Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 24, 1892, p. 4

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igpmjiiii mr lt sion fttt frcss thursdaf uarch m v v r che gauntj jfotks a nishors fcrorro for is itmm 3 tfce mihop ot tipoat motto toe li it pre- aco lv the worfla today t you win haar hit toicr paalca tcv 7 arrf oa co wort toaay lu is vlnfjard el matt stl- thrr da i icwn make up oct life vll tbttov iqjrqdiiht play tlte da tttt ta past aal llie day to come ami tha day ttiat u called toty and tht dartliitta tl is dear tuost dear kot sorrow and meuiory ateet hut- scarcely cvasr- toe hand ottodty t km t t lotuottcw to tmt atdw rjerro u roted with robe at ftir a- bir firm usetutare can borrow- toniorro tomorrow cur vato hearts sine till to lh oar lite to tbe narrow tvrwdays i wn make ep oar lit hat tro are not twr it all for jatcday laden with cood or 111 has u3 lejood trcaii a u d to murro v i t tliroaifd dar ood i th ron and hvr veil o6e eo tear aray hut today is tlie comcn day or nun yet god vork may le dona today iert teaefc ci today to hear toy rote and to see tbec tn every doty tbso the sioiif ttiloca wr hart to do will u brlju with liestttily beauty arnt today e do thy till tbo c sow outkj in sorrow lv snail raap tiia harrectof likeness to thee when are ar thy far to morrow the right arm and left foot the riht arm ii always a little larger lhae oil left bat the left foot is almost al- wayt larger than the right presumably because while nearly every man usee his right arm la lift a weight or itrike a mow he altnott invariably kicks with his left foet while the loonier hands oo his left leg his right falls easily because he has learned by experience that this is the beat attttode lie can assume to prevent lassitude ard fatigue the oooiunt bearing of the weight cu the left foot makes it wider than the right and it often happens that a man who tries on a shoe on the right foot and gets a dcre fit baa to discard the thoes altogether because he could not endure the pain canted by the tightness o the left if when ndiag on a street car yon will take trouble to look yon will see that in laced shoes the gap is much smaller on the right foot than on the left while with buttfa shoes the buttons have to be set back ten times on the left shoe to once on the right thesstloon business defined it a tnsiness which every merchant sad bcsinea man hates and detests it it a business which it the standing dread of mothers it is a basinets which it the constant fear cs fathers it is a basinets which is the horror of every wife it is a holiness which makes ninety per cent at tht of the criminal coarta it is a bocmese which mates ninety per cent of canperitm for which the tti payer hu to pay it is a basinets which keeps employed tn trmy of policeman in the cities it is the basinets which fosters vice for profit and educates in wictedneta for gain drunkenness comprises all other rices it is the dictionary of vioe for it inclodea very vice the faremost medicine of the day bar- jjcv dioxl bitten it a partly vegetable compound potettsirts parfect rirpiuutlg powers over all the organs of the lytlaro and x uuouiog their lecrtuooti t to ratifies the blood that tt care all brood humor tad disaatet from a oomtnoti pim ple to t ie worst scrofalaas tort and this oombtnid with tt narinlled regulatltig cleans ig and partlylnc inflaeoce ou the secntitoc of lha liver udnayt bowels and at in reader it tmeqatked u s care tot all itietaec oclha skin pram ana to two be ilea win can boils pimples blotch es nelt o rash scarf utter and all the simple forms of skin disease from two to four bottles will cars salt rheara or eczemi shingles erytipelss ateert absces ses rai laiag tore tad all skit sronuoat it ts noticeable that sarterers from skin diseases are nearly always aggravated by intolerable itching bit this iialckly tab- sides oh the removal of thadltetm by bb b pining oo to the graver yet prsfaleot diieasea iscii at tcrofatoaa iwsllittga humors and scrofula we have undoubted proof hat from three to sic bottles used internally tnd by outward application dil ated if the skin it broksa to the affected parts will effect a care the great ntiisioo of b b b it to regulate the liver kidneys towels atid blood tooorreot acidity and wrong action of the stomach and to open the slascevsyt of the system to carry os all clogged and impure cecretioae all owing nature thus to aid recovery and remove without tail bad blood liver com ilalnt biliousness dyspepsia sick heada die drop ty rhiamatism and every ipeciea of die s i iwllt a house urns tall tt i the dolt j bta wrote a book tt utls now foreou seruledaclty uol hit name t not oi i any tablet raven or whsraratt can tather trom dlatue or tnarbls bast ff a loot s cudd from oat a rrstchtdool i jwtaa oa the tute dishonor mlf ht uaaa broogl and reared uilndtlut qbrbuaat vrork and troi t the bar to rttauood grawti became lluhlj to many mts shd ireachtd for ho man need itha woodtaos tore of lha omnlpota it tua work haaaukiiudiata liars at litbt whca darkislidetptas avsry oobl i deed lstu loaves ttiaa a traalts monut sat- i avtsctoty sekool time virtue of a flaxseed petting the ssxseed under the lid of the eye to get oat a cinder which has accident ally lodged there mar seem a carious method of abolishing a nuisance hot it nevertheless quite effective after the seed has been moistened by the secretions of the eye it ecades a mneilage which notooly allerittes the irritation of a foreign body bnt also frequently sarroands it and prevent pain from the motion of the eyeball against the cinder and ultimately assists in its re moval th remedy msy teem novel to many pertoos but there are commercial travellers who never ttart oo a journey without s pinch of fiaiseed somewhere in their btgetge where it eta be easily retch ed in ease of sn accidental cinder in the coarse of a railway joarney j walt tor the end of the sentence the rev dr hansoo recently lectured hit subject being fools the rv dr vincent who is somewhat of a wig introduced bim thus we are now to have a lecture onfoola by oce long pause and- load laughter of the witest men of the country the lecturer advsneed to the desk tnd responded at followt i am not so big a fool ss dr vincent long pause and kwaj laughter would have you suppose l siotja ims i if rt ii stephens of albtoyn t watte t at touowfs my ttomsoh wai to weak uiat i ooatd not eat taythlok sou or try tweet ana fruit t isttiffla would oiam heartburn ilaeai oc opprsaswa of the chest ihott breath restlasaneit danfljt tip and frighltul dreamt of ditureeitb itts so that i would ofuu dread tip o tlesp with the ue of nolihrori t lymsas vegetable discovery thttunpisa tntnest has til baea removed sod i nor eta est what mils my taste or itncyl an orgauliod attempt to heat a itcila amoog the conductors tad brtkemen ca tha western branch of the cjpr his rosulted in wholatale ditraliials ease arising from disorder oc the liver kidneys bowels stomach and blood weiairantee every bottle of b bv b shoalc any person be dissalisfiedj after using he first bottle we will returtd the money on application personally lor by letter we will alto be glad to teud testi monials and luformatiso proving tha effects of bbb in the above named diseases oq application to t miunrinct co toronto oou i i do you call yourself a water- tpoat v said an inebriated author to a tesbperance lecturer i an one decree ahead of that i am ai water sposter 1 itr thoa bell of kfersrs scott bell co proprietors of the winghim furniture ftctcry writes fordverone year i was nocfree one day from hesdtc i tried every medicine i thought would give me relief bat did nop derive toy benefit i then procured a bottle of northrop d ly mans vegetable discovery sad began tak ing it according- to directions when i soon found the headache leaving me and i am now edmpletely cured the iota ot my husband completely un nerved me said a lady to a neighbor who had been recently afflicted herself yes dear and the lots of my husband complete ly an mined me c 0 ricitutne co j qeutleitieti la driving over the moan tiatl looks severe bold which settled a my back and kidneys camlnj ate maty sleepless nights of pain the first tppll nation of uinarda liniment so relieved ne that i tell into a deep sleep and oorapleta recory shortly lollowed john 8 annipolii you want four cotton nana flannstc always clean artowy white ro wauit tt wassh i dan ths otuftmt tha olestn- at tha quiekosr tha chatp ac way t surprise soap trt sur pr waj wfthout tjotttngoe caidlnsj sriya thasw rswufta 1 3jliowod tn the imperial hoaie ot commons n unndsy the finsnclsl becretary of tha war office stated that he had reason believe that the canadian uiaiticr it ililttit wjsj interestiug himself ia ilia qoeslioa of the defetfeet of esqulmalt at d that the government was confident that the work would be carried oat jo lira castoria far infantt nd children castoriesite1 aflsoiwonadraouit treoommeedltui orteajjtawrlrfast tnawutoma l k aaodnt il d ut so ojfati bl brooajjn it t the as ot osuorla it so ttaltstaal and umaritssowall aowuthuit ssjottawortc ofsumnnaatoslmsadoriajs fsvarslh whodaaotkee pcsstori owulteat within eatt shiluhb consumption cure this gkeax uouuh cure this sucoessful cokbduption core fa without a partllelfo tha history of mediciob all druggitta are tathoriied to tell it oa a positive guarantee a test that ao other care can successfully stand if you have a cough sore throat or bronchitis ate it far it will cirayoa if your child hu tie croup or whooping cough use tt promptly tnd relief it sure if yoa dread that insid ious disease coksuuption doat fail to use it it will care yon or cost nothinjr ask yoar drnggirt tor bhilohb cure prioo loctt soett tnd 1100 if voir lungs are acre or back lama use 6hilohs porous piaster 2set there is still a griettuoe daring a van wet summer a gentleman ventured to con- gratalate his umbrella maker yea that s silvery well sir he replied but thea there is nothing whatever doing ia pari- tots conremftion cubed boa woseitr- tate fatter wboa iagdaia eatoraed charch oastaifa isiraaffinltit nsswfpiffnn bomkiicicdiarnvtlucutioti ie w5t7ttsi hasp tad vmaaotetdt witioulajorloot medication for several years i have teeommemlet tout oaatorta and shall always oonunuo t so so as it haitatarlablj- prodaoed baosttatal molts eowntfpianstlf d smwhitluopiatltstrastaniiriblve tew york cfcr tax oamira ooaraxv tt ktjaait statorr taw toaav purest st oncest bist raadrforttwlanwiffwiiittr fovmsaloc aos aortaxunc water kt item a hundred qtbac attc aeaoaaaitzl rkiuiiatalkodx i sate fey all c er- era dratata gtxx u- it utcirasita eartstiog head cues make mtrry uvea miserable needles ily to when a prompt care like bardock hood bitters it obtaia able a profesonal naiim for lawyers whttevar yoa do do it with your might etny a member of the profession has made a fortune by working with a will drt aeioeams osygeuiied emulsion of pore cod liver oil if yoa haveacoughute itl for tale by all druggists cents per bbttle y yoa little rascal what are you doing with that cigar eiclaimed a father ad dressing bit ton 11a said if i bit that cat again shed make me smoke an i hit her again ao im smoking the eaw cutting wludt bring to the rarface every latest pain a change of even a fe degree msrks the difference between comfort and pain to many persons hapmjy disease now holdi leas twty seteoee it oontinatjiythnging forward new remedies which suoeeatf uliy combat disease poisons kerviline nerve pain cure has proved the most success al ptin relieving remetfyknown its applica tion is wide for it is equally efficient in all forms of pain whether internal or external vi cents t bottle at droggirta a hundred thousand children of den mark with peony contributions have pro- cared a crown of god to be presented to the king tnd queen on their golden wedding day s a boston editor says thtt if tiew wsiea lot of dynamite bombs in bit fgoe ha should be willing to have them go toy- here except off a tnao kas invented a machine which will register the paces aod the groana ootered by a horse give a boy a name that the other hoys can esse him about tnd yoa help stttn to ruin his temper a prim parlor at home too gojid for use u one of the best promoters of he saloon and pobfic lotfiog placet jakikc p the 1mb pweststrtmestbesl erial baking powoer l asitswla uias i phn t tr sty fadatw stmfj olfctcrr totonte onti i 1 prompt potent and permanent refalta always come from uilburns aromatic qnioine wibe out ot 10090000 families in france one fifth have no children at all and an- other filth have only one child- each wbeo baby was rick we rare ber vatorfi wbea the vi n ciiu j tlc criod for ciitbria when the bectnyi kiss she ching to csstorlr- woea toe lied oilirca she stvethca castor is- are you deaf or do yoa suffer from noises in the head then send s cent stamp and i win send a valuable treatise containing full particulars for boat cure which costs comparatively nothing a splendid work oo deafness tnd the ear address peorg cmschontretl tha carpenter shop of tha peoetacgii- shene betormttory wsa totally destroyed byjsrefrhursday night iota 110000 an old physician retired firom prtctiee having had placed in his hands by an east india missionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for tha speedy and per manent care of coatamptioa braachitit catarrh asthma aod all throat and lang affections also a positive and radical cora far nervous debility tnd all nervous coo plaints after having tested its wonderful curative powers in thousands of cases baa fell it his duty to make it known to all his suffering fellows actuated by this motive tnd a desire to relieve human saffering i will tend free of charge to til who desire it this recipe ia german french or english with foil directions for preparing and using sent by mail by addressing with stamp naming this paper w a norte 620 powers block rochester n y canada li being congratulated everywhere on the excellences of her manufactures art stained glasa is prominently in the front rank of her improvements thanks to ifccautland son of torooto who for ittyears have labored not only to accuma- late money but to make stained and orna mental glass of all kinds a credit to the dominion teacher instructing a class of young girli i told you young ladies tt tha last lesson that mans brain is larger than womans what would you dedttop from the fact mis smith pupil that with the brain u with many other things all depends not upoa the quantity but the quality money saved and pain relieved ot the leading household remedy dr thomas eclectrio oil a small quantity of which usually suffices ts cure a cough heal a tote cut bruise or sprain relieve lumbago rhen- matitm neuralgia excoriated nipples oc inflamed breast it is safe to use freemans worm pow der ti i they sot only on the wormaand do not inj ire the child hthlon a swart a farmer living near lamhe h middlesex county poured coal oil on 1 it clothing and set it on fire he died in great agony pleasant at sirup hr tlooglas ford torooto ont states that hiibanic osi tint oil kmajtion with w m cutrry bark if free- irom objao- tioosbl taste mo almost u pleasant at tyrnp rbila for coogha aod ooids it gives oomplel islitfictioo acting promptly area in obtti itte cases edwi rd kckeown tha yonge street dry goods tnarchant tu arretted saturday titarnooa oa a warrant from montreal chargioi htm with embezzlement oh what e cough will oe heed the warning toe tigaal perhaps rjftha tare approach of bat more terrible disease consumption ask yoar selves ifl yoacan afford for the take of saving we torun the risk and do nothing for it i we know croat eiperieaee that bhilohv care will care yoar coagh it never fails sir boyle coassn stive wis elected to the coramoos to sfonck da saturday by a mtjority of tts over kfr loha brown re former v the trouble with meet cough medicine ia tbat they spoil the appetite weaken di gestion and create hie ayers cherry pectoral on the contrary while it give immediate relist ttsiste rather than im pairs the assimilative process i htva lost ray dear old oat said lady to a friend she died yesterday tnd i baried her st the root of my catawba grapevine well responded fhe friend thtt was showing proper respect or an old companion yoa will doubtless be awarded with an increased supply of cht- twb grapes in the future if yoar children are troubled wi worms give them mother graves worb erterminafqr safe sure and effettnsl try it tnd make the improvement ia yot r child wturta luiasat ral latarat itsiiralgu almoat ta pslaiabla aaaiuk a lamellflus fuslf psoducer it is indaad and tba tlttla lad and isaalaa who tak obltf iff mar be fortified ssalnat a twugn that mtarht prove aerlouar by taking f ootta cmulalon after their maele tfurliw the winter aaaaon tf nbtlllmllmu and imuallciu oott a 10 ww aetlavllla awttj it ia worse thtoj mtdneat to neglect a cough or cold whi h it eaailyitubdaed if takea in time becoi les when left to itself the forerunner of o usampliaa tnd pnmt- tara death iufiac mation when it attacks the delicate tissue if the lunge and bron chial tabes travel with perilous rapidity than do not delay et a bottle of blcklat anticoasumptire syrup the medicine thtt grtspe this ocmidable foe of the human body an rirea it from the system thit medicine pr imotet a free aod easy expectoration subc ice the cough heals the ditetted parts and exerts a most wonder al influence in cuing cootumplion tad other diseases of tt i throat and lunge if parent wish to itve the lire ot their childrea and them nlvea from mach anx iety trouble tad ei pease let them procure i bottle of bickfee aaticaatamplive syrup tod wheaevi r eold hss a cough syrup according to child hu taken or hotrtnest give tha directions snes were yoa ever a tn engsgemeatl la- rastia of a militiaman the too of- mart bat quired ta innocent ires oae replied toed me for brt kb of promise rath londoacagl this truly wanderfal oil to every one who i inflering from pi in wa are ptaonxlly aijquaiated with uany marvellous caret vhile the tbove it it is to tnoleat fact that for cure ot pai i st jacobs oil has no equal manufacture of riogs can anybody tell me weler who made the from kodern wa reeomment imedy st jacob speaking of the said a young lady the name of the j wslkih ringf sick headache a used by excess cf bite or s disordered star teh is promptly relieved by ttttug natloaal ilt countryman ti iking with his lawyer about bit first ca the charge it two action addreta adt sat stnaparilia fairly tiotit thtt ta which 100 dotes lid have yria teen btliooa parxte t f i hood k co lav ell mast yoa know im an honest man my rhota life long i never i i t the toronto dtiiif wtnt tdvertlsementa or tell anything if ia mechanic a bust- employed a lawyer the third page had ia noted for if yoa wtnt to bo yoa wtnt a tituati nest machinery 1c dgingt if you have lost or oand tnything or if yoa wtnt to find oat where anyone t advertise id the to ronto dally ilail i ad read tha advertise ments on the thii i page of thtt paper cent a word each in he uail toronto can tfcauou is guaranteed to ev ry one who takes hoods tnd sccordiog to direo- tl a only preparation of ne dollar can ttaly be hoods rainy day and ir particulars lend to c hoodt pillt cup ltverllls jtandioe bu- ioosness stoic head che coaitipatfon awitchandcloc icompanyhavingtailed one of the creditor remarked hat they would htva tn twf x time winding up their buiineu it not the extn met of heat sod cold so much at the taddei i change iu tempera tors that cauta cer aln climates to bo an healthful when lowever tha lyitemtt invigorated with a ert strstptrilla these chtogm tre rtrely tended with- injurioas retail orm syrup aitrcrir d wtmoves worms rxu cannot hvllffi hemdal c0n8uiiipti0n iyi s atm matsj m ut itm cmaaasj itr lit stsausartasttwd mtfwo ttytsjat oimjh tssrtj ta jsaphaioi mt tonolrrd out urdock pills tunc ouiic rot iiuouthut ooummjion ndiautiohioitzinmt flck hcabache o oncitct or thc aiouach nvcn and lowtts tkar atc hilevhoaotakanfthosfpy a tent aas rota a vauiaatc wo to laaoeck acoee stttttt ikthc tsclthtkt k0 curc of cmrokic and omtlkatcoiacatct just opened an irrimerise flata add deooraled it price a notch lowar ban yon wmjiytot jtij formbafwaraboandtoinakaltgo aonwutwmre tiaaewdepartarsl t ta the tue deparimotit apauirt wa will sod carpets curtalis curtainjppe we sttrt lh wempj at un cent per yard and up c 80 jcanhr then oorjlnlon ootnei in i i at flj cjntsno belter ota be htdtn other atopsa at 0 oor 56 etatt um i i bealyitttwhattknowninthatnmlamjipandtaotd tllovrthcoatitryttllicenlaafpatat 75 centt all wool carpeta aa high at j j j i i05 4to better value liu- j cantda1 ij li- bipraas- ini fsssebfm tooot cwsrxo iuiu aou1wttr- skam aadwrtil doing psetlo j ajn sod j hcfto thlatlma table went into fleet ijeemlrtr fthim boots shoes webavejost received par rail stool of bootsvnd shoes from tha heal mann- factaranlocaiiadatvddsdysn petition in either quality style or price hve maraatpeelalityof painful burnt brattet tcaldt and cult are quickly soothed and healed by victor carbolic salve mrs brtnhart oor pratt tnd broadway hu been a sufferer far twelve years through rheumatism and hat tried every remedy she could hear of hat received no benefit until recommended to try dr thomas eclectrio oil she says ihe cannot express the satisfaction she feels at having her pain entirely removed tnd her rheamatiim cured i if yoa want to buy or sell a farm ad vertise ta the toronto weekly lfnll that paper reaches 100000 farmers homes every week tnd your advertisement should meet the eye of someone who want to pur chase advertisement ot this class sre n- terted ia the toronto wieily uail foe fiva cents s word each insertion or twenty cenu a word for five insertions address the kail toronto canada pisos cure for the best c0u6h medicine b utsnttmatmtrnnmnm consumption oiajua pttptstiriirverfauatseoii toariddressaudweuivivli will mall free trial bottle oktafcbbosboebtjtptjttjt eaterxiv canadian dept- las a4e- c hiv iv tide gc w toronto canada no previous- yetr fatve we shown saci a range of curtains v imagine a decent lice curtain for fifty cents a ptlr if yoa want belter we hare them ss high si f 050 i about 0 pain isft of thclim line worth at leas twenty percent more iu krinis and irt musllnt yon will find oar stock very- completed all the late designs tre here tod prioet are down fine nearly every day brings oases of oew ipring j dreat goods p r b jermyn m isiielph oloth hall r f i scotch- tweed f suitings largest and finest assortment v we have evershown 4 shaw grundy merc ivt tailor mcchatiiailcgeiictvil woqiengravnc mokingsteastjorontoj send him yi ur order for any class of wood engravinfj ybii desire 17 packages new goods just arrived at the right hous coksistikq of 2 oases dreat goods to tha istest french style i oate charming lace cartalnt 1 case y try han keck frillingr 1 case ladiea stylish drett and dlitor tweedf i esse ladies latest makes of linen collars i case french chiffons in tha latest thtdea they tre the newest styles oat la bilk cbiflooi x case corteti last see the new styli s of p k end tha b d corsets watktns sells a case of cromptons widely celebrated corsets almost every week beaidea large quantities of the pn and different other ooneti jdaiea ladies embroidered dnderwear- remarkably cheap and goodjl ease brass window fixings i ease bed tickings i ease horroektet greatly prized sheeting in 72 inch 80 inch and w inohin plain and twilled i bales beadtudl wide flannejettea is chabmintj pattebus mdcblrtner ann heavieh than the canadian and decidedly cheaper i case chbi8ty8 widely khown and qreatly appreciated turkish bath and roller towels in tjnen and cotton fboh loato 75o i case ladies cotton hosei in various qualities and priob8 pillow cottons teazle cloth atnghams cottonade8 grey cottons ure88 buttons new and beautiful 8iek scarfs and veilings in the latest designs crepe de chimes in great vabietat oretun and other ihsdet of satetct silk grensdines dreat- laoet hat elastic ladies robber mantles beiges shepherds obaicks and kuat vetllngt ta the newest french ityie immen8e reductions on drebs goods mantl8b qloyb8 dresh and mantle trimmingssilk plushes brocaded silks mantle plu8he8 vblveteeh8 oarpets etc bisok brocaded silk and mantle plushes down to half pneev colored velveteens down imtoetiely colored groa grata bilk all put away down aittinhtn gloves down from 1 50 to i and 90o to 60c silk gloves from bio to mo tad 50c to 25c cashmere gloves from 50o to llp and 30o to 10c dresi tndifantle trimmings about i- their vsjaatnew allwool premqoodifrom 0oo80c gjato60o80atoc0c ii to80o long mantlet f 9 id o m i5 60 to u 60 s8 to ill dolmana i75tol0 lutoli threeftuarter jackettu50toj9u0ton50 jo toto circulars u to 17 10 to 6llito t7 old ladies mantle f 15 to 19 19 60 to ts 12 to 8 furniture coverings h 35 to ii 13 25 to ii is i mantle cloth 12 78 to ii la fl 50 to 75c jerseys 2 35 to u 50 2 go to u 35 mtdfas curtains iq 50 to 0 5 toll 8 85 to 3 velvet curtaint lit 75 to 17 cheniiecuttaialll550to7 immense reductions on lliaoe lots of carpets this week fietia enter the stores next the new building which for style fit tnd wear cannot exoslled wmwielams j atrton po you know anything about horse those wbo have madsaatndkat 0 the ditffites that vi flesh i heti tor ly recommend dicks bturfflrbe dieksbliauru afc djckt ointment be tmekt liniment tse tbebestln toe ynrtu for harp icatift- they- haretstood faeteatofao yeara dont watt until yoor beast gets akk bat send s postal card at one faa- full parttenlars awou the medicine atkanysealarfortbain i book of predous honaabold uedkal tetlsv ary farmers bectpes tent tree an app yrtfi djciksc po box 482 kohtb9ul trade mapvr the key to health hamilton march 9th 1892 homso 1akitns f-l- i can furnish you with the best presses for country news and job work to be country and at lower prices than for any other new cyjlnder press cotvu to hcton kndsbb bur- improved country prouty press pct korkr nad in this the free press is orinted 6a the above press and the work illustrates itsmerits no 1500 drum cylinder press can do better newspaper oposterwor wehtva run the prouty lor eight yeattw the longer we rao it th utter we like it it is simple easy to rani eta to handle ooeta little for repafrs spd it easy on the printert pookat book we oal tt the beat praia to be hi today for the money come and seer oqrprest at work ii joa desire samples of work send for them and wewfll ghvdly ftrrnltb them we m give tohytracoaioebfiaambuotalff thifibof it anew cplfojio ori5cplqto power press for only 6optfji orah 8 cipl bookpress for t8oq fuhirarticularsfroja joi 4 -t- agerft hor canada ac 1 nt i itntodaall tadoggttkteiriei of 1h bowels kidneys and uver sanjing tssgradutllt without ttnftlinnlng tha syav tern all the imparities aiid foal hamora of the lecretions at thq fame cms oop- rteting avdtuty of txe stomat earing biliousness 1 dysyepsls headaches dizziness ecartbrrnv constipation dryness or the smiv dropsy dimness ofvhlpajaitk- r dle salt rheam emipilas seror tula flutwrlog cf tho ubart harv vonsness and general debluty these and many other similar cnmpjamfa yield to the happy influenm of bulidocsl blood bitteas fvrsaubyaaixalmi llmnbtmtopietiarstb dunns powder thecooksbestfiend uthotst sale in canada the largest 8cale works in canada over ibostyles of hay scales chain scales farm scales tea j scales improved show cases money i drawers n l wid blltchuj smwa anhtast riiroii wrki ixtraa ft c wlbon 4 sjpjfi d le8plana0e sthect east tprontcrolrt ajnoon tms paeer c- err itne too wilts v2 imkjrucs uxcsorlthlvh 1 ww siiajt inw mwk t

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