Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 23, 1892, p. 3

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thfisleufodistchurpii aoton rev joseph edge ftrkwtseboweratetiuc tutor bank off hamilton head office hakiltoh csrlttirain rr litmbvi flmv tcumum skiin iwko mo0cq ii isktkvks akftcunim ilinritoiis georgetown agency ncse discount tat advances j- ill a a k ttii clrr ritw ad sum ptt m civ savlnos lsrmltmknt 1 ferrciiu detosits i hkov acoot m6ty ev sry ttbip nttretllrir the sew thct sf hooiforncr koncj lt it suggestion ancut publio ccmncnv in connection with iho liug ol l 0 mrntr ttofjioof the nsw public bargains special values in remnants of wall taper i another lot o curtain poles fringe and dado window shades opened up some ncwstvles in o hour and eight day walnut i locks in curses combs hair brushes yases cups saucers our store is full of new and tasty lines for wedding and birthday presents our lnr- will tyi ou geo h ykd3 acton ont y our cih subject wi i ktton at ili tnntftrf followitl john h in acloi build for li toihin tlii from 1 ii residence prorly made or tfjc buck clad cameron completed wilt scl owiug lo icorgeiowi utcal publ the pupils to nyirrou- the public an hour ct by firrnu children wi and progrcn teacher an or cummer iust jtie vrw sjli the exe the licit builders co ttetk f were eviden building bl i obuined- u trm ca 1 toa chrtd or and idcred by ihiuk it tho com- consider- setioal jm tctii fsxoralily com many of d i eiiixii home would b 1 1 fcrnl towit until tjctiou o boildiuc aud make tho open in an cvpi t to l for ycara m nj thcif clilldcii tho q doubt bo given due iixt meeting of the to4rd ich- fcstiicncr for rolf cravc the ttiliflc of liisbrbthccmr jr will characteristic faith d its future list decided to it a comfortable home here tin mrcuaied a lit kjil ndcrson mp betweeft his new the csiisdn tiloib workt in 1 cicavntioiil are npw being new residence it will bo a uffding cf rxki eirc ifr johu the contract uhicb ia to bo ibmt the lt ijoceiubcr ocl examination flc fact that tho clat prcpar for cutraiico to uujsbcbootikoea lo e country around vt itams supplied by corral- 1 ponctonta ancf ekchrua eljln ilr uuh buck pf irtmnm prctchal iu tho piiciple churbh iriii lakt butiday at t oclock ho h a very cptilbjo preacher a fucccvful on uicctiiw w held i tho dluo uibbon hal laat friday oveulu by tho ituyal templata of temperance am tho itorei hero will cloio on mondi wcdoeidayand friday coninc at ocloc until lit of november neat a pcxxl many of mr citltcnt will via acton ou domiiuoli day edeh mills at a driviiifhouis riin at wm aroa lait kiidayiornqfaat work waiidoiio tho builjin- it iu a time tho ineu rtartod until they hid the bu only 15 minute sabbath bathing iu epw i lakb and home ryle hjl will go to tht old country if h canaatasafesiit tuaosi rei tho uoadi juno i j hcia kward ilako od ttha fclltrwing cablegram from of iho ifccvrlhyito iccliaa o tho irfali nal oualtid xirty ifaxj e ttan toitoitro lauiciitarfpartjuaaulmjitilrli tr wilit jojl tloq 17 ft aid from tho to carry iho timber idin rdwetf it wai tho millpond it be rit week for ciamiaition tho rmiannaat ecamirfattoo of iil i bo held in the public school tead of at the end of tjjo term euercjiy ia iuvitad ta atcaod tvo fint at the erarhioation uardiaua or fricndi of uiq how an iutercit in their work ind bo cocourapinr to both 1 1 upila the kboola fill close hilidaya neat thurady 30th k llnildlne vitions for the foumlntion of ixil are completed nd tho nipcnccj the atone wrk thia thvhsdavjoki c little local brieflets which caught the eyes or ears of free press reporters this week wild tlriwbcrrics trt ripceir tle coyncl text maadny evenioj imiiida ii a frcm tomorrow lrtctrt cooilc tliowtr tfctk day tejiy wt5 tie butfct day o tbc kicffng towltjip caiicit met on silotiav wu a i with the nicrclmcts the fublic ichccli close leitthure jay fcr their 1 a rep earner vacmion the tn cf war mtd itttly to be quite as attraxtioa 02 uoniltod lay aid ii k nttoa icelrli is baiidin a ce new bose on the baker kitate in ibtt ciy thetieavy rain ttorns on sunday even ing binierel a urpe attendance tl the charche a ci ptceof roid lxj ia beiuj pst in 03 main irtreei north ci t creek at htephensonjj enop rarmtre inititcte excareicb ki vint the ontario apnccltaral collect trgcelph every day thii raontb tut juartorly rewtw tirwcc in the varies sanday schools iutoxn laat sun- day was fell of interest rat a jlhc meslic tt ilepeer last wek it was decided lo parbtk itonald re enia at a cost tf 3c- the email boy now goes in to ewim and fplashes in a eait like tb whicji adam wore- on him bcore he ate the fruit pre ten has rrccnuy tecored t tysteffl cf re prottciioa and ts cow agitating for jatlic market to be estebliilied in the ullig- view of any bailiing residence or iecton ot the town made at any time and lejt 00 hand for axle ii lwujhi iboto artit liettrbmlie merchant it have acreed to dote their place of batinta on avedncs day aftemocn tt one oclock frcra jnne 22 to acgajt 31 a ardefi rarty under tbc acepices of the ladies aid of the presbyterian chord btllirafad will be held at the ret idence of mr geo campbell on tuesday evening jjj jcne iter j a macdoaald of si thomas anooaoced to his congregation on sonday thai daring the warm leather the feervice injurjx church will not ordinarily eicted lone boar in length the annual examination for entrance to high school comment rtxt tccday morning and continoee for three daya about a dou candidalta will go down from acton public school a better appearance would te given ojratreeia fur dominion day if the prt8 werecct the tidewalk refuse removed tad the robbitb opoiite 6ome of the htorea on m01 and main ttrteta rakexj op the second social of theiexeon under the auepicfis of the ladies jaid of knox church will be held next uedneaday even ing alh mat tt the- residence cf dr lowry the public ia cordially invited mr wm koble of guelph represent- i the canadian mutual life insurance association of toronto u doing tty large boiioeai here dividends paid every ten years in cath and in ce cf disability one half of insurance paid on proof of claim the bell telephone co have a force omca engaged in replacing the tweutyfivo and thirty foot poles tior the main hoe wtth oihera tbirtyfire tnd forty feet loafi about 25 or so men are working betweeo heredd liroeboure and more are wanted owjpgtotbe lack of fjnoram there there no meeting of the board of kdaottieo on moo day evening a meeting ii called for next m no day evening for th traacttoq of important bqciac the es timates for the yetx- will probably be iab- raiued advertttinfi it the secret ofsacceto edward f bole of the lad ftowt journal i d to us engaged to marry the dxngbter of the lte lydut eipinfchfcrawho ia worth half a million dalun aide by ber mother in judtcioas advertising of patent medicine our wciety men are ecrning repata- lioci for themaelve tleae dayc referrjag to viaitof itaouoecfmpkoa of bdct uad u axtoo laat irecjc the oeorpuowa tt redd rajft of their priflcipft ofilcer at theciomof betoaau cbiei hcnabb of actoa ra rhed apoa n4 tnad th tpeecri ot the crtntng up hx cothinj bot goocek wood ia hfmu crammed tail o pciriqiiam and an eorfcatitat orer ot- mi porndgv and haflgu- cvr it hat becu thought there of quickaud under tho old o bctur foundation oalj be that for the new it ia a ii dry and hard it is no dearly to t- iceu that the fault vjith the fouudatiou of the old building waajnotthe prtfccnocof ccckund but the very inferior work of the stbne mason who did tho work in ihwe early work wcro ti trfnn limdi i the annua league for iht on tuesday r davfi when fhoddy and slop pos t bo unknown rft irrar nut- ling cf thf lpworth laticuof efheera u held inicg ofiicera wcreelectcd vu trii niia 31 tna-ortt- tu the various and chccrftlll exercises epiritaalu alc people who i ftr the ttimjloj car as follows i surtl t ii t mocrr mm h rum moort iotjc sjt izla ii lgunuy the prai nine for iht past year hai uea full of interest and the work ajwigned nembcra has been promptly performed the various he league are profitable intellectually to the young ttend every week iu large cumber xhi programme fur the mcond half of the pf c ation by a ilij prchntei ntkt jul a fljlc tuesday eciitg a qaict ytltln a litwtjiapxr young ud na ia juie xj 1 place at the ft mr wm tiiouto hn merly of actja starrti ftiiler fiihv hut hn 1j was tt cream tolttl and oraigt- h her little cist plavci vy bi georrto ftrme1 u iht irtdale aft not- but a er the ntar rdiiii- cut year ts low in prepar ing ccmtaiuee aid will be printtd before the tret of ten ice utrraiilod or next ribt and a fumifr acton td at 1 p rr hibt thura- a ijuict htjding took 1 deuce of tht- hndts father n itrcourt load mits annie l mrort for- vis marrnl to mr a a of thctomntoavir- staff hamihcn tlmiul the imlily attirel in a drfea of iknrktu cloth uitli veil qi and was alttudetl by the wedding march was marguerite kvans of ul the ceremony was per lev mr tibb ma of r a datntv supjicr at which few intimate friends and b of the bride wtre iresent the happv cotij e left on the 7 oclock tntin for hamilton ivhere they will reiide at fil napur strcf t the hndee numerous friends at ikhi acton and gerrgretown will be pleal tolhtar of her happiness oar m an u fact j ring concerns the manufactories situated in acton command a jtotd deal of attention throcch- out the oouuiry referred to by isiueof the git following to tky and are from time to time outetde journals the last aitn ilainfftirtttrtr htfl the of the canada glove worka mesare w of gloe crowded f ii storey bon manufacturers acton ont are just now work filling orderb for the was establiihed employed in man uf tenure f cominun haref6 niittk in i the pre cut lre factdry wis built all trade th a cencern w n 1c but fhiee hands he in and occupied v errploj ntnt vhriet of gfjd tride and ul cre lllo pit- r prance r cjr bon operetc 4 goods inttnov itre 20j hundi find fteiuly the production of eiery in tin line rejuired by the fine and tjetfim kid cuy imported from man messrs storey a arr innuerv exclueively on for tlnir glove factory betide which tjty absorb the product of another lannirr in acton a well as large quantities of material which they import these workb er about being equipped with roighont thu tannery is gd and much new machin- electric lighk t now being enla ery placed actons vosii th vaii hsnd thejirrin day celebiaiio firs ciieb shir base bill andfai kriei of hor park ia in good a grand concert hall for whidb of taeit will gramme which bt never been beard mo re large fiaaotities checker are n aod aidreaie ion day cvlvhrntlon committees who have in rmeuts for the dominion 1 are getting matters into generally there will be reife matches lugs of war gan clab mtlchc and iu the afternoon aces for which purees of ft considerable amount will be oflered the condition in the evening will be given iu the town splendid array of talent has been seemed- there will be included in the progrxline miss agnna forbes of toronto tho aellknown scotch ballad rocaliat mn jhas crowe of gnelph iho eminent piaiiit miss lottie hitnctreet tnd mibs jetiw kicklin soprano acton who are favinie with actdnftttdlenceaij thj inimitabe iuubcu fax comjoae of new york the most- talented of he fix family prof cbaa crowe of goefph biritoae vocal ifil and pianist eradttsrte of the conservatoi ie of leipzig and boston gignor h barii ta mall of toronto ibcri tone voice of gr at power and comptar ind urao beadmore who ia ft pepil of fiigaorl fall and hat a baritone vofce of purity aud pjwer thia brilliant rrty oodoau present a pro- for vifiely and excellence rpvifed in acton d co ire if ilr getting in of heralodcbirt ml persorji interetted in the gxme of williceburg obt the ityor u tted to head their nitaee tn the fferaldtecord of mount forest imposed fiaeof 500 aid eoctc on one jubrflb for refcuiug ic cac and burn bucjcjooc after haflutf be a oowfied by the inspector coming a muikiueo here iud it ia timo that some step should bo tiken to put k stop to it t couliou storekeeper had hi driving mxro badly kicked hut week white iu tho pwturo field crops of all kind 1 look exceptionally cood and tho promise of a bountiful hir vest is alrnot its j red david rjhuinon fsoo iflnod to hit bed j11 dividsoo of new vork visited fricuds hero uit baturday a number from liluo germany took in itio sight of kden last sanday itev me btrachan was aueut from tho preebjterlan church kit babbath rites pt an trlih wat tt tho qqucrat lloc r jisttsucciitrttr i joitn d1uon uuiukii dimtr i 1 tuktubr wkoiicux ito has not reptcdtis to whether ho will acptocltot covmttonujlccultjlvct 1 lmiontj june it tho hon uiofu milton work has commenced on tho building of the noted ahoe factoryj for meisra wyono sou who btvobcea granted an riicntion of sit weeka time to okrry out their acrec- incut witi tho lowu it is to bo in foil opcratioaon tho i2lb november next wo understand mr john planter has the con tract of ballding the repairing of sidewalks seems to be the order of tho day iaud wo would very much like to ice tho kiggcitiou of tho lit- fvrmut rjardin tho employing of men in this work of independent meana carried out tho anniversary acrvloeaof knos church will he prekched on tho 20th nuft the tea- meeting head on tho 17 1 h of june co mo and epjoy yoarselvea tho many fiicnds of mr john w kraeer will be surry to hear of his departure froaj this town in order to takq up hn abode in the northwest we do most earnestly hope that be may be prosperous in his new home goodbye bro frarer kev ii uaddow ba of knox church preached a very appropriate acrmoo to the aorav- uit sabbath morning the brickwork of the new hoaso of mr h l hcniiireet is nearly completed this promises lo be one of the finest resi dences in milton when finished lev h haddow ba has been honored with a place on the senate of knox college the garden party auc maaical cveuing it the home of j 8 deacon public school inepector on the afternooo and evening of dominion day promiks to be an evqnl of more than ordinary pleasure and signifi cance the programme jincludea short ad- dreses by dr freeman mayor dice warden ilobefteon lx- wardens itobjnson and bock music and literature from miw forttcr glenwillitrni mr strachau itockwood prof and idn hart of the conservatory of music toronto a il- gibbard ba georgetown miss emma moore and mt6ttr lddia j moore acton and tho best local talent with plcattut weather a aucccsi is aiburcd rockwood a doubtful hex 0 mam ber ot 1 promptsifecertain pit ly a itakmcnt tor nubl catioi in to tho liivilalioti to iicocnti an of com- imvanl lia iliuuoi rcl icnos iriili tent in tho tmncrtal houm m at ton orod hlra by tha irian icujerf in thli 1 atommit ho tsya that ho lint cafifacs o ho effoqt that tie feared that ho too di and not aufllcicutly familiar wi it ho a cna to br icviccabliyct li it wc hf thoa ht that ho could bo in any icfc- to tub groat cauu ho would ni accept a a a acat but ho coald not allernpt or ooatly oonteat qeorqetown ass ra disso speec ve mi ly ate constipation dyspepsia blllousnesa headache tho delcafo aigarqoaffng ot aytas pills i ssolvei itnmedg atel 011 rcaclilu tlie stomacli and permits the fix l strength ot the ingrcdfonto to 1 3 speedllj assimi lated hence e vy doie u ef- feciuei avei vilu are the mot pojiular n i aud useful apeffent in phannacy they have n ec t ri asacatliattlc stomachic oraiitf- wuous mallclne physicians evfctywlicre recommend 10 ii 1 tbe rei c and f of constipation dyspep- s avljlllousness 1 fc heauache loss of appetite cokis cuius fevers a 1 rheiimatlsm they are carefully putuntalhtavli 1 and boxes for home use and export vw n hiik for over twentyftve w im i ta m practice with the ohroff f femraeud them in cases of nns il th krtowlnpr their ewncy from per- ssise rtrtvlnic cured when other n ed lclnes foiled sj p wehb if b liberty miss ayersjfatliartic pills pilfvw i or j c every dose alo formerly of thecoonro- gat ion tl c lurch here hia ben admitted a tho mmltobft and north west cphtercuo of the methodist church knatchbull the annual union picnic and excursion of the sunday schools of rock wood aud vicinity will take place on tuesday 5th jaly to toronto the fare is only m cent for adults and half fare for children the ex cursions of past years have been pleasant and tucetejful and the one this year will likely i of a similar character the programme for the meeting of the lpworui league for the second half of the year ha just been itaupd in neat folder form the a abject s throughout are of ft hpiritusl character and special promin ence will be given to the missions of tho world i mr 3 c neuot of acton waa in town on tuesday john is looking welt again after his long period of ipdispoaition another old resident i of eriraoea mr robert grindelldied on fpaturday morning at the ace of 78 years mr grindell was born itj monoghan county ireland he emigrated to this country and settled on lot 13 j 5ih con kranposa he was a quiet iiio7ensie man abd bore bis long illoess with great fortitude he was baried at tho centre cemetery on sonday by the hide of bin wife who died in murch ihjl the mniou manitchh mercury of june 1th qontains an account of the death of mibs janet caeu of that place and niece of mtb itev d strachau of itock wood mi9 caven spent a few months in rockjwood iu 1891 id the vain hope of restoring her health the old academy has been sold to some partita in hamilton to be converted into a mission cchool of some kind mr ajex mcmillan was in tno villageon baturday a five yearold child of mr deo nil hfchvrmn kverton waa run over by a gravel wagem oo monday and seriously in jured ii ia thigh was fractured and hia hip bsdjy bruised alfred dafileld who attempted suicide is still living and is holding bis own while butsligot hopes are eoteruuned of his re covery there is a possibility that ho may pall through aft be is possessed of ft wonderful constitution j- the a o foreaters who formerly nut at the centre inn held their moeting in rock wood on friday night they had one initiation and four proposals for ttiembar ship the forettera have ti at war team and they attempted co have a prac tice pal with tome of oar rillago bqyi tho boys nailed them all over the iat and the teii ire baiy every diy preftchlng for utjalyi j a quiet wedding took place it tha resi dence of mr w bwinatoa ertrapsw pav wednesdfty list miss miry j 6 wins tool witmifrted to mr peteif beiuieof he four corners mr beitle it brother of the ber f beit tie formerly otbrintford the ceremony wit pexfbraed bysev dt strachiniiited by 1 mr mcltren brothefinliwof the tircxid the coaple went to the btitet for their trip jl j sat arrived a fine auactmant of flower pdtaai t h hiintxaa irooery foi oambec ofyeati iho ibeda at tho methodiit church hr hvf been opa to tho public hrookh th wulc on salar day ereaiofc whiio crowded wiur ik ooapls at hone white kiekmt kt o caoied comiderabla damajio th ihafta of a road carl ware imaaf o i nd cue of ha uotitf but bfad lg brily not mr job i lamb railed a floe barn laat wodneada oa hit farm at crooltvillo black aa the fraroer the barn la a j 70 an 1 will bo a sue building wbea iniabed the captaina were sir david httt4hoo deputy reew and ift loaeph ittfc the latter coming out victor the canto wenj together withoat any iroablo lllch ipcjka well of the frarner ur u i wilton of knatchball alone lib lieu a john and ben wilton of eden mill ipent sunday with relative in gait ul and fr lavid ailow acoompauied by ura ui lull of kualclibull ipent bun day with tl eir brother inlaw ilr cornell of jjeverly owmhip dr car er liaa opened an oflico for prictico at pir jaa tletchera of brook ill hirlcy it oomiuj out in head acd will bo fair icrop if be weather coutinuea favorable fr geo kaaterbrook of darh villa luu a new i xf on til residence ltr jamil leicliman ia building a fine retiaence t urookville wite a lumber ol the member of lbs lodea of t io patron of itiduitry intend coins to tlii 1atrona picnic at the model fahn goelh today there wa i a refreshing rain on sunday evening wh ch mabca cropa look brighter anl will bri iq the turnip reed op jfr pai ion preached at tho bethel af pointment of the kethodiatj churib knatchbull laat sanday afternoon the aermoo waa much appreciated the anb- jecjofhi eat being where art thoa gtmice 3 d ch latter part of tho oth vcrte the uit j iloutb preached in the ebtnezericl urch on sonday evening holiday- f tho poblio ichnol will icon be here lay the cchcot children oakville on uond y last our hearts sicmodl to leap forth v itb joy at the coank of tho wliintle tellii goakvilllans that the steamers it ito ua an sfvfjrdn were ncaring the liartar tli s was their first trip to oajcj ville this sui imer being later tliitn utual onbicount c f the lownesa of the wafer tho rlredge aa been at work io tho harbor for the past two- weeks and wc aro- now glad to ann unco that tho steamers will call daily is in summers goao by m4ny wilt uivail th imsclvcs of the opportunity of spending a f w hours now aud again in our ijuietjyet be tutiful little town ooriy jf p i a band lias been re orgmiwxl ui dcr the management of ifr it krocstw a id we now look forward for tho weekly rate tainments given on tho bank of- tho lake on tuesd y last a lively party of hiltons fair yoatb oijtisting of hies matte cam well 5fu a hitc hits gertie itobertson iliaa robert an of chicago if ri donald ilobertno aid dr kiccall visited friends here the cricut match played here on satur day laat by tha oakvillo and he toronto ltoiodile clc ba resulted ia the defeat of the former by tl irteen runs tonight 1 lie mission circle in connection with the mc liodlst church give a ooncert in the leotat 3 room of the church one of the pleasing features of the programme is to a fan c rill by twelve young todies rev mr md mrs warren who have reoeotlyreti rned from india r visiting at the rosid 3ce of mrs warrens parentb itev ami mi s t m jeftercs mr warren will preach n tho methodist church next habbath bot 1 morning and evening afadkrs wm maftbcns left town today to aai from montrcil for ai trip to bcolknd theftallo temperance societiea uuifln met in aunu l aefsion here last week mr al hcnden 30 vicepresident presided there wen present a good number of delegatea fr ni all societies in the county add tho iepc rts given were of a most en codraging n tare ihowing a good increase in numbers if membership and also in the interest taki a iu the work the specu i feature of the meeting waa the readings of papers prepared by bev b hadiowjo 1 of milton and mr a hen- deracfn of c mtgb on different pbaiea of the temperi nco question which were dis- cntsad and some very intercstingpolnta brought bat it was 1 solved to urge subordinate societies to ubscribo liberally to tho fund being raised by the domioion alliance for the purpose of securing an advocate- to represent 01 r side of the question before royal com nissioo re prohibition now at work tha deleg tea iu general seemed to eujoy tha meeting ts a whole aa well as the visit to oakvitla tha beautiful c fficcre el cted for tha coming year were a henderc a president umagh l e wtncbvic iprea palermo a c bally sctfyttet milton reyj8willianison chip 6kriile a newell sentinel cumminxvil c the next meeting to be hell in milt a oa tlisrd tuesday in jan- attl8ys i mlas pate ton oskville will ingst tha first anuivet iary of kuoi church milton oosunifay use zgth c g mat att 1 ailed from montreal lut week for en lan where ha bu gouaoa a boliqess tri oft months dfratioo ha will rrtirn t k r york j oakvilla s booming fsmoat fat ha number of b ind iraa horses and carriages seen oa oar i trealf every evening each oue doing ha be t la have he finest groomed horn a id to mik 5 the best display of eoaolt varuish poas ble thereoertainiyiaalotof good or e be i we think mayor andrews hlghitippfn ctxilaat hackney take the iaal ot aoytl lag have noticed siar ifiuud ual seat tli 1 hut thousanba in rewards tlf1tlb effective thoarbatwaiikljcombstlon of tha lucllea f- oma maiailna i which ward lo lhl advertlienient ipell the ia nu dsckward as forward t this la a raro opportunity tor every madam and alias every falhcr aud son m sccaro pleodidipriie week lnuit kvcry week hroaghoat tins groat competition prizca will bo die trlbatedlaa- followa tbo first correct answer received tho postmark data onf etch letter to bo taken ts tha ditto received at ha office of tha ladkt home ififfaane each and every veck daring uvi will get 1200 tha second correct answerj tloo tha third 00 fourth a beautiful silver service fiflfi five oclock silver icrvlce and thoneit 50 correct auswi ra will get prices ranging from f li down t i every fifth oocrect answer irreipcc ive of whether a price winner or hot will get a special prize competitors residing in tjio southern btatea as well at other diitanc pointd have an equal cbance w tli those nearer home tt tho postmark will bo oar authority in every case i uiiidi kachlist ofauswert must bo aeoompiuiiejl by ii to pay for sa months subscription to j one of the best home mtgldnet in america ittrctifcxcw the lailici itaiae llaqa tint it well ableto carry oat ita promiwe petcrboardttghl canada tivkc a splendid paper and financially ttrong hatttoga cuntda star ercry pria winner will bo sure to receive just what ha is entitled to norwood canada rtyuter mouey should ba sent by post cifeeo order or registered letter address tba ladkt ttotntilnqaiikf peterborough canada d stirtou i1d8 will insert tealh at tc and 8 per set for next threo months extraction iree special care gtvea to filling office milthewt block acton you can get a goodi round caih dis count on yoar boots shoes at kenney bros acton prlncemlchaela sentence diirnoit jane 18 to lacha high pitch has pablio indignation been areused bat it wmwihdlheafyan lafnrlated crpwdot 3000 persona wsf restrained from lynching the whole of prince iflchult anuvory ging jthe rial hm been proceeding at jinn arbor for week past add resalled is wholijwma rirdlet ofgallty ax a remit pf which he longhaired raacai hu beea tvcnhe mailmam term allowed by lag and will spend ia ncij five yearc of cht ife ae i common convict 1 a friend in need wool i wikiiji highest prices in cash or dry goods will jbe given funny cjnantity of good merchantable wool wumcleoh a cov georgetown coinesoonaud often bev jim p stone ot lower cafibt t rormciljr of dilton k a faithful pastor is held in high esteem by his people and hii opinion jipon temporal is well as spiritual matters is valued greatly the following is from cleriyrnaalang influential in new england now spending well earbed rest in ckbotvt c i nood6copwcll5rt5j vto lmve wed itoods sarsiparlllalrt our family for many years past with seac fre- cfli we jiave tth confidence recetn- meurted it to other for their vanotu all- dieuu ilmot all f whom hare certhleol to great bcikflt by luuse wl can honestfjartd ohaarfully recommend it as tno beat bto4 pstricter tie have ever tricot wo iiavoused others tiutnene with trie beneficial effects of hoods alio we diem hoid hits and oilvo oiat- neut tkratkabeel mrs rtona says ilia uuuot do ithiut them eev 1 p brosie better than cold mr geo 1 clap of eastondale hass- saypt ami 82 years of age and for so years have suffered with running of ray lee a few year ago i it amputated rhystclans sa las from gangrene and luui a short tims to liva elghtmoathiteorsaneighbor urged me t bem taking ifebds eanaiorilla the whole lower purt of my leg and foot wa running sere but it has almost completely healed and i enn tratiifully say that fam a better heauh urni have been for many year i liave takeh no other medlclno alia consider that i one ail my improvement to hoods sarsaparllla it i bettef than gid t cheerfully rerlfy ti abpto statement of jfrc1app whom i hare known 80 years j if how nd druggist eastcndale llasi hoods pills kre itealr vecetalite try oar auihriokable natoral all wool fl inne jons netox sovs limeifoase d s sores on ono iltau two toes iiig i wu iiuter- but kp looki a fine anortoent ineil j clocks watches jewellery door lo kenney bros gpocitl auadliob given to watdiihepetrlnfr hf work warranted twhlllkll li here johnnie yoar mother doesat 1 uderstand why i am able to get oat my 1 washings quicker and nicer than aha take this tablet of sunlight soap tell her to ate it according to directljna sjbd she will roon snd oat why my wuh- i gs hao been done quicker and beder tiau hers tell heraso that this soap ill keep her hands nice and itoft aud dbesnt shrink fiannelt and is so lasting t nt it is the cheapest aa well a the best t lap ih can buy 3 ress- goods i esirable dresa- goods afe a scarcity in tfce stocks of many merchants just now the best are gone the choice is broken the culls are left not to with aa epeated fnd eonttnaai par- chase have kept up the novelty of oar stock right along we iho w just as lovely goods now as we did at the beginning of the season no collt verybody except eompetiag merchants gtva ax credit for he largest and best dress goods stock in the city dress goods are an immense trade with ur i ati8factoky beyond ejcpecf- tion aa tha trade has bceu this season we leave nothing undone to merit larger pttruusge there is 110 reason why we shouldnt doable our trade woaregolug to try everal big purchases iu prints aud 8 teens a vvellahilue ciultie deuiiies ive up an imuiense rauge of fpecial summer ihaterials at very low pricen l jc 3 ood goods should be made up well or whats ilia aia of fine material oardressmakiugroom supplements the rartt cfiour materials by the excellency of the garments tarnad oat kly about 50 pieces of a genuine selection cf beiges nuns veilings serges worth from 15a to 35s per yard are to bar cleared oat at 5c and iso per yard and are a great bargain therwise excellent choice in design god iu quality everything firatclaas excepting the price and that is in some cases about one half what wa hare seen them at embroidery flaancings i ont make the mistake of baying dress goods before yoa have taken a look through oar stock we are delighted to thow yoa the goods and compare with anything he trade offers j i sffrcient evidence i of the superiority of oar dress goods and dressmaking willbe famished yoa sad oar claim established 0 your tatdftction i rbolleiltx eta7 jliovror wyndham st iguelph t i r 1 fvf 1 yehive justpas icd inte stock a job lo al whice jt lnttm 1 si iui htwwbl j v iw m i j t 1 v 00000 vo i re 01 shingry0ood8 we bought al i 650 oh the ta mens yout is boys and chillrenc suits arid odd pants tfofc tovceulnsr cottons qottonades shirts socks suspended i hat sand cjaps this 11 the ihaoce of year life for bar gains as wejsredcterroiuedto undersell anyotthedaelphoc toronto house bat renemier you must pay thscash if yoa csnj pay the tuh we dan wantyi nr cirtmm thia must be don la otdel to ijjrrfcclt with other cttl hoaies f wens white alljwoo8ut8yvorth pants worth an u idcre cc cottons kel ng shirting il mow horth 1 if hundreds ot suits lo so ct from iu all sizes and slyl watch clrintheoy wejhave so strong and handiomely made rolled gold dlate watch chains especially adapted for j beysand young men j send them to ui wilh a two dollar bill watch tweeds for bar6ain8 8fio 3 do ifioc y bros actom 1 towels i fors450 lforl 60 or 7d r chains give him a wearab e chain 2 worth of pleasure tor that son of yours nunqm go watclrmaien aad ja ellsnx i gcerjpffonr j j chains 01ej- in guelph i my it have yot the rext ever been inside of smiths driigj store xt time yoii come to guelph come to lis our drugs prescriptions perfumery o ml q smith st oq dispensihg chemists gwelph lv mech anical general wqqp engraving okingsteasttoromo send hihiyour for anjj el engraving 5qu dsesirtff ass of wooci if not for- ont t srdeir scot v gtielpli sloth mil 1 h twbed largest and i we have f inest assdrtment ever shown shaw gru ji- v

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