Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 10, 1892, p. 2

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f t horn k u r 1 rtftxa wfclltfv m ft m varr1ld lni 1 v kt tl r su lit ion an lur t v trv1 n r mm 1 lpt ji i t t mi mm iti lc u c t 1 r nil i v v uofi ilc rntl li lc itur- r i v mrcb l or 1 ufitm fi harla t tl mi j n t tc r 1 l tf i a i nxk nil ot if nri v 1 1 r 1 1 vnc on tic fill it re ft r r ol i xi njfctl ikpfs 0 jrrr ii ii 4ljl oil 1 r u uturh t hi c mfc 1 1 i c waller cm kir u simnmui on it c plli unntrr url lr irl t t tl lal jo u loeer 1 i ttije cton jfm jss lill hiu mutlh 10 w notes and comments tl o clmm ruaje m camda on the f tret ili l 1 d ntxr online ure thit ll e k srdm lint c alaska vu ocatcd too far east wture it crwtri tt c ulon ritr 1 a bn cot firrafd m ui mport of the it rt wit cut b the i fitted slate i trcmcrt tl f mitt mendtau n tfa 1 re between tbe two countries and this fcjxw tl e utou nearu to taile wett of wrcreii 1 ailntl trtobcen tut pocd to croc tl i km- cicada the er luabe teru m 1 creek goldmine where the prewdeut a few mjtls ago appointed a post matter the drawing book authorited br the r du alinal department were not issued t r c io i ucd convementh in everv cim for the julv cut ratio examination the exatriucr will be instructed to accept the work of candidate thu cx either in c tld or new series the acceptance of l e ejimalent of this worl in any blank exercife bock n alread prouded b the repoiaticrls owinp to the delt with the pblicatioa of no i due allowance wi be made fr tun ditadvtdtte which papiu ma safer m confluence nerer tice the u corporation of this cit did eoch a lare nd influential bod of cewtpiper mtn aierabie within us limits m withered arotrnd the ban juet tablein the tpaoai dmice room of the russell llouse a eiecicc present amonc them wef raic o the leadmc public men of canada mclndms h s licellenc the goeru r geerl and tl e tpeeche thit were in d jg i u waeof a lich hwrtn characttr the isittui 6 r lxa ere loud id their r oes ati ns cf the excellent rrsneer wbich the were entertained unce their arrnal tt the cipital ottawa fr pr tne cui bolktio iued lat week cttes ue popnlstvot of the counties of quebec l cup the population of the i rev nee ail to d increased from 1 3j i w ic 11 to 1 i g in lb i the bulletin ehowi the reneral dmiom m which the mreas- hag bei made where population is ttat oar and where there has been a falhcp o5 after tl e district in which the c tv cf montreal n cituted which shovs aa increase of 2 if per cent the ottawa n r co a j tie ponliac ottawa and arcen teuill oone next with an increase at the rate of l 13 pe- cent chie5 at ottawa then follow the eaeterqtown6hips which taken aa a wjiole te an increase of 10 c p ctut their ue ghbors ileantr b dorchettra sicxie eto- fomow with o 0 per cent in the ret of the pro mnoe population is practically etationar here manufactures and m n n give diveb t of employment the people grow in number where the community upurely agricultural ttyy remain stationary it is ua ec h creat cause for 6nrpne that from the ranks of a people long accjatomed to the leg tlation of the hqaor tramc especially tbce pro5tmfi therefrom tdvocatts ehould trite in favor of legalizing other forms of vice e are not forgetful cf a dictintion here some forms of liquor tellmg may be defended eten by ardent prohibitionists lio r is eold for medicinal and mechanical purposes even where probib lory laws obtain- bach tale are not cnmmak thq uee of alcohol for tacb purposes is not a nee but we maintain that the legalizing of the traffic in ttron drink bemia the moral eencibilt and weahens the natinnal conscience it hardly surprise ns thtfore that pro poealg have actqauy ben made to intro duce a btll into the new york legislature for the pcrpose of licensing aod thdb letlizicg booses o ill fame the pro poeitin too bare faced to come into eift and we are pteutded tbst it would n hse been entertained in a chnstian land where the tale of strong drink out of whih eery form of ewl grows and by which everr noe is strengthened was forbidden jlontreal h it i currently reported that there are pod procpect of a peeh settlement of the prent onfortunate dispute and war of tariffs between the dominion and new foandland governments the canadian authontiti are dome all they cn to tecore u eiicijt hon mr hare a member r th- newfoundland government ia now in londoj lng and it is noderbtood that h r charlfb topper has been requested to i ae ai interview with him with a iew to rech rp a bmictble agreement or the ft ltrcjt cf all matters now in dispute b bcc lie two government home a rms rti ree ulmj the imperial gsven mem vnll tale art in this con ftreo hilet waiting the entcome of this def n t attemj to arrive at a satis fact n understanding the dominion govtrcmerthas suggested a return to the tutus qjo that is the nefoubdiand authorities will reduce the heavy duties on canadian produce imputed rtceutly grant canadian fcshtrroen the eame privileges tb regards bait which the lmted btatea fifhermen enjoy add canada rill no incut oo collecting i ha dattes on new foendkod cab thece propoeals are held to be not derogatory to either country tra will uiict m a fneodly settlemest the newspaper men annual moettne of lh ccnadtn press association at ottawa very successfulofctkerlnq onm march ft tito tanadtait usvtatmti lull its thirtv thinl annual meeting m the uila omnnttec room of tlic h uo of commons on lhuru and indftv the prci lent mr andrew pal lullo of the woodstock srhunr vtmr oaui ted tlie chair and between tixt and wcntv members were m attctutatico in i peiunfl the first acsaion the precidcnt departed from the usual custom of rwiding a panted a idresa he spoke brtifl upon ari us matters connected with the work of the rmociation for the past year he congratulated the men ben on the fact that the association had never been so wgorous and prosperous a at the present time 1 he interest m it had been increasing in all directions manx ad lit ions had bom mtide to the membership and the work done had bet n of a practical and beneficial character 1 hough the concerted action of members better advertising rates were uow being secured in many directions and thcfe were hopeful signs of greater benefit that woul ensue frotn fncndlv conference and oo operation among the publishing fraternttv mr pattuhlo concluded ly rcfercnoee to the extent and growth of newspaper interests in canada aud to the function the m fluenoe and the future of theprcw mavor durochor and ud fetroud werou attendance and oi behalf of tho cit of ottawa offered a cordial welcome to the mfiitors apd invited them to participate in a dnxt in the afternoon as giusts of tho cit mr alexander piru of the dundas flimrr gave a rt port xt his and mr pat tullo s vuit to the annua mtxting of the american newspaper association at st paul last ear he said he was struck bv the fact that the american publishers seemed to think it the main thing m a newspaper that rt should make monev for us pablishtra thev did not cut each other s throats for partv pjrposes or private spite thcv tried to do a cash business and thev were befeininng to get tired of chromoa andfiaaliv premiums mr t h tnston of the brautforvl troi r reported on the efforts of the as sociation to get the datv on etereotvpe pates reduced the next feature of the programme wab an addrtss from the president of the i mtcd tvpothetae of kn erica mr k lup pard of toronto mr j it mclean o toronto ecrctan of the ostoc ation rcud his annual report the rectvi ts last car were 37 and ex penhtures u ltavn g a balance of ki the memberbhip was 21 wme m new members laving oome in the largest number on record u one vcar tlie report was adop ed with ttr jg commtndation of the sucrctan for the comj letentss and huti nos5 hvc character of the rort mr jli caintt of tie loud n 1 rrrt vt was called on to rcud n paper on things one ould like tabe different j ot which a general and very profitable dis cusioi took i lace t tlie afternoon ws eion mr heart beugrand of i a patr t montreal delivered a practical a 1 dress which was loudlv applauded the association then adjourned to enjov the dm e tendered bv the citv th weather was superb and the visit to the water works tation lddv s paper mill and match factor was great v appreciated as also the tour across the nver on the ice and through the beaotiful residential streets of the citv in the tvtnu g an at home was given to the asociatioj bv their excellencies lord and ladv manlev of preston at rideau hall over 1 000 invitations were ie the scene in the grounds was most i cturcme it was a veritable fatrv land chinese lanterns were suspended from the trees and huge bonfires blazed the tobog ganshdeaand nnks bnlliantlv illuminated were in full blast and were greath enjoved their excellencies received he guests at the hall and then moved about among the gav throng pleasanth chatting with the visitors the band of the governor general s loot guards meanwhile discoursing inch airs refreshments were served duncg the even ing aud a sumptuous repast at eleven o clock terminated the proceedings the evening s entertainment was a most tjo able one and will be long remembered bv those who participated in it the electric street railway placed cars at the disposal of the visitors and maintained an excellent service to and from the grounds ontil midnight the meeting was renamed on indav morning at nine o clock thc constitution was amended bo as to confine the membership to publishers editors and propietors of newspapers and trade pablications published not less frequcntlv tlian onct a month eucii members to be txclusivelv engaged in newspaper work the committee appointed the previoas dav decided to ask th proprietors of the large city weeklies to limit their subscnp tion period to twelve months and commies ions to twenty five pr cent year tho hearty cooperation of tho members vna solicited and ill wore requested laud m advancing tho mtcrcita of th orgttiuauon and ritard oarccuuy itx privilege the banquet ol tho asaocntiou was held at the rumch houw last evening and ss ft bicocs from every sundpolnt tlw niiju was excellent and tho speaking wo abovi the average mr andrew pattullo the retiring president presided having an his right ills lxccllcucy uto ooscrnor general hon mackcncie bqwcll and 6r james grant whtlo on his left were hon mr lftutiet and mr h beaugrand of la pntrif of montreal i ho vico chair weto occpuied by messrs h p mooro president fleet and l p krib president of tha press gallerx of tho house of commotts among tlie guest were lord klloouttfo adc mr janic harper president of quebec press association d henderson m p unlock m p t b tunt m librarian griftm and other hi exoel lencv tuadeamry able speech as did alio other gentleman tho proooodings through out wcro of a most enjoyable cliarcter a short session tuf loed rttdm the capital the countrys oobtthe worlc8 fair thei prohibition commission acxoh munlitpai council thapanoquttt tkltrtildlnff x t r pisffi t onrmtytdaolclad oom frorsnoyt tha couiicll mt olio jdiy trrelngind which cmjm men i is membon ra m tha chlc ifid memlxw pnnat utaa oj lut oaoficmod tha comtnlttca cetlig ara reed tad joiaco prcuuted their faailh rtpoct t cammsading ptj meat of th foilokllg tea aali domlalaa tubaltr uapo u ictupc cloboc tad flxtarei led by a 0 vjetti nore by ai 8aorf ihtt t ia re xjrt be nloptad or ha bmbi ill s 10 cirrled oulag to tliaevld by tho citiceni of roon it nil dcold clerk u imlructe i of the nrloui ptper i dlioodtlauo them tho pliao qatttlcja ki then dltoanad ntliokof tppreclttioo ie tpwn hilt retdink clou it tni tha notify pablfihen now being reaelvsd to ur betrdmon repc ad a eonpla uf pttno judce wetmore dead ont of the brlgheat legal flghts of tho dominion called away f- j i v vi mircli 7 jndce wet more of tie fcuprtire coart died thu morning ted 1 1 before 1 it tppointment he rr perhiji the oteroott disi pnn itwer in the prounce judge ttetmore eiected tho leffilatnre tn tnti jition wfh its membr r ooofedertte in 1605 tnd helped to ttr- throw the tilley mitchell goreroment he wt one of the mtny members vho toon eitnged their mind tnd tooepled eonrederhiod beetme tbe firtt premjer tnd attorney general of theproviuce lie iu called to the bench in 179 ladge ftetmore grandfttber ni one ef the nt jaijst province h father at ihe ootsmeooecneot of a bnlliant career vu kill4 to a dult too ni leader of the fronncial oppotition and it sow a vd in th korth wett provinom messrs james bomerllle m f james lnncs m v and n f damn m v ad dressed the meeting and valuable papers cre read b mr j b bnerle st thomas jchn at on pmaller dailies bv mr pobert holmes on newsiaper bubsenp- tui s and how to collect thtm by mr s nintc m i on the iorcign trade ol canada and b mr john king q c berlm ont on v drcade in the htetorj of newfcpaper libel mesrs jamlcson o tle ilellenlle tdu ur and l young of the cornwall frrtl older also read papers all of which jere followed with j ractical discubbion tbc efficers for the ensuing ear were tl ctfcd as follows ilmijtmh 1 moort lill i i 1hh cton 1 1 i vi lmi t k i llne bantrr bnndas 1 d koss juurnal ottawa htrmui filisun j e atkinson ol j- toronto abikia5t huiitam j b bntrlo juun at bt t3iomab lulthm cojiminu l w bharrtian ii rim kingston t h preston lzixmlur brantford lg jackson iru newmarket kobert holmes veu era clmton c h mortimer ektrialhmi toronto and the retiring president in a hnef address mr moore thanked tho association for the great honor conferred opon him in his election to the presidency of so important an organization durmg the twelie ears of his membership in the press association be had felt a deep inter est in is affair and ha4 profitted much by attendance at its meetings and by associ for seen years in succession be bud been honored with a place on the ececabre and felt that he could claim some share in bringing the association op to ita present successful position referrtng to the retiring presi- knt mr moore sail he realized that he onltfiud it difficult to follow aa officer of the tiecutue ability etay grace and dignity displayed by bit pradeoemor bat felt that with the strang and experienced eiecotivs elected to sapport him m the dotiea of hi office tha aflaira of the canadian pre asaoeiatido ipotd not ahfler daring the- orrnu mar buunes it still pntttn tiutcl in the house and evening sessions hac not et been found necessary tilt i hi si am till ubi l k on baturdav mr john king q c hetsrt pense of the kingston lllitj and bnerh of t thomas jotrmk represent mg the canadian fress association hid an mterwew with sir john thornpson minister of jnstice in regard to thedesira bilitv in tho interest of tho press of lasting amendments to the law relating to crituin al libel the mews of tho association were stated at length b mr king who wai at tcntneh lutcnpd to b blr john thompson and the dcput minister he was re quested to put the iews expressed in writ ing and it was promised that the wonld reccne careful attention the v h vtr r i 1 it the statement of revenue anil expeodi ture for the month of bebruar and for the eight montlib of tho fiscal jear showt that although the revenue from tho cut tonib shows a decrease of 39 h03 for feb- ruar 1s01 and of 4 i 111 for tho eight months thai falling of is attributable to the abolition of tho duties on sugar which for tho eight months cmfing february 2th 1m1 amounted to 82 t u ctti cj other sources of revenue however show increase so that tlic total loss of revenue for the c ghl months of lwil fj as compared with the same period last vear was as already stated jt h ii 1 he statement of tho public debt on 1 cb i ifjl is as follows cross debt klnl7n it ssats ml twll7 net debt f 217 3t 07 tl e it kbl 01 januarv list was tt 7 hil fo that the reduction during tho last mcl th as w l on june wth last tho net pullic debt was 217 w 030 so that the increase for thought months is only a little more than half a million dollars in spite of the remission of three million dollart taxation uvul at the vvoiu 6 ixir a petitition fits been presented from tha christian lhdewjr societie praying for the closing on the lord s day of tho cant dian section of the colnmbitn exhibition it chicago 1813 the petition tav tich closing would preserve the right of those who would otherwise be compelled to labor on the sabbath wonld give consideration to the convictions of millhods of christian in oar ltnd would carry ont the spirit of our statutes would honor the opinions of our leading statesmen and prists and wotrtd follow the line of an unbroten pre cedent in the keeping of the lord b day i a v a n mis tcccesa dr a it pjne registrar of the ontario college of pbticians and surgeons ha passed the most successful extminttion on record as a public antlvbt dr pyne i the first medical mm in onttrio who ha succeeded in passing thu extminttion tha standard of which til analysts know i very nigh the doctor toronto fneadi will be pleased to hear of bis signal tncoet till iclt1nc slvatou- senator boulton whose display of in dependence iu the i pper chamber bti brought him into sudden prominence u t son of d arc bonlton of coboarg dor ing the bed river rebellion he vu captur ed tnd sentenced to detth by riel but wts reprieved as the leader of the boukon scouts in the rebellion of 188j be showed again that there was good fighting material in him the sentte where scarcely tpy body speaks above a whisper is not the place for such a warrior tufc irouiution comhissiox the prohibition commission btabeeu tp- pointed as follows judge mtcdongall ex mayor clarke toronto sir joseph hick son montreil a gigaalt st cypnen que j rev dr mcleod fred encton k b uitvl nutl s on and after the nth instant the civil service emploves will have to pay postage an their letters i a petition from the patron of indattry 4ts presented to the dominion ptrht rhent asking id the interest of farmer that coal on binder twine arid iron and its products 1 placed upon the frselist of getting informal an la to tha effect tha atmotphera would i hall as tha opla on mebciefl overwhelmed an emphatic protest against bood- llng by a very large majority momctu mar j the result of vester day 6 elections in quebec gtves the new government an overwhelming majority in the legislature ovpr both the supporters of mr mercier and the independent liberal mr mercier s following is almost anmbi lited mr mercier himself it elected by a large majority mr chtrle langelier the lata provincial secretary who wat aeepiy involved in the eacand affair it defeated mr mcshtno a late colletgae of mr llercier is defeated and even mr itobidoax who i admitted to be above suspicion aud mr boyer who condemned the late premier shared in the general sltoghter mr stephens who ran at an lindependent in huntingdon and a few other who are classed u independent or independent liberal are elected the city oltmontretl wu swept by tha corner- vttivetnd most of tha english speaking constituencies went the tame wty but there it little use in attempting to cltuify tha vote when it is seen that men of all classes parties race and religions joined in the gercral denouciatton of the lata government tha relative strength it conservative about s3 liberal about 20 tha result of coarse tn a few sett being not yet certain tha result wat oomplicely unexpected by both partie etch hoped to get in by a small majority a may be supposed the herciente are dumbfounded of all the ax ministers ur mercier alone with mr bbehyn are left standing joe cukanett o cuepicaw tacowded tfttr three day hunt in shooting a large black bear which vra drtven out of hi winter quartan in the greenock twamp he weighed over wo ponndt oiq gate with reference in and about the hat tnd report council adjourned byee bve election will south perth montmorency que uoock brome qua id td to ted urn for tha purpose on a piano kept in of tha two firm differed widely the oucjcll decided not to information was r 3ro take action till obtained the town hill dpmnsittee will invetti mareptiri needed lake wettnorthnmberlti d tuesday mirch 15 where do all th watches go to having interview at 80 p ri action jltce u followt tiiurtdiy march 10 friday mtrch 10 saturday mtrch 12 gttarday march u hoods sarsaparilla is it coiiceulrafcd extract ft 8antpttill vcllavr dock rtpilfte juniper uetrlei uihidrike ditidctlqa l othe ttlualilo vcgelihlo remedies cfl ilgredkiit being trlctlv l ure aud the bcttiof it kind it i mi o to bur it u l rciuml bv thoroughly fcorapeceta plutf iinewt in lio raost careful iiumicr by- a wiillar combhntu ti proporllau tad process tlvluk o it eurtlivo power peculiar to itself it will euro alien in tho power ottaedlclue ken fuh liilt klieum blood foltonfai cinei rn nut til tlicr ituiuart if alarit irjrukislt llllliuuicsi sick ifeidjclie t itirili niutmalkm tnd all dlfflcullle nllli iho llvtr mid kidneys it vi re men tint tired feeling create tn a ictlte tad elvet raeuui iicrte ixxlllr and dltettke stteugth tho value of hoods sarsaparilla l ci mrti a tu by thousands voluntary wlt- iimct nil over the country pliom it ni rurwl of iilmiset moto or lest severe it is sold by nil ilninrlvts i six toe as rrrparrd only ly c i hood 4 co apt lliccarlcs lowell xtxss nil if m decide to takojtood t axrstpx- rllla do not lie induced to- bay any other ioo doses one dollar if jau iniend papering any partof yourresidence wait until you see our as sortment of american wall papers bpril overcoatings choice new suitings fine newtrdwserings and borders ah the latest designs to select from at the drug store j v kannawin nwi sraj- farcautrt u on bseailtsttogmstichetnwt catarrh i i all the popaltr ibade represented ii hitlstyle and worknuruhip ibi price ihevlowmt my apecfaltypeefaotlfltttngr pants to order m pr pair r e nelson w upper wyndham 8lreef onafph merchart- tailor rnyttock best a i gusilph bmsiness college guelph ont hitherto tnd thorcaghneu of oar oomtnetcuu uoane u iv tf eral of oar itqdenu dnrlpg the j5 bug xs eondttloa that they toot the commercial cow at the 0 w 3borthand t ahhhna nd iitypewiriinf departtnent i be t wo lemmgtjuoniou lit oar shorthand asthma d roar tddress and wou u ivjiilj tl ny istekaxees neverlsilsistad will mail free falbowe drtalrt13h0koch pdtfrl ostrny caasduuidept ie5adexxvlv tide 8 vv toronto canada iwomans miseries those people who tre in the watch trade knowing the output it each large watch factory otten wondi r where they all go to the following ia tl o number of watch mejvement or wore that each factory through tha use of injunoai lotp and bow- tarns out everv day llgin wtteh facto y aboat 1700 wfltham watch fa toryabout 1 wo iii noit watch facte y aboat 700 hampden watch f ctor about mo rn ktord watch fa tory about coo co umbut watch fi ctory aboat 00 after looking ovc the above jou wonder where they ii go they are sent to 1 1 part of the world australia booth a rica south america japan india in fi ct everywhere where the english it ag nag it spoken it will be seep also that the li in tnd waltham have tha greatest output these witches are bought by watchmtl era who select which they think it the bei t watch for tlmekeep inghjutliticc savage co gactpb handle the elgin t hat all the is te improvement and they think it the bet watch now made savage and co t so sell all the other make or can get th m if needed sore bands raw fingers cricked tlun i whtt para tnd misery mtny women taffec den i these trouble don t exist where sun light soapdt used on ihe tettimony of eminent scientist it cannot injure the most delicate skin soap which hart the ikiu must hurt the clothes hence it thoald be avoided sunlight ha been awarded 6 gold medtl and other honour for parity and excellence let thu induce yoa to try it next wuo day and for all domettlo purposes remember the ntme sunlight jtlairvc uatmsat nuts ktvvttfcbi spring medicine the great slood tonic is now recognized as the remedy for iurif mg the blood and as a spring medicine read the follow ng testimonial from a residentof the olty of guelph guelph january 1832 messrs w p smith drfco i city giicnxm i hate used yoar blood tonic aa a blood purifier tnd alto for chropio constipation tnd have foandit to be the most satisfi ctory remedy i nave ever used i recommend it to til my fnends whe tre troabledjwith stomtch and blood trouble a i have received gr at benefit fropi it use lour truly jons surra arthur st prepared only by jftf smith st oo dispensing chemists guelph ont abe jit stocktaking jlgjr 1 great drives immens discounts it means dollars to you but there is no plunder in it for us thousands of dollars worth ofwmter goods must go we riant the room you want the goods prices will make you glad the iilly profit knocked olbaaicfi 10 dren robe 8 60 95 k5o doable vidth dress now 7s co 50 li single width gxjd 85 for til- 50 for 20 jg for 18 20 fot 15 tnd lty for 106o tires goodt ntxle other store keep that t ruh we jonv cloaking vttt cci tuice 6b9 5 85 i 95 3 90 loods 59 62j s9 85 ijnow215sjwforl90 05 for 1 50 m 5 for 1 25 1 80 for 1 05 1 25 for 89 1 09 for 70 75 for 55 mc 70 for 17 flannels all wool 50o for 88 is for 85 for 27 so for 21 25 for 20 20 for 16 16 for h 35 tnd hosiery and glove this i where w shine do yoa want 6 pair good 2oo cashmere hose for f 1 00 or s pain oo for the josephine kid glow in colon i batton length far 75c 25a cuhmere gfives for 15o etc the above will give yoa bat light idea of what wa intend to do we have no fptoe to tell yoa of hundred of bargain in other department coma in tnd let ut prove to yoa that vre do exactly a wa idvertlse so cent curtain pole 25a during febritry i r b jermvn sytmct thepreeent day ire wht oj sl prtcfre fi h eipenenoe in leaching shorihand and lead to the bet prtcttoat rem in u tstuung j department yoa can get a practical eomman ot uh french ton wbjs th afetw infeh b th lm sladenu from england an united btale are now in attendance jl macc0e5fick ptineipal tor term etc addrett bars not the scope fact that on v 17 packages not goods the right just arrived at house aimer ana ainereut osner oonevi wo uluio o v- xi ii s p a window fixing 1 case bed tickion i case horrockae zsbj isd twilled 2 bales beautiful wide flankelette8 iff chaliho patterlts m0ch f heavier than the canadian and decidedlt cheapkk 1 case christys widely ghotkaltp greatly aiiciatetv tobkish bath and eotlee towels in linen and cotton from lto to 6sf 1mb laiesotton 1 mmm vjjob qdattlnbice pilmw potronst eazl cloth ainflhame cottonades gkey cottons dbe8s buttons new ad beautfftji bilk sdarfs and veilinqs in the latest designs crepe uechimes in gbeit variety cntn and other thade of sateens silk grenadine drew lace hat elastic ladie bobber mmum beige sbesgnd che ita ud nun veillnc in the newet french ttyle ihafenbe beducti0ns ok dsess goods maj5tleb g ves dbess and mantle rrimhings silk plushes bk0caied silks mantjde plushes yelyeteens carpetseto black brocaded sukandmantlepluthetdown to halt prtee colored yelveleen down intmeiiaely cotortd gtpi grain suk all pat away down attrachtn glove down from u 60 to u tnd 80s to 50c silk glove from 85o to50o and 50c to 25c ctshmere gloves from 50o to 12to tnd 30o to 10c dreu and ifanlle trimming aboat fr thar lne new drea good from foe to soo 05o to 60c 80o to 60c ii to 80o low mantle 9 is to f 115 50 u iff 50 188 to 12 wman tlt75 to 10 tu to 5 three quarter jackete iu 50 to 19 i0 to 17 9 to circalar tuto 17 110 to 5 116 to u old ladies mantle 15 to 19 19 50 to ffl f 12 to 14 furniture covering 12 w jb 1 1 m 25 to u s5 lontte cloth 2 7q to ii 25 tl50 to 75c jersey 1 s5 to 50 2 go to ii 5 madrtx curtain i1q 50 to 16 is ta6 25 tok jelvetf cartali i iuj75 tos7 chtniirc7rtanii550tolili085tole2tofuu875to u immense gedjjctions on labqi lots of carpets this week pleaae enter tke itorea nest the kpw buildilvg hamilton march ith 189j l tsoimdae o watkncits spriihg the spring season u close st hind once mo t the moat welcome and eagerly looked for of alf the leaaaosaf the year in the forest a faint me ut creeping apward v allwool x t t through the dead leave of last j ear soon the arbolos will be rilling and fragrant first wild flower will fill the wood with fragrance i welcome appearance very soon spnng will be here nd the jitst robin will make jhe 4 trade of life pnuafes through the store aa in th forest and the season of change hta already arrived with u an improvement heie and there in oar already well organised arrangement a touch of the paint bruit where needed brightening throoghoat the store indicate the arrival our spring goods and a general tnd corueoent preparations for we have advice already of the trnval in guelpbj of between 20 and 30 case of good jost from ivarope these we wul release from the coatoms house at once and we can promise yoa as fine an assortment of chx direct from the mtnufactarerj in earope a we have before yoa one price on g b ryhn ice gcods for spnng bought ever hie the pleasure of placing ly gents bottle stjco cuelph tt jh usb it for difficulty of breathing tightness of the chest wasting away of jtiesh thrda troubles consumption brpncmtiis weak jkmgs i i asthma coughs catarrh colds uk t jl slocus 1 oxygenized emu sion of cod libr ol for sale by w labratorvtoroifc ont 1 i i 1 1 1 it- r diiucc1sts v l t j 1

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