish eaters and i hive seen- ten thousand references to the better indian polieyjoe ciuidi bull can bee nodiffer ence in the two policies and between the bookies and he great jlakest find that canada hid the stonies blacsfeet ind min other fierce tribes of buffilehunters it is in tbe slow- closegrowing acquamt- snee between the two rices aha in ihe just policy otthe hudson biy men toward the indians that see the rjeasba fo canadas enviibleexpetience wth her red menj harpers naily influence of teadhe texas phlloscjphy man spends his life huntingtemptations mans friends get him into moch more trouble than his enemies do not live in a show case life is totuetniug better thin- an advertisement if yoa will do yaar duty tud tell the truth yoa will not need any excuses as long as yoa live you cannot teach a fool any lenie but yoa cm cripple hxra so that he will be practically hirmless i there ia nothing in the world that people relish more than nontebse with a greatdeal of seiise in it false pride sometimes- makes a very good boy orgirlrsihsmed of hisor her mother vanity is the mqstcowcdly thing on earth t ni whenever you ire moved to enquire whether a thtng is right or wrodg it is pcetfy sure to be wrong bven i brute knowswbenit is doing right j a teacher refined in mannerv in sym pathies in dress is sure 0 obtain in infiu- ence thit will work torf good long after the pupil his pissed from hisoe her immediate chirge the favorite study otajpupil and j often the profession inj life ia determined not so moch by the alliictive character of the study ilielf is by lix subtle magnetic power of the teacher j on lhe other hand the cold indifferent i manner of teachers thei ihirp shrill tones theirj impatient temper have sent njiriyja tfopll from school in utterdisgust jwith anything per- tiding to study j t yoave tried drjpitrceefdtile pre script ion have yoa aodvyoare disippoinled the redalts are not jiromediate anddid you txpei he diseaae of years idiyd lmok i ihoali hive it ihid putlde il 1 to disappearin a eikputa pinch of uof csllthe har lavantlan i k st peleribarglidyof fishiohhis la- veiited in improvement w her tdrriont which he iooti pipers say is likely w be come pipalir wllh all the ladles of her rins bnehai a mirror fistened to the girdle of her driver when hetakes 1 drive thlienvbiet hernot only to see whether her headgear lud dresi are in perfect otder but oven to notice the carriign and the people who ire coming ap behind her vehicle time in every dose yoa would milk poor because the cream doesnt rise in an hoar f if theres no witer in it the cream ia lure to tibeifjtherel can d pfercee favorite prescription is re toeffeot it if- given a fair pnedollar it costs biok irul yoa again if it lure to gvtthe t dnutbenefljcor ceraryod we wish we eouldgive you llei makers- confidence they show it by givjug the njoney bock iginln alreasestnit benefited and ild larpnseyoa to knwj how few needed to keep op ih refund t mild gentle loothlng and helling is dr ssg oaiarihrjernetiy onre thiwont cases petmanentlk uo ixptrimenling iti 014 beliher twentjj five years of success r r doilirs are the anuuil conveutlot i of hilton sib- bith school aisojiilion held in georgetown iasf wjducsday ind ihirsdlywia clearly uhemos luccesslauirdjrenerillyprofiladie inifshikory thi vaipu csionswere held in the fine preabylenon church the tint sciioo opened withmiirge auendiobe and each succeeding ieseton showed in ia- cnisedj number of delegites preseot acton alone sent tsirivaial irepresen- faliyesjfioni her virinos schooli- tbe convention opeoef at 10 jo on wcdl nesday iorning with mr e d wirren presidehinfeech iir a ialf hoar wit spen t iu jayotipnil exercises 11 which revsi mbachnsi josieii joseph fennell aod aeirs j waeneioi andap moore took part rjh this poeiident then prooteded with the ptograniiie outlining the worjc before the convention he expressedhis pleasures mjeefin so many delegates it ihe first session and imsted the convention wold proe prafidble to cversehooi represented the nominating committee wis ippoint- ei is fillows res j edge d nl bachlnapmesari j sv freeman w v hopkins indhw kennedy i eucqunging verbal reports from schosii wefe given as pllows k d warren loj biptiit georgetown rev e haddow prea lliiton h p moire meth acton w hbbdj meth alhcravefwm hanip- shirefrra mccay meth burlugton l grant pei georgetown- wj armstrong llkh miltoo d ar- beree meth corwhin the niminiling committees reported- the following appointm ilti which weje coofirmei j brsiirzii coloarna 1 r y hopkio p moon k kencidy j wfree- min biv w el noston ifusrlotue sppight and- miss inglehru pkixejtyeevs d m buchanan- j w eie k haddw a l xobfe grant mrs- l lj benni it and miss hep kins irfaoiicnooj revs j eiijetj feonell c alorve s sf craij mrv mcciy mrs h p mooce and m iss foole j sessiou closed with irsyer by ibeeve kennedy t t 1itebxo0s ee siox n the first address was delivered by mri j w freeman of freer iao on the tein- peranpe pledge in the soudy school mr freemangave miny valuable uggea- lions ou i this subject j ha claimed tlib children should be tangh in early life the vslne and importance c the pledge and uiduced ip igu it we shbojd inculoate- x he prjuciple of tempi riuca into every scbolsr enterine the id ccl ha spoke f be importance of a te perance sqndiv occasionally and illuitrited hov iotdrei- ling they could be inide if missmabel land of i turlington render ed a temperance recita iorfit tliia point v wilh telling effect a discussion follower in which many present joined 1 i the riext subject intrc faced was thit of the superintendent a i3 his work bj mr w v hopkins birlingtoff owing lb ihy cxcelleot cbsrar ter at this piper snd the many practical inggesiipnb it con- lions we publish it in fa i n vwheq wenlsoce bock virdatlhe meagre appliances for sunday s hoplfwprk so short a time ago as purfaiber days and contrast them with ihe mat ifou appliances of the i present time we bteia gcd that w live iu tie noontide of the nineteenth centnr where sunday school work his sach a prominent pjsce god grant that we ill w ty love the young people more arid isfwc 00k into the faces of innocent childhood ich sabbitl daj- and take them into our learts in tenderest sympathy and confide ice we may- feel more akin to tlftvblesse i son of god who pvessed the dear childre 1 to his bosom and i left upon their beids me of his sweetest benedictions we hear he mighty tread- of the millions that hivi ilreidycome info hisglorioos sundoyscl ool army and aa freii rinks join- hem w fremhte inpre aqd more with the respousft lily laid upon the leader ei towhitkini f a soldier he wisv mike how much of rek worth he will pe to the- world- and l ea remember- that the qhurch of g di8 to receive is recruits trail thiji r ny we wonder rwhit kind ofeffiier al loafd commandio important a bony wha kind olfobdthiy have td nurture hem 320 spirijaalyitof and where are they safe front ail malarial infiuencea i the sandsychool s designed for the old as well aa the young its twfo- mbttp is feed my lhibs feed my sheen the suudiy school h s not received jus j final form of developmc it we behave it wilt become such k mi ity spiritual force as we scarcely dream of new that the timewill come when in isewho work in tie sundayschool will hav itb niike h thiir life wots indeed we ire iuforme4 that i there are training scboc is established wfcb the oue design 6 jrepar 1 laymen to friy mins work oa sunday iehpol workers and pastors helpers wbru we tooit tbe- trend of pnodera ihoagh ihetreislaid on intelieciuil culture in t nvlilterday tp the detrimenti ofteu of the soui ahitaff mare weonserve these ive lineiof life and the- many avenues of- temptation id ihe youth we ate impresse i wilhtho necessity far indoctrinatrag the j oung in the sterling old virtues that- ire note i ancieav litin books therefore the chief officer of a school that his sucl sn xtject for ill mission desenes the ri oat ciceful invegti- fiitieu it our hinda lo-day- thewery best gilts titli which god has endowed man can be ud in thi ioffise to shoetiry olahis nime we ill agree as to tl e excellensy offioe and the utility of it bat as to hw iff attain the higheat efiti ncy w are 60 so clear it wj itattsai nawjtdes mi4on of usefulness odsy eshall feel gladjndeeih jerhaps tra wai saperintednv in oh teaamen tiruef nah 4 s stood j s hichpflf r read datincuy c uperrntendik should domi the tea hereon either iftw rendering tbeinse a tho taachimpaftl todoidlhlidiy vilb let us look rt the cl 1 6fflrnr- im f man any superinteor ent hp7wljjf c the sunday scoool a m 32t frorn mflves6f pure ege- not let bis entliuiimni wrmiw ofthw7nwbthw and annihineatoma tffi of bis bpeomaodlhj yot must hive the m im fgf holy feturi bfor m f rcontiajfldfl tletbwlw- iri 6f 1 v 1 1- i m hi m lj y 1 if i 1 j r t j t m i i ls l i m 1a 0 gipry pfjnv d mmm fij rissi