Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 7, 1892, p. 3

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i t the methodist church 1 aoton rivjosiph edoe fticetowravtb ptalor pslllc srie 10 a am sndes3ptn sunday ichoolt biblecletseoodaetedbyth pastor allrarllcll- tnvf4 steamers afci vitltoc always netcom it- oltv ctbtrt tttbeoor bank of rgd omcx cirtttt pun rr ncuvkfckd tlrmitm i hamilton hamilton ticttoao s 8tkvkk akt cualet oirkctokiior stiwikt president a 3 euvttr n 1l jawv rioerot ctlia anuctt tiro rons a t woon a lcxtr cjeoroetowh adency sveaiieocotd tnd advance made on til satltm muritie lrtrr on allium of ctk- tntto tviirn bttrtt qtrit lltutirx and lhe covtimikt or kctora bought and told cournovt ume on all eci 1 iduta on tnott tavtcmw tcrtua savings pspaktuekt derotirtrtoclerdortland upwards and in tern allowed trvai date of depot lo dtta of itfc2rswal ktkc1al deposits alta rrvirtj tt current rate of lutcrvtt no crticf of iu1rtrl rqulmi j u hoy agent house cleaning you want somciwall paper p for the parlor bedroom kit chen hall or ceiling we can suit you our prices are right window shades and fringes and- bordered linen and paper curtain poles a curtain fixtures we fctlall be delighted to have you call even if you do not buy if we cannot please yeu nobody can fcru of tlip lllfc watch hftdnttirtfni for wucu jcfi sutiotur well lhni window khiiet ac geo htnd s acton nt lie cton jfrtt fiwss thursday april 7 16s2 little local brieflets which caught the ey or ears of free press reporters this week p the news at home last liidy evening braina vcitli jieir remit wt about mttch thercoee bej voitv 1 mostty of a loiil ch mctr and every itsri interettlni anaihtr ciecfccr 1ft the lipeh ouo i rtught players ctme op lu full force to try their acton friends tlis the tame u the last ing si follows le-ros- won ln won liuuiour laiilxrt 1 j krtia tny 1 1 klckell uttttie c slitrf lsn 1 1 wueolcr c1 si 1 1- 10 1oldorln kolnio 3 t lloore snyder 1 33 llrsont lton i i utrvln m itxltan forte breeders tha flrct annual silo of the halton hotrebresdcra btfe attociationvtta held milton itit thursday ud itti sdeddvd tnoccfi there wis s itro iiumbct of buyers prestnt ahionj tho itrueit pur- cbitk were ifmsrt ittlcton grind colloa tnd htnd toroulo millmtb wooditoclt heniirie htmilton snd loicei bcfmptod there wtsin sll about 110 hsrtet offered of hich forty vcere told- smoiig nhidi vwns tome very superior snimsit the prioursoced from 75 to i 250 the ttle tt conducted in rood style sod rttlcts credit ou the istoils- tiod ho intend te hold another tale of which doe notico rill be cived dtrxrd daeb fiforldnslcicciftnl further psrlicokra ccnccrolng the di- tretsinr accident byl which edward dyoct met with teriom inriry last week st georfte towu cive the folloiiiic dttsile it ecmi ihtt t siinsl to fellow workimu was mituedcrttcod tnd by hit action a stick of timber wat thrown t he wrong way and dynes wa knocked off tha bridge and fell t dil- around the ioe is nearly sll oj thepondt here the macicipslsisecsortioabitroqndt clin j cooucdrum socialt are thelatetlinno tatioa the frcut ii almost sll oat of the pxound kt lave md litre dnnnj the wk for ten cratg ucease intpector drothert was in town en uooday w p campbell it building a new dwelling iu cooks snney auday waas besunfal tprinphte day and everybody sppesred to enjoy it t dundai sar hat been pcrchated by mr c lynch stsunton of hsmilton the botrd of health and the public school botrd meet next monday evening actoo comet band will five a concert on frvity electing l ilel 1arneolart later the cellar ii being excavated for a new lioqte on johu matthews progeny on mill street mr william carroll ia carry very sore htnd poibcsed tacoeriet last wk j a ccod niiny cilizeni are wondering why the 6 am bell has not been run since 1st april as utaal a few trout have been illegally caufibt dcanj uie week better takes reit boys for a couple of weeks yet mrs ears lord bailey the eminent bortoo ebcutioniit in the methodiet church oo the isth intt the open westher of the past week bat pretty e2iaaly checked mtpu tatr vjf for toe present tetsoa pottccascer ustthewa last keek told t tat family carnsfe borte to mr t hil- fisrt of totooto foe t good figure the houses tnd lou on bower avenue belonging to acton building association are to be offered for tele by suction at the meeting of the esjoesing council on monday g h kennedy reeve of georgetown was elected township clert hofihie morriton the wehknown conductor on tbe gtrdied last week from poecmonia he wis well known by many of our citizens the april ahowert have given the trass and fail wheat a verdure peculiarly welcome to the eye titer iu absence dar ing the lone winter months the high wind on tuesday sfternoyn wis hard oo the windows a large ptne ttuce o 50 or 10 febt when picked up it wan fouud ihtt his face tod body were badly bruited and i ankle and a wrist bone broken to that they protruded through the luili and tain ilin injnrits received some tttenuon and he cut brought to bit hocne here on saturday and medical aid called in lie ia buffering a good deal and it will be t long time before lio is able to be about again the millinery opalnes yesterday was finite eventful with the ladies of acton andi virinily iuatmuch at the spring millinery openings commanded their attcnliou at ilendereon mciue cot there it uuiujtl t large tnd betoti- ful display of the latest and sweetest uioat in bonnets snd hatt flowers and ribbons in hatt there are the large and email again iu great variety aha in bonnets tome very prelty effects arc exhibited upon enter ing the tastefully derated show roomt of u b ijermyn one with llhe betltv is particalarly struck of the arrangement there it t tptendtd ditplay of trimmed bonnett and halt in great vtriety of shape and color so many dainty little i bits of bcadear lo suit all lorts of heads tad faces thenowera are simply magnificent they have alto a good display of mourning hats and tonnelt bctli establishments wet thronged until a late hoar last evening witti admiring aud tntical customers the holon ikitxisrioaftt the visit of ssra lord iwiley the boiton klcxutjcni on the ltli april it lcoktd firwsid lo kith puurlble anlici pilic the lpwtth ijetue is doing a ctcerom thing ia providing this treat the following tiroa notteet beak volumes for her ability and the reception scoordod her in olhtr catiadiiu placet vifiled stra ird bailty is undoubtedly the finest efoculiunist audrcjier that hss jet been orillit tin mrs decided hit with heatd in orill sara lord bailey reade one ol ibe i her recitations mrs baileys elocutiooary 1 eflurtt were a reelttionand she proved herself the atbletg ielocutoniht uho haa visited canada fince the days of mrs scctt siddous toronto avrt best ever held intown t what the oddfellort claim of their ooacert oo new years night sart lofi btiley the botton llocutioniet teemed to catch the tympttby of the audience the moment the stepped on the stage she tsj certainly one of the contineute ledini jeloculionibts snd the audience on fndsyi teemed to appreciate the literary treat theloof provided georgetown fjcraldl an expcugtrc sprite last friday afterpoon tbnctt gordon of speytide came to town imbibed pretty freely of strong etnax tod then ctme tot condution ihtt it trpald be fun to clear but the town he cctrimenaed tbout seven oclock at stalls batcher shop and did hit best to pick fqutrrel with henry stall to whom he was very abusive in ejecting hint from tbefbop pc tore off one of tbe the country around rtewctarrt8upruod by corrsjt- oondantt nd ekchmeet ballfnafad i mrs john paisley orgttiut of the bun dty school mli benuet of the jhurch tad ur irt vtnttter choir ictdet ofj methodist church left for the north vtt lttt trcek erin mesert geargo ltne tnd robc ctmp bell erin who htvs been tpeadlng the winter with friends here htve returned to ctliforait dlphtherw has broken out on the fifth line kriu the two otitis atheuhurtt tre down with it but we tre pleated to know that under thactre of dr ittrlln thej ire improving nelson 1 the houseof johu v oollugconoessioa 3 lot 4 kelson towntlilp wtt burned djowa on saturday noon whitel mr colling iu hamilton at the market kothlnfi of value wiaitved frotn the home it burned very rapidly the lire started in the upper part oc the building tnt to quickly did it do i work that t tittle girl who tried to save her tuoec had t harrow etctpo from the roof falling iu on her j fortunately the wind was blowing iwty from the barn tnd the outbuildings were all saved the house which was to old- brick building wts insured for 1000 but the furniture was uninsured the lots it estimated tt tboat 12300 knatchbull farmers in this vicinity have started ploughing and prcptricg for sowiug ttieir spring grain some of tho fsrmerc btve got their grtts teed sown on the fall wheat tlrttdy mr john brown of orewiopt corners is preparing to build t new hoate on his property tear the rsilwty trtok lliere mr flmer lee mutlo tetcher bit m- mqnccd with t large class of pupils though kactagaweya mr thos ltglo ia moving rom crcwtona corners to toronto thia wei k thectotditn qotdrille btnd hive ptne out in full force thn last few dsyseud nightt wild ducks have beet aceu tlying korth in large nombera lately it wta reported last week tint the rev j w hitching vat to preach in the methodist church htnatchbull last suodty thia wtt t mistske mr hitching tnd the rev edwin flagg will cichtnge pc ipitt next sabbtth this will bring mr hitch ing to knatchball sunday afternoon oakville dodra consttble ft anas of one or two tnd lodged him in i next mpruiug be rtham with the tstitt tpectatorttrrested him he cells at ten oclock was brought before was blown out tt tbe town hall aid an other tt hardings grocery messrs robt hyde secondljne c swackbammer third line had their barns unroofed by tbe wind on tuesday tndhe gable end of one of peter manns was blown in j d brockelbank arthur has sold out his hardware business and purchased the arthur rnv it is feared there will be danger of bltckemilhing in that office katie tbe little two year old girl it ch home of licouncillor anderson was olowa from the porch to the ground on tuesday tfternoon and had a bevere gash cot in her forehead mr feaaectrtmerbte been appointed ppitmtster at milton to fill tbe vacancy cauted by tbe death of john lyon and chas g murrty at liueting in place of the late col murray mr r denny ol kiiacaiug htt pur chased mr vim armstrongs 100 acre farm being lot 15 ftnl con east toronto j p the price paid was f 3000 there it t ocd barn on the premises and aftirboute iirmpton tinintr xke necessity for better school ac commodation will be underttoodwben it is knovm jhat the fourth department which ia held in the small room at the town hall has 103 pcpils enrolled there is a daily tttendsneeof between 70 and ho the last tct in an tsstult case iu which stalled mckeuzie of esijuesiue tnd james smith acton had t fracas wts enacted here list fridsy the esse was settied out of coert tad it is reported thtt tbe affair cost uckenzia something like v23 an eigio farmer tied up a bag of clover sted in his barn latt fall so that the mioocoold not get it it wheo he took down the btg a few dtys tgo be found the clover teed bad tamed to cuts some one bed stolen the clover tnd filled the btg ap wth otts yoa esn get s good round cash ait- oboat oo tfor boot shoe tt kennejr bros aotoc thect uncil complies the sohool with th lrjuej- board ehdorstntiih 8800 the semi clptl cotmcli the moat granting of i ho funds nef the coanf lowry in thej htrtejf tnd the mluutjt tad wnftrmii tha commiajm tixth report two toeoanttj kobcrt wll icouert bro mlhly msetink of he hani- wns heldujadty oveniuff mpotlont business wts the io rcnaeat of tho crusteet of cssary to boildkho naw echool it met at eight pm reeve chtir tnd coaaclllort petrton pcoord present of list meetw wera read frtlm lidi uu busitesa 4k justices storey apd allan charged with using blasphemous and obscene language on the public streets tnd tleo with assault and malicious destruction of property- by this time be was sober enough to realize his position snd upon being arraigned pleaded guilty to both charges he cm fined 10 and coeb in the first tnd 20 tnd costs in the cesonc charge which with tbe damages to property nude an aggregate of 12 go he wtt intbleto pty tnd was returned to the cells where he remained until some time io the tfternoon when t quartette of bit friends footed the bill tnd be wts liberated such scenes as thtt of fridty night tre ctrely witnessed in actoo tnd no doubt the result will htvetesiattry effect upon hoodlums of gofdona stamp one ofcapldhptaaki a sensation of more than ordinary in terest was entcted in acton ltst week it seems thtt mist edith tbe youngest daughter of our esteemed fellowciticen w h storey eso hd formed tn acquaint ance with dri payne of richland iowt which as the niocths advanced bad ripened into affection- which pointed to t matri monial alliance mr storey has always been remarked foe the love he bore toward hie children and desire to sew them com fortably settled id life bat when approach ed for hit permission to tbia anion be felt that he could not sanction t marriage which would necessitate tbe removal of his daughter to many hundreds of miles tway the joulg people then determined to take the miltei into their own hands tnd last weduetday morning miss storey surreptitiously let borne wss met by dr payne at toronto from which point they proceeded at onie to chicago tod wte there mtrried the ptin caused the pirentt here maybe ijnagined edith wta the last daughter at home tnd her tuddea departure wat moet keenly felt dr payne is tomewljitt well known iu acton tnd during ilia veils here mtde t number of friends he lias a good practice in bit americin liomej snd hit prospects are bright it iabojed tho young people will never hsvo to taken egret the rash step idtt the east pier in the harbor it to be re paired at once j there wts quito a breezy time at lttt teuton of tho council over tin doting of sneddon street i mtyqc andrew has moted into the hoate he recently purchased bandmatter farmer has removed to parkdtte the dotty ferry boats are now getting repainted tud refitted they present t lively scene in the btrbor trafalgar councila next meeting wtll be on the 2ud may on sabbath ltet educational sermons were preached in tho methodist cuarch by rev w j smith ba junior pastor of the metropolian church toronto he u a j oung man of rare ability and promise the subscriptions and collections wtro in advance of latt years i it in just tit years sgo tince the light house tnd wharf were washed tway by the great storm of april ith lsfl a number of young people enjoyed ihem- selves at the grapery the resideuce of mr tnd mrs t htgtman latt friday eve mr and mrs e mcore of hamilton are guettt at the grapery mrs cw andersen returuediast week from a two weeks visit with her daughter in palmer- etonmist jesie alexander wts the guest of miss agnes forster during her stsy in town tbe concert given iu the town hall on tbe evening of march 23rd under the management of tbe knight templars wta a grand success shtrd tt eight oclock mr as forster of the ofar in thetbtence of mtyor andrew tppetredon tbe plit- fttrm tnd tfter miking a few tppropritte remtrk mlled upon tho royal templar orchestrt of htmilton to render the first piece on the progrtmme the ttr of tbe evening wts mis jessie alexander tbe wellknowni tnd farfamed elocaliouist- her selections were given in bar nsutl oontcienhona style mist pittertoo also delighted tbe audience with her vocal selections while mr walter robinson of hamilton seemed to carry hi listeners twsy with his aweet power of tong and his well rendered flute toloa tho concert throughout wta performed in such t way as to deserve no criticism or suggestion of improvement snd the managers especially our young editor deserve great credit in the care of selecting such taleut and in tbe efforts pat forth to make it all thtt could be desired at the lttt meeting of tho epworth league a change was made in the bylaw which were adopted last september many of the young people- made the com plaint that the meeting were too much of a literary nature and not devotional enough in order that a shadow of eomplaiut or ex cuse might not be found to keep any of the young people away it wts resolved that all the meetings hereafter should be devotional business meeting to be calfed when desirable on thursday evening rev mr aloe of carlyte it to deliver hi lecture on coartshiptnd marriage under tbe auspices of the league i on friday evening the members bf tbe rt of t coaocil intend having sin ice cream tapper hitters pertaining to to council interests seem to be improving there is room for improvement tad iw ire confident that such improvement dan be mtinttined tud the order becomea power- ful instrument for good in our town a misanprebeatob fat arisen a to tbe recent tmendment io the tot fixing the limit foe the close tetsoa for speckled trout the amendment of the present tension of the legislature arranges the close season from sept lsb to mirth hlit bat the tct will not cocie uto effect until the dose of the preseat lettioa the face fucsa tnnaaoceraeut lttt week of the sdoptioi of the cub la advtace tytktn ht been well reoajved by tubtoribera a number baveipokeakiudly of the decision while ojhert hare edme m tud paid up their ibcrplion tatiog thtt they iuteodkeeping them tlwty paid iu advance hereafter the jones family a most talented juvenile company wtlllippear a ttetown tbo report a letter actoft pabticl to provide the of the neve a petition g bcooko it b cook arrtagemeattj the town htll m 220 tad preiented mr tnd took hit the sunautjy compart tivcjf tho reeve stand how bcll rung agalntt sunday mr peartojn ringing nuitanoe ever tho matted like tho pit resolution moved byi ale seoord for the rtngiujf bo left oven made regarding the requi ad ran cad a moved by secord tliat school boarr granted apd w a kol4 preparing a council mr ueorgo board of tr roemctting hall for the building of moved by atcx secord giten thetruj carried capt khal conncil for intended to ttroet to i the reev promise bein the matter progress but the street in litigation trouble over guarded in th the was the matter i tho council capt sbal promise it say yon did tho reeve or col promise drill shed upon the basi our letters t mention waa edit a part capt shuli to farther the coundl and end desired s that n matter the tubjecji council any action nltl v tt adopted the board of trustees of sohool requesting the council tarn of if 00 far he ereotioa school building u read fearing the narjies of therevt i w rae w q charlton joseph edgs prtyfng that bell at the hours of 1020 20 pm ew saaday wta bcardnjiore came in t nine oclock beli petitjot cqllod forth little comment tald he could not under- 1 heso mldutcr want the tt the tamo time protett uhor i thought the sunday bell had beer a periodical ttuco we got tl a bell wts shelved for the present io petillon bj tho following b1 pcanoni seconded by khat the matbir of providing f o the town hcjl on sundays 1 until arrijitnent can bo the eme arrfod of the 8ehol board was when it wik ii pearson sconcfod by a the common catton of the bo received and the request farther that i ho service of be obtained with a view to lytawfor tabcilssion to the cafricd hjnds cbi irman of tho ituxi address 3d the council use of a roc m in the town hird department during the new school jobii harvey seconded by that the bso if town hall bo stoe of tho p iblic school thb the ilfil t thet 2 waa present and applied to itformationj as to when they their promise to open ap park from m ijp itreet am not awi re of any such made cot dtter spoke of time negotiation were in us the property throogb which u of would hjtve to pas wts id advised us not to get into it we were particularly matter and made no promise short pttsaga at arm over which seven d member of capt shul x took part tr col otter say you did tal kerns say you did anef i itpokei ajndt tue town its t frietdt d over sundayl mrs j tj friends in mr john have taken 1 rev g 1 guest at the mr and were guests week mr it d ihrau favoi yesterday mr t po of bia sister week mitt an visiting hit return mr w weather for able to be 1 mr arthl c schoo coarse in mi x conference and favored call mr ill since to be able her mother p- mr and stratford yt lyman fatherly for he haa fact ii jou wani boots tt shoe cheaper tbto ever you bought them call tt keouey bros actou if you want jsrstcltttguelpbtatb and door at gtfelpbj prices t eisiac oao fill yooc order sis bis planing mill hall neat wedoesday gramme will coatlst at vogal and inttru meutal solo daeu trios qusitelle hamoroas recital fnoy clab bmlnkiiw etcteto thayaw wsiil ipolieu ofjby tha pretf they app ta koioa h aad gave akood eulerlilameat evening ti e pro- ifafrog feet deep lo get to lb each day night one paidcq the rect tatwef eiegttrt pti gold settings second fton tt correct 1 pitying ti tatwer tbe next some pttlot avd i sn4i coueect 1x1 person ti three cent the finest continent introduce wttuy cliofol t hh i on finance preiinleti tiieir rccommcndlnj payment cf wood do 100 be made tor the riogiag of afactonjn bu4l thsswltnl ejjsii ilerol tha printing exteuted it lbs fi pttst office hi welt- known and j kind tx irsssions are always ourrtnl respecting it liut a word ttwut printing it it unlvirttlly tdnillicdi by good sound business a tu thtt printed alt- tionery is n4 small otor in dolermiolng tha luocctt or failure if 1 baimew ollec- imet t baiiaett rati is judged by the stationery he uses for instance if morchtnt sends out ti t artistically printed circular billhaitf or i iter hoaj the pertonj into wltota hands i truy fail it tt oaoe tlirtoted by its aettaist orelejtaot aud ft not mriikely to rjtcultto that rata no tloacli ill venture khttmta lust good welltstorted stock ar soma such remark he it at cues interested iu thtt raerohtat tud who thill tiv how fir hat interest may not extend- good stationery and fine prfnliug are an exoillent advertisement now the fliw tiiktfjc tlwayi mikes it a point o lurti just tuclt altrtttlie ucfatiag oar basinets men treicaovatsed by city f establishments bat do they get u good woik or tt torrcoc st is obtained it bet borne printing office f in ftct city printing getiertlly it doue quickly tnd with lew oare than we 0i4oy city bflicet tre too tptly of opinion thtt tnything will do for a country jobj inipectoar work i give at your order tad we will not fill lo convince yoa thtt we eta do better tor you thta toy outside ofhooj wstakelsnttftt in your work that other will nejf i am just as positive a you otter could be tliat mtde no such content for removal of the given by lie government s of what wni contained in ing for the change but no nade of toy t rect to be open the contideration c i waa acting in tbe matter interest of aetoa tnd of the did all i ootid to tecure the nd i have tinee been turprited lia been taken iu the of opening tho street wa further discussed but tbo adjotimed at u5 withoat taking mm fhi fit is the tliu r of mr w s hualley of cortland n y a well known car pcnler and builder her frank ttatft- ment beloiajr gives only the absolute truth concerplng her illness and mar velous recovery by the aid of hoods safsaittrillal she says c f ilboti co ttclt mx4 ikur bird twelve yciri n 1 1tfjrii lo liave iieiiiorrbflpim pml four yean ao bvcjum to low lliat tin pliyaldau toidiu thero was mo hope md i itliaulillwkm il i vauul not io moti from iujr li liiufcc my face rcro tupkns cniiilnually rnlleiicil lih mood from my iioili 1 cnttl cat uatklac mid hiat no acutm of tliehwwcli fori rtck tucdoctors cnm tlifl cjm nn iilcitvlii fliafpifiiacu at tlitv tlm rip liiodict kilfiitlia wttiilel ta mtka tid more tiisl tunl hket it i wtmm tak hoods samjurllu i vm tier it would bs a waste of money bat kljiiiliifi itjwoulal tfofafcirt her r lica tifc- ingtc in few dny llio bluallug hipm 9 sulislafe i swtiwil to ftxl ft htilo strotiper ttat tliouglit it ouy fuut- i wai so weak i could only uko tft rirdjn of sarsjttrtlla at ort in two wofkj i wat ablo to sit i a few mn- utes every tiny tu ttintitli i eoatcfi trutk acrm lio rtmca onfl tlay i uknl wlut tlicy were t tinvc for jumor nml ulill vraiilm kirntliliif licjtity my nqfuce vu ioullhiyjiiejfcrlcrt it win lid first te me i had felt hun- gryfor two years i kept on wllii hoods sirwpafllla mid tn niuniin wa i woll iu cvr jn my lifj it it low four year xluco i reflovorcj nnil i lave liotliliioifllckiirssliicmiorniiylipiimr- thizc if ercr a immati iking llixukwt iij prxkl ford oa boiiilcl knees tt wkj i know tltit hood kanaitirlllt mid tliat slatic uiiquuoaalfiy hcrcd mr hfe uctirt sivftr fc ctutiak llio n fawn tf rasitt ac cdrtttni uy hut mitt ttaauey l kutktttxtfktctliatl betiutetaiatoc vlixc hoods sarsparilia eu xm vajl her u xarttty the hifhett txtnut cocf pqqdf pli lit uw ilu the value of avers 8arsairllla a a wdotl medicine l rewignijidhn tlft fact hit 4imidtedg of ao bloodtiuriflew areconstebtltjieaiidfffa lie market thatthese iireparationarfsdt mgbodits ayebs la wellknoira to he rofeaslon ayeft is now and alwayn j been the stipritir medicine for cure of all dlases originating in impure blood 1h reeordof ionder- ful cures during pagbjo jkars is mmm efnaraiitei tnatit blnnn c others and huuu will cure yk tile fas leatluur phyil- ett nsln hit city pro- lerlbo ayeri swa- parllla xlfavotold superior it for elghteon yean and hare tbe lilghelt regard tor iu bealinj qualities a- u almond m d dttgsiit liberty vs ayeri renedletla out part of he state enjoy ant enrltble repatatlon tnd although r am not in trie of recoiqinendlns preprieury medicines for indiscriminate yet leantot hesitate to look favorably on sueh rellaule standi preparttlani u ayeri btrtaparlua and ayeri rillitt6ee treji really iuprlorpreparaoai0 a stlmpion m dp m ihajisob ft 1 t my litter was tibicted with a severe ease of icrodila oiur doctor recommenaed ayert narsaptrllla u being uig belt bloodpurher within his experience we save her tills medicine tnd a complete cure was fie result wra 0 jenklos dewnse keb i rectlnjraend ayeri sartapafilla o ray castonieri in pecfereace o any other flint- dielr praoucerc h lxreil druiisfat km uaui at- lioiltsat tcxju hmedi icine clm ire using it in llielr prutl ayers sarsaparilla treptted bf dr j 0 ayer 0o lowjll haii has cured others will cure you millinery c dress goods qfjening on ednlesdayx a prili and following day a 6th a bg showing of millinery a grand display serer before hive wo mtde lack of dress goods irnhgementa foe a big action coming anocoing visitors tct and from acton arid varloutjother personal note wta home hendertob esq irsonal ui p ellis of st list week jtcobe visited lones aud family of milton their residence iu acton i stlton of brussels wis a ietbodiit ptrtontge lttt week i ii adtjnt of hmover f hev tnd it rt kdge tliii wfrren editor georgetown i ed the fbue patsu with t call rell ol guelpi wat he guest mrs t e m seoord this who has been for same weeks been under tbe he is now william in erin home utemitreet has a week ortfo rbund tgain ir lting hit returned from toronto wbjere he put iu a litary instruction holnjes president of guelph vitited friends here on monday the fece pct with a pleaitnt titlliairy tndets we have this season box agon box of ftnefreach ffowert and sticks 0c the onettitces oar ribbon gtrautst it taxed to it tftmott capacity and our miliinert enow tbe late ideas tnd etc arrange them o suit lover pf fine headgear tt must not be foigottea that our priom are u low at detitjgoodicanbeiolifor r dress goods bedford cords tweed effect snd caepons hsvi the run this year and ifawnt and mid greys are undoubtedly tb correct made it tt worth yooc srhile io inspect aaf stock inthe above lines ko boase in thi edantry can do better sud few eta doris well far yoa lathe mttterjof ttjia we keep well up witli tiie timet and our price sre down o the lowest notch we are thawing tome ibvetydetign ia french wool delalnwand 8ajeeo our ifocfc of hot wetfbir goods it very complete dont forget about our cstjpets curtains and wiodqw shade ertra value in this depsttmeul tlbjermynt tbuclies here and there the buslncct for the spring tenon if now under fall swing our millinery open- ing wts t aiand tuccest wo tre ttartedj oat for a big live pushing tpring trade do we expect t busy teatonv we do not expect it we tre hiving it tad we tre going to continue right through the chtpter we havent imported these immense pile of novelties at naphutrd oar purpose tnd intentiou tro clear and well tfenaed the goods arc to be distributed quickly all the power of our well regulated and disciplinedlbusineit will bo foedssed on this one point the distrfbotion ofj the rtock our whole mind on bar business and ours onlyj this treeus r tin ning everything to thb bet advtnttge competitors trowelcorho to our idea and methods jwoll never ttcal theirs ess james moore who his been very cbejistrats wtt so far recovered aa other day to drive down to tie i mrs john walker returned to tterdty morning mr lathee l them hit familiar will bemusedfroca our ttreetaj ifcen here over crty year c a prlra purzla fa at the bottom of a well ten hpw many days will it take him itop if ho climbs up one foot ad tilde back six jnches each haidred dolltr ia ctsh will be jperton whoieiidijthe firtt cor to the above prize puzzle tn of diamond i arring in solid given j to i ha one tending ooraect answer a complete educa- hufloets oollega tiven for foutttt cr animpirfod ifutio box places given for fifth- correct ilk drets pa tern for etch of ve correct answer a htnd- ltmp to each of the next tan goui varcc roa the nisr rta tain ricit fabvixcs every erjng matt enclote four three tempt for two simple copies of lillattraxed publicatfoa on his we give thmejprite simply to addre fmki piecorial rt toronto ctd clover tad t mtiiitymy imotby seed it aalou fitia mhittiamtnit boifidebs iadlbsor gtatbmeq corafortabit j applril i ratifaaxi m parts omcx foe sallortp rbnt the tine brick bouts tnd bt teres tdtuilnf reeautryeecunied by winqrlps ganlsii erft for sale or to rent it is s verydasfrabj property sod wtll be sold ot redtsd tt t rstson anlo price apply to hki david williah8pjv aveltekgt ooelph i 1 ixrailfc wanted havp pojrciatod brnlclulnswajieioiiae i am prepartd to paj- the thjnatt etan pile- oralltdnclaca grain- jj actoq an j ish mil r pax b coast agents wanted- ii roa want to make anraeri tssa bold sad- sell our choice xonery steele xow is tuns writs at at once for tcrma the lar bboiuebfikailwrtmen kochttttt x yalnale propertjvm acton f sal the unaertfened oifers for tale uistebciee property suusted opposite tbe town ball fa be vuuge ot aeton being lots ijissel is on t ids o willow street there itlon thtpretmst eomforuble roaah etst- dwslltnt and st david mizoxet eomforuble roaah east- dwslll address david ma started ont fine stone bwellingiorsale the aadenumetl attn for tile the fine doable itoau bouse on mill rtreevarioii ne4rib gtk m boose u txmipentttelr 99 eecb ttaprtmeat h4 ttxtoom good oeltuvcifieni vad rery oomforttiutu ibawl tfism iou laluble for gfttdeaftg parpoece th propftty- wtlllx ioll oa eur terms or pertteuen spplj urr h cnvibsir qe or on tbe premises ta 1 umes h ckawsh1w tctonifarii6 valuable pjiperty- jor sale i adcsh fsrm oalot it con it in tbe ton- ibip oflei text with lo dwelling tiilfi umbervd with beeb meple bemlock ptud cedsr rode vad soft elxa alia ttone tnttqi cut ivtillnfoli noma sflti two celhui frsmettebte vlthteo loie of lend on g adpti iurii ud qneen streets fn the tilltce of actan- t i terms hslf cesb or ekbenge for other pro perty r applj t3- ilaikqjutajn pnt foksale good buhidiha prqpeett uk aoton r lotstlalsfabioei13 in um vulajt tt acton good title tbemlst an -alto- tedurtbe centre oftfaevilhuw and qnitselossc to the two isrga tannarvt and it the only arah- tueuicktot lots ttc tbe centre ot thevulasa a grind site lor tenement hpuse wsieasn creatlr nseded win be told en moe or aepar- tts osert iavited the block wul ba told st abargsin aubs mivoasvt acton aiirfl 6th isstl i notice the matter of the ooardiaiiahip of dtana kennedy i apptramox wul be mads to tbe nmrrotstt conxtof una cotatrof httttoo before to tt the coarl hoot la tk nrptrttjoo bueatioti htweot igt of an anal of said odste in cbambert town of atllton after tbe enrpiiatioo ot twenty dart from the km publication hereof cm betuui oliaabeut ktnimiy ot tha vlllagt of aeton in tha county of halton afi infant diana bteonodyfor an the said isabella kennedy gnaftltsw bf tald infant diana kennedy s graattebild ot jotnl sennedy decssstd dated at aetoa this sen da raf ksieh a d n isabella kessedlv by amowat her fciuvjttor we have just passed into stock a job lot of 5 worth of reaymade clothing fe drygoods which we bought it 65c on the i in ment yoatht bbyt tnd children suftsaftdorjdpantsstlcklrifi shirting tweeds towels towelling cotton cottonadoa shifts 8ocka suapanders hat sand caps dress goods a theme whose praise we can never sound too mnchj such a stock of drets good at we thaw certainly shakes the fsjlltcy of those who did not eibect one of tho finest display which the trade produces tha fear ofe having ovi r bought it irretisttble to thtjl cataalobse rver dear me yoa dont fcnowf what tn oltlet we hive for nice goodl our countt r trade it growing each season and oar dressmaking department thowc order by 1 10 scorefroni town and cttii of ontario tor many miles around bet idi order fron i manitoba the northwest thi at fir west te the cities pf british columbti genaina mint and honest effort are show ing us- the r reward right here kothim succeeds ike success is tree no doubt 11 part but i sting success is only built 01 true merit this is the chance of yoar life foe bargains ta we sre- determined to undersell tnyof the guelph or toronto houses bat remember yoa mast pay the cub if you cant pay the cash we dont want your j cittom this matt be done in ordar to compete with other csth houses t is tre eit is mill nerypm lite hnof always a led ot rosea there ire tare tj l bo distppt inpments uo matter how well you try what pleistnttettare therefore the record of our bookt in this department for the pas seven yeaja tfford butinea bounding i head without a hitch eacl season tnd each year shows a oontinuousl larger iucr ase inbusiaess over the former business b gger every year why becitus popnlttion tributary to gnelph it larger no ttttitt c sbow the contrary bat bef cause the publlo are learning more anl more that lie millinery wn tarn oat ii thf most tttit tctory thejmost beautiful hi best in eve ry respect that can be obtained here tgaic genuine merit hi brought ta reward j 1 mens alt wool suits worth j pants worth white land crey cottons worth hundreds of baits to select fro kelly hi mowror i 1 iflarcalns tendebsj- fnpiknsuppiibs scaled tekdflks tddressed to ths tnidw- sigshd and endorsed tsnasrs far iodisa sanpiiett will be noeired st tbi ofllo ap to ncoutlltiatubday hth mty lmltor to daurerrmit indian sappues darinartbeejesl year tndtnff 30th juaelttd dntyptld a various patijn hanitou and thsnonh- west tetri- fonts cf tender conuintajl fall psnfcalani relstivb tothe sappfles r datet of tis- livery etc may be bad by applying to to oneer sigasdor to tbetndisn oomnalarioneraj betes or to lb itidlaa osce wlnnipag thta adtertitement it not to belnstrtsd by- tny osvtdsper- withoat tntalhcsrtroltbe queens i printer tad bo clstm tor payment by tny newspaper not having had teen tiitborny wul be admitted tht lowest ojini ttadar not neeeskanly accepted dtpulrctho bnpertntodent3owj i j f oriadian affairs l j deparunenlclfietiah affairs- ottawtq ittreh ibb 1 i- atjotion- saie t i ox aoton thbreriubccffer9drilebyvairdeiin uonfdetar f the aetoa batting ai suoa oa setardiir the lth dsfof amuuftie hoar of 3 ocicckla tbe afternoon on the jtem lrt tno fauowlag rtlmhle pr sou uk ulc sndlsinchritue ethfladereobs sarrer ia th vui1430 of aeton sv uiddpwn ie regestired plea of said yilisgoof acton thera is erected upon the premises toenbstea- titiiiei brict dwejuntr lionses eovared with rnvel roofs four ot ssid booses oontsin 8 rooms balance irooins til hero smtaner tcitcoens woodsheds oaf boosbs sndtrsier this property is the most desirable for resi dances in lho 1llsfl80f aeton si touted on bower lideaiitt naxttbeotore wttbintoe ttreetliismosreencnllojcsiitr kextttieqiore factorr of w h btoteytr bon minaus walk of ths post office e00 for 450 isbb for 50 foc for 7c m in all sizes and styles bros acton spring medicine cents clothing oat business ii established permanently as a ladle and gentlemcasoutattingindclothr ing bueinei and evert member of every family fine t with u sll the requiaifusfor hi or her outfittingltud clothing our ordered cl thing trade hi kept pace with the rapid ii cretseof the other departments this seeuia we thill path genii fine ordered c othiag mofr largely thtaeverj certainly ve never showed tnything llkk so tttrjcti e a stock of mtferialt and our cutter ant worker f re first clsss j wp dout oatei for a trttlry trad it anyone wantc thddy material thrown together pell mall a 1 tome of it e ttuffone tee would tndictte v e ate not ue people but far reliability of material style workmtnehfp tnd- model tie pritm ire tdmit of- uo ode who can starve you heifer the great blood tonic is now recognized- as the remedy for purifying he blood arid as a spring medicine 7 j i i read the fouowing teatlmonlal from a resident orthe oity bf gttfllpli guelphj jthntry 1892 messrs w gsmith tt co i i cityr j i 1 r gextltites t have used yjrar brioodtoslc u a blood purifier stad tlso for chronic ccrastipstion tnd have found it to be the moat tatiittotory remedy i have ever used i recommend it to all my friend who are troubled with stomach tad blood roubles tl it have received great benefit from iu use k splendid oppoitrinitt for purchasers tu jjropertjr will first be offered lor ssie an bloc tsealn pkiri or blocks and if not then told thhoost3wutboffttrfjdsiiiilr property will be soldirea tram encombrahcft sni mbject to a reserve bid tziou or siie ton per cent on day of laie balance within w dayi pot farther psdrttenurs spplf tow h stony or d hendeseon wtfhsstaer kciislhavirclrak aactioneer vfclortfloucitots jdttedtlhlssdifla t r i 1 nl 537 3509 in hewabdl tie canadian agncudtorutv oreat 5lf tearlr lit co the fifth hau early literary competition foriohvoi the canacuan ioedtartsa aassts leas okl snd reliable utostxatecv family kagatine will elo te jane jottutll jerttti best ing pottmtrtnot later ujaui ene aoth waicomit no matter where tcstodl tbe fduowibg splendid prizes will be given free to pertoa eending la the greatest namberpf worflc rnsde oat ot letters eoattuied in thr words the tic- lcstbatsd aoaiccttctutr tarevefr on sending in s hit of not leas mm 100 words will receive a vtinable present olsilverwsre istarsndbewardj tsojaotu tol grand piano valued tl mm art aut oou in organ vtluod si woo jth j jieoinrjcfi 6th gontmold watch fnlliewilltd ui ladies goldvfstchfall jrwsuad niaooid ldoom sth 10 bewsrdt of 10 each- isii 100 mattttot heayy plttstt hk dtthe fruit bttluieirbsbait us butter knivetytcc your truly johxsluttt arthur 6t frloei acncltarmi always atriotly omh e h 25 27 loweri bolljert co gvmjva wyndhaip st prepared only by dispensing yjchernistscjrtjelph ont tncjljonesl l mccliiinicaltvoeneitil- woqp engraving 710 king steast toronto send him your order for anyclass oi wood engrving ydvr desire kert priz es- bilver tta bets tiuadrapl plate warranted kezt so pm 50 silver dessert 8 tswunsttd heavyplsts i xaxt 100 prises ud silver batter esahets at vartuted hmvy plat j xext 500 prliv conusta of keltlsia batter d jaislugtrsheds butter sslveay coeau tally wttnuited tatldng tol ol eel tpltnw rewards the rata of wbieh wul mgntpum thbttrsnd literary comprtltion bvopra to everrbody everywhere tha ollowuas tr tbs coneutioni i the words must be eontthictsd only from letters ta thewordsraiiixcnui4ictiv nnuat sod mast be onlysaeh as trs toosd in websters unabridged dlauonary in tbebodj of the boot nons of tn inppltmeit to be osed 1 the words must bo wtlttes in nitattaj tad numbered 1 j a and so ouior facllitsitg ia if elding the wtnnen i i t 3 letten cannot b used qfttber than they qipctr in tbe vcrdt tax lutusraitan aomi- czrvhisv for uutanoe tbe word m ean- not beutedaslhon bttotmjtf fath thm orda i 1 tbo list couuiolna the large aomber of wordswulutwardsdjlrst r toiler of inerit eaek lttt tat b numbtmd andlf twa or r received win ix wwudtd i on therefore the behest oft readily be ten jiulttmmt to accompanied w far aizi montbttubtnipuoutothz joticritoatti th fotlowlng gsntleniai bar kindly eootat h ad usctujoagei j o maodanslyctai rtgh tm atirandon vtasmysts c thaa ipr oxhio o wcifmutb at donaldrctrss moeivtd ok- thanasq a bobtonltci8o others in unltod uta and oantda this isltvl lqweitytoarlt th reputation for fairoaa tain s aspmitloo weiiitjlattai nor sendjc sump foy full turtlcettn aobltnrurilbtllibcngbe t-7- i ti uv jvtei gmi

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