Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 23, 1892, p. 5

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rfjc mctt fm fircss tnnrftnat jtxif un fhtoung jfolks motes here wd there kama of anerl intirtit to frao pre r titer taeraklutw wludi don knew ht rwvo tvt todo i nt and then do it ltitroad atileacercacevar wtu melt 11 ietr dirrct vtiu nt nn pooh pooh it it voerbocwlllt ltocetbo1ay leltbesmlth shoe it if j otirchrtk i t rotn vt the eta pot tad 1q it tvntrvo do di it nnoeyou never will rue it tf vevrltooalshud roctnuatalcttthroacb it l srcr l ill cn cvt pta tad undo it wtiuyomdo jouobw- grot nerte trill rae it it cir t nrdcn u tutvr then tod rout uck to it- it om crow tor lititr rrw yaiktictit tlhatuwdci dettoowyointtrvirulruelt i bring to lha tartao c try latent pain ehince of two a tew decreet mark tha difference lettrceo nraoct tod pain to many persona hipp i disease now koltlt ian tray soeao it nfaunmlly imaging forward new remcdieu which successfully comoet disease poik n jt kervilln nerv ptln earehae proved to most iuoeetul pels rtlntiuc remedy known luappli eetioo it wide far it li equally effiaeat ia til forms of pain whe her internal or er terotl ij oeau a bottle tt dracjiste that which it won ill will never wetr well for then it a eat ie atteodi it which will wum it tnd tlsteaie eorrapt die position rhuch inclmi men lo the tinful ji of ipendiac a saloon keeper fears tar are your r t of t tad roar w c t l and i o g x- tod f there ire many nr letter i re ikipped i tuppoteihey va got them to some kind of a ocietyor aonelhinc tod every one of them it doing thr level hwtto cet the future generation twtr from at the bow u4 to like to owe into my tajeoo they uid it ni fttaatnter then tha church it wu to bntht tnd filed op nioe yoa know but tie folks in the aoctefces htv letrned lie trick tnd i declare if they tren t tfmmuie ap most tt fioe tt we do so i dont ate the boy it much u 1 did i hive a few jeft yet who tttnd by roe bat i m ttrtid ihey woo t tray much longer rftteae women hold oat thtt it where i r the trouble tt to come from these peraitt kfi womfo tso mty rote high iioente sunday itw or no sundty law yoa mty tuad tt the poll from taunte to tantet tnd put yoor little ptpera in tt fist tt yoa can count yoa mty raise yoar tem pertnoe plitforms tt high a a meeting hoste tnd pltnt your temperance lecturer upon tbem tt thick tt they ctn tttnd they mty raise their voices till the tooat retch the top of the eiffel tower tnd mark off their figure tad tutittica oo heir eloquent nepers ta long t they ctn add and tubtnct we will ttill hold up oar hetdt tnd keep op our tpinu the tkirmithtag dootn t tffect ut much bat ro long tt there u ooe wocntn left to wtve her white htndkerchief tt the blue ribbon cold wtter boyt march tloofi the ttreet depend upoa it the 11 do more dtmtge to oar trade thin all the other tbingt pat to- j ether theb the children when they thtll grow up rooted tnd eroanded in i tea pertnce they re beginning it now t why even in the echooli theyre uacbt j the ect of alcohol oo their eyttems tlooc this hoe i ety u where the troabfe i cotng to come id for the ttjoon keeper f bat tm bound not to give up ifl ctn help f it btt if i htre toarrenderyoamiy know twu one of tboae women thtt ttole a march on me and when thtt day comet i hope yoa u punt ot ray altera door jott to m ire feel mean an tooocnt of deaerucg my color left camp driven oat by a woman htrd tnd aoft oorci cannot withitiod hollowtya corn cure it n ertectutleiery dme get a bottle at once and be htppj ityoa wtnt tobuy brnell t farm id tertiae in the ton nto irhy had thtt paper reaebea 10o0x firmer home every week and jouridmrtnement thosld meet the eye of aomeone who wtuta to par chita adrtiaemcnltif thi clue tro a aerted in the toronto wtthg uau tat fivs ceau a word etch lumrtion or twenty cent a wool for fite inaertiont addreta theutal toronto ctntdi how kr w d wanw o oantva k 1 mi otd of tha lereratt form of djiptp tfat h tty tarythn ha iu aaamad like paoriu raelled load into hit ilouitoh qooda fitrtapirillt effwled t pecfeot can fiiupirtlcoiitt will bo tent it yoa write- a c i hood 4 co lowell utk th hlgliett prtttej hti been won by hoodt pillt tor their etty stk effieicat iclion wait hitetuay wound apaalhatcirt j ttked tho old lady who m viiilinr ha are engine hoara firetneaa hoae mi tha incwer qo away tha rejoined a digntntly yoa ctat mtke ma believe thtt toy fireman or uiybody olto ater had ic to fit thote wimb btby was ifclc wn am bee ctrtoria urt jinktwhtado yoa think a thief thot tt un bugle while the wt tittinfi in her room tod the ballet lodfied u a ball of ytro whicl the wt winding mr jink well well i mr bmgle it a lucky teltow itn t hi hrt jinka i thould tty he wta llr jmkt t in deed he hia a wile who dtmq stocking tke udlta pensutd woootaovaiicilj w brfcd for catloria toeo the became jilo tho cluae to ottude vfoea to bad uotmrca tho jtr tham outorkv oh what a cough will 50a heed the wtrnini trie tigatl perhtpt of the tare approach of thtt more terrible diteua oontumption aik yoar telveait oa can afford tor tha ttka of ttvioe 50c to run the ruk and do nothing for it we know from experience thtt bhiloht cora will cute 5 oar ooagh it ever fail t my boy laid the tged poet to tha too of a lately deceased pnbiither i owe your ftther a debt i ctn never repay he threw my firtt book into tho watte bttket a i fortunte postponement at u antnnxnu teation of the superior court at skipton in the wett riding of lorkthire a mm waa tried for highway robbery convicted and teotenoed to be hinged he wt tned on tueaday tnd the judge ippointed the following r ndiy tt the day of execntion the ooort ru bemg rioeed when a wonderful thought occurred to the thenff tad he bopped op and made t motion for bit honor to hold on for jutt t moment he had remember 1 si that friday wt the day 00 which bit i only daughter wt to be tnirned surely he cosld not bite a hinging oo thtt dty r he whtfpered to the judge and then went and whupered to the prisoner the thenff truth explained hit citut tioo tnd then uked the mtleftctor if he would not jutt a lief htng on thurtdaj far they could not well hive inch a thing oa saturday f the culprit would have gladly acoomod bid the good therris lot he hoped totee wife oa thartdty and the migb not come until the ctentog she bt been a true wife to me and yon would not depnie ma of bit privilege so why not pat it off uil ifondiy the thenff went back to the judge to whom the thing mattered bnt tery little one wty or the other tod the execution wta pottponed till the fallowing tfondty then the court aroae ajtd the prisoner wt to hi dungeon y erenfog jut at tantet hi lie caflt to tee bun and 00 sunday night tjeir ainllf ul execution of a plan he good hearted womtn the pnaoa bolta were looaened and the high wtrroin went free the ptectant effect and tb perfect ttfety with which ladiea rotyj use te hquid fruit laxative syrup of figal under all oonditton mtke it their ftronte remedy it it plea ant to the eye and to the tttte gentle yet effeetutl in acting 00 the kidneya liver and boweli lleatr stott jury chemltta bowman ville write we wood direct attention to northrop lymtna yetetable ditooverv which it giving perfee tatitfaetioo to our numerout customer a1i the preparation manuttctnred by thitlell known house are among the mott relitble in the market advertiser w hit 1 batmeaa hantger s11 a capacity of 100 oo yoar circulation otrpreateabare perfect coptea an in boar all cut and boar yea atf 100000 patted tnd folded yea tir aod here air l a detailed and absolutely perfect photo graph of ooe of the preaeee look at it yourself ftrtt aboat brtpeptl wrong action of tb 1 stomach and liver occmon dytpeptu dytpeptia in turn givea run to bad blood both these 00m plaint are curable by b b b which act on the stomach liver bowels and blood and one and strengthen i to entire fjitem thus pouuvely eunni dytpapaisr oooati pction bad blood and tauter trouble paints burse oraises sotida and cat are quickly aoothed ani healed by n icton carbolic salve prompt pocect and pectcanent resolu ajmyx come frotn i if d burns aromatic qmnine wine 4p- 51 what mtke a boy popular wilt mtkes a boy popolar uanlinece lays hezekiah butterwottb in the ladies llsmt jwtrai the boy who retpecta hi moaoo ha leadership m him the boy who tt careful of bu tufez it a knight the buy who will never riolate hi word tnd who will pledge hi honor to hi own heart tnd change not will hive the conn denoe of hit fellowt the boy wbodefendt the wetk will one dty become t hero tmoug the ttrong the boy who will never hurt the eehngi of toyone will one dty bod himself in the aanosphere of universal sympathy 1 know not onoe aaid the great governor andrew what record of tin may twtit me in another world but this i do know i never yet despised a mtn decinse be was bltck shall i tell jou how to become a popular boy j i will be too minly ttrd generous i unselfish to seek to be popular be the jf honor tnd loie others better thin ftnd people will give you their ratsweht to mate fon btppj tbe man who 11 1 the world findi it bi himself tbit u or ntt who fills out of hit job i eudt ranee a man may bear up xtiently for hour under in tit of physual endaranoe bat when prolonged to year i we cry oat bat why should we saffer thus there it a sure idd prompt curt bethmy if 0 u b x aug 1th 1864 i suffered for years with neuralgia be t was finally cured by the ose of st jacobs oil t h sbekeb ly thrown upon work to tepport so nf the aero- balloon to heaven itpated to bim thtt tvery step of tbe wtj with promise like ibis overcometb will i give 3 ett of the tree ot life public spetkert acr and vocaliit end and state that dr rtbotnaa eclectnc oil relieve hoarseness and irritation in the throat better thin remedies rpecujiy edter used to relieve that iibealtv thla oil ha a wide scope eince it caret external hart corne eorea frost bttea pale and a vtnetyof other unhealthy conditions sick headache ctused by exceas cf bite or a disordered ttomach 11 promptly relieved by using katiooal fills aa the oouree of true love never rnna smooth it ii supposed that there will alwayi be pleoty ol fraction mttche in the world i covsubptios clibfd are you dexf oc do yoa suffer from mites in he head then aend s cent stamp tod i will send a taiuahfe treatise oooteia og fall particular for home care which o te comparatively nothing a splendid wo i aa deaf nea and the ear addreeepaor c cffisrmentreal ky dear said a fond t lother to her boy why do yoa not play wil h he i1w0 jones boy ob hes home he say bed naughty words jut like t spa reform will begin at home m that fii illy how well we rernetnt er grandmother attic so fragrant with ra idiciati roots and herb poor old soul b iw precuua they teemed to her i and wt ooe bottle of ayers strttptnlla would do more good thin ber whole collection of ytrbs illghmt awlrd at the universal cookerv aod food ex hibition held 10 london and opened by tbe lord mayor may 3rd 16w ifeata w g dnnn it co of croydo a hamiltoo cinida obtt award for btkiug powder qmnlity outweighs rt ak new boy von wtsn t bjrn xoa can t never be pretid nt ho bat i cto be a poll leoan some day and yoa cant c c irtchieue 4 co gsnt i sprained my 1 bad to be driven borne ptjbesutrm0etbet tvxaiaacaeojuanataltac ptatraortajiajoriaot rwf oitlrrr torosita one imuedilely applied hi sard 8 lini mest freely nd in 8 hours oanld ne mv leg ai will at ever joaf ca wvucoht bridcealer s 8 1 that itrinu 011 jiuf finger mctni bring home t bottle of mfnard 6 lini 1iest london tnd ned the high eat tommy to in america sew boy- eg to badly that n a carriage 1 mr john blaekwell of the bank of commerce toronto write fltving suffered for oter four yeari sit snd weak stomach ai nnmeroat remediea with hi t little effect wa tt itif dviaed to ei e korthrdp it lymans vegetable disco ery ft rial i id so with a bappy result fit from one bottle i hen tad t bird bottle tad now lite to mooh restored strengthened that i can paijieuce of a hearty meal without any of the u ipleaituuiets i formerly axperteoeed j i fv 1 receiving bene- ried a second i snd myappe and stomach t shilohs consuikiption cure thi great cough core thu sueceeaful c0k8dhpti0n core is without a parallel in the hutory of medicine all druggtiu are tathoqeed to tell it oa a positive guartntee a teat that no other cure can tueoetefally ttapd if yoa bar a cough sore throat or bronchitis ate it for it will care yoa if yoar child hi the croup or whooping cough use it prompuy and relief ia sure it yoa dread that insid tone disease coksokption dont fail to are it it will care yoa or oast nothing ask yoar draggiit for shiloh8 core pnoe locls socu and 100 if your lang are aore or back lame use shtloht porous plaster 2oc john hay credit p 0 seya hi shoulder ws aofama far nine month that be could not ruse bit hand to hilhetdbat by the use of dr thomas ecleetno oil the pain and lameness disappeared and although three month ha elapsed be bu not had an attack of it since a good name is better thin great ricbe but it isnt wise to pat a 1 pod same at the end of a note unlet yoa leve great nchee to back it up dtc delay if we were allowed to look into he future and see the fatal ooniequeacee that follow a neglected cold how differently would oar coarse be eoald we realize oar danger how tpeedily we would seek a cure bat with many it u only when the monster disease bu fastened it fang upon car iungsthat we awaken to oar folly what follow a neglected cold j it it not diceese of the throat and lungs bronchitii asthma consumption and many other diseases of like nature it is worte than mtdaee to neglect a cold and it it folly not to have some good remedy available for this fre quent compliint one ot the most effica clooa medicine for all disease of the throat and lungi 1 bicklea anti consump tive syrup tbt medicine u composed ot several medictnal herbe which exert a mott wonderful innueaca in caring 00a sumption and other diteaam ot the lungs and cheat it promote a free tnd easy ex pectoration soothe irritation and drive the disease from the system an old physician retired firom practice having bad placed in his hud by an east india miteiontry be formal of a simple vegetable remedy for be ipeedy aad per raanent care of consumption bronchitis catarrh aathma and all throat and lung affections also a positive and radical cure for nerved debility and all kervou com plaints after having tested it wonderful curative powers in thousand of cases hu fell it his duty to make it known to all hi suffenng fellows actuated by this motive and a desire to relieve human tuffering i will send free of charge to all who desire it this recipe in german french or english with fall directions for preparing and using sent by mail by addressing with stamp naming this paper w a korea 820 powers block rochester n y ho said uus spinster i woamnt hare any fool of a man and u yoa cannot get sny other kind remarked aunt satin you prefer to remain single well i don t know t i blime yoa canada ia being congratulated everywhere on the excellence of her manufactures art stained glass is prominently in the front rank of her improvements thanks to uccausland son of toronto who for to years have labored not only to eceama late money bnt to make stained and orni mental glass of all kind a credit to the dominion the btit known drjtn siai 1 cto recommend dr fow len extractofwild8trawberryfor summer complaint and diarrbcea i have used it m my family for two jeara far children and adult with the grettett tatiifsctjon mis fcivk boilv aujlin iftn you want your cotton i mnens flannels atwitys i wec ctean gnowy vhka you want the i you want the wain i etono tho easiest thai clean- s est tha quickest tho cheap surprtsesoap the sur prise way without bofdngor scalding gives these results 1 uwkncfc kass us a ausvoi 1888 george pduersoa fell from sj jecondrtory window linking a fence i found him using st jacobs oil he used it ffecly nil a cr hu brutlcs 1 sw him next morning it u orl all irje blue spots rapidly disappeared leaving neither piln scar nor svtclinir ckneukannmd fliahtl tst jacobs oil dip iv i 1 r castor i a for infants and children catoruliiffidalacuklralc recommendl ui faorkiaicrpfcrletiaa knewatome k a i irwot if d- 1u os xdflbrocilriikt the at ttm of saperen tateliteeat wu2uasrncl uta fastorbi olcaitorfe sounlrentl and vftu flow mt it seems a wort limdottett rwarethe ho do sot keep oaatorla fa s id figures reiord hstor ind stacip a reliable giviugjnvaiaiota of subjects tile household hints tad hits ihoald have a three cent s toronto out is limifcd why rouicnoct said ba pusui blacksmith the worst blower the penpinug lirm are petit ijopy ijy dot it is safe to dsrs u they aft not injure the dun sins a 4 a o alec ktltm d c kw yocfc otty ooex irdalebatonxwianirch triluout tajurtoas medjextloa 1 v oaeterf a core oohe obotrlriaffeti 6oorbloecldarrbalruiruuon kid worms tret step aad promotes al- medieauoix fa for several year i hare recommenitel roar oattorla and shall arrays couuaia t lo to ec tt ass utvarlahly produced beneocil nsals eowtx f fxantx h d tba wathrop lata btret and tth ave sew fork atr v irinc june only percent jiscpunt kenney bros acton vill continue their discount sale of boots shoes w during the month bf june al lowi ten per int on all cash purchases month if youwant by the reduction thinks and ali a full stock all indebted comej this to benefit tiw 11 si nes 1 is am s 1 0 p m pa anr 8 fr t ttttor ewtffo ua oontwt iuism to the firm are requested to call and settle at o ice rspkihinc rs usyja e kenney bros acton tax carrsn ooiovirr tt kcttxr sraarr kit toax i he world a progress in ormitiou on huadredt cal religious mercan facta stattttict jwith everyone sent on receipt of a t ilfilburn d co t delay u tbe supply li the breath oat of me 1 forie bellow to a itardy will what of it oare i ever tackled replied ion ihoer fare air and exercise are he potent ftc- tort in reserving bodily u well as mental health a hey aid he system in us con stant struggle to throw os he poison which it engenders within idelf dr gsl ton speaks of better work done more tppedte when pare air is introduced in unhealthy workrooms the pasty ano mia look of so many people in crowded factories is evidence of he wtnt of hor ough vendlation the stme authority mentions thtt after the ventilation of cer tela english barrack the rations of the defrau it my 1 se 1 reemm a worm pow on hud r on he worms tnd do dueliiigocftp i h at a dinner 1 party man from the west host wu asked it well yee 1 be but i dont think h lve been troubled for over a year wifb 11 k headache and tick ttomach nothing lid me any good until i tned b b b wh cli made a perfect cure before i bad bnith d tha first bottle i recommend it t a vfo cure for headache to all my fnend ifsa aktc uc rirt guelpb out in boston a young who wu visiting the wu fond of ethnology replied at a venture take any tonight iii khurdtlintantl the best as a blood puns r he most eminent physicians presenb aytrs stntpanlla it is the mott poi erful combination of vegetable alterative eter offered to be public as a spring snd family medicine it may be freely ai ad by old and young alike i in tl cases dmit srcs 1 bu 9 ued dr fowlers exrtct of wit sti twberry for summer complaints end at proved it a sate pare aad other of the fin licum wrxo er a it tttltii lrr kew tir trial have my own cue dundee oat my dear mtdtmi said a doctor to bu patient i tra rt greti led o see yoa yet la life at raj it tisii yeerdy yoa know i said yoiyfm latjiti hour to live yes doctor ftvfip batj i did not take the dote yoa leftm the third page of uail it noted far v if yoa want to bpy the 4 sell toronto dtxii tdverttsements anything if yoa want a situation a mechanic a busi neu machinery lodg nflt if yoa have lost or oand anythutf or if 50a want to find out where snyoo is tdrertlse in the to rooto daily uall and read the advertise ment on the third page of that paper the charge is two cv utaj a word each in tertton addreei th itvt toronto can i never too late to m nd at the french registrar aofhoe a wed ling party bad been waiting a coniiderebu time for the bride groom at last be am an old man about seventy aoo her time said tha registrar try to be 1 erj a little sooner dnanvlilj dot igt gcmirui i had a headache for a long time and seeingb irdockblood bitter advertised i got a bo tie and it nob only reheved me at the mini but i have not been bothered since with h tdechs and think i hive seen the last of it iflvsie hicxs danville ont t tbe following says 1 he australian sun y school teacher 11 from a boy essay op total abstinence 1 is a whole volume op temperance a a no shell i abstain from alcholio dnntt b iciute if i would excel u a cricketer g nee says abstain ua walker westoa ss sjrabstain u an oarsman hanjan jsej 1 tbstnu a a abstain u a swimmer wend says inst siontry livingtoos tt 11 doctor clsrke aysi tt ittt i u a preach er fsrrar says abtta a j asylums pns oas and workhoties repot t the cry abstain i i all is not attractive hit 11 good iron is csef al though it doei not sparkle like the diamond gold his n t th fragrance o a fldwer so diffgrenc pioplnhavs different modes ot excellence mi we matt have an ay to all if you want first cl ssjciaelph sub tad ddar at guelrlt price ebuiae cap fill your order it hit 1 1st ng mill f uard 1 llnlmeat u tli belt teeti ebth ilialcia 1 1 l setii for lb next u11 1 nioatlit km snd 00 per lett fetfx st gutrtntesd sad easlity j i i dstfptolds uradatt of toronto 9obi 9i if dentbtry and 0 rncnnext post ofllc ltoytt ooltess otp otto aaon surjeoni men had to be increased some seam stresses in london whose workroom wu ventilated begged that the otd state of blags might be restored u thelrsppetite had increased beyond their earnings in tom hood s immortal bong of the shirt the same pathetic plaint it uttered over the wslk that cost a meal it bsswdr corcsuira tha bttctistcttcouseaadcbesoaft i catarrh squ bf drtxcfftu oc feat trr mail pis zt tti wutco pi- 0 sx the key tq health john speigm fc soai 5urnitur si undsrtrking ar stock of farnitare is tfow complete fot the spring trad and anr ar cie yoa wtnt at he lowest possible prioe we dont oar any one in its manufacture bat ws pay cuh for it and can tell f lei lealers in the trade we can give you a bedroom set complete to 114 wovelmattresses for 4 springs for s3 81doboard3 at cost lourfges for 750 extension tables 750 chafra at any price underthklnc fall line of coffins cukeu bobet etc always in stock we ettiatai ion aa to price we desire to imprest a poo the pablus the fact tl at we have no oonnee oa with any combination and oar priee are not governed by thi usocia ion can tnpply farnitare nor low for cath crandtrunk mg ooiirowm tqftjft 1 7tt the mammoth georgbtoirtilm ws can give yoa he best he markets afford at very reason lie price good hearse and outfit for funerals spsight st son can give yoa undertaken glasgow house prints sammer sale ot dresa goods muslins 8 ewsd muslin embroi- deries millinery mantto para sols hoisery gloves cloaking prints sateene checked shirt ings ginghams table linens towellings itapery of all kinds gents furnishings gents sail ings iteadyrnade summer ejoth- ing carpets oilcloths cartaios boots and shoes j we hare heaps of tbe above stock and yoa will find among thera genuine bargains nice finted muslinsforoc peryatrj tee dress goods for 5cperyard arid 21 yds for l00 we hav the loveliest lot of dress goods ever exhibrtedto a discriminating public we have a clsaring line atj25c that astonishes the people parasols 25c up our millinery department is replete with all the iovcltres for summer decoration our dress and mantle making depfrtmentis in splendid working order oar dresses eqaabanything that can be got anywhefe and far cheaper tjnlocks ill the clogged svennes of ihs bowels kidneys and liver carrying ofi gradually without weakening he sysv em sli he impantiea and foal humors of the secretions at tho same tuna c0r rectlftg acidity qf tho stomacn curtnff biliousness dyspepsia headaches dizziness heartburn constipation dryness of tha shirr dropsy dimness or vision jaun dice salt rhoum erysipelas scro fula flattering cftha heart ner vousness and general debility ih these and many other similar gomnjaiab yield to he happy infiuence ot burldocb blood brrfebs tor sdla tij all sealer tkijmscpmpijeok tomhtijt dunns baking powder thecooicsbestfriend urqcst sale in canada gusrr pure powdereottl lye purest sthokqest best btsr for m innr gamutr foe rntifnt ck botuniiiie vfcter ih lnfoctltis t1 i kaadrm ouuc ioaaeqailirliouiidtmlbodt 81 it al ror ol drmaiiu tho same quality of print that we sold at md 17c last year can bo had this year at 12jc this season we are showing the largest and best stock in this line ever brought into acton l5c tho goods are all new and jast oa 8 ast wo received 50 new pieces turda the patterns are all new and varied so tl at lavo a large range to choose from we have also great bargains in 8c jnuts of which wo have stacks that must be arid s id our stock of dress goods is most compt ste kad tcry large range is nn exhibition every lay at round prices ourlblack and colored cashmeres 1 ora the largest houso in montreal and the pri j f le eiosest we ever sold goods at pou ioc were bqugbt ire a call will pay yon e enderson mcrae co i can furnish you with the best presst 5 country and at lower price cokb to i pri mters for country news and job work to be had than for any other new cylinder press kcton ktmd sels our improved cduntry prouty press 1 sr work them think of it in this the free pjress is printed oa thekbove press and the work illustrates its no 1500 drum cylinder pres can do better newspaper 01 poster prouty for eight years and he ion we have run tha easy to handle costs little for repairs and is easy on tha to day for he money came and tee oar press at work u we cu1 gj y of a number of diffci we run it he better we like it it is jiimpl easy lo i naters pocket book we call it the test pre to be if you desire sample ofdvork send for hem and we nt sum and it le of preue at all prii e a new 8 col folio 0 or an 8 col book pre is for 800 full particjulajrs from h p vyoore 5 col qto poorer press for agent for ca wo rk fejw csl our tailoringdepartment eqaal us aad none surpass we are anxiodl to do business and inspection will convince y u that we can give you gnniae bargains 1 and to the farmers we won gently remind them that tfe would like to have their wol and will give them the bigheit pricein cash or merchandise jit cash prices the mammoth- f w mcleod co peoboetovivn p jss alt- sdeitlfcasrit3u ssasstesrattssbi olde t jrareturlor r foriacuitn pttenu in taken out brta is btoot b r patens t 1 16u0 br 1 notice strea tree of lary at rori ircnuupn of tnr tetettllle mner in am hi rjsts dtpertatht only 600 lada acton

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