Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 14, 1892, p. 2

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bfjrv lrrtrn uilttm tt mt uaieliitiowlte ot irl trlrrp of h dcochtew jmfcntnio nc on the looi april the wife cf ancvs mctvuli ot a rtsuctiter im m stmy at olioattv ou tllf sltt usrcli h tfir i tt wrnift itt jfw l ltn it hirmerrt icwa in tmltli pearl- yotmcvst tucmrr ol v h suitry vv aclou ont house of commons med mil 1s1vm uuuiils on th till april ihvid mumi tirujcru ot acton in rortuon the htti auril titttle m wite ot kre4 araivtronc ced in ul r ii tt ysllerton on uiemli aril sarah klwl jco llcnty tovvll acod i years in 4 ioitli- toioii inli april s lot at 1m dunn hwiuk 1atlillr jennie a irlovcd wlte ol j vvsl jiilm j no pfclt th ymuprohtbltlem petition cmik agllnit th boodrit nbr rait way pas r talk brjtmk day th tdltori tabto r tlje acton jtrcc fkess yriluusday april 1802 notes and comments the proposals to put ejl municipal tax- niton on luiil buildings end incomes ex- tmflini rvrusl property which have been apitatcs in mercantile circles and kaw teen incorporated id bills introduced into the ontario lecislatur will stand our mr a car a the government thinks the nntler dcmanifs farther ventilation no time it to be loit in filling the mean- cy in the representation ol toronto at the initiative assembly th filing of the noxicstion for april 22nd anil the election for the 29th meant that ike campaign will follow immejistely after prorogatioo and will be brief the probable reaolt doe not admit of enonch doubt to make the contest an exciting one the knfliah registrargenerals annnal reports of birlbi deaths and imaryeges in ll iliows that the berth rate in that year hi 30 2 per 1000 living and u the low- tt for fifty yeara so far as can be judged moreover from the figures at hand 1w1 will show no improvement in that respect the death rate a 19 u pet 1c00 higher than in the preceding three yeara bat till comparatively lowi mr grtenweys redistribution bill pro poses to increase he membership of the manitoba legislature from thirtyeight to forty ope effect of the reaxreneement ot the constituencies will be to reduce the number cf seata controlled by the french vote the vtinnipec tribune admita that the french representation kill be reduced from six to four while an unfriendly critic says that the change will be greater a bill to regulate the use of steam en gine has been introduced in the legisla ture by mr clancy he propose to com pel owners of engines used for threshing or other agricultural pursuits to provide ap paratus that kill admitof ita being operated at least 100 feet from any building stack or otkcr combustible substance a penalty of tram to tj25 per day ft jjtached for violation half tq informer and half to local inuicipality it is rumored at ottawa that her if ajeaty will cscfer the honor of knighthood on premier abbott bn the occasion of the eventythird anniversary of her birthday on hay 24th neit of coarse no rumor of what her uajesty may intend to do can be xdtfiimed cntil the time tor the event cornea but in this case there ia some fouc dttioo- for this rumor and that the nxt celebratyb of her majestyi birthday will see the addition of another name to the list o canadian knighta an act to amend the assessment act has been submitted to the ontario legislature by mr kirkwood by which he propose that lands purchased from the crown and whkhbaa beeamotrtgajd to the crown to secure paymebt ahail be aaaeased and thill be deciareel to have been liable to be ibdto the eitent of the interest of the oirncr if the tares are not paid thereon the treasurer or sheriff selling the said lands for taxes shall only sell the equity right ot tkerownerto redemption and give a deed accordingly the experimental shipment o live cattle from the northwest to japan may mean the opening up of a trade of enormous benefit to canada should the east prove its ability to consume all ihe surplus ani mals which the cantdian prairies fill soon produce a double advantage will be aeenred oqr western territories will secure a con venient market and ontario cattle raisers will not be subject to the keen competition which would result from sending stock from there to great britain the result of the plebaite taken recently iu new zetland on the question of the length of the school holidsysia worthy of note tie authorities had decided to cut down the holidays bat on an appeal to the parents a vote was taken and the pro posed reduction of holidays was overthrown by a vote of 25 to 06 this is significant it mesne we believe that the majority of parents undoubtedly think that both schol ars and teachers deserve a good holiday at the end of the years work such ae is now required new zealand scknlnuultr the dominion government baa decided to go to the supreme court and it neces sary to the privy council on the question as to whether the lieutgoveruor of on tario has a right to exercise the pardoning power and coromutdjand remit sentences for offences against ootirio laws hon mr mowat claims this right for ontario exhaustive arguments hsd taken place for our months before and counsel for the domioiniaa government held that the prerogative of pardon- was rested only in the sovereign power of the coontry the western fsir maiagers are said to be decidedly in favor of acting on the re eomtiendatton of the canadian fair association and will probably only appoint one judge in each class at their next exhibi tion it is thought by a good many exhi bitors that one really competent man will pie better satisfaction than three as ordi narily selected oftentimes where jthrea am chosen two indifferent mse override the third although an expert if equal satis faction can be secured the one judge sys tem will be a great saving ot expense and ettns work it is worth considering even fcir township and county shows new- idsrut they were not smokera a circumstance that is somewhat un usual occurred in he liosain house tor onto on friday last twelve newspaper men representing he execative of the canadian press association were there at tending a meeting when one member palled oat s weufllled agar cue and offered ft to ewh of the others in turn bat ioand that 3 ras he only smoker in the room tax kite era idjournedfor easter otfsas april uthe proceedings in the iloasc of commons yesterday consisted of a aiacuaaioo upon sir john thompsons motion to authorize u a evidence taken last aetaton before the pri ilegca and etccttona committee to ho use in thconrta iu the proaeeutions against contractors and others tor defrauding the government the resolution passed id the evening sir john tliompaon moved the scooad reading of the crittttnal law amendment measure which is td go to a special cqmmlttee of both hodses cdeuii toe t sad disposed of tho fjomerviuo cha ge and the member for north brint was placed in rather in undesirable position betoro the speaker let tithe chair at c oe lock the house agreed that todays ad joum ncot for the easter holiiaya would fso at 0 oclock to enable mespbera to leave the capital or tho even ing jtraina for home j fulitkav ruai a to ucunxes an open letter haa been addressed by the ottiwa jotwi to th members of arli- me4t who accept ilway poaaos the writer states that it is currently reported thaj the majority of them do so these favors are not given for fun but in the ex- peciation of subeuatial returna nearly etery man who holds a pass saves thereby several hundred dollars a year and the favor ia consequently equal to a substantial gift of money which if given in any other form wonld be repudiated as an intnlt some years ago a schator introduced a bill making it oompulaoa- for railwaya to give paana to legislator but ii was laughed out of parliament lict many of those who repudiated the theorj- adopt the practice dr weldoo of albert is ihe only man who has so far given ihe insinuation a denial it will be interesting to note how many denials will be brought out by the journal charget j km ittllttj this vtab the statement ot tevenne and expendi ture for the nine monthe ended march slst shows revenue t2d7s2wj expenditure sass39 a surplus of t3sm77 whioh indicates that after the interest due on june 50th is paid there will not be much surplus but there will be no deficit statement of debt on march 31 shows net debt t233270 lcj which i a reduction of 1 57868 since juse 30th last rtoeraxnax rctmocs the great balk of the petitions presented to parliament each session is usually made up of petitiotss for aprohibitory liquor law during the present session the petitions for closing 00 sundays of the ca section of the worlds fair in chicago in 1833 have greatly oatttumbered all others but still the profaiuition petitions have come in quite a coxtsiderablejftood the idea of the number of these petitions may be formed from the statement which was laid on the table of the house monday after noon showing the total number of petitions received from each province and the total number of signatures io each petition pray ing for a prohibitory liquor law during last session of parliament there were in all 2626 petitions with the sum total of 304- 809 signature optario led with 1570 petitions having 13t737 signatures nov scotia came second with 336 petitions baying 437js signatures and quebec third with 107 petitions having 17158 signatures several of the petitions were over seventy feet long crvn srrrs jlcuxct tbx boomecs the april axstiesl at which the criminal case against nicholas k connolly and thomas mcgreevy john k arnoldi hot- ace talbot and a z larose come up will begin a week from i ext tuesday bir john thompson is proceeding toe in the civil cases as miniateil ot justice on behalf of her majesty he has filed in the exchequer ccrart a statement of claim against pat rick larkin nicholas k connolly michael connolly owen e murphy and robert mc greevy the total amount which 6ir john claims from these entlemen is 57006451 the aiot cynrn the divorce committee of the senate on friday morning granted j a 11 aikens son of the exlieutlgovernor of manitoba a divorce from his rife the daughter of use late l4entgoyerncr of nova scotia mr b b osier qc kppeared for mr aikens and proved a bigamoai marriage in new york between mrs aikena and one blanch- ard tffe c4t1l 1sscxt the first royal assent daring the present session was given yesterday to bills which have passed both houses ot parliament and are ready for that august formality in the senate chamber which makes thetn law chief jcstioi sir william ritchie of the supreme court as deputy governor appeared for his excellency the governor- general and gave che royal assent ciprrsl xotta- an order in council haa been passed amending the general fishery regulations for the province ofi quebec as followa in the province of quebec no one shall fish for catch kill bay sell or possess any speckled trout between he 1st day of october and the 30th day of april both days inclusive in each year mr h metealfei m p for kingston is on the road to recovery mr h b beard q c of woodstock ont has been appointed deputy judge of oxford county anting the leave ot absence of judge finkle the appointmeit of judge hanington baa been gazetted it is intended io follow up th recent abolition of the f r inking privileges hitherto enjoyed by the members of the civil ser vice by abolishingf be unlimited franking privileges of mem lers of the house of com mons who will be paid esdrseation a fixed from for the defra ing of their postage ex penses four new census- bulletins will be issued in a abort time ithey will be taken up with the rjtssirlcs ion of the population of the dominion according to religion and ae- cording to the sal duality of each persons father with the manufacturers of the do minion and with u ares which will be brought down accurately to the smallest labdivisions i the baroness maodonald proposes to re turn to ottawa immediately after the ses sion far- a visit hha intends to spend a part of the summer at her seaside residence jlsa rocbers 6t patrick near riviere da ifp- j j the upper hbaie adjourned oday until wednesday april pith this will be the last lengthy adjournment aa by the day merrvidned a eonsiaerabte amount of busi ness will hare goo to the senate from the commons i r art kpltomt of tht womd dolngi during th waste j i tho it 0 r station it cayuga haa been burnt out tho poputauoo of wlttnlaeg la now atti malsd at 80000 general booth ia opening a mitrtmonlai bureau in london j tha french rota for the wotlda fair haa passed both houses cant pour hcox haa baao appatntacl paitmuter ot paris out it la said hat mr abbott will be knight- d on tho queens birthday during 1881 13123 settlers entered usn- itoba with t50 cars of stock cbattaa qlackmayer cltf clerk of modti real died bttarday attecnaon it la mtimated that the total coat at the worlde fair will be mj00 i the girla of owen sound collegiate in stitute have formed a cricket ckb iter mr corbett who haa been iu for 15 years died at creatyj ont aged 8j i no proceedings will b tlea against lit mercier by tho qmbeo gorernmant william chambert a vrurloo veteran la alivo and weil at dreaded oat agd 10 p m merln in his 100th year died at ottawa 8uuday with a pipe ia hu moath a lsboter named daniel was drowned in he same at eddys mill at liuiryeslerday afternoon i the kerby house block atbrantfordhu been sold by mr palmer to peter wood foc30000 r the wife of rev 1c r clark of st matthews church hamilton died very suddeuly on sunday a parcel containing fifteen dynamite cartridges was found tuesday beside a rail way track near barcelona spain the writ toe the wetland election has bean issued nomination will take place the thirl 4 par in ha asrln enlwsd tha waal ton ifd harding di nut auuibar ot m a car window by riohv tuvwlllbapabliihedlatha worptrirwhy ii will comprise a ira ihlo deaoriptlou of sosnas and inddenu at a haw minfug camp oraada and iii be ally lllestralsd by ramlsgtqn tl iny olhar noteworthy and valuable featari a will ba contained in the same number o ha hrel jr among lhata wiq ba an aitioia on ibeuaokney written by a j caaaatt aodapproptlatarr iuostratedi tt enterulalag papsr on the canuan a the army bjrananby chaplain a th t bit talaablsailicja on the natal w x oollerav iilailtaled i and a delighlfat she rt story sntuled a traas- fsrred romano written and llluatraiad by howard py 4w on april 21 and polling on april 29 the grand trunk coatamntata an exten sion ot heir big bridge at montreal by adding a carriage- way and foot path the dead body of a man wu found in the queens hotel stable at seaxocth tut friday morning the affair la a mystery two hundred thousand white fish fry were deposited in the bay ot quints hear picton tuesday by fishery laapectoc red mond rev n h martin whose sadden depart ure from chatham caused such a sensation it now in belmont man ha will become a school teacher f a storm in chicago sunday destroyed a portion ot the words fair boildltigf causing damage to the extent ot about lea thousand dollar 1 i james murray a g tj r engineer waa- kitled while attempting to board a freight train which was leaving black rock toe fort erie on saturday i i it is reported that erain pasha haa re covered the immense store ot ivory he waa forced to abandon whea he left the equator ial province with stanley hoo john k porter aentoc counsel for the people at the trial of galteau president garelds murderer and for the defence in the beecher trial died monday at water fordn x montreal militia are preparing far the celebration ot queens birthday a num ber of outside regiments including the queens own will take part in the days manccarrea one of the jurors in the reinhardt case at berlin ba taken action tor libel against sheriff springer and county attorney bowlby on account of expressions msdeuse ot regarding the verdict the proprietor of the commercial hotel clinton was recently tned f2t and the proprietor of the grand onion hotel of he same town was fined ho and coat foe con traventions of the liquor act bnjoys both the mkhtod tmd results when syrupofbli s is taken tt is pleasant anil refresh ng to the taatetandaots pitlyyetp smptlyonlhekidneyi ater and 1 towels cleanses the sys- em effectui jlf dispels odds head aches and f iters and cores habitual constipatio i sytup of figs js th only rem t of its kind eyexpro- duced plea jngto tho tasto and ac ceptable to the stomach prompt ia its action a id truly beneficial in its effects prej ared only from the most healthy anc agreeable substances its manyexcel entqualitiescoramendit to all and have made it tho most popular ret ledy known syrup of figs is for sale in 7fcr- battlest all leading druggists any reiiat o druggist who may not hare lit o i hand will- procure it promptly i sr any ona who wishes cq try it m muiactared only by the caufori i fig syhup ch i from everybody who bai ivan a wat oota ailoa or banllght soap a trial will ooiytl lb atsra 19 hootehold sosp sur miseries that olfow the sttnllght light haa no tiral h e ot other soaps words ot highest pralae and commend- 10a joa that a ahaperlor laundry and laves time labor the olothes sod many st it next washday bee thai you gat 11 come and get your eyes tested by an exlert qptigikw then buy apairqfgood specljacles exactly suited to your sight we have a good stock xif cold spectacles and eye glasses llsti i l ftno steel framed and rubber spectacles an hand savage co jewellers and opticians aaslph 41 miltifjery dress x3 qofe opeiwoi ji on r- wednesclay april 6th and follc wing days a big shelving sax rxajfcisco qal ujtjuyili tei t0jtsirx the new meat market has pleasure reoffflmeau to balmine reeeni uatn and fresh low c parties havfi tosau o sttjll a snnouuclaf te the cltixens of aetoasnd vlel utr that ha uaa eompiaud ar iea a ktw ifeac usrket la tbe r erect ac lha coraer oc ku strsoa by krs seeont kelt tuesday leorutattlndfcitaalltode ot all kinds o if eats fowl etc will bbpau d the beat iuallty alwafc in stock fiartue had rperteaee la tbo business can assure all wbofsvorras with their orders satire satisfaction hliheatceal pries paid for port hides tal of millinery a qrand display of dijess goods ji j never before i have we made nob extensive arrangement for a tag millinery trade a we havs thil season box opon box of fin frehch flowers sndsucksof the finest sees our ribbon connter is taxed to its otmost capacity andonr milliners know the late ideas and can arrange u em to suit covers of bn headgear it most not be forgotten that oar prices art u low i deout goodcn be sold for k dress goods c cctua etc to cu iro rjqatjd o stull tee1h teeth power to hold her audlenca prof if t brawn principal of the boston school of oratory aays of satah lord bailey who ia tot give a recital in the uethodist church next tuesday evening sarah lord baileys entertainment are fine art represents ti na of he humcr pathos- and passion of 3sr best english and american authors e he ha the tree art temperament in voice action and power to held her audiences she has few superiors now before the pubic our graduating classes have averaged sixteen in nutnbtr tome ot whom have rtade very- credible reputations as public t saders bat no on has met with so great popular success as ars bailey i am certaio that she will fill with entire succesi any appointments made for her loat his arm diseiec ont apiil 9 james mc donald employed at prentice jordan was working near a shingle saw and while his back was toward the saw proceeded to pall off tho bark of a ahinglablock when his left arm was thrown in contact with the saw and in an instant the elbow joint was severed leaving tie arm hanging by only a little of the seal on the inner side doctors subsequently a npatated it editors tjable u aofifsfer i said to have arrived in moo- treu with a warrant for mersfer and two of lusiate colleague swiasis ctqiejofs tv- ontarle prorii ions business wilt toaoxro apr ii the last session in the ofd parti ne it bidding closed it business on xuesdi j with god gave lb qaeen and three cheers foe everybody prorogation wil u u pita on thursday at en sptn glslature ad tordayi be which nuied an instant sensation among the reading public snedmade its aatboreax a yoong brooklyn girl one of the foremost of living american writers that book was the leavenworth case snd since writing itranna katharine green be been preparing her literary methods for a story cynthia wakehams money which she believes will even exceed the leaven worth case in popoiai ity and whioh will begin in the jew yo k lebjai easter knmberj dated april 9t 1 the same num ber of the ledger co ntaina a vigorod sketch entitled veestr il8m a com plete novelette the date of the eatttf bell by amelia e bi rr timely articles on easter bonnets spring styles and spring housecleaning two excit ing short stories ky trut easterjegg and ttordbsnk by anna sheilda and uaurioe thompson i fashion column a sketch when did jjofambas disoover america 7 and a viluable article on alaskan exploration tnd adventare by lieutenant schwatko the number haa beautifully colored co- ers twenty pages and six large illustratii ni and is sold for five cents- the nature of the no thfrn part of he new british empire thai hjr cecil l4ods is establishing in so th africa is well described in anj artlclu ii i the feiaew of rautu for afiril euitleifv wlthj hr bhodethroagfcaanialud it is an aoconnt of a faug jonrni y inland that mr rhodes the premier of cu colony haa fast taken to inspect io jwoaderfal new gold field aver which lers i so grejat an excitement the arid i a illustrated with several portrait ii eluding a fat page picture of mr hhodaf it dome ilmfwi teeth or the next three tnsutlis fsjoo and h0o per sett tsrfect lit guaranteed and bertquiitr ds1irton los grtdoxta of toroato school of dtauttry tad koyil v3ll4ca of dcatu 6artaas orrrce k t port ofbo actoa hurrah boys also now is the t me to ornament yoarsslf with- nmjoh or ht re the old one repaired to boy your girl some jsmsilery a fine e tock ot which is opened by symon next please call a a inspect all work warranted 3501 in rewards the cenac ian agriculturists great half tear r literary competition tho tilth talf yearly llterarjr competttlea for iso cf t ia cansdian agriculturist amer icas old s id reliable illustrated fimdj miarlne wl 1 cto w jons ntasll letters bear- tngpostmuk no mstter splendid pri lostsutsm saodioe tn a reeetvo a val 1st grand fie- lad led tb slu eth wi f lobsvsrdsei ksxtterprlsei beavr pla kaitltilprp warranted keitmoprf kotaesbu door to kenoey bros lot later tbaa jane sutu will eount where tioeted tho followltig es will be given free co persons sending la th greatest number of words mad oat of letters loataiaed lathe words u ilr xsfersrt one words will aaicnxroiust 1st of not ls thaa 100 wl i able present of silverware i rard- ismiaanld grand piano valued at aaoo slmtaqold m organ valued at 30o 100teqoid oents gold wsteb fall jewelled ladles gold watchfull jswsllsd tt i am flslnqold tlfliach- 100 kext to prls i ft burer tea bets qusdrunla- plaee warn need silver dessart sets warranted mo silver batter dishes te eary plate i j s eanaists of heavy platad sorsr i tor dishes fruit baskets biscuit jin sugar shells batter knives 4c ic all fnllr warn ited maklnga total of sea splendid rewards tli raim e ililch will aggrecats tsns this grand literary competition a open to bodvev irjrwhere following an the l tha won s must be eonstnicted only from lettcrsfathi ordstaxixcstsitznaasicrn tcbist sad must be only saeh sire foaad in wabstera ci ibrfdged dictipaaxt m tbs body of the book not s of the sapplement to be ased t the won s mast b writtea in rotatiott and aambaredl laadsoonforfactllutlaglnd- dding the wi nars s litters c inaot be ased oftassr than they appear la tb words thjs trturnurxn aaai- cvivroaist or fastaaes the word esg n ean not be used s then is but on g in the three words tbe list ontaioing the largest number of words will be awarded tint priu sod so ou in order efmsr t each list ea it is teeatvsd will ba nam bend aod if two or mors tie the nrst reeslved sfll be awarded lint prise and so on therefore th benefit of sendlag laeexlr will llstmast be acoampeslsd by 1 for six eaicntruiust roadnrbs s eaeh llatlmast be aooampeo raonthssabsi rfptloa a tns aaa peteruo lsterboroaili our last co npstitlon- oot htco prth all right ii tl braodoa vsoeonvor b o thanks for asoo prise a wconainaham donald bc prise reoaivsd o k- j d butjewsst apsrlorwis aaooprisereeelvsd thsaksk v bobertsod toronto and m others in un ted btaias aod flansda this is ko otrebvmarit only will ooaut th ropuuti n for fairness gained by th aosj- ci ltnaist it ths past is arnnls naranta that oils compstl ion will be oonduotad la ilk man- guelph busi guip wears now ctteriug educational advsnjs es hitherto been offered and thoroughness of several ot par student final i tha canadian people bjfti ny self tappotting inatitalion tha oar commercial obohi i lis strikingly shown by he fact dating the- put condition that they took the conirnerdel c irs at theauelph baafnsss collage in ouri shorthltnd and typewriting leparitnant he two leading bhorthand systems of ha present day are taught experience in teaching shortest possible ume in oar modern language departmen french or aerrnan while parsning the oharge botk iangnage art taoght by student to read j write and speak hem i ur method is the oaloame of leu year fihorthaad and fc dite the best practical reaalt in tit ba can get a practical command of either lommsraial coarse and without extra i io natural method whioh enable th thta i rare opportunity which tha akbiliaur and inergatio yoong man or j r jman will not fail to tela in penmanship oar work ia neadmir i ia of all who sea it send for a spswinjan stadenu from england and united sis for terms etc addrese f poos beomdr rorcwairit is lb bast easiest tbpss and oissrest catarrh sold br drtisej bf tatajfia p et usscltbm worm rs rj ijl i our wall rs and borders are new and artistic the prices are low every roll is fresh and bright for the spring trade ess college ont and tuition bate such as have not the steps fact that ear have been offered situations on are- now in attendance il maecormick principal bedford cordav tweed effect nf coepcm hare the run this year and fawn and mid qroy an qndonbtedly the cemet shades it b korth snr srhil to inspeotraratook in the abovlineej no bbtjae in this coontry can do better and few pandouwell for yon i tn tbi matter otitylevaktap well en with the time knd onrnriee rs down to the lowest notch w are abowiiig some lovely design in french tf7ool delaines and sateen our stock of not weather goods is ry complete doajt forget sbont our carpets curtains and window shade extra value in this department r b jermy blood tonic lsriow recognized as t reimedy for purifying the bttiod and as a spring medicine read the follow in iettimopikl ccom a rwdtjnt of the oitycf ouelph gnelphjannahfilsw ueartwlasmrrhotxj c- city qotltacxx i have used yonr blood tonic blood partner and also for chronic constipation and have found it td be tha i mostsstisfaotoiy remedy i hare ever ased i recommend tt tt alt my friend who are troubled with stomach and blood troubles a received great benefit from it use yonr truly joint surra arthor st prepared only by ik q s7ith to dispensing chemists gueljph ont j carpet are goiog to be is big department with as the premise leased from mr j t brown are now oompiet to awry reapet having been fitted op in keeping wiih- he rest ot oar store and we have now a carpetecom filled to overflowing win every thing necessary in a flntda carpet department t f we recognise the tacttlati hatnmeideaonbnyinga carpit they j immense selection at the drug store u j ik j v kannawin boots fc shoqs r oar fall stock of we have just received boot and shoes from the best miin fictuterslnoanada andavyeomj petition in either quality style or ptic 1 whfoh for style fit and wear cannot be excelled v i wm wiluams a aoton not going to be satisflewith limited assortment to choose from bat reqi rscgebothof pttternaandrnitorials oonaequently oar importations ol carpet this year are fully doable what bay sver were bafor we have already received 1ss pleees 1 of new carpets this spring and a they were bought direct from the manfaotnrer we can and will sail them to yon just a aheap aa they ean be bought foe either in toronto or montreal the only point with whioh wa find we have to compete today we know just at what ptioa carpets an being sold by the leading store in these two citi and we areprtpaxed to tell them to yon at the sinie prioe i have i- i t 1 m h 1 a oar paachaslng advantage ars eqnal to those of any house in canada as we b dy for cash therefore yon may ocahdenuyerpact to bny from us at th very lowest prices we are prepared also to send a ootnpetentman to take the dimensioai of your room cat and match th carpet ind will ihen have s tewed and pat down complete for yoa if yon direlt j i i i ij i 1 lace and ohenille gurttiin9 i i v r i curtain ifaferial by- the yard cartain pole and blinds in fct we are showing grand values and aa almost nrjiaited assortment in everything reqaired lor window hanging j and we will allow no one to undersell us ii oil glothsatid linoleums 1 these serviceable good we can show yon in a great variety ot p stterns in ail widths and at all prices owie pripe pniyv gft fmkf co i therelsanistq pihshesmiwslmtlsijlltlilmtwwwllwtflifw and tbe tbotaandi of ladies who visit th m iahlng bish this week to tws ripitlt hou thsfav x- hamilton april oth ism wl bciljd aybiit honse are delighted wuhth beaotifntatvie ool ainta aasdiai cheapness andvast quantities ot the drwoood f he magnlfloent duplayof ladles ad uiases hsu bonnet l cafwm feathers ornaments beaded goods beads creppsy laeavlchifiona ribbons neu etc ltdia in hon ilha havtieei greatly pleased with tha immeose assortment ot silk orapea jjlaok qaibmer jlrbm 40o to ivui and varioo that saw i ot moarntog ododrnd silk and bstlns in great variety io uaok and colors hsndsoma paraaols and umb allu tor j and misses then on he aeoood flat the delightful new style of ladlaa and misses olanues jaoketa beatan bhawi 1 010th curtains in the vary newest styles pat terns bolors- t pwi w fourth fists there are over 53000 iworth of tapestry bi mat mattlnirs oromb cloths carpet bweepersj window magnificent di8play and oouvlnge 5hb to gbt the blqht goods at the bibt pb europban manupaottiberb and be0e yba 80 w out of any article one week bte msv goods imported this week 4 oasea dre ooodi curtains 1 oase swiss lab cnrtalns i case manfhi p i crape j osses ladies vests 1 oaas table covers 1 m i ova mantle cloths 1 oase blank and colored lull in 01 t oases window pols 1 eat bras wlndtiw ifliuw 1 e franmlieiastoome ss these good and yoo w jl u the stobe8 at the door in the i matenala table and piano cloths ate and id thinhand velvet wilton axmloateimcoetteatan2 isnattotbi dvjpolea bran window xwnavetu all 1 xgjnluc that the fttghts hon8ej8 the 1ht bcaob watkin8 orders gcrbstfwbllki rfromphll liy 8upplilebllf new andasslioi ahlk oc i have it the next st 0a8e8 an l a isfievox jeaa silk cartain cloth 1 oaat tapeatry oortadi stt es katta t ohiflont th yard and 1 aoarfs j i oaa i at eoaahmeragtiaseaaaginoirerilj w 1 tmmml c towwaluc ri 1 1 carpet warfc and vwtuj 1 i v jjrvm jpmab corner of tuqisttas mx vwmmmstmmixr

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