Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 10, 1892, p. 1

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s a t 1 a lie rfcit jfrccjrc5s 1 rrklttacn every tlhjrsdit uormkg at tce- frc trrm st am trittuap officr mill srnrtt acton ont tcmcr ftrsimcrirrtononc dollar pc z oar it rid to aivatic or vithln tltrw mootvt iroui tapttuicci car tlm pr trr if tiot o jd tti rtkt to irttel rry abnrtption a pcldl it dsaoted by tli dat ou the tddrvs label arttektttika turrt twctiat adrrtiv taints r txbta por nonpareil uo tor flrft in- covnurr rittitlie folio inc table the our rau for the liwcrtiou of advrrtltcuipuia for i fi wo 3 if a iirt latest novelty perfumed koto paper and envelopes ariet 1 vh ffo to shu iioi 6jtu moo liuo sb fil00 is a tto too stb j03 s 103 11 1 lolnrhaa muehe ilnch adrcctimtnesu without specific directions ill l inserted till forbid and charged accord- iucl traftiient adrcrtiwnnou tnuit bo paid advertisements will bo changed oner rach month if dtird for cbruc olltncr than one a month th competition must be paid for at recruit ntte chan for contract adrrrmcmmls must be in tha ofic by 0003 00 tuesdays n p moore editor hid proprietor fusittrss bircrforrr ef liv sweet taveadcr heather hetttrophe sweet violeu mtcuvuette lily of the vtuey stephinotis moss roso afajr blossom jismiae up lute much pi run re in callinc your sfteu- lion to uic new mill 1 aaliumabtc notr papers mid kiivclopca ot wliicli wi are mm bowing uif above ttritui racli ihcrt of paper uwri a floral pwlcti in natural oolora and trathlpsu ktid envelope are ivrfumtd to currctpaod put up in boxes 35 cbnts to ix linti only l days bookstore day sells cheap bank of montreal capital rest 812000000 6000000 the traders bank op canada wishing to cultivate a conuocuon with good rclliblcatniun nil knowing how dlfllcult it it for tlipm l contartn to tleod ruiokrht fclwaj ktud totbotu grtctcrpdvuoccc uitti any other cliu of tiuilqmi men trader3 bank op oakada ittiad orrtcn torokto ilinrrciritii kxkd00 it flm uw0o0 quelps branch wo cll your tttcntlon to the coavcaloucc oltcrd by our sviac luuk iturtaat u- itocltjol vl end tirivutli nmcroacni la tercet allowed t ui rtto of 4 ivr eiqtpc tuuum from dtte of dcpotlt to wltbdru pdd or com- ixjundod lilfyorly on lilit uty arid ith ko- ycullxt tadvauccc tikilqtorcikiislllo fartucn artfuicci uiatlolo faiuitti ou tho urit of k4lc4 tiote afpectclty made of colltwttoe fanner calca aow and no ctiarfo made for collecting wtica ibo iu ouclpu vro iiaro unsuriiaaiod faciutloa for transmit ting tnouey to all parti of ttie couutry i a cctteral nuking budncfl trautactpd a f if josesr uauagorouelpb uraucb tt hlowry m b mcps ttraduaicof trinity coligeueoibtof colac of phyaiciaat and sargfrona qm ademua at timhdof ftdrlct tret acton jf ruln il i c u- tciuity tn ivirvtvhonarfira4uite victoria lm vera itv mc v s oat os ml rvailfarrtonitr hum fnvutkrx arru tos u bknkett lds dentist licolicktown ontario m clean mclean it friratefundj to ioao oa town hall acton wk a mclcak jno a mclean t a mowat biixistci soucrrob notakt pcbuc koney to loan om dat tscfinv iri satsrilay ornct karnatici bk artia up tain rj mcvabb a savings department has been opont in connection with this brunch interest alltnuil at cunrnt rates jas hfinlav nunaffcr il ukasch w barber bros paper makers georgetown ont kakl a srixialtt of kacfiine finistied book papers ani uuill tieadr weekly news crindells machine repair shop tbr ijht used in this journal ii from the above mills wh barber bros- in ailitition to uitclrincrv rciiirlpg i atu now prcircd to o horse shoeing general blaoksmithlng iu a ujoei uu if actor- oianuer- wood cork re pair alto made careful attciillim given to all tork brought any machine or implement by wliomwevcr manufariured will bo rrp aired lu awprk man- like maticrr plow and macliinery rcpajra couitautly on iiand henry qrindell cowllavitll qtlllctcu ft rvu aui arco- rofrtcl acct frr acil lfr a ralrf roirty itoflt ail eali vnf td loar ca tc roat tavcrabe urn j a mow atsoslce acton steel engravings i hilton wallbridgea stone iurrcr solicjtcr at totjxtjami gtotarioirs osi- crcelesaa iilockgeorgetowc anl trajcrs iak ckatcbcrf cjycsge toroto jsiiiiton ra tii williinie h e stpxl- eatent5 secured jc fok invfntiok iicsky gkist 0mwa canaua twietj yean iretce no fattat kc vtt v ueltstreet liessir acciiomci orderi ff l tb k jt oa oi er byre4idtaein aetoa wil bo rroimrfi i t low ruti of clrrnt in 1jniofjjnrjtipwtrj tit in itohn day architlct orrice p rancis xcxas isircii3rtot f tlu booeiiinoek stgeorsi5irir guci proof piliucc coml picliini jklure mojldiup ivory oak iiooiu inj silver gilt artists materials a lull itock of wiaiii i siwtori lllt white dpablr tuiki romiey t be bj li doi iboto kranirt c3iuctc iv 6 ll corlicc to- hrlj kittili l if clt account iidov perioiicaii of ererj- pulcr neatlranj rip tcii2rt- tiijc to order imurullj bound t he hanlan barber shop millstleet actov aneaircifcte aityjitb haircut a good eeafoam ai flxuiliaratingihampoclvtyigitfn luxor tmaj and jint in flrflclaes coniitioa ladiei grichildreaibalr tastilr cat j h wokden tom nrlaj artlila irelands desiccated wheat for dyspeptics und anyone with weak digestion try it tiieiielavii national fooii colkij t6ronto our wall papers ait si i to l ili liii ultctrl in t waters bros established 177 st oeoroe s square guelph new planing mile am sth and door factory johri cameron contractor ria tej up the ijinldins on slain sirwt lately occaiedtji a trunk factory witn acwoiachincry aaj calimatct for ail cltsns of tuildioci aai oicc ail kiuds of diffislng matcning anj molldisg nar iu fttlr6 q saehei doon and wmdowi and door frames and dretsed lumber and keen a stock ol hand all order irotnptls ittciidcl to t john cameroh season 1891 tithile rtturninc thanks to our many r it rotu for ihoirlilktal ujrport in the rixt wo ritb to intone you that v ha to eauiced into an axrancaitnt with it rtcart quelnh tokepcoqttanftlrou hand a full stock t of the ordinary eirca of sash doors etc and till altoturply any tpccltj tltct cu chort notice at gaclph jiricca frames of all kinds midato order wel kenin ttock a line of hie window nd doorctring comer illoctl ac 1ourlambrrdreiwd while yoa wlt prlrctrmier jl pumps llcitm better ahlo than heretofore re ii1 iniply cither irood or iron iimnjii jromitly all wik cu aatitfactory iieatc call and lnipcct hefpre purchacing tuv where tuos egbage manatee acton livery- bus line the uridcrfigntd rpcctfullv ncliciti thenatre age of the jumic and infonut them teat elicits the natron aoents wanted tovtiflli nlretrjcb larprtt u canada jl too actti ve ant rtiahlpnerciiccihj to tell our nurtcry clock previous cjprriencr no deeeaaary aiiy man with tact and energy caxi succeed prtni lilxrral outfit free our agtiu have tnany advantage tuch aa idling honecrown hanly canadian ktock choice new special tic which trt of ceat value an3 which can ooly le tccured from ui we have civet particular attention to the propagation of hardy varittiea ta it hit to the northern tec- tiori a canada for tenns rily to ktonk welunoton toronto onl agents wanted in arrery townjebjp to sell the pictorial cyclopedia of lire stock and complete stock doctor tlje irtoat eoc3pete aui j comirehcmlvc work fveruolftbod iu authora stand at the head of thrir profeaaiou and have a continental repu tation worth iu weight in gold to any on having horaa fiheep cattle swine poultry uotpr ike a crand opportunity to make money- secure territory at once addrcn x n moyeb publisher 1 120 yon e st totonto well equipped and stylish rigs can al ways be secured aihisiublcfl a colqfortahlo hui mecta au trains lttwftn ittii and fclb pm careful attention pvtn toevtryoratr the fiuiu of commercial travel lers fully met john williams wellington mutual fire nsifmrce company ebt avus liiii 10 head office cuelph iiisurfihuilclincmcrcbriiifc sjfiiiufactorlc and all otber dcrciiltloni ot imurabjo property on tbe caib and premium kato syitem f wstone chas davidson president manager john taylor aoent gentlemen order now your fait suit and overcoat new goods specially imported for my trade choice patterns fit style and workruatuhip the best prices the lowest my specialty perfect- fitting 4 pants to order xvtlt prqiu prourbltf mteuni ni field op lu tortland ouo day lltnded bruire thouutnd djfldrarl tboy uy itiiaiollvcly brlfilit yoangtten vera ukad to decliro bfcti of uiara uia taui a tncu drank anj wlioro note illott bellow it n ill out vait throne hut ona boy vaj fouud who had icen tills crat wroue kni vlieu lie waa aalccd wlietl and wboro it occurred waft not lu ualuo but in flocton wo beard the qneatlou waa then put to all who were there ikvho haaaecq a drunk wornta kow children doelari deep uirill of fiarror rq tiiroagb the great hall tt the tbdurht that a woman could ever fo fall lnd ft little giruliera in a uorrlied tone laid uoniflu do nerer cet drunk u i bare known ho very ideawaa cliockuie to her fhat such a aad tiht chould boltoen anywliero beaoehlldrcniolhawiiv hadlked in a land ndowed with ft law that waa noble and grand law that prohlbtta the ule of ttrooc drink hue eloalnc the rortex in which they might ink j low how tuy children in kngland today dould bo cthcred together in ammfnc to tay ai loncata weve lived wave neer icon a man 1 t drunk or hftardof ft wotnaktofcarfuljtjr tunkr 1 tcll if prohibition web thinga bring about by dont wo adopt it and put drink to rout v ould we bring up our children not knowing tho curte ould england dcarlnngland loauy tho worao 1 ben frienda of good order aud virtue ftu4 truth e call ou you now or the rako of car youth 1 o vote for tho men who hli yaeatlon will ice to hiiil give to our much abused people the veto sclrri jfarhilr llwdtng just qefere he davi wheri lia ltsd mcani and liu ieemet very lintngo to mo tluu lu ihoald be so kllloicd bat i iiivo no doubl w hall some iimo find that it wac for lorno good tarpoaiij alecka kindly loiter mdtiraolygiftactok liko au clitir upon tho ipltilt oc ths dli- oduragod tran after hit rtscovery ho went forth with renewed energy and oon found i rcmunaralivo employment boforij ho felt itrbog cnoogh toiioldi pen he naked sidney to tend a nolo of lianka to hrhc- donald which ho did aad sfdnef t oyca grew bright with amuaement when one day her father brought home a idler from llo- donald addressed to mr fiidnem clpvy and gavo it to her iti oontcala expressed regret at her fathers illness and concluded by ottering a clerkship in hit store to tho yonng son wlio had written him such a baiiocss liko hoto saying also tiiat he had occasion fo come kast and would find them out and comtnunicato his views in i person tho dty affer tho reception of trio letter ring tt tho boll drew i sidney i to tho door a sadden intuition did her hat tho tall bearded strauper wis lie fathers western frieud though she had previously imagined him to ho very different looking owing probably to always- hearing hfm spoken of asiiitllo aleck llrt clay rose ts ho catered the room a hoet sallioquy ii e nelson pashlonable clothier 99 upper wyndham st ouelph rattan cfiafrs rockdig gfiafrs card ladles sideboards writing cadfnefs sell pianos y goal wood jamesgrown ha ou haul a lare juautity of cxclllcnt coal which he will pruiiiptjy deliver to any part of he town at reasonable price hardwooi andilab cut stove length always on kand telephone communicatioa s m cook co aeoeobtowji- liceaua inotleaam aspniwrf vala- 11 coueon beai estita and j omoi lend agente j i dsttheooctctresop hltqiise wellington siinooe yor aad ontario uxir to loan from a fdono at sis percent iartim plaeirur ur atlas or older btuinaw in onr baoda vtll uartbelaine prosdfitlyatt4pded to aawslaaau btacse ornc irooxca sooira ifiil georee- town or ftdilrw boa us 8 if cook co auetociv baixcsorrtcctnquwo st cast toronto s k cooi co aacttoumn j ostor dtowii and toronto f the 0 organs gold medal vlhi awaitunu jamaic alnternational exhibition 1891 in competition wiflt atntricantjirinftttiuetigubh and canadian manufacturers hoit half on monthly or quarterly payments enly at c w kellys bs lone phono 17 music store wyudbain etrcct uuqlph tel job printing ikcludikq bockal itvainbletss poetm hiji headi cirenlirt e c etecutd in the bcit style of hits tit at inbderata prices and on jhort uotic apply or addrcas hp kooiie vuzz pbj68 office acton agents wanted i is pmirxaa to ezacata orasti xoi cay of the f yoa rut to male motwry uko bold aodj atalioathffbtmabnndtreasooalie 4lloarcboas karwry itock kow s bz tetjne kttyovnaviagdiypsr4wajatuouon t t ararh tmttamar iiamnlaujasttfalkatfan i 1 fc ch7 k kow s uj time writ a si once or terms hit baothesskarterymen fj noehsterv i in abundance at lowest prices pspracceco upper wyndham at cuelph special prtoes tp thoiecontemplatiog housekeeping hamiltons itarme works hamiltons block formerly hatchs slock the gorecoruer of woolwich and norfolk streets quclphont john h hawtlton proprietor wbolfraale and retail dealer and direct importer and manufacturer of all kinds of granits and llarblo uonupents totubctoncs etc raring l bad cjj extoncivo erperi ens fpr tho last is yean th publie may rely on getting all aperfor articles at aencsper rata than lay othtr dealer lu tho west k b 15 per cent off on a direct order re- elved for tneoeitq days j actoa lodge no 204 iooj i mcets intheoddfellowfihall hills ulock eferywdncdayevening viiltingbrotb coujtltatfoa or any at tho ren a way welcome for copy o and java apply to tho uudijrajfcne ta embers w williams n hhwouden secretary frank burqe88 house painter paperhanger sign writer eip is prepod to execat orders irj abore lines in ttje boat manner and teons atbltjonviuftbiy pww t can aarors eostotnen eompleui 0 raining in all woods a pooia 1 orders iet at mj rosldiraee will receive prompt atleuuoa puturomtlon siii bt acton r nv miny it irorrxt well husband any success today a mournful shake of tho head whitening sc rapidly of latc iwas tho only answer 11 re clay smothered a ligh as she roao and d ew a chair toward the grate where a few ex ils were smouldering hit down iundall and warm yourself k lney is just ready to uketho work honie lien she comes in again we tvitl liavc a ni ja cup of tea i dont want any wife the best thing an dots to turn my laoc to tho wall and 6t y tlictjj until 1 arh carried ont feet first iidneylcrushed back tho tears and going to her father laid her soft check caressing ly igainst his face its alfcays the darkest just before day- br ik pa and im sure things couldnt b my worse so ill be a- prophet and a tn e one too youll see before many days ha e passed im going oat now and wl n i ccfmo back if i dont bring yoa good lui k you ioy disown me i n about an hour sidney returned with he arms filled with parcels as sha was lay ng them upon the table her mother cal ed to licr from an inner room t omething in the tone of her votoo start led her hastening t her assistance she fou jd her father lying upon tho bed with his eyes closed and looking strangely whtc hr mother was chafing his hands am trying to rouse him she said i saw thb doctor drive up a moment ago hui sidney and hurry him over o second bidding was neoaod the doc tor ivcd jtjst across the way and one glance at lie girls agitated faco told him tho stor he wab so well used to hearing ii was the work of a moment to snatch his udicioccae and follow her ii was some time beforo mr clay showed sijjc i of lif and the palo phantom which had threatened them was exorcised t ic doctor pronounced the attack to havi been irought on by poverty of blood and aid i e bad better keep his bed for several dayt and ive him all tho nourishing things he will tab boef tea made very strong crea ntoast and tho best sherry wine will be a strengthening as anything al ier he hali gone sidney and her mother looki d at ei ch other in silent consternation the xbvod invalids life depended on these luxu ies tnd liow could they procure their thje doctor might almost as weltj have ordered a i trip to earope with deep dgh sidney put her hand into her pock t ana with her portemonnaie drew put a letter oi i fogot this is for papa the frigli abpoi liim put it out of my mind 1 wonc r wht t is in it pen it sidney- it may be an answer to o ic of your fatlicrs applications for work sic ney to e it openjind a paper fluttered out a id fell to the floor she picked it up and f mad i ut it wti ft binkdote it must bo a mistake mother no one woult send noney to ub r ad tin note that will tell and then ame the break in tho clouds which had t jen gathering so darkly around that they ad almost learned to doubt if any sunel inc coild exist for them this is the letter dc rt jlsij ifosoasu sis i send the lifciosod as a si ht ui oiodtl of toy gratitado for former favors iatr now a proipcrooa man and every cent i haro ccnmnlatedi i owe to the timely help y m gav i ule when a push in the other direct in woi ild have sent ma to tho bad yoi rs very truly and gratefully alkxakdrtt ucdovuld as sidney finished reading it she looked at hei motber and saw by the ezpression of hei face hat all had been made clear to her w io is alexander mcdonald mother i luvi neve heard of him it a litt o xleck tho newsboy bnt i forget it was beforo yon were born your fathei and wcro but just married lis took a likinii to the bright little fellow and said t lat new york was no place for him bo ho paid his way oat west where he said i n nnqle lived he was an orphan and h d no ane to care for him here w latalout little aleck questioned a feeble voice ani turn tng to their great joy they saw the cl ar limit of intelligence looking out of the oj s of i he beloved invalid who had re main i in s state of partial itapo since the at ack fither i waa a true prophet 1 loargood fortui a has come as i said it would little aleck as ypa call him has sent you algift in a ii tter at five handred dollars think of itlf after a moment hesitation be held oat his hand you dont kiiow mo and its no wonder for time ink mado great changes i am aleck 1 he was a stalwart handsome man in stead of a slight stripling of twelve and the silver gltsteued thickly amid sirs clays dark locks but they were boon at their case and woro bhittiug plccasantly wheu urclay returned siducyltad been simply introduced as sly daughter and had uqt joined iu tho conversation though her eyes had occasionally glanced up from her embroidery to scsn the stranger when she could not bo observed l j lfr clay invited bim to stay iqd take tea with them aud ho seemed loth to accept tho proffered hospitality as they arose from the tablo mr ifcdonald said i have been looking for tho boy who rote mo that fine clearheadedl letter will ho be iu soon 7 j mr clay smiled i am carry to ditsappoiut yoa my friend bat thuj is sidney my oulv child she bears a family ntruo which has been given to tho oldest child be it boy or girl for generations lack aleck glanced at sidney and said thing confusedly i must beg your pardon miss clay fpr my stupidity as i thiukot it i might have known that no member of thet-asca- line fraternity sow aleck thatll not answer said mr clay laophiiucy sidneyis not used to highflown compliments and yoa mast not turn her head toith them aleck looked admiringly jat the rtfy see which grew suddenly npsy andic his scrutiny bpt he forebore from farther remarks and soon lobkhis leave ho remained in town for several weeks and found his way quite offen to the clays pleasant home sidney hardly dared look up from her work daring pis visits for she ooald feel that his dcrtq eyes were ever studying her faco with au expression which caused her heart to throb strangely at last he called aud atked her to walls with him they had not giaoifar when be startled her by saying miss clay i had a nioive for asking yoa out tfiis afternoon i am a ntan of few worde bat i know pure cold when i see it and that my outy c lance to get the treasure i want is to ask for it before tomo- one else finds out its value slid steps in be fore me i have never loved a woman be fore sidney but tho happineis of my vbole future depends ou oue now will she to my wife i i sidney began trcmulouslyandconfuscdly my fatherp but he interrupted her no i sidneys decision first cm she love me the girl was almost crying the crisis had come so suddenly thatiha hardly knew her own feelings aleck stood for s mo ment studying her troubled face with his bright earnest eyes heuhis look grew sorrowful i might have known that such aireat clumsy fellow could offer no attrsctio n to one like you i good bye i i will not pain standing near a hog yard one day ait summer i noticed a fine porker wallowing in a jfitthy mad hole granting away i apposed with wnlentmeatwhea sudden ly tha ears of my understanding were open ed aad this is the substiuceof tbeanlmils soliloquy i yes here i am wallowing inthefijth teeaaso no clean p laca is provided people carl ap their snouts adees they call em and talk about bogs being such nasty creatures lad plenty of them have decided i that wo are not m for food wish iheyd all come to that concluaion i dont mind being eaten bat its the injartlce that rifes me hera we are shut ap in this hot ibtrren yard without water and there is no creature more sensitive to heat and cojd nature demands that wa have a wet piste in sainmer to walldw in bat no i one ever think of scooping oat a hollow in the earth andnpplying it with cietp water no we mast take a naity foal place like this and return to it day after day bat it is eaoagh better than we goto ia winter then wa are all huddled into the dirtiest little fen wheu we bars to lie all in s pile to keep frdnr treexing people- think we are only liogs i suppose hat i wish they knew how mucin we need clean qdarfirs aad fresh straw beds nor i dont think we are dirtyas tome animals that nobody thinks of calling filthy if i had my awjn way i would be clean and twpthere is all this howl abost trichinc who is to blame i wotsdec one thing i do know we dont hatch the creature whatever it is oarcelves aad u peopletookcare of us wo wbaldnot haiie it rats and mice they say are alive with them aud to long as they baildoit peus so that they can come la and eat ap oar cornwa are bound to eat them ap so of coarse we get the trichina and when people eat as they get it serves em right too then if a sick hog or cow or any thing of that kind dies they feed as the deceased meat anything ia good enough for a hog they cay and it niiies me smile knowing that we are fatted for their table we are jbatarally hearty eaters aad oar susceptihility to cold makes us glad to eat anything to jteep up heat in winter and then oar drink 0 mel the wash of- everything and ciiilk all spring from a sick cow they said it wasnt fit for any- thing bat the boss dont see why they mightnt as well drink it as to give it to as and tbeaeat us only in one case they would have to bjime themselves in the other they can pat it on the hog how often hive i watched people careiug fo their horses and thoaght of tpa differeucs iu their treatment and ours j their house is cleaned aud aired erery jdsy they have the cleanest water to drink and the cleanest straw to lie on and besidea thef are combed off carried i think they call it and sometimes washed- now if a hog had half the chance as that he might be somebody too well i well i and then his swincship baried his nose iathernire ttrd i heard no more 1 i ayounsrglrffp a wags earner every girl should te tdacated to that if the need rises hi can become a bread i winner therich mans daaghtsreqaally with the poor inensjought to be mattress ofsomefne trade profession or art by means of wbtch rbfe can earn her own support so apld are the fiactnations of fortune that hdbody can be sore of retain ing it and it is the part ot wisdooi luera- fote to be armed asauit the ioctimiooi of want byr knowledge of sotnethiog which the wot id reqarres and is willing to pay for everygirf should have a specially and whatever her specialty is sheisboald be so proficientiriit th ueklajitcocbse when raarrio my wife she had studied stone v eraphr got that down wild apd tooknp photograiby ifsstered that i ifence and started geography- ail in he co in of a tear 6bo prcsentlj tdc foiiowci tint c got a decree in ikcp a course oliheology with a tonch of mythology he lfne of sooiogy still her groat mind remained clear the highe implies p jat she cm commind lest prices fjor her skill this croup ii seem i like a fortane said the sick man i rateft ily god be thanked for his m h hi many mere es 1 and as with closed eyes lie kfl0 f he placed werapoblio jayb5fcapnhlputawthewordshe at- htd tiactorx jay ts ok appn his pillow the words he at tend vere ifervenlly reechoed in the hearts of wit i and pbild mrs clay saying i y or mtx k4 alw4yi doing good yoa with a suit whioh i seois nnweloome he turned and went rapidly away as sidney watched him the ittjought came suddenly i will not pa n him again i then a great wave of sorrow sargecrrip in her heart aud she called wildly aleck i aleck i he heard and tamed bacjk she stood awaiting him with dowucasi eves sidney he said passionately jlook at me you could not bo iscj bring trie to yoar side sgarn anless to say yoa would be my own little girl my pramisei wife her answer was so low as to bo iadis- tinct to any but a lovers cars j bat his face hone with the magio brightness which brightness comes but once in i the human hctrt as he drew her little hand within his arm and ho heldit a willing- prisoner to begin with croap that terror of all parents whose children are subject to- this malady the mother who has once been roased by the hosrso barking coagh so an mistakable in its warning is never likely to forget the thrill of terror which seemed to make her very heart stop beating ko matter whether it be true or false croap the alarm at the moment is the came sad in neither case is there time to be lost if the cough does not seem very tight and is not accompanied by strangling begih giving syrnp of ipecac io doses of fifteen drops every twenty niinutes continue this until thchilds breathing is relieved or until h vmaite bat should he awake with syrnp- toms of choking and greit difficulty of breathing administer atoncea leaspoonfat of the ipeoea into which has been stirred a good pinch of powdered alatn i should this not cause vomiting in fifteen minutes repeat the dose and assist its action by making tte child drink a capful of wsrmwater place him in sshotja bath as he canj bear about ioo degrees and keep him there at least ten minutes spreading blankets over the- fab to prevent the water cooling be should be aapporfed in a reclining position so that as much of his body as possible may be ander water when he is taken oat roll him at once in heated blankets aod put him to bed in a warm wellventilated room he may sometimes be relieved byvinhalin steam- if possible get a doctor immediately take great care the day titer croap that the child is not exposed to cold there niedlo be a comforting theory current that no child ever had croup after midnight bat alas 1 time aud experience has proved this a pleasant fallacy serving of a faithful apprenticeship the diligent study bichi ltares the fcft hspd facility and freedom from bkndertng which come only af er faithful practice we all know hojr the best dressmikeris soaght aad waledfri ind how royslty the dictates hertermi tai makes her ap pointments bat she n enly one of a great namber who ajight d ctate terms if they possessed tried abil ty to the wage- earning girl t would say select yoar trade yoar art year profession and determine to learn t thoroughly em- ployers assertl that mm are more thorough than woraeii j which bringi me to my second point the weakness of oa sex u in contrast wilht oar quickness to grasp a sitaation so marked a to be raldd a rice w iact thorongbnees we often forget to finuh off our work the wrong side looks rocgh and seamy it bas loose ends there is- a weak spot in the middle it wont stand wear aud tear l overheard twogentiemea in conversation cot long sgo in a street car in new york said one to the other we ijava stepped employing young wooden in our office as stenorriphers a man costs more it s irae but girls make so many mistakes and are consent that they are expensive in the end and its better economy ti hire a man and pay bim twice as much now oar standing grievance as weal know ia that the rate of payment for i men u higher than the corresponding rate far womeifin employ- tneuts in which bbjh engsgey ana which a man is not by p stare fitted io do belief harfa woman j i bappcse we stop com- piainiag and look vraaid for reasons why j here u a caase for complaint matlwe not confess thatjajgirl cometimes tails in thoroughness or that jhe excnes herself on the plea of lur sex from doing her work as jcell ss sfiejean and as she ought whenit ia with diffiealty for iastance hat i find myself waitel ia lu a new tork drygoodsshop where wdmln clerkt are employeabeeaase the salewomen are- occapied ia gossip ot their own aad when in another i am pramptiy andpanctiiioas- serred by- men i am tain to conclade hat so she took cpaj ome lessons anil ioj a long cocrsa cf 1 ushling far ovcrier so shanred ll took slsodcstn and niastercd ts w and still she wis longinfffor uiore connc on the heorr ot writing points on the rtbjoct of fljtt house balldine heating and iassmatex shed soar a snbject of steam navigation tioa ia charch edacation rtady of impersonation vce she laealed there wis walk6g ale day when as i boolevardi he found thatthe as might have crowd dispersedj he boys woani theworkwas- omnibus and were i an employer my wages should go to those witorwoald serve me best yet who should handle ribbons aad laces so well or wait ona woman so petfectlyit a sister woman i beg ar girls to be ihoroagh never as chkrles dickedssaid do any- 3 when yoa- ought to do whatsoever thy thing with one hand it with boihhaa hand findeth ia ddrcfo it with thy aright third oar wageearning girl should caltivate selfrespect holding herself far above alf silly flirtation 6r familisr- ity with tbe other sex when eaeoaneriug mea ia basiaelut relations mployersand fallawclerksr men wih whorn she hu basiaess engagements stand toward her precisely as other woman doin similar situations glances of admiration or the reverse should be ignored on her way o aud from basioesr and daring the boars of basiuess sad wage earning girl shoald be intent on- one thing raly7 her duty no foolish sentimentality ihoald be encour aged in her thought she has not tims- foc it and itll inexpedient as is the light repartee and the gay bedjnage which are appropriate in society lam very ranch annoyed said the employed of a uunibet of young- women by two propensities of yoar sex the gabble gabbhle gabble when hey ought to beat wuk and if they are reproved they ccy i hate to see women cry and i wish they knew how an- the followin for reformed from work he laieit groat fad ejectriclf- wiumun mm roa iaa eiecuiciry nr keionn i istiaitestaaghtbflr simplcitj- soaght the best i ay to encborage felicity oh shes as i tnart as a book jhc at last ended up with a coarse in phonetics clave a little atte ition and time to athlotks the rest ofbertineshegatqto magnetiea and now sua siearningto cook- harm of glvirtst a pretily dressed little american boy ng the streets of paris one tried to cross the crowded i ras knocked down by the pole of a carriaj e in a moment a crowd had collected sit the first upon the spot was a little wealing sweeper ragged snd icen the danger and had i he child almost before tbe tenderly and- carefully- riisedlherich mans ion in id htm torotigh the crowd dirty who had sprung to help pole strack hi he street boy his arms carri and ino adrokgists near by it- i i voicwas not as macb hart ben expected aijd soon the the driggist bound up he little oroaiingsireep er standing by in sympathy and svbin d me he ran outvbajlef an ta ef ally helped the injaredj boyiato ifpaid his fansj and old the con ductor where u stop j as the omnibus rolled away and the crossing sweeper tam ed bacfctohik w rk a gentleman whoiad been ookingod i poke to him offering him six reals j here my ijyv saidbe yoa cant afiord to pay 1 at rich childs fare let jme give it fcacjct j you the crossing iweeper pat his hand pe hind him oh 30 said he foritheo there woaldnth any charm rfc he msaot the harm of having done- lhe kindness would b ii be lost to bim if it coat hlmjsathing snt he was qaits right the poorditife crossii g sweeper understood the true secret of hsbptness in giving -or- inr dfcing good a sleeplhs bemon- ig aeident is fall of lessons m j and it comes direct a leader ii be gospel temperance a goodheared man who was reformed and remained s eadfast or niue yearsj amused ft in money becoming si dwecsor in an 11 pottant temperancfc fn- and bein nhstramental iti ssnting onehaadredspd ind sixfythree mea who had fallen at i 0 end of nine years be fek altogether ca e became proud of his saecess and did t ot hke to have any one snow he was a informed man eaeed to- attend and wo k in be temperattce xneetiugsj a salconkeepe got hold of hlxa and offered to wager ld tat triia reformed man of nine years standing coald cot walk around the block with a tespooofoi of whiskeyia- his inoalhi 16 ithe weak ueea ot his pride be poor fellow accepted the wager swallt weel the whiskey bisl appetite wis fierce y sroased be oegan 16- drirk sad six yei nater this diabolical temptaijouhe died adrunkard iret lim that thirfketh he si todtth fake heed lest be fall aad let him 1 emevnber that- to worts fp christs name or others ia he barest way of beicg saved himceh offensive pupllo notlcss it is related of a goodnatured king that upon taking a walk in his park he saw a uotice which set forth that all persons were ordered to keep the footpath he told hisattendant to have the word ordered painted out and requested put lu its place the ranger objected that peop a woajd not regard 10 mild a word but tie king said that is their affair i will uc t have them ordered tha king showed h s good sense in the matter as well as good feeling when we see iu any public place say t hotel restaurant or assmhly room a notice calling upon guests tp repdrt any iuat- tentioh or ueglect on the part ot the wait- ers wo conclude that the manager of the establishment does not know the ait of getting men ic do their best sack a notice is not necessary the guest oc cus tomers know very well what lo do incise he is not served to his likiug anditha notice casts a kind of reflection upon the corps of waiters ia iarga tic lanes there are sometimes notices ending with words like these any man violating this rule will be discharged how unneces sary such harsdess 1 as if every man did not know that a wilful and persistent viola tion of an important rota necessitates such a penalty tbe old gentleman near philadelphia knew human nature and acted upon his about advertising h yoa can arouse curiosky by an adver tisement it is a great pointgained the fair sex dont hold all the cariosity ia the world a thing worhdoing is worth doing well a thing worth advertising is worth adver tising well a uewipeper worth advertis- ing in once is worth making a contract with r it is a mistaken notion that a fine store in an eligible location surrounded by at tractive signs is a superior advertisement for the experience of tha most enterprising merchant is that it pays better to spend less in rent and more in advertising dont be afraid to invest in printers ink lest your rands of life be nearly run ont trying ta do business without advertis ing is like winking- at a pretty girl through a pair of green goggles yod may know what you are doing bat nobody else does the enterprising advertiser proves hat ho understands how to buy because in advertising be icnows how to sell bread is the staff of human life aad advertisiaz is the staff of basiaess a simple card may profitably stand years without ahange bat a sensational advertisement shoald be changed oa often as yoa can set the printer to do it now is the time to think about advertis ing and reflection shoald be followed by judicious action voacant eat enough in a week 0 last yoa a year and you cant advertise on hat plan either r village t respect this place it is for the nubho good the people did respect it klxtarda utumtni rtjlutu aiwrstlftst batinesiiifcectyiuejis keep yourlieni per dear wsgeearpinggirli and keep yotir belirespect a girl who respects herself truly will always be respected george kenaau lecturer and writer da he sibensu exile system if said to be a victim of nervous prostration for months he hu beeti workipg is hoars a day on his new book about siberia and lecturing at lhe same time his nervous system is muiureu cuuiei er sui wholly shattered and insomnia hu seaared wedding gifts a ihljrieh a bold wfiloh ha oanoot shake off he is iu san francisco i aiaaras a preferrejocreditorj ha cbrtainly did come 1 ahead of the others a good story is going the roaads about a new york merchant who recently failed for a large amount he called ail his creditors together ard offered tb settle with them at 10 cents on thedollar giving them his notes payable ni thirty dsvs as most ct jhe creditors had little hope of getting anything hey eagerly accented tha proposition one mail howavsr stood out for bettec terms and all efforts to get him tb agree were futile fiaslly the bankrupt took him out into the hall add said ven you come injii sign mitdeudders den i makoyba ptehrred creditor all right said the kicker under those circumstances will agree tot settle ment j i tho papers were j signed and all the creditors left exceptthe oue who had been told he was to be preferred vat are yda vating for sajd the- mair who had failed j why yoa said iwas 0 oa preferred i am waitiog to knowwhat i am to- get veil itellyoaifvba get noting get nrjtuingj wbyyoa promised 0 make nde a preferred creditor if i would sign withfthe rest i and so yoa are i make yoa preferred i tell yoa aow yoa gel 1 nolings de adders wait thirty day before they dey iknow it and den fley ges nofings a lit erarv lines john q whtttier was u years old qn lha27h inst the ikdtpcitflcnt iaya that the book ot president warren sj winch seta forth the hypofhesia hat ederl waa located at thd north pole ii ending very mauyfriends in europe- the remains of helen hunt jackson have been removed from cayenne moun tain where they have laid for six yearv and minterrediirji evergreen cemefery colorado springs j a silk weaver in lyons france has spent three years in making a catholio prayer book in jhoh- tlij prayers were woven in each- leaf hot printed fire hundred copies wet sold they sell for 1 t4tumit f mi laiufre kftnralgla tsro gentlemen once found themselves travelling together n lhe corner of a pull- idiah car oce wsi s stronger id hi tjgiitt o the country t lhi other appesiredc sri well acquainted w th every district day passed through -j- tou appear to cow he coantfy well sir queried the si ranger 1 yes replied the other my name ia ahoasehoh word throughout this district the strangor bees na curious at once youre mayor of a large town perhaps no goveraor hen no kem bef ot congressj no ja director of this railway perbim no well said ha sranger copalieotly- whd are you then im opu rnith watthe calm reply when yoa bay yoi r tpriag medicine yoa jihocad get the best ind that is hoods sir- lipirilli it thotoc jhly purifies the blood suppose every sick rxtan aos evi woinaa tried these medicinea a them worthless wh would b th yoaofitheyj- j j theimedicinea an dr pitrcevold j medical discovery lor and his faront t pr rjjri womaas peonliarill u uts healthi they call ddph they dtajjlwoom nothing jm air mrf celia fhixte s horrie in appledore thejargest of the i lies of shoals is idr- rounded by a beactifal garden gorgeous wilh brilliant bloi soms among these mrsj thaxter may 1 3 seen a work ia the early morning toe house a rooaty cottage is alwaysfrarsat and- bright wifh cut fibwers ahd the rails are covered with choice bits 1 of pi inting fetching s411 sketchings juts tt oxter was brought m the islesiof- shoals rhsr father their oirner wfcea she wai ouly five years old and lived here uatii sheiwaseixteeu when she married levi rhaxjer since then she has spent her si mmers at appledore- t lets reason together herera firm oue ef the largest t con a try oyer the world over it has rown steply step throagh the years 0 ceaneas and h sells patent medicines 1 lgh i 1 thats enough 1 waitjaiitle this firm pays be newspapers good money expeasive wo jk this advertising to lelfhe people th it they have faith in what they sell so mi ch faith that if they cant benefit orjsnra bey dool want yoar money their gain nteescot indefinite aad relative bat del nite aad absolate if the medicine doesnt help your money ii on coin every feebll and founj i the loserj

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