Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 3, 1892, p. 2

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bqrk oi vkinjtctoaa lh kh but if of je4mttluomi i urlsikfn artrticn lit- ftai ftnitrr ui ir of notlc t lt ltm4 t atachttr nctm mntn aeton on tb cth fuumiry tb it ri iocrtfm kfynl o uttc dfed rrtta eerttnmit cull tcd v tll en tk rum jimm krijrarv in axw oa the tub ptircxy tcncnat cwtwo comwi on uit 5th frtitiurj- joim foiton ij 75 ytr fptxtti at fitruttoro oa the kih fhniry aliifu wurcmwt thuoti a he 57uyt titinrnito outlph oa th felirnur brli a rtlnt of the ut hrtjiio tburteu aed itit tj s inotitli ffcrrt son in af on on mimlf lt of 1tll aun krrtttton g fr and r nmtitlit- fiinrnil loiuy at 1 oclock notes and comments in thty rritith fioum of com mom lut wtkr4h bill tmttidlnc the hop hoari refutation bill ota to iu etc de worn in pcd iti wooficl kcdiaf by a rote of 172 to is 2 a wort shop tfi defined in the bill iuclade aalooe recttarpu and draper thoi and umlu vomin work to 74 hoar rkly irclcdfep ml lirae at prcieat there ti uoiav atvalatitij the boars vromea ball be mplojed in ihopt bat rainy rr amioa tht he om aiiom womtn ort if gevrr done be rendered abtjglate house of commons thtvfieittan opijt tsut thursday with the utulpomp end dltplty the pressjtn session the irrwrteiloa of live ctlle from holland and denmark into england hu been prohibited the prohibition it i be lieved wjll shortly be extended to spain ind portugal also the exclaiioa of live inirails frotu these oar coaatrie wvll rive in idded value to the privilege now en pyed by cicada if we cm only continue to hold it to mike tbit tare the domin ion government should it oooe enforoe the ume quarantine agiinst araencau cattle in british columbia m exist along the rest o the canadian frontier omn mar iwith all the usual page antry and itenoiypoo pomp of circatfatunoo th tecond tcuiin of the wveath dominion lrliment begin uu thandtyiftemoon long before three oclock ill thepprochc to tirtiinicnt hill bcrrt to be crowded witfrpcoplc ell verging totctrde tho pile of building thtt crowne the lammit of the mil k three aclook drew near kom of carrugce irrind ind kt down their burden i of ditntlyittired vovielinew it the sentton catnnce cnu tor plicce of ainugo in the semto chnber were eougtit with ill the uiul cigcm bnd the lthcr of the rltck hod hul toiled buiily for icnl iliyi lending oat tle inviutiom to thote who were lllotli totti oirtlis floor of the senttc climber to ihoie who were gin plfoee n h reervl gillery ind to thom who were imply privileged with admit- tinte md i view from the gillcrlci kxsc is ttce krxjlti the toene in uao emte clumber wk n mail brilliint lud minuted on either tide in the pcniton red upjiolitcrcd chiirt it rowi of lidiei in ewning drewj the njubow inti of whom gownc iqd the blue md gold of the officdl nniformi groaped iroarxmbe din md the tctrlct ind ermine gdwm of the supreme court jadgci mide k jtpecticle thit ni well worth leeing the crowd tht wiitcd in front of the theoounthyaroundj ntw umi supplied by corrt- pondertu and exchanges ballinapad rev jtr limn md mr yiniuor luenl d the saajiv school convention it gtorgetawa lut week mr b deiwtck who hu been 111 ibt toie tronnd igiin erin a grind cirnivil will be held in mom pirk kiting rink oa lurcb nnraeroai prim will be given mr it irelind died oa moadty feb tlai it 10 im ittcr t very pclnfal net of ibant two weeki he yoang widow md intmt child hi low 3rd when ill luvee i to moarn oakville and now oikville htti the sent of soot- imd lit micdomld lu contnetod or apply irg power for the clootrio light ind it if ex pooled thit ere this month if over oar town will chine with electricity a v dodd hu ditpotcd of hi reddenoe to miyor andrew the ml fledtant church tetmeetlngind entcrtilnmcnt were held on hondiy even ing r a genuine good npper m erred the burlington methodist choir give kioo- tione md the bov t a moore himtlton d i ralr6rtie day art ipltom of trii vferld doinft 1 durln th k toir weddtngi oecajreojiia woodtook oa wdmdy a t fit vein of illref hi been kraek it fort ltthar all lotro rityii o be eitiblcihed la lu imy cilgiry uci humphrey wjrd gt hooooo for l brctbour burlington md j p mcquirrio trifilgir delivered iddrettet building mide denie throng of ctpeconf nm kerni m v v wt chilrmm i hammity growing every moment deoicr otkvilloi imitcar mlnitrcli iro to igivo md- more pectmt tho mild many m eioellcnt entetufamcnt wecther md the sammcr overhead hid we detir to dnw ihe ittention of the cmidiu govertnent ind cmidim ninuficturer to the fict tbit 700003 hi been ippropriited by the government of jipm for thepurpote of miking i urge elibit in nitiobit buildinc it cbiccgo so much hu recently been lid iboat the vilue of the mirket thit jipm iffordi for cinidiin product tbit it would teem thit tbi innoaocement u to jipmese ioten- tiont thoatd let u i very greit incentive to cioidiim cenenlty to exhibit lireely in thoe lice tint the orieotxl cittoo tbow i dufoction to cilafi a msrimh uke chicigo immignuioa protpect for cmid tbi ire yecrmoethopeisl tbececidiiapid fie exhibit cir hu done good work to the tonthwett of englind ind i hundred f imilie leive in uircb far the korthweet one firmer holding i thoaund ore i leiving for cinidi u i delegtte md if bii report i fironble ram will follow continenul emigrition to clutdi wu i hundred per cent greiter lut yeir thin in li0 the prwpect for wfl ti unuxutjly goo3 one hundred tnd fifty foreign ernigrinti hive left md ltrge numberiire booked by the following cteamer all will uke up lind on trnvd in the north- wett the trosble of i good dej of atnericmimmigrition from the continent wu thit i greit pert of it cettled in the citiec where it wu i menice cinidim iminigrition of tbxt clue hu so fir gone on the lmd wheahheywtll be welcome mr f p biker of topeki km who edited the comtuaa for twentyfir yen wu recently interviewed by i repre- entilive of one af the grett diiliee thit defend the uioont mr biker wu known to hive been m kctiprohibitioaist md it wu luprxxed thit of coerie he woald retell the fiilure md ideieciency of pro hibition in euiu he would know ill iboat it and it did ieem so for he lid i fought prohiritioa for yetn it wu idepted in spite of my bed eoru md i hive now ecu it work let me tell you eibui will never go btck to the open uloon if the question wu resabmitted todty prohibition would hive i mijority of c0000 vote the eutern peogle ulk iboul prohibition not prohibiting it doesnt if i wmt i drink in topeki i cm get it but the ssdoon igone i hive i gnndton growiog cp who hu never seen i iijoot isnt thit i good thing the uloon md the crowd of wtrd worker lire no longer i politic power thtt cioae is worth ill prohibition hu cost tbouund of men wbo foogbt the meuure the bird- ett hive been converted is 1 hive been there isnt ihe possibility of irepeilof the liw drawn out ilmost ill ottiw to witneu the opening of pirliument tkc oovcwoiinnrrxiv xruival a little before three oclocktbe first gun of tlie roytl salute wu hcrd from nepcn point where l deuchment of tie otuw field iittcry tu utioncd this in- nounced thit his excellency wu on his wiy from ridetu hill to pirliiment hill with i ttronnted etccirt from the prinoeu louise drigoon guirds under capt gaur- dem in front of the tower entrance the guird of honour from tho governor-gener- ili foot guirds stocd drawn n to iwiit the irril of the vice rcgil party when lord stmleyt cirriige drew up his excel lency wis greeted with the silute the cards band pliyed md the crowd chcensd grrcai mux thc thbose uk excellency immediately upon hi irrivil went directly to tbe 6emte clurn- her where he ook his place upon tlie throne the speech is a saccient ind comprc- heniive document loyll devotion to brit ain is expressed in terms of sympathy with the grandmother and the parents of the deceased duke of clarence next to can adas filial affection for britain come our relations with the neighboring republic the difficulty over the seal fisherie is the hands of commiiciocicrs ippointed by britain and the united bute and no donbt will be adjusted on terms that will be satis factory to both governments reciprocity negotiitions is between canada md the united state and no doubt will be adjusted on terms that will be utisfictory to both government reciprocity negotiations as between canada and the united state have been alluded to so far nothing very definite has been arranged beyond a valu able interchanged views tbe civil service commission will submit their report during tbe present session ard the taggestion of important reforms may be expected beet root sugir british columbii fisherie tlie criminal law the gerrymander and sundry other measure give promise of legislation that will be conducive to the material interests of the dominion tbo annual teameeting aad entertain ment in connection with the sixteen prc- byterian church trafalgar will be hold this evening the iodic will sopply good eating theegcriteraen will give adcteue revs r j qlusford of streeuvillo 8 s craig oikville r haddow ifiltoa j p mcquarrie ptstor ufa patterson vocal ist oikville will favor the audience with several selection the choir f the chirch will also sing fb just released ftoo wu drowned oa milton electricity light the town well rev r iltddowind w j i armstrong md mr md mr ga hemareec ittead- ed the b 8 convention in georgetown lut week it beoorne oar sad duty to note the death of an old and respected jcitlnen the visited friends coming andgoing visitor to nd from acton and various other person notes j councillor i matthews of erm wis in torn list week i mrs e cobban egremont lut week mr iud mia hill of hornby visited friends here this week mr john wttson of hornfield min is vititing bis friends here mr ind mrr h h werden visited friends in fergus this week mrs mirten moffat left lut week to visit friends in st paul min mr dontld mcdonald is just recovering from a severe attack of influents mrs t a muon visited friends in rockwqpd md vicinity list week the misses dale of toronto ire guests of miss jennie mcmillm tbi week col kerns mpp wu a guest it tbe speakers dinner on fridiy evening mrs dr dryden of roctwood wu i guest it sunderlmd villa tbi week councillor md mrs wriggleswortb of aebgrove visited friends here lut week mr geo thurston of the government printing office toronto wu home for sunday mits libbie msy who wu t her home it hornby for several weeks hu returned- to acton mrs dr homy attended the meeting of the womans missionary society at eton tut week mr d bean of tbe waterloo chronicle mide the fsee pesss a pleasant call on friday morniog mrs 3 m williams mother of mrs w i beaidmore riled at her home in hamilton on sunday evening iff john stafford fidgsjand ifiu h stafford of berlin came- home tfalc west i attend the f onero of their mother kiss jennie mcmillan entertained a mber of friends at her home oa friday evening a very pleasant time wu spent mr h p moore first vice president of he cauidian pre t association left lut evening to attend the annual meeting at ottawa 1 the baptist eoognation of gall hu ex tended a call to the eev j deoortnlate of toronto now of rtolfetiife ns the call is a uninimou one i ci5iriiv rexss iwocutios i tbe annual meeting of tbe cmidim press association opens in tbe railway commute room this morning the mem ber of the eiecatire arrived lut evening and press men are gathering it ihkfspiuj by every train the meeting is apssp which a good deal of interest is ceoterpd and everything is being done by tbe local committee to ensure pleuure and profit to tbe visiting jounlist tbe entertainmeot provided by his excellency the goremorr general and the city council will be mark ed features of the visit tomorrow afternoon tbe members will drive u guests of the city of ottawa to tbe cbindiere lumber mills eddys mttch md paper factories and other plice of in terest in the evening his excellency tbe governor- general and lady stanley of preston will give a winter outdoor at home which will surely prove of unique interest the grounds of the government house will be brilliantly illuminated oa fridiy morning a visit will be paid to tbe dominion printing bureau and in tbe evening tbe annual banquet will be beid it tbe russel bouse his excellency the govemorgeneril hu kindly consented to be present it tbe banquet md it is expect ed thit addresses will be delivered by hon mr abbot sir john tnompoo han wilfred xiarier the hon david mill and hon mackenzie bowel beside other prominent members of parliament md members of the sssocittton wife of mr thos cimpbell tailor of this town who died on sibbkth morning lut week after a very short illness deceased wu buried in mt pleuant oemetrsy toronto the bereaved family hare the sympathytofthe community me a h bird who hu been very low with congestion of tbe longs is slowly re covering the youngest sou of mr c huff hod one of his fingers badly muhedoo tuesday by getting it into the cogwheel of a wringer the question which is it present being considered by the msjority of sensible minded ritepiyers is is it advisable to grant mr winn of hamilton a hoe mannftcturer a bonus of eight thousand dollars in consideration of bis building and getting up a factory in this town and em ploying from fifty to eight nana the year round beside giving rood isijajfty tl carry out his agreement t if ta law hall ever hold its own with other town the answer of the majority of the 8m ratepayer should be ye the gentleman from west toronto junction who purchased the twentyfive acre firm lately occupied by mr george laing is dividing it into town lata md intends erecting several large dwelling house mr geo laing hu purchased the west end grocery took from mr thoc lavery who is retiring from the retail trade geo hu one very sweetlooking window i herkuotdiyliarsw dr maakiaale ofkiagsloa hu given isoo 1 3 wianipsg us tarsi hospital a 1 ew brunswick sailing vessel had jait done he attantla trip ka fourteen days iti officially uuoaiiced manitoba leg- data will be called together oa march 10 th largest pspee and nulpraildag plant n tbe world la to be built on nlsgara tann i ros lis hu spaloglsea to eujlmd or the expulsion of two british officers from patnla den id ryan a winnipeg coatnetar hu g oe iassnn md iiu been sent to aa uykt i j tho nu joy aa old valeria who took part it tii seigoo delhi is dead it brock ville i ted to a h ifbresd iadlm jsll it samloops b c- hi wi r home lore aberdeens jira and cmntag fac tory la british colarabu li lo ba establish- ed this toa port arthur i to vote oat bylaw grants lug130 far a mining school md 1000 a year af erwardc thre i new case of disoove ed amoog the jew it new york john chattertoa a farmer of 80 fail dead la his t tra from heart disss near brock- villa th othsr day i thre boys who weri injured by a live wire in boston navel received lit mo damage i from- the city prem er grecaway i of uaaltobc wilt probsbi ippeti o the pantry at once aa the sep rite school qaestfoa the i saver liner lake qutano hu been cbartere 1 by tbe aoverarueat to carry troop c the mediterraaeca it is id that the imperii government hu asued the cpr bit they will sab- jdios aj submarine cable between vad- oottver island ii suherr plctoral the best cough cure porooldr oought bronohltli conumptlon 1 tho liesft temetjyfor coldir ctoglu brpiicliltls joro throat la grljipcj tinea- inonla hoarsctieert or other derange ment of lie vocal organ throat and luiigs ilk record tours hdlc a century and m grilhered fromou quarters ofthe globe it 1 tho favorite preparotlonl with singers actoiij preachers teachersand public 8 pe alters it lootlies tho inflamed membrane promotes expectoration and strengthens tlie voice taken at the ant symptoms of cotistiniptldn it chocks further progress o the disease and even in the laterstages it cases coughing and induces repose ii jr reason of it great strength it is tho most economical medicine of the kind to bo found anywhere in the world we fiave beendeallng- in ayets xledlclnes for years and have always found them to give tho very host satisfaction one of our coslomers a lady was onllcted for a long time with chronic bronchitis in the summer of 1880 after having used various remedies without benefit she fled avert cherry iectoral and almost immediately she was relieved and in a short time cured it 8 webster coldora ont i vi 8t6el harvester and binder m ayert cherry pectoral ppmd1r dr j0 ayer fc co lowell mui prompt to act sure to cure typhus hive been emigrsat raulau being mide fa englsm to joostruct the compan nd jspsn by way of uuimik ud the aleut ms efforts are to raise capital upeirjor t best sbspe offloger bu for low enttlhg a simple srwng dafibl drivlns gear alight stroac srsindividr made of tuogsd steel a flanged stel frame la asingle piece light and strong entir aleratpt tram made of flangsd steel table frame m flanged iteel la one piece with troog simp e aoonectioas a drive wbesi simple in const root ion large daniue ud n at in sppearssv powtrful eattjng amttu with direct pitmm connection both tads ofitotime raised or lowrl by driver wlthoat li aving his sett convenientarjangesnent for adjusting maobfne to hit vsri itiois la crofu xb lightest rjiodmw part aad simplest knolterever prod no ct j a knotter that positively ivw from two fo oar ideas of t sloe for every ww foar discharge arms making perfect separitiorr and delive j of sheaf jralt euy to operate ind eontiins ew rr piru thin anyjouis j noxoh broftsffg co ud iasiodjli to hemsfreet agpntractojiu a machine bflight i wrri 8teel fralme crain over 25000 horier drillf and seflden with nr podtlt torn r in ue in canada sftverware i j georgetown oyster fruits peels and confectionery at t h hiefiio grocery battle of waterloo wu foaght friday dyspepsia intense suffering for 8 year bq stored to perfect health few kmiic hare nrffttii nifrc levcre frtjin ijic5li tisumr k a mcmaihji i re klvn tracer f hlimifon vi iji lrieii3 j vsill tlfcllciit hclhliucl jigcvir a pmijiiji in that year an jill- tlcveltijud into atutc dyskpu cud fri 1 rai reduced to 1c2 ikjuihi mjhtii liniig 6csatioiiiitlhhjinifii paljijlatloii vf tle htvrl natima mid iiidicceiv licartln rnyrrork hadciiftanciioilikiil for days ut a time i rouu hnvc wtlcunicd dcatji i itramc morose 6uncity id inltalp ul lor cllt jrut life vrit a lurdiii fctrled uyj liyicimsandiiiaayrftntdlei oncdaj liiiployed by mc tijgcfd iiat 1 uooilt rfiln n cured his dynp i tlx i illd aad tivirc taking tlie vuok at a kit lie i lkiiiufclikaiipw tnm ilio f nime jijilnsto wjifcli i lind irccn siilijlrd skd llin lihiitlriif d tlie heart niuiiicd iy fiach became cniier uaasca diqjt vsuid mi vif iiilrc cystem begun to t re tip with rttaniliig in otiic activity vt i td antllfocjy before ji filth vktlcvztuikai 1 jiii tcoucd viyjcuauer reglic tad natural oiiilulvn i imuxhj vrcll mi 1 mcrtwu o uiklii foods sartaictilk kb ifytkjtlcdtfc to take hood fan piriii2o twt lo tadaecd to inryiuiyotiirr i burkina stein 1 8 teails iltlton spring autre march uib in like a lion and oaf like alsmb is thuit i- mr w h storey md mrs seoord attended tbe funeral of the late mrs taylor oa wednesday list mrs john aldoas wu called north oa friday by a mesuge announcing the ill ness of her daughter mr goodail with a low fever isaac clarke of old time dry gojs fame is spending few day here and talks of bargiinshe intends to give in i tbe dry goods line that make the ladies eye sparkle rev dr corokb preached educatiooil sermons in the methodist cburche of tbi circuit oa sunday he is a very clear and forceful speaker and holds the attention of all save those who deep through all ser vices from text to benediction themethodists were delighted oh bun- day with meeting oaee mors their popalar young putor rev mr cozens he i not liere u yet to- resume hi dtttiea bat merely seeing old friends he hi j had a most remarkable siege cf sickliest and shows its marks very plainly he alsq exhibit now a fine silky beard sad gold rimmed gluses which completely alter hi looks we trust he may rsmsin of those who generally settle di iwnj for a quiet snooze daring every sennaaj wi wuh to ssy that thereafter ws will eofltafor to bring their ntiction before the babllo notice by pablisbiog list of their same and uking the aforesaid public to sub scribe generously toward a fund far baying them cushions pillows etc oecsiioual md intermittent snoozers the warn md weary and ail wbo would rather sleep in in gods hbate than their own will thus receive every kindness sad ittention mr and mrs john anderson o pa mer ston are the guests of j g wlllsoo esq mr s s jones of port elgin wh hu heed visitingfriends here returned t her home oa monday aa entertainment in aid of the fan f of the ifethodiit sunday school is in pro pest u we write details next week the congregational social club i hu annoanced another entertainment next tuesday evening the cold snip that struck ai oa tuesday morning rather brought oar local progjnos- ticators to grief cake basked stigiu bowls spoon holders i i match safes silverware i stock just la of biscuit jars fruit knives etc i m drill eden mills s arilla r a l boo o t oo afotheern lowsa kasi 100 dose one dollar drshepherd of his village fs moving today to eockwaod mr henry dcrkj who hu beeanckita grip fs able to ba round sgsia the member of the iof of this village who drove to acton sunday evening to attend divine secrics were welt pleased with he besrty welcome they receded from heir brethren hers the names of mr lu mocdatjel aad md stis msry brawrpan who sang at the loj ceacert were omitted lut week wo aald soo of james aald of ersmoss who hu been sick since ut summer with consumption bsd a parol tio links lut week hopes era entertsined of hlsmoovery tbi company to build a new hall sju collapsed and now tbe members of be iof are going lo ry w build it lit to be hoped ther troat fail both method aad results when vtapol figs is taken it is pleasant and refr gmng to tiii tastaand ads fitly yi t promptly cn thetvidniyg iverarblbowci cleansea the sys- em effei toally dispels ooldsj head aches an i fevers and cures habitual constipa ion syrup of figij is the only rei ledy of its kind fiver pro duced p easing to ti taste api ac ceptable eo the somicri proppt in its actio and truly bcneucial in its effects p eparedonltnfrom thfemosfc healthy ndagreexbio substances its manyexc jllentqualitiescommendit to all a d hare made it tha most popular ismedy known j syrup f figs is for sale in 75i bottles br altlr- i any rclh bio drug have it oa han promptly for to try it cmqiinia figsrrupca sax ntakoiaoo oai tamsrna ey yf7 tosk x sayag o gbuelplx p sfiue watch repairing sbeci ilallty a6y g druggijta who may not ill procure it a who trishea d only by the till sprirg opening gcreikt saturday march 5th we wil sale of ne a very larjje speciaj many of yards womans miselries sore hands raw fiogerr cricked akia i what palrtind misery many women offer throagb the use of injurious soap tud pow ders i j j these twablet dont exist where sun- light soap u used 0a be testimony of eminent ceaits it cannot injure tha most delicate rkln soap which harts the ikiumast hart the clothes hence it should be avoided sunlight hu beea awarded 0 god medals and other honour for parity and excellence let this induce yoa to try it next wuh- day and for all domestio purposes remember the name sunliakt yoariddressudwevuxirij wu m free trial lwe dbtaftbaosbeehtfpljp eslsrjct canadian dept 16 adelviviv aide st v xoronto canada- t i i the worldj and the only drill that oka be nslmtly regalatsd hard ad foft groaad while rnovirtg r iasrds itaimest rut ktursigla aasranleed th best to run tbe desired depth lo bard aad toft groaad while moving tbe howler is the oily drill that sows all kinds of groin and seed evenly sod ta the depth desired la sll kinds of soil u j the hoosier is the only drill hat commence to sow the insti nt the hone mor the hooier is the only roifiveforce feed and ie the only trill bat deposit to grain ertaly jast bit depth yoa want it la hard of- soft sou bam raber thl- tbe hoosisr cdmbloid drill with cultivator teeth is tbe best soitlvaior made aatf is ths oofir fmpletoetit soafle with teeth on independent drawbar thst xaa be tat te hard snditoft land while be turn it in motion the hooiet is sghter on h hoc ihsa aay other drill made the points ofexoellence in tbe haotii r that other dria 4 not ha ve are worth more o he farmer than iny any drill in ihe i orld j tbe combined hoosier can be changed from drill to seeder or seeder to drill la time than drill made- bend for oar new illustrated citalogne tid testimonial beware of parching drilh that infrioje our pslent n0xokbro8 mfg coj ltd rngosou out wm hem8treetr aent acton alsoast fiwrypkjti stock tailing 1 isaie on make an y spring immense prints of purchase thousands of handidfjrve and excellent stock taking opportunity to per cent discount off all i j- dress g0ods for cash clearing 8aio of j dry good dress qoods millinery mantles every woman knows- what bouse cleaning ijl a prilling api a general overhauling md cleaning jatt what boose cleaning u to a hoasebold slock taking is 0 he ore oaty aa s larger scsie drawer after drawer is emptied measated ind ticketed boxsiter box it sorted aad counted it may euily m andtntooi hst mtny ends reamuts snd odd pieces are mot with at such a time and ihete ore placed j on our centre table or coantert at domfatl price here and here at ntervej throughout our stock msy beindficed indications that the spring season it tpprooching a pile ofsprirsr prints on lone hand new flannel ettes c oa the other point to prepriioni being made already for the coming eajon advices of he shipment of en packages of due spring purchases were received from england thit weeknd package sfter packajja of invoices is already arriving pointing- oat that our buyers have beea aa the alert to secure he early delivery of their purchases for spring i we hall bald postioa 0 serve yoa betjerthit coming siatoa than if any other previous tiine hi onr history j g onetprfebr4ly wilph novel designs and cloth ti ese goods are well worth i2 cents pei yard but bur price i jr them at our great special prjint sale yitl be 7i pard thi sis a h we need per t to say td ydu abtiut them see for yoirself e r bpllert 33 5 7 tjwar wytllum fit gltelph j gtoths knitted goods furs sleighrob readyniade clothing jover coats flannels carpets carpe bo jits 8c c0 shqes overshoes btjg and atartliug bargaiakwill be given also for spriug ifew prints new sateens new cottoasj new check shirtiagg new sewed muslin embroidery and ineor the mammoth w mcleod co anoroiiirowh oxygenized emulsion of idifflcuity- of breatilairi iwasikig away pfjplesli roat troubles pnsumption ronohitis astliina feuglis atarrli igolds i h for salej 6y all drl cdsts ia30ratprvtorbiito ont

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