Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 30, 1892, p. 3

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v rhemkthodistckurclt actok rkt joseph edtle rarvorsonjirti avenue pastor ttboclt mlrumeontactuiylfce pilr allhutlt utile atracr 1h1 vitrs vlvraya vtalcotue sank of ktad ornce hamilton hamilton citttl pup vt ulniulx ii csiui n pltkctotis ml i kiwv vul- arvtr ih f isrjrvo kwd htrvkn avt tsntt r mrilt prwllcnl a joiiv tux 1iua at vp a 11 lvr georgetown agency str itioui lst tnl alrr nalc citalleegnth lt4tt imtii citm sll irim en ail itlt cl csn- mtl cirmt llutal sld or vinrr ivucm ant sma cttltarntv l onill fccoim ivuiu oil ial tatctlc urrn rxuscs ptraktilst ptresitrreitv cf pi and or rt nt in- terttt allows trvm rtt cvt tulvait to wt ot sijrawal trrcial iieposits aurkviatcurrr tatbf irurril so ctlc uursat rriclret j vlkoy af it five dollars the time has arrived for vbu to have a clock which will tell time c have a clock suitable for your dining room your hall or bedroom s dav spring walnut case half hour gong strike will last 30 years this clock will costvou this week just 500 geo hynds acton ont rtijc rton frrr 3rcss thursday jvnf to 1s9j little local brieflets the newjat hohe wostty of a loc it xjhanlcur and every it utkttttts n the vcirtkrcar imeuditit ct minid pubtuv ivcnuiq tniwiooiry work of tt hi ilia kjttmct or knot clii rch kit the- iirofctxtt of tu c oh u rch in uitaitdb carof publication h under the present in linemen lirtu tppctrnice v uic northwest m iuitiiu cuwbii km itrticultrly rfcrml lo hi fcdj xt ifh- inlcrrtunn fciil will etiooo tc tlifi chutxi in it vftric2 nviioctxj enter- prifc rhtcvttth hirthiliy tnntorro r the futft lvr vu firt prcifnlm lo llio jiuuio on lkm uioti luyl6 the prctit uuo com mc itt icv ulwtuh 1 the foartcc tilli year he ffcci pit tjiuw the t not ft wcxk iim clitcj without tho p tccrtuoe of it rruur weekly ltciric4 it carter ktcr irotp rltjr lies a uh the 1 iod tid unttoucupoirt uf uc ptucoalit ucdpe- ctctr will mark its iturc virt litre krattrlf i o f the follovm trctjlirrn vrill fill to office for the cntuinc eric lir scilmrtuutilvuoh u jopb ittef ch lih urowticll jm tshcri clt wk sutton c ii mcomnu c ckilfihl nf uwir jx w prtiran mcivati1 j u jkdniistoii s t s aimj it iv ii urv ilij i ltriht ivprr 1 a fiirti cf the time tij irrttivcnrfs o ik tlie nj tttijfi ary is0 h ihcii number it it a i in prcei jann- ccmprotuifiirifi id its hard hiutr rnd wi as an autincnotf an a crlooi by bcngc july iuuc a colu aniiru irtaci wk smallficu r jic a iubltc itcncfiictor wihe inert ta tigvijpr proliibiti started 1 uurcu with the juue rijlbt dean iht un- prohibition politic 1 probably b popular il lrobtbitoo cdacator ih 11 jiromised for tho in u devoted to dumb tionlhly 2 a year 1 blishcr kcafcfw ont which caucht tho eyes qj ears of free press reporters this week we acroe with an if that maii it a mtkes two bladea ol exchanpo whea it says public beucfaotor who prafs cror where but ocr catutal hyilay tomorrow the psbic icbxt close this cvcdicr the last day o the rrst hilf of k2 jcoe wcidirpsare over for ibis year kxarnite tear- fruit trees for catar- piiiirt fct ot osr llis and burtit tc- rcorrow uiitc council cid 11 td the town btni uct wk pailiicg operations are very active kereat pnrt actoa will have hundreds of visitors at the celebration to morrow strawberries have tom at and i crlta in haciltm the past wk- th contractor is ceing milton terra cotta brick for the new school aetos comet band attended the garden party at balhnafad on tuesday evenicg the frame work of john matthews dew bouse ou ifill street is up and enclosed straberris are plentiful and cheap jart cow fire tq scveu cents ii the price read the short article on oar first page for the secret of having clean streets in town there is considerable complaint be cause the street lamps are not lighted the dark lights mr h t arxold has purchased lrom lr lbwry the brick building and let occo- ped by bis glove factory tbre will be a large number of horse he to participate io to morrows race thy are already arriving the grsjs atd weeds are begmuing t appear ttrough tle gravel on the walk and drives at the cemetery the frequent heavy- rains are causing the farmers much conoeru considerable grain is down in anme places pev j w ilae went to hilton on bun- day afternoon to take pert in tbe anoiver- rary service of knox charcb the concert tomorrow evening prom ise to be one of the bettetergiven in town the talent isof a superior character between fifty and sixty farmers with their wives and sweethearts took in the patrons picnic at guelph last thursday tacoma wash daily papers have been received from mrsi harry edmonston at this office the kicdoecs is appreciated tbe closing exercises at the ontario agricultural coilegejke place today lient governor kirkpatrick will be pre- rent thirteen candidates from aetoncbool went to the entrance examinations at georgetown high school on tuedai morning tie public school examinations iast friday were not ury largely attended the papils acoitttd tbemselvea wellio all departmeatt the corner stone of the new school is to be laid with becoming public oeremony the date will be fixed at tome time within a coaple of weeks the tus of vzt are likely to attract a good many spectators crowds have been od the park every eveningutdy to encour- age tbur reepeclive favorites the presbyterian and ilethoiist ban- day schools of hornby held their annual picnic at lhn 6 a c guelph lat friday they went by way p the c p it the apportionment of the legislative school grant fpr halton for hf2 is kfjcesidg 4c0 nkaeafiaweya3ii7 kel- ka va and trafalgar f 405 foul mm the ladjes mission circle of the baptist qhurcb presented their presidept mits grady with a teachers bible on ibe eie u uvr departure to port mcleod n w t the doner service of the fpworth league on tuesday evenins was one of the mist jrjteieetijg of the series tbe pro- lute display of floners added much to tbe success of the fxcafcioii one of the neattst princers circular we hate seen for a long time has just uen isaued bj the coloiinl koudanl of fictoa nb it reflects very great credit opon the office aud its worthy proprietor mr albert ueunie the sons of bcollaod inleud holding a garden party at fairview place the home ofqol ajup a boat be middle of july arrtngeaieou ara baog mae for a uior oohly eu joy a we me xfaere iil be four or five pipen nd several grajwl officers ttreent e grew befcte eqially bo i he whore- landmark and replaces 1 and ornamental sub- iddi o ihe appearance idual premiseij adds to c the towu and gives 5smg etranfcrjis better cairns generally by c n and about ih ly enhance their gtner- ldd value to heir pro- nesa to the tokn rooim an unsightly it with a more usefi tirutc whatct and taluc of mdiv the auractivcufr every visitor or pn imprctsicti it spending thtir ww premises can uot k al apixrarance but perty and attractiv iutproinh he k lor a good ins carh thl road from acton mill has receded very n in tjic wayof repairs one of the woes l piece the tires lino ilffji ling leading ito by viiy of hancy little if any altcnt until it has tcomc of road in tbe couuify the public will be pleased to learn thi has moved in the rod and on mondi awarded contracts and draining uien at the it c chun iuarrie3 mr av ed commisfioucr hamer and thos tract for the work ed by the 15th juj the toronto lot i the township council matter of repfciridg tho y deputy kecte warren forttoaije gravelling id from lb 4o road u as far nortti as the aldie has been appoint- ind messrs a swacfe- arthurs have the con- which is to be complete istrtal fair pair to be hdd at the 17th ejeptem many changes the amount of tbe association h acres more ground new grand stand 12000 people mr suited in his deal beeji working t au elevator and i meins pissed thri evemqg mrs i her sister on her first commnniou monday was an bered by them sunday school mtris was vei miss f lee nfterwardu adj ed for them by a programme cf then rendered to the venerab at thkishfune of mfttttsjo it at abrlil chlcaaa of mda sapif otrtdkiinrimpjohr jl ng lw it and ft largo the ollbvihg from the sulcagi dx givca fulirttfucttlara of aio njariiako of mr john f kfcuy andmfis fiupitrick ait clunago lait veck tt na it very pretty wcai ifacxi over 400 invited fiuei ti tmmbcrofsrwtatoratoktailirtcrchurch yntcrday afternoon theoidtracttng ir ilea were mdt botjiio fitattiok slater of mr and mrs jotuj cttllca alad mr jotm j kelly oc actoo ontario the qcrccnony took pkoo at 4 oclock at which unto tho church wii shod to iio door tito centra aislec wcrorcactvod or tio invited gueitsaod tho interior of tlo chi fioe wm beautifully decora ad with flower attd potod plants promptly at llio appoitttcd t mo the bridal liarty advanced down tho ma u aisle toward a tho altar the bridal nroce w on wau pre ccdod by clement cullca whe i i the capacity at page crtied white velvet pillow pn which lay tlio wedding rh fqllowljig okmo the bride brideiraaid man of honor atidashcns the bridal par y advanced to the foot of tho altar where kneeling i jo nuptial knot was tied by he noy who was auiitod in th itev father dunne mcudclk una veddiag inarch was rendcrotl on the bridal party entered and left the bride was tastily attiwd in a traurl ing suit of ton cloth trinimol hi tie silk aud bridos rosea mckarney was maid of hat m shymen uro fltr xremony jy i tic church with crys 1 miss ai or and was itli tiimm pink ros8 iiont r wi ro kcll v vas dresseil in golden brown with ceni lco ind carrii bridc bridesmaid and maid liats tb match mr i firoombinsn messrs zacii zf y ttn t kerb- uthcrn oiul clement pullcn li tho tiblicrs oro roses and tka grooti to matsh those carried by t detail was very lrcttiv- an result all that could be desii lookm ascharming as any and excited tho admiratii crowd ot ppectators tlw oervmony took nlaco tic altar the bridal party boacr ot flowers while about a profusion of choico plants ity of givuif tho bride away b her brother mr v i fi rev father iorney at the conclosioij of the ceremony extended his congratulations to the bride and groom in ttmimoii witii the many friends of tha hri ho said he deeply regretted that mr marriage would take her away she had by her winning ways and kindly manner endeared herself lo many to whom her losa wjxild be deeply regretted they all united liowctcr t the foot kueeliiu iu the altar was the fornal- s as peri orracd trick the fjbniltey around aur nw torn portaenti iuptllu by carrti t 1lt3n upper csjiadi c llrgel died on holiday the rtialt of an nccldeut lh olher m st sad his coati i 8rjiol uawottatvtforn fanolug ih itha g aiuaditnt and tltwitiab by au uuliicky d iva struck bptoatt ui il a month 1 lino bis u piclrntlog his throat uilu aueiitloa tit palifa tho woand if tha kmt sndjsiroalk lira fr niiiiuks wout with i mai 1 to lrill but ion drop ped la a taint ai d bl profniely oaauf vhxoo ii ot il throi t wss ploroad ui and ont eili n cvocectht throat sitect od ho lllied until htopday whendtaui endsd hh sotitrj is aid his bright yoam lift ec en mills ittvsif kite llog ho lias been con neettd iii tha ifctliodlit chutch is about to looa fn iki i villjigo on thursday evening unfilni atlar pm yor mooting ib members at ins ongrefalloa presented him with a arj co itainlig 111 accompanied by an iddrcts auhougti taken by tax prise id tnada a soluble reply wm hamp a raid ho address and lira c inglo m id tho rescntation john isk has gone t erin township for a protoi god iis t ltottd lorkls i 11 finished iu tho dilerent division i around here a troit mease ring 1 inches was caught intlw ri xrj belo hero atl week tho heavy n in monday did a lot ot lanugo to props crewsons the prize list fr this years tddcstrisl torocto frcm the 5th to ber bu beca issued bivc been mode iu the various clttses and about s2xk added to prizes offered itst year nt obtained ibout fifty and a uen half- mile track will be constructed and a monster capable of kting over t be erected ij time for congratulating mr kelly on his good tunc and in wishing himself nd hit bride many happy year of life the ceremony over the bride was greeted by a torrent of congratulations from hun dreds of her frieims this phasant ordeal past the party consisting of the bride and groom and members of tho fa nily drovo to kinsleys where dinner was srved in pri vacy only the immediate meubers of the family being present those who sat down kcrc rev fathers doniey ai d dunne mr and mrs john cnllcn mr and mrs jphn kcrby miss agnes xickarncy miss sadie kelly miss lottie kcrby mi zach davis mr fred kerby jtr p ii fitzpatrtck clement cnlleu and the bridf and groom mr and mrs kelly left by au evening train for the east carrying with them hearty congratulations thiir home will be in acton ontario of whjch town mr kelly is one of the lctuling merchants the bride is a sister of mr and mrs john cul len of fortyfourth street and emerald avenue tho gkrdeh ps rty at town ilnfl btar jrewtc grand success o itwitb uou of tb ev alng i ttiero vat crowd sndj a ti ost tojoyiblo time pent ttbo vi in uiut choir and soma rockwood triei dt pipvidc1 the muslo proeeodi jh itev j v k tchind predhe4 hit tare well tertsoa is t surjday evening the church wad cr wdodj bis departure it deeply rutrottec mr hector uclein hat resigned hit situation u teie her at letliot school anil will go to knot colleg to prepiro for the ministrj david ivilliamson almost mr house tut tlmi with i as has osfing vice will sunday oclock ler to the hsuge on the circuit cer- hcreafifcr bo held tt ejcren oclock nurnin and fiandsy school at 10 knatcrfbull the fair ncwstiblet and catuo pens are sleo to be erected md many othsrimprove- rrenti made at a ost of one hundred and fatly thousand d liars this years fair will evidently be u great one for copies of the prize list drop a poit card to mr h 1 hill master toronto sad fatal accident thefritndt bets of ifr and ilrs w ii hanson bowmaarilfe were shocked to learn iaxt week evaci accident kbicb betel uasspn tbe ft lea days ago and re- omple 4 p he has for tome time grand itapids micb on i mskiug some tepairs fell and receivedfafjl injuries ilrs hansou and their son anil daughter left bowmau- le at once for lit bediide and were with him when he dfeed last iridsy the re- ousu actou au saturday ir vrl j lot oi rain and mnddy n ads the holidays of the public schools start next fridsy mr robert wilton of noswaweya has returned home from a lwo week visit to friends in lucknow he stites that fley had a fearful storm there a i week ago itst thursday night the wheat in the mlt of the storm wss levelled to tto ground and from ihe recent ispid rrowfh and telder ness of the straw he does uot think is will stand up again mr and mrt duncan cttnpbcli otjfiin- cordine ore spending a eoipla ot trsekt with friendt and relatlvet inptttageoya lit henry heta of ptitltv forraewy resident of kastagaweya ctitlod no triendi at knatchbull this week spring wheat is coming out in bead and will be a great crop tbit year it the weather comet favorable after this v xickhn accompanied tad errand mr hanson was for niady ye tr engineer at the upper canada furniti re companys works at uowmtnville aojl left after the destruction fire tho family have here lnheir aflliction of the factory i much iyavputhy senires tit slfoifjifts church ery intereslng and impressive services were held in st josephs church on suo day and monday when over ooe hundred communicants approached tbe iltar the service of thelejhildren on occasion jong to be remem- a number of hymns suit able for the occi sion were well sung by thj children a doett av y effectively irtndered b itockwood aoel miss ht tyrall the children tod ttfeir friem urned to the basement where an excelli nt repast bad n prepar- thc ladie of the parish rruric fpeecnes etc was deep feelings df gratitude f damortler now of guelph formeijly tho pastor and who was instrumental irilhe securing of st joseph cburcb were expressed a handsome gold medal j the guelph lltrciirij eaytf thu mott valuable snd hindsome medal presented it the annual convocation at albert college belleville this veek was tbe one eiecotsd wool wool hidhert prioa in oath or dry goods will be given ceietny quantity epod mercbtnuble root wk hcleou cbv ceorgetcrtro cometoonand often the recent raint hare kneickod down tha fall wheat and barley considerably mr edward darby of knatchball it putting a new roof on bis barp j last sunday wot tho dote of tba con ference year when all the minister who are to change circuits preached their fare well sermons itev 3i vv hitching of rockwood preached his first tarewelltcr mou last sunday he id ouo of those geuitl kindhearted ministers and wat highly esteemed by ill who know him never was there more sorrow and regret over any young preacher in parting mr kitching has tho prayera of gods poople to accompany him to hit bitw field of labor tbe patront ot indutti y of bloomsbury associttion no 530 eletid their officer at last meeting as followi rrestdeut jai gordon vleovrestilentclson lie uutbtln secretary john mcgregoil trcasurertbos vvujoi audltortjolm uarts a id ii sictavisb outdedavid ijoekcr beatlneidavld agoow utnervaulcs karah b wilson demeteruim aeelo xll4 mr wm kitchiog and mr franklin rtmsbaw accompanied by mrj and mrt peter matalet of actojupe sunday with friendt in rincardi lj j a large number of the ettront of indus try of ntsstgaweya atlidded o picnid at tbe o a c gnelpu lt jthnrsday the day was somewhat ddlin tho morning but tamed out fine tbe it noon it wat and j exohahaos a tladeut at corners mr grayt ot the at corners wat a standing the damp fin was avetts sarpijllla hundreds of atkallet bloodpurifleri ar tie letdlnb pbjril- clainlnttilttifpro- icribe kjttt sarta- ikrllk hart 4old tssftttjsssas u a blooei medlcli superior it for ithteon yoon and liavo ilia ulghctt icitnrd- for iu healiij qi almond if d dtuijiit w regard for iu healih ttlk let fn input ot recommendlok pfonrlelary medicluet for irid llllea l tbertyva ajer remedies in uiltjpirt of the bute matkev that those pr laratlong are not so good as avars l well-kaon- of is mcognlzed lnthefaolll- coilauntly appearing in the lb tbo profcaslon ajets it now and always bhoii iio superloc medlclna foe tbo c re ot all diseases originating in impu s wodi its record o wonder- ful eyes dur the paafr60 years ir guarantee tliatit food enfoyin tnvublortpuut6n onuralllioiigli i am if pfonrleury medlclnet for irid jot 1 uoaot iietluto to look favorably on lucli tt preparations as ayott garupartllii anil avers 1t rslyiuiirorppimruoiia a blliniisou jr mr lister wmmffliewd with a severe ease avers gartadarllla as xng tlio best bloodpurlll lids medlolm tad t complete uto vu lie rciulrr i reeommewl a wr gattsntrilla to ray euijoi elsni are mini it in their rctioic h lov cures others and will cure you medicine it fn the iubit imlnate use ible sfandtrd these are c f thompton l scrofula our doctor reeothmeuded within ds experlenie we psre her win 0 jcnklnf dewecje neb rs in preference to tur other i ptij-sl- igstst malu it ualbu tews ayerssarsa pnptred by dr lq arerd hai cured others the traders bank qf tjaad procaadlngt of th gayanth annuat aanarsil msattnkof shareholclara held t lt bnfcrij haute in toronto on tdatdy tha 2toi juna 1832 1 the iretident haying taken the thair metsrt u p beljen andje bkrtjefind were appointed ccrotiiicers and urst calhy teoretary saves in it4l i your director ha is plejsare in tc bmit ttmg to thelharehjoldertlhi tcoonpnylnj md the bank i ii bad but dare is always known rdckwood a hue bill clhb was week friclare ou satu fohn chased the mileod baild a ttore resident and front palling ilawd tl 5 old trout a roa id doze i of pa ills from itockwood school re jtrrit ng at t e entrance eiamm atioo at gaeipb this week affrw dnme 1 whojthot himseltten or twelve e ayt igo itttill alive though in ti very dangerait jondiupo atonotltr meuryj tltadet of town line ern colli foot bali force at brain dr dryden ljk hat hit new he hat made orgauircd here iut the 6rt imporjtant event was the of ope i f john iticlitrdsons fingers dayevi otng innit o jr popiur tailor hat par propertjs ho will afterl led witli another youth ttoi mticl at jsprtogo with tach to ctuj slight cuncauian of the uearued holiday last weeat dr g f ucculloagri arecent gradual i of ti ronto took char jo of his practice th i pworlt lex goo soag sec rice ito a day evei log wa a most iateretciagoocastoa the church as nicely decorated with floweri the ttoval templtrt of tempcranc have ne rly do ibled their numbers sine jaoatrj mrt 6 daffeld bat returned to rock wood to rcsido mrt a can pbell acton mrs j camp bell uaoitoa man mr d campbell gait mr ant mrt ryan georgetown luted own di ring the week statement of the affairs of tho 81st may 18jt after making fall provision for and doubtful debit credtrtg uterttt to date on all uterttt bearing aooaanti and reserving tceruei interest oa outstindlug deposit receipts tterhog exchtuge ct j the not profits of the year aujaautoxt to j0747 being 10lt ocj ueary w pee an the paid np cipiui to this balaaco at credit of profit aud lots last yes t5lku mafcinj in all kfithom ippra priated as followt vis olrldcad no it trceir cnt pay g2- cent idded j lowell mail will cure you ortistenlly advertise and prosper new time fable went into effect on ofoubay oa tha qtlt tha most impor ttnt bhange t that of tha chicago eiprest wht i stops hern at- 710 am instead of- 610 it formerly the other indus vary only a few mfaatet lgood joko it told by- theigaoiph sla urjoa tha head of tho patrons of ind stry ercanioq to guelphltst thart day j it styt a pramlneat pitizen had the ardihnod to ask an oldtime resident if hi jwoa a granger in connection with the eici rt ion to the college th3 answer wot pro iptand decided no sir f am a drofeyteriaa j i ready go well try watch igin and waltham watches dur nrfecrare reasonable 1 i us as we make a spetialty of repairing sayage co bueiph iityejust passed irto stockiajob lot of 500000 worth of able 1st uoceiabcr vol ltju st pr dlvldead ko uttroo per eeit akle 1st juue 1ktj i 1 adjod to rctacooubtli siax ct vrltten off omeoxuruiture account 71070 tl ilalsneo at credit of firont and lots t carried orward ifu 9j eosjiso 63 deposits show an increase of oj7a733j i t over those of last year which may oa con sidered tatisfactojry in view of tlio fact that rates of kiterest aid were louver than thosei of former years i the different olticcs of he bank iijclod- ing the head office havo a 1 1 been inspected ouceor oftener daring lire year andj con tinaolo receive careful supervision tho officers of the bank have dlsch irged their respective duties to the satisf tcti on ot the board alls lneiui stati mxkvi president hem- sist liar 1bi aluvidv capital stock lld up itest account 1 dividend xolspsilo ut june 1 former dividends i un- lid i interest accrued on dc iiottt receipts t itataneo of vrofits car ried forward notes of tho bank io cir culation deposits bcarui est deposits not betriic it terelt balance offeuts dalaum due to btiir bonks in ctnsdtl etailiooco jsicm to ism oo no 1c 107 a iwi ai m3rj 71 due jijajtxi moljji xi- niitn n titn ki jfriend in need fit dakville reported that it wat on gatherings ever at that it ititati by mesert savige i co gaeipb for ur ii p moore o tbo acton fptce ptnrs member of tb board of mioagement of tho college the medal wit solid gold the front beini a circular dome on whi h was engraved 1 ie college arms surround d by a laurel wratb the medal proper de pending from i cross bar bearing tbe wor is presented by ii p moore acton the reverse side se forth the ttaiding requind by the winner of tlie medai awardid for ueneral pre ociency in the third yetx of collegiate com se at albert college bel e- vilje mr va a chant tcuof revj chant of viet us wss the yosng man w io secured the m dal and it waapretentcd ly rev priucfpi i dyer he will nodocbt appreciate it for its artistic beauty t id value as well as for its significance as in iudex to hit high ttudipg iu bit college coarse serertl h mdreds of iqbscriptioni to thafixi pcitb expire will tha prate nt utne will 1 1 whose labeh cad iar 92 or an earlier c ate kindly r qew their is tcritjtiojj at t aee of tia largett go to 8ymoa tha je 4 the gen- tights th continiiod wet wjalher ut promot ing tha growth ot weed i at trill at the more valaable plants ai d it it bow in season that thopathmuts rtuiroqjruaatlae country bo remiaded of if ftct jthat thu it the time to annihilata ihem i dtalert in tobaeca ngart and cigar ettes are finding it torn rhat diftleoltto keep on the safe tide of ho lw in the matteroftalestoboytof li yean and under one man ttyt it it attnishlng haw old wme boys kre for the ime they here lived it cosi but little ant yet it paytfevery time to ulrutim in tha rnte pma the reosoo it that every week t goe into lundi of people who read tod a tfford to bay try it now no man tx i got tich by wajt ingtorachancotoffoatt johanas right into hit workshop h h4 f oat and hattle for it the rates trejts ijtiabia wih a yon ooatider the valae of tha iw eu i adterthrioi mediarn it vjll py yda large caogi egationt assembled in the method st chi rch on sunday to hear iter f w warno of calcutta india preach in the mornit he preached about tba life and toe te with such etruettnet t and ptthot that m by were moved to tears in tbe evening h i lectured on india telling tome strange startling heartrendering taiogt about t io customs and the religion of that benlgb ed laud he said the great est difficulty niuioutriet hod was to get tho natives to believe that they- were tbete tor their gooil that they had left hoove friends and c iuntry for their saket it ho said was be great reason that there were fofow a aversions daring tbe firstfaw yetrs of a mi siontrya work mr wcrbe it the putor i the largett english speaking congregation fn calcutta and pretiding elder of the c sluutta district ot the bengal conference iio has been attending the general conl iccuce of tbe m e church of thousat imaha neh he left ok- villo on tuei lay to visit his friends near acton and o l saturday leaves for his jour ney back tc india where he expects ito arrive tome t ime in aagait mr and m i williams ot glen- williams visited at thi home of mr and mrt john fortter over 3 anday on friday liaat itejv mr marshall called on frieadt in town he wat on hit way home from i inert citlefja belleville lawn ten iftseen t to bo the order ot the day hete 1 here it ume talk of forming a clab j i on friday ereninitheyoaugadiet bible class at the fcthod itt church and teachers of the saudi y school met at the residence of dr tnd ifrt luskin to spend i social cvenin i witl mist bethel the bibla class teach ir pr tioat tlo her deptrtare fijom town mist bethels departure wilt i be deeply ume i ied especially by the members ofber class uho will i not can not forget tha truthi t ight by her kits b intends making her home in london uttry pray ers aa f goo wishes will follow her th gov irnor generals body guards mircr ed th pugh oht town on friday afiter noon i ait they pitched their tent oa the wettiide 0 the creek and camped over night a leveu oclock tha following morning th ly broke ipeamp and proceeded to kakllto i tlity will return via oak rille n ioi i foctor jnltv wewoaldjjldge there wece ughtyormore mounted horse a ik gold sua sliver cola ctrrcut t dominion govefumeat demand note j votes tad cheques of tther ptaks baltueea duo frocu other bahks balaaco duo from kew york treats dominion goverujnedt debeuturet deixxit with dominion gorenimeut lot security of nbto eirculattoo call aud short loans oer stocks and bonds j j bills discounted current l kotet discounted overduo tloss fully prtrvldod for eoareslos ttaa n reso 4flt0t3 icfidta btj75 xm ot msmto i lutjoo i fc 513 01 iintioa xx 06 loii so siiuo 30to 31 ii s sriutitr ieucral ktaacer r i i isolations were patted tnd directors for the iortfftsjesoareal ostatasofel by tho bank 1 bank premises iicludlog safes of flco furniture etc 1j i ade glothing drygbods suits and odd towallln inmcntyoatht b pants tfcklner x cottons cotlonades shirts spelts suspenders hiit sand capsj j ere johnnie your mother doesnt rstand why i am able to get oat my washings inicker and nicsr than the take this tablet of sunlight sosp tall her to use it sceording to direelfouv mi she will soon 6nd oat why my wash have been done quicker and better hers tell her also that this toap wilt keep her hands nice and toft and do nt shrink flannels and is to lotting thi itt it the cheapest as well sstho best totfisho can bay which- we bought at i 65c on tnd childrens i 1 shirt n8f r tweedi tovtls try our aushrinkablo natural all wool uel joqk newtos soxslimehaase i 13 elected wi bjill gaelprijwm d warrtn tor- men thu towm y j peopl torouto mist the usntl the following ensaiog year mekenzio toronto c onto w j gage toro ito john drynkn toronto robert thomson hamilton- j w dowd tirotjlo j at a subsequent meeting of dlrectora r bell of guelph was elected president and wm mcknzie vicpresident i i dcepi thousands in rewards tho great woefclycompotlop of the ladles homo masarjrje which word iu his advertisement spells tbe same backward at fornard this is a rtro opportunity j for every madam and uiss every father and son to secure t tplerdid prize weekly phizes every week throughout this great competition prizes will bo dis tributed as follows j tho first corfect answer received tlio postmark date 6a each letter to bo taken as tha date received at the office of the taffies woie itagaziac etch and every week daring i632 will get 1200 tbo second correct answer tloo the third s0 fputth abeautiful tilver service fifth five oclock silver service and the next 60 correct answers will get prizes ranging from 25 down to 2 every fifth correct antwer irrestiective ot whether a prize winner or not will get- a tpeeial prize competitor residing in the southern state at well at other distant points have sn equal chance with those nearer homej at the postmark will bo oar authority in every case roles etch lilt of auswert matt accompanied by fi to pay for tir montht tabtcription to oae of tho best home mtgazines in america p b a band favored i our with an excellent pcogrammo of chi foe n atio on friday evening last mr i jo io alton retaraed home last thar idty a ter tpetiding three montht in the ti r vta t she lookt a if the climate hid igrae with her mr wm moore who pot tx an tea montht in the north retnftied with her b anderson tnd k j robia sitendld the aunivemtry tcrvicet in chnuh milton oa sunday rerebexceatflthejiekics oe main- ane it well able to carry oat iu pomiet peterboaraaghj cahida ttna a tplendid ptpec ind financially ttrong- hitttugt canada ow every prize winner will be irjre to reoeivo jots what he it entitled to ocwood ctnadaici7isin- money thbald b tedt by past offioe otdar or regittered letter addrett the ladkt float ifa3euuiefeterbocoaghcaaida yd l will find tt big a stock oc new dress g odt oa oar shelret today at any two or ll eo ttoret in the city pat together coald pi idace andyetoar dretrgoodt trade tt t season hat been something enormous ft ly double what it jiat ever been before s me applies to the drcstmaking doptrt- ot where trade hat btea cue coatinaaat huh howdpweacooaattorthit simply a p solely becadia wo deserved it baii- js is vtryexocting a merchant getsno in 6re of it than ho deserves the increase chasiaett shows the inpenority of tbe goods department wa forced the de so to speak because wa coald suit tomers the best repeated parchatee ve kept burttock fait aud fresh with average storekeeper this is the time or tearing sale when old shelf lines are tiled oat to tea tbe light of day ones re wo prefer to tpek ut oa new and flihionable goods we have beea and a i tvlug meariag 8ala right afodg la s i iiet way wo are selliug drett goods at k and loo pec yard that are worth threa fmetthemoney whereverlhereiik line a ttlo hard to niove down his cotxie the fcioe aud outi it- goes but at goods isirahle goods tcirca goodt o far as the ode generally goea it the theme of oar ritiug today apply this to whatever ne you like it holdt good saminei faathing silks silk gceuodiuts tha black soodt department fancy cottamet french deltrnet american challiet french satteeai cambrics liwntfriatt no matter what all showthe freehnett tnd bloom of new goods f- tho warm weather hat itimalated the ieraand for light fabrics the cheapest smbcoidery and lice flounciugt we have fver ihown we thow thitisaton white yashiug laces of many different makes inter largely into the nukeup of white summer prettet we show a hoot of er- l jellent liaet takeitalliaallweheaitata not to lay that yoar iateretta will be best served by baying yoar material from of and letting one dressmakers make up the the very licit coitams yaa may want scm 17 w thle time youcon i yourdrugsiprescriptions perfuiheryi c l3atfrgiswithcp disperisinf gtiemists guelph ont rlii euiiijones mechanicals general wood engraving i0king steasttoromto sentihim your orderi fof aay class oie wood engraiying yoii desire wett kejurt ion kooi kim rdt influent t th d sttrtou ld8 will intert teeth at so and 8 per iet for next three montht if yoa dont wont it made it ap by at bay your material aayway we newr aah the dressmaking department we t that take eareot iltalf bay yoar oerial from at and get it nude wherever yoa like kotrthatsilkt ara aijd to much again foe drew imalerial our black sdktof pare mtseand reliable wear should draw yoa to leathern 7- extraction fret special care givea to filling offioa bcatlhewt block acton yodcangejit good coand euh din coopt on yoar ijoou i 4 shoet at kanney bros acton i vlewt of iny building retldenoabi section ot tua lovu riitde tt any lima tnc kept oa haild intuit h buisiliw scotch twefed e r boilbet cfco 35 4 27 lower wyadham st grtjelph quelpb largest and 1 we hav lotliha 1 finest assortmehtv i ever shown ii f sh4w grundy mm i

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