Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 21, 1892, p. 3

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m- the jtethodkt church a0toh bxt joxh xoac rettotue8awerareae pastor rwuurrlwoiirftjnjn sends mheciuo mbleaseseoejdeebrlhe ratter allwseltlvtm tl fttunud tutun slirtre nlntn at- sattvsshst the door bank of hamilton hid omar uauxvcok irfrllvun cr iteuevx fctto ittoaoro sextan mottly of i i kyr the news at home la ml chrour and ltirttntrwtttner ttrsrutu cttir tt si steveki atsrctu7tu dimctorsjowc brrwut prestdeot a u tuirsij vijerres jan pocto ciit as boic a r wioo a iijc7 atorafcrok adshot j dikoasm sad idanoes nude so ell eeortuse dsarrsaaeuistrtaeccax umno tain ami wriut 14 cur op traces bought sl sold feiiii pxat or sa visas rspimkbirr jwrrarjcltmerwilesa lo wk ukmd ram dale at dsiiatu lo- dale or fohaavtl- i weoax dkroets ijc i2j st rates of interest ko mum of withdrawal nqufrtd urovatof house cleaning vou want some wallpaper for tle parlor bedroom kit- chen hall or ceiling we 1 can suit you oar prices are right window shades and fringes and bordered linen and paper curtain poles and curtain fixtures we shall be delighted to have you call even if you do not buy if we cannot please you nobody can kgo of the rie witch nsdrfrs tor ystraes ijewtllery feutlonrr wall ptpen window sfcadec e qbo eyndb acton ont thcrsday afbil 21 1ss little local brieflets at r arth mn b met with vt acoldeat lut week wtuui wi i incapacitate htm from pertarroieg u ui it work for mtne lime he wu retkiig re strt it the residence of mr john aceovsil ha a heavy cornice over the front door felt a poo him breaking his right cot r bine itnit narrow eeoepe tram aior i erioat injury rtje puitte i oiao the revert dep kmeate ot he publio school wt re open hut ltondcy morniog arrangementi hew ibeeo made for the third department to be h ild la thetown hill ua til the new school it opeuod the ppll will go there i t i fondly matnlag ow ing to the sbaarmt y crowded itele at the fourth department 5a the room it the town hill there it v pro lability thit hilf tirae will b idopted fr the junior lod later mediit clue dm iag the lammer raoathi taere erebvirc taadrl mme on the roll of theroon he hit of paplle pro moted t the ftotal euthtaitione wjll be gireo a belt uaei vorratj clix we fit ss wort the ooraij cliie which aieetc every fridiy evenio g io s inor chareti i crettiuit coaeideribl i utr t in the saadty school ladooacngitoai tweatytiz aiaieecre ilreidy oa the ralij prof hcmtue legion ot eloaoc ir eeokarinil leaaat it the tert book the weioit tor aeit friday ereniae will bo the geography of the liod otitlhiaeh xbeputor who it one of the kormtl lactate iattractort choeea by the irovii ciilfiaadiy school auoei tioa for thecoadtcliag of nortnil iaiti- tatee teexhti tha dm any bandiy school iwhir deiiroat of itkior npuiii peciil depir meat of itady will be cor- ditliy weloom ri t tim i is re xutcu ci cfcrr hitch tuecheckd aumli ittt thsruyuiht with two load tetajt of eomewhit iadiffer- eot pliyere recited iaiioore pretty ertaly dirided it c ictea lot of fin tor toau of the mare ecpe ienaid irnkttor ind helpedf i coaiidertu crowd to pit in ta ereaiai uenrtj w u 6torei tad j p warden were the etp tiat lad the followior ire- ptttu vvou which cugtit the eyeior er of fraa press reporters this week 1 girdecinoperitiaot ire very britknow coelpu will obier arbor diy on the ch kty the trees ire baddicc ic i rlowrt ire io bloom tbe firmert herttboatt ire vuiy with their seediaf i ht yoar premitet properly clesaed ip befors the 10ih of uiy st alhcst innctl vetfry mectioi wu heu oo eiaer uaadxy eritq tbc miyor reere ind foor imembert of icilion coanctl ire royti templtn i urabee ot oar dtiseot ire puntice trftc on utt street otpotite their premuee the lectin tprme chick tn rith desth in rightfully diinitfi til teuoot itiewnj uthe hetbodut tai anglirsn charche win tulefsliy decanted with fiowert on euter sandiy i the ftrn pttst hit jut received some i rery fine weddicc csrdt ind iovititioqi of the litest style ms joseph uecisreu ibootto trcild taew dwethng oa the corner of chsrch ua wqbcr ttreu sow woald be la opportune time for ibe coqacu lo re the lreetfcelroyed is oorutg the drill ihed ust atmner good fridsywu obtened t geoerii bolidiy the westher wu bticht bats little tooroold tor pleuare oat of doort tbertis s byliw prohibitiag the dii cbirge of firotrms withiu the mahicipsiity yet timott duly cireleti boyt tiollte it ytsi- grippe rirdeoer it oat etrly with rhabsrd tu yesr the ftrc pmr wu firored with s fiae lot lut sctardiy the 6treuriile pizrc it folltwitig the exsmpie of the iizl iujx tod will idopt the cuh io idviaoe eyttem oa the 1st ofjipecry next in ukiofi down the ttove il toy toot ihoold fill on the csrpet ot rag cover nick- tod not s rmkt of e tecared id tad s church their stares tvoa w a etorty a johnfcoo jr e uclxcthlln u stirtax lus 1 ctretter c vsubord h udotrrt fhecoimtrrarpvnd nnwt itemi biitpp ld by corr- dondsnt i nd lxohh ellbn mills vv4 from the offoctl of 1- naswiylagaelph oa anplesnal ex- t fkckout bona on cornet bnd it it mtny bind reqaestd th rem for my k- ent hh worieo jot hohuas fj oathrie a ekickun hbhen4enoa neutbia j t woritn parcbue of s a wedding concert monht tlcce actaa cornet pstroctge of osr citf- uiaraent coder their taipices tad it is with legiiiauu hopes ot anaiaslaccees ibit they in rite the com munity to s concert to be given in the towa hill 03 briiiy eveaing jth tact a goad peogrtmme of vocil tnj inttramen til telectioqi will be presented ind it will be well worth the sueadssce of the poblic couideridg the ocmerost free open sir oonotru given lut tammer by the bead ind those in fmtpct far tbe coming reuoa the members ire mlyjattised tn tntici- tlteidsnoe on the occtsioo of s eobwrt tht pr 6t tbe object of the entertxinmen it t tecare funds for the new actrament m etstcr kondiy at s qaiet jrrddfng thit took plies yes- terdty tfteraoba i in eberboame stmt uethoditt cparch two member of tbe glul tuff fere the chief ictort ilr joseph e atkinson who it tt present one of the gluuy firliimentiry represents- thes it ousts ltd hits ells s elliott well known broach her nom de plame of iftdge mertoo the ceremony wu per formed by the rer c e uisning lad toe bride ind groojn weretftitted by uiss kite evs wjttuke tnd llr frtnk yelgfa the hippy ooapl left for ottsws where they will retcle nntil the close of the session gliv lie atlcioton it tecretsry of the ctniditn frets attocittioo the heutiect ooogrstalitu tit of the memberl of the crtatsre ti adeal t i ouu clxti ttccchl the mttcbj between membert of actoii god crabs on good fridty interest to mtrkimen tbe sad the- rainy r audi of q b thorns will regret lo heir o liis death which took plsoe oo bondsy nigh ijohtt dinlel it tick ukrippe john rsmtgos hone on sslnrdsy t kemp hod rather pjricrtce wrhlle i icltlng sunday evening but tlie inimsl beosme utimansgcsule i lid mide s dssh for liberty iking the bugg i newj one with it tnd in the dsrkaess let tho rosd it i brotk neck tpeod tor tha tath bresking tha rid into ipllatert i there ipposr lo be tome enmity enitlng between same b oar nljsgert snd thoy sre trjlng to raven a theratelvef not on their toes bat on lied tocmiesj dogs sod whether the medicine gt in them it poison or chloro form oar eipert i csnno deriide on wed nesday jut jr r anderson foand hit dog lying is if iesd in his neighbors gar den it lsidii uutt state forsboatso hoars when h sgsin breathed tha sweet bteeth of life scd itraclc for home agsin on bsturdsy mss- cuckot owilne noted in s timillsr msaaer bat remilned in i dor- mint ttste only pver night mfttqn keit uoudty theritepsyers vote oa tbe ttooo booas bjtiw the county lloeate pommltiiaaers will meet on fridsy toooqtuerthetppliostloas far liocntes there ire two new ippticinu one la georgetown the other in trtfilgsr r white hit parchissd the interest at w brothers id the reformer snd will henceforth hive sols ooatrol rer dr robertson taperiatendeot ot stittiaae prescbed sa ble tennon fa knot charch lut sacjct ly evening the officers sod brethern of lol ko ico uiltoo hue mtde srrsngeraenls tor i grind conoertli beheld it the town hill on thezctblaitl a nipbec of flritclus vocsliitshsve bien eagsced lacladint lilts giylord the wellkaowa toroato soprtao wo somerrllte left milton iboat three yetrt igo tnd emitted in d co rsi loadaa bat boaght his ditchsrge titer serving s thart time snd went to the nurthwett hit retaraed litely tovmt relttires in kelson towathip where hewu srretted by comtxbla bndley on s chtrge of bigsmy isjd igiintt jhlra by his wife who is s diaghter ot sir john oefarest pf kelson the informstioa ttstes thitan mth uiy i88c the priooec mirried the oompliiatsnt issbells de forest f kelson snd thit on the 251b jane following he mirried laalte goiter v at london somerville wis brought before stsyac dice sad wu committed far trill it is tsld he will pleidgailty cftmiii- kmatchbull j j itattoi ccspelcln jno hsrrc j- wjem tj uooro e victlln w etsk dr i3rr c qaictaer u binitber ly with dry tilt before tweeping mirk will be lett biker ttthim hesjt tbe tugwrt that fir for fin troat 1 s besaty which webbed s poo qatrter an taesdsy sfternoon rtbe semoes ot the btptit coctinae ind srs well ittened the psttor bi t been usittedthisweelby bevs j a ktsy ot dnndu ind 0 it leebyof whitby theniaeyesjout diughter o mr ang at johnston of the btstion hotel died very taidenly oo sandsy her tyrap omtwere of sfraliir chincter tnd her illnfus of only s few honre darition the jones fimily concert co hid tbe jilimest boate ever known in acton lut wednesday night their dooj reoeipu were f 145 ind tbii iu rtianded snd tbe enterttinmeot indefinitely pottponed the notice of the idvent of s little itringer tt the home of mr joseph peters uiltoo in lut iaae wu anfortanttely mired ap with toother which auule tn error ia psrticalirt the item tbit week gives tbe event u it ilioald hue been the lymptihiet of hit mtoy fnendt here go out lo ilev lit gifford snd fmily to tbeir present ttaicliou white both dr sad urt gifford were confined bo tbeir bed with serere illnesi tbeir bsby boy died of diphtheric oo bclardiy ctilioaj the third ton bu sin been very ill arruigemenu hive been completed for tbe holding of annirerury services tn kuoz chared acton oa saodsy sad hon dty tbe 10th ind ictbof tuyuthe rev mango fruer v v of kaci cnarcb hsmilton will preach on the sibbsth ind widowhood tnd goelph wu fell of mttch wu retailed in e points a o call h l walter l sicotr h h coilhr h williim ooatllnkid tlaclill galicbirda jcuuttl h h cull jr v very closelv conteslej victory for ibe visitors by 18 xh ecore wu it followt urtlrn qlwulllldiliaij01m luoloulllluiuulic oiadhtaxxooooxco- i ooiaaaiioioiiiooioii io oaiiouiaiicimiiio is kiiituimmiubij uiioioioiotoumiiu minuoiiitiaiiiieis ooiiioiocwiuucaiia lonikiiiioiwiniiiij lr geo eseterfaroofe is lying senoasly ill with inflammitocy rbeamttitm severs tinners in this vicinity bsve commenced seeding bat it- it a very tldw job on socoont ot the frpct it nights some of the boy knrand knstchball were bed off for a nights work so thty went to itr wm andersons tagsr bath snd sttempted to boil iown the tap thst kr anderson had gathered snd burnt the pans so that they were almost useless parties who take tach delight in destroying property thoald be panished severely the bloomtbary literary society purpose hold ing their annual picnic in kr john ife- kinnoni grove near knatchball on the qaeent birthday of which doe notice will bo given uter it is oar tad and most painful dntyto record tbe death of kr george s thomas dntitt one of ksttagateyas most respect ed residents who passed peacefully swsy on slondsy morning sged 65 years snd 5 monthi the f anersl i on wednesday st 1 oclock wss largely attended a short sketch of hit hutory vjll sppesr in the next ittue of the fsce piets willie son of iti wm anderson is lying very low with a severe sttsck of the is grippe i the rev r boylej of brampton gave a eplcndid disooarte in he ebeneier cliurch ust sunday morning the day being fine the church wu felled u the doors kow lobk oat for bi fith ttories boyt willsoorfget out o the rivers rockood vltltort to nd vrol aetorl nl various other pereonal notes mr ge irge smyth tneot bundsy in to ronto i ktlu e teliud vltltedfrlendt la muton lulwsek hi r ctrrall ot toronto wu homt for oeodftllsr mr jtan if wsrreu u la toronto aver ban ty mr a ix gordon ot toroato wst la town lut wosk mr tb iou bmyth it ptaettag wu horns tor ksiter ur io mrs j t el it ot st jseobs wers ia li wn lut week mmc bltffordof roulo wu home fork lew isyt thit wesk mr s6i mrs- if h braythot toronto were lit u wn fur eutsr mrs b uat sad too of berlin irislted friends hi re on monday mrs ji i belief bar irvhu bseu visit log aoton ntnds thit wiik j mr wi roer bioley b elors wuuld gaettot t leads hen thit week mr 0 c headenoa wu home from toroato uulvenlty tor e titer ur a nan smith it ipendag a few weeks wit i frieadt in gin nforf if rt bi raes of bafftlo ipsat s dsy or to this wt ik with her acton friends mr gn hsmliiwka it but frtmoat miah wt i in town a ttw days this week ur tt omit ucglsddery of fergai ipent i fi w dsys this week with friends hero urs w ixemttreetcettruedonsitardsy stter tpea lings few dsyi with friends in uuton uiss di tas kennedy cho hss been ia toronto lr soma time wis haras lor enter i thsbettan corftf isyt mya ot a toa st the m lut week ur jo in a henderi on ot toronto spent s fe t dsys this wee t under the par ental roof ur kir ael johaitoa of tomato tpeat t day or i wo during ilia week aader he puedtat i t ur sod urt w d frick ot oskville tpeot a fe days this wee i it tha home of ur r gi boat ur gee zhanloa at the gavernmeat printiog iffioe toronto wu home for severs da t thit week urt joi in b charlton st thorn is wire gnetu charlton luring the week ilc jus es g hill ss sob ot detroit uich tpit it a ttw days daring tha wesk the gaetu of c t bio daring her itsyia bailey wi s the gnsst president if ihebpwi tbe ml vet heudertoi uiss lem dortsnd ot ash were giestd st the homo of d ltendertoa u p this week urt w t smyth eft lut week foe uoatresl she will ret ra this week with ur srnyt i who bte bee on a barioest trip to the mi itltns proriaajes among those whs csate from s dittsace tosttend he faaoral of the late alexander luby w re john luby ridgetown mrs w ffsasgsn ind mrs jtmes hiaklia lowell uich l ivi snd sylvester luby urs swsn sa uiu swtnl urt luby and charles icktin ot pilkiogton tbe u irkdale standard refer io the death of javid miionty u follows mr david ui ioneytithec it est r maloney ot this pli oe died oa tbsndsy lut stlsrs short iilu ts sged 67 jsars the remains were eonv iyed by so im train on fridsy to corbet on station sad were interred la the uelsr cthon ceuietery oo sstardsy a large nun ber showed their respect for the departed iy their itlenisocest the fauersi i istely mby urr bjer- uett ot vt low and dssghter ot ot rev w g oton sara lord mr i francis league of milton and the ctox 17 10u100i1011111u111u loiumoiiiatouiniis oioiuaiwicnioiadiu acii6iioaiioiumoli oainouiouiiiioii3 iolioiooaixteiocro 6 iioitoiooioioiimiiit ikarjiuumiiioiiaill jicocauocomaooo- 1 liiiorbitauoaioraow is r bnyder wvjs referee john shaw j p worden snd c e urge number of the lical tm paller 11 eaos falkner setter tnd g agnew scorer a deliver hit celebrated lectare oa bu trip to egypt oa tie ifixiday evening the wellknown stallion swallow owned by mr john williimt it advertiied foraale liespectiog thit fine auimil the 1tk ovxivukmal isyt hedeservesto 1 oocamsnd a tpeedy cuitomer some of the breediest looking tnd best knte actors that nave been boaght iu the western ooaatry the past ysar or to bsve been by hid sod if will be a decidtd loss if be slioald leave izis pcovioce several of swallows colts ire ioctaded ia grsnds catalogue of high- dlass canadian horses to be ottered at tbebtg ask irt toronto next week pui-ekspls- syrup sud maple sagsr uiported direst from wilkins icotutple groves adaajsriue jus for isle at t a uisoxs i have just received a caret baled bay and will sappiy it fa toy quantity from k single bale to a ton jonx airrncas ulf yoo want firstrokss gaelph sash snd s st goefpb prices t zmtlac- can bu yoar order st bis planing null tpectators were present gare tbe gaelpb men a supper at trie dojnlnloa hotel at the close of tbe rnstcti beta of ateraidee lathy for s tiuubenlf weekt ur alex luby wu s sevem tuserer first from to attack of latiiipp followed by an abscess in be bead fintlfy inflammation of the brain developed s id death came on sunday after noon hit tufferingi were intense snd for several dty i tbere ajitjexr1o rest tor- biro ur lubi was bora in fttkiogtoa bat his liv 4 on the farm adjoining this municipality where heiied the hotnc ttead for learly half a oentary lince childhood 3ewitunmtrried hit devotion to bis mother lesding him to remsin with ber as the lead of the hooie through her tud intil the died a little over a year teo he had a life of hard work tnd daring ute yeirs eocoantersd many difficulties ifaderpuxiogcbaiaeiirbqtlll cheerful d apothion enable turn fojbairt them jbrtw ly all his hie ur lathy bad been a ttaoucb jemperaace mad and si ready to gi e hit tapport to saythiag bail ing for iln bject the prttiibition or cirtajl- iog of the i rtffiei in ttrong drink he l a chatter r lembcr ot acton coanell r i of t l ich orgsniutiaa skended bll bu fajnersl oo tsesdsytflernooo ia a body altfaoagb i bscfaelor he took conildereble interest in edueatioml matters snd tu torauumiur of yean a member of the board of i y cession of this rnunicipautyj a memori 1 service will be copdaeted by rdtj j bdge fxx be ueihoditt church next band ijr stwniog the eiitertsinmentigiven in the htll lut thujidiy evening iw the jones fsmlly under the taipices off he rockwood bsad wu a very good one the attendance wu not so grist it it might have been owing no doubt to the busy sestoo however the bind realiied a bandtorne tarn while urt 1 utrts of kutsgtweys wu driving from gaiipucnedsy lut week ber horse took fright nesr ko 1 school bouse snd ran awsjfj unfortanstely the baggy became apset snd threw the occapiat oat receiving thereby s fracture of the right srm betide a violent shaking up whjle mr j btewkrt tfioemsker wis sbseritfroni hi plsci bf boifneulsst taet- day kit tpprenticsj uilfont chapman whom he left in epirge of dalles very cleverly iniagarstsd a scheme to relieve mr stewsrt of k vkhabte valise loin cub besides his taaioet it is true he didnt leave hfsfatara sddress bat purchas ed a ticket for tore nto ko effort was made to capture the lonlprir the intelligence ill the death of dr george thomu ot pussgsweye brings to his many soqasintsnoes ia this nam- manity profound sorrow deep tympsthy is extended to the inuch bereaved fiinily and reutive i i f tbe services in the uethodlit cuuroh list sunday morning and evening vetjr targely attended xtje palptt sad altar of the church were exqaltitaly decorated with flowers tndtbowedgrdsttute to those whose love of ibe tsnetasry iudaosd them too besatifully eierase it rev mr kttohlng conducted the raocntng secviee endjbev ur hart the evening to fnnertl services of the late urt penweliwer opriunetda by tbd lltef 0 strsebsn to lie presbyterian ohoroh last sendsy inorolng i bpeeial tertlos m celsbraied in the bomsn cstbolloohaih sands siod man- day mornings r i r aroobg tbe number of vititbrs to town daring thepui we noticed the follow mf tr wnjhsrdlltoo 61 toronto mr a3ehnlotabetph misi freevdaiw acton mr iai wn joel morrow pt toronto miss d still uri wllllsm 8bsjdownmtichresbeet- ed oitlain left itst to scoept a good litasfiorifadolborndioat messrs j hill and wluum bsiiey ate sboat to leave for tbw region of unolessm mr bsilsy wut be earticatarly mbssd by tbe bshdi choi e clover sad timothy teed at t h hi rdiogs grocery aetop kotice tbe bntiaes heretofore carried on by p i kelly under the nitme kelly bros bat been disposed of to j j kelly snd notit i ishereby giycu thatall tceoonu eontracte 1 with the ibove firm prior to march 5 b 16j2 matt bo paid m pj kelly bef ire the lsih kty next any ae- couuta u onwbich lunger credit hu been screed u on mul nok be settled by note ip 1 irxlt idll who htl iradasled ida phils lelphl dsn tl ool isgi it ipendlng sbr wsskl st hi i homi before going to thi ws t ssrviom were held n tht btliooptl oqurcuoh fridsy njorning st 111 bit mr eeoleiloa 1 1 mn piter mllloy will sliortlyrsirove o baffslo it a public meslrng wu held in thi fcoaooil room tuetdty evenlogj for lie par mm ot irrtnglng for the corning dimunilri lion ot ttd jtth of usy j tha adoxali nuu itsrtt the lettmi with tbs following sib ilory fred travii one of our leuyesrold snglcrs psoght he first troat of tha lesion list fridsy it bsltnoed hdhtlei of butcher stuoiiert al ljlbt thslirilherurlch ysr fvrthd fishary taipeelor oi ml are lord bueft ttieun ysry rarely sre the jisorm of nf local orgmlutlon to provide aoentsrttloment of a tuperior chsrsctir io thoroughly tp- prtoltted tl were thpia ot the ep worth letgusoo tuesdny inning lbs oeosaloa of ths recital by sirs lord biljey the boitou elooatiooiit that tha urge tadlsaoe enjoyed the programme presented wu evidenced by tbe close attention sad aasnlmoas tpplsate o tvtry number pre sented mn billey is s qaeea among eloculloulrli tnd oa ithis ooouloi tbly kaitalned he high reputation whlot fr riches the blood a mfsfrdl fmni aysits sartapariu at fill seasons l the sorttui it mmm iv tfred feeling cleantw tls t5iigsffiss to miti the aebllltatln in the sumnur t julckens thft appetite regilbtise 11 and iuumt tu weak tuniln th aumn7iti 2 s protccu uie eysteflyfrtro malarial influenced iniths wutdrju en tnffigorate every orftan- tsbtj lui itj it tbe tspdjr sartapatllln la the expels- the pplsoli hlicuinatlsfn it mm ialtlieettoanii medicine- ij1 v v-hl- tfalm i il ft ki lt lofi pre til that oeded her her telecliont were could be desired tnd jembrtedd sj wide rsage of literary oompui from tbej hesfvy drtmatfa nambers of fblfe tor slifejsnd the chariot rsce to the liamoroai and laughable descriptions rjf how thaltdlet aisslly fith sad the eiperlerrbd of a geuias for realistic descriptive jpower mrs btiieyt ability truly wonderful and ts regsrds geitore eraphuis snd otreful interpretation of bee numbert the spproaohee psrhcllon those who hesrd her were well iplessed sud msay will glsdly embrece tne opportaally to hear her tgain th s4nds bchoot orcbettra reudercda nunibcof oeleofioat ia a highly creditable manner tud were tooorded well merited i prtiw th plat form wst decoriedwth besatltul sad flawert snd everything tended der a delightful evening to be ot the epworth league plant la rea- gaestc teeth teeth teeth or the next three raoatbt jk and ssjoo per sett perfect st tutrtnti od snd bettqutlfty i dstlrtdn lds qrsduate at toroato scliool of deallitry sad uorll college ot deatsl surgeons omcc kut pott offlae aetoa auction sal ko reserve 60 pure brett hereford cattle l ouesiiortliolubol i i ulso i i several agricultural horses saffotkil i -ok- wednesday april 27th 1502 at uoketox lodakjlaom kelt outtrie agricauartloollefoa mlulroui coecpi ont gsle it oas oclock cijsiogueionaniilciuou youlcanimd f scrofula anil ciitarrli and the jskt that causes work pleasantl sleep refreshing an iiw wrioyabta it is the superior medicine jito l couint dghton mass writes f five years i have use ayers sarsapa rilla each- spring aid fall and itecelved wonderful fteneflt from it george gay 70 crois st fjentro falls ii rihyg th for spring and summercomplaints he has found ua other medicine equal io ayeh8 prepared bydt jocayerrk oo lowellitah sold j dngkiti efernrien uaa aimarf tl mi 6 cure you this sedsc the same ue arc sbowlug the larges and best aigortoj stock itlthia lino over brought into acton ii it qaaity0f print that we aodat 15c aiiti ifc lost year can be had this year at 12jc the good laat wo received arc all iiewund just on 50 new pieces the pattc ns are we have btiuta of which all new and varied so havo largo raujptoj choose from r also great bargains- in 8c wo jhave stacks that oarstock of dress goods is re ost complete tnd a very large rihgj is on exhibition eve ground prices thosinoram auctioaeer fwstone i qaelpb the pt csriout con lition of lbs auus ieired by the king ot ptbomuey li cxutiug snxioas ommeat in frsnce touplies here and there i the basinets far lie spring season ii now under talltwing oar milliaery open fug wu a grand lucocu wa sreturfed oat for a big lire poshing tprlog trsde do we expect ebmyijeaaoul we do not expect it we sre haytcg it and we an komg to continue right through the chapter we havent tmparuct these immense piles of uavcltles it btphanrd oar parpote and intention are ijliar and well defined the goods are to be distributed qaiokly all the powers ot oar well rcgulstedsud diiciplmed baifnet will ba f6ciifed oa lliit one paint the dtstuibotion of the stock ourh whole miud on out batiaett sud oars oaly thit iresun ran- niag everything to the bevt tdvsnttce competitors trs welcome to our ideksnd methods well never tteal theirs oarblac from the largest the closest we e rer soltl goods at c and cobred caabtiereiweroboqght toosciii ifpntrehl aitd-the- satoxday must ik that you andjoc pold- itiob k btrsby given that tie nablle asmf allyutorubbda from bedpesslne esjtlie pssnies of tbt oadtrslmsd west j tctou april 16th lsw f otlceito tees rihe uadsrtigtudbsfeby 8otles bst sltcrtbudsuypeneaorpsnantlc itd hlpmiilissimmoanlte vw a ttwrtsjsrsford sioorduig to it aitonabril ufbim bynsblngis joseph lbe r alnabe property in ac0d f r he andsrslitasd offtn fdv slit tbst eb lies otoperty incited oppotuattie town helm tl o vlllue of hum being tod used dot i sst i le o tvulow ttvmi tlien u m tbspku sss s eomfortsbja rcogh cmfhweuidg snd si re ijldrett david juloket 1 us7kdsll0l t ml tb l f tee teitdeis for qiretaker r lekdebfi ill be reoeired bj tbe tmltesl fiosrd of ibaaleuiodjst tnisrsh aetonop u tbe ltth proximo for esretssarct tsld ohureb 1 ipsdacatlooa of duussmay be seen st tha r us rbessofflee tbe lowsst or snr under fl inentwitflyseeeptedtendsrt rosy be tdurets- to stcretaryof trottee board ii c acton aoton april vf ibm r a foksale oood btjh4mko fbopzbtt ik aotont 1 otsufmlnbiockljinlbr vuiage at xj actob opodtioo these to sre situs- u i to tbe centre of tbe vulsge and quite doss u ttitevolsijelsiinerrisnaistbsealf awsfl sllsbloekoltotilnuie centraot tbeviilsge aisrtnirute for tenement- hentes wnlebisn ttsatly seeded wulbe sold enbloeor tepar- e a oflen invited the bloek wul be sold at ry- james stothbws rtttod april mb ibm f- 4- ttil r yaable property for sie bush fsrm on lot it cont7 in tbs town ship of reel 118 seres witb log dwelling umbered vvtb bseeb msple bsaloek eedsr reek sad saftelmt s5 or 90 sens a mxu p nsreedsr rock el ssred except batulsg tbs brasn also t ttoneand raugb estt dwelling alt rooms ltd two eellsrt frame tumej with ten lott of j on ouslpb llsris and qlsgs of acton wul tan i uparattlr u desired ttrsetiintbt iveor six rmudtsg emu ijonelbird cssb or oxehihge for otter v p aetce onfc 3ai the newjmlut mabket mi day at a headerfioiii mcraie prices are will pay yod co h vim ostull hupjeesoremaarrinlngtatbaeittseat of mstbeoissi a hon snd ridnitr thst hevbss oodplstsd sr- rsngemenrs to open s new lust market in ths bbltdlngneenur erected at she comsit of http a s id uslncnets by airs seeord nexttneadajr uortlngttodlutt iluutoekof all klflqj of fresh meats fowl etc wul be opened tbe best quality slwsys in t oek having nsd etperienee in tbe business i esn tore ill who isvorjr with thsarocdsts entire latittsctlon highest cub price paid for fartv bides tal- 1 it ax psrtleshsvuigcsttleacilosellsreteqll6stsa tptsll o stcwa public health i mottcb it hereby given thst sllrssldenhiot 1v aetpasnreqalrsdjorttwilbtaelesm their ind tfs xllsn dnhw ysrdt pig ttytswster closets 1 other oat bbjldlngs snd premises and rsv- asore rhsvsfrosi all dirt orh iannrs or ofher rabttsnee which msy ends ibst ths public health snd to have tbe same osjpletedsl latest br the 10th dsj ot iur nest i a wjneh osr the sanitary ihspeetor tureomraenee s general in- peetlon and latthsrtaxsaotlee thit the aefct on of tht public health aet probflatlnt the keeping of bogs between the 15th may sadhhs 1st ot kovember except in pens st least 10 feet from say dweuing hoots snd so feet bom hty itrnetor lsnt with the noon ui bits trim rtnin water sad ngnlsrlr elcaassdaad du- wufuk ttriellr enforced whbtobev chtlrmtn board of health aeton april utblflso rtsndlrigwassr a infected wtlfsl t tendebs jes jfea jm mm positive toroe too a u get a good round cash dis count on jw boots- shoes st kenney bros act n i d st rton lds will nsertiatth t 16 scd 8 ier itt for next threejnoaths extraetioi trie special care gjren to omtjr ilw block actoi bev jimkm p sfon lower cabot vt formerly of daltonkrh jv faithful pastor beli inhirft esteem by hit people i nd hi i opinion upon temporal u well tpi itual matters u yaltied greatly the ft hawing is front a clcrgytnanlong xlnsueiffal in new england now spend igweueiniedrestiacabot vt c l food c0 iawed uass wo hive nscjl itoodt sarraparilla in our family orraanyyerpajtwlthiteatfcem- ei e have with confidence rccom- mecdei it to olhers for uieir vtrtoos slt- meats ilmnvt sl uc whont have eeruned to great 1 luett by iu use weean hoi lefjmy and cheerfully neomi end it u iho west meed awrucr svo bni etcr wed we have used elbert butnoi iwlth the benefielsleffeafs of roods altov t deem itoedt fuls tnd olive oint ment 1 iraleahle mrs stone isyt ins cannot lo without them kkyj pbtoxer better than cold ur co t kspp of eajtoddale hast tnfii i tin 85 run ot age and for so years h tve tuilercd with numlng tores on one my 1 gs a few veart sgo i bad two toes luurub ted physicians laying i wss sutler bs iro i enngrcne and bad but a short time to live hfeht i lonths ago u a neighbor urged me i began laktiif ileodt battaparula the tbe bookwood thoald tooo go oat o i ibefr annasl looi of il find repairs walks bi town 1 looiol insdeeuob they will find retain necse sary in x w bwa fidewtlk commlttw it i sse to i4kfi mtjiag worm top derr u tbwyaktilji p- m f not ojurj 4e ebild dre8 cood8a ihemrf whose praise ws can never sound too much bach a i lock of dress goods st we show certainly thskes the jfsllscy of hose whe did not expect one of the finest ditplsyi which the trade produce tbe fear o having over bought it irreaittable to thi casaal observer detr me you dont know whst outlet we bsve far nice goods oar counter trsde sj growing eacb tessoi snd our dreitmakiig depsrtment ibow orders by the score from towns and oilti ot ontario for mtny miles tround betldi orders from msaitobs the northwest an u f sr west ts the cities of british columbii genuine merit and qonett effort treibow lag u their rewsrdj naht here nothinr sacoeedt like success is true no dodbt li part bat liidng tueeess it only bailt oi true merit miliineryrddilness hfe tend alwsyi a bed of roera there tre tore t be dittppolntmeojsj no milter how well yoa try whst a pleasant etture therefor tha reoords of our books in this departmeu for the past seven vent tfford buiinet bounding thetd without a hitch etc lesson snd each yearihowi a ooniinuodil larger inereue iu bdiineu over the formei butineat btiiger every year j why beet us popalstion tributsry jto gaelph is larger ho itsttiliet show ihe contrary bat be cause tbe pubtio are lesruing more an more that the millinery w tutn oat lathi meet utiifscfory the most besatifal tb belt ia every respect that can be obtaibec here again genuine reward merit hu brought it whole owerpsrtqf myleesridiootwiis runnln tore but it luu ssnost eompletcly healed md i can truthfully say thatl am in salter healtft thsn i have been for many ycarc i lisva taken no other medicine sud could r uiat i owe all my ueprovemeat to hcod8 sarsaparllla it li 8 itter than sold i efceerfwhr verity the above statement oi ur clapp r wliora uttiown so yens j m how- jumd nfarbi ho ds pltl ate persly vegitsms ceht8 clothimq on baituett is eilsblubed pshosnently st isdlct snd gentlemifcioutflttiugtnd olotl lag baiiaett end eviry member ot ever family findt with al all the rtqulsitlei ft hit or her outfltting and clotblog oc ordered clothing trade hu kept pace wit the rspidfnoreueof ihe other depsrtment thit sesson wt shall pnth gents fit i ordered clothing rhore largely ihto eve certaluly wa neveel showed tnythlng iii so sttrsolive a itoelfjot rjialeriala and ot cotter and worker sre 8rtt olsst v dont ostler fors trithy trsde if tnydi i wantt thoddy mtteritl thrown togeth pell mall u some ol the ituffnne sees won lodleste wears not tbe people butt reliability ot msterltl style workmtnib snfmodersrk priori we admit of no oi s who can serve yon better prloes and terms always strict r i l a5rbopeitc0i 26 a 27 lowir wyndham 8 quaranleed be belt in t ia world and the only drill that carl- be inttantiy tegatated m ran the desired depth in bard sod soft ground while moving r the hooeler il tbe ooy prill that nwi sll kindiof grtin add teedt tveoly and to tbe depth desired in all kind ot soil 1 tbe hoosier ia the only drill that bommenoes to sow he ioitant tbe bones move i tbe hoosier d tbe only positive force feed snd i the snlyldhl tittdeposits the grain evenly at tbedepth ybu wtntit in htrdbr 10ft soil beniember this the hoosier combiaea triltwith oaltivstar teeth tithe best ialtivator midland il the only implement madtiwilb feelh on independent draw bars that can be let br hard tad soft land while thalteam it in motlotr the ihooher a lighter on tbe horses una any other drill mtde the points of excellanco id the hooliir thst other drllb do tt have are worth more to the farmar than any drill ip tbe worjd tbe combined hoosier an be changed from drill fa leederor seeder to drill in less time than drill made send for bar new- illaitrtted catalogue i and itettimonial theet beware of parching drillithahnlringeodrpalent i i j i n0x0ltbr08imf0ltdjingenoll0a wm hem8treet agent actons i ix i i i i tmsisroxojsr light steel harvester and indirnsopplibs i- x id tganjit- u tbe under- i sndendsned teoders for indian wul berseslvbd st this offlee op to satcbdatttitth sfaj lmstbflh of lodlan snppllss dnrtng t flsesl rear ending aoth june 990 durypslavattszlons polntsila flimtoba snd the mono-west- tttti- pormi ef tender mlaialm faufirtlcbjari nlsttvsto the luppus reonbed dstat ofde- hverytc may bebidliy apbljdng to tbsandav sifnsd orto tbe iadtsn fomailsslcsisrasr or to- the indian officei wlnnlpec 1 tbltsdrertliemant it notto be inserted- by sny nswtptper without the authority of the qaeent prtntarand no claim or paymentbt anv newspaper not hartog bad loeb asthentr will be edmltted the lowest or any tender not necessaruy accepted j h vaukoiflghirbt pepoly of the soperlnteodentotneral i ft of udisnanalrs deptrtmeut of inditn arlslrt ottawa uareb 189s l zxym 4 iy binder we shall ibldc br the verdict of the people sale wjietier we should wr should 4 not submit to the bestrictlont x of the coniwnei v jv respectfully solicit your opinion andtav for yonr answer to the following qnesttoait j x da combine operate in the interest the peoblep i its the existence ol nllddwmen of heasat to tbe eoniumer a la it an tdtsntagc to tha pal wstchesdesctlbad- lurtttrsteasa with phoes quoted tn pltlntgstss we srs aghting tremehdoali odds snares of success we wantto know jorlty endorse ooi policy- v we wul pay for thit toformetloosnd inviu everyone tatitvt ut their honest snd candid opinion wecantteipoetthlpuhlowtsks up their time triuloor ajfaus aviihest soma in- oirth6 other tttsta tbe booett detirs to cbanv uiou she dealer whose motto if dnresttjeted trade snd there ore we nsvo decided to offtj sn sdaltionaljndiraeoent is toliowsiwe wfli- icndbyralstitedmsupcstpsidsoestleiiiane it esiat oom fuleavett tifisln gearsnrefdw wear eautl to tolid cold or wyearstau pries es upon reteelpttiour sbiwusto the- shove three anettlou sdd the nomlnsl turn of til 15000 of these ehslni will be given away to create an intenstwlth uft palulo in ostbt ngbt frank 8 taggsrt evco versus osasdisn atsoelstiono7sumuasrieuwalbhse our ruattrated cataloirat album and bsyos oalde of mo rages israalalatidateripslvea gravlngt and prices of witches jewelry die- uionds suverstire aocks atr ooodt osma amu amnrmntipn bieyerts tod bportlug b ijsitlfes vslat k cents will btnafled bse to everyone sntwenog sbove qaea frank s toqart v co wklngst west twbntocsn 4vl ppi y i u lv come to tjpeirlcr tirlr other inthefollowlnijidmts beitiliarairarjgejbaiiorlotioattlni t x atimple itrong daratle driving gears t ajlgbfetttorigaoidjvideritttdeot tfteged steel banged rteel frame in a tulglfplaci ugbt and itrong nure elerrttorrabif nadebt llasjejedsiwal table frame orflangssinampul with itrong simp e orineitiona i adrive wheel simple to mnttdu5tor4 fiiigei durable andnal in appearanoe powerfol btting aprjaratatii dliimprtmanoonneotlbii ffli fflrrhprtjf4itr driver without t aitng bjs seat oobvepjenti tmngerne it teatunji laoblna totou wi itj mi jn crop tta lightest bidding p hand limpleit matter ever prodap d a kootter that posllivily saves fromti yip foor jnot i w for every bundle foor discharge arnia kaaicgrierfmil paratlon and dellvi ry oftheei a mttbbjecngwch leaey wrh d h w cjufsfis qn bhoft iffg- jt mju ingersoll hhi fhx xxrjx xxmirx ok ui- 4 ivi ml tbd oonwne fewjst parte than any ojber opt mi js show n i ii 1 over 75 to seitttiftdi spper wytfflfibtteit1 s if

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