Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 30, 1892, p. 4

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1 e toit tee ffrcss trirnstiat jukem tn notes here kmd there fre itumi of general ts rr vorkcxc ro vovr it ft ortliltioytt til jelhtt tly it it bkhac to yai tlrt tlir dnititth thoald die u t douiinf o tpo tlit lit tnrccti sxv rain tlifct ttiilr ui 1 1 tnftrr vw htwatfit to htt chain ts ft ttotlunc to jca tbit the tmrt oc htc wife ubrofcreln ombd hirtfabft ta4 tttife f t nolbldc lo ttt hu chlmrtn lack breed ea it dotfcloc to jroa that ht botue dr h bs u it aothloc to ioa that ui deui wlinc bowl r hfe loir bit mlad wd ht tfoal t it doqc to 0 thai ui vials romj- ftdw la catioc tbe tcili oi cur ual to 6erflow it u ttauiiac to yo that the ytmsnc of oar lend arr ecrroended by datnyra oa terr bind when tt drial curw tiuinuty qlplttbd w ou will yra tell tua lit uouudf to yuti t it u totnetlilnc to you for aactittbat yon know yar lojtuictt i next foaaceutnb to the foe it itcosmkttelo joot jcu tun not the hour kkhea one that yog love mar fall neatb the vwtt of the mtfttit i tut roll lit dethaof the bowl boon ooo to bo cmtbed in i hldvon old tba op anj be doing irtt deeply you me tbat tret job thought that twa nothing to you it if oneihiactd we matt do liat i may tfce little it le for to litttcn tbedcy wtwa king alrohola throco ilnll totter aad fall aol the 1tc of the winecup be looked from ma thrjl it ii aouitihiuc to you it u tome thic to me and veil tj abi well work that our itnd maj be free froia tbe rlnie coi that rot in the ltfitu of tbc ten and we vttl rot pre oer till the tlctbrji von with ocr fftmto tbe foe v rill cocmr ordir it u tctnetbtac to ot and v vul not im br literary lines six hundred thousand oopie of bn- ndrhato been told tbc author geo is wftiuae fau lreftd received im000 in rcyfclty three toot o chtrles die tea re living chulei if editor of all ox ytr arovml alfred teupyton i a merchant jo uel- boarne tnd kdvird bolwer ltu ehp ftrmer and coember of parliament in new south wale birth xtv give the portrait of edar wauoa hove editor of tbe atktnaon gluttf and jlghkt of tbe btory of a country town by which be baa won rant at a writer of american fiction an article in tbe edinburgh fork classed bim among tbe halfdo7ea foremoat wtiteri of that tind of literature hi rotootcript was refesed by j r osgood ca and after- ward afked for bylbem itii now printed by houpbton mifikn co he is 37 years old never sever be afraid to talk to ttrangers on tbe subject of religion never tttp over oce duty to perform an- ouier never u jmpatitot with tbe children kerer frgefi that god cees yoa keter tay anything abont others that yoa would not like to hare aaid a ho at yoa never grow weary io well doicfl never cosclode that a man has io pood in him because be does not think jont aa yoa do never worn- about trouble that have not yet borne iu eight never do anything tar mere effect never be discouraged about anything as long as yoa believe that god lives 7auta horn the way to the poor house is this the way to tbe poorbouse asked one man of another aa be pointed in a certain derection no bat this is answered the other as be pointed to a whisky flack sticking out of tbe inquirers packet the aoawer wat fcurely tery cor rect the whitky bottle is what drives many people to the pocrbonse it makes them neglect their business it teals their earnings it gives them bad habits it clothes them and their children in rags and robs them of their dairy bread yes and as last it robs them of their tools fraokiiowtote the following letter to a man to whom he was leading some money i send yoa herewith a bill for ten louisdors i do not pretend to give such a som i only lend it to yoa when yoa fehsll return to your country yoa can not fail of getting into some kind of busi- nefs that will in time enable yoa to pay your debte in that case wheo yoa meet with another hcnet man in similar distress yon must pay me by lending this earn to him enjoiniog bim to discharge the debt by a like operation when he shall meet with another opportunity i hope it may then go through many hands be fore it meets with a knave to stop its pro gress this it a trick of mine for doings deal of good with little money what is forgiveness u ib tbe odor which flowers yield when trampled opon not to be bluffed a young saleswoman in a dry goods store who had jntt bold a quantity of goods to a lady acted will ou hac the goods eeiit or take them with oa do you eiptct that i am goiog to carry a bundle like that efcia the chopper in dignantly oh no madam answered the sales woman re it trees of htrttlf i e opposed your carriage was at the door and that yoa might prefer to take year purchase with yoa and she fcored one on the the victorious side rif yoa want firefclaes guelpb essband doors at gaejpb prices t klbioe can fill your order at his planing mill press rusders rcoommeod sttts truly woddctful remedy bt jacobs jtl to every one who it suffering from ttu irjanlntm with maj effected by it u from modern truth we are jjwaoually iy marreuoacj cures vyhite the above it t is an ancient act for the care of rtcm 8fi jacobs oil hti no equal lmbrtke aeetns empty young man he is always tali if yoa want to bay vertite in the topqtd or sell a farci ad paper reaches 100wo farmers 1 he udlej tise pleasaut effect with which ladies maj make it their favorite ant to tbe eye and to effectual iu acting on boweli every man thinks afford better thiogn sik months from now c c uicniciis a- co genls i sprained immediately applieoi 1ient freely and in my leg as well as ever i bridcenater n interest to to be yoa a ainialarly wrotij him rrwy uau that homes every wk and yoar tdvertisemeutkhoalj meet the eye of somec ae who wants pur- chase advertisements of this class serted in the toronto freiy lai for five cents a word each ioacrtton or twenty cents a word for ave insertion address the llsil toronto c toada if the devil had t stay outside of the church he would sooqgtre up d woo a raged tfellcutni fud the perfect safety use the liquid fruit latativfe syrup of tis under all conditions remedy it it pleas- the last gentle jet the kidneys uver and he will be able to my teg so badly that 1 had to be driven hone in a carriage i minards uni- s hours could use jol wsriitt that string bring homo a bottle 1iekt your finger means ofminaudblini- fogg saggcctk thstklie reason why fish is brsin food is because fih go in cchooli farts aboutjidyrpctttia wrong action of tbe stomach and liver occasions dyspepsia dyspepsia iu tarn gives riee to bad blood both these com plaints are rarable bi b b b which acts on the stomach liver bowels and bloodaod tones and strengthen the entire system thus positively curing dyspepsia cousti pation bad blood anc similar troables t wife who had bee i sitting op for a do linfqenthasband are you crazy have yoa been going about the streets with your umbrella up this starlight night weary husband thats jisf it dear its the start perfect avalanche of em so put ambreiia tbooght people woold think i was intoxicated if i oidnt painful barns braises scalds and cuts are quickly soothed and healed by victori carbolic balve u a yoong lady in tilling about the pleas ares of her last vacation said yes we had a splendid time three other yaasar girls and i took a tra up through the adir- ondaca did he hive a good time too asked one of the listeners he exclaim ed the young lady rwhom do yoa mean the tramp that ypa took through the answered the gentle- quietly tised to relieve hat adirondack man public speakers acwra and vocalists find and state that er tbomaa kclectric oil relieves hoarseness and irritation in thi throat better than reciedies specially adver difficnltv this oil has a wide scope eidce it caret external harts corns sores f roe t bites piles and a variety of other unhealthy conditions kitty was studying tier sundayschool lesson and one of the learn was walk in mottoes she had to the way of good men mamma she fcaid thoughtfully papa is good mao isnt re certainly my dear well i don yoa alwtys tell me way bat he is a good walk in the way of good men is pretty queer see what it means bot to get in papas map and this says i think it are yoti deaf or do yoa suffer from noises in the bead then send 3 cent stamp and 1 will send a ralaable treatise containing fall particulars costs comparatively a splendid jvork on deafness and address prof g cnxse montreal for home care which nothing the ear i saw the glibbest to ogoed lawyer j ertfr heard stack for a clerk of a ooort in arkvnsits how did it happen v asked the stranger from new york wby you se responded the cleric tbe lawyer aaid that liar and the word was polonel crane wis a no sooner oat of his him an he never raoatb than the colonel whipped oat his bowieknife and stuck spoke after that prompt potent and permanent results pi if barns aromatic always come from qaioiue winp d sallivan malcolm ontario writes i have been selling lr thomas ecjectric oil for some years at d have no hesitatioa in caving that it has riven better satisfac tion than any other nedicine i have ever sold i consider it tie only patent medi cine that cures more tjhan it is recommend ed to cure- thomas jefferson dent that occurred on homeward when he tjas vice- president of the united states tpe landlady of a hotel where he stayed had tbe faneval of a young jefferson said she tion of knowing that i very thing was done for him which could b s done he was bled sirixandlwfruty tines imiicm ii i we wf re allnwed b jook into the future and see the fatal conuqnences that follow a neglected cold how differently would oar ceurse be could we how speedily we woud seek a cure but with many it i only disease bat fastened lungs that we ajvaken follows a neglected oot is it pot diseases of tbe tbroat and longi bronchjtis asthma codcamptiod and raai y other diseases of like natare it it won neglect a cold and it some good remedy available faz this fre quent complaint onejof tbe moct effica- cioos raedicfaes for of the raott efilca- m diseases of tbe vthroet andlaogc isbicklea antonsamj tite byrop tbit med purest rmoncett betr erenl medidnd betbe which etert t moct wonrferfal fnfladaea io onrfog ooo- camption cad otber dilate of the idagt tad cfaect h promote ft free cud euy ei- pktontion lootha irtiulioa tnd dnvei the dittut from tbe wtn kliunlt unlmcnt ue bnc thrm ttilnn la remcniw- lioodt birmptrilk hu th mcxl meritj iloodt btnpitlll liu ou jncqttue4 10mu lloadi stnipttilli tacotupllilim ha n kit carti ii it not tlio medicine cor yon i cooitlpitiun ii cmic4 hy aupt tha per iiuitlo notion at the tiovel hpodc pilll rwt ico tliii notion ludinviiirtta the liver sli detr i eccliiraed ilrt l whew o world did i pat hit reel tit u t i vrcry wrtful when i pat it wy i hv it flied in my ralad where i puced till it fixed in yoac mind did y repli led fogg bat nerectheleek yoa now icea to bo mlied in yoar miad id it aav ko irticto tiket hold ot blood diieuei likejnorthrop a lymtne vegtubto die- covtry it orkt ike tdtgio 111m 0- tomato wrike i lure to think yoa or whit northrop a lyrnmi vegetcbu du- oovery hns done for me i hid a lore oa my knee f ltre u the pim o my hiadj md could cct aothine to do lay pood aatll i aicd the dioocry foar bottlee com plelcly cured it i tho third peco ol the toronto i5u sial it noted for wint tdrrtliemcat if yau wnnt to buy or icll inytbing if yoa int ktitattion a meehtnlo a buci- ne mtchincry lodging if yoa hive lott or nand anything or if yoa wtnt to sad oat nhereanyouo ii tdrcrtiioin the to ronto dally slail and read ths advertiao menta on the third pact of hat paper ths charge ii two centa a word each in- aertioo addreci the ilail toronto can- adti fear weiometimci hear a man bout of ncrcr having known fear bat it ii aa idle vaunt it canuot be ttae bat it it vcreit vonld bespeak him leai not more manly one of the bravctt aoldierf confecc ed to having felt torture ot fear in hit grit battle yet lie afterward awerved not an inch and hiioomradu thought bim utterly fearless nit courage kept him firm in tho path of duty despite hit fears wliea baby m rfefc rro paw herfjastorta wkb she ka c chill rui cril tor cutorli wbea the bcamfkto cb clunffto owtorit wo aos cad diilrca ibe zin tba oaatodi ppw 1 p m el oeika meit8 remedy st jacobs oil the qreat remedy for pain cttbxs i rheumatism 8prtlni bcvliei cuu woaotfl 8ormeti sllffneii swtjungi biakiohe ku- rilgti colttlot burm rlcsa voqkler company baltimore md 0ndltn dpoti toronto ont vatmrukmadilqcbfiimaaiit i troxmmendfitui qrwlouijprscrlpuott taotstome l t- taarnlt d oi ordst iooklrs k t tha om lot oskorta ic so onlrersat and iu meritx ni nil kfamra that it aeema a vorfc tateuifuc mala atari uwcutors ilbeodorwlt tevantlm ti who to not keep oattori islosmnmr dd m sewtorkottr bttorsiedcsiarca fsru i ad oh whatacougri will you heed the warning toe sigval perhaps of the sure approach pt that more terrible disease consumption atk yoar eclve if yoa can afford foe tha take ot aving 50c to run tbo risk attd do nothing for it we know ram experienco that ehilobs care will care yaar cough it ctcr fail torrington schoolmaara was trjing to impress the small hoy with the meaning of the word better to illustrate she asked kow if you were sick and a doctor came and gave you eomo medicine what would yoa be dead wat the tfneipeeted shilgrts consumption cores thu jueat cough cure this successful consdiiption cure is without a parallel in the history of medicine all druggists are authorised to sell it on a positive guarantee a test j that no other care can successfully stand if you have a cough sore thrort or bronchitis nse it for it will cure you if yoor child hat tbe croup or whooping cough on it promptly and relief it sore if yon dread that insid ions disease consumption dont fail to use i it ic will care yoa or cost nothing ask yoar druggist for shilohs cure price locts socts and 100 if yoar lunge are sore or back lame use bhilobt porous plaster 23cta sick beadache caused byj excest cf bile or a disordered stomach it promptly relieved by using kational pills a reliable ijeoord of tbe worlds progress giving invalaable ii formatlou on hundreds ot subjects ihiitoi ictlj relijioas mercta tile household and arm facts statistics hints and hit are dealt with ereryons should have a copy bent on receipt ot a three cent ttamp iy t hilburn d co dont delay at tho supply toronto ont it limited nevermind mel said urt jones be fore she was married and that is exactly what her hatband pid jsfter lie honeymoon was over dame hat convinced ms ly that to use any ot tbe substitutes offe ed for tbe only surepop and painless corn curs it attended with danger get alwi jt and use none other than putnams p dnlcat corn extractor for tore producinf substitutes are offered jast as good at pc iams corn extractor safe sure piinlesi it it safe to ase rwmtns worm pow dtrt at they act o dy on tho wormt and do not injure uib chil 1 when i go a see my darling iu tho 1 ammock i love to sit because b r little brother cant p t bent pins in it guc pu gossip ward once said tbe fed to relate n inci one of his journejb just returned from relative but mr 4ve have the coosola- plfflsy realize our danger when the mobster its fangt npon cur o our folly what mj keene these are the times when i wish i were a man hr eene for in stance mrs kcene wbi n i riasa a mil- linens window and trjibk how- happy i could make ray wife by giring her a new bonnet dnnnvllledolurs gottleurs i had a headache for a long timeandseeingburdo kblood bitten advertised i- got a bottle tn it not only relieved me at the time but i live not been bothered since with headacie and think i have teen the last of it uiroib hicxs dunnjille out canada is being congratnli ted everywhere on the excellences of her manufictacea art stained glass is prorfinenlly in be front mnk of her improvements thanks to mccausland son of tcronto who far ojears have labored not oily to aoeama- lsle miney but to make stained and orna mental glass of all kinds p credit to the dominion diun smsl i nave been troubled for over a year with ick beadache and sick stomsch nptltio did me any good antil i tried b b b w lich made a perfect care before i had finii led the first bottle l recommend aa t safe cure for headache to all myfnebda miss axkie ilcncltr gnelph ont and that it til er ore it it 7 said ilra suaggt at the era nined a piece of curioat looking mineral yes ray dear replied herhasband aid how do they get the silver out tlsy smelt it well tbata queer tb added after applying her nose to the ore i smelt it too but didnt get anv silv x cosdltmon ctleed sympathy dear friend is aotect but the best brand of sympathy does not consist in going td eee a sick person and cheering him up by bragging that yon never felt so well in all your life cesars famoub veni i vidi vie came 1 saw i conqueredj might be an appropriate motto for ayerjs sarsaparilla we charge nothing for the suggestion this grejat bloodpurifier conquers wherever it cornea and is now absolutely without equal in tbe world she ftr the wedding lets extend our wedding tour to utah eo me can see salt late city he giod idea i left take tbe bridesmaids along hie lkst knov deiu sms 1 can recommend dr fow lers eitrkctof wild strawbfrryfpr summer coinplainland diarrbcoi i have nsed it iu my family for two yearn for children and adnlts willl the greatest shtisfaorion mib fluyt boils autio ii e than tntdnest to i folly not to have cine is composed df yoo want jrauir cbfctaeit b llnops flanneila always tweet clean jnowy white you want tho jim p cfanejtho easiest jcha plean- est trie quickest the- aheap- 5 1 1 scjrprise soap trie sur- c prise way without bolllngor g scalding gives these rsulfs in a ifr john buckwl conjaieroe toroot i sukred for over foot meal without ady oti formerly sxperienoeq aflaardtualouatujttie ants and children oaetorfa cores oolte oeostttiatlaii bour btomaca cttrrbma eructation worma gives sloep and pratootet dt- wll ioslnj urtous medlcauoa for toreral renrt i hare wcommetytel roar csstorla aad shall airays coutiauo to la to as it has invariably produced banaflckl nsttltt eotik f piantt k d i k kewtorkcitj tax carries ooarurr n if intaxr staarr kct voaa flgnres piperlcucc an old phyticiai j retired prom practice having had placed a his haddt by an east india missionary i be formats pf a simple vegetable remedy i r the trmedy and per manent corej of co isamptioa bronchitis catarrh asthma i ad all throat and lang affections ajao a p titive and radical care for nervoas bebilii y and all nervous com plaints after bavi ig tested its wonderful curative powers in lhoasandt of cases has fell it bit duty to n tka it known to all hit suffering fellows lqtuated by this motive and a deaire torelhra human suffering i will tend free of chi rge to all who deairo it this recipe in gern an french or english with foil directioi t for preparing and oiing sent by m h by addressing with ttamp naming thi i paper w a novxs 820 powers block rochester n y well johnnie ojyou mtotge to hold your place in yp ir class at school t yetb thir ive bti foot of em all all tbith year 5 wormt derange tbe whole tyitti mother grave worm exterminator dj ranges wormt aud gives rttt to tho saffotj- er it only coals tweutyllre cents to try it tad be convinced 42 i pisos cure tor m the best cough medicine b uuiitiiziummrmnm consumption 10ck regulates the stomach llvcrond bowels unlocks fhcsccrotlonapurlflesthc ulood and removes all im purities from c pimple to the worst scrafuioussare eodd dyspepsia biliousneisi constipation headache salt rheum scrofula heartburn sour stomach dizzineiss drapsvrfl rheuaatisa skin diseases bitters dunns baking powder thecooicsbestfriend lahqcst sale fcnda ptlrp pure powdered cases deiu sins i ha ve nted dr fowttrs extract of wild 8 rawberry for summer complaints add a tit a fair trial have proved it a cure cur bath io my own case and others of the fa city liinitta wisp kew dundee ont held up a train bat it wat held up by two little girls and klpnged to the brl so no lives were last impure blood it tl e clan so of innumerable maladies hence ne pf tbe greateabene factors to humtnity vrka the discovery of ayera sarsaparilla which more than any other medicine hi i saved america from becoming a nation of invalids hojt weather ress delainot chtllles prinlt tttdsaleeat the very trtarsr ot wash odds eh goodt la slock now colored challijt tt 5 reals whi to mtaafactare some one hat lots money oa them bat theres no plunder la them foe as this is plai be picked up every day tha pits if going clown fts dangerous delh1 cost 5c jre didnt ta eannat jdelty it nes have bo ran hit summer ind deservedly to ihtre ft nothing prettier or more tervictble go where yoa raty yoa pti not find a nicer variety than we show la- hit una think ot a pr ly delaine at 12o and hen imagine ho lovelinett ot a goo one i- yoar parte limits yoa we have a big vtriety at is 30 25 0 tad 50 knu prints we open his week a cata of eitra dt fine quilityj colors at 10 cents this it ha regular i2 cent print fjf over the country another lot of bloatet in bit week sati and cotton very cheap tad jast the thing for hs theyre going like ijot cakes and no wonder he rii sells them extra valve in ttainlest cotton hose the color will or rub off sites io caahmere and silt hosiery prini fast bengaline rjat weather ice tod style 25 par cqnt off millinery for he balance ot r r- opt wuh oat e beaton ib jermyn watsh chains jhkintheboy i we have m ttrong aijd handsomely made rolled gold pitta watch chains especially adtpted for boys and yoang men send them to at with t two dollar bill give him a wearable chain v 2 worth of pleasure for that son of yd urs skiajkg 5t co wlelimsken sad rvtuerr guelphjonr 1 watch chains l purest cfrokgcst be8ts etudtforttminrfsf qrnniitr for mawne bocy botteainc wctcr iwiiiuh i h ul a uunorod hhm use acsaeialtiruiimaititujx w gsvrxsl c tstcontatt i teeth teeith rtizfth for tbo acrt uireo nioatba tg00 and jl isjw per tctt perfect fit gniranleod and bcstqmlfty 1 txstirton lds griduato of toronto school of dontffitry and lloyal col i ego of dcutal burgoons orificenort iost office acton uutwioaaw p has the best instrumentsand itccessories r turn s out the best photos irij fie county acton ont corns to enjof s a provincial reputation fpr excellence b if to portraits or anyklnd i can furnish you with the best prelses for country news and job iworktjcj country and at lower pri my fathet bougl t rne ft gold fish for a dollar boasted to nmy hoi 6neered willie i dont bel aval het solid not for a dollar 1 j ihfshcitijvard at the universal jcokery and food ex hibition held in loi dob and opened by tbe lord mayor hay s d 16j2 ifeisrs w g j dunn i co of croydon london and hamilton canada olained tbe highest award for bskiug 1 ou you will uot bo si rr ior hearing before jndging for thirikin leforo speaking for holdiug an angry to gt e for stopping thi ear to a talebe re for disbelieving the illreports for beini k nil to the distressed for bsiog patient i a ard everybody for doing good to all mm for asking pardon for all wrongs far shelving evilof no one for being courteous o ki ites than for any other nevjcylinderl comb td scton snd see our improved country prouty prjss of be had in this of the writes bank of having irears from dytpep- ttle effect i northrop rial i sit and weakttomi b and having tried nuoeroas remedies rilk hat li was at jut advited to gfvo lymans vegetable disiover did so with a hsppy rtaalt receiving bene fit from one bottle i then tried a seooad and a third boiaea a now i find myltppei lite to much re lorea aud stohitch strengthened that i an nartake oft hearty the free press is printed oti me afcove press and the work iress ban do better newspaper of poster work it we have run he prooty toe eight yean and hsuoagec we ran it the bettor we like it it is simple easjrto ran easy to haudle coats little for repairs and it easy oalho printer t poelet book we sail it the best pratt today for the money come and tee oar press at w0jk if yoa desire samples ot work tend for hem and them the sett unp aaaatneif or an 8 col book illustrates itsmerits to be had in the world we will gladly untfah we can give yoa your choice of a number of liferent sizes and styles of prauet at all prices think of it a new 8 col fplipor colqto powerpress for only poo to 570o ressifor 800 full particulars from agent for canada acton ont easy ss-i- wjf hailwav ttmf tabtf j craiid trunk fiailwa ooixo vzmr oorxotuj mill 9 d sjn r4npir btprots iri 51 pm fiitms 1 utll see pm mlll i iaaseatar co v ral lllxoll 1 j imkoy ccana fciuls gchug westr 17ain snd5 p rtm aoiai euw 11 tm and i 6 pm thfrtiluo ikblo wcat info cjfmt on decotunsr tttiwi i lt p i idsjtr ida mi to pm up4b i tkt the mammoth cpeaperi isarnrior saleor drew qopds jaslirn 8owsdmaslin enaroi- deties millinery mftntles jfira- idle soiberyqloietoloamn priiits sateene checied fhirt- ings flinghara wyf linens towellings naperjfiqll kinch qcints urnisbings qsntsibnit- iffgs ileariymade srjdjmcr blblh- iogvrpeu oilcloths cukainv boots and ehoe j j we eave heaps the above aock arid you tiera geauiiie nnoted musjins v i ice dress goods foe 5ciersarl aid21ydg for 8100- we fiave t ie lovlieat lot of dresa ijojods erer exhibited to adiscrimiiiajing p ablrc we haie d clearintj hn a 25c that astonishes the people i ararojs 25c npi i our imillinerydeparlmqni is replete with ail iifie novelties for 6immer decrtratioa j j oat press ailtl jfautie rnaking dspartmentia iabpiendid worlsiog oedferonr dressr equal anjjtbing tpat- can be got ahywhera atidjfat will find atfpng bargains j i hii forjscpeytrd dkv tailoriujilepartmeutj lfetv ejrialps and jiouc surpass ns- vo are anxious to do busidess a id inspection vyill convince you tial we can give yon gen nine bargains t j f and to the farmers wewpuld tmtiy remindj sem tat j we ould like to jhare their wbor i willgive them the highest phcc in cash oh merchandise at cjish prices the mammoth i 6 w mcleod co i oeosqetcww- scientific aaerieu agwcyrtrj tbaim smi dbsiom patb ooptlmohti to iwormauoo imj frie hanelmokwrtw t sdn tool aa eboinwit saw yoma ldsst boreaa for seexsins pates tn m iverf patent tasea out bxa i laiaialittmxois lie foue by a aottee stvea tree ehaqrt 1st ta crpmtclreslucmofaiitaaenuiiopapermths lodd 8plemhdlt nroftrated no lntfttjrect rear lusatx manthtj- adaraa mf mdtie bust umamsl t pleases everybody k mim france wnima est outlook window in- cliristttaidota- forjwsr pro tide nee tele8- x ihebasy uielcy ad ilu oimjal r the conffioonlutttiinkctlhh r tiu no peer la onginajity- of daafn scope ioo icamcy of risoa uorotighnpss la execatfoo iaoiibslutotrtutna td rtidrji tawdtlst csflkf cu ghlcsuro interior rtvirifji itivmr ofscw york has come to tbe rescue n pay people we jmor of one kirk rtiimml wjrciat tqo for a moothtus worked until ty jo dock at night and jvtliai kept well infonoeol ln current world events h e ceadi udi haffuinej nt fives htm a ru nning cdbimenart on uportantl berenu 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