Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 14, 1892, p. 4

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wbf die jclati jtrcc ress thursday amil 14 12 stic oung folks be first lultm lo plf i it jf ou lsrnjm ilrlni it it h iiinitf 1 nif sr lli r frt t imvc it- sir t rnt tii irloti nk lit tit rrv to pir it if tt rtln oil come ortif wt loufcj it if tluineaft bflpfut wcnv j iv tj f frit to tl if ft toilftumeliil ctu tut cttm ti it if o w wot i to klo 1 ill rrt to do it if t lnr nbocm tuit tyctn ixir lirri0 it iiit if in kvvl jnu kow i twe1tr frvt toull it ivtcfcrirc liom llip tire of i iv an oluu it i hut irr ill crown of jo itlilll wid1 pliu it j aixsiurtioncirrn rat lie an oli iihyticm retirei firom pri hating hai pltoesi iu hi handi by an tt india micionary the formal of a t nple jrrc table remedy for the cpcet qd per- macrnt cere ol cotimmplion iironcliitia ctttrrh aclttma and all thro and iuog tfitclioiia j wo a potitive and radical car for servotii debility and all nirvoaw om jtliinu after htvid ttej iu vooderfal carmtive povert in thoacaodi of cases hcj fell it hu duty to make it known to all hit iiifferior fellow ac a tried ty tlit oiptive and a desire to relieve human aefferify i will tend fre of charge to all who deaite it thti recipe in german french or enpih with foil direction for preparing and rtciug sent ty mail by adilrcuing kith tamp earning thia paper w a note tr poweri block koch cater st yicr hihhi v ndocbtedly need a thcrorjfib cleaciinc thii aecson to eipel impurities keep op the health tooe and prevent disease you thoald take hoods sariaparilla ihebeti blood porifierand system tonic it is on- oall in pcitie medicinal merit hoods piuareparely reeeltble perfect ly harm leaa effective bat do not cause pain cr cripe be sore to get good gentleman it a term which dot no apply to any station bat to the mind and tbefeelicpiin eery station the man of rank who deports himself with dignity and candor the tradeaman whodiacharcea the dutiea of life with honor and intrecrity are alike entitled to it nay the humblest art t tec who fulfils the obligations caet upon him with virtne and with houor is mora entitled to tbe name of gentleman than tbe man who could indalge in offensive and ribald remarks however high hit ttation notes here and there i j item of general nuratt to fre prats rtlar cure fur iistwl- a it well tnown thu trdabletomo com- pltiul trise from ortrettitig tho dm of too mach rich food ntat oomtlptlon uck of ercrciis hed ir etc the food ilioolj be thorosehlj chwcd nd nvcr oollfj cr twillokcd iu lnjit ttiraulnu mud be tvoided lid eiercite tken il rwiiblr a remedy rbich hu rtrely fill ed to ttc prompt relief tad effect pcrmm cut curc even in the mototitinitecmc ii burdock dlood bitten it tctt by rega- latiiic touinfi ho ditivo orrtm rcmovidb coctiveoeit and iocrcing the ippetite and rettorinj helth tnd vijor lo the tjitcm ai cie in point wo quote from letter written by mit i a kuhn of hamilton ont tro year aco life teemed a burden jl ooold not at the aimplett food withsat belofi in dreadful iiery in my ttomacti under my thouldera ani acrofi tho back f myjneck medical advice failed to procure relief and icelnr i n n adtertimd t took twohottleaof it and liave been entirely ree from any aymptomi of my coniplaint alnoc thii ciret very coocloiiw proof of tbe efficiency of thii irondcrlul remedy iteoenl improvcmenu in wiredfiwiug have roado it poitible to raw platinum andaiher into wire that ia fiber than human hair f homr klul abroad fhyicitni travelljrt pioneer fettlen idtalidi and all claticeof people of every decree teatify to the medicinal aud touic virtue of burdock bood hitter the moat popular and effective meditine eitanl it cure all diaatei ot the stomach liver boveh and blood t sir joaeph hicksoniimbeeneleeted pres ident of the rrohibitidn coomuiibn ii vou have a couch or cold do not nefilect it many without a trace of that heredit ary diteiae have drifted into a comnmp tiiet crave by neclectinr what waa ouly a tlisht cold- had ihey uted bicklei ami- comumplive syrnp before n wai too late their livea would have been apared llr a w levy mitchell writea i think bicklea antitoniumptive synip the beat preparation on the market for coucbi and terere coldf about ail yeanacolcancht a aevere cold which settled on my lunca and tor three monthl 1 had a cough i had a phynciin atteudine me but gradu- ajly crew worae until i wa on the verr of conumption and had ciwn up hope of beinc cured when i waa induced to try bicklet syrup before i bad taken one bottle i louod mynelt creatly relieved and by the lime i bad nniibed the second bottle 1 wa completely cured 1 alwayi reoommeud it for 6evere colfliand consump tion 3 by a recent appliance to kitchen range tbe refuae from the kitchen ii thoroughly dried converted into charcoal and osed rbiiteo paccosowy uoney borrowed it a fw vofledlntlndlriaemlni uouey waited ii a rlend loct beroqd redeeming ifoarfedltlillkoarumt won with anitou teek n ulvlns uolliing for bit ko lk bave llw caw of keepin bpent in coo4 it leave a josj twice lta worth behind it and who thai hu loct t fttcifa khali hereafter nnd it the vawbof wmics a little tirtnsht41ctlu atiiul the craa and fern a ilus ttrancer acooind where weary men uiljli lie walled it round and hill a lulls it iho brink he tlioucht not of ihadimjj b ltut hoped that toll would hetitodacalqand lo thewill ity tummera nover drle 1 had cooled en thoutand r trclfed toutuea aud aaved a lit beaid ibaay wtik we rsre her crfortt win fclu l cnj tor cislotii wto ttss bit xtt h5 cu tj cakorjt tica tie ti ujiits aba save ua cacoeta a young mau m jeraey city save that courting two girlt at once may be very pleasant bnficee if one of them doe not find it out but it the doe then the other i had better vacate at thort notice a biff trouble tbe great aciatic nerve when dittorbed can give more pain than any nerve of tbe human body fortunately it is eatily tub- deed by the tight remedy at tbe right time on thii subject mr william blagden of edenscr bakewell dersytbire eng writes i was a tufferer from sciatica for two years st jacobs oil completely cured me when all other remedies had failed what a dtbt ol gratitude the world owte to tach men at dre ayer and jender the latter for the great discovery of vaccination tnd the former for hit extract ot sarttptr- ilia tbe beat of blood purifiefi who can estimate how much these discoveries hate beoented the race a velocity at high aiw7 feet per second hat bd obtaioed by t projectile from t rapid fire gun this ii at th rate of 1968 mile an hour it u tb e highest velocity ye recorded it is great public benefit these lignisceat wordt were used in relation to dr thomas eclectric oil by t gentlemen who had thoroughly tested it merits in hit own caw having been cured by it of lame- netaof the knee of three v four years ttandine it never fails to remove torenest a well at lameness there ii osly one vessel in the british ntvv which in tbe ltd thirty years bai been engiged in a sea fightjkilh a hostile warship the 6bth sheis sent to bermo ik to die a bulk tourists whether on pleasure bent or bnsinest tboald take on every trfp a bottle of syrup of fig u it act most pleasantly and effectually on thekidneyt liver and bowels preventing fevert hetdachei and other formt ot sickness for sale in 75c bottles by all leading druggists quite a breeze waitaw i will weally have to wemove to tnothav tabse there tppeawi to be t terwibie dwaft beaw tspnt no drtfl hea uo hosv mr la pade dth tint no win tall cept what dat yer lady am makin wld her fan aw tbatt it i knew there was a dwat it netrlybjew me away weally now couldnt yoa ask her to stop j i cain one pound 338- nuoffil lama flci a i day a iain op a pound a hay is the case of a han who jias eecokx all cis down am has bcgt to take that tdtazcajxenxsi ftodlxx of pure cod liyeh oil with hypophosphitesjof time soda 15 notuiso csustlal i tliis ftat has eexs rerfomed oym asd ovrt again falatabls a3 ullk en- ixiksed vx pliyslpan scotts emllsios is fvt ip only is salmon cnlnuweappeks sold fcy all dnnj gists at oc and ioo scott c- flollsei rtllnill the lungi liver kidnivyt bowels 4c act ai so raaqy waste gatei for tbe escape of esele matter and gase ifrom the body the use ot korthrop a lyman vegetable discovery helps them w discharge abeir duty mr w h lester ii m custom toronto write 1 have personally tested tbe healthgiving properties o northrop lymini tjegetable discovery and can testify as to its great value the north west colony df rusaian jewi will be locitedtt wbitewood man cold weather trials deai blth thii fill tud winter i sut- fered from neuralgia in my face and had the best medical advice without avail i it itst thoughts trying bi b b and after aiing one bottle have not felt any bymp- ipmi ot neuralgia since i regard it aa a fine family medicine j t drjt hettlip man whats the matter with jour barometer it act ai if it were crazyj theres one of those rain producing men experimenting over in tbe neit field and tbe blamed tiling dont know whether to indicate rtin or fair weather g c kicuacds a co gent my daughter wa tpptrentur at tbe pojnt of death with thai terrible disetse diphtherit all remedies bad failed but minard6 liximent cared her and would earnestly recommend it to all who may be in need of a good family medicine john d boutilier french village who is that lovely girl exclaimed the witty lord norbury in compiuy with bis friend counsellor grant miss glass replied the counsellor glass reiterated the facetious judge i should often be in toxicated could i place such a glass to my lips the horse oobleat of tho brute creation fwben suffering from t cut tbrtiion or 4re derive as meeh benefit ti hit master iri a like predicament from the healing adoihing action of dr thorn ecleotrio welling of the neck stiff- throat and lungi are relieved by it the third page ol the toronto hail in noted faj want imveriietnetit ifiyou want to buy or fell tanything if aooining action ot oil lamencsi sv n of the joiutft cell n rith caro did drink tute and imitations tnd no other the koons iubuene upon the weather ii acoeptex bisotne a tl by other it i disputed the moou never tttract oorni from the tknder tching tpot iututm ptttliesi corji ex tractor remove tho mott painful coco in three day thii grett remedy mike no tore spot doesnt go fooling tronad t tntn foot but get to buiipest at onpe sled effect a cure dont bo imposed npou ty thbttl- get pptmvra some peoplo protest to like dedi better than wordi or ti they otten put st deed without wordi but we bej to remind these good people that deedi iltwat wordi cannot give valid title to real estate mr jotb scale of toroato write a thort time ago i wa suffering from kidney complaint tnd dytpeptit tiur ttomach andltme back in fact i wai ojmpletely prostrated and suffering ibftette pain while in thit tute a friend recommended me to try a bottlo of nortliropj lyman vegetable discovery 1 utedj one bottle and the permanent mtnnerinlwhrch it hat cured and made a new man oe meii loch that i cannot withhold from tlepcoprietort thii eipresiion ot my gratitudp are you deaf or do you tuffer from noitok in the head then tend 8 cent stamp tnd j will tend valuable treatise containing all ptrtioaitrt for home cure which oott cbraptrttively nothing a splendid work on detfneci tnd the ear addretspnor g ciuontresj shilohis consumption cure thu greai luuotl cure thii succestful consumption cure it without parallel in the history of medicine all druggist are authorized to sell it on t positive gutrantee t test that no other cure can successfully stand if yoa have t cough sore throat or bronchitis ate it for it will cure you if your qhitd lit the croup or whooping cough use it promptly and relief it lure if you dread that intid- iout disease consumption dont fail to use it it will cure yoa or cost nothing ask your druggist for bhilob6 cure price locti socts tnd 100 if your lungi tre sore or back lame use sbilobt poroui plaster 2oct ohyhat acougih will you heed the warning tne aigaal perhaps of the sure approach of that more terrible disease consumption aik your selves if ou can fford for the sake of saving 50c to run fhe risk tnd do nothing for it we know from eiprience that shiloht cure will cure your cough it ever fails canada is being congratolated everywhere on the excellence of her mtnaftcture- art stained glass is prominently in the front rank of her improvement thank to mccausland s son ot toronjta who for 40 year have labored not onlylto accumu late money but to make stained nd orna mental glasi of all kindi t credit to the dominion the spring r ot all seasons in the year is the one for mating radical changes in regard to health hoods earsaparilla has attained the great est popularity all over the country aa the favorite spring medicine it expels the accumulation of impurities through the bowels kidneys live lungi and tkin gives to the blood the purity and quality rreoe sary to good bellb and overcome that tired feeling the microscope shows 4000 muscles jd the body of the common caterpillar and that tbe seye of the dragonfly oqntaint 28- 000 polished lenees prompt potent and permanent result always come from milbnroi aromatic quinine wine if you want to buy or sell t farm ad vertise in tbe toronto weekly hail that paper retche 100000 firmer home every week tnd your advertisement thoald meet the eye of someone who wcau to pur chue advertisement of thu class tre n- serted in the toronto weekly ificil for five cent t word etch insertion or twenty cent a word for five insertions address the mail toronto canada j one of our exchange close it soconnt of the funeral ot a child which was run over by the cars by nying that fide faner- ti exercise were solemn tnd imposing tnd well ctlcultted to impress upon the mind of the children tho danger of playing about tbe railroad the confidence that people htrji in ayerf sartcptrill a t blood medicine is the legitimate tnd natural growth of many yean it hi been htnded down from ptrent to child and ii th favorite family medicine in thousand of househotdi sick headache caused by excess cl bile or a disordered stomach u promptlt relieved by using national pills powder contain to uim anuooata uni plwfts tctnj fcjarftflt w olttctt toronto ont v yau wtnt t situation a mec lanic a buti netts machinery lodging i you hve lost or ound anything or if you wswt ui iwid oat where anyone is advertise in the to ronto daily hail and read be advortisa- mnton the third ptge of tint paper the chtrgei two cent t uord each in ertion addre the halt toronto can ad rsjrr you wijrtt your ootlonir llnons flannoia algyr woct clean snowy wft ita yoo wnt tha wsuft aano tno eat tho o att the qulcfcwt tho o ettwsjr oan- foap t surprtsesonp the pfffe i way wlfjhout bold cttwing gftes thoco w jacjuj oa uw wrsoper bur- retkiltf ailw ays t tiitiexil tncnlr with rhearoitiini la ciraaklcs ciumintitaudviubliwllliemwllui 3t jacobs oil la tia mnmlnj t vralkcd without pain sueifblkr ii ii vtn7aiira nakkkr i yonjo ft torontoajiu neur vuulattcltem jtcul ill ii tho only remedy that mllettd mo if tcutia and it ccuctuallr cured uie 1 it is the best i cast0ria for infanta and children glasgoiar house cteulc wsupvjtjcifldrwllial t recommend leu superior wajifprrpuoa tcawatooe it a- mm it d u 6a- xxantsc snaurii k t nlreml thu ute of ftortl tinlrerl ud is mrlu so wel blown that it taam ts work of svpererciraucitoeedorselt fwareth inielllriat ftmfl w who do ut keep outset iflthhieswxreaci j krorkcty omterf cure oiue 0lrtler sourstomadi dtarrbcca lrucutfr cllll worms give siuep and pruuote dl- vtithoafitfljurtous medjcatloa for tereral revra t hao reomm toyr jstart and shall nwars paatinuu do so a u tum tavxriably nroduooa beaedu muttx enwik t ptaott it d thosvtataroxi uth atwt iid jh ato kewxocuctiy fak bnitlci ootcrarr ti jiuttxr 6rxtt ktw vott purest ttsdrfernlo fidt4afiue vrtier i a aoaaeitiali 14 r all s vsr 6ti i- nv ar jxr thousaf the great w ladies eklycompetlon ofthe rlome magailne tributed ti fo tnswer receive etch letter tob at the office of sach and every 200 the secon i rofioest best ntonantllr for roafclns so mnfci i ni ad a banted ouul oiiidbilbou i en drci x tnrdatai ds in rewards which word i i this advertisement spell tbe same backv ard a forward 1 this is a rtre opportunity for every mtdtth tnd uis every ft her tud son to secure t splendid prize wtxsxv peizsu every week turohgtoat thii great com etition prizes will pe die lowt the first correct the post mtrk dito on taken a the date received the lailien home uifjazine week daring 1892 will get correct antwer f 100 the third 50 fourt i t betutital silver service fifth five oclock silver service tnd the next 50 correct tnr erwill get prize ranging from 25 down 2 every fifth correct answer irretpctive ot whether a prize winner or not will get s tpecitl prize competitor rei hiiugin thooathern8ttte a well a oth c distant point hvo an equal chanoe vfth those nearer home a the postmark ill bo oar aulhority ip every cue itcics etch list of answers must be accompanied b tl to pay or six ipantbs snbscription t one ot the best home magazine in a nerica rcrgeekcls cine iswell able peterbourouj h splendtd paper the ladies home haw to carry oat it promise canada time a and financially string basting cat td star very prize tinner will he tire to reeefve- just 4htt he is entitled to- norwood canada rrguzi i t ij u i fnj j money thould dr regittered le ter address theladiei tlvrnt hagaiin peterborough candida it is tafe to ders a they ujt only on the wormtand do not injure tho hild infectious p leumouia lit been fatally imported into shipped from i it it being election in july if til tbera it little turned to powe politici trium id now tbtt the benertl england will be held in dune or cable tre saying is true d abt of gladstone being re- tgtin itlvill be hit itst ih corns came wayt corn c it and tee what painful b tre quickly soo carbolic stive a s to per on if t frog ii ti feet deep how to get to the each day and bight one handrail paid to the rect tnswer to elegtnt piir of gold settings second correct tion it basiui correct tnswer pitying tlx kmwer a t the next five some parlor axn a solid cobhect axswer person three cent the finest continent v introduce it weekly 22 to i tnswen g ttttmn harassing h miserable n care like able bnrdo k be tent by pott office order so freeman worra pow ranee by 600 live razil intolerable pain hollo e removes the trouble try an amonnt otptin isstved braise scalds and cut hed tnd healed by victori rlze puzzfe the bottom of a well ten ntny days will it tike him if he climb up one foot lidea back six inches etch dollar in cuti will bo who sends the first oor- tbe above prize putzle diimond earrings in solid iven to the one tending ntwer a complete edact college given for fourth an imported masio box given for fifth correct dress ptttern for etch of correct answers a htnd- to etch of the next ten ld witch ron ife nssr reoiieicirpnovikcei every mutt enclose foar three for two simple oopie of publication ijn tdli give these prize simply to lddres ladiei pictorial onto can pi ce til itc p illns rated tdtche make mtay live letsly so when prompt bfcod bitter it obtiin consumption i bst pcaltin n mf tor uw liovt timouadf of tttndlac inrswes ti lis uivar that 1 jrllls i yaluuuj iflerrr1ifllkb 7 a slooum r weer tc tonto 1 ffl seal mtomwhii bzatux aa tus sitae 10 arrr lead ssttictr kisk f lb mat kusvitnr iiktsot u riraar it ttr ctfllt sb aa tui sitom arrr xphzltualjuim m 0 lasaocuioc iokt big sate of dress goods and new i spring goods arriving daily at wm mcleod gos georgetown wo are opening out heaps of new dress goods new millinery hew printed batccna as nice as 6ilks new prints new staples new sewed muslin embroideries new muslins new corsets new cloths for suitings now cents furnishings new carpets now curtains new readyranue cloth ing new boots antt shoes also wo have determined to have a bigsalo of dress goods theprices of the said goods wore from 35c to goc and they bhall be sold all at 25s psr yd come early aud secure first choice big bargains dont miss it our millinery j opeuing will be an nounced shortly dressmaking finst class tailoring nothing in canada to beat us wtj have a big choice stock priees right and we aro anxious to do business patronage respectfully solicited the mammoth w mcleod co aeohfjetown this season we are show iug f ha largest and best issirteq stock in thin liaaeyer brought late actcn tho same quality of print that we aw at 15c tud 17a last yearcan bo had this year at 12e ast wo tha patterns ore all aew and varied no that jou lavb a ljargoratigo to choose from i o haro also great bargains id 8cl and lco iiints of which wo have stacks tlfat muit ia sold very round our stock of large range prices our black anc sendersoii ress goods is most co nplete and is nn exhihitiott evdiydyy at colored cashmere ero bought prices are oiji tho largest hoase in ilontrealand the io ioioscst wo over acid goods at a jall will pay yoa mcirae the goods are pll iiewlahd jaat pi atardiy rn received 50 new pwces i i 1 tf railway tabtb tffb crarid trunk railway expre i is am i eif rets mo mail 9t2ra ilfkoser f 1 ijn sirrest 1 34 pm esiittn ii 10 sjb all c6 pm i kill- c pni 1sueoger b conm i mixed 10 jl pje- i tiisx or cxcsiyd miisl olns we t tsiia snd i 0 pm i rjoicig eul 10 o am tnd s 0 pto vthlt urn table rent into tfect erf cecctnlir ttb i bordock regulate e the stomach liver and bowels unlooksi ii thesecrctlonsvpurlfieittie blood artd removes all im purities from a plmpleto if the worstscrofutous sort cures r dyspttpsla biliousness- constipation- headachtt salt rheum scrorulaa heartburn sourstomacf dizziness dropsy rheuaati siskin diseases bitters i uhdones mehariicaucicncivil- w3qpengrav1nc u klhjgsteasttoronto qq send him your order j for- arty cass of wood ierigravtng you desre isnb this a common sensq 8hqe kenney bros acton acyardq ell0wili cures rheumatfsm freocaits worm powders araplmtaatotea- contain their own purjtuve is safejtttro tnd eflecteai icfcrerer at wotmmla children at ab1u atra bought the- entirestock ot s boot tad shoe dealer away below regnlaf price tnct will sell oat their itoak it wonderfullj loisr figuijes i i kow is the time for cheap shoes dont miss this great opportunity money saved is money mda custom ivork tnd- repairing n this the the arlor ining room the if edrooms the jail the kitchen thi abject tnty hive been in spends ittla time looking for somefh gie yocn idea of how mach ctnl can safe f promise to suit yoa w are marking down the prices of oar entire stock and in addition to thi will giie ertrj eaatamer 0 percentdiscount on all cuit nnxcoaias oar s oek it very urge tnd eetn sait yoal if yoa wtnt t good trunk or yallaa it the place o get it ii k sal trfr 0 m k w kateur atnt u e ar 110 tie bust fours it plgaseft gyerybooy niiifrtncti vtlllard- tlw brlijjl at outlook wfodtta- ia christaklom far bwy ptkfciwiatttti fffatoafatlawtrid prottiaaee ttiegrnjn co the buxy the luy ud the ernfwrofcal j tbecoacretiorialirttliins30thiy hu no peer in onginxuty cdeasniidpe and xcanct of frinott tbortjugfcnem in air 4adttitrulxxtiim u rsmrt wb riniaeti osfth clxlcajro interior tkrjbtirute rt trirwr o scf vorfc hi cotoe w the rtscu ol besy people we know j case kirk rmurrfj tjsciiu wfao tor t moathi bis vorked tuuil 11 oclock xt cigbt tod yet u kept well iaforved of current waril eventc he radiuus higxtinc ttgittt kitn i ro cnioc cotnmenuiy oa importnai ctcatt besides x diesc t tlx best nidei in coalemgonry ma price be 8250 a year udthi c lutncnu ihehiivuiw or kevietg sgsmfliott- h itv in ij mx m do you know anything about a horse trade mapvk thote who bartu tbidcmadr of the diieue thit- inimu fleditg faeir tcrtrtjofr ly recoiiimad j dieti bpurlfleraocv dickibliier qcfccotataantbe dicks liniment it5r tkcbcftln tbe orld forsartetttcii thf hatb s theustott tears doatvtit ontil yoarbetutgauiiebbat d tpofulcxrdttoaca for fail pasucxius ttboat ihs taedieiaec aik icy desjer fbt ihtta i book at precious hauefiold medical vtln- itt ftnexrpeienttr3a appucalon dicksco po box 482 montsllal kenney bros mayjneed new furniture roar mini toe a month or to tnd it will pay fyon to inz that will pleus yoa i visit to oar shop will had far t relatively imtll imonnt of mooey we bo underta cinq in all it branches speight x son j 1 speight waspr printers i can furnish you with the best presles for countryni ms am copy rights i a 1 frea hmdbook wtta to f t 00- bbl broadt1t nxtyoet a fortecartaff pfttenta ta amenai taken oat by nstc bcootht belsa c br imxio flren free of diizje tn tht mmtm x itrtrctiuuonof tnricfciitltcpapertottsi ttortdj gptcndidlr ulnsuattwlv- xotktlllnt thati fhanld be irtthont it wkltvjtoo i rearnma str mcmthic jiinmuusstk ocx ph tt 5tt nu 861 broadymr- key tjrtt s thecooks best friend largest sale in can ad vs ind tob work to be had in this as tor country rxews ana job work to be h country and at lower pricls than for any other new cylinder press cokb tckctonknd sbb our improved country prouty press no we hatra ran easy to handle today far the thecn wecingi think w it it simple ettty to ran ietsy on ty oott little far rtptirs tad i etsy oa t money the frfee pjtess is printed on 1500 drum cylinder e printers foaket book above press and the jivork illustrates its merits tess can do better newspaper of poster workj we call it the best pre to be had in the world iarnith jorhe thd see oar press at wai c if yoa desire sample of work jsend for them ud we will fjidly- e yoa yoar ohoioe of s namber ot ji ereht sire tnd stylet of preuet at til prioe of it a new 8 col folic br 5 col qto power pijess for only 600 to fybl or an 8 col book i ress for jj8oor fnll paiticulart from agiht f or cabjada acton ont the largest 8cale wpjfcs r canada w overitoo styles op i hy scales grain scales farm scales tea scales imprq yed s hqy ga5es honey drawers 1 and butchers supplies fcsorxss ik rcix writ or ternia wilson son 6 o fcsplanade street ea8t torontcont tion this itz eery ire tos writs 1 jttiof- wtlp 1 i cures kdlerj ghclaramorbus solrlcari 1ramps imrffiea ysehterw ll summer combuuicts- audjitluxes of the b0wejj8 itis sate and reliable for chillren or anvltsi v asthma p9- tatlrsastbslalbbk jouraddrsssaodwevlitjilj will mail in trial bottct dbtaetbbosroebilltc stmntj cindun dpt 1us anej tkt aide blw toroato caaada i p- it-

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