ljc jrionfrce rcss notesjeremd there tiltltstiay mmuil 10 18 j flu ufjuug 3folks a tlkfls ix till imkn a i tr vii iirlltii itsv lot 11 bi irllllll i 1 item 9r general interest to frees prose readers a lirliililiriin llri v lh iii ct l it- mild it ci 11 iti t i i- i t tin tuwl i si i vi t ii n tvn tt tmitim tit fi ll iv rt ill rr 1 euro v t tf i v- know imp intitt vn i a if r- sri mi i litter ant o 11- 1 i l l vvrll t- iu riiv17 nrrr licit i t ti 1 v hi i 1 lint a ii utjilr 1 i iittrll 1 il ii r 1 vl i anil tiff 1 i 1 in lj it tori mir iill i- nirr i isfiipusi il if hl hint 11 liril 1 lirt tit i il lliotli t stl vti i kill lots hi lay tl rtf ri emir in 1 rl w vt 1 ill 1 tow w tvp ilvr slur its i 1 it r n llir lr of hue lr1 ii i lil ati j im i is ui ti iii i c wilrl lio ii 1 i i in ilii 1 rnulf v ai i olicriori- sec t v l iw r pi w re i unr i ot ir r ik r nr- christmas work or boys and girls christmas i cmrliaiicilly the childrens lila ojr every thought associate tlicni vviih it aril the opportunity itaflords the ffi riohcr to instil into tlieir recep tive nrije the ctistlfih noble principle that wtrv iri 1c triumphant in the life of him whoso birth u otlittttis is oue of its greatest pcibiltit indeed in no other way csn on a effeclinllv drive ivn the uiv little t ltacf ieliibt ef8 nuerliteits anl inirrovijeiee mut ihow lion pure unci la-lir- ihe liarn- winch thunhlfi nef of cbiriani gctkrosiivbrinc ud the olicru will which the v respond to each itadnr ip a ttront rcot of the siaik of diviiitytlat i t readied into every life li trace tle rhildrtc thcr to cive as wl at in cei ani to invent waysof earnius their tpt dine mrcy au3 of ntiliiini their irnrenuitv hnj iodnslry if a lov ti deft with tools tblacirl with a needle there italkon iid limit to the nielul an pretty fills they can make for their friends no mother who has raired a family of childrin believe that cirls monopolize all the ic- cenuity and artistic taste and if younger mothers realized this ani were more caie- fci to encoarape and develop the fine tate of their boy instead of ridiculinc and repressing them as effeminate and woman ly we sloald have fewerroen doinr nnccn- eenial wcrk keep busy ti wrtt cf yccctis i lift i to kttji ty tu u rvivcriul patu and uytir- iuj i i tlt purs- rr railing c i an- follow rp the buf out irrv n v and thtn rrkcniistakt- let it it uttrto rifk thet lhan to u- iie ard iactiv keep doing uhcthcr it u- a vrcrk or twtkiug rcctation mo zs lft- iij3 the bzsica ire the hip picst clicrful actiio labor ie a lir an c i i-hiiw-fht- s th trt 5y l1v shiics when on tlie irjui it it iuit rriri when oc- wc rtsl wc iitrkcr pntr rewards for bible readers the great winter competition of ladies home magaitno grino b whtfe wcrd first ftpjir in kn lie wi vhtre dies the follow jtt ile follorin litod ttimein r an3 dcsr ne words first appear jn lcthe jiew testament and kixz i wcrtu riuir lvery wetk throatont tlii srtat raetition prize will be d- tribatej as follnsis the first correct answer received ithe pstrnitk dale- on eech letter to bt taken ts the date received at the ofuce o the ll how mnnajur ieach atd every week daring lji will get 200 the ikccnd correct answer 100 the third 550 foirtb a beaatifel silver ecrvioe fifth five oclrk silver essrvice and theceit correct answers will jet prize ranging fron 2 dowa to fj every fifth correct answer irrespective of whether a prize wiener or not will et a epecial prik conipetitorb residicia the 600thern states as we as other distant points have an eusi chance with thote nearer home aa the potark wil be onr aotbdnty in every cae pruj- etch litt of auswers rnut be accjmiiind by fl to pay for eix mptbs eabjcripiion to oe ct the best home mijtiie6 m atnerca littfu v the lx hutu ifayi- iy is wellable to carry oat its pnjai ititrbojtoafih jgantdat tun a a iplfecdid ptptrant financially etrong hfctilb 1 gar add star every prize winner will be sure to rcieive justwhathe is eltiiifcdtonorwoo3 canedai m vhoald be tent by post nsoe ordpr or rtjittred ittur addreen the lall h- mrjdlu ieterborojb canada no other btirfajnrilla has h merit by which hrme kartaijarillahik won each a firm heid upon the confide tc cf the people no other combines the economy und ttrength which make 100 doses one dol- ilr trne only ef i looks barfcapirilla no cjtbtr pebefc the combination pro- portion and irozem which mate hoode k6uaptriila peculiar to itself hoods pilu cure hick ueadtche wirui tui imlnrna iottc any crun who hr iifcd poltmi ncr villi c the ttrnl jmin cure wduld not to without it if it owl tru dollar a bottle a kavvil thiut u worth its weight in kolj scrillne ie the bwt remedy in lire world for all mud of pain il curca neuralgia ia five mint let toothache iu one mluuto lame tuck nt one applicatioo hndathc in a few momcnti and all pitina juit u rap idly why not try ft today t lrpo bot tlca ccnu cold by all drcuti tad roan try dealer tie rotrona ucrvo pn care nrrvilme at harvard tomp year ift a diiplfcia who wm aluo a tutor lknpcrin hia cit stoppj one tu inllu at a railway bttion he wsj acctiej b a well known politician who rcotiuej him and askett if ho wtt tint a rlinplun at lwnard at auch a time uatuinj the ear the now v l replied that be wan i was there laid hit interrogator and i knew you by your hnip well naid the doctor itbeerob my limpiiii made a deeper mpresiion en you than mv preaching ah doctor the politician rrplietl wilb ready wit it i the liiitut cvimpliment we can jiay a paraon to eay that he it known by hit walk rather than by hit eon vernation rxitllent reatotii why dr thomaa kclectric oil thoutd be aicd by- persona troubled with aftectioua of the throat or lunft rorca ujou the akin rheumatic pain corns bunipna or external injurica tlie rctfone are that it ti apeejy pure and un- ohjecttooable whether taken interuahy or appliej outwardly wluii xatore smiles apnln when nature armies again in the mild upriiifi dayf mankind ofun froani from the eftkts of bad bloxd and kindred trou ble ciiiceiidtrej by the loug hard mntcr uernovs the canst of all the trouble by pur- it uik your bhxvi with nature remedy iardock iilool bitter the best blfkj earchtr an tonic ever dicucred culmmr icpcikini to hl outcheri gcwd niprnin mibbor what fine eau eaties ou have hingmg there you ouiiht to preut me wiih oneoflhem for ihi it inj birthda ilutcher itaklun the neiyh bra handi ah your birthday n il wtll i wish you much rihttiooti luck and nady retnrna of the day may you live till 1 cive you that eaueae i fur vuun t ull gimuii one of my 1 idle citl aed 1 eari had been troubled with costiveness rn lt worat form bince infancy we tried different remedies which pave instant relief while uin but as soofi aa diwxuinoed she would be worse than before usioc she lost her appttite and was crowinc weak and delicate a friend of mine who had osj b b b with praud results for the eame difeaee adtited me to try il and aho the burdock iill which wedid she did not take the conteula of one biltle be fore it relieved her for 6he has net been troubled once eince and be is now eijht years old ilhnl kiimu sirepta oot i tttp bl hk utiqatljo old ftinc and everything i tit cwrnukwpartof any orvtu of th bai tntict tctch it plaeo therein lhrouih hi bipod jthcrcforo if the btood it parif krjd kept in pood condition by lho aio hpodtikarrapirilla it ticcertafily tolrowj that the benefit of themediuiuo i mpir to every orjati of lho lody t whfct kiudof boyi0to iieavaamkc a sunday school superintendent dal uoit khoutrd a new icholtr who h bevo broacht fu from tho alrcet gc riliutttn a co ocntleincn in driving over the moin taim i took a ecvero cold which settled i my back and kidnfjc cauin me mail ilcvplew ninhth of pain tho first appli cation of mlnards dintmcnt ko relieved ni that i fell into a deep aleep and complh recti very ahortly followed i jouu 8 hvleod annapolis jamm whitcomb ihieya incomo frcn hia reading d recitationi ojuali a ban prciidcuts alary wliilo bill nye in ui cleared ii0000 from hit appearances oft the roitram mai orcll and will catlej ton pet 200 a niht from their managori georce w cable receives 100 every tiinp ho reads cabinet ilrronatrnrtloii gaiiada is bcin cot osi the ixirellfiicea art btkmed glass i surprise wj you want jrour cottons llnons flannels always sweat clean snowy white you want tha wash done the easiest the clean est the quickest the cheap- 3 est way surprisesoapthesur- prise way without boiling or y scalding gives theso result isgksissmigisibs a popular topic is cabinet reconstruction which really does not concern tha pablto so rnacb as the reconstruction and cleaor iug of the hnman ayatem acatnat the ap proach of iprinc tho premier mediclns for this purpose ia burdock blood bitten and both partie reeotjniw it aa the beat blood purifier and jcueral system regulator known it ia a singular fct mused old prof wimple that the man who in always in pickle doant pr4rve hta temper worth a cent p iirtiilaied fierywheru of her manufacture rominenlly in the front rank of her improvement thanks tb mccaualiurl a bon of toronto who fot jo a care have labored not only to accqtnuj lai money but to mke stained and orna mental glass of all kinda a credit to the dominion shilohs consumption cures this great cough citre uiii auccemtul consumption cure ia without a parallel in the history of medicine all drupfpit are authorized to tell it on a positive guarantee a test that no other care cac sucpessiully stand if yoo have a coach sore tbroit or bronchitis ate it for it will cure you if your childhas the croup or whoopinc couch nc it promptly and relief is sure if voa dread that match ioua d6ebe consumption dont fail to ue it it will cure you or cost oothinfti ak yonr druccit for shilohs cuhe price locta 50ctt and 100 if vocr lnnpl are aote or back lame use shilohb porous plaster jcts t tha woman whocirriea on herhusbtutji pawn shop after his decease is truly a loan widow hralaml cold the use uf the hand aa in wabhinpiu hot water then exposinfi them to extreme cold ia prolific of a very common misery mrb robert simpson 71 berkeley st to ronto ont write oct j 18s1 ai follows st jacpba oil cured me of rheumatic cramps of the hands after all other treat ment failed me my hands were much swollen and paiofal and for a time i was nearly helplcs however thanks to ho magic touch of st jacobs oil shortly after ite ue i wai relieved anj ultimately en tirely cured i now always have a bottle of st jacob oil in the honfc prompt potclt and permanent result alsaya come from milburns aromatic qaiciue wine schoolmaster scientist tell m the moon is inhabited georce from the bot tom of the casi then where do the peo ple co whin theres only half a moon hnir- viu ren it the new egyptian dream bookie creal me quite a stir whether you believe in dretxmc and viions or not it will interest and instruct all who read it aa it contains full interpretations of a complete litt of dreams with other attractive features sent by return mail oq receipt of three cent stamp t mil burn a co toronto ont when baby was fckwe fo her csistoris wnea the was a clim uic cried tor ciiiorlil vtbea ksjo became kiss the cloa to cavric ifixa the bad giidrca abo gava tea cait an old philosopher says thalhetbab often fcctn a roan pleased at being thought to be in advance of his age but he never heard of a woman who was pleased at bein supposed to be iu advance of her age mr thayer wright p q- had dys pepsia for jo years tried many remedies and doctors bat got no relief ilia appetite wah very poor had a dietrese ing pain in his side and stomach and gradaai wasting away of flefh when he heard of and im mediately commenced taking northrop a lymans vegetable discovery- the pains have left and he rejoices in tho enjoyment of excellent health in fact he ia quite a new man a pompous school inepectnr in address ing the advanced class of a school said scholars i have an impression and by the way what is an impression a dentin a soft spot answered one of the pupils at whichtbe teacher exclaimed come come children do personal re- markri and the pompoub inspector sat down drt amorunti oxygenized emulsion of pare cod diver oil yoa have catarrh use it yo safe by all druggists 65 centa per bottle oh what a cough will yon heed the warning- ttje sigaui perbapbof the sure approach of tl at more terrible dieease consumption afek your selves if ou can afford for the irako of saviorfloc to run the risk and do nothing for it we know from experierjce that shilohb cure will euro your coagh it never fails are you deaf iictatutthe ttmjub horse of the roman emprt caligula wte actually conbecra- ttd as h priest had a manner of pure ivory and ttts never pven a dnuk from antbing but a gold pil patufut burns bruieea tcaldi and cuts are quickly soothed and healed by vic tori carbolic fiahe or do you 6ufter from noise in the head then tend 3 cent stamp and i will send a valuable treatise containing full particulars for home cure which costs comparatively nothing a splendid work od deafness tfftd the ear address prof g2he montreal o bortle 6f manchester ontario co n y writes i obtained immediate re lief from the use of dr tbomaa eclectric oil i have had asthma for eleven years have been obliged to bit up all night for ten or twelve nights in succession i can now sleep soundly all night on a feather bed which i had not been able to do pre vious to ufini the oil p0restsstrpr6estbesl comic oo aicox ajiinobfe time pbdspstttt or toy tajarftal oil friday eveuidp while jesvinc the bethsoy church in fieysoonr west mrs 7oeo blakely stepped of the platform and fell distance of over four feet breaking her arm the pecnlisr circrnnstance is that it is the first time in twenty years that ifrr blakely has been able to attend the 6moe xotblnff sarreeds mke snrress burdock blood bitters js hoateliold remedy for dyspepsia it eipeis rheumatism and neuralgic from the system acts as an antibilious agent oo the stomsch liver and bowels anugonius blood poison builds up and revitalize he bodily fans- tions and restore ndparifie the entire system u is eafe to use freemans worm pow ders u they act only on the srprm nd do not injtjre the rhild the third page of tho toronto daily hail is noted for want advertisements if you want to boy or sell anything if you want situation a mechanic a basi ness machinery lodgings if you have lost or ound anything or if you want to find out where anyone is advertise in the to ronto daily hail and read the advertibo- ments on the third page of that paper the charge is two cents word each in eertion address the hail toronto can ada l how areyou hlcely tliank you j ttaafc wlidr why the inventor of scotts emulsion wfeb cored ie ef c0hsh che i thenkt for its discovery that it docs hot make you sick when you itake it ont thanks that it is three times ai efncacims as fhe oldfashioned tod liver oil give tiani that it is inch awondcr- ful ficshproducit give i ihanti i hat il the ht r medy fir consumption scrojittn 7lrohcliltit wasting pis- eases caught and oldf itu x- you ge t ie genuine in sxlmni inodvfraipcrsoldbyail prujesis t sfottftnnwvr rwiwri- vtsmmmim i thirtt teaks- johnston n b march n 8so i was troubled for vhltty years with palm in ray side which increased and became very bid i used st jacobs oil it completely urcd i eve i i1 praise mrs wm ryder all riohtl st sac08sql did it castor i a for infants and children cstottll recomaetld 1 tnovn to me 1us so wn adapcd to cifldreo tiat as superior to aryprcripcloo tt k iaanal d otfird bt ftwjijn k y tho use ol lurnrritsso of siipeteroj irlelllcnct f vrlthto iloilawttn i kewvoefcaty ltrttacb omfftc4aiiyeaorml church omtoes s so aalrertal and known that 16 seem a work oo to endorse il few are tie who fo not ncp castoda 0trf a cm colic cbaatfpaacn boor boma4harrfaae lmcutlon tills worm ctvcf sleep and prouartoi ol- wicaoofi ifljurtau medicaxaotz t for screrai rears i haee rmmmeodei jour oattoria ana shall alrajs ooatinuo v o aa s4 tt bm iairishj peoduoed beneficul kjultl eowik p placet k d c vtbitarop ii5th screet and 7th ato kew york city tax ccimrm ooarunr 7t kuaaat eraxat kew yoax fur powdireo lye purest rcjrfcruin bofteatnt wcter i ok aeaaoqua k14 by all e2 w dx trohce5tbest hfqtintiijr knr nttlne itec innlri li it tin hundred ouwa ili tnrontoi cons jiiptlonchki d ay emec y an old physi having had pla india mission vegetable re maoent cure of catarrh asthr affections also for nervous de plaints after 1 curative powen fell it his duty suffering fellow and a desire to will send free of this recipe in with full dii ccing sent bj stamp naming 820 powers bic k n retired gram practice iu his hands by an east the formula df a simple for the speedy and per- coufumption uroncbitis a and all throat and lung posftivo and radical cure ility and all nervous com aving tested its wonderful in thousands of cases has o make it known to all his act dated bylthii motive relieve humap suffering i charge to all who desire it french pr english ions for preparing and mail by addressing with this paper w a novns rochester n v c erman t co tics ic it is worse cough or cold taken in tiino the foreruuner i ture death iu the delicate chial tubes tra then do not del auticodbunpt that grasps tl human body ai this medici expectoration diseased paru ful influence ir er diteaces o parent wish children and iety trouble an i a bottle of yrup and whe old has ryrup acoordii c ibd tl e i ickle cot gh lie whco you nc after eating at northrop ly and your dyspepsia james stanley writes my w northrop a ly for dyspepsia good than anyt ling sick headachp or a disordered by using natioij an import an great capitals in the next ui published ma meut will be a coppee descri parisians the euggestive feat i familiar enougl of romantic i paper will bo drawings by harassing h miserable cure like able it is a patlie of drunkards w bad habits th earning a milli so called bichl proves one th drunkards do and would not dre t m has expressed ate cases of sy barbaparflla effective re wonderful use m pleaeant as worm medici graves worm est worm destrdv vi an madnebgto neglect hich is cahily subdued mes when left to iteelf f consumption and prcma- ammation when it attacks of the lungs and bron- ela with perilous rapidity y get a bottle bickles o syrop the medicine a formidable foe of tho s drives il from tho system promotes a free and easy ucb tho cough heals the nd exerts a most wonder curing consumption and tho throat and lungs if pave the lues of their meelvei from much am- expense let them procure a nti consumptive ever a child hi j or boarcness give the to directions tice unpleasant eniationa once commence the pie o nans vegetable ducovery will diuppear mr merchant at constance fe has taken two bottles of aans vegetable discovery and it has done her more gshe has eves uficd caused by excess cf bile i tomach is promptly relieved 1 pills haraers weekly series of articles on the jf the world will bobepin ber of harittr hvivy ich 2nd the first mbtal- aper on paris by erauoois ing the homo life of the sights and sounds and res of tho french capital to its inhabitants but fuu itercst to strangers the profusely illustrated from ous freuch artists fa n jadachefl make many lives nee- llessly so wheua prompt burdc k blood bitters ts obtain- mei y comment on the number 10 want to nreak ofpthejr dr keeley ifl said to bo and a half a year by his ride of gold remedy it ig at least that many lot want to be drunkards k3 if they could help it ler of croib plains wis o opinion that for obstin- ihilia and scrofula ayers unquestionably tho most known to pharmacy have resulted from its rup nothing equals it as a tho name is mother exterminator the great er of the age orm syrup destroys a d removes worm s of aix kit ds in children or adults swet as syrup and cannot rm the most -5- delicate child consumption i beta a ptxttffs tltsj ultxiisulac oc i itaflae hcttwa la tfs tat tit i vltitatilulble cofcrt va vth mosj 7a- slqquhl sth west tc re ucdf t e ti car tie abort iitcu trrlts at tka rrt kltvl tad of lane indeed to riroac it wj uta ilvta tend two bottles tuzz 1 ixarue at una hmmm i sj r m c ias adelaide rokto ont 4f j4iffm4g urdock pills a suftccunc fo biliouskcss cohstipatiok inoiscctiryk dizzikcss ctck hcadachci airs disease of thc stomach tlvcr ako bowels thcv arc milotkorouqh asid pokst isi action and torm a valuarlc alot to buroock blood bittcr ik tmc yrcatkcnt ano curc or chrokic and obstinate diseases the late ti w grady received from the new york injrr tho largest amount per word 20 cents ever paid to an american writer mri grady wrote pve letter to that journal on the oonditionjof the south and by tho first one which wa dictated to a stenographer in 20 minutes ho- actually earned tlo per minute for all derangement of tho throat and lungs ayers cherry pectoral is the speed iest aud met reliable remedy even iu the advanced stage of consumption this wonderful preparation affords great relief checks coughing and induce sleep it yoa want to buy or sell a farm ad- tirtisa ia the toronto wteltfitail that paper reches 100000 tanner home every woek and your advertisement should meet the eye of someone who wants to pur chase advertisement of this clatsaro n- serted in the toronto irvhy tfail for five cent word each insertion or twenty cent a word for five insertions addrera tha ifail toronto canada thikoxo light steel harvester and biiider ooivn rrsst 1 ham i htjyufa 8fmryf tomluuja tufrlor txisn liexim ifiolsdjweit ivtiu iexsmtwy going eat 105 cm and s pm tlifc tlinc table iccut into dffect oa deeamlmf 1th isj1 i superior to af others nih8followtngpalrl9 y best shape of flucer oar for low cutting i a simple strong durable driving gear a ilkbt strong grain divider made of flanged steel a flanged steel frtmeln a singla piece light and strong entlta elevator frame made of flanged stee mnnec table frame of flanged steel in one pieca with pj pnncv a drive wheel simple in construction large durable lnet in pp iowcrful cutting apparatus with direct pitman owf m both end of machine raited or lowered by d ritjr rthodt irinj hu u convenient arrangement for adjusting mchintosdfmtjtioo tho lightest binding part aud simplest knotterever pw bm a knotter that positively v from two to ton r rfwna 1 m kour discharge ms making terfeet separation rirtiva nr other a machine of light draft easy tooperate andcontains femr part two nj v noxon beos 1ifg 60 u4- tagerwu ont wm hematraet agent acton isteel frame fcraln drill over 25000 hoosier drills and seeders with oir pqaiuve force feed ia fiss in canada the press new york for 1s92 has a 1argrr piilj- circtilatlan than auy 011101 itepuliicau nenitier in america daily sunday weekly i tbe acknjsite kepublicao journal o tho uitrojkjhfl a nevtjfker for tho lltssc kouihltd deccinhttr lit 1w7 circulation over 100000 copies daily tin pnrts is the orcati of no taction pulls oo wires has so aniiaosiuc to aveny tbe most remarkable newspaper success in new york tun rnnss is a national newspaper cheap news vulcar sensations and trash nud no place in the commas of tin inrss tur rnuta has the britihtett editorial page in new york it lltarklcs with points tun iurss fcfvdar kiiitiox is a spfenditi twenty pagoiialkir covcrliie every current topic of interest tur 1urss wnrau- emtio contains all tho good tilings of tho daily and sunday editloas for thoi wjioecnaac afford tho daily or are proycntod by distance from early reccing ittko weekly is a splendid substitute as an advertising medium tin titrhs liaanosupcriorinncwyork the press wllliiu the rcscb of all the best anil cheapest newspaper in america duly aud suaday one year 5 oo 6 months z so dtnlyouly one yer fourmonths sitnday one yetr weekly press one voar ts 3 00 1 oo 2 oo 1 l0 btnil for tin iukss circular satnpleh free aficnta wantcj everywhere liberal coiimiifisioiib atldress the 1ltkss jc park low n y i guaranteed tho best in tho world and thopnly drill that eta be instantly repultted to tnn the desired depth in hard and soft ground while moving i v the hoosier is the only drill that sows alt kinds of jrctin and eds evenly ind u the depth desired in all kinds of soil i i the hoosier is the only drill that commences to sow the instjuit tha horses move the hoosierls the only positive force fed and is tho only drill that depoaiu the grain evenly iust the depth you want it inharctor soft toil remember this the hoosiercomblned drill witkcultivator teeth it the best calfivstor mad ancf is the only implement made with teeth oo independent draw bkra thatoan be aet for hard and softland while the team is in jnotiob the hooeier u lighter on h porses than any other drill made the pointi of eicejteace in the hoosier that other dr iu do not have are worth more to thefarmer than cnyany drill in tho worict the combined hoosier can bo changed from drill to seedej or sender to drillin lest time than drill made bend for our new illustrated catalogue and testimonial sheet beware of purching drills that infringe our patents i i noxonbros mfgjco ltd logerjoil ont wm hemstreet agertt acton also agent fleorf eiowji sifverware silverware t a new btock jnstitsfcf cake baskets sugar bowls spoon hjolders match safes- sayaae go p s fine watch repairing a speciality uiijonesj mechaiucaugcnerab woql engraving 10 king st eastjoronto j send for any engrav biscuit jars fruit knives grand trunk fiailway ktptcss mat kxprc mill passenger 610 srtn 9 lisjn 11 0 am 8spni 10 11 pjn doygu anything about ma i mc ij hsra efctudrofslltlie dii ai ibat aaitaal fltrt i if heir to itrooft- ly mcajiiirncnd t r kjrarlflerioe dtaiti ul liter sflc ofdkaointuieft jsc ihiimtpi se t woe marx dont apoaul tii m aatil rqorbeaat i ard at once for full aec ask any deal 6di i dicki po bdi482 wow a horsed f- i- i diji llnln ti best in v be in its world to horses cattle tbir have siobd he test of 20 years tstkk belt sead- iarticularf anovu lar liiem co- montbbal scfeokflti aoftfctfl lemrjrfsr davlat an mamou lh patimti ht trto writ to haw yostp rof lafottnaootl and f t kuxx aoo ts bboad4 oldest tnrmti for seenrliisf psai esrettpwsetit taltttl oot by mj llie public r anouee stttn tret iilrjrest rircolatfonrof anracle vrt splentfitb maatfrntejl man aiionid be wtlioat it v yr ls0 ii rottntiii ajdrtj vublieanis xlraaaynj s4 the key to health i unjccij ao tie clogged bowels kidneys aud off gradually hriihont trcei i tern all the ciptiritiesr pfthe secreuchs at the rectlntr aefdife- of earing juioqsness headaches i dliiness coestipationv dryness dropsy dltnnessof dtoe salt rheum errs i tola fluttering of w toosness andgenera tfiao and manti other arm yield to tha happy inaenctof wood bittees tcreau 1f im stolen tkidllik4co foitomlita ii i vetraes of the liver carrying rniirvg thosts oalinmsoi timecoiv fitomaeb dyspepsia heartburn of tbe skisr- islon jamv pelai sen- heart ner- debntttjsd complamfi boeboce- aij timet tie simlarcomp a- pow etc gcuelpih order hirh yqutr class of ng you desirfe wood printers i can furnish you with the best presses for country news and job work to be had in country and at lower prices than for any other new cylinder press cow to sctonl kkd see our v improve country proutypress the free press is printed no 1500 drum cylinder oh the above press and the work illustrates its merits press can do better newspaper or poster work we iiavo run the prouty for eight years aid the longer wa run it theiietter we like it it is simpte eisy to rani eiiy oa easy to handle cost little for repiirj and is oaky on tho printer s pocket book wd cijl it the beat ptess to ba hid in the today for the tnijney coma anseooar fressjit wotk if yoo desiro samples of work lend for them lud we will gladly- ft them we can give yoa your choice of a number of different sire and jtylof of presses at j1 prices think of it a new 8 colj folio or 5col qto or an 8 col biok press tor 800 ower press for only 660 to 700 ful particulirs from this h fp agent for canada acton o at cxzizi ttavriw thecddrcsbesrfriend largest sale in the largest scats works in canaoa over fop st hav cales grain scales farm scales tea scales improved show cases mqw draweis heatcioppas w butohebs c wilson oesplakaoe i ueniica tnis iflcr c err ie 1 canada -h- tles of r- i pkafowlbfa wild cuyes bolerirv jtidlera mbrhus qli3 iarimgea ysektery amd all summer and fujxesof it is safe and children orj thc adijlt complaiirfs bowels fob reliable x b6ots shoes the we have just received oar boots and shoes from f aclarent- in canada a petition is either style or m fall rftook of best mauu- 4ddefvcom quality boots t shq8 which for style at and 1 eieeued wm williams 1 rear cannot iba abtoa mt