Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 23, 1892, p. 4

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ftc jrtott m fj rcss thjirriuy jtkek uj cite auttrj jfotb a kotes heri and there tame of qrtartjl tntsrwat to frwo praac taadarc jnerattlimtiit- wai if ft i- h i norr root hal yoa vo cot toio f tvt aud then do h what you do doatoaoerou ovr will melt it duty direct jva snfl twtrt ooti wh it ttrocr hacw i t a loowi c whv ittthctmlth alio it itmir charbaea htroitn k tlreclwrot sea ctw it whit voe do do at oicyoti t will n it if jocf itvtoa it hard ttrkhatdahdcttfcrotu it it yottr kmi illwwo cct t plo tod en i it vbu ro do do it ran rog nevvs will rot it tt vosr tcwi it hoary tbva to1 your bat to it oat crvw the lurtitrr ttcaaso yoo ccliew it batoado doatoacyta eewricillra it a saloon keener e fears tvre ar your r t cf t and your w c t l lad 10 g t a if th are many wore letter i ve skipped i suppose theyve rot litem in some kind of a ocietyor onwlhmc and ever one of them li dolor their level beat to rt the future titration away from oa thebov owd to like to cxm into tiy mjooo they said it was peeejantet then tha rhurer tt we so ibncht and fired op tuoe yoa know bat e mks in these societies have leirned trick and i tjedsre if they ren t tssnuifl ap most aa fiue ta we no so i int we lie baya aa tnach aa 1 did i fcave a few left yet who stand by we tat t o afraid they won t tlcj much longer rf theae women hold oat thit it where the troawe it to come from theae persist tog women oa may rate high iioenee sunday law or no sanday law yoa may stand at tha folia from taurtse to sanset ani pata jour little papera in aa fast aa yon eau count yoa may rajaa your tem peranoe platforms aa high aa a meeting house and plant your temperance leetnrera upon them as thick they can stand they ntj rakse uiejr voices tul the tones reach the top of the eiffel tower and mark off their fipares and statistic on hr eloquent fiocers aa long aa they can add and subtract we wtll ctill hold np oor headi and keep op oor spsnla the skirmishing doesnt affect ca mooh hat to long aa there u ooe woman left to wave her white handkerchief aa the watribbon cold water boyamarch along the ttreet depend upon it the 11 do more damage to oor trade than all the other thing pat to- tether then ihe children when they vhall grow cp rooted and grounded in temperance they re beginning u now why ereo m tie eehoda theyre ttaght the effect of alcohol on their tfitems along thu line i aay u where the troable a going to oome in for the talooo keepera bat i am boond not to gi re np iq can help itbat if t hare toiarrendecjoatnay know twaa one of thoae wom4i that ttole c march on me and when that day cornea i hope yoa ii paint oter my aaloan door jact to make me feel mean on accoont of deaertingmyocjora left camp driven oat by a woman bring to the rartace every latent pain a change of even a fo dct tnarka the difference between comfort and patn to many pereoot itat ptl dneam uow hold leaawa science aeoolmatlty brioglng forward new remed ea which aaooeafotly combat ditetae po ton nerviline necre paincarehaaproid the moat taooeaafal pain relieving remedy known ita appli cation u wide foe it it ojaally emcient in all tortnt o pain wl ether internal or teroal j3 ceota a b jlllo at drogcitta that which it wen ill will nerer wear well foe there it a c irae attend it which will watte it and lie tame corrupt dit flare too read a n t koir mr w d wtati of 0n wax cored of the tererett form of dyipap- tla he itit atarytfalog h ale teamed like poorlng molted lead uto hia tlouiaoh iloodt btrhprilla effcatad a parfecc cafe full particular will beejot u you write a 0 1 erooditccloffill utacj i v 4 i the hfri4 prtlae hit been won by hoodt ptllc for their aiy yet effielebt action what ttavethey wound up on that cart p atked tho old lady wtio waa rftltiog the fire engine boote ftremena hoae waa theantwar ooawaj tha reoaed in dignantly yoa cant nuke me betlara that any gremta or tnybody alta ever lud legt to lit thote t potitiona which incl wat ol ftendiqg ne men to the tinful hard and toft oont cannot withtttbd iiollowaoorn cu e it it effectual every time get a bottle i once and be happ if joo waut to boy or tell a farm ad vcrtite in the tort nto irwy hail that paper reaclie 100000 farmera home every week and jouradvertitementthoald meet the eye of tomonne who wanta to pnr chare adiertiecmeiu of this data ero n terted in the toronu i fully slau tat five centa a word each insertion or twenty centaa word lor five fatertiont addreta thelfil torouto canada ur jnifctwhtk do joo think a thietthot at mrt i idcio while the wtt titting in her room und the ballet lodged in a ballot yarn whujh the wat winding wlwo baby atei wrat her oiatorta i vhcnthovi4al i l locricdtorcuurla wheo tbo ixcaw sin tho dune tot caatorta ovneo the bad cblilrco the jara than oaatorla oh what a cough the tigaal that mote atk yoar 1 4 i fortunate postoohemsnt at aa aatomnai aeauon of he superior court at eiipton in the west ridjng of vorkahire a man waa tried for highway robbery convicted and sentenced to be hanged he waa tried on taeaday and the judge appointed the following inday aa the day of execution the court waa beng eloeed when a wonderful thought occurred to the thenff and he hopped up and made a motion for hit honor to hold on for jctta moment he had remember ed that friday waa the day on which hit s only daughter waa to be married sorely he could not bate a hanging on that day he whupered to the judge and then went and whapered to the pnaoaer the thenff frlnkly explained hit aitca tion and then atked the malefactor tf be would not jutt aa lief bang on thurtda tor they could not well have tueh a thing on saturday the culprit would have gladly acoomod ted the good ehernff bat he hoped to tee if wife oatbartdey and the might not come uotil the evening she haa been a true wife to me and yon would ootdepnte me of that privilege so why not put it off till monday the thenff went back to the judge to whom the thing mattered but very little ooe way or the other and the execution postponed till the following ifondt then the court aroee and the pntoner waa bu dungeon j evening juit at tweet hie to aee him and on sunday afcilifal elocution of a plan the good faearted woaaan the pnaon bolu were tooaened and the high waymaa went free i i ii prompt potent and permanent result always come from hilbume aromatic qofaine rvine what makes s boy popular woat makes a boy popular hanlineaa taya h in the zaov hcmt jcxrnal the boy who retpecta hit motherbaa leaderahip in him the boy wbet is careful of bia titter tt a ksighl the boy wbo will never violate bia word and who will pledge hie hooor to hit own heart and change not wth have the conn dence of hit fellowt the bay whodefenda the weak will ooe day oecome a hero among the etrone the bo who will never hnrt the feeling of anyone will one day find himeelf in the atmosphere of cmvertal tympethy 1 know not once taid the great governor andrew what record of eia may await me in another world but thit i do know i never yet dee ptaed a man decease be waa black sbali i tell yon bew to become a popular boy t i ill be too manly and genefoue i cu6elfub to aeek to be popular be the pf honor and lot e other better than and people will give you their ejight to make yoa happy cojtaja coifaa aaaaoeta uae j f1 fc mr jolttrrr toronto ont mr jinktwell will lucky fellow itn t lie thoold tay he waa deed he haa a wifi ttf ltaltt mr single it a mrt jintt i mr jiakt ea in wbo damn ttockmft dellghtftl the pleaaaot effect and the perfect tatetj with which ladiea mt ose the liquid frail laxative sj rup of r uta under all condition make it their favorite remed it ft pleaa ant to the eye and to the tatte gentle yet effectual in acting on the kidnejt liver and bowelt metcre stottjarr bowman ville write we would direct attention to northrop 4 lymana egetable ditooverv which it giving perfect tatitfaction to oar namerout caitomert all the preparatioot manufactured by thu well known houteare among the moat reliable in the market will j on heed the warning perhaps of tho tare approach of terrible dtteaae comutnptlon telvealf oa can afford for the take of laving 50c to run tho rttk and do nothing for it we know from etperleuce that shiloha care will cure 0ur cough it erer fail t i my boy taid the aged poet 19 the too of a lately deceased publisher i owe oar father a debt i can never repay he threw my first book into tho watte basket in jl hojlrl laamihce kn8 usa aue9i deorpe fafterson fell front a ecprtdtrtory witidott striking a fence i found bira ualntt st jacobs onl ho used it freely alt a cr his brulies i saw htm noxt mornlnir at t ork all the blue spots rapidly disappeared leatinr rjeithir pain scar nor wdllag c k neltfjankj m d ahtl btjacqgg oil oid lfj castoria for infants and children advertiser w hat busineaa manager i a capacit of 100 hoar yea air 100 pasted and folded yi is a detailed and graph of one of the yourself it oar circulation oar presses have perfect copies an an hoar all cut and sir aod here tir utely perfect pboto- resaea look at it ftrts aboal dysjiejisls wrong action of tie oecaxiosa dytpepaia ire rue to bad blow plaints are curable by on the stomach liver tooea and strengthens stomach and liver dyspepsia in tarn both theae 00m b b b which acta wela and blood aud the entire system thaa positively canaj dyspepsia coosti pation bad blood and are quickly soothed as carbolic salve nmiler trouble painful burnt oruu ea scalds and cuts d healed by ictort the man who is tacdenly thrown upon the world finds it hara work to support himself tbit u especially to of the aero- nat who falls out of hu job 1 end trance a man may bear op under trials of phycital endurance when prolonged to jeara we cry out why should we taffer cure and prompt cure s a aug tth 133 beljooo patiently for hoars bat bat that there ts a bethany mo v i suffered for years with neuralgia bit was finally cared by the ate of st jacobs oil t b sbebcc to heaven is paved to him that every step of the wa with promises like tb oreroometh will i give i o eat of the tree of life poblic speakere acuta and vocalists find and state that dr thomaa eclectnc oil rehevea hoarseness 1 nd irntatioa in the throat better than reme tee specially adver fiicultv this oil tised to relieve that d baa a wide scope tince tt cares external harts corps sores frottbttee piles and a variety of other unhealthy conditions ir or do you safier from notaeg m the head then send s cent stamp and i wui send a valuable treatise contain ug foil particulars for home cure which 0 eta comparatively nothing it splendid wo i on deafueaa and the ear address pcor c chxse montreal my dear said a fond 1 lother la her boy why do you not play wil b the little fanes boy ob hes home he sey bad naughty wordajuatlikepipa befbrmwill begin at borne in that fat illy how well we rememl 7 graadmotber attic to fragrant with m diciaat roota and herbs poor old tool b w preeioaa they seemed to her 1 and y st one bottle of avars sartapanlla woa i do more good than her whole eollectian o ycrbe illglieu ai rd at the univercj cooke r sad food ex bibition held m london t ud opened by the lord mayor may 3rd is 2 messrs w g donn co of croydo 1 london and hamilton canada obtained tbe highest award for bakiog powdet quantity outweighs ra ik tommy to new boy you wasa t born in america lou can t never be president new boy ho bac i can be a polneman aome day and yoa cant 1 c c richbi a co gent i sprained my fkrso badly that isbad to he dmen home 1 1 a carntge i immediately applied hi akd s l1ni ment freel and in is pours conld oe mv ht aa well as ever joaltrjt wllcoiit bridceualer n 8 that ttnnj on j or fineer nwana bring home a bottle of menard 6ltni ment mr john blackwell 01 commerce toronto wr offered for oter four yean sia end weak ttomacb an numerous remedies with fin the bank of tc having from l5tpep 1 i having tried little effect t waa at- list tdviaem to tue korthrop t lyman vecetable diseovrrtr a trial i did to witjia happy reuult ecerlng bene fit from one bottle i then tried a second aud a third bottle and now find myeppe ttte to macu restored and ilomach ttrengtbeoed that i can par ate of a hearty meal without any of the an pieataatneas i formerly experienced cealetuitao i rocoainattd tas knows am rsdaraedlacifldrmuut sxperfor to aay praacrtpuatt h a i if d 1 ki 80 oxford st bwoalya k t thi luaofc latortalt toualtenal aod itacvrlxaawau sews thaalc aeamaa work of raptrerorauob toandorseit rawaratlia inteuliiat finifll twaodaootkeepoaatottt wiiiiaaaayraacii t j xatoa afaartav o d lata raster ffloonliitdai beioroed church fax cerwjm qaxrtxt 17 hoaaat sraairt kaw toat shilqhs consumption cure this great cough cure this ncceaafol coh8uhption oure ia without a ptrtllelln thehittory of medlcine all druggittf are authoriced to tell it on a positive guarantee a test that no other care can succeeafally stand if roa bare a coogh sore throat or bronchitis uie it for it will cure you if your child baa ths croup or whooping cough use itprorapuyv tori relief it tare if 50a dread that inaid- loot disease consumption dint fail to use it it will care you or cost nothiag atk your dreggut for 8hiloh13 cure pnoe locta socta and ii 00 if yoar lnngt are tore or back lame ate 8atlohs poroa plaster 2jcts- john hay credit p 0 ta hi shoulder was so lame for nine month that he coali not raise bis hand to hit head bat by the use of dr thomaa eclectno oil the pain and lameness disappeared and although three months hu elapsed he ha not had an attack of tt since a good name is better thin great rich but it isnt wise to put a good name at the end of a note unless yoa have great nchea to back it ap iiaogert of delay if we were allowed to look into the future and tee the fatal cootequencea hat follow a neglected cold how differently would our coarse be conld we realize our danger how speedily we woold seek al care but with many it h ool when the monster disease has fastened ita fang upon cur lnngt that we awaken to our folly what followt a neglected cold i tt pot dueaae of the throat aod lungbronchitia asthma consumption and many other diseases of like nature it ta worse than tatdnete to neglect a cold aod it is folly not to have tome good remedy available for thit fre qaent complaint one of the fnot effica clout medicines for all diteaaea of the throat and langa 11 bickles aati-cnasump- uve syrup thit medicine ta composed of several medicinal herbs which exert a most wonderful influence in curing con sumption and other diseases of the lungs and cheat it promotes a free and eaay ex pectoration soothes irritation and drives tbe disease from tbe tyttem sick headache caused by excess cf bite ora disordered stomach is promptly relieved by using national pills as the ooarse of true love never rons smooth it i supposed that there will alwayabe plenty ol friction matchea in the world consumption tukfd an old physician retired firom practice having bad placed in bis hand by an east india missionary the formula of a simple regetable remedy for the jpeedy and per raanent cure of codromptiop bronchitis catarrh asthma and all throat and lang affections also a positive aud radical core for nervous debility and all nerroa com plaints after having tested it wonderful curative powers in tboaaeade of cases hu fell it his daty to make it known tonsil his saffenng fellows actuated by thit motire and a desire to relieve human suffering i will send free of charge to all who desire it this recipe in german french or english with fall directions for preparing and using sent by mail by addressing with stamp naming this paper w a korea 620 powers block hocheafer n y no said miss spinster i wonldn t have any fool of a man and aa yoa cannot get any other kind remarked aant suian you prefer to remain single well i don t know as i blame you i canada is being congratulated everywhere 00 the excellences of her manufacture art stained glass is prominently in tbe front rank of her improvements thank to mccaaslacd son of toronto wbo for 40 yean htve labored not oily to accama- late money but to make stained and oma mental glasa of all kinda a credit to the dominion the beet knono deib 6mt 1 can recommend dr fow lers extractof wild strawberry for summer complaint and diarrbeca i hare used tt 111 my family for two year far children and adults with the greatest satisfaction mus fjum bon austin if an roo want yoctrt cotton linens flannots always sweet clean snowy white you wart the wash dono tho oa ist tns cioan- at tho rjulccc3t the cheap- eat way surprise soap prfseway without oafding givjjs theseresults thasur- tjoilingor liable t id tru rallvi fyt oowowmt j 1 oodtokan- iiu aanger 8 0 p nr razor jotaf wsluie iotas east 10 h ajt rtltea laawuter i umtses- u mali ulsed i0sm i loam xosivo kilts andt to r ta and t 46b ml thll 11 ia i lotoa east 10 h aju ouv uaattoble weet into ittl 0tjpab 1m1 j the mamwotf rtietolfljtn oaatarfa can utile ooaaftnuea botg stomach dtarrhaia lnicmlot cos worms tvea alpani hromotat 41- wlthout ajarioaa medloiuoa tor aeveral years t have recommeodel your cjastorla and shau slcs continue t so so a it liaatarartamy produoad benewl tesalta eownc p paanatlh d lie wtathrop 13th- su and tth are lewyoclccilr lad flm of the wo facts a reliable reoorc of thej world progress giving invaluable i ifonnatiou aa hundred of abject hlsto ical religious mercan tile household and farm hinta and hits are dealt should hare a copj sen three cent ttamp by t toronto opt do 1t delajf- it limited why voa knoc c the btoath oat of ma i said the pufflng fo 1 hlacksmlui the wont blower i the perspiring hon e it it saie to use fact statistic with everyone on receipt of a milburn i co the supply ge bel owe to a sturdy ill whit of it youre ever tackled replied thoei urnitur6 st jjmi 0- ders as they act 01 not injure the chit i i i gael dtiii siiu i orer a year with t ttomach nothing did reemt worm pow ly on the worm and do troabled for dache and sick any good until i tried b b b wl ich made a perfect care before i had fiaitl ed the first bottle i recommend tt aa a afe cure foe headache to all my friend miss anxie mincltrj guelph out at a dinner par y in boston a young man from the west who was rutting the bott was askedvif hi waa fund of ethnology well veea he replies at a venture but i doa t think i 11 take jllnard 1 uaiuent sthelmft aa a blood punf r the physician preacnbi aer it is the most po rerful vegetable alterative 1 ever public a a spring it may be alike freely u ed by l any tonight moat eminent a strtaparilla mmbmation of offered to the and family medicine old and young ha e uied dr fowiert wild sfawbeny foe summer and al ier a fair trial hare my dear madam taid dean bins extract of complain la proved it a sure carejboth inj my own case and other of the far ilr licaxtti ffro new jundee ont a doctor to hit patient i am tral 1 gratii led to see you yesterday you hour to itre bat tix yet in life at my 1 at visit know i said yoi yea doctdr the dose yoa left me tie ol the third pi mail ia noted for but did not take the if you want to bay qr sell oronto diui f ant advertisements tnything h you want a ntaatlon a raecianio a butt joo have ion want to find nets machinery lod mg tf or ound anyptag ot if oa oat where anyone it tdverteo in the to ronto daily if ad and read he advertise menta on the third page 0 1 that paper the charge 1 two c nte a 1 rord each in aertiod address tk mad toronto can ada i never too lite to m nd registrars oeoe a wet 3iog waltiog a conidrt61 groom at last ha about seventy reglttrar try to be anoher saaarlirt gektixue i b long timeand teeinge irdock adrertited i got a bo relieved me at ihe tim bothered since have seen the durinille ont ajt the french rty had been time for tbe bride came ian old man ttnbe id the ttte sooner lere 1 doiu an tie but i with h ldache last of beache for a 3lood bitters it not only lave not been and think i it mjisme hicxs i the following eayjt i le am tralian san day school teacher it from boys essay oq total abstinence 1 is a whole tolame oo temperance in a nu shell i abstain from alcholio dnnkt b cause if i would etcet aa a cricketer g race aa r abstain a a walker wtatoa sa a ab tain as an oartman hanlan say abs 1 swmjlmer webb taya ijstain tionary linngtune is at itain doctor clarke leys ab tain aa a preach er farrar aay abttai i as dams pns oa and workhouses repet the cry abstain good iron hat is all is not attractive 1 useful though it does not spi rkle like the diamond gold has no the ft tgraue of a flower so different p oplo hi ve different modes of excellence ant eye to all if you wantiflrtt cli ss gae doors at guelpll pneet fill yoar order 6 ins p sin as a as a mi if liiaruaunlmeat is th teeth s e m 1st have an ph sash and ebiuoe can suing niil best teeth bth for the u it tin e moat la coo and bestiality dstir gradeate of torod 0 0obo i of itoyal collefli of daofal so omcakett pass i on fit g tnfld tad s itfscryaad pare air and exercise aro the potent fac tor id preserving bodily a ell as mental health aa they aid the tjttm in its con ttant straggle fo throw iff the poison which it engender within it elf dr gal too speaks of better 1 work done more appetite when pare air it introdaced in unhealthy workrooms the pasty anas mlo look of so many people in crowded factories it evldenoa of the wtnt of thor ongb ventilation tho tame authority mentions that after the ventilation of cer tain engtith barrack the ration of ths men had to be increased some seam stresses in london whose workroom was ventilated begged that thai old state of things might be restored helrappetitea had increased beyoud their earning in tom hood a immortal song of the shirt the same pathetio plaint is uttered orer the walk that ooite a meal john speight son jar stock of furniture it oo w complete for any ai ale yoa want at tbe lowest possible price defeat i any one la it manafsctare bat we pay out u anl dealer la tbe trad 1 for lie spring trt im ice ws dont aual a spring ws dont for it and full line of coffins caskets robes etc always ra fu ei satitfifctlati aa to prices we desire to impreak aponlthe public tha cotraej 10a with aay combination tad oar price ara not gorer itioa ws can give yoa ths best the market 1 fford at ri rao lumoir torcattnlt it ut4 bt catarrh sombrinicifcuorkticbjmillscpm et niblilne wanro pal p si the key tq health unloct all tho clogged arennea of tha bawels kidneys and liver carrying off gradually without weakening the rra tem all the nnpunic3 and foul humors of the accretions at the sanie time cor rectixiot acidity of toe stomscit carina buiausness dyspepsia headaches dizziness heartbuni cocstipatlfltt dryness of the skin dropsy dimness of vision jaun dice salt rhoum erysipelas scro fula flattering cf tns heart ner vousness and general debllitj d these and many other cimikr oompjitnib yield to tha liappr influence of buhdocxl blood brrfebs i i tor sals t aft dawrr j i dunns baking powder thecqoicsbestfriend laracsr sale ih canada ctluetir pure powdered lye purest str0k0e8t best a for naktor beau sjtwtkvfautr mwlltcrtihsarstost i ia lr aii r nracatrta c3rrttti voroatoa we can give you a bedroom set comple efoii4 wovelmattressdst fqtj 14 8prlngs for 9 sideboards at cost lounges for 760 extension tables teo chaffsat any price r undertfcrvtlnc king aodwa eo appty oaf furnitar hoc selliiow foe cash good hearse and outfit spsight si glasgow i w can give yoa act that wa bare do the undertakers reasonable pnoe rkls sammer sale ot fdres qood lcnslitig sewsfl ittaslin etflbroi- c eries mfllinery mantles para- s3i soi8eryx3ior cloaking rrinta sateent checked 3hirt- ugg qinghamb table linens wellingg naperydf all nd dents furnisliings gents fnijr ilotli- house prints this season we are showmg the iargesi and best assorted stock in this line eer brought into xvctan at 15c tho same quality of print that we so aud 17c last year can bo had this year at 12ic tho goods are atl new and just on i last wo received 50 new pieces iaprday theipatterns are all new and varied so that j on havo a large range to choose from biiuts of which wo have stacks that must be sold we have also great bargains in 8a in i loc oar stock of dress goods is most complete t very large range is on erhibitiou every 1 ay round prices i i oar black and colored oashmereswercbought rom the largest house in montreal and the prices are he eiosest we ever sold goods at a call will pay you and at i henderson mcrae i can furnish you with the best presi country and at lower pric comb printers to co for country news and job- jworlc to be than for any other new cylinder pres pvcton knd sbe ouri improved cbuntry pijoutyipress br ifilok i fad in this i the free press is printed on thefcbove no 1500 drum cylinder pre is 0 have run tha proaty far eight year aud the mc easy lo handle oot uflla for repair and is eaay ou the 2 j f oooy- cdms and see our prea st work them we can give you yourjohaioenf a uamber of diffetnt ion ir we run it the batter we like it it is simple assy to rati assy dn tvu wa ihaih m 13 a air a cl itt- iiraifw a r h p press and the work illustrates its mints can do better newspaper or poster work i rtnter pooket book we oali it tbe beat press ta be hsattn thr worfd if yottderire samples of work tend for them aud we wiufladiy fornleh itzea and itj lea of preajes at all prioeu t think of it i j f new 8 col folio o 5 col qto power press for only 600 toj 1700 srjan 8 col book pjr 3 for 800 full particulars from oorb agent for canaida actoni 6nt 1 igs iteaaymaa sttmrner piaiu- ig carpets ojlclodrs cartalos boots and hoes 1 1 i we have heaps of the ibove s ock and yoa wil find a motig tiera genaiue bargains nice printed muslins for 5c per yard 1 icedreis joocfe foij scjpe yard a 3d 21 yds for 100 we have tie iovelie3t lot of dress roods e ferexbibited trj a discrimidating pablia we have aclearing line a 25c thataatoc ishes the people i arasols 25o up our millinery dejiartraeoit i r plete with all tlie iovcitis for summer decoration i i oar dress and itantle making d ipartmentis in splendid working older our dresses eqbal anyiing ttat can be gotrinywhere and far cl eaper 1 i our tailofiag department few ec oal u and done surpass us w e are anxiou to 0 bnsioess at d inspection wiucoliviqce yoa thit we can give jttu genuine birgams 1 1 1 i and to the farmers we would gentlyj remind them that we wuld like to bave their wool aniwitl give fheml the- highest pr ce in cash or jmercbsndise s- ca h prices i the mammoth w mcleod ik co abphaitcwh 1 i r j bevarc jsiimjssli sjetebtho amhou ageaey ftr rocs sop tbadst mabil m8mn mtaw iopyriohtt ate w stws sf hattaiokwrtta to ns isi m baoibwirteiw yoar ome t boraau foraecqrtna patents to amirtea lio 1 ifuic by a notice riven tree ot chute tatk larfyst elrealation of any aefentfflo n nanjahoolabe flthoat it weesfr fffrl raia addjaasjio jui it plea8e8 c vepybonv htll itwta tavbsx atlt gts hreaefsuaait2 it live umanioniracnmemartobtassz prl e 8b0 88b0 a yiar rw4 icaa lx3wvnrbrimi5s

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