Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 3, 1892, p. 4

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jsfottralte thursday march 18w u crtt ftuttg3fotks motes here and there turn of qt rat tftttrest to fjj praic reader sifivs of sptttxg 8 uai of crltj trivlec tain vtira r iiefit tttflnlctit hour i-t- on llie pauc iviahic rmivle to tbeshowr ornn that ct from hetmlnc toixlt uolin ilng initio clade ituin lliat from tlicir wintvr tiocvts rvptcfl rftith tft pretty rotlds gnuful ton of uip earth roitfctfji clee ot mwmy tills ei30unjrliclnaitlr mirth ivvq ttie bare casks or to hills urrr and there a ervus hcj ttmtinc ttp to dti the fold while in ilikrv weti id bed stir thdr corcrlullcf moum slrirfc ii tvtulufi srrinfi it near fcbe i vhifprrrd iti tlic air foali the lilluie njmth it ill be bw phautifi blossoms from herteair he warn in love mixhty it the power o low and it came sear jyittiug a theolopoalstudeat acme weeks ago into a terrible scrape hia clat aa undergoiue the last examination the protector who wa conducting tha tha exercise observed this student take aotelhtng from hia brent pocket awry now and then lock at it kith fervor re place it and than renew hia writing with locreated ardor coald he he copying the answer to the qaetuone ou the paper at length the exacaiqer came ttp behind him seined hie band and demanded to aee what he had in it the undent ha rim no choice bat to comply delivered the hidden object which proved to be the photograph of the jeang lady who wan soon to become hia bride he waa merely utingher image aa a mean of inspiration ite23fl- the methodlsrt magazine thif migarice ia giving special attention to social topics and especially to womaaa work in moral reform of special interest in thia line will be xbe admirable article ia the march number on lady henry somer set with portrait and her aertnoopreacfa ed at the first worlds convention of tbe w c t c also a paper fall of wise saction on womans misaienery societies and how to make them success fol an article fully illustrated which will be read with deep feelings is one co the late rev c h spurgeoo jiving an account of hit call work and phenomenal success dr harts interesting mitsiou- ary joamey in china is ooodaied iff w s caiae mp continue hia admirable papers with choice engravings oa britifb india 1u temples its palaces its people tbe editor contribute a paper onthe sbatta roate illustrating with pes and pencil that switzerland of america the strongly written story a womans figlt with a monster is continued a slirringaecoaet of the cmel persecution of the russian methodieu a graphic salraxion army sketch also a striking paper on tbe chinese question in san francisco aad a paper of interest oa lights and shadow in kew york life make dpi strong number row tfc imre a cent j it ia one tt tha aaiteat thing in the world to cure a corn do not use tcidt oc other caustic preparations auddot cut a hole in your boot ft is simply to apply tat- nams paiitlesa corn extractor and in three days the oortt can be removed with- ant pain sura safe painless take only putnam scotn extractor a man ha just died in connecticut who smoked scoo herring a day worse than the tobacco habit tttn kati la it i what mpti b lb iitiafaotion and trtti- fiotston a so small a coat of out who writs ilka this f mr w msaoo editor oc the artm and 7ouoro ja artor batford eop uys i had tafftrad from a ipnnd knee far itrauc moolhl without becng able lo obtain rallet from pain when i jabbed the knee thoroughly for twenty miuitea with st jacobs oil that night i travailed 200 miles be railway the next day t walked 25 miles and his pain had entirely disappeared i have never had the siigbteat tettrii of it ilnoe be brave la lh hcaggle ot life foe the thorough and speedy care of all blood disease and eruption of the skin take korthrop 4 lymans vegetable dis covery mrs focbea detroit had a running tore on her leg for a long time commenced niitig northrop lymanv vecetable ditootry and she ia now com plelely cared her hutbaud thinks there is nothing eqaal to it for agae or any low fever when katare iatllea again when katare smile again in the mild spring days mankind often groans from the electa at bad blood and kindred troa- blee engendered by the long hard winter remove the canse ot all thetroable by par- ifying your blood with hataree remedy bnrdock blool bitten the best blood searcher and tonic ever discovered carefully examine every hetail of your business i it is not what we say but what hoods saraiparitl doec that makea it sell and lite given it inch a firm and lasting hold npon the ooo6denoe ot the people the voluntary statement of thoosandi of people proved beyond que tion that thia preparation poescssea won dertal medicinal power hoodvpiils cure constipation by restor ing the peristaltic action of the alimentary canal they are the beat family catharip u yon want to boy or hit a farm ad nruae a the toronto why wail thai paper ratchet 190000 farmera hornet every week and your advertisement should meet the eye of someone whowante to par chase adveruiemejiu of thia oliae are a- letted in the toronto rteeify hail tar five cent a word each insertion or twenty oenu a ward tor ave insertions addree the if til toronto canada excellent reasons why dr thomas eclectric oil shoald be used by persons troubled with affection of the throat or lungs core upon the akin rheumatiopain corns bnniont or external injuries tbe reasona are that it ia speedy pare and on- objecticcniblewhether taken internally or applied oatwardly then work hard and yoa will be certain t j succeed rewards for bible readers great winter competition of the ladles home magazine ctstioxs where doe the following word first appear in the old testament kxotlcikic wtrr and dove where does the following words first appear io the new testament ruri fitfr and krso t week lt peize every week througfcont this great competition prize will be dis tributed a follows the firat correct answer received the poet- mark date on each letter to be taken athe date received at the ofnee of the ladtu homt mayan each and every week during 1832 will get 203 tbe second correct answer f im the third 50 foartb a beautiful silver service fifthfive oclocksilver service and the next 60 correct answer will get prire ranging from 25 down to 2 every fifth correct answer irrespective of whether a prize winner or not will get a special prize competitors residing in the southern state aa well as other distant pomta barean equal chance with those nearer home a the postmark will be our authority in every case rcles each list pf answers mill be accompanied by 1 tcuy for six months subscription to one of the best borne magazine in america reteeesce the laiu home llaya iiie is well able to carry out its promise peterboaroagb canada tinux a splendid paper arid financially strong hasting canada star every prize winner will be sure to receive just what he is entitledlo norwood canada brguta- money should be seot by post office order or registered letter address the ijadiet hem uqqclum peterborough canada m pthe surprise way you want your cottons linens flannels always sweet clean snowy white yqu want the wash done the easiest the clean est the qutckewt the cheap est way surprise soap the sur prise way without boldngor scalding gfrec these results readss prompt potent and permanent result always come from uilburns aromatic quinine wine be prompt in everything rare you seen it tbe new egyptian dreexa book ia creat ing quite a stir whetheryoa believe in dreams and visiona or not it will interest and instruct all who read it aa it contain full interpretations of a complete list of dreams with other attractive features sent byretaro mail on receipt of a three cent stamp t acu6um co toronto ont ifeasrs northrop 4- lyman are the pro prietors of dr thorns eclectric oil which is now being sold in immense quantities throughout the doriiioion it i welcomed by the suffering invalid everywhere with emotions of delight because it banishes pain and gives instant relief this valua ble specific for almost every ill that flesh ia heir to i rained by the tnfferec s more precious than gald- it i the elixir of lit to many a watted frame it yoa have not parctjated a bottle do to at once- and keep it ready for an emergency it cheapness 15 cents per bottle place it within the retch of all tel the farmer it ia indispensibte and it shoald be in every house take tine to consider and then decide quickly uaintaln thing yoqr integrity a t sacred always true 1 rheumatism braclrnue ont ami fiuffim lolensalr with rheumatism la my anklet coald not sltud i rubbed hem with 8t jacobs oil ia the mnrntaj i walked wllhoutpaln liwlltwttl rt i ues nonhkit 1m yonte bl toronto out rrltes jacob oltli lha only roiadjtthatruta4 maofraralriiadhqueujaurcttredma t xt is the best c o riciubd i co qentlemen la driving over the moun tain i took a severe cold which settled la my back and kidneys causing me many sleepless night of pain the first appli cation o mlntrds liniment so relieved me that i tell into a deep sleep and complete recovery shortly followed john s itcleod annapolii cabinet recomtmctlon a popular topic ii cabinet reconitcnction which really does not concern the pablio so much a the reconstruction and eletne- iug of the hums system against the ap proach of sprini- the premier medicin for this purpose is burdock blood bitten and both parties recognize it aa the beat blood purifier and general system regulator known never tell butibese lies canada it beings congratulated everywhere on the excellences of her manufacture art stained glass is prominently in the front rank of her improvements thank to uccaasiand bod ot toronto who for to year have labored not only to accumu late money but to make stained and orna mental glass ot all kinds a credit to the dominion aiakesto useless acquaintances for young or old gtixxex one of my little girls aged years had been troubled with costivenett in its worst form since infancy we triad different remedies which gave instant relief while using but aa soon a ditooniinaed she woald be worse ihta before using she lost her appetite and was growing weak and delicate a friend of mine who had used b b bwith grand retolts for the tame disease advised me to try it and also the burdock pills whichwedid she did not take the content ot one bottle be fore it relieved her for she ha not been troubledvoncettnce tod tie ia now eight year old hesdt reivolm sarepta ont kfeuks wait tdstocukbee thai t reccoxtwlti s supairte to a praaoripuon knawatooe kaiaimhd us so fjxxorit bt kooklya k t osstorl it so universal asd aowb that it seems a week toeaioratll raw tilth do not kaap oaatorlt kavtorkatr late pstocbicvmiiigdaie betosmd otarcb aaatrratih powdered aoqaaia2 am ar jtu w a- beven jbjrtiia tv1i me to one lim oa frotd voouj shiluhs consumption cure thu great couuh cure this auccestfal consumption cure i w ithoat a parallel in the history of medicine j au draggistt tre authorized to tell it oa t positive guarantee a teat that no other care eta successfully stand if yoa have a coogh sore throat or broochitia ate itf for it will care yoa xt your child httims croup oti whooping cough ate it prom pqy i and raiief it sure ii yoa dread that inaid ioot diinue contoltfridn dont fail lo use it it wil core yoa or cost nothing axfc yoeu draggist far shiloes cube price ipctt soctt aod it 00 if roar langs in tore ot back lame ate shilohe porous platter isctt harpers young people jlarprys young ptopu for february 9lh contains an interesting description of the lightbouse service by arnold barge johnson illustrated l e etonel relate a thrilling episode of tbe civil war entitled fire among the greenbacks there is a portrait cf the little white chief of the maoris with an interesting account of ceremonies connected with his admission to the brotherhood and chieftainship of the rtoe the serial story diego pinzon is coctinaed and there is an abundant variety of shorter etorie poems and mis cellany gnxtave jovanovitch the greatest- cattle breeder in iicteia and called the king of the steppe owns 000000 acres of land and possesses more than 1000000 sheep and stooo shepherd dog ktoarsts llaimeat relieve aearsagts nothing sueceedtjite success burdock blood bitten ia t honsehold remedy tor dyspepsia it expels rheumatism and neuralgia from the system act as an antibilions agent on tbe stomach liver and bowels antagonizes blood potsoa build up and revitalizes the bodily fane- lion and restores and purine the entire system it is safe to nee freemans worm pow den a they act only on the worm and do not injure tbe child dare to go forward wien baby wa tfcfc we gtrfber castons when she wan aruiij tin cried for castorin toaeathe becacse kiss tha claag to castoric are vou deaf or do yoa suffer from noises in the head then send 3 cent stamp and i will tend a valaable treatise containing full particalara for borne curs which cost comparatively nothing a splendid work on deafness and tbeear addreaspeorgciuiie montreal bear trouble patiently ir8ttoiqstmst it is worse than m tineas to neglect cough or cold which if easily subdued if taken in time become whenieft o itself the forerunner of consumption and preoa- tore death iunammation when it tttscks the delicate tissae of the luag and bron chial tabes travel tfith periloa rapidity theo do not deity get t bottle of bicklea anticooaampute srmp tbe mediciae that grasps hi formidable foe of he bsmta body and drives itfroai the system i this mediciae promote free and easy expeetortiion subdue the cough heals the diseased parts aad exert a jnost wonder ful inflaence a earing oootamptioo tad other diseststcof ou vaxptt tail inogtj jf j parents wish to ttve thsjite of heir ehlldreosnd thetnseive from- mash anx iety trouble tottfssat tastbbm proetre bottle e biokles labta3owomre byropand whenever ebild hts alum t eold hat ooujb or hoarsnass give he syrap according to direction iti quite probable that yoa may need the services of t physician tools day bat yoa can tostpone ths itime indefinileiy by keeping jour blood pare aad your ryiteo inttgortsed through the use of ayert sarta- parilla prevention it better than con never try to appear something more than yojr are coksdhptios ctjeeo an old physician retired firoca practice having had placed in hi band by an east india otiaaioaary the formula of a aimple vegetable remedy for tbe tpeedy and per manent careof consumption bronchitis catarrh attaint and all throat and lang affections also a positive and tadical core for nervous debility and all nervous com plaints after having tested its wonderful curative powers in thousands of oaseshas fail it nil duty to make it known to all hit suffering fellows actuated by hit motive and a desire to relieve human snttertng i will tend free of charge to all who desire it this recipe in german french or english with full directions for preparing and using sent by mail by addressing with stamp naming this paper w a note 620 powjrs block rochester k y pay your debts promptly when yoa notice unpleasant sensation after eatmg at once commence the use of northrop lymana vegetable discovery and your dytpepeit will disappear mr james stanley merchant tt coniuncc write vlfy wife hi taken two bottles of northropj lyman vegetable discovery for dyspeptic and it has done her more good than anything she hts ever nsed learn bow to risk ybnr money at tbe right moment i some chibfrrm iwowktg toofast v i become itrtjetvfretfufpwrthout ant- gy tftfrt md weifc f ortfftiw bifid wn by ths uh of ji i scotts hypqphosphitu jumo ati eitv j- j uk 18 a fmllutlll 0e oocaag oi opus w mtb j motfso t00mft ii ojituallu dssssa nast iy tettt wu tnm ttlawlfrasfsr st an orssjitu ne tttt f5s5 i tibhiiaibiwrss l tor infanti and children lovtuotttah dusasttssliuoo kill tgrsh ivat sleep and pnootat tff- wuisuijunvratmedjosuoa ror several years i have liaoommended jwtf osttorlt and shall always oouttaao to m so t it btsfkrtritblr produced bsnenctal reauttt enwtx r ftaon it o ibo wtaoxropt lh street and tth ave kewvocfccity its otvumt oosrarr tt at oaaar stssit ks toss lite purist dtrokgest beit i nrratukr for mftklluf bova ci-acc- en4 drmttc kirri ksw about skeep utmpl future tu um tho tucler btsrjktiqlirciqiijl era hov tauty ihtmp woald tuy podrsbwpi up frat fcluf ttoepni xftnn iri uacbtr the kofi io bt fitlt t fitixt a th9 aiit to bo- icua i icim well tuca kitty teu tu lc youfcaov plmte t oa irapkl onjr jjl t t would ca tbe third ptia of tha tocoato dilf uau it aoted foe wtat ldrtimeau tf joa wut to bay or tell inytbing m if yoa wuifcuuajtioa t raecliini bad- aen mkbaern odgitiv if yoa htva an or oandl uytiiumf or if yoa wtiit to find ooc whcrtf inyoio is tdvertitw la tfm to- roato dadf mall tnd red tha dvrtio- tnenu on tie third pga of tint ppr tha chtrre u two cenu t ward etch in ertioa mdzrja the uali toronto ccn idfc bhan itrong jiqcor h ac yards yellow oil cures rheumatism fseema2t8 worm powders iraplcamattotjco conuouthelrorn rurcure it akfe tura and ctfecraa iutrcrer ttmwtla childrcaor a dulls 14 great stock t thousands of dollars worth of winter goods rfiust go we mant the room you want the goods thej- prices wilt make yoja glad prdflit knocked silly oxdteice 110 drett kobe no i the press new york h l lcrger ditfj- cfrctiutfaa uica tnf otbor kepabucaa kawi peper la aracrtau daily sunday weekly tho tcgrtlt9 bpabliecii joarau otlihe katropalic a kewtptpar lor tha luuc founded december lit ws7 circnlatioiiwer 100krfl copies daily oh yvhatsicough wu1 yoa hee perhaps of the temois diteattj selves if yoa saving wt to for it we shlfoht cure sever sails employ you the warning the tlgitl tare approach ot that more contamptiao atk yoar a afford for the sake of tan the risk and do nothing sjnovr from experience that will care yaar cough it time well oxygenixed emtltion if yoa have atjbm all druggist burddck i bruise scalds and cats and healed by victori sodthed pafnfni bqrf are quickly carbolic sal te a mans rfeds live after him- so do hit mortgages dt askcums of pure cod liver ail a die it for tils hy 5 cent per bottle do not rcckoji upon chance harassing miserable care like able i a joang iad little over a fact old father eat little cottag with ths most ever taw and exclaimed tsrint by thaajdec i there are a hollorays them call onj bottle at once headaches make many lives neetltettly to when a prompt blood bitters ia obtaih- who bad been married a wrote to her matter-of- taying i we have the dear- in the world ornamented cjharmiug little creepers yon old man read the letter just what i expected 1 year tfte scoeb qumber of varieties of corns care will remove any of yoar druggist and get t be polite to everybody people with sartaparilla therefore prefe any other popularity ts t safe certain kevar be ditctartged all are entitled money will ba have at once ahooldhavea family rem8f the tyatem win sale in 75c bottles sick beadacbp or a disordered by nring naiioijalj icate stomach find ayert aeeabls to the taste and it as t bloodpariner to this it one reason for its great f pring and family medicine pitiable aid entitled to the best to- the best that their so every family shoald bottle of the best family of the beat syrnpof figtto cleanse n coativeor bilious for by all leading druggists ctased by erceu ct biter sjtomach it prompuyrehaysd pill om n cfttks attbs ttntjlm sat sclaaf sttaar sst ta aaw latsatw natjs arhti ttsar i1 la its satsrsr aa sffl ssst j 4 f0 01tli1 nxtrns as a t a sloouti m o 180 apilaidc 8t wt tqronto out ii t tee putts la the organ bf no fiction pulls no lruas hss no snfmoames to trange the most ramartxble nawtpapar success ia kaw torfc the passe it a kauonal kamna pec- chasp nass vdigar sansatlont and trash aad aa place la la eolamas of thx fxxee tax ptzas ha lb brttlitest editorial page la kevrorr it sparkle aitirpoiat tkx fbzss huxntr enmov is s splendid tvaatr pc paper eovertog ovarr currant topio offntaraat tax paxsa wexxlt enmok contains all the iboddiisa of tbe daily and bandar editfoaa i for those wno osaaot afford the dei orara pravaatsd ky distance from eariy rscelog it the weakly is a splendid saljstituta as aa advertising madiam the puess has no raperlor in k sw vorfc thx przsa within the reach ot alt the best and cheapest ktvtpeper in america vtllr uid suadtr one fear 5 00 s ntoatir 2 so i 45 3 00- 100 boo ilio dulyonly am rear four months sxuliy an fear waekj- prtts one rear send for toe fans circular sample tree agents wanted arerrwnere liberal commission address t ike press i x park bow k 5f i s 60 05 i v cctpiuce kir s 95 as 3 90 uc doable width brest goodt now 5tf 75 m 60 i 89 5q i 85 5 i aa jngle width goodt 85 fop 25 so for 20 25 for 18 20 for 15 add 12 for i05c drett goods kixie other stores keep hat trafh we aoat jlotklng wt 25 how 215 250 for i9q 2c4 for 150 175 tar 125 160 for 105 125 for forat 100 for 70 75 for si i tad 70 i flannels til wool 60s for 88 as for ss 35 for 27 30 for 2t 15 foe 20 20 for 15 and 16 fork m i- hosiery and gloves thif i where we shine jdo yoa want 6 ptirsigcod 25o cuhmere bote for l00 or i pairs toc for tha josephine kid glotes in colors i bultcotlenglhf74o 25o otthmere gloves for15ojeto p will give voti bet t alight diet wt intend to do we have op tptee fof hundreds at bargaina in other itt come in and let us prove to re do exactly tt jwe laverlia ill- 35 cent furtt in pole 25c daring february tbe o what to tell the parlor the dinirig room the bedrooms the hall the kitchen my this subject may have been in yoar mind far t n ipepd t little time looking far something that will pie yoa in idea of how much can ba bad for t reltti ely safely promise to tait yoa gt can i undertaktnq in ail its r b jemyn neei furiiitiir oath or to tad it will yoa a visit toi small amoant of branches pay yoa to r shop will money we spightt5 sfon k 9hs mechanical general woodengrayinc 10 king steast toronto llantiffer sejnd him your order for any class ld wood itngiavirig you desire tiomwboilats mtdalaatwiirefantui that animal j mr tetirenf- blltrt3 me plntmast as frw q sill tiimiiij if ilrrts 18 am biprsia crand trim ootxa wii j3p express i s njn laau o tm- psaiser i wpjil 1 hlsad tnieprcxoqxa qoinjiwests p srn sndls m doing but id ffiia and s this llmt tablojrant into r fthum otxcrtutt tijs 11 jn 10u flet on daeeabar do you know anything aijoirt tj horse dont wait nntu ydorbetst a postal card at one for fall the medieioaft aakany dilok st ip 0 box 483 siektrat amd panlenlanaboat ttein po imoktehal fl j i 1d0ck m kcgulajtea trie stomach livcrcnd8owels unlocka ctosscretiorpvjrlfetrle dlood anjql rcmovejst al im purities from a wlmpjej to thworat blood dyspepsia- bcfpusnes iconstipationi hbaoache 1 salt rthtujas sqrofula- heartburn soustohr d12zinebs drops rheuyrfsa sknjaseaan urn bitter baking powder thecooksbes urqestsau in 20 packages new goods just arrived at the this right liqvs i r r i j- i consisting ot 3 cttet of blankets in large sixes heavyweights fare wool and much below their real value 2 cue of corset one being cromptons celebrated corsets in variont make from 60c up to thejjestrarsiig corsets and dr warners corsets tlto the cbarmingp h aixjerican corsett which am becoming general favorites and th have new patent improved stiffening in them which make the corsets st easy and are vary durable 1 case american fruit of thoxccm while cotton cheap tnd good 2 cues and 1 bale of new print in charming sty let andunutually good valoe g rolls carpet 2 bales blair pads 2 bale carpet linings i ease shirts and drawers ladle and gent miste and boys underwear of all uaeful kind inabundanoe telling off tt very small profit stabtlino reductions to clear out goods befobe rekovikg to new premises handsome madras curtains down prom 11050 to 6 6ssjto8 and js to 12 chakaokg velvet orjrtaiks ifrom 120 to 8 and iu75 to7 hgkincent ohenmle cubtaln8 from 22 to u 1175 to 7 and 1025 to m beautiful furniture coverings from m5 to i andll80 lol very superior swiss lace curtaint from 17 to iii old tnd middleaged ladies mantlee from 11750 to 10 liib 16 ii to k and i to0 ladies ulsters from 12 to 7 and um to h ladieevjtckeu from ih50 to 9i 12 to 8 an65aui6 ltdiet circular usotots and 10 o 5 mantlei9lothtfromlco fo l2x5to tljo and 150 to 75o brooadedl sak velvet mantling at half prices colored velveteens and silk ploahet at half prices colored grot grain silks imroenmly tednced in price dress and mantle tnmmingt going at t their valae newest styles french i aliwoolpbebm gooos at enoromojs lkedoctions qrosellers beajjtiful wiltocarhets going kabivetow theik value ck0s8leys 5frake magnificent brussels carpet8 put awat bowni handsome tapestiyy carpets going at a- bio redcotion allwool j and ult reduced greatly please enter ths tores next the new building many make mistakes and do not g house cbq881ey8 lonicakpets 1 ijet into the right htmilton february gth 1692 thomas o wtkixjcks rcait furnish you with the best presses for country news and job wdrk to b had m this country and at lower pirices than for any other new cylinder pr cotwb fo rcton knd sbbour improved country zprouty press kt mork the free press is printed dnj the above press and the work illustratesks ntnts no 1500 driim cylinder press can do better newspaperor posterworlflj we have run the e rooty for eight yean and the longer we run ii the better wa uk 11 it fa simple easy to ran jaty on t easr lo handle cosu littl for repair and ft eaay on the printer s pocket book we call it the tjt pre to be bad f fn the worl today for the money pome and tee oar pre at work ii yoa desire tample ot work send for them and we wil gladly jfarnis wectiigiveydayoariadlrjeof tnbmberofdifforeniii2 think of if a nev 8 fplio or 5 col qto power press for only sjooo or an 80 book press for 860 full particalaf sftom hem ai rill glaoiy ii jto 70cl r0re aent for canada actok on t tsfraiatsaffl liiiftrin miwsia xli ii wwhsssr v t tho largest scale works m ttwcanada over bcr-stfle8- qt hay sal grain scajle farmjc tea scales moiet i drawers uu- a ot rax cwicbon 6qe6planade fclibe wehajve just receivectonr boot and sboek from tl a beat rnann- taciarera in canada ti d defy com petition melther i stylj orpriof- mn in h 1 t3 i m m w m vail elsoovoi b00ljee hrivftet1tri t im ll b3siaiicsar

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