Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 31, 1892, p. 2

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uoftx vtto vfcwfirry oq uk flit xtircti uie ntxttiktd actrn fltt tfa ui march the tlc q johu mluimti ruacbter acrtsoitld htiunomim lb lit strch ui wife ofdto aoamctti of a dncbur mtmhat t 10 iumji crime oa tlw isth wtrvh uie stiff otfclt iv p uinh of ft dctlpbter i rrat knot oiurrh litnw artoo on tlrc 1 lutru tbe itc cl luv j v kw at ft vutcttr mkrt0 ucvii mut ftorr aluw uttu ca wedn ttftvihwrli tt tr th kcr ti 8 cwt jno mcwbmv tnfucw to utu llntiw jico fhv of qanac- cotxr- vvtiuoxat the uthodist throor ixm on ui 1kb uirtti by un kt j hl aa 11 or to annie dcacbtcr ot cfctrlc tt iloo tkjtii rf uc credit facte bfvttirvijat uie rctilqcgf the liridei utter tnfflcttoa tuwdtiy uirch 9ut by lfefit wfetuun albert boad uwllou to hriitiiriicicoud ihcclitetol levi turner p our capital lettsr mrgrmanitwutdn hbat lord stnly and th ntwt dprmncrminl notes abput the lobbies dfco nliovid nuinoullie titli mirtlijtuttt ikittr in rrftacm oa tin ttu uiirb john uui d htaqj rr lciuitxn entatjoa lb to utrch elxooj oa of tunc ixhc tjd c yccrc luiieidericnocaoa ibti uircbtolinnic tea at jmlclttjid sjvcrt viikitta guclpb uifcb cuj jmio ii utckty ivfetal cle of kct dr uujiiy cifuvrlq actoa oa the ttslb usxcb jutt krewdy bcjoitnl wife of aieiuicr oruit in b tui jt chimcimio actooca the xu tfirca edith olly dubtcr of tbotu ujuilojai seed 11 tatlrsday march si in2 notes and comments a incited state exchange jii two handroi ihoausd iujitu etme to the united stta 1w1 the fiet thu lew thtu 20 per oeot of hem were irotnea thort thtt mtny nt these trthy ia- diiduii propoelo t btes ui enjoy the cpuleoce in their qltire lend m koa u they beosmc tlotttd capitijisu to the inraot of txo pieoe eof 0 qsceciltad aattnjiv hu uien a bold vtep to prohibiting imtnirtlioo until the urj comber of ucemployed vorfciog men ttretdy in the colody ere provided for qoeeoiund will permit no more immi- pxnu to itnd qpoo her hores tbnj hittory repetu itiel for thu wuthe policy of china before western entice forced her to open her paru to trtdo fed foreign people the hail layaisii provinciij legii- litarea tod the iedertj 1trlutnect tre now it lettion in lb it over eoverned coantry the utett leguutare to meet ii thit pl prince edwrd itltnd amoof the meuare promicei by the government if one for lestentnglhecottof legislation ttse only feasible method tngested to far at effecting the desired reform in the direction of economy it to lessen the nenv ber of lecislatort r in the honse of assembly monday even ing premier fieldinc made the animal frnancial statement of the province of jiora bootia from which it appeared the total eipenditnre for the past year wit kv2jm the lircest iteo being fj15sl j for eiucatioft the revenae wat fg01ml tearici a balance against the province of t30w7 the largest item nf income were s2a doojiniorrsobsirly and j1c9287 from minea royaltiea the snecect which has attended the cse of the electric search light on war tends haa recoiled in its adoption on a number of passenger and fr light shipa engaged in the coastwise trade thia light is now used on the providence river and the naviga tion of tie savannah river haa only been possible at night by rue of search light kow the steamers on the eastern share roate running oat of baltimore are cuing these light with marked saoceaa in pnnnanee of a toggection made at 1 rarioaa time within the paat two or three year and periapt sparred oa by the actioo of the dominion government in withdraw ing the privilege of free pottage from the civil servant at ottawa the provincial government ha decided to act similarly with it employe in toronto in the paat the personal letter written by the clerk have been pot into he governmental mail bag and the province ha paid the bil in f atare thit privifege will be withdrawn and the clerk most pay their own postage a new letter card ha jest been issued by the british pott office it i a copy of ocr letter sheet ideas and if spoken of a filing a mncbxelt want the idem i to make it possible to tend short note withoat the publicity of a post card and at iesa cost than a letter the letter card simply folds once aero tke middle and the edge can be gaumed down the space available for writing i c by i fnche the iarda are sold at tea for a thiuicg the british post card by the way cost a trifle over a halfpenny the postage the card usually sell for one cent etch the bruit post office charges for the card as well 4 the pott age it is being said that at a recetit mordcr trial the judge was so convinced of the accused and to certain that the jury would bring ia a verdict of gailty that at theconcfasion of hit charge he entered the verdict and secrence in his book and the date of execution but juries do not tl- wayt follow the bent of a judges charge nor do they always bring in the verdict they are expected to io this case to the surprise of the jodge andto tne surprise of eierjbody elee in the court room to say nothing of people outside the court room the verdict aetot guiity wherenpon thejudge had to draw bis pen throagh the sentence recorded while be rmnieitednpoo the folly of couuting chickens before they breakthrooghtheshellt hamilton lcrald euclarke m death h fell pp detd whlla addressing trie ontario legislature toeosto march 25jl h e clarke one of the members for toronto in the on tario legislature while addressing the house thia afternoons suddenly stopped pressed hi hand to hi aide and fell to the fioor dead several medical men present gathered roond bat life w extinct the awfal caddennec of hi death stunned the houaf and it immadiaufy adjourned until ifooday llr clarke wa one of toronto most prominent citizens and hit demise it greatly lamented henry edtyard clarke wat bora it three litter jut da surch moth 1w hit father having come to thia coantry frop fermanagh ireland he wa educated at three rivers and married in i wo anne daughter of llr thotrt kennedy of hoa- om mchjlo inthe house of com moat ymtecttty tntetctt wit first ccatend a the wetland uectjoa cue if r gi nnin the unseated member who ha ooino to ottawa and lkh hi nat s a ra rater mado a itavcmest which m keenly littea ed to in a general way his p xitiqt tentned to be that b wat legally the mcm bcri a thorn by exneeattdae of ontt oa by the supreme coirt jactgea in tbo fai t that hi name waa oa the division list aid by other thing and being such ho felt it hi duty to take tut oat however he i leclar- cd himself read to abide by the result and clowd with a remark quietly made that hit people woald increato his m tjority iftbey were gueo the opportanity toi eclare themtelve the discussion svs ooatinaed at tome length and finally refect xi to the committee of j privilege iad etchioa iosvkt stinmll the tittcenth annual report of the atpec tor of icnitcntiariea presented to th com mctnt yesterday show that there a 5g male convict in kingston penitentla y 150 at st vincent delaal 1cj at dorc tetter 71 at etoney xf oantain and 75 in the i british columbia institution then are a so 24 female xuitoneh at kingston the whole convict population of the coantry hi de creased by two daring the year whi o the death la prison were only sixteen lotii rrtvijr xo rtu senrutn icv hi excellency tho governocgeni gaining great nmatatipo a a maker of witty speeches after dinner both at the canadian press association dinner sad at the annual dinner of the pret gtll parliament last friday night he cd in a moat admirable way befi admiring newspaper men a a the former occasion it is said that country weeklies which used to bo what radical ia tone show a notii kindliness of regard now whea they of the occupant of ilidoaa hall who extend cd hi hospitality so generously to the visit- ihg newspaper men when they were here for the canadian press association meeting it it a vise governorgeneral who applies to the newspaper men what hamlet sayt of the player and their power of jiqtting before the world injavorable or ctniavoc- able light the dirnitarie of their time lord stanleys speech oa friday night was in an excellently eatertaining vein after saying many pleasant and kindly things of the press his excellency closed by thank ing the newspaper men for their uniform courtesy to him and thanking hi good fortune that in thd struggle for the latest newa he had with pne or two exception escaped the attention of the ubiquitous interviewer i i tke jrivflfl jiiiot case a petition to the house of commons praying for actioo pn tbe conduct of jodge elliot of london ju his3odicial capacity was presented mood by mr lister it i signed by co resident of the city of london add sets forth that judge huiot disregarded and refuted o obey the decision of the ontario appeal court with centric- uting editarials and correspondence to the london frtt prtu in reference to cases judicially before him and to have stated on the street in boastful language whatj his decision on disputes pending before him would be the petitioners say that jtdge elliots conduct shows him to be s violent partuan incapable of giving an unbiased judgment rnctintinok iohklwiux mr patrick uonaghan secretary of the royal commission on prohibition pa arrived to confer wib sir joseph hickion chairman of the commission regarding the j arrangement of the preliminary hiectiogt of the commission i he states that the commission will begin its enquiry about april 10th meanwhile the commission are awaiting the receipt if important doenmen tary evidence from the british and several european governments giving tutiiticsat to the cost of manufactnring liquor prison reports etc mr honaghan- expects that the scope of the enquiry will bo almost worldwide and will involve much travel ling i xotes ifcolt the loneidi mr thomas mcgreevya lawyers have been notified that the triatfor conspiracy before judge roes will be continged on april 18th 7 the senators met in their chamber at half past eight oclock monday night after their adjournment since thursday last they were in session only a quarter- of an hour cqmino awoooino viitof to rcl from acton various othtr pa roonalnototjj n bnlarglnd the new public school the builders agreement com- pteted the keating apparatus now under consideration tread he w a large trunk manufaetarer j in tordntowa for some years an alder- t man and also a director of the federal th will be required a bank he waselcted to the legislative io commeoong with the first of i assembly for toronto tp 1883 again at the election of 1880 and jajjain fo aswkr clarke was a man rightly held in high petwaal respect i j t the erection of tho proposed new school it certainly receiving que consideration by tho board of trustees frequent meeting and late hours appear to count for nothing in the anxiety of the members to secure the best possible arrangementt at most economi- cal terms the fourteenth meeting at whichtbe new building has been considered was held on monday evening- the con- summation of the agreement with the contractor the consideration of the best system to be adapted for heating and ventilating the building and the determin ing of the amount of finances i required comprised be badness of the evening the board met on monday evening as pet journment members present gw hynda chairman it wallace t h harding rev g b cook r holmes the minute of last wo meetings were read nd confirmed i the builders agreement for the erection and completion of tbe new school waa sub mitted and considered mr j mason prampton the contractor being in consul tation moved by geo b cooke seconded by t h harding that the chairman and secre tary be authorised to sign the articles of agreement for the building of nev school in behalf of he members of board carried messrs hilborp representing clare bros a- co of preston and sheridan for j f pease co of toronto were present and explained the merits etc of their individ oal heating apparatus and each pat ia tenders for their systems tbe matter was discussed at length by the board arid left over for decision at next meeting the request to the council for the neces sary finance for erection of the new school was debated moved by robert holmes seconded by robert wailoe that the jsccostary of the board be instructed to write the municipal coaneil requesting them to provide the sum of eire thousand five hundred dollar for the erection of the proxwexf new schooj fol- jane one thousand dollars per- month until paid carried board adjourned at ilty evening ilth april 1 i-um- to meet monday mr alex luby u illlt eotidued loth boas j jjl mr w j ktag of toronto u la uwa yesterday mr and mrs u r drown ot liutlufl visited actoa frlsadt this week j mrs thomas oowdy and mis md ot quslpli am vislunit fcitndt hen mrs wm rarauy ot olawrifut n v spent a few day this weetwitb frftadt here i mr u speight ot mtrkhtrc uu beta lb guest o mr 0 0 bptight during th weak mrtcdcmpteyindchudrea of toronto have been visiting actoa tltfidc he put week mr d mclehusa left t wsekfor glovertville ny where he has a good situation mr d d chrisuvand dacuzhter rrs guest at the home of d henderson mp last week j mr t c kelioo who had a torntwhst tarlout relapse a couple o weeks ago is rapidly regaining health m mr hill of mount pleasant mich and mis miaaie peonock of stoaffvlhej are visiting at tho home of mr john ajruew mr 0 blackett robinsoa publisher of tht rl and president of taroafaieoi- ploying printers association msd the face pku a plihr caj friday the friends here of mr david malooey of markdtle who has beta iii during he winter will be pleated to know that he i regaining his usual health a spring tp pcoaehes tworowed barley from the introduction of twarowed bar ley by the domfaioa government two or three ytart ago mr 0 hoodersoa mp ha interested himself first io securing seed tor dtttribatioa in this county and since fa obtaining all possible informaiioa rlaire to he merit of this particular specie of grain its value aa a product to the farmer and the prospects of its reeeptipa apoa he barley markets available t recently mr henderson i has been aking enquiries a to the t access of the sale of the barley ia england ia reply to which the following letter ni rooeivsd from the manager of the dominion etperi- mental farm central expekluektat faett i ccraanrtrr or takccrrcar i ortawt jirehlslt dunlin loruy continued illness sad ooasoqaent inability to overtake mv eorrespon- denee promptly most be my excuse for not repfvtnc mar prampdr to yoar lstur of to 90s la refereaee to the question of canadian tt-o-ror- sd barley in ecgtaod couearalac which ur p hcndenoa u v for ffaltoa desire some fafor atsuoa jl enclose for ur heuersoa a copy ot the report ot tht brewer pa tbe test mad with the tip butbsls of canadian tjcorowed barlsy sent oyer last rear ana i think this clearlr establish the fact that tworowed bcxter can be grown in canada ot a quality which will sauaf j the eof- hsh brewer before that barter was shiprod 1c was thoroughly clcanod and passed through al fahy uaeblne a sort of slser which separates tie thin poor kernels ftomthe plumper one thu brtcgtng the barley to a uniform ebaraeter the weight t about is to u ks to the bothet i haro seen sample of many lots of trcftnred birlty crowttn canada dorinic th past year wklch were better and heavier than this barley waa jrnere la however no doubt that taaeh of the cudian barley which has been seat to england ofust years crop has not broufihtbe price which was anticipated and that shippers have been disappointed in this rscpect but 1 find that la discussing this matter wteb th shipper they al admit that tba fault doe not lie ia the barley itself but arise from the bad mixing of duxersox grade ot barley la the lot which bar beea shipped there seems to have been no attempt made to msks the barley at all uniform is saisple or to grade it u any way but barley of dilterent weight and dhterent shads ot eolor faue good and some very inferior bare all beeii ed together for shipment anyone who knows anythlngabout the english barley market know tnat th english brewer would not to touch sneb mixture sad thst th only e they are likely to bare is for feed uoles it system can be devised for gradloe barley now done with wheat and there ic degrse os ity in tbe article wo cannot expsct that barleywillnudmuchfavorlaebglaudi lose shippers who haro been more earefol fn severing tho grain which hat been shipped report satisfactory returns phee co of uuntrealguys co of oibawt j it duodaj of wndsay and icckay t co of toronto all encaged this season in shipping barley to ug land scree in saying that where reasonable earo has been taken in selecting the barlsy that the tk0roed grown in canada has given them sadstfetory retarns la thbriuth msrkets ij shall be glad to gir ur henderson any further information in my power j yours very sincerely j w silkncwi jpax lowe esg deputy uinlster of agrlculturs the report referred to state that a severe test of the barley for malting purposes has givten a very satisfactory result wm m vr- rtm llswiinan 7j anl favorably aiwlubtaatojyatj atjsmamit tikwhi known fiha of j awn 0 b hyin 4 oo dry joodarntrohi oil art lo enlarnw thtfr already htautln utabuahmaet oa upper wyndhim ilrsel th reason for thia ii simply that roatly tht crm ht besn crowded for toot and eoald not ttliifao- orily ttors or n iblt their numtrooti lint of gooda lo their oojtomen oonsequbtly thty have itan i h wo flau la mm adjoining store dl telly abort f t browhi boot and tho ilors this tnlargtmtnt wjllglvt theflrra oa of the largest ttcra in wsttera onlo aos aoothtr fdrlhat impoitaat poiat direct from the tr ia a position tomats than hs premise will b qaelplt ifcrcsry i hy bay thtit goods j europeaa mtrktt and id do belter for their out- molorlty of boate th a htp this wett rlohard king if duhvill was crushed o dtath wltlilw rolliug tlooc thrse tout etch tt bctnfoti last weak wall ur sb hari laaettrettuttr ind u mayor of the c ly of toronto dftxt to stturdsy morula fa hit 73rd year pur papers -and- bonders are nevj the prices are pw etwy roll i and artistic fres4iand bright for the spring trade immense 3bection at- the drug store j v k4nnawik new jesttfbmshkent a p ymon will next week of m a new jewelry store la actoa ia th ba tdisg next to kooney bros boot and ehjie store with a fine new stock of watches jewelrjy locks eto etc of the best manufacture and latest style watchiapalring having had expen tnca in this branch of the business in oae pf the bete establish- eramosa sir john leslie an old and respected resident of thit township was called to hit reward last thursday he wa in his 3rd year ko resident of this section was more highly esteemed and hit demise will be severely felt the home of mr james leslie too of the above bat beea severely afflicted the ptxt few weeks dsring the present month two bright little boyt have died through diphtheria the sorrowing fsmily have general sympathy in their fate knatckbull the young lads are buy hunting eggs so s to have an easter feed whea it come easter comes two weeks from next ban- day rev mr caldwell preaches educational sermons ia tbscrewtons comers church next stbbtth evening the rev j w hitching preaches ia the bethel sppotatment at kustchball next sunday afternoon there will oe an examination held in tho no 9 schoolbouse oatriday april 1st ihif scholars are getting along fine and like their teacher very much mr mcgcegor has been teaching io this section for soma eight years which shows s pretty good record for a teacher it it hoped he may remain longer still at he is niuch thought of by both scholars and parents the patrons of industry of blobmtbary association no 531 elected heir officers on monday night as follows president jams liud vice president dsvld agncw secretary george gordon rreasurer jamergordoa trustee angus uetsvfsh v somerville andjffeary damper guide dsorgs wusoa sentinel daniel ifcklnnou hinsrva ifiss idrene ifclaaghlln demscerhias isabella j kitchhif soma lof the fsrmert in this vlcialty have commenced sugar making i several are doing quite a large busiaets this tpribg the rotds are in a bad state at present lota of mud villi bad wheeliag the ipttng birds are around tgtlu it maketthe farmers boys feel gtsd to liearj them warble and ting of be springtime thegovernmentjhteiklsfakfqgslitliurs- daysj for the remainder of tbe session a goyejrnmentdays j prises for goods s anteed correct a call i cord meat ia denver col i can assure satis factory work to every customer pd work will be guar- i ia y solicited k p arwon big sale tv dress and arriving gcoods new spring gcoods daily at- wm mclebd cos caorgtitown j we are openii gout hejips of new dress goodi new ililfinery new priuted saeeasas nice as silks new priu s new staples new sewed muslin embroideries new masijnb nev corsets new cloths for biiitii gs new gents furnishings not carpets new curtains new res dyraade cloth ing new boots a id shoes also we have determ ned to have a big sale of aress giods theprices of the said go ds were from 35c to 65c and they shall be sold all at 25c par yd- come early and secure first choice big bargains dont miss it i our millinery openii g- will he an nounced shortly dressmaking first class taironng nothing in canada to bjat n r wo haye a big choice stock irieee right and we are anxious ado business patronage respet tfally solicited thi mammoth aioboxfowif both the iaetriod and resulti when jrhrrupof via la uken h la pleasant and refreahlog to the taated acts r ntly yet promptly onithekldneya iver and bowels cleanses the sys torn effectually djspels colds head aohei and fevers andoures habitual constipation syrnp of figs ia the only remedy oflto kind ever pro- daced pleating the taste and ac ceptable tothestotnach ororapt in ils action anttruly boneudal in its effect prepared only from the most healthy anaagreeable subsuirices its mwywccllentqualltiescommendit to all and have made it tho most popular remedy known i ryrnp of fim is for sale in wet botuee by all leading druggists any reliable druggist who may hot it on hand will procure it ipromptly for any one wnd wishes to try it mannfactrlred only by ther caufornia fig syrup cl ax wamoiwoo oal f lornartxiast rrrrrtojucv it ij f t- t n lipp r 1- extensive establishment 1 v ia enlarging their business tb at it oonmodiotita might b oottuoim foroad tu toaxtandoaiuihmot i itort dlraetty aborp tba boot and bboa hon now oconpud try mr 1 tvbrowo aodhrill eomamoot anon ibim s one tti ilargaao will glv a as of th up ttote fn wmtern mk um tbfm mono tbi nlsrgtmant will glvl 3atarlo w will at onoe bar arobm oat bifrn oar manila boom and tin room lost soqoirtd and will drot- th latter wbn finished to0rpu bonw furnbibing oorttioi oartaln fold oil cloth linohjomt etc and w may add that we upeei to bav a parpl boom that tn pojilaf otwlpb will baprood of itcad with vry lar artmeat of carpw whioh itill b told si a lov a prtee a they oao b rtiroba for m motjtr or toronto w propose to iooraaat oar trad in oarpet w pst cent tbi yaw can avii wsthlnk wl w art tatiifled that we ate thowmgyoattabert valoeaocl th largaet taaortmetit in onaleb wrrsaosoilsa the fact that ibomwufid- carpet ttlbt pnarai day dalnajjd a large sjnied lo eoooa ftotor and tre have nieaearad oar fbport ibj ton ipeowly to meet tbi reooirtioent you wu do yourself an injdsilot if yoor ptroh yoor crpi oe curtain ibis epring wlthoot lookiog tbroagh oat immeom assortnitiit i i 3 ohenind t a f utile- rntcctt ftict iitmitcfvta- glii just opened an immerlse indoi slides plain tad decorated at price a notch lower itian yoa asaally pay for snob aaoda tbi make it is a new departtira forus but were bonnd tova fkffl licit- tt6cs jficft ctit-vu- wep3stespait 6th hpril f a 7 s this season we show a large and well assont- i r k i j i i ed stock of fine millinery at clofeej prices henderson mcrae c0 isnt this a common s0ns shoe kenney bros acton have bouaht iheeutire stock of a boot and shoe dealer away below regular prleea sad will sell oat their stock at wonderfully juqw jugureff kow la the time for oheaj shoes dent miss thia great opportunity money saved- is money made ws ate mirkiau down the prices of oar entire stock aad fa addition to this will give tvery customer j 0 per cent discount oo all cash purahjues oar stock ut very large and wa can suit you custom work and repairing it mual ie yon want a good trunk or valfso this is the place to get it kenney bros stocfcofi t go oaen tar a little ber i la th same department aptttunyon wflifiud car1et curtains ctjrta pole wt start the hemps at ten bent per yard and up to so oanla tnenourunloo obssesiixi j at oent bo brtterem bibadtootberttorot u 50 0 oetrt line l a beauty- it is what is known in the trade a tttperasjlbom f i all over th coantry at 6i oent extra tnptjr ai v 75 cent all wool carpet u high aa i 15 j no better taloe in- j 7 canada i ii m no previous year 0 have we shown such a range ol ltrtains i imagine a decent iaee curtain for fifty cent a pair if yoa want baiter w have then a high u mto about 0 fsurl 1 t per cent more ltforfms and art mnslinsyoa will sod oar stock very left of tbe 1lss line worth at leui tweoty j mm ii 111 complete all the late aetignt are here and price u down- fine nearly every day bringvo of new spring f dree goods i i r bfermyn spring medicine the great blood tonic js how recognized as the remedy for purifying the blood and as a spring medicine bead the following teitlmonlal from a realtient of the city of gttelph gaelph jannry 18m mrtwasmith4a r i pity- gnrtisidat i have need yoar blood tonic u a blood parifier sod also for chronic oonttipation and have foand it to o tk most otitfactory remedy i have ever used i recommend it to h my friend who are troubled with stomach and blood trouble at i hate milwlmil sm received great benefit from s ate loan traly jora surra arthur 8t- i prepared only by w caith co a 1 njsing chernibtsguelphointsr p gtielph iirovnri-r- r mediamuiuocncml- woqp engraving 1 0 king st east toronto for any class ofood engraving you dfjsirei i m 111 i l h 1 clpthhail ft i i scotcli teed smt largest and the parlor the dining iroom the pedrborris thehall the kitchen finest assortment we hayeeyersrovyn shaw ft grundy taisk ml lsltsssiteiai n is merohant tailora i t i may neqd l v new erniuri a l- tbii object may nave beea in yoar mind tor a monio otacand iiiwut tr ppetid a little una loosing or komtuiltir ihatjwill plaassi yoa 7avjaio or ive yon j ueaof bow mochoari behad for a rsoauvajy atmbba nl afely promise to spyooi- 7 tt vndbptail6 in l it brmncilv m te- tl m m m ii- mi arti

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