Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 10, 1892, p. 3

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i r jta r- tke methodist church actok rev joakpk edai dnostcr bora arson putoi pr allwrtuuytnltrf t bank of hamilton hekdomce kikiltbh cirrrtt ivtn cr kccuvc rvxn turxrull cutict woooo h 6 etrven ktcmra h1t v jot riorrva clin tit lo roacn a t wpot a vxtt qkoraetowk agekci srfe41icatitl irrt tliutm made on all tancwe renu diurr on ill rru ot cax- t litttd srirr qatar liarrirs uj iv5r3hv on aeetaifcla nolnts on tuottfittrabfa trui savings pspartuext dirirrelvdotliaiora4uiii in- ulwl from ut of dpolt to ut ot vitliamni brixial derostts i ot irttiilmmj nqsirwi j urotaft walt papers youll want some this spring p 5- 6 7 8 9 ioc wall tapers cant be beat win dow shades fringe and bor dered with spring rollers from 50c upwards curtain poles in ebony and walnut no trouble to show our goods give us a call qkq hykds aotonpnt kotfcw iad ti iach window blind per 5 oenta per jard t 1 eton fres thorsdat march lolmi uttle local brieflets which caueht tha eyes or ers of fr press reporters thlsweek board tit education meta tomorrow oinc both tiethi snd icoat are in ok bete mr t the kelson sod bartinjrtou tbtnt is to beheld september 0th sod wth the biird comedy co closei their performwots oq bstardij- oibt vz b beobeltthipped car jloid of bociet to the xorthwett last week- arteries of special services will shortly be commenced in the btpliit chorch steele copies of the flirt pri js maj eilild u ibu ofcoe reidv for njallins at three eests per copy tee brethren of wilier lodes a y sad a m hsd in oyster sopper at the dominica hotel oa llooday evecmc utrchiou ret oatof the old rcu and let the people know hst yon hive to sell sod irhere to find yoa in s word adver tise hr ii rsnuhsw photo artist hit reimaged bis sbov wintfow sod now msxes s foe exhibit of highly finished photos special settices sre still being conduct ed in the kelhodirt church they will probably be brought to s close tomorrow erecing a full sttendssce of the members of the koysl setnpltrs of temperance 15 rffuesed ct the roeetinc next mondiy erenicg thecouncil hive put cptbeir oewglobe ctreet ismpi they give s cood hpbt and kill snswer well until tbit electric lilt mskrislizes ker b g boville u a of hoil toa will prescb in the baptitt cbnrrli on bandsy literaooa 20b inst st oclock the pubzie sre cordislly invited in tbe report of the exsminatiod of poptliof acton public school ist week jno kctiill thoald hsve been credited with jis dsrss in the senior tourth clsei john wiljiscas sold bis fiveyesrold chettnat geliim ixxt weet to dr greoside ct guelpb st s good figure he it s very sttrsctive saimsl from swallow and will tcsce s hue sidle horte the february number of the vhonq- grapluc ungnk of cincinnati contains an sble article 00 phonography for ministers by rev w 8 mctavish of bt george formerly of xssssgaweya the rct mr edge of acton occupied the pnlpit st horfolk street ilethodist church on bindsy snd delivered two sble tmd forcible tertnoos his discourse in the morning psrticulsriy fine guelpb hmld irev 3 w kte n eagted this week incooductine sbandsy school institute under the sasptces of the bt csthsrines 6 b asweistion in thst city a variety of subjects will be introduced snd conduct ed ss institute exercises bev w g charlton has organized a bible stady circle in tie disciples church whichwill meet every friday evening for bibti study the acts of tbo apostles will be tsken up tomorrow evening and a series of vj subjecu will jx studied during the sprisf snd summer a limebooiehigh school popil narrow ly eiosped serioas injury st georgetown btstioo on monday morning he foolishly jumped from the train while in motion and fell under the car mrthos ganghan of agnews hotel here rescued him before the wheels psssed over bim a dipbtheris scire prevailed a few days this week at bwsckbammers hill the child of one of the families there wss sufferim from s mild sttack of diphtberis sod the report went sbrosd thtt it wss black diphtheria the little fellow is sll right agtin snd peoples fesrn werc-un- founded ad srtide on womans work sttbe col umbian exposition by lira a b h vskeano will be one of the sttractivn festares of the forthcoming number of harpffi bajar publuhed usrcb il2 it trill be socomptoied by poctrsits of several of the isdx miosgers of the exposition the fietioo of the number will nclade s bright story by is csbell csrrington entitled tb buried bilrer the roys templsxs of rcapecsnce stteoded the presbytarisa cliixcb on bun- dsy ereaiug whete bet bro rte of aetoa gcsshi sa eloioeot temperscoe sermoonicli booli hsrdly il loooarince thoirboladai5e ta in4noio liquors thst key x iaag rest injury tohm- tetva toi wbom uoef either fl th home or ouuide such tidohm esnnot fsd to bv a immease eflecttorgooduj he eominaoitymiltoa refdtmt oystsrs frntu peels snd coafectloaery st i k stuau grooerf 1 the kewsat home mostly at a foca1 chsraoter artel evory item interesting xitntial kissfaasrjr serrfces minsionary service were hchl in the mtthplitt church last bunday rov dr htnbon guelplichairmsii of the district occupied the pulpimoming and evcnutg tits ditcourteiu the mocnicg was bsiedupon jojml8iaii4i it ib lifted uptrom tjio etilh will drsw sll men unto me wis of superior chi rscter snd ni mtch enjoyid by the congregsttou tn the evcnlncl t kcnersl ststcawot ot jthe work of the tlissionsry society wsi glvsa sfter which special refeream sod mads to the wort toong the red men was eartcully dwijlt upon the choir ssu aevettl very appto- priaie sothemc ducitig the day the missionary offerings aggregated about 110 md will bo a considerable advtuco upon law year i telon tnfon jcnfffjfun at the sunnal meeting of actou inlin agricultural sociily it was decided to hcd the cxbibjtiou lhisyr on tuesday 4d weduesdiy sth aud oth octolr ocscers vtre elected sa follows prtijent john dutf viccircs a waldie secretsry- treasurer george hyndsi directors actonj ii matthews t h harding g matthews geo havill g cclark john williams robert agnew jot holmco jno harvey w k 6mith jas mctavish and wm hcmtlreet ksqueaing john wnvglesworth john stewart abratn starlj john t klliott nsistgi weys- ju logic thos wilson dirving george kitchfug erin junes kirkwooj m v p a j carrie ersmosi u parries jas black morris black audi- torsi henderton james matthews the auditors report tor lph was presented aud adopted members tickets for 18m will be if sued next week the officers sod directors arc determined to do all thst oso be done 10 ensure a first class exhibition next uu tfie chorea hill soiree one olibc best teimectings this season this vincinity was held in the codgre- tionsl church chsrch hill on tuesday evening the day htd been wet sod stormy the rleighiog poor snd it wm thought the attendince would be very thin the church wss well filled however and t mct interesting eveuipg was spent after a furnptudus tea for which the ladies there are noted mr h p moore ol the prrx tri ts took the chair snd the programme wss orened with a chorus by the georgetown methodist choir snd prajer by bev geo ltoberlson ba toronto the msple lelf quartette club then sang and the proceedings of the eveu- in were interspersed with excellent music given alternately by the two organizations above mif4 mayzie foster also sang nvolo in a very creditable manner the speak ers of the occasion were revs j c msdill and george robertson of toronto wnose address were highly interesting and full of esrntet and practical suggestions both these gentlemen aro well known in thi vicinity snd many present were glad to have tbe opportunity b renewing their ac- iusintan ce a rocial was held last even ing ilsltob public sciicolk from the report of the minister of edu cation just isued te ilean the lolldwing interesting facts relative to the schools of our countv gnen by mr j s deaooh p s 1 taken altogether oir teachers have proved themselves much superior to those of the previous year 1 am glad to rjolice that the majority of our trustees are learn ing to appreciate the services of s diligent and efficient teacher and are loath to part with such for the sake of s temporary financial advantage ninety tesxheri were employed ih ladies and 42 gentlemen tbree teachers held first class certiicstea if second ij third and two first class lold standard this gives haltoo shper cent of first and second class provincial certificate while the province has but 41 per cent the highest salary paid s sbsle teacher was 7m the lowest 27j frbe few ttem3upplled by corra pondants and exohngat eden mills the patron of school 8eclao no 5 lilusfitweyt hivo reason to tcel proud of the tnsgnifloent turn outou fctdsy evenlug uh lust the occasion belnfc tbclc first oyster lupnec long bctoto dark slalght wd cattcrslbsded with patrons aud their families could bo seen eagerly making ibetc sy to tbo hall after tho oyimts had bma devoured md a leugthy progtstnjtie qousiiung of cpeeohes soogt tnusla lie m disposed of the evenings enjoyment asnie to a close a new testae at tha entertainment was to charge each vlsi lug toimbcr s3ct whllo it thatiraatlmn eiich njiemher snd his liot family had to i otaly twentyfive cents a retired firmer wbo lias lttalv m red into the village is talking about sttttlni the oyster industry to supply the doctjind becded by tho patrons he thluka lie can sell them 10 per cent below the uusl prices it the pstrona will atact tho jijstet bed pa tuesday list- 8heriff mokini sejited ll the goods etc in j roches ttotjej and stepped illselllngoti 8aturdsy this ves us without 1 store mrs r wilson jr is very elck j lira zinger is able to be iround igaln farmers ire busy getting their tunjiiers ice cht snd stored j wieeling is good from hero to e royal city i inchest receded by s female tearotrwaf iw0 the lowest 200 the average salary of mlc teachers was vt30 increase fjg ot female teachers iso decrease slj there were 33v visitors at the various schools donng the year but only 503 of these were by trustees eleven trustee boards deflect ed to visit their schools at all there were 7 public examinations during the year of our 02 school houses 18 may te fairly graded ss excellent 33 good 1 fair and 2 inferior hslton has 2h brick 15 stone and lj frame or concrete brick snd stone forming i3 per cent of the whole our school houses and sites are valued st j3go0 the apptratua at 13jx f here vere 5102 pupils enrolled decresse 181 average attendance first hslf year 2002 second half 2g2 the percentage of attendance compared with tbe number enrolled wis in hilton 002 georgetown g01 acton 572 oakville 571 burling- torj 520 esquesing 522 nelson 511 trafalgar 47 ii nisstgsweys 448 snd forithe whole coon ty 512 the percentage for ithe province was 50 the cost per pupil was omfor ontario the highest in any county was issil the cost for hal- ton was 5721 peppupil the local legislature the country arouno rockwood mr lhas- strange his opened i lorbcr shop in town messrs john lyle wyovale ikcilistra- clun hcspelcr and james stepbenson toronto visited itockwood friends this week special lenten services were held in the r c church sunday morning amdovcning father olosno ofiictiting j mr goorso hill who was rjoently married to miss shaw of rockwood re turned with lu bride to hit homo in dakota on monday formerly a ciuadiiti and evidently believing intnnexilion mr john btraehtn took part in in i o v concert held in gilt on friday evening lilt mrs b dufncld has purchased the prop- tcrty formerly owned by mr john lyle this she will repair for a residence for her- jh j an incipient fire otving to a defective stovepipe arose on friday in tho house occupied by james mcadowb it wab ex inguislie4bcforc any serious damage was done a new overhead bridgo is being coastructj cd at tho g t r crossing a mile east of itockwood the old one hiving become dangerous as a highway j the turnip business- is again booming ten cents a tjpshcl is now the ruling figure this with ttio gootcrop of last year will py the grower well the band gave a phonographic concert in the town lull on the 1st inst which was well attended and the audience well pleased with the novel entertainment mr g pike jr and miss hetty g pike itockwood left tuesday for new york city on a visit to their brother mc a t barnett milton new bills and other matters of general interest tokiinto march ii about one half the session has been put in yet no startling action lias teen taken by the legislative assembly everything is going along quietly and the country would hardly know the ontario house was at work among recent bilu presented are the following fctulxtihi alisiunjlknth mr 0 b smiths bill to amend the daw respecting assignments and preferencee by iusohent persons provides thtt preferences given by a debtor to one or more creditors over other creditors shall be conclusively presumed to bo fraud ifigiveu vitbingo days of insolvency or within co d lys of an impeachment of said preference it also provides that an endorser lor sanity shall not bsve a preference given him by 10 insolvent debtor j mi ckalktte hcht 00 i the educational coromitte ol toronto city council expressed their gratification at the action of attorneygeneral hnwlt in introducing a bill- before the local legislature to prohibit cigarette emokiug md alto the sale of tobtcco to persons under 1m years of ge j i ask your druggist for dr asgust ioenigs hamburg drops for the blood if you want first class guelpb suhind doors it gnelph prices t eruae can fill your order it his pliuitig mill d stirtou ld8 will inseit teethjlt so and 8 per set for next three months extraction free special ctrej given filling office matthews block acton entitled to the best j ali are entitled to tbe best that their money will bay o every family tho lid hive it oocev a bottle of the best ftm lly thoald bare it once a bottle off tha test family remedy syrup of figifo eleaise the system when costive or bisotu oe tale n 15a bouies by alt teadjng i draggii lu the life boat revivalist for the royal templars have been holding meetings the rust week and liavc added considerable ttrcngth to the council here milton wants good security before they grant an ssooobonui mr wm hill has bocn under the weather for some time we hope he will soon be able to be around mr geo blacklock of the miltan terra icotta co hod his leg broken in the pit last week by a large lump of clay falling the pioneer residents arc passing away this week wc are made sad in recording thedeath of mary scott relict of jthe late peter m mckay mrs mckay has been ailing for some years past and on saturday of list week passed over to the majority at the ripe age of 75 years the bereaved family have the sympathy of the iommun- milton taxes for 1m1 ire not- all paid yet the 15th inst is the list day forpay- meut an enjoyable at home wis held it the methodist pirsonage on tuesday evening spring assizes here next monday a d cameron of hemilfon barrister fomerly of milton bis gone into pittner- sbip with attorneygenejrtl siton of manitoba it brandon some consctenoestrieken per ion who hid ttolen a ride on the cpr from hornby to milton some years t lately enclosed ijcta to tbe stif ion master here to pay for the ride trie town eoancilmet on monday to con- aider the gnoting of a bonus tothe shoe ftctdcy- a motion wis passed to canvass the town to see whether there was iny ukelihoodof a byliw pasting this will ljkely be tbo end of the matterfbmkr knatphbull at the residence of the bridje fither on wednesday march 2nd by the iter j w robinson alfred birlow othurss daughter of george easterbrook til of ntsstgtweyii groom wujiapported by duncan a kingsbury while ctrrte eisterbrook titter of the ifhde tcted is bridesmaid tbe bride wtt the recipient of mtny handsome md oottl 1 presents miy joy peace md prosperity 1 coomptny them through time and eternity it ia our tad and palncal duty to record- the indden death offjsjr ant kitching elow wife of joan moflatt r tged 21 years who patted eactf ally ttaiy on bun day morning mtrcli 6th mrs moffat wit loved md respected by all wt 0 knew her at being a most devoted cbri tian her ftitb jo the bleated 8iviouir wat not deceiv ed i j iljat faith to mo a eourtp slvet j ixjw u the grave to so i know that my bedoeuibr i vet i- that i shall live i knew the pfltce wtilt i pitaly 1 se vrhera dtit my torf ti d kins o grttsl where it thy rictcryf o dtalh i fhere ftf thy ng rj een teo i put throagh the alley of the shadow of death ivill fear no 1 ivil for god is with me tin kofftt wi adoroted chrittian mother she leaves a hatbsud almost broken hearted and i family of three nmill chudren the vo mgest being only til weeki qd the uuband and timlly aa wall u her ptrtajts hive the deepest tympithy of the entire caromunity in thjs their tad bereavement- comi ig and going vliltori tc mrs e v log rfsods li te mrs juo in aotoa thl frlaali here and from varloui other paracinalnotet mr john avion br u ilowly reguu- lug strength uttellot horcitlbh it vlilfi i kenoy ot week mitt med neliot of hit week aoton and itldgetowq wtt joelpb vltltedv tomawliit m- visited lutieiualdtyt loroato mr thorn 1 eatloa it prayed la b jth fail week mitt aqa s boomer o the guest of fn jao speight scr k tiffin of 0 tkv ille frleadt in el in etatlng the veek mr thorn a ctmarou s thtt week wl u freridt it mr d he ldartoa hp wtt home from ottawa a 001 pis of days hits week mr john andersen wis home from brtcabridge few dtyt this week mist can 1 smith left oa monday tor btrria to rei ime her potltloa there kit alexi uder gnnt 11 very law sad no hopes of scorery ire e iteettlaed mrt beotett ot george owu vitlted her daughter m t geo clark this weak councillor aud mrt john cunningham of nlchol vi itedfrlcadi hero this week mitt floss 0 goodwilllej of georgetown wts a guest 1 t fiirview v ice utt week mr md m re oco w opofc of toronto spent a few dtyi this week with friends here mr robt anderson of mount forest wit in town renewing touilotauoee list week mr jno c nauon who has been iudlt- posed for tev irtl weeks it able to be around again v mite stod lirt who hta been away tor tererat mot tht ratarsed moadty rer mr ijtker of tholiiscipios church erertonwi the guest of rev w g charlton vo terday metart vm brown acton wm paddock ltd p mono patlioch left tuetdty tlernooa by ihe cpr for to uwn an griiwrjld- settlers car ifimtobe they went in a taking stock and implements tbo limner ksqutsluc wr heur with them- guelpb jerctery sotti resistor baililiiit llkhkircbrtoeh aa4 tuililamouts y of j 4- u flynn lot 17 con 3 near u t it acton at oae oclock irtrt auctioneer fntrlfth iarcbktortesetala of couth west tialt of lo lcons lsqucciug at affbews hotel acto 1 at twoocloca wkhlikrrrtcct acctioaeer oim enjoys both the method and results when syrupof figs is taken tt is pleasant and refo shing to tht83te and acts rcatlyyi ttrompdybnthakidneys iver at d botvela deinses the sys tem eflfe tually dispels colds had aches an i fever ah cures jiabitual constipa mn syrup of fig l tho only rei icdy of its hnd everpro- chiced 1 teasing to tha taste and ac ceptable to tho fstottkch prcipt in its actio 1 and truly hcneucial in its effects repared only from the most healthy tnd agreeable substances its manyex xllentquauties commend it to all a nd have made it the most popular remedy known ryrci of figs is for ealcin 75o bottles by all laiding druggists any rei able druggist who shay not have ii on hand will procure it prompt y for any one wlio wiihea to try it ifiiiiuiactttred only by fiie euifmui rg syrup co t ax fkajrorsoo ctal spr ng opening gbreat i print sale on w i sat irday march 5th will make an immense irpprovomentt ln the manufaoture o watohe a few years tge we thought there was nothing left about watohei hit could be jmptovcd on hattbe walthim md elgin bid iett nothing undoltto mike a perfect limepleco but kipertenco proved that he bilince wheel bejng so neit tha oanlre oarao right under the weakest part of he cite and witchmjtkars hiva been miking dollar iflac dollar by rapliolug broken jewell ciutad by aepstuteof the cue on the bridgeiavee tha btlinee while he wearer wti leaning against some hrp corner or a jknook with the handle ot soma toot wilahmakri ilto found thit the bilanoe wheel being over the mttnipring barrel preventad the taking ant of hit ptrt wiieu uoedaof far tuy repslrt wildcat first removing the bilinoe wheel which it it uuwlie o do it not really neoeuiry fori many reasons first tho dot ot iltsriug he ranulng rile oinsing the necessity of rekuliting the witch over sgsfa j beoondl he icnpotiblllty of tuy workintn noj mitter how skillful putting he balance plvou into their jetfoli wilhbul working ln soma ot the dirt which had gathered tronnd the edges ot tha holes md which would not be doing tny barm ualett thai balance pushed it into he holes when being put in pltce thirdly the dinger ot ditnigo to ho pivots md hairspring while being put in petition by oiralait ot inferior workmen md even witchmtkert are oirclcjt iomtstirnct now tha wtlti htm and elgin fiotorieanavedone nothing towtrdt remedying ihiidefeotln the moval- meatt but other lictotlaa hive notibly the columbia duber ilimpdea and the rockford eich of thete htv ended this tialt by moving he balance from the centre 6 one tide making it to cdmounder the round of the cite iuitetdof the springy ptrt in he centre thit imgroyement alio lllowi he miinspring barrel to be n- moved without touching uetanoa in my way the rockford witch cfjraptuy hivo nitde other improvement which mtbe it next to impottible to break he btlanse jawclt oc pivott by ptestare on the cue thit they hive icoomplished by turning twiy tome of the plate and lower ing the balmce iiicli cannot badona with those movemeutt whose faaliaoe is ia tho cenre because of ho miinspring bxrril whioh li ander it the lowering of he biltnce in tho rockford allows room for making the bridge much thicker which hta been done they also mike the barrel bridge out of a solid block only turning out of it enough to mike room for the barrel leaving it very much stronger thta the other mikeri the rockford htialso bad great success with their new means of taking up the wear of the balance pivotj no tttempt by tny other witch company bit been mtdo to find a meant by which a witch repairer could prevent the btlinee tttff from jumping back and forward from end lo end of the jewel holes etch step the wearer tikes tnd the more play the pivots hive the worso they- get flatten ed on the ends making tho witch go fr- regultrly thdiperhipe stop all pivots of balances must weir in time more eipecituy if the watch runt too longwithoutcleanlng tho rockford watch his chtnged he method of putting in these jewels to that tbe upper md lower ones can be screwed nearer each oilier is the amount ot trear on the pivots require it they still mike the old model but pringle of gnelph has all hii mtdo after the new plan pringle keeps movements jn hit ttock mtdo by every american factory tnd uu be different ones already in pieces md will be pleased to explain the difference o tny oue even if only i mitter of curiotiy take jgfbi mrti ttttnis f the proposal in the speech from the throne in the new brunswick legislature to tax banks insurance tnd ether corpor itlool wis vigorously debited till four oclockop siturdiy morning when avnte wti tikco on mr haningtont amendment which expressed the opinion thit the time hid not yet arrived for direct taxation the amendment wis defeated by 21 to 18 on astriight vote goods i big sale op dress gcoods took place on tnafday it 2 pr i ingjaitnow tha bethel church this ifr frlnklln ali ire the fine weather we ire hi it too good for the sleighing there will bex social at appointment of the ifethodttt thursday availing it ramthawe neac knitehhcll welcome to comei parllculii of the social will appear next jsiue the western jfew tork ilff combine bt collapsed and prices have falltn 80 md 40 par oaut the funeral sale f new spring prints of averlarge special purchase of m my thousands 1 of yirdsiof handsome and nove i designs j and excellent clot these goods are well wort i i2 centjs per yard but our jrice for them at our great special print sale will be pard this is all we need say to you about them for yourself e ayers sanaparula at all seasons r ihe- spring it remove that tired feeling cleanses and vitalises the circulation and prepaiu one to successfully contendwtth ihcdebllltating effects of the healed term lit the summer ft quickens tlic appetite regulates the llvr and makes the weak strong iiivtlie autumn it tones up tlie nertes and protects tiiesystcm from malarial inffucnces in the fffnferj it en riches the blbod and invfgorates every organ and tissue of ihe bdy boy wan jed m jhfaflat 15 jeirf taai stl jrd rori- ajt 3i b3abli to nujk st ouce to j th sfjls c iioobe ailm wa ted haviifg purcbued sir sfcl lios wircbouiert am iircpsrcd lopillhe or allttuds a grsjc- karsaparllla- is the- bestalltlieyearround medicine you can aid it icu the poison ot scrofula and catarrh and the aejclliiat jcauscs itlieumatlsm it mafes food nourisliing- workpleasant sleep refreshing aiid life enjoyable it is the superior medicine miss a l ioiuns i ghtotv mass writes forfivo years i iiave used ajerfs slrsapa- rilla each spring and fall and received wonderful benefit from it george gay 10 cross st centre falls jr i says that for sprijig and summer complaints he has found no otherinedlclne equalto aybils prepared by lfctqayer fc loiel kasj gold by druggist ererrwhere has curenl others will cure ou for 60 days icoivunt sale t -at- bros acton e decided o lesion our itockjby hilt to mtka room for an spring stock we will tell goodt tor the next co iiyi it surprisingly low ptices which mam cost md iwty under cott for most goodt margaret r in order not to carry ovetmy winter overcoatings or suitings we will mike to order for tha next 60 dtyt a salt 6 overcoat for lest money than wilt purchase ths cloth md trimming elsewhere any ratdymade overcoat or suit in the house it about half price md ie tor yotirteli u 2i we have every kind of cip thit it wocn md willnot refeae my cmer formy of them ourttockof underwear shirts glovet hindkerchieft ties colfars cuffs satpenderi urnbrellis ootlopt cattpntdes elmnelt shirtingt rowcllini 4a will go regtrdless of cott gofer other rro- hi 4 i a executors naticftt creditors in uig liatler of tb est a of harga anderson late 9 the vill tge of acton countt ofhalton i eoeasdl xtotice is hercbj pca ic ikmaca9f e 8 f 1 o lss7cbxp hfjkcm that sll credilon v bjivinc cltiins agaicit tfcetat of tbo ixpve f ntniiid deceased jiri- repiiri io scndby port g prepajdordcrirertri john maxbb xkirood or jesie ivtidcrsoa laftoa tlif ciecatora of u10 f iii deccucdfjrto ffcgii llciljuaa guelpb their salisitor their cjsts witfe fpji particnlirf at t ttfe cuims duly verified hi siatniory declt- auoa on or befo e the 1st dar f april ism sod rnrtber tike zaacc tha ilcr the- said ui day of- april th said enc rs wfll prcxaed to diitribata the sittt ct the sai i deceued srnpnc tbe persons en tilled acd the t id eiecuton will iot ibuable tor the iiid a sets or any part tbereoe u enr penoa ct iches claim fhey shall not have had uatlce at the tip e ot mch ditri- batiaa hugs he uiiak j tioiicitcr cr tbe exeeutcrs llaelphfebijuil come ia reisoatble tibtingc kemflmber tbiscieftring fills wluiutjfoc go days only ini we will eay right horo thtttbfl people of jctoa and ticiulty ntitt before oc igtia hora had o will ijive th8cluaaa o baying gpodt it iach low pricet foe cuii kblltbros grand olearing sales for 30 days for 30 days we will offer great bar- i gains ia mantle and wo of goods furs overcoats atgreat- ly reduced prices no reasonable offer refused hendersone per to set b e- 26 bollert co at lower wyadham st gruulph i aontjt and new springrqoocls arriving daily at wm mcleod gos ceorgatown wo are opening out heaps of new ureas goods now millinery new printed sateens as nice as sijks new prints haw staples new sewedmuslin embroideries- new musljiir new corsets jnew cloths tor suititigs new gjents furnishings now carpets jbcw curtains new readymade cloth ing- new boots and shoes also wo havo determined to have a trig sale ajjdresa goods thepricas ot the sfjid goods ware from 85c to g5c and they shall be sold all at 25c per yd gome early and secure first choice big bargains dont miss it our miltiuary opening will be an nounced shortly dressmiking first class tailoriiignothiiig in canada io beat us wo have a i i big choice stockprices right nd we are- anxious to da business patronage respectfully soli cited the mammqth wmpleodco tjnohaatoyw mcrae co n photo art i st lsicimofuuo acton ont has the best instruments and accessories corns tfi- turns out the best photos in the- county i i enjoys aprovincial reputation for excellence acton j 4for aitonanf utlil gucstctuti irlci 0hx e cobby bjocrwoou cidjr pbss sh rockroodcider trwi 11 opoucoir bbpt nea oa wednesday 1u tku bcr and wninin every taesdajicd fridaj- dar eg tbo balance 61 tho leaton appks left 07 0 er dayi till be rc jeagq itockrtopdont t presecclaltotiir oclock itdti new- pcitjhc schob 2ealed trttlctk for the rooajfdutkk nchfoj kijl 1 1 received np to the icth march by the zni office plans and speciflcitioni marked cheque for ten per ceu accompany lame tha loire uot nccctaarilr accepted geo ii vxds 1 chairman acton one february 2jnj l43i valteible property a bush farm ca lot 17 con hip of reejllsacrerf 24x15 timbered vith bechv 1 pine cedar rockrand wi elm alio a itone and rncgncat d and two cellars frame stable land oa gnelph vfaria and qu tillage ot acton j terms hall c4iuor cictt perty appier to 1 i alaikg r1f t cli ml vai 1 s f- btiildiug- ctfc of a fctjr grci at wlce miy bciitcn a ot tender treat or any tender oisaltvj n-l- pi of a- 1 iathetont tb log drellieff liiple hemlock einneof9roorai vith tea lotsof tn cireetaui the i- 1 the new meat o sttjlca has pleasure in ncocnc totic eitjiens ol- acton and iricinitv thachfe oa cjmpleted ar- racjjacieniito open a kew je ixt jlicxkes ia the batrdinff recently erected at 1 tie ccrccr ot mill and ham scrieca by mrs face cd keit tuesd ay uomin ijad ielsta fullstc k ci all llds of fresh meats p wl etc wulbe opened 4the best qciliry ali5 la ttock havinr bad experience in ihelainca i eon asnre all who favor mo with ihtir orders enuro latiafaction j eljhcstjcaibjrice piidfcrroik hidca tai lor tfcf 1 partie havins citt air i i tel are rwscstcd notic annual market i m ji 7ii is ctluc eeting the annual ifcetin of the actn cnish kgx- tsunral society idlfcl held in the town haljrcton eridavj 2stjt febtaary 1892 atttwo k pjri wpcu litj ecport of the ac litors will be pn j cctod asdther generd business will be transtc ed- jokk dtsf ltcr4c5t- c on febith ii3i mqrtgalil 4r- v valuable farm co hykd5 stctitasurcil tha prdfiiioos and a ailorifiagq which ttkdeb and by virtaeof j conditio contained i w will be prodeced at the th ic of lain and of on which aefanlt of pajttent 1 se ueen inaoa ihtfv wiinjcioldbipncliiaacti u by william hettf- a hoi street aucticrueair ai ajjnei io and being in be t coty of iiajton age of acton in the county f halloa on triday thelhtiidayof karchad the foilottdff lands and pre all and sinilar tbat cert iin parcel or tract ot land and premiics tittnio 1 township of eqccfiics in compasod of the louthwesi in tliesecoud cocccsi c- ot etqaeaing contai rng by hundred acre of landincr tlib above proiercy t tit cne- half milca frctn the actoaanditina very uisl iilf of los ihirtyne tiia said towoanip adineaaaieinent ccti orlcjs iiedviiboni cqe and thritidr villago o tjli qt cnlutation hs ia ti dwelling hoaseandont baildiuss eajt is ant eliaa tn every particnlir twdqtyfcr acres fall wheat lu thagroand in be koldtmli the tonn aboa trenty2re sens fal phdiiug has been done about ten acres- bird ksyt bash title tndispotahle i sale j property mdtsl ia the rfll- ten per cent to be paid 0 sufficient amount to tnaie witnia thirty days easy tor the balance for lutb to wm hcnntree her l dar of bale and a f na thousand dollsri erms an be mado tnirpartfcularb apply anctioij ier orto i met ulloughb razees solicitors markdijc opt 83ak k b tbe pfltwiiian aricul rflrts great vinte lusrtut con tlic fifth halivearlriitetarr compotitjoa for the winter of isji ot tt ecoc asias aoaicrir- tpzist airicricai old ar reliable tllnsuated family itasxtics is now waiis- petition open the following- portraits of 1 -r- ny kind jh t bear 8eal beaver and persian atsq lamb caps t- goltvjzks rnd gfvptj3 tplcndii- jrkcts u1 lo lirentjcee tp pfftwiui sending ia lbcgraius ntaber of words in ado outcf iettcrsconulaediij the wards ftac ic- lchxiutxa adazccltuejst- t3every one snding in a list cf not lis thaniqu worinrtrtir rcc4ivj jr tiiuable prjjscnt of eilvnrart lat grand reward u 550q in gold 2nd gran piano valued at 9x6 3rd i- j i biwingold- th wdrcan ralrjcd at 6300 5th 1 j s ieiooiireoia fth gtntsg jljwatcufnluewlued tth lidltstiuwatclliulljewellbd 6th w0ttr3old sth t 1 tiiieaold 10 kewtirds of ii0cich lwo xexts prirttst j3 sijwi tea 6e qwiurxtjplo plaj warranted- i ktjxtmpriiksuverjcascrtseuvarwftud bearyplatfl j keit ljs3prit57iuo silv rr gutter dbha 4c 1 warranted beaty plate jjp kcit500prttes consists crheavrriajed sfltor ketoes batter dshcsarutiiasketa riicnit jinsacir shells better kilrei ae t all- fully warranted making it total of oes ijilandld c reward the value 05 vhieh will aegrcgaro 35d0 i thif grand literary- competition ii open to cterrbody everywhere the following are tbo conoitlens l tho words most be onfjirarted only from lotforrin thawordstxii linrsnutd aciucct- tchist and mst be ni ivtueliaa atolpand in webster unabridged d ictionary iii the vqdy ol ihe book none pfthoia ptemcct lobe use 1 tha words mnit be rriitca in rotauoii land numbered 12 j and o i afortacijiating ii de- ciding the winners 3 letters cinnot bo iscd oftcoer tbanthey apfear in ttie words t vc illcstiutep anai- ctltuiuat forinstai cc tho word effi pan- f nhibe csed aalhate is t ctonae ta tnp thite j wfcirds i if tbehst containing tiie largeit qqmlkk off- irds will be awarded afst rzc and so op in older of merit each- is it is- received u1 bip numbered and if two or in aro tic th fint tfcetved will be awijded unt pri aud o op therefore thebenotlt of sending ittsarly will v riadllf be ieen f 5 ech list tansi be bjccomiinlad by hor ax iv ri- 1 1 1 htnz aqbfttctcttljta- ifuihay kindly consent tnaaths inbscriptian to the following jentlei edto set as jcdei j uaodonald litr ctcrk peterborough canada and commodore cafcntl leterbpfbagh ooc last tjompetitioii got 1000 nriae all rihl u it braidflti vocoovr b c thanks for fxw puaj gcanaingfaam- donaldbc priti rcceirod 0 v daptie west superior wis j300 prito rcired tbanka g v lot rtaon toronto anfl 8w otbora in cflited stat and canada v thu ts xo lpttfifi yinerit only vu cfnnt the reputation or lal nei gained dvphk xaran curttbrsr m the past ia amnio gaajtateelthair this competitionwill nar 8end3cfttimp be conducted or fn partlctuaatp agbicult51kistrtesibnigatsaauar oi f u jl jmiil aercastnttaliorb the lirisntilieet or paintpf glan world is sat iff roijt of a imllflinr oa ttreet ctneinnalti ohio lr wat iriajf in msrseillw tmiiclaiirliiueijurlhqshsv lotimhea i -i- r r h ri

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