Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 23, 1892, p. 2

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v kqrk kc w t t aojilc kc on 0 ic axh jme the q r t arnold vt a w- ulktreatllimtr oct ci l jo the itectlv i tliiotl hjl of at 11 uctim0et1c nli httt a 11 avenue hacv torofto uic iicapd jr iaucvicv t svlkvltt liocltt oo jure lth m he ft nj l o tile i tttc t rattier tt ni uoore 10 dntiktro twwta l fcv k c tit ki arole i moore io 1 a ktirtrlt of ttis hrrem ifamlltcn uoccit uitv tt ib uetlodut tmnre rrpi i in ist janelt uv l dittoed icsnurftt vvntbl kltlliohli ton ship to ailli tlsrtotte pidt daefhter kiwrl uwi o nlcha township jtiivnr rvvftv the residence of tl e inif fi lift en the ilh jubetnr lev l ttreclin at cdttllcv j u llilno a ft lltetil cttij lrchrrtawottbebridecrooiu i etrt ivttc to men jtcc vveccett dab icr of walter tt illoftlmnoui luu 1turvattu rwulcoco of tin- tridei fitl- rictor on on jure h bvtleltcv pr ucdmt il vinor ol it tint wethodttt tlirrh urt hi vuxcv ik hi ill the if i to i hc elivtt lintf tcr tit mr o d i lilt h a i luipvct r ot i umic tcliooli for intwl lnl from the capital another day da tout to the radlt- trlbutlorv bill o batcheap rail way fares- havv mambart do bustnaas i noteshef e and there mm i mm r uih ttnuot en 0i pnh judc i tad 4 taouth hoiumm tjcnn trccl toronto on lth jun jojd d holuc lcmfurt la iq the b ctait jfrcc jrcs5 xhtlroal jim m imi notes and comments jane mh hti been 6ied u the dtt of ibo ditoiouan o th nfilih ptriimedt a tpeailciblc decptteh wye the liberals recini the election of thti dito u a politic dod to get an tdruue by pre- vtounj borough clecttods bctog held on stlurdty the bostca p v oompires boston tod no scotia ts followi nora bootia hu a propcrtv laloation of 00 tnd her import and etporu arerap aboat 10 000 003 acb per car ofvhih3 000 loo rerc imports and exports to and from tin x tilted btatea the annuu catch o ivova soots fineries amonntato between jk 000 000 and 7 090 000 principal in scoa herring and mackerel which find a k market all the way from montreal to tne l west iodic all this creat commerce ard antcld wealth too ia represcoted bv a population icarcel largely thtn that of botcn luelf tt f manitoba ciocmmciit has ast h lis crcp ijllctin whicli thows the acreage in manitoba exclucire of the north trt to be as follows wheat k7f0 oatc 13j f4 barlc 7 m4 rreas 2 lt 1-tat- 1003 roots 174n the acre agv cf wheat las shghth fallen off this ear this ma be accounted for b the winter setting in earh and the farmers tiloctdg the r ploughing to attend to their threlacg ccnxpoidcnt5 rtport the plict a beig heathv and vigorous and alltr4ik eacpuragicgh o the proixxt of a good rop barle ehows an increase of cearh 0x acres oats of 0 000 acres peas of 71 nc uf 100 ard corn of 1 h00 the farmers cf manitoba arc beginning to appreciate the valie of fia and this eax 2 001 acrcs arc under crop the area planted this ear of roots is nexrh doable the following general direction to truant officers he becti it aed bj the education departiiclt of ontarto lach officer thah eodeato- to procure tbe attendance at echccl of all children id the district aaifcced to him between 8 and i year vuiting thetn at their homea or placefl of employment or looking after them m he streets for thu purpose and shall by persuasion acd arnmejt both with the children and their guardian and by other i jin than b legal comruleion strive to tcure such attendance the officer shall not be employed to cnaire into the occas iroal abeecca of i npils when the trucnli officer eh all be enable in a district assign ed to him to p l attendance xt echool of any child who is ft habitual truant or who is required by the protkion of the law to attend school it eh all be the duty of such officer after douoe aatequired by the act to procure a warrant- and arrest sach ahild who eball be brought for trial before a magntrate having jnnsdic tion in the case kfew -i5aphsiieis- cqni1nq anpaoina vliltor ti nd ffom aoton vr1ou other prianaln4ut rojot it onm jime t2 th itomo of com mom rpctit anothc dv on the itcdutnbu lion itill the trb jo lime tte ukcii up vtilh couudcmllc n of lh ttwiice telnttng to quebec in comt uttoo the wliolo mr liurtcr priroeod to cat out ell tlieee euuso le mg the reernngeraeut of quebec to be n lo nest eon upon ome hue of pntio pic to bo decided upon tlil wee voted do en nd tho hotim went on to consider the quebec kction of tho bill cleiite b ctu e a numberof clungee tttiro nude tuost f lliem not of firstcltm importitnce kin ni i i t tin i nisi si tliegiverunknl hu taken hold of mr gordon billo unend oie chinese imnn rnttiou ct and mr chctti rivee notice for it trunttcr to the govcrntacnt oniere this measure hropoice to reduce the number of chinck to be ctrried b steam slnpe bv one lulf md toboliih the prtnl efie of retarninc to mcrlv riven bv thoitta unce of ocrtifioatc iiok ui toil 1 4 kin rim to the uninitiated tho work of legislation for this wide dominion is conducted with et little regard k tho value of ume and gixxl storj hi teld of the horror tllinc friends in vitltlnr at tier urn uilton mr thomas smyth if loacuni home over ruudsj mrs a weiihain l father s honle at bothrel ucsan k weber and p kelly left on batsrdity on a trip to chloa i mc tujosit uooce md mils uoore ciitrf fritnks it uaelpt tutveek rer q 3 cooke is at adding the injll causyuoi nowlasoaitac at htmlltoa tf an lies drjdein of rocjcsroid were kuesi e at buudeclank villa over sm- dayj i ur an lrs james a uttthewt o oranrevil o visited tricnls here over san day mr heiry torell of walkertoti spent several dtvi with friends iu town this week with which new methods pursued are supposed to ha fritter awa time members regard uiff lowell who succeeded german as member for w clland has or had but a poor op nionw the manner in which canada s 1 fiisktors run canada s himself a hard headed buttness nan knowiug tho value of time lowell does not understand whv men who vejsome train should n tccuulesa discqssions tn the afternoon i ic was introduced bj mr launer and gibedj happened to be in orks estimates till ni was t proposition n of lincoln the house ctimittoeon the public he sal listening the jawing of botl like this all the time lr k i j a lhe great church coorts prctbytetud methodist ccngregationsd and baptist are all in esksa this month and one and all have tackled the temperance question with remarkable iggremvenew he does dot fied t o a teer to diacorer through the clarified atmoepbere of these jane meetings the rapid approach of a serious political crutf it u all erv well to sneer at resolutions but resolutions help to make aad intent iff sentiment and convictions whidi will in tarn burst out in a con narration cf righteous indignation that will dtro the hated traffic in drink and scorch the tardy politicians who block the ay to reform tbe men who gather m there annual meetings and unanimotuh demand tbe overthrow cf the liguor traffic we must remember are the representatives not only of tbe beet bat of the mats of the people otj canada and hey are not exceeded in abiht cr patrioliem bj those who assemble in the coromodb chamber in ottawa kit ft jlor i 1 ttilri l 1 el atl to spend fne hundred dollars on a bnege in quebec and after lowell had ehakeiji hands with peter tt lute n an amazed manner to sides fter an hoar or so the new man leaned oerto gibson who sits in the row m front of him and asked can i get out of 1 ere u of court iii go ttih ou swcred gibson having bowed l o the speaker the pair onishci into the a rridor lowell turned to gibson do thc go on he asked pretty near 6ibsocirepied wh wh tth b cause i thlok they re a lot of blamed fools but lowell hai boon here long enough now to cease wcutl nng at tha foolishness perhaps we glial some day sec him taking part in just such a debate sir l has ttpetr tu mt oi tti gentleman who is not andwboneer has been a mem aer of parlament but who nevertheless s almost a preeminent authority upon canadian politic told me toda that it is qu te possible hat canada will soon hate an ither son taking part in the management ol imperial altaira lord salisbury thu geiueman said has inti mated to sir chirles topper that tbe i nder secretary o state for the colonies is his if he choose 1 o go through the ordeal of an election contest coming from a gentleman whose information is unually trustworthy the rumor is worthy of mention ihioitavt i uaj tmotal cttan la it is reported in official circles that mr a m burgess no v acting deputy minis ter of the interior will be made chief of tbe dominion imi ligration branch when that brnce is puod nndertbe control of the interior depart nent and that dr g m dawson will i ecome depuu minister of the intenor and director of the geologi cal eurvey dr selwn to be superanuated hoe iiiuiratio nrn iiis mr john lowe deputy minuter oiagn culture gave evidence before the house of commons committee oo agnccltore and colonization yesterday rnormog he ex plained the immigration work of tbe past year which buted had resulted id the bringing of io 000 people iota canada at a total cost of 11jmjo daring the last ten years he explaiuedl the percentage of the increase of population by immigration was wesley retd w tt v ii cd le ion ksq from the apiul several week h storey left home lv wu days via ring thi last evoning 1 elo will spend a few dajs at tha ur w oluwt capital ur albeft lamb of bacfalo wis in town this wck visiting his sister who has been very ill if us ki hie grant who his been visiting in toronto tor several i weeks returned home on- saturday i mrs henryf ilill otdetrolt and her snter mils hacking are spending a few days with friends in guelph mrs j t mclaughlin left acton 0a uonday njofning for eirt saginaw ifich where sheiwlll spend a month with friends mr l w goodenow whose serious ill ness wu reported last week is yet ijulte dowell although somewhat improved thrall ura w ij storey uf frill a stocey and lliss jessie nicklio left last friday for richland iowa to visit dr and ura c d payne owing to continued ill health ur frank worden has beep obliged to return home from aletandna uan he arrived oo sunday morning mrs innei accompanied by ur tunes and her nnree returned to guelph from new lork on tnesday although ura innee is rapidly recovering she is still very weak general sympaihv is felt for dr and mrs urea in the ion of their little twin daughters while on a visit to friends in itissouru they returned home lutwed neiday among the most successful candidates t tbe annua eiamioations held una month in drawing and painting at the normal school toronto is mr w l richardson formerly teacher at bannockbarn school he was awarded a teachers fall certificate ur henry gnudell of this place whose mother died about a year ago wu called last friday u the death bed of his father mr robert gnndell erimoaa ur grindeu wu an oldresidebt of the town ship he wu buried on sanday aftemooa in lramosa cemetery mr c a starrct of the herald repor tonal staff and uita annie e uoore daughter of ur wra uoore of toroota formerly of acton were married lut thursday at the rctidence of the brides parents the evenf wu quietly celebrated ur starrett since coming to this city hu made many friends who will join in extea ding to him and bis bride the oocgratala tiocs and wishes customary on such an important occasion hamilton timet sundays itortri toronto bt jalraltroufsnjf utoo was strtiok iy la considerably fiai agt emmons blili i i sutta jsraos 1 laid died in chicago on saturday of bloo i poisoning prince uehsi 1 ws teatsneed uoodty it ana atboe to five yeart itnprlsonmoat the allneultj of m aw daring tbo i ut week then were 1 dsilhf in new y xk pity from sunstroke itni id cues of i nil ni reported tho hitherto av icible cornwall lt crosse ctub were beaten t to 1 onsiurdaj on their own get inc by the oipilalt of ottawa driving serosa the m c r track at lyoljdslee ont uonday wu itruck by an ctr rest train and instant ly killed the brewers lad distillers of england have subscribed half a million dollars to help lord salub ry s party at tha coming general election a petition wis llei oh saturday against tho return ol but york oc th i and corraptlo i rev adam st andrews w manville drappt 1 settrdsy eveaini the old whsjer built in 163 h spi no r formerly miaister of pr sbwnm church bow dead at his residence p uaclean u p toe u laal charges of bribery panada and the states important message from prealdent harrison ho adyljes re taliation t i 4 tbe price of hinder twlnt uio eeik dealers 1 ave received tbe r rice lut of binder twine for this seon from tbe contuners coidsje companj the price st vtr wat lower than tbe previous beat n and the quo atious this vcar are lc to j- lower than thtv were last season thi wat hardly cijccted after tbe deal which broujit the various cordsge millb in canada utidtf thr control of one concern sd that we have the somtkhiit ungolarcaee of a combine reduemfl j rice there has not jet ten tuuelj inquir for bindtr twine bat there will probably te a 0od demaod for i in a couple of weefcf county court jnd oeaeral session 1 he above courts were held last week at the court honre milton his honor judge kiogiroill preiidirg the civil doelet coi tamed ci l one ca6e and the criminal docket tvo tatcs for larcenv and one for appropriate g coode the- case of the queen is beacliam was tried and re soiled in the convicti n of the prisoner it will be remembered that beaeham stole c0 laet deember frrtn the residence of mr fitter of burlinifon the arrest was cleverly made by county constable spring stead of fcloney creek and beecbaro wu convicted on purely circtrrattedtifl evidence queen vs lorut wamn indictment for stealing a lotxme d iiffrom ur ftamuel agcew of vaciiavteya there not being sufficient evidence pven on behalf of the crown the judge disbarged forbes with oat the case going to tbe ury maw rll yon waot boot hhjet dietper then ever you bought them call at ktouey brm acton wool wool large quantities rant- art hght prices paid totix krwrot gave lfmehontf t less in proportion n thecmtedsutesthan it wu in canada he read a note from george johnston dominion statistician stating that the ritish and foreign born population of the dominion by the recent census numbered 010 100 the oensas of 1s81 showed s for iigu born population of cots1g so that tbe british and during the decade lb immigration work he health mr v the actual increase of foreign born population beenhi3 a blucbook conlnining appendices to she report of tbe minister of agriculture just published contaus elaborate reports on quarantine and pub ills the ottawa agent reports that ujo itimigrants arrived during the vear of who n ihl were from the btotes he reporis the years operations ae satibfactorv thl m is vnw as a prommer t legislator would say the day of proro ation is at last visible to laving at length come to his tedious session must eminent has elaborated ug parliaments dehber this poucv is described the naked eye understated that terminate the go a plan for bnngn at ions to a close b some public mi n as being one of intimi datioi a strong term certainly but not unwarrantably iy i o ashasbeen read in the morning papers sir john thompson late last rndaj eveniig informed the house that to dav mon ing sessions would be commenced igvated by the opposi t tactics the admims tlcavor to wear out their itb of preponderating washhsotdj jnne20 the nsaal snt- preeidenttal election mesaage wu tent to the senate to day by president hamsoo in regard to the discrimination against americans iu violation of the provisions of the treaty of washiqgtoo president cleveland sent a similar baaxtge to con gress four j ears ago and the railroad bond ed system was to be wiped oat in retails tion for the alleged wrongs the f and eorrespoidence today were referred to tbe foreign relatione committee of which senator sherman is chairman hie said tonight that fhe problem wu a difficult one to solve and would require mature deliberation the fact ia now u it was foar yers sgo the financial interests of too many republicans are involved to permit interference with the bonded sys tem of canadian railways and the politi cal complexion of the senate and the the house is to day jolt the same u it wu four years ago so that tha result will be the same nothing j a victim to ajfrica report of tho beath of tho gallant capt stairs progress which wu pasted through lion tree on it- way lb chicago to be exhibited at too worlds f i ir the british hi ait of commons hu aa thorued tho gov rtlmcnt to purctiue tha telephone tcunl lines throughout the country tor ilfxotoo rev adam s ea ler formerly mimstee of st andrew i resbyterian church bowmanv ille dec p d dead at his rctidence there on batarda t entng the first uetl oditt church in canada wu erected at a olgbastown 100 years ago and tbe methodu u of tho bay of quinta dittnet will celeb tie tbe centenary judgement wai given lu the horth vie torn election ca e uonday quuhtng tha petition against t it return of ur simuel hughes on the gr is id of non service sunday s rtins oi m wu pretty general over north west rr ontario hamilton and the south wc it escaped lightly cel lars were coded a toronto and london nine aniorttma oi hare bees drowned at or near toronto d r ng the present season within the lut f w days the deaths of four more childre i irare added to the list the betrothal o lmperor william a yoangeat sister piucesa uargareth to prtnoe frederick t arles eldest son of tha landgrave of hess wu tnnoaoced tues- dav i it ts now repc ui that chauncey u depew will be ma taumted states minuter to england and hit robert t lincoln will be recalled state uayor thomu of traro n 8 deelinedl to listen to a legish tf re resolution of censure and wu sent to ja 1 lor two days he saedj the legislators wh voted for it and got i mo damages tha wife of rev liomn b ucclaln si uethodist mmtste t utditon ind hu been left a fortune of j 2 oo 000 by an oldj lover whom she re used to marry and who died a bachelor john heder a l ired man who claimed to be 109 jeart old i iedincocheroutj on saturday he s id ha wu born ta ir- gim fa 1783 anc ia came to colchester over half a centar tgo the wito of u f j bell divislool coart clerk at pe rboro returned home from chorch sane i r evening lay down on a sofa and died beeued wis daughter of mr samuel i iky of peterboro ur i robinsjth c of toronto and hon wilhaaflbnry cross member of parliament foe tn west derby division of liverpool have be appointed u british counsel to tbe en ish behmng sea goal musiopers a powerful sear h light will be placed vol made secretary of tion s obstruction tration will now e4 focmen b stren numbers r iertusou odwelland is to be sent to the senate i rancis abbott lay master of tho rideau canal is retiring from ofioe hir john thompton has announced that from tlnsdayhewoliidaskthehoaseto sit dav and night so as to hurry through to day the house meets at 11 in the morning the first divorce notice for next session will appear in tomdrrow s gazette it is by john francis haweller of thorold from his wife on ti ground of desertion adultery an i bigam the worlds columbian exposition lovikis jane 15 hews hu beea received of the death of capt stairs the explorer who wu for soma time with stanley on bis expedition for the relief of emm puns and whose teiiimooy u to stanleys treatment of tbe rear guard created a decided sensation he wu a young canadian who displayed much ability as a military engineer and wu chosen u second in command to hu stanley in the emm ftsha relief expedi tion and his work amply justified tha selection latterly be hu been in the service of the king of tha belgians in central africa and met his death at tha month of the zambesi river though how is not yet known a determinedsu1cide an elegant bird a- c view of tbe kipoe ition grounds anl buildings in eight colors sue mid in hes priced 00 the same engraving si e icik inches price 7f cents the serai i engraving sice joim inches price 50 ceu a photo gravure bird a eye view i2ij8 inches price 13 cents a pocket mi of the u h or of aay bute or any c uadiaq province price ij cents iy of h t above mailed to any address postage pre sldjxi the receipt ot tbe advertised pnos etoxu t co 676 rookery chicago a son of henry dufflela erin town ship attempts his life hockftoon jane 20 a probably fata shooting occurred at the home ot henry daffieid cattle buyer of the town line erin and eramoia last batarday morning a few minutes after six o clock a gun shot wu heard from the room of ur daffielda tan albert 18 or 19 years ot age and be wu foand lying on the floor with a shot gnn wound ia hirbody dr dryden wu sent for and dressed thj wound ha yoang man it still eltve thoiigb very tlight hope are entertained that he will recover in conversation with visitor tha yoang fellow said he had contemplated taking hit life for several weeks his life had not been a success and he had no desire to son tiooe it four sove w meat lokwv june id whilaat copeahageti tho cier expressed his lutenlion to attend theweditigottho crown prince ot kou mania to princess mirta o ediubnrgb one retail therefore kill be meeting ot the sovereigns of england rattfs ger many and roamsnis kfiitrd t uafacat it liie best roekford watch before you buy one it is the most perfect and durable timepiece made gdjipingle cuarph boots b shoes wshavajust reoeiviid oar fall slock of boots and shoes from ha beat mtnu facturert in canada and defy com petition w ilthet qitlitf styfa r price wo make a speciality of hot weather 3ressg ods delaiuet chtlliet prinftaai batiit the rarf traam ot wuk qoodi la stock cow colore chauiat t 5 oeuu iueh cott si itntnafactare soma one hufefs money on tfiim wa didnt bat thecet no ptandec ia them for at tbt u apl m tbit eannot be picked ap every day the pile it going dowtj fuf delay it dtogeront l deukines hava tha no ihu taminer lai detiryedlt to ter u nothing prettier or mora tecvinble go where jyoa mty yc cannot find a dicer variety than we show ia this una think of i pretty delaine at 1210 aoef thea imtgina tha lovellnett ot a goe on ii your parte boots which tor style fit excelled wm wiejliams i shoes and wear cannot be acton job pbflntingr iscluoino books jpamphleu rosters nut heada circular ae le ereeated in the bst ctyls ot the art at moderate prices and on tuort notice apply or address n n uoore fteepbess office aeton ur john blacktvell of the bank of commerce toroqto writes htnng soffered for over font years from dyspep sia and weak stomach and having tried nomerons remedies with bat little effect i wu at tut advised to giva northrop 4 on the top ot uoa it wubiogtou it will be the highest anc strongest in the world and will be seen f om portioos of uaiue uasiaihaiettf he ff hampshire vermont new york and ca ada sir oliver uowa hu decided to dismiss ur elgin uyers it oraugeville from his potitioh u conn y crown attorney on account cf bis reft ung to refrain from the advocacy ot politic j anion between canada and the united st tea george osborne aged 12 wu drowned at braotford on bi turday while bathing in the grand river his body wu recovered shortly after but life wu estinct it is suppoied that he fell between two rocks and could not extr ate himself iilgh t award at lue universal cookery and rood ljx hibitua held iq lc idon and opened by tbe lord mayor uay rd 1892 messrs w g dunnji co tjf i roydon london and hamilton canada obtained the highest award foe baking jawder and seta kidneys i the sys- is head- and cures habitual tha ao stomach pre pfc in its inly from the most ijealtayapdigre bje substances iu manyexcclkntq to ail and hav rwpukrrernf syiupor bottles by any reliahledrt met who may not have it oa build will procure it mtily for a iy one who wishes it cauforhl lovavudmtflt utlitieacommendlt made it the moat known u for s4le in 75i leading druggists only by the syrup ca 0uo tul 16 discovery a trial i result receiving bene- t then tried a second and a third bottle and nor i find my tppe lymtnt egetabla did so with a happy fit from ono bottle tits so much r tared and stomach strengthened that i an partake of a hearty meal without any of the anpleasantnest i fannexlr experienoec if atrds liataent in the bet limits yoa we have a big variety at 15 m is iottsbo eanft prints we open hit week a cue of extra ride fine lutlity print tut colors at 10 ccntt this it the regoiar u cent pdrt all over the coaatry another lot of bloasei ia this week arah bengahna and cotton vary cheap and jaafc tha thing for u hot weather theyre going jike hot cskes and no wonder tha pnos and style tells fhero i extra valve in stainless cotton hoee tha color wit not wuh oat or rnb off sims ta ctthmt m4 tils hosiery 8h0ppihc by mail a smart fellow has made popular ihc fehrase a postal card will do appliotttn sheqj- ping by mail thdk for a minute of tic time and ex pense and buplcn of a railrojad journey and then consider lhat tlicrc drc no difficulties nithcvxayoffatirchisinggoods bjumailcilhcr imaginary or rca which tann6t be over come if proper care is exer cised nanyv ho hate become familiar witn the simple de tail find it oftentimes less troublesome han shopping m pcrsoa the trea on coy itd imrrgeirtrttjrtuil f tia labtxtiumttdi waited uev to work o telepbom line btesdr work and coot rar lr af onee 00 works between 4eton anitliniehogse f 25 25 par ciant uillinery for the balance ol bl r of orxr 3 ftvorti a offer by vay ulfcappottlcff caaadlaa imutatioa uw untt ocwtieii ittaenmj- b tcrifljy a ctrttfdj coraparlkwq j j jcar i i hoaco 6 jelph business gu6lph onjtj 4 j tudeau rasy enter s say time with equal advaataie u tlisi e li no summer vacation j il ir i t ha dacaxid for ear 4radutex la enater siw than at any otmar ume becsose the qaahtj- i orfc is mdra widely knowo i view ot the iipertue educational advanlxcea afforded iur riles ot istfoa its the most the season bjermyn college ho tattloo girea ia aar hodsra laacnxgis tioa ta all tb iabieu uofitit etepcrtmaatur i l the development ot iteruuf character ta tha faandatina principle la oar system ot tnxaias t e coailddaee with whietx oar graduates ae evsrwbere ncefved helf4ippartiaesebcollsha only edjeatfooat foitotlol tilt is founded osibailtof luolit justice htindlne oa this basis and op tfa gtnafoe merit of its work the laelph worth the satire cost ac a buituo coutte respectiollr idltlcs pohlic pauonaei 7 tie efgbth annual circular riricj us ofonnauoa a id i illustrated with beaottfal specie li is ot our own peadntwicg wilt be seat free o say address dmsppucatfoa to mmacooilljick priiicipal it would be fqll 7 hotleri is dyedhv tha beat dyer in the motld ioait i t- to advertise goods which w cclild not produce for your inspeclion exactly si advertised we state moat decidedly thi t ur cotton and silk hosiery is ansarpassea facaiada this season for lsdlet and ct idrena wear andjve can speak with authouty on this point from personal experfei x and knowledge oar bayers have gone direci i to chemnltx tho headquarters to cottok tad litis hosiery fat the whole world and iave there selected tha lines of thet goods combining the most favorable quautieg we thus parchasa oar hosiery as also o ir other goods- from the mill direct and we t ave sec ired such special value in lisle and cotton hots from a certain german maoufi icturer that we need only ask yoa to fcirjdti tcy a pair to be convinced that for quality ot mat iritl and permanence of dya they a unot be excelled thes hoee are of a pirfecfly fast black indeed all oac german hermsdorf i we have gatraateedilh se at jloe 12c our soc 2oc and 35c lines in cotton an tocand 5oc lines in ltsle hosiery intend to maintaia a repntatioi for these goods equal to that we have always hae icuhmere hosiery and ioc bat especially recommend we tor with our new make of li le and silk uitls at 25c 60c and opwarda and addition the lines of taffeta ai d silk gloves wa have secured to sell at popular pi we propose to doable oar tride a these goods hit spring judging by the quick tales the impression a universal sssortment g b ryan co on v and the many rolls of carpet leavingoar store ooatina dly that for qaolity price beiaty of pttternt and itrge is tha carpet hoasa of guelph pric only g b rvkn st co guelph special provision i j made for warn weather requirements ijress in a cool ianner daring the warm lootht suitable fabnea to cover these requirement will be foand tt the right hoaie in pleufng fariety thene dem c fl0unclngln wbtte 8wi8s mntlin embr idery it a new article this teuou natidtome pnnted naintook uatltna also swiss spoltea uasliu fut black elata orgt ody uatlint for dress jiarposm beaatif al freoeh printed dress uatlinj and many other attractive waah uatlint in large variety ask to tee them very ohtrming tr tha bloates made from lawn u ihers sod fatrey iprintad goodr they are good flttii s garments tha style correct for thaiot teuon belts necetstryuha u hlon dimandtthaic ate ajhartning variety of the ne petdeeigna in english french aad american stvles rangiiig ia irica ft m i2jc upwards summet oortats and walau a maeful to keep the temperafata dawn j xoa wilt find them ia ufa coot t deputment in right ttylet add priest a 8urpr sing hahgain ir offered ik jtrte cor8et depabtuenl asehdike jhe rwllafiorsbt whic i willk bfjld for fifty oj3nts a pair hu jnai artivealjthlt ooc corae it well made goufllung and x to jilttl it w illy itpaokages j loon ijyoor beach w ii w mw wumu uvca w aum uigiuumg a iow very unoioa aetigoi tn fa icy dress bilks bmt sarah silks at goc jy nl qutllty ot cloth j new j signs ia printed ipongea silks sea tha printed pot m a sio ner tard nfos vtriety of ktwjhlaio pongea it 16a two cai i of new ohevfof serges n navy blue and black bedfc sooidt andnlint beaded gimp trim tiiroje printed delsnet btlfc i bbont kew veilingt ribbon fringts aad narrow oak tdpsv baflwer underwear all kiudi for jtdiet men and childrttv i xrsot might for tummer months to spend mffi by tome best advavtage ttthab the bargains offl teb lallwool dre88 goods tobmer1vv ftso tolrioiadlto 15o a largo lot of all wool drett goodt formerlv wo reduced to ufa balance ot this mssoni jaetsii laolutruadfeii redaced to bargain rirloat a large variety of odd 1 1 in bi iok colored and fanoy silks reduced to near r half hnasiti ytrioatfetsatoiovtfdullhtectiiotdtoslaariai prim fancy ohaffon in wide widths reduced tro i ii totsheflon bjoatetformflyataidlmrexiaclto76oeaob a i vtria to t from eltsw rater reduced from 50c at fas new store htmilton june 1040 corner of king tfreat east and ho i uoa street sth 3jhomas o wat ex s- trespassers take notice otice is hereby glveii that tbe miblie gattt ally is fortibbea from tnspaasiiie oo the jremises ot the underslened west bait lot jol thomas c jtoobe n q l 8cbaffsb cootraetor acton april kthltol l ion two coltsastray two colts owned by undershnud have stravad l from bis premiss one is bjaet two years ild with one white hind foot sod some waits mforebesili tbo other is a bay two years old rhlte star on forehead- a laitaila wan will 1 k dven for lofonnatfon that will lead tore- thomas smith 1 saasasjawyapo salesmen wanted 11 i i yy e want both traveujai aodjoeal to represent ine old w f karserksv ulaey pap fecji the bmbt o ssjesmea experienced in osr una liberal arms to bnttaneis and a permanent altnxttoo usnied we bare nx acres nad culti ud fuxnudioulyflistciassitodtlocttrrpsaot ssrdr vsrjetles for nonbein ontirlojind msdi- jb i speciality wb qoabantee oub i itock ftply for terms at nee wa want i ovw stove weiilmjtoh hof -f- aood build sou sale it a pbopbsttjh 0t8 t t j t i in block is la the yeliee ot j aeton good title- tbesa lots tit attoa- i ed ia the centre of tbe illa and qcdte close cr the two large taoaerys and istbeoalr avas i ijle block o lots fn the eentroj ot tua vuuea grand site for tenement houses wnjeb rs i resilr needed will be sold enbloc a- separ- 1 1 oilers intftop t block tn be sold at b jaueg itatthews xcton april tttt iss -f- valuable prcfderty jpr sale bush fann on lot it eon it io tbe tows- ship ot feel us sens with log dwaolsg ttxls timbered with beech maple bamloea plaa ecdarroek and soft elm d or to acres cleared except burning the brash aloaitoiaiidroai1icmtdwouliifictroams d twf cellar inune stable with tan lets of oa oqalphy uasi apd qbmastnsts istbe be ot acton wluifl hveorilxtjiiniulx lets separately if desired j teens onethird l or exchange for caber q aeton uni i i ap phe new meat mahket osttjll j i sv bu pleasure io sooaoneiiig u the dtlsens i atoa and vieisitv that be nas completed ap n ngements to open a kewafeat uaxket la tbe v b ofdios receotl j erected at tbe corner of mh1 aid uahi btroets by mrs seeord nextruesday i mpralae lndiiatnlltca ot all undiv preah trleats fowl etc will beopened the best qoality always ia iiavhur bad exporience in tbe business i cab si ion ill who favor me with tioir orders entin si tfstactioa iistvest cash price paid for pork hijtes tal- la v ac parties baring cattle ac to ieil are requested call tjilll 83500 in bewabds t is- canadian agnctufoiiits great hall yearly literary oompatulon ihe filth half yearly litexair cosgnedtioa folfliw of tbe ciujuiraa aoricultntitt amer- io s- old and nliable lliastrated fsxntly ii ulnelu dp sf june 30th ail letters bear io rostmvlc not layer tbao june tpth w0teoant tc matter where fostad the iouowins s endid prfaea will be gtveo free to benoas k idins io the greatest number ot words made on t of letters contained in the words tax iv usteited apmtcmtmust tevett one e idlcf in a list of not less than 100 irards will re ive a valuable present of silverware isi graodbevard asoolngold tal i grand piano valned at asot sf iz itkojaoou iu i organ vwhudatox sal tloolnoold 61- i gent agoldwatclvfull jewelled ttli ladies sold watch loll jewelled stl 1 ssttaoold 10 iewards of tlo eaehj jlzl- ww ktta prises so silver tea beta qusdrunlo i lata warrants v a jo priseseo saves dessert seta warranted i eevy plate i 1 x rt 100 priies 100 sdter butter dishes 4c i arrauted heavy pitta c tt mo prises consists of bearr plated silver 1 ettles batter disbee rruit baskets biscoit its sugar soells batter knives 4p ac all j ulr warranted malting s total otest splendid i swards tbe value of which will aafneau bis grind literary competition la open to vi rjoodj averrwhexe the following an tbe 1 the words most be constructed only jrotn lot etatbewoidst rc urr and mot bo oaljr such si are found ur i vi duabridbedniooonaryio toe body oi th book none at the supplement to be used 8 tbo words must fee wriues invoution and nu uberod 1 8 s and so en for facfitauni in ds- dd og tbo wionetl 3 letters caoaet be used oitenerthan tbev ap- ear lu tho words tfz ixicttllatki anal oc whist for instance the word was can no be used u there la but one g in sbe three wo da i i the list containing the largest number of wo ds wal be swardedjnt priu aad so on in arc ar of merit eseatlst salt ia received will be lumbered eudiftw or more lie nc lived will be awarded ont prise on therefore the beoeotef sendias in res lfiybeseen i eiih art must be mo itba sobsieripuoa to t io following gentl i ed jo act u judjes j gb cui jrailforsix kostctlltubbrr have kindly ednsent- maedonsldaij clerk nda ilid commodore pet irboroog petirboroag 0 ir last compeutioni got 81iib a vz wtb nrisetgvfttinni doialdbc prise received ovk bai tie wsstbaperior wtat esopriie thi nkaaberttoi torontot pth its in dnlsed btatea ind canada jt us is nowttebvarltonl tb repuuuon far fairness sain c t ream in the rstanjnle toil competition iei beloonclnotid ner senatestampforiallaftii besl qi r mi i ikth f or thi nut i ne rnonu s an 0 ana jaajhy i pwirtftt ostirtoli lc ldoata of toronto t 1 oat otn otsj ool see ot 1 atal stm oi rwahett oslofl jsqtoa graduate of wonts 1 oat or ms ustrj tod oya ool an ot 1 atal surf titjsatoi 8

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