Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 7, 1892, p. 4

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y- tt jutatt jtree press tiu1rsdav mult 182 8thc oimg jftjlhs rwfi rrrnr vtsir schomr ft ttl intditi t 1- nininc tio to notes kerb w there nfl5ii4b kr rr to it m put ailclfcv slic tniurr t0 icrriic him t lrji 1 e1 the ti m tor ir m it liicst mi 1 cfun tiith won jul th 1rtcluiiif ti i hlr tm n c llnwcc llihvl 1 faihuit tell flit irvni 11 thn in tlie- ml ir or ulmeirr ctulct likrtbm itut t ui wlitu a1 are irticticvvl tiiuoe it liltjo tllltilt i erin lirm ot inarirp tint rtcrnkl imitlo- tun items of 0nrt lktertt to-freov- preu ptajderc xatttre has tjroutlwl a remedy for every ache and plti and scirneo through oesselo activity and ex periment it constantly resting the cecrete o iter domain a new md wonderlul dis covery lias recently bee mide by meant of illicit tens ot thousands trill lie treed from titi jnmiline or nerve pain cure repres ents it very coucetitrtted form llto most potent jpsin relieving substitutes known to medioajl teieooe end strange to say it is comieej ol suotttnoeatwlcly vegetable iu origin lyuoos ervtltne is the most prompt cecuin end pleasant palu remedy in the yroclj try kcrtiline tor toothache lc always site tnd at the tint becan that iiilorliirr all s0 lit ii il little ii lv tn tropic lcilc tec1 ttejv t mill fet ijlitr llt wlitu the utoful day haj conic ana ttc ttai ttirc irojioro to tliij awful turn- ictim i wis tlrei of tilt- tcytc nut lunuul for tlie cui it thowtd tli yolic mumciftn irm not kuiltej in mvr lt o- ii l- wcrt riit it vu three loc tuortt fto it 1 tuttti tc ttr ti- tut u 1 k tectlt to kroi i lrui know wat to follow lit- i vnow i lioiu 1 tint at u clrfo whatever for it ciut lc half u ll ilc koc totlli cocclluiollloj u11v lllotujy asfustricf i i d lrco tctdlctont u a merciful rcliitf wit a tmortliv 1 bear ithis an earimttot uaiieu drum jut tindttpeatb my nujy at thti tearful tutu- tetum ill have a ctkbruo ln tlc tltl jaj cornet anj nlic li tlioufbl to l irvificiwu to ey a deedlejoc venom of a toad a corrmpcndent ot the london liscet tnaantsjni the scientific correctness of shskespesres stsertioa thst the totd ikcau venom he mvb thst this venom is as a tolersbly powertnl nature and thst inttosd ot beinr secreted by the tslivxry flsrjds is in fnikes it 11 artoajly socreted ly the skin to that the word wealed is nioit accurately descriptive this lecretion dr guthrie etatn also occares in the toad thronrjh the parotid 6asde the venom bein a thick milky fluid lite the juice ot dandelion slajks in taste and appearance when injected under the tkin it kills small birds in sii minutes and dogs and cuinea pigs in half sn boar to an hoar and a halt the svm- toms in birds are loss cf coordination f allowed by death iu guinea piers convul sions and in the dog depression vomiting and intoxication dr gothrie kept a email toad in a cage with some lizards and one of them having bitten the toad became convulsed and died in less than two minute his dog having feized a toad was attacked by in stantaneous and profuse salivation violent vomiting and collapse he states also that his hand was poisoned trom handling a toad neuralgia cramps efficient j triitce george of wales will probably marry his oouain prince alix ot hesse she isa charming girl bf 30- it ypu have a cough ar oold do not neglect it i many without a trace ot that heredit ary disease have drifted into a consump tives grave by neglecting what was only a alight bold had theyueed diekloa anti- coniuntptive syrnp before it was too late their sues would have eeni spared if r a w tlevy mitchell iwrites i think blckles antitonsucnpcive syrup the best preparationon the market tor ccragbs and severe coldr alout sii ytara ago 1 caught a severe cold which settled on my lungs and for three months if had a cough i had apbysictan attending me but grada- sjly gtew worse until i was on the verge of consumption and hal given up hopes of being j cored when 1 vat induced to try bicuei syrnp betare i had taken one bottlejl fonnd myself greatly relieved and by the time i had ifini shed the second bottle i was completely cured i always recommend it for severe colds and consump tion sirkdward watkin is about to wed the widow ot mr ingram founder ot the iuua- tnitnt liihn vrtr she is s3 cvjxkugptioscuttld an otd phytictatr rlrd hi tub practice having had placed n ha hand by an kat india mtaaionary the focmtili ola simple vegeublo remedy for the ipoefy land per manent cure of ooosamptloa hcoachtllc catarrh asthma and all threat and ling affections alio a poclttve and ttlical care for kcrvous debility and all 1 vetloui com plaints alter having tested ita lrontatul curatlvis powers in thousands ot easct haa fell it his dutyto make it kncwhjto all ms suffering fellows actuated b y this motive and a desire to relievo naman stucritig 1 will tend free of charge to all who dosiro it thit rccipo in german franc i ofc english with fall directions tor pt spuing and using sent by mall by adtccsjsing with itamp naming this paper w ia novci 620 powers block itochottcrl nl y i i infertioue pneumonia has been fatally imported iuto franco by 600 lite iriarrota shipped from brazil c c rtciuaui co gentt my daughter wat apparently at the poiutot death with that terrible disease diphtheria all remedies hkd failed but minauds liniment cared her and would earnestly recommend it to all who may bo in need ot a good fanjtly mediciue john d bootilier french village mrs htitlan doan died in booth yar mouth elgin county on frtcjaynigbt aged 60 having lived on the tame farm co yean castor i a for infanta and children caatorlslai iwefladartochodrsriaiax j omtetfs ts auev onahosuoo f recommend it known to me ill so ciperiortoeatyrieacripuco if a atctm ix p ixfocdet brocuxn k t a curious calculation professor tyndall once illustrated the value of a tingle potato by supposing that every potato in the yjorld had been de stroyed that one would contain within it self the possibility of again stocking tiie world with an invaluable article of food if one potato would produce when plinted only a cropot ten potatoes in ten years the total product of this one potato would be equal to 10000x00000 which would be tufficient to restock the whole world with the seed the real value ot that tingle potato thenwonld be eucu that it would be betttr tiat the city ot new york or chicago tiltdphia never tbould be totally blotted o9 the face of the world than that that ooe tuber tbould be ioet to man kind philadelphia prtf cure furliyipsla as is well known this troublesome com- plaict arises trom overeating the use ot too ranch rich food neglected constipation lack ot exercise bad air etc the food ihoald tie thorough chewed and never ooltea or swallowed in baste stimulants must be avoided and exercise taken if possible a remedy which has rarely fail ed to give prompt relief and effect permto ent cures even in the most obstinate cases is burdock blood bitters it acts by rege lating and toning the digestive ocgans removing ectiverjae and increasing the appetite and restoring health and vigor to the system as a case in point we quote from a letter written by miss l a kuhn of hamilton ont itwo years ago lite teemed a burden i cpuld not eat the timpiest food without beinc iu drcadtul misery in my stomach under my shoulders and aerosa the back ot my neck medical advice failed to procure relief and seeing b b b advertised i took two bottles of it and have been entirely free from any symptoms of my complaint tlnce thit gives very conclusive proof ot the efficiency of this wonperfal remedy persian opium is being largely smuggled iutoboston to be nseci in the manufacture of cigarettes tbe superiority ot mother graves worm litermicator it shown by its good effects on the children purchase a bottle and give it a trial are you deaf or do you suffer from noises in tha head then tend 3 cent stamp and 1- kill tend a valuablo treatise ooouinmg fall particulars for borne cure which costs comparatively nothing a splendid work on deatneta and the ear addrcssprorgi citjsemontrcal while driving home com bowmanviue on saturday evening mr john mcmiuaq ol darlington township was thrown from his waggon and killed his horses bavinfj run away prompt potent and permanent results always come trom milburns aromatic quinine wine building operations promise to be lively in london ont this year shiloh s consumption the use o sastorta ti so universal and its merits so i known tha it seems a week tr riitwtrroeati to endorse if fetrsretne kfcrteh lexsrnoaoaotkeep castor cxjoos kltmr d d kstryoek coy within eaaxreae a law raster btcp rnlajdato twined ttufch tax ctktunt coxar tt koatxir snatr st toax harpers magazine the illustrated articles in harjr sag- nior april vill include edtvin a abbeys magnificent illustrations of shakespeares tempest julian ralphs brother to the sea illustrated by graham and reming ton from tbe black forest to the black bca ithird parti written by f d mflkt and illuttrated by himself and alfred parsons an indian fair in the mexican hot coantrv bv sylvester baxter with llluttrationb by alice barber stephens and the last days of percv bysshe shelley with illustrations trom photo graphs there will also be a poem by walt whitman with portraits and a fullpage illustration an illuttrated poem by thoe bailey aldrich and illustrated stones b richard harding davis and william mc lennan pomewonderful echoes in a cave in the pintheon the guide by striking the caps of his coat makes a noise ejual to that produced by firing a twelve pound cannon in jthe cave ot smellin near viborg finland a 6tone thrown down a certain abyss makes a reverberating echo which sounds like tbe dying wail ot tome wild animal plioy that rare old fioeejp tells ot a cave some where in dalmatia where a stone thrown in raited a regular din ot noises ftngals cave on tbe iale ot fittfia has sd ahnor- maly development echo never too dull timet are too dull to advertise times are never too dull to advertise the duller the times the more advertis ing you need frequently you can create a demand for your goods by advertising when your com petitors think times are too dull to adver tite esass kffecr the cocp that kelps tocure the cold the disagreeable taste of the cqquyeroil isdipatediii j ofparectkitiver oil with hypophbshite8 op lilvib xtd soda the aticnt tultering from consumption ecttoxchirik caeca coio on yaitig niopisrs ulkcs lbs rijmeiy n h wrnh take rntlk a per- mrt ebcllfia acd a nonderrsl ktth rrodtef r thjit 10 lhr an pihivjltl or loo srurr c- rrrk nrnmiir this great coogtt cure thit successtol consumption cure is without a parallel in tbe history ot medicine all druggists are authorized to tell it on a positive guarantee a test that no other cure can tuccesafnlly ttand if you have a cough sore throat or bronchitis ute it for it will cure you if your child has the croup or whoopidg cough wait promptly and relief it sure if you dread that fntid- ious disease consumption dont fail to ute it it will cure you or coat nothing ask your druggitt for shiloh8 cure prioe locts wets and 5100 if your langs are tore or back lame use shilohs porous platter 25cts e w differences of opinioo regarding the pop nlar internal and external remedy dr thomas eclectric oil do not to tar as known exitt the testimony is positive and concurrent that tbe article relieves physical pain cures lameness checks a cough is an excellent remedy for pains and rheumatic complaints and it has no nau seating or other unpleasant effect when teiken internally it is proposed to- abolish some ot the reli gions holidays throughout quebec oh what a cough at lluinr- and abroad physicians travellers pioneers bettlere invalids and all classes ol people ot every degree testify to the medicinal and tonic virtues ot burdock blood bitters the most popular and effective medicine extant it cures all diseases of the stomach liver boweltand blood sir joseph hicksonbas been elected pres- idenk ol the prohibition commission the lungb liver ikidneys bowels ac act as to many waste gates for tbe escape ol ettete matter and gases from the body tbe ute ol northropja lymans vegetable discovery helps them to discbarge their duty mr w h letter h m customs toronto writes ljiave personally tested the health giving properties ot northrop a lymins vegetable discovery and can testify as to its great value the north- west colony of russian jews will be incited at wbitewood man cold weather trials dtin sibh this fall and winter i eut- fered from neuralgia in my face and had the best medical advice without avail i at laist thought ot trying b b b and after using one bottle have not felt any syrnp- toml of neuralgia sirtce i regard it as a fine family medicines i i t iirost heaslip man miither dawson was drowned some time o ibwyoming hit life was insured for 127000 and 15000 a spent in search- tor the body wheh baby was tick w faro ner castorla vfaei i lie ias a cbildj iie crm for iiistoria wis l the became hiasj she clung to cutorir when toe had aiihrcnjsha gars tbeacscori htniltonfl rate of bem t lixitioi wilt thin year mills on tbe doll th honw doblejt of the brute creitioa whn eafterittg froiti a cat ibrmion or benefit u bts muter ieri vm eg mac in ft ike predicttnec from the beslioc 6o0th ng tction at i t joints eclktric iog of the neck stiff- throct itid laugi ire oh ltmenesc twel qui jf the jarnu relierby will yoa bed tbe wimini tile bigstl perbaps of the bare upproich of that more terrible dueam coasatnption ask yoar eelvea if oa cu iqord for the ske ot saving 50c to run tbe f isk nd do dothing for it we know from experience that shilohs care will care yoar coagh it ever failk walt whirmkn tbe poet ii detd it camden nl lie waft bord in 1819 canada is being congratauted everywhere ou the excellences of her manufactures art stainedj claw is prominently io the front rank ol her improvements thanks to mccaosiand bod of toronto who for 40 years hav labored not only to tocamu lata money at to make sttioed and ornt- mental glaj a of til kinds a credit to the dominion i the lidgham gold mino in belmont townbhip isgiving a yield of 510 per ton the late mr valued at f55 0 the third pe of uadi noted fcr gtieiph cloth i s i scotbir- tweed neiit largest and finest assbrtirieht we have ever stunjn shawgr boor stomich ekanticei eructation k wtxmf giraa 11 lotttinjurtou c uoaiiou sleep aat pcwaaes cu- itings merchant tailors for eeverai rears i have rmtnmentel soar oastoria and thill alrtys coounue to o so at it has tovtriiuy produced benenciw rasuloi j towik f partna k d hj9 wlntaroii 13tu btroet and tit ave kew york city efcujetts pure jk lye purest i tronoest best itaadrfoeiiwjld nv qtiantltr for nrattns 8o botteolnr water 1 lfliiicinicerrl ft liiiadxtml ouwa tuca aetacqual 2qikiuat sail wr all cr drtta or rax4uz twvonto tlie ouderful succett of hoods sara parilla as a blood purifier entitles it to j 3ur confidence no other such a record of cures of scrofols salt 6 ileum blood poisoning or other blood disc tses to try it it to know its merit be spre to get hoods sartapar ilia for a general family catharie wo coufi dently recomn end hoods pjlli they tbould be in ev ry home mediciue chest spurgeon has left an estate uarasaiug hi adachet- make many lives miserable neet lesaly so when a prompt cure like burdopk blood bitters is obtain able tbe death te tenee n future awaits all dynamite criminals in france her ladyshli personages of high rank nkngland are patrons of a great remedy bridgefoot housetver bucks eng lsdyedwarde baa suffered from rheumatism for several years especially in the knees she was persuaded to buy st jacobs oil and alter a fortnights nee of it all the rheumatif pains have left her the relief it such that lady kdwards will never be without a bottle more illicit whiskey mtktng has been discovered in montreal the toronto du1 want advertisements h yoa want to buy or tell anything if you want a site ttion a mechanic a buai- nets mtehiner lodgingt if yoa have loat or ound anythi 3g or tt yoa want to- find ont where anyo io it advertise n tbe to ronto daily ila i and read the advertise ments on the 1 bird page ot that paper the charge is 1 wo cents a word each in- tertion address the hail toronto can ada portugal and holland have both ratified thebrnuelsan islavery treaty it ut sale to nke freemans worm pow ders as they a only on the worms and do not injure tbe hild- the proposal to pay british members of parliament lias been rejected by iii to ltei votes beauty mi y bo only skin deep but the secret ot a i eautiful skin is pure blood those coarse ough pimply complexions may in most cases be rendered solt tmooth and f ir by tbe preserving and systematic use it ayert satsiplrilla daniel lilly a tailor bytrade died at waterdown on sunday atthejreported age ot 106 years sick headache caused by eccess cf bile or a disordered stomach is promptly relieved by using national fills an incendiary 6 re at point edward bis involved a lots of 2000 mr j it allen upholsterer toronto seudt us the following for six or seven years my wite suffered from dyspepsia costiyeness inward piles and kidney com plaint we tried two physicians and any number of medicines without getting any relief until we got a bottle of northrop 4 lymans vegetable discovery this was the first relief the got and before one bot tie wat used tbe benefit fhe derived from it- was beyond oor expectation you want your cotton inens flannels always sweet clean snowy whlto you want tha wash dona tho easiest tha clean est tha quickest thi cheap- est way i surprise soap iine sur prise way without tvollfngor oafding gfvew these results urd0ck pills asunccunc for riliouckcss constipation ikoiacsttok dizziness sick hcadackc ollcttct or thc stousck uvcr akor bowcis tkcv arc kilotkdrouch akt psokn im action skd rorisa vsluaslc aid to losoock iu90 sittcrs in thc trc1tkcnt aks curc or ckronic and ossttnatc discascs i exf3rt 0 rtjigi hn hen buy a pair of goqd spectac grand trunk railway ooixo vrtftt ootxa sast atn kitess 10 am runctcer i liajrt exnreaa u loaju mall fr 05 pjd mixed id u tta express ii mail 1- tsxprcsi x pttt hail w pm rtsicngtjr t 00 p in tjse cr txcsrsg ioiljt going west k 25 ttrisdd g 0 ntn qoing esstw sm and u rtn thfsflmo table went inioicflcct 6a decetnur ttbutil bobtsaseoes v v wahavc juit rooeived oor fall btpcfc of boats and shoes from ihe best inaau- ftclarcrs in canada arjd defv cotrl- petition itt either tquality style or price wt mite a ifeoialtty 6 es exactly suited to your sight ye have a good stock of cold spectacles and eye glasses 4als0 j j fin steel framed and rubber spectacteitjon hand jewellers and opticians gnelph boots ct shoes which for- style fit and ear cannot l eiceiled whiiams aptott theifcxon light steel harvester and binder thousands in rewards tho great weekly compatlcm of tha ladles home magazine which word inthis advertisement spells the same backward as forward thit is a rare opportunity for every madam and miss every father and son to tecure a splendid prize weekly pnizns lvcry week throughout this great competition prizes wall be dis tributed lis follows the first correct answer received the postratfk date op each letter to bo taken as tho date received at the offioe of the ladut horm magazine etch and every week daring 18k will get 200 tbe second correct aniwer 100 the third 50 fourth a beautiful tilrer service filth five oclock lilver service and the neit so correct- answers will get prizes ranging from 125 down to 2 every fifth correct answer irrespective of whether a prize winner or not will get a special prite competitors residing in the southern sta ea u well at other distant points hare in eciuei chance with those nearer home as tho postmark will be our authority in every caae rcles each list ot antwers must be accompanied by 1 to pay for tic months subscription to one of the best home magazines in america refebekcrs the latlit fume jnja- lint it well able to carry out ita promices peterbourough canada timet a tpleudid paper and financially ttrong hastings canada star every prize winner will be ture to receive jatt what he it entitled to norwood canada rtguiir money tbould be sent by post nnico order or regittered letter addreta the ladkk lluinr uaijainr peterborough cantda superior to all others in tha fqllowtnglpotntau- bcst shipe of finger bar foriow catting a simple strong durable drivinit gear a light strong grain divider made o flangedisteel a flanged tteel frame in a single piece light 4nd strong entire elevator frame mado of flanged steel j table tame of flanged steel in one piece with ttrong simple eofraecuon a drive wheel tifflple in construction large iorsble and neit itt appearance powerful cutting apparatus with direct pitman oonnection y both ends of machine raised or lowered by crw wilhoat leivtdg hia teat convenient arrangement for adjusting macheotuitvaiiaiiona in crop- the lightest binding part and simplest lchotteir erex nrodnoed a knotmr that positively taves from two to friar inches of twins tor erery bundle four discharge arms making perfect separation and delivery- of sheaf a machine of light draft easy to operate- and ntaina tews parta than any other kokon brc smtg cpltd tngersou ont wrhi herristreet agent acton i do irou know anythingiabout i horse those who have rnadesstudyof all the diseases that animal hesli lanelrto strong ly recommend dicks bipnrinar soe i diets blfcter soc r dicks otatmeail 85c dlckt uaiment e be jthe best in the world t lor horses et cattle j ithey hkra stood j uiatestofbo r- years dont wait rmiil yoar least gets tick but scad apostsi card at oace for full partiealarrabout te medidqea asic anf desler lor tbein book ot previous household afedfcal- vetin- ary i- farmers kedpes sent iiim tn application dicktxort v po box 4821 kdhtml 4ira0tmark b s the m to hblth hod steel frame graw prlll 6ver 25000 hoosler drills and see dais with ourjffositlte fc5rce gentle spri jg loses many o its terrort when the tytte n is fortified by the ute of ayert 6artt jarilla with multitudet this wonderfu tonic- alterative hat long tuperjcdtd all other tpring medicines being everywb re recommended by phys icians hon charlc i young judge prqbate at cbarlottetown pei died saturday alter two weeks ills s from grip if you want o buy or sell a farm ad vertise in the 1 oronto weekly mail that paper reachet 100000 farmers homes every week an 1 your advertisement thould meet the eye o someone who wants to pur chase advert sements of this class are n serted in the 1 ironto weekly mail for five cents a word ach insertion or twenty cents a word i ir five insertions address the mail ton nto canada whitelaw ri id wat btnrjuetted in paris yesterday on r linquishioghita nbassador ial functions railway another kansas on satur a heavy trjowftll obstructed traffioat ornt is- sunday tnd tevere ttocm w is reported trom one thousan 1 cabmen in pira went on strike baturda lire jean ta inton clark died day at muirkit aged 01 hon alerac ler ifackenzie hat taken a decided turn ft r the worse ontario sett ert to the number of 27 arrived in wic aiper on saturday col hodge t formerly of the army pention staff i ied in london pnt sun day aged 93 blows orm syrup destroys no removes wormsl of au ki ds in chiloren or a0ults si eet as syrup ano cannot harm the most 5 dei icate child consumption i ut paftitt vataj be h fcfaorcdimih by it om tawohikst- of i wcs ot ul wtt tisd ud ot 1c coauac hi r been tn 11 cfiakri 1m iriiifej xnd indeed u itnur if my tilth i will teal too pttuu kett tetxrisr oiii dstom to af raferct t vrta takl at hdr kxfbz8s tod p a tddrm t a sloou 4 m c aoeuioc 8t west 1 0r0nto ont painful burui bruises 8cali3n and cats tre jaickly boothej nd healed by victori cftrbolic sulve tbo leas reliiou there u in a church tho more oyawa and ico crcsm it takes to ran it- the most dangerous charge of the light brigde is that made by tbo gas omoe clerk pleoty of tall men a ahort looae men tight cold men warm aud bt men emfcll praying to the ccrngregatiou may wand very nice but it never attracts any atten tion in heaved to pisos cure tor h the best cough meoicinei q bj joisstjkinstijittirraisb h consumption dnlocis nil tie clogged atennesof fiber rbrjwels kidneys and liver tanjing off gradualiy vitiiaut trrnkming the ty fern sii the impuritiej aai focu hnrnort of the bccrstioiuj at the etmc time cop redting acidity ot ti3 scomaeli caring bhioasness dyspepsia headaches dizziness oeartburn cotshpatlohi drjxr cftneshnj dropsy dimness of vision jainiro dlea saltrnean erysipelas scro faiaflttttcri2gcflto heart hei itrnean erysipelas scro luui cittttcringcfltfco heart ner vousness and general debilitytl these and mmy oilier similar compjamo yield to the haprv iahaenco ol bubdoc- 13lopd bitreei i v fcr szl lj ul dektrf j llaibmfic9 ni seieotifloamrieu kftaer instantly regiated ccco qaaranteed the best in ha world and the 61 ly drill thitea 1 1 run the desired depth in hard and soft groua while moving the hoosier it the only drill that sows all kinds of grain arid seeds evenly and id te depth desired in all kinds of toil h j j the hoosier is tbo only drill that commences to sow tlie instant the bones move thd hoosier is the only positive force feed aqd is the only drill that deposits the g in evenly jast thedepth you want a in hardbr soft soil remember this j the hoosier combined drill with cultivator teeth is he beat cutlivalor made and i the only implement made with teeth on independent draw ban that can be set fur ard and soft laud while the team is in motion the hooisec us lighter on the horses n any other drill made the point of excellence in lhehcoiserjhat otherdriusdo lot have ap worth more to the farmer than ankdriil in the word the combined hoosier can be changed from dill to seeder ar seeder to drill in less i ime than drill made send for our new illustrated catalogue and testimonial thee t eware of parching iirillt that infringe aurpatentsl i koxokbsoshfg cofltijgemoil on wm hemstreet agant acton iiw agent bleary plow i can furnish you iwith the best presses for country news and job work to country and at lowef prices tlian for any other new cylinder pres cows to kctot hndisbb oulr improvecl country proutv pres forfrlf annatioa and free handbook ttfu to kfijgc 4 co- iei bsoauwat hsw tokk- 03it bnreaa far secnrtise patnu teaxmrtec etmt jwtent uaen oat tin it bttmtht before lhe paltle by a notice cttettfne ot dau bltbe litrcest etfcnlatlotlof any icfcnude psper tnifaa nua fhotild be without jt weeklyl3 a tmlt uq ill rponun addrtw uwftilt co ptauaaras jkl broadway new fork sqrk iis a qunms baking powder ithecooksbesmgnd laroest salt 1ncan ada the largest spate works tfee free press is printed an the above press and the work no 1500 drum cylinder press can do better newspaper or poste we have run the prroty for eight years and the lodger vs run it the better welikait it s impibieasjf to run easy oatype w be had in the world illustrate wa mil gladly furnish easy to handle coats little ifoc repairs aadj la easy oh the printers pocket book wacallit tha best p rest today for the money come and see our press at work if yoa desire arnpieaoe work tend for theniaud them we can give you your chdice of a number of different sixes and ttyles of presses at all prices think of it i a new 8 cot folio 6t 5 col qto powerpress for only feob to 700 or an 8 coil book press fqr 800 full particulars from hipimo0rp agent for canada acton ont aa merits fidrk r a tjui in canada p v e f 1 0 o styles 0 hay scales grain scalebi- farm scales teascaues tmprqpshqw gases tfohey meatcliotipers xan butchv sbppuis ci5srssix rcix write a terms o wiusom son 6 oesplanioetstbeet east v tbrontc ont j wm tnis pr e err izc too writi nrvild cure5 koiuera iholpr a morbus piif1 g- ramps imhhea entfery and all summert coniplamts and fluxes of the bowels it is safe and rellte for children qriadultsi m

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