Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 28, 1892, p. 2

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mm irorv 1 allatnfrtttoaotttli imh apt uc if hotkrt alien rf diafihtcr ifc ot aretinc lj w of ton ukvmki in ntmotiou ttiamuv april 11 thjifii j j uming ofncu krvttm in hcfltpf to u nsi lti atill ulc itr kt a kitfr1yomj hvrniiti iti nlkmcm tlif i3m april tvp wittof frsoiuctvtflf k 3a hvini at the mfumut rrolnw ucrftll uiainilfiitlc ircomcfafcbmsuof public workt worlds f4lr fedimttc from this capital the newfoundland tvabblth jottings kcreno there slik in ii it k mr uuitlnr rmmfi cp tlio imtli april tlir piuai mory ol acn it t uakricd ihhhittuvm on thurtv april xut t it irimct ct tti bride fulift tv th iter mr ittmii imin lvkrt wlntbx to lrtilclucrp mrjttiicitruudctllnttoo died i ilt 2ini april luiri4 nr ctrmiit frj m jmrt inivriu art rplmi 1 tuoiitb cnj in luiimlnp on tii tin am lltl april uiicrt j iici1 it of wui col tfcdm jcm uwitulit tikni hluiuoiion itc till april wlllum h tltr ch1 n mti tml tvodtmtonof wm turtikno 5 cakadlft attho i nowla thursday alril 2 189 notes and comments milton it evidently aqtioat to beoome like acton leather mmuuc luring toirn it trii a shoe leather tannery and cu joa- day voted lv a small majority an sjooo boum for a shoe factory the coanty toirtf manofactorid are routing tjie riiztrot vutly more to tear thin thos we hare the good fortune to have located within oar border report from crimea say that raisia i iortitv m sebatopol ia a moci formidable cuoner two new farts one on the right bant of the river techemaya on t hill not very far from where the war monument itandi and the other oa the hill where port victoria was built by the eogluh daring the crimean wax as well as be tnrroaudiog oatwotka are in a formidable mate f quite panic u beencitied by an order whicb the tartithgotemmaot a tcoe4 prohibiting the iraporutioo into turkey of all patent medicine chloroform k kcboly kcqwiwhy thi aatocithibg decree has poja forth it has canted ooncterna- tion especially among foreign reeidenu thre has been quite a ran da the chemkta shop and the until stocks on handot thwe medicinea have been quick ly cleared oat at tranced prices lhe people of sarry he will not toler ate liquor selltn in town it they can help it bat they- arc oppoeed more ttroogly to the cifiarette good hope temple us vine discovered that come of its yoanper ttembert hae been iffdnlgicg iin the penny weeds voted to bay and barn fcll cigarettes iu town on condition that the dealers would sell no more the dealers agreed to that and there was one beg final iareueiinoke in the poblic squire s nevfoaoduod aut relafoa chow thtt he p6puutton of thtt uuid incited rooi 101371 io 1671 to 1j7s3j iafl d3 from 197sj to s02co0 deriti jthe pt bcu yejir these are iadiccte- thlt thelucicat coloo u cot reuinio iu ditoril iucreu bat ootvilhttfodiogj it cold esimtt its vuu of tncaltanjluds lod other dltarti diudvtnttgea ilhe exodct from nevfouadluid it uot qhtij ute u frooa kew brcotwick which bu icimedke lreu of onoccapled tgrical- laril cad forest ishd there sre cioftd who good miny do not coiacide people io wkh the opinion of jade upon tcfe ooolrol of the iirjoor trsfnc m ezpresiod si the ovreo soaod sxsiras lul week7ko prohibitioa isw he sudcoaldowihl be derued by bumsn fnios which oald tufflp oat the lijosr utiso incbitd ol each mesure bill thoald bo puftd m ski ag licenses very hifib so thst none bat respectsble honiej coold utrnd power should be riven to license intnecioft to deprive my hoose of its iicenso jpon bresch of the liw csbject to sn eppesi to toroe disinterested bond thfe he nsirui wss the oaly srsy io j which the evils of the trsfie ooald be mitigited it tookbociness foresight fsith sadcoar se lo spsn this continent with the first pscific rsilrocd uys so americib paper bat hit enterprise is dwarfed by the rail ro4 which in a few vetrs will rtretcb from side to side of asia in rifssisn temtory when men talked sewn years i0 if fcilroadi from the see to central afrii a they were laughed at as visionary entbesitsts it ia nuw oertain howeter that within two years a railroad nil be id operitibp fromtbe indian ocean to the heart olashobland and thtt tlis decade will see victoria jjyanza joined u the onter world by rail it is a carious- fact that itatcia the first cogntry that has now hand the greatest enterprise of the sort ever nndertaien wis the lis of all nitions to recognise the needs oj railroads murder at brampt3n a retired farmer murders his wife whiskey the caus s etiunos april ti about s i months ago mr blondy a welltodb farmer with histwfe and daughter re ited their farm and moved into brampt in where their onrysoo is engaged in the hardware store ol ilr backhtm llr lindy had been in toronto for several da t looking for employment and was not e pected to return for eome time urs liondy and family were entertaining a smal at their bonfce on maip 6treet a id daring the evening mrs lubdy asked to be es- cused while she prepared ref eshments vloo enteriog tbe kitchen li ndy who had rttarned from toronto anl secreted himself a oder the kitchen table pened fire open hjs wife with a five cbamb red reroj- vef and shot her three times ot ce ia the he throat sellwood 801 forehead abce in ihe jugular at and a third is the breast mr one of the quests beariog tbererx rts rushed the re vol oat and satceeded ia wrenching ter from the murderers grasp ted the were pahir stricken nearly districted with grief rbe guest daughter mrs loody dropped or the floor with blood pooring from the jwoandr and xpirtd almost iuitantly ckiiub orth made thai srrett tod laody wsai takeu logaol coroi ec mulleti hastily empaoelled a jury srho v ewed the body and adjourned 4ili tcmorr w lao if was seep at the gaol and see as to take wi ojstttr very jaietiy aod etfetttt hit illingceaa to take the eoueqoex ce wbat- eter thejr may be and only rrgrei s ha rc tot kit alooe till he eon plated tl e tragedy bj uklat hm own life p sai i be had dmo lirisf a jeajoesy for twenty yean and thooslit b sroald end be nutter hethas it is rcporfedtitm ariaklax hfiij lately bm testate riiaiaf we risios ffpulf ia wifibipeg company ilrrsat april ii t w long looked toe iistribuuod bill 4 e vcld 10 be in tnjdueed jesterday bat t wa not forth oojiiiug bir jojm thotirnoit lutimated llit it would wt lx raid i until thursday tjie grvatcr portion of tlrt day was dctoted tor the discussion of the liinding twine liltioi which 1 hoajb it is somewhat thrcidurre is ont of vital importance many lolnu were hroagkt out and ttnally at one oclock a div isiou ras taken and ol a majority said i he di ty must ooatlaae liicn a page carried serosa the floor aa coprmous hall of biqder twine and amid ttcmrndoui applause so cmuly placed it oa tlifttitk of hk member for manjuette j hluk iruvoxtv hlxt i a bulky return aa bwuglit down to4sy allowing the amount expended siuoo ooa ufedcration on public buildings liarbort od breakwaters impnjrcmcut of riert oads and bridges in tlieidifferent provineesj to be aa follows nov bootu utxw t e island 731 kew brunswick sikl87 uuebio tfi015i0 ontario ia02su manitoba ll n w territories 11w wo british columbia 2075u- total k2u7 uxuuiat iht jeuja run mr william btundc canadian com missioner to the worlds fair was yester day uotifiod by the director general that space had been alloted for the exhibit of canadian live stock at chicago as follows 75horsea 150 cattle 00 sheep and 100 swine these figures will be welcome news to onr live stock men as it was not expect ed that they konld bo permitted to exhibit sraany sn with ttormiinp vesteslay thej dominion government cabled a message to the governor of new foaudltnd expressing desire for a tempor ary arrangement of soroe tort providing for a cessation of thepommcrcial war with that colony pending aiforrail conference looking to a settlement of all j matters in dispute between the two colonies it is understood that step has been taken at the request of the imperial aullioritia the kewf ound- landers believe that if they are firm in re futing bait to cnada the british govern ment will give way anc sanction the bond- blaine convention u rd knutsf ords des patch of february lias confirmed them in that belief sir willis ro whiteway declar ed in the xewf otmdlan i assembly recently that the prohibition of bait to canada will be continued until the convention received imperial anction the annual report of the minister of public worka for lbyl was laid on the table of the house last week it contains state meats respecting the more important works constructed du ing the year witti a great nnmbcrof appen iices giving detailed accounts of expenditure with reports by the officers of the depa tment on the extent and nature of the services performed in constructing repairing and maintaining public boildings harbours government telegraph lines slideii and booms etc throughout the dominion the total ex penditure for the year iras 12762021 ike ruciur or rainjurt tilrit horace talbotthedismissedclerk of the department of pabha works who was to have been tried at the present assizes for defrauding the government has fled to the states the grand jcry foaud a true bill against him mondsyifor conspiracy and false pretences he is supposed to have left the city last week and ij said to be now in kew york his appearance was guar an teed by six bondsmen in securities of 250 each one of them is mayor darocher talbot ia also bound in his own personal bail for 1000 uiyo durocher said this evening tiiat he could not imagine bow talbot managed to get away aj he has not a dollar it is understood that his friends made op a purse for hrm to enable him to make bts escape uljl kjjoxjsx lb rxtten lady macdoaald hts returned to this city from lakewood new jersey where she was staying during tne greater part of the winter with her i sughter hon mary macdonahl who will return to ottawa in a few dayb when thi season begins they will go to kivfcre du joup for a month or two after which they will go to banff in the northwest for their usual summer sojourn lhrcnui itlleeltlos monday was a gra t day for imperial federation and from 1 oclock to midnight the house was treated to a series of good healthy hopeful speecues on the following resolution of rf hcaeil that if aid i whetj the parliament of board of fcpu hirtlm for th biblls tit the ton hlt purine th autrtrntr tbs board met oa wednesday icwnlng 30th itut at 8jj ocloak members prewat 0 hyads chtltrnan r holmot rcvj3 b cooke r wallace t ii harding the minutes of last lneelli g ivco re and conflnried j i- the bond of tlio oonlrsejor tor mr school at amended was dooliced nvtuifsolocj the crowded ooadtuori of tlto twrlh d isrtmcnt was dlscusaod i moved by rev g b cooke lieonded b f robt wallace that owing to the crowd 1 condluon of the fourth depaltment la tl a town if all that the teaohee of saiddepar meat be instructed to pat the istermedu e aud junior clanes on half time said cliani e to take cftect on thereomajmj of tl e sehool after the easier holldaly carrie l the property committee it lottrocti d to have the detks and setts of third depsi t- meat removed to the town lilt moved by t if harding aoopaded i ly r holmes that he municipal council requested to embody in their bylaw arrso j- ing for funds for erection of new school t is following amounts foe bajlding if 78 1 i hosting im for furniture swcomnfeuio of wilding h23 totsl omjjcsrrled moved by rev g b cookk aeoondod y robt wallace that the board accept ia offer of john cameron arthlteet of fl ve per cent oa contract price of ntrw baildi ig foe his servioce la preparing puut a id specifications andsmending the same a id for superintends nee of the ork up to he time of oompletioa of baudiag and dis charge of the contractor caret il overall ht to be given all the work as it p ogresses carried the committee on finance presented their fourth report reoom heading py- ment of accoants as follows john camcroa architect 00 cbalrmsa exuccs which word ic thouban in wbwardt thiortwi hly bompitldn ettht udlss r oma matmlns this advtrusttnant s mill icocint eio i 5 io the report was adopted board adjourned to meet fine die forever ati hon alex mackenrl his mother in cemetery si laid beteffa cevlsw ila lb umi btckw rd si eofwsm r thw it i icppoctaallr tor everr msdsmltnd ulsssvery fnnc sudsoaio weati a apljrdld prim t i wutltpiurj every wesklhraaaloat this great com wdtlon prltes will b di- ttibntsxt u fc lowt the first ooirkt- tniw teceivek the potlmark data cm eseh letter o 1 1 taken u the date reoetaed it jhe office ol the ladki heme uaiatlitt ascli and ever week during 1mh will get 1100 the seooi i oorreot answer i louvtue third w foti ih a beaatlful silver mvc4 fildi five ooloe k silver servloe and the nail 50 correct an iwen will get prise ranging from 25 dowi lo 2 every fltlh odrreei answer irrai eexlva of whether a ptise winner or net will at a tpeelal ptiu competitors t uldiug a the soslheru 8 tales uj well nolier distant points have an eqnsl amce wild those nesrec home it the postmark will bo oar authority inpvery t rctxse cli list of sntwers milt be accompanied by ii repay foe til monlht labscrlpiioa to one of tie best uotns mlgsjeines la america i rxkixcr the ladui home itaga- ttsje il veil il l o ctrry out its promites petcrhflcin igh canada timet a splendid ps r and flnanclslly itroog hutlngs ctnada sdr every ptlas winner will i e aura to receive just what fas ia entitled to kocwodd canada rejjiafer money shou d be seat by f xt offioeordir orj regutered letter addrei the fipme ifaaa tr pettboroaifa cans auction 8 ale real estate farjii stock 1 implements 6c furniture th sodsrshtdsd bas been loatruoted by kit uarfstei xloallu eisouliuu the eauls eiuislate ai41xans1ib labby to sail by auction oa the premises lot t l escumliif adjolulnk aetoa on saturday may 7th 12 hinu april 22 therewasaa imme its attendance atthefauecal of the late hin alextnder ktckeaxie yesterday premie sot and representative men froci nearly ev icy city and town in western ontario being present while the influx to nf the ittrroandi ing country was very greit despite ihe downpour of rtin which lasted until n on stattlrews jpresbyterian i3iareb wtsre the remains ot the honored dead tay in- lute had been draped a mourning business bouses publio bu mings pcii ate resideaeesalleipressed in diftecent wiys the respect and esteem a which the deceased had been held andl a sense of fha lots which tbe country hid imtsined about 11 oclock the remaias were u ea from tbe residence of charles if ickec tie h p p wherethey had itmslued doing iavt night to the church from 12 oclock to 2 oclock the body lay in state and the general pcrblic was alio red to pass through the church land take s ast look at the face ot the deceased du iue the two hours probably 5000 people vie red the face ot tbe dead at 2 oclock the services commenced iith thechnrch crowded and kith thoassnds aa the outside the immediate relat ves ot the deceased occupied the first ra wc the services were conducted by rev pro fessor mclaren aod rev professor gt tfg both of knox college tbe family burying plot oa aa elev ted plane faciog a pood end si irfoaaded i y a laidootdrire orerit shun s mtgnlfi eat freestone tnonnmeot which attracts si ten- tion from s distance and en the tide i of which sra inscribed the names ot various members ot the mackenzie family inc lad ing alex mackenzies predeceased brot tecs and his njother miry stewart hcckei tie who came to canada with pec seven foo in 162 fm at ii 0cukk tub foiiowlna stock l oolt i rssrs old by beform i oolt i rears old bv orphan boy 1 born 5 years old i mare i reare old in foal lmsreliresrslssm mare i yssrlluf oolu beform and canfsderats i sow to ealva in june 1 sow is salt ot oalt at foot i oow lo salts la aajast t twoyist olds tsrllnesl iprlnj oall 1 vsar old heraford bulll abaep and f lambs f itore nlssjot of miplkueht8l pitloton binder 1 miner 1 flaorr plow i eombtued drill 1 iron barrow 1 aatkyrua i new pulpsr i lumber wasioos 1 bosisrlpsiroflhibaulehil pair lljbtlwbl eausr ibumlst mill i atrawinlkr 1 jsek t barraeka t setts teem berness i nesrlr usw lot of abaios abovsls forks and rakes s buffalo kbes sat stag is harness set plow harases atrtaet ila ud wheelbarrow a quentftr of blaok osu iii bushel issdpeui tons hay slot of lurulpe snd potatoes rjamttuuel cookint aloves i nsrior stoves lot of itottplpes walaot table 1 faulasf table number ot small tables 8 french bed steads i bureaus 1 sideboard 1 natraek 1 elock abednooi sets lot of ood carpet lot of beddlne t elosed cupboards h cafle seat chairs firocklak ehsirs i wnataot i sewuicpiaohfaesm kiiebsa chairs 1 ffood otfaa i melodlaa i ceatre tsblev i black balrsofa t lauafsc obara milk dishes lot o lamps ilassxars dishes psu cruet stands sad rasaf otrisr articles a cores 10 inch bardweod 10 cords oqt hardwood resi estate four baljdlni lots la cooks sarrcr the brick shop sad anlkacca corner of hill sad ksia itrmts opposite csmptairs hotel beloar it sly have just passe into itook a- h vvorthof b sadmadeobttiindf dry good whicfc tbe romlatloaa were held friday la tnrcatofar he test in the local lwtela lire made vi cant by ihe it ath nf ii e 0 arke th i nominees wer i mr 2 a el kent c naervttivej ir k cordon bgelow re arm i mr philips thocipsoa libor and xr e a macdf nald ariaexx tica elect oa omorrow happy mr ard mrs rfroderiok roiaqo because foods slrsaparlll rcicacd tjhefr ci id from scrofula for sa ifuli salt rhinrn n4 ill ther fou humors in t ic blooil of hildrea o adulu hood sxrsaparillx in uno ualicd remedy keza his we are io thankful to i oods samns- lli fur u t it did for our ii lle flrl hit wo lake uits t atement for ihe peneltof tauier aaxiaai par ats sad buferfng children our fjtrl was betuuful baby fair aud ijlutup iiidheiluirl but wliea swi waa two rears id sores rake oat betuh i her ear sud preid rafl ly over her hear and for held iowtt to be eves and lutoier neeir we eomnltedoi actaeuettptiri cuuu in ii rook- hit but not ins did her any pod tbi doe- jars uld it wis caused by a scrofula ijumor to the blood iter head beeal ie- i i 0n i comptetf sore iletalve to great britain aneflt prodacte to the kingdom upon more it accords to the pi tries the parliament prepared to accord coi by a reduction in upon british msnnfi mr mcneill id admits canadian teu of the united vorable terms than ctsof foreign conn- of canada will be inding ad vantages duties it imposes nred gcod6 an earnest speech which showed his owweoavictfon that there was some hope of the bonds between the mother country anc the colonies being drawn closer together 4 the resolution was supported by messrs deejcrdins lislet kenny hnzen davin and others and aboq 11 mr foster on behalf of the governt lent approved of the resolution and spoke of it as the voice of canada to the mothe conntry so xa1la m ijouixion like tjie dominion ljne steamship com pany has ceased to carry tbo canadian this contract equtlly people lately the allow the domini n ople only one boat the latter unless they com ion got twe mails last winter ihe allans took a con tract with the government tor the mails at 500 per roant itri they were to be pat on two oat of ve boats in winter aod three out of six ip sqmmer they divided with tbe dominion allanb proposed to refused to do it regular boats and have withdrawn rorrj the service vewfoc iupai neclixem it is obvious j tint the sister colony of newfoundland i nt t in a very sisterly mood a few rh ys ego our government made s direct off r te kefoundlsnd for the restoratioq of the sea ins quo for tbe present season and todn a ieply was received de clining the pro nasi it is understood moreover thattleiv wfonndland govern- meat is not pre ored to take part in a friendly oonf ern iless the dornioion is prepared to wiire ler objections to tbe ratificstioa of the bkine bond convention a coarse whict in view of the position caavta has ta a a be government will hardlylikely be iltt ig to do kozs the transfer h6 the immigration bronco of the depart lent if agriculture to tbe dspartment of h itterior has been com pleted it is cm i rtfe od that sa orderin coaacil hssbeeii issiei piecing tbe immf- grsiion buiinesi n he northwest under the control of br u h sajilh commis- sioter of domini i linds cholera issprts din in friessc the methodist majrarlne appropriate to the qoeeos birti day celebratioama dr w williame admu able article on god in tho victorian age of much interest to the canadian rcsden are the able articles by a patriotic canal ion dr j j mielaren qc an jthe stoi j of the doatinion reseoojiaarticleotthe womans chrittitn temperance ui ion with pictures of their new tbirteeait y temple in chicago one ot the handso nest baildinga in the world will be read srith intesest ilia other illustrated article are among the magyars pjy kev b jar- roughs with very handsome engraviigs pictaresque india with thirteen i ud- some cuts and the editors edvei tare among the mormons how each high- it and numerous engravings thirty thre in cumber can be furnished cot the prio i is a marvel recreations ia astronomy are continued rev j v smith of the m etro- politan cbnrcb toronto contributes a nost iaterestiag character sketch of aud gwordie the saint of the valley hich will be inspiring to til thriatiaot the stirring story a womtnefight wit the monster grows in tragic interest a more hopeful view of the p ibor probl ra with tbe current topics an 1 dr bsirass notes etc make up an exielleot nmiber it month i j 20 price 52 a year 11 for centaper briggs namber toronto wi latin baried in a ore they soald jghtfal pridics 3ys were sc as of at 800 college irtanite lad was three boys killed n toronto tukosto april 23 a b meatable adci dent occarred ehortly after 8 oclock yes terday afternoon at the o jraog of i over coartfroad and shannon street three lads named alfred lucas eigne years of tge ernest lucas eleven yffn snd henry prittie twelve years sandbank and suffocated be extracted from their ment the two loess mr henry lucas a boilr street and the third un tbe son of mr w h pritlitf a real state dealer who lives at 9 sh nnon stree the boys were playing m sa excavation that had been dag oat for he foandai aaof a haase the soil in thai locality is a most purs sand and the young era by the ise of small boards were endeav ring to dig i hols in one of the aides of the c auor large a oagh for hem to enter o itand in a i on of mr robt w prittie tosdavsrcaart road and a cousin of henry prittie wss s ting oa a fence watching his oompanio is at play he perceived the langer and cried to the boys to leave the plajie at once they did not heed ihe warning and a trie ment later the great pileof sandibove heir leads slid down like an avalanche and over whelmed hem all whjsji taken ot t life was extinct the writ for koclh yesterday komthation may 12 polling on the 10 thewrit for east yac mooday kominafionon hayiih j james preetoo was ran on the c p e at wlndaejc th was saaed kes plsoi t was issued on ylthpjiiling over sad killed on sasrd iy mitsiejalj iec puera health wined on i she wouw uy in a laree cl air all dny wltlioi t any iue or etv trgy tne tores ciiued rt at llckfaa and burning so titit at times w iiad to restrain tierluoust i prevent scrstchte forsrears she tuttered f sarfutly with this te rrtile humor be ng urredto iry loods fcu uinrflii we did to we soon noueed uu she hod note li e aud ippetile iue medic io seemed to dr ro oat mbre of llwhumorlirasltortumebu itsooabepnto tuttsideuie etesjalsaiaisttiariiiaiacease4t kad tu a fev mouths her head became catlrely itcarofuis lore 8hetsnowirfeearfvctt ixsooettd meeof the karoos and her i kin ii tear sad eaitlij she seems uko an ci- urely dllei me efilld la health and feuernl hipearinc4 rora what the wit before ukuit hoo sa sapa f w fed atrck sti glett norei av eatt sew vork t lis testtmontat l an uloit xtloa of wlut h crt sananaraia the sick and tucerioj every day s dotns foi rom kali s to california liese facts aunense c ncera uke ours is who can say that a the urdit of the work of ia not bcacicvutr kocq9 plttft itvtr lilt eotutiilaa iftfttn laaodles dele beel iciienldlsiucioa the fifth fbrias at lets old tf cambered eldujguie rlaaers letter cultcbist not be ate words lxhallit words rilf lite smelt snd chejadfulio looker nlkacca corner opposite campbells hotel beloas jactauiesstaleoftbs late baeianiinnlckllri there is a baksra oven la excellent repair tl is a very comforuble and commodious dwolllnj the propettr occaptes one ot the best loestioaa for basiaess ia iowa snd is st preseat oocunied sssgroosrywhtcaudotaf atjeodbasiaeu term faritocktmplameataand tarailare set sad aader oosbi over that smcaut lea racatas credit oa spprovsd aotet bay rain as turnips cub for real ustate 10 par oeat oa ear of tola balance as mar be speed apou j- as the form ass been sold sverrthiag above will be told without reserve the sale will commeace with the tarailare laaca nrqvldetl for particulars apply to rakowat wk heksttieet solicitor for tbe bweutrlx aneuoaser our wall papers and- borders are new and artistic the prices are low every roll is fresh and bright for the spring trade immense selection at the brooklyn x v 350 in reward tho ccna if in agnculurt ftc great hilf iy luartzr cot ipetltifia kilt yflrlr utcxry ccmpeutiaa ttw cauistfuca ia rfctiltartst amer- md rsilfdles lilustntasd ifhhuj ill clow jane aotqil ttrs imat- ihctroctmu caat uier tha ia aa sxh vhi count tio mtttn then voticd tli fouuiring splandid pi let will im fti t froe to persons toadiag ta t ia ptast oamlx c of vottu msda oat of fetta i coauinad ta th word the u ccstjutcd aamcttllxluttl tsretstt ooo faaiiag la list ot not lcs tliaui 100 wards will eeoeita n atblo prasat of uttjrwrtj irtgnadl iirtrd udilagoid lad grxad fuao rslaatl st s50q ftrd wsainaom h orrotslaodst300 wfa oa la qald oh gcnu gom 1 itcb alt iswsliod 1th ltmttgali ltthlnu itwell 8th waimgoid tb mslagotd loeawtrds lti0ech j k kext k xi ac so fiilrcr ta bate qasdrapla 1 puus wsj rsatad kit 50 prfj tw 50 sitt d irt ststsatad hastt pis a kext 103 pc c100 euvsr bitter duiigs 4c wsztsuita hticry plsie kect too pt zas coosista of ke rj nttd fiurtr eeulas i attar ddhac ftutt btxkeu biscuit jsrx sail x shall bnttr kaltw eto 4 til tullfvti sated nisjtlnttitsiocfiassplsndlii nnrsxds lha touoa of hfch will sgnenca 3500 tbicgrsxi ubervy cammtitlon u opea ta everybody rsrywhers tbo fouowintf sre tba orodltlons j l tbawi rdsmastb eoattructad oalf from lttars la tl ewardstoo lidugnutkd aokictji tuxusr sj d mast bo naif inch u sro found la webahsjri jasbrtdgod dicuossxy la the body ot yb book t ina of tho sapplsmeat to ba ttsad t tha weds most ba wiicun la rcutiaa sad 8 s sod io oa for ttdliilunt la do- i tunnot ba asd aftaaar lluniuiay sppasx la da words the inttjstiutao aqoi for fnsteuioa the void eonuiaiaff tlia srgast namlmr of jatwsrdod first pnxasnd moa la order of m rrit esb lists t is receded will bo aambei id snd if two or aore tie tba first recefred ill be swsrded 1 irit prtxsj sndiq ba uisrefa re the beaafit of s ndfac lassxly- will resdfly be eea i 5 esirca 1 st mait be ccoampsnf ed by ti for six moauis sa rserfptlaa tdtsr amcutkvmmti i the folic ring guauamaa li ve klndiyooosent- bdtotcts iamialsmioaeldcitrclezk fsterboroi gn csnsdi sad commodore cclcatt fflterboroi gh i t- i oarlert wietjaoa- g t um0 prlsa sll rfht li ml brsadoa vsncoarer b a fthtafcsljr 5u prlt c wcanoiagbim donald b a prise recelred ok j ix puawiapevlorwls 1txi prise receirett tbsaks- j v bobertsoa toronto i sad 300 hborfta altsutesssadccasdji i this is fl j lottehymei itonir will eoant rne tepab tion or fslraesc silaed oytuz aasi- ftchisi la tba pst is smle ffasrsat thst hit camp ititlaa will be cone acted fa uke mea 3er beat sc sump for fulli acttaiuftioj the igktcul ruuiflt fstexbor6agli irdesnj in the i te sth i ieetil hhr beth for the next three per sett perfect r i- eevno ettqaalflr 0 months mjoo end it gnerstnieed end 3tirt0njldj orsdnst i of toronto boboo of death srr and ho il college of dent a sageoi ovrici- hext portofflee i ttm iag mmmsa drug store j v kannawin all the csaals in kesr york state are to be opened oa may 1 dk tafts asthkilees aevir falls saod till mall free aotalla rtnupn rotrraddresssodaeljxvlvjj trial bottle dtttinbb08oeatfd17r eatsrr caoadlaa dept lit adejfkxv elds btwtoroato canada ve bought at 65cl6ntie f i t jqblbt dl in mens yojithi dojre ihd child 8tts ancf odd pantateklriffr shi tlntsf twikd towm tovvelllnjf cottoni cotton d shru8ock suapendtirejhatsirideap hfi da ebanoe of year life for bsr- i ilniu we are determined to nndetsell i iyof iheaaelphor toronto hoasety j at remember joo maet pay tbe cfsh yon cant pay he iuh e dont snt yoac oustom this mast be done i i order to compel with other dash oases i rvfcns all wool suits worth v pants wlarth whfta and grey cottons worth hundreds of sails totelect boat li kelly bros i ti furniturs joliuseigit odr stookof farauart ii noweomplefe for the spring tiarle and we can sop ily article ypa ivant at the lowest tuf ptfcee we dcjnciusl r famitari or radd any one in in maaafielare bat ws pay cash for it and an 1 ai or ac e jh iny deafeti lo the trade tojany dealers i we can give you a bodroom jet complete for 14 wove mattresses fqr 84 springs foij 3 sideboards at cost lounges for 750 extension tables 7150 chairs at- any price i vuneaertkincs a fall line of coffinf caskets rohec etc alerayf ta itook frve oan pveioa u uftctiou at iq prices we desire to im press apoa the pobllc tbe cut hat we have no mectfoa with any oombinalioo at d oar prices are not gwereed b the undertaksrs isociitloa we cad give yon the txst he market afford at very reasonable prices good hearse and outflt for lunsra s i speightkson i i iiidtssi 4- rwee ytf now for barca1n3 allsuee im slylesi ii 80p for 48 0- 30 for i 80 t9s for h st unjdtsrtjptling xuelph business college gveiphionjt 10i weara daw offeriak edaoaticmal advanlagesiand taiubn iateslsaoh as have h herto been offered the canadian people by any self snprrtta iastitetion the so ipe ai d thoroughness of oar commercial coarse is rfrikingljr abown by the fact tpat reral of bar sladsnls durlns the past year have- been pffatw sitnations a iditlon that they look the commercial courts at the qaerpli brjajnsss ocutffi la ow shorthand and typewriting department the ttro saadinf shorth ai blitems of the present day are taasjit oar method u lhe oateome of ten ys js o periesae in teaching shorthand and loads to the best practical result in ihe el orteet possible time i modern lsneaiee department yon cut get a pntoucsjqommsdd of eil icr eitra th lie a otir t ench or german while partaing the commeroial ooniijs- ad vfithoat c arge bath tanjraages ore taaght jby thkatbiltxwlifch aoswes ijident ta read- write and apeak them thia ia rare opporfonity which biticnaand energelio yoang man or woman wtjl not fail to seise in tfeomanahip oar work is tha admiration dt all who sea itj bend for a apecfa en btadedts from england and united stales ire now hi lteoctanot for tsrjpiay etc sddresc jljjiaccorhicb priiieipkl we said anything about idress goods yet this season in fact we ha ent needed to our dress materials hay gone out with i rushand thisdeparrnent has surpass our expectatic ns in the direction of popular favor anc speedy sales i jl isj this dre8s qood8 1 u ilwiyi wn a pet department with as and oar trade liad is one that grows thoat iatermisaion thereoeoa is not difficult to cornea r we reachont after the best and get lie heat in consequence of large ondextensive buying at headquarters for cos iisowe do not handle the eommoaplaoe in dress qoode the styles shades and ibricaws bhot yoa are the latest creations ot the desig are exactly among whai the mercnaritaof londorund paris are ehowingtteircusjoto at his very date everyday these titles ia likel s dtesaqoods opening with as thanewtnii falloir each other fa aiok laocesaion hardly a day bat theres something no n taking to see in dress e tbrics of which wo can only give yoa a hint in these columns it is alnalter of the reateet intpcrtance ta yott that yoa see thia stock befcru the assartmeat is broken rtoa will find onr voices right at all times clover dresamakic itof vltajl innottance to every etyliah woman weean satisfy themost partioalar tai et withaat charging aaheird of prices our dreoemaku r tvod is guaranteed bear in mindtl at we have gone extensively into carpet this season o therejie au a itonishing bush this week to the rife rfrhose qood8 imported tjhis week curtains 1 case swiss lace curtains x crape s cases ladies vests i esse table 1 esse mantle cloths i aasc blaok at d co 8 eases window polo lease brass hi ndlw pliings 1 flsnneletteaatoome see these goorla- nd yoa will u the atubes at the i door in hamilton- april 6tb 1893 1 case bilk curtain cloth 1 esse tapestry qurti oak mantles rooee silk cblffoohy the yard ancfiriirfs7te4i ila jovers 1 base cotseu 1 ease caahmere hrjae3casesflowitli co ored italian olpths a oases drat knings lase towiunfcl out j lnoajeams 1 bale carpet warp and 1 oiaej l wlth ynlsajltie jptt tje sew bdildind 0ornebofqs5d htjs 0 priceonlyf g s ryttn stmo drop u8 a postal ir you trnnt saraple and prices s if anything in dry goods or gen- cral merchandise pun is the largest retail itore in all canada with over three acres of selling space arid halfia lthousanrl env ployce andfa psufrjard ii enough to bring all thcr futilities of ihc store tojour home last as much as though wc were ljxiated injout town think of a clerk educated to know fashion changes merchan dise qualitiesj calorsr being at your beet and call when ever you wish i thats shopping by mail trtift eaton cor i t im tasp slwt terhta l ltd i gtebi 3vittrtjmttls esptvssers take notice notice is ienibr venjbatum aurlsfotbrbbenfrorvtrespl dremlsee of tbe tfodsntaxd- veal sail lofsj acton aprfl 18tb jbss 1 notice t the undersigned hereby sjvesj notiee juiat after thia oatemrf petit trespoaauia on his pretnfsee a b wright farm lotio eon i or iablnii aboet- ins or in anj stber war will ba prosecuted socordlsg to law i l 08efh lasbt aetotr april ltthmt i tenders for garetiker- i j r- tehdeb wlllbe received by the tmstse board of tbeeleuiodlst cbnrak acton op to the mtb proximo lorcsretiserof saldeboreli smclficatloiis of dories may be fees st u rw piuu offlea the lowest otaiyteaaer not necessarily seeeolta tenders addreaa- ed to aeeretait oftmatee bcsiomsiboes cbamb acton acton april hit 1s82 for 8ale aobc btjiiddro t btsttvsstlnblceklsfa jl acton oood title- these sttih lvlllsae of k ark auvo- m fed in tba centre of tbe vdlasjanatg5ai ejos lo the two large fannerr and la thd obw svan able block of lots la tbe conge jctnetmsl istind site far tenement hease wafeh en tmu needed wulbe soi4 enbibe or afpsr- stev- offers invited tbe bloekru be sold at i bargain jiij5g j aetoo april 6tbisa 1 j rtaltiable p em sale bushlirmoolot if eon tr ii tbstcjnv ship ot fselus sexes ssith ipj dweubu tog tunbered with beeebniarf jmnlock hie eecurtroaaand soft ens is or 91 aeres dexeptwriihig the brash 1 tuoastoneatoiraasheastdweluagofaroesps ltweeellata- frame stabls with sen iota of sd an aaetph ktarja and cjoeea at reetsui ith i isge of acton wu1 su five orili boilnhif separately if desired sonethtrdeashorecrjban re fl u xarkaacteatjjt dhe nj1w meatmark2t as pieasaretn annoanabi on and tietakvthat be has r aseraeats to open e hew oteei r recently erected at the shdhsln streets byilrv seeded kext tuesday 1 toroing had tast a fall ijtocx of fresh meattr iviwj will be opened the beat qoollt stock k 1 having hod experience in the aatare til who favor me wtth tha tarlsfaetlnn hiobest cash price paid tor pork parties having cattle 4ee to atn loeall i public healtsh it i i nonce is hereby give that all residents of acton are reqalred forthwith tceksm their milan drains yards pic streey water ojoeeta- snd othei at bnildings ud premises sad re- vsew lasger 1 eeanptatsd at lateet orfotber i pnblier and lbs thousands of ladies- whojvisit be favorite hooss are delighted with the mtaufal atyles ccjorinia malitle cheapneaa and vut qaanlfties of thedresi qoods the msgnifioent display of ladies sia misses hate i onnl oapa tplov are featbereoniaraenubeedgoodi be li creppes lace ohiffcui ribbone nets elo i ladjet o moi ralng ive b wn greatly pleased wih tbe immease i assort m at of b crarblaji oashmeres from oo to 1 15 and vsioai other hew ef les ot mouralng goods and silks and sitine igreat variety la blaffi and colors handsome paranli shatum irellas for lejie and mioses then onthe second flat the elightful new atyles ot ladlesuid misses hootles jaokete efefei ttsu ma tls its riga a m st right pli os ix jrom t ie able cjoo 38 lbsolfh w lcaaeikoiltee ill ss the bight 0q0d8 atjtfajhghf prices witrllns obd5b6 goods mx eoroptuh makdpaotbrbrsaf lveceivps weekly topplies of new and fjabu s9 p week he mat ipe it the nextloasbrjbt nnnno lumwr mr1 drew lirrtdi 1 osltsilk cattsin cloth i i tbqmias r i iwajpj i ii- itfeiilplisgsefei wiwwwmrsjrebia w dtimikiwirl iissi more thewfrwa alldaolthirjuraiorf tabstanee vsjah nay eadaoger the 1 hesllfi and to have tbesaine eo at 10th day j lliy mutta tory inspectornrill eommerie kk pection and farther take notfoet uoa of- the pntss health act ptoofhiulij tbe keepint of hogs between ho uth mayand tbe lit bf sorenrber except 1b pens at least to feet from any dwelling boose and so feet tnmuy street or lane with toe soon kspe fnse from standing water sad reslafry eleeaewdissd du- tafaeted will be strictly eilraeetu whfffloasy i chalrmahboarsof health acfcnanrll mb 18bj i diformtloni wanlei we shall ahidesiv the venllet or ihi people u to whether we sawtdtl or oald- kot submit to ttm erstriett of the combine we respectf alj eollcdtyoaz eiisdpiiaafck for roar aaawer to tbe lollowlns ana tteaia l do combines operate la the tab rest ofthe peoplef i x is the sxlstetioe of middlemen oi benefit to tbe eonsatrier j- l a is it an advantage ta the pfabbo to have watches described ill ai tilted and eatologned with prices traoaed in plsiil ngnree t we are fighting tremendous oddaai duthoogh assured of incoptswswant to snen tobetna- ijorlty endorse otr policy i i we will pay for this information sad invite everyone to seed as- their banest and esadar opinion we cannot espebtxbe pal lio to tasf ap their urn with crarsjtelrs wtthoi t eoms-lh- ceatlve other than the hesteat dssi a to enun- ploa tha dealetfwhoae motto is i dtestrieted trade- and therefore we have deej led to offer sa tddiuoail iodooolobst as follow iwwlu send by registered mail postpaida i eatlsmaas karat sold rmued veitcln go nateed to wear equal to eeud gold far 10 yean mupoo receipt of jour answers t the above three qacstiona aad the ncmlnol sur ol 15080 of these chains will be glti a gwoy to w to create on interest with un pablh 1 1 oar ftmnrlren teiihee our matoated cataoct artram ad bayarsl qoide ot 00 pegs eontalning dee xinttve en grarings end priiesof watchea 3a sry dia monds silverware aocis art goods gems arms arnmaaltion bicyelesaad i nnfasvse- tuialtesvaae weemaarm be as setttts to everyone answenag above onstlads prank 8 taqoarf v co 89 kinase webttoronto c in hurrah boys i kow ie the time to orniurjedt new or lave ihe old one repa red reaiaprloe m v a yodrsejf wtth m- is- r p- fi r- m i- l r i 1 v u tf alooto btt your gfri k me a flfie stookof which is opined by a p ri neiit door to kenney noaooteadlratpew all iffot i w rrurtod trvi

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