yiritiw nttinsirinwiirtrirrwiiirfniiiifckviainiiibmiri8fffii feiie retail 3free fkess tirorrnr jvlv 7 iscs ffljc ijouttg yolks if kortrer wnrio trsrsnr notes here and there ihurtttto fr ltiv of qtrl pratt rhur t mooict mcm lttcti to tn tltips ty e rtttm frvtlica tlxt feded gowa khr nuu totfcrtlriw tvc m hoqirtrm kiv rcnui ucac tato towti hi fur nt the imci nd the lj witi u intlctit djvvn of hie tired mouth ati a tin moct tit ln4 licr uy p 1 itr ircluct iim bi her ut deem wlitn j ou were hfcr ttic lbre and ij fteftm ilal uic finu tuut hoaw ai uj r 1 when ih tkltvi oa nil to ifevp drt a oct fit tu all to sclcxo au rv tfiti if rtu ini did iuioat atiuim thcgomcb huvr aulto jcaji turulit ciuuc ttocn ihr ltir lictviumt atnllcr ej art pialttc tlieurtvty loo taiiipfn wcc4uic clht oko ctttfse curt it the ciomis itcutcrvill no be bx she ill fde wy into tilenc- tbc 17 other 10 tree l4 jew tiunitlut mill ou do to the dliftt ana mht id ihf ekmlc dim aoj fttbrr tirtxl uj lonesome then lrj htu will jou do lor hltu 1 vu tll to lap jour mother yoa tutit mle fcer rett tlty muit pie lrr a hnrp in the frolic arsldnw her into lt u a ud it ituthir noukl iiten to tiiciwri shed buy lrt couosilk with lbuoui of rorcj teltet and rufllc t htc ti milk and ihed lei jou do tin trotting ti the tt till in theehiir that mother ctuium hrit htrdull throufth it fcuilct trc isat fiir lttirgurtt svngtr thiuttiy la being lr i is i vkocm 8 of all kind iii child ret cty cor it ovr ktetlctt lorf 1 aol a sent kiliag batla riling tvcy tin we wt i ullbarnvbeef troi i end wtnu oom- tif ood by ruyiictuii tt th bcit tholofhotetm redact ryp rctaows wgrm ocidalt children he who uvet ap to 10 purpmo iivi to a bed parpote vtctortk cixbolio bi t care catc barni orec bcatfcr uroaadt chtppel hinc s ind ccld wre trice 8tk iu cfry act the m ct difficalt to picrvo t uitarblcrc 1 hrsh coau uh y cold hotrcnt tm cosfflomttkuct 7 drxo atththk tnd branciitlt cared by dr wood norjciy pine the world syrup the bat in the future 11 parch ucd by the prejeut nothing ki good drin sim i h s ueed vi fowleri eilrtct of wltd strikbern- in my firaily readlnc as education hoy younc tople epcially lho litin in the country have not hid m mini ciccttionil tdcinufci u they vould htvetppteclitfd uat they may themelrr 3 much to remedy de5ctene4ea in this recpect the mind ke the bodyj needa etercife to keep it in hellu and if yon never give attention to anything that requires thoaght yoa will aoon have no povera ot thought lefl f do not mean that for the aake cf the exercise yon chontd read on abetrcce and difficult cubjects in chicb you feel no icteret or that yon should chooce an aether vho expreuea his thoughts vaguely and obecarchv bat if jou have an ioter- eit in history or botany if yon feel any carioiity aboatthe people of other time take that as a eurting point and 00 will find that one book introduces you to another and that to still another and that to auu another till voa will be surprised to discover how far you have wandered on the wide field of knowledge this sounds a very desultory plan of rexdin to recommend bat it is often as unprofitable as it is unpleasant to read on subjects in which yon have no interest and in this way yoa will certainly jearn a fireat deal of coarse if yoa have tome reason for desiring knowledge in one parti cular line and have little time to devote to its acquisition some ruore definite plan of study will be ueeeesry and yon will be obliged to leave unread almost all that does not bear on the one subject but whatever yoa choose dont albw yourself to read in a careless slipshod fashion get a good book on an interest ing subject and then do it the justice to read it well take pains to understand it if a page puzzles yoa on a first reading give it akcond or even a third if neces sary it may take yon as long a time to master a book iu this way as it would to get through two or three read cursorily bat the time rill not be wasted by thus reading faithfully yonr mind will have add ed to its possessions and whether or not you adopt the opinions of the author you will have gticed same new thoughts of your own highest anard at the universal cookery and food ex hibition held iu loudon and opened by the lord mayor may 3rd lr2 hessn w g dann 6 go of croydod london and hamilton canada obtained the highest award for baking lcwder are you deaf or do yoa su5er from doses in the bead then seijd 3 cent stamp and 1 will tend a valuable treatise containing fall particul for home cure which costs comparatively nothing a splendid work on deafness and the ear address jlof g cuoc montreal for n amber of yetn good tor diirrbrci an 1 has proved itef to b kcs d a wilsos the pritooer woe s like a charm ilowt tut on the end of a clia a liberal aio trlumiiu scores of men and women who have al ways suffered their prejudices to blindthem to e merits of bt rdock blood bitters now use and praise purifier as the best re hit wonderful tonio nedy known for dyt- pepsaa constipation i 3d all blood diseases there needs but on wiae man in a com- pany then all are wii o so rapid is the eon- ttgion in old time it soetr ed to be thought text a medicine mett ben ive now all this sartaparilla one of unseating to be effect changed ayern the most poiretf ol alteratives is agreeab e to most palates the flavor being by no me ms medicinal style pervades tbe on the satiate oh mi ibject manner hrtj that splitting hesuache aching and irritable feeling can be immediately relieved and perman ntly cared by dock blood bitters ache constipation an ctomach liver bowefis and blood bor- tfce remedy for head- all disorders of the nonsense sense t ist happens to differ from oar own canada is being conirttalatad everywhere on the eieellefcee art stained glass is front rank of her imp ovements thinks to uccausland son 40 years have labored late money bat to mate stained and orna mental glass ot all kinds a credit to the dominion wife how can i we aresfcort of flour husbattd then make a shortcake to dlipsl colds or bilious or when th to ahealtby activity weakening tbem use ip the world i wal life as i am oow nothing so suddenlyobstructs the pers piration as sudden transitions from heat to cold heat ranfies the bliod quickens the circulation and increases the perspiration but when these are suddenly checked the consequences most be bad the matt com mon cause of itseaseji obstructed perspir ation or what commonly goes by the name of catching cold coughs colds sore throat and etc if attended to in time are easily subsided but if allowed to ran their own course generally prove the forerunner ol more dangerous diseases kinetentba of the consumptives date their affliction from a neglected coid and tbe diseases that are caused by wet feet damp clothes or exposure are more nameroub that are gen erally supposed one of tbe most effica cious medicines for all diseasesof thethroit and ludgt is bickles anticonsumptive syrnp it promotes a free and easy ex pectoration which frees the lungs from viscid phlegm by changing the secretions from a diseased to a healthy state what a i rlmd can llu cannot be sarpasted fit i received from it headache and loss four years i tried b est sooeesa finding i and good appetite which i owe to yoar in strength about oil the iagredienb relieved by it and ia old phytiolsn n tired flrom praotlos having had placed la bill haadi by an east india mitsionary the ormula a tirapls tekubla remedy or li la iposdy and peri rainenk curs ot ootwoj nption bronchitis cjtarth aitlima and all lhroait and loaf affections alto a potiti vo and radios oar tor kertoat debility t id all nervous qotn plltnu after having oiled ht wonderfal coutive powers iu llcatnttdt ot cites hi fell it hit duty to niik i it known to alt hit suffering tellosra act lated by this motive and a desire to relieve human tafferlnjr t i tead tree ot chirg to all who desire it thtt reel pa in gecmtu french ox english tall directions for preparing and uttug seat by mail by addressing with ttjitnp nimlug htc piper w a ttotil powcrt block be chester n y o it great who v what ha it rots tare and who never rcramt utofolhart o article takes hold o blood diseases lilto northrop lymms vegetable dit cry it works like tntgic ufa toronto writee i hava to thank yoa tor at northrop 4 lyn ina vegetable dit- ery has done for m i had a ton on knee at large as the palm ot my hand i could get nothing o do any good until i hied tbe diiooveryj four bottle com pletely cared it and find nothing to sick stomach at it ripley p o ont boats brow her manufactures prominently in the of toronto who for not only to aocuma nake a cake john and sugar headaches and fejvert to cleanse the system effectually yi t gently when costive blood it impure or doggish to permanently care habitual con stipation to awaken the kidneys and liver rithoat irritating or yrop of figs there it nothing mjre necessary than to know how to bear tpe most tedioat mo ments of life excuse me george bat when i taw you a year ago your fse was covered with pimples it seems u be all right noi yes sir thats beei use i stack to ayers sarstperilla tbe gre itest blood medicine and firm- ifodcralion it generally firm nets is generally tacoatstal the third page ot the toronto dtili uait it noted for wi ut adrertisemnti if you want to bay or sell inytiing if yoa wauta tituattoti il mechanic a bad ness machinery lodgi lgt if yoa hayo lost or ound anything or f yoa watt to find out where anyoue is idvcrtiseai th to ronto daily hail and read the tdvertito- menuoti tha third ga of thtt paper the eharjge ia two cei u a word each in- tertion address the mail toronto can ade the tongue of a tool is the sey ot hll counsel which in a wlso mtrj wisdom hath in keeping fear we aometimi a bear a c taq boast ot never having knowu fear bat it is aa idle riuat it cannot be true bat it it were it woald bespcal him less not more manly one ot the bravest soldiers confess ed to having felt tortcr s ot fear in hit sett battle yet be afterwards twerv si not an inch and hit eomradeal thought h m utterly fearless hit cosrag kept him rm in the path of duty despite his fears the love of nature it no idle aality it it rich in the best resutt 0en baby wss tfefc we tar her c iterta wjjaj she ves a oill j ni i cried f or c ittoril wienstebecaaicstjistmctimsto jastorte vlteastuhadciilrcnsiie9vukq outorl people are not tuppjsed to gtlp down everything they read in the newspaper any more than all they find on a hoi el bill ot fare neither is it good paper when something distacteft 1 appear any more than to leavj the tabls because something unpalatable to your peculiar taste is found among tha viands oh what i cough t will yoa heed the warning the tigasl perbeinof the sare approach ot that more terrible disease consumption lxk your selves if voa can afford forths tabs ot saving s0cto ran the risk and do nothing for it we know from experience thsi sbiloht care will ciro yoar itiagh it cwr fails xtlnsrds liuiturut ru es la urllie a lady writes i wat enabled to remove the corns root and branch by the use ot sense to itop their mimrmaiawfti icq of ccur lfuf cuiducflbctaaujrctilvdij itisth1 t rhiokatiaptsokiu i rurorcit jafanselr ti rueumttlsm ia my a could not liana lutlxal tbom villi 8ts jac038 oil ia tho mnrnlnjll vriltid wlthost pala castoria kjasterlalkse ell adapted to euvlreathu t reoaxosistui tnoraloma tie use lumerflsso ills trpertaloanrpreaerfpuon 0 a- aacsrtx il 0 til bo a ford st brooklyn k t 0 starfa isto universal snd trttl nawn that it teems a wertr of surerftrcwatatj tosnaorsalt fewareth lllriot flmfli i tatelll wttun easy leach i for infants and children who doaatkeep oastorta iltot kurror dd kewrorfcatr- lata pastor tnoaaaacdate bet oned chorea tb osxtiua pjtnfjrr it tftriait srsaar karosx qasterfa earaf colic oinsstpillon 8esirsienaeaitanbaesbwtitvon elus worms ivea llsep and promotes df- v liiout tnjurtottt mrdlcauoo for aerertl yaars i have neommended castoria inishall slririooocloiie to t wjt oaa kvartauy produced boaadctsl waits i j eottrpaniltft ha wlsthrop isui street and tih are kewrorllcity if yt urwatch dont go wel fine watch repair savagrefr co guelph be adjmade clothihg sgtdr mjxtfloullv acton ont has the best accesoi instruments and ies turns out th i the county for excel i best photos in enjoys a pro incial reputation ence teeth never so well in my the search after it e great is the dream of youth and tbe mo t serious occupation of manhood gives goo arrtlte r srs i think you r vaintble medicine lccording to tbe bene- after tafferidg from sppetita for nearly b b with the great- gave me great relief now enjoy good health raluable medicine miss krxkib i go london ont vice sometimes teem ridicaloct edward linlef of that hi horse pitchfork one bot le liniitekt cured him livery stable men all over the dominion tell oar ageat that tl ey would not be with oat uinahds liniiekt for twice the cost j rtaes aten make at it peters c bssyt ru badly tfrn by a of utkard6 there it no evtpor cion or deterioralioa thomt eslectrio of this incomparable aiitirheamatic and tl roat and lung remedy are not volatile bat f xed pure arid imper ishable pain lame est and fliffpea tie t may be used with equal benefit externally and internally i ivas colftued to my ld by a severe attack of lumbago a lady friend sent me a part of a bottle of fit jacobs oil which i applied the effect was simply magical in a day i was able to go about my house hold duties i hive used it with splendid taocats for neuralgic toothache i would not be without it hin 3 itivhm kin- cid6t brockiilleont miuardiiialtneat caret li grippe tbe makeup of tb in leisure at in busk ess every testimonial soul 13 at much teen in behalf of h cods strsapirilla it strictly true and will bear tl no matter where it yeliable and worthy it came from your m havft you ever tne icine for a general fami ly cathartic we corjfi closest investigation i3ay be from it it at oar confidence aa if t respected neighbor this excellent med- dently recommend should be in every bi me medicine chest powder pubest ftsirtr no asarn ammonia time j w oraay tajarssat e w oillctt toronto ont absent iaoie drew was i very absent minded man qnco he start d for the erie train and thoght he bad i ft bitwatcb at home first he thought he rould go back after it in an absent minded watch loked at it ray he tdolc out his sud exclaimed tfaeo pat hit he sign i ie sat down eti for bit irelf till th vast tbteqtrnmded i hollowayt corn care tried it have the ssme others experience who harp ifrs l squire onts io steam e ye worke toronto says for about thirl f year i have doctored for liver complaint and dyspepsia without jetting any care i then tried northrop lymans vegetable discovery and the beaefits i hav j received from this meditine arej lacb thai withold this expression ot my it acts immediately on the liver kt a dyepepsia remedy i dnt think eqntlled i cannot gratitude a sare kellance grviixutv we have a family ot seven children and have relied on dr extract ot wild strai berry foe ten yean in all case at ditrrhtca mer complaints itnuverfailt saved many doctors b lis jt psucixiox grantcn out summer coiunlaft t and diarr isa 1 can recommend dr fowler of wild strawberry to and diarrhoea a i lave used family both for childten and adults with the best resalt f e drxx oletr cree ont there is nothing ou the affected caution o humbugged tt can be fowler the put and cam- and htt ssjdo per sett best quality dstjr sgndfltta of toroc liajtl coliegi omcnycrt pofc ie m it tbrw moo the 00 mi perfect fit umstixle ted on lds o rebool of otitxtktry tad o ixaui sarsoon offloe acton i dunns baking powder thecoblcs best friend una err sale in canada if yoa want fii stclass guelph sash and door at ouetph iricc t eccior can fill your order at bit planing mill i i nature tai provided i extract sompiaint it ia my earth to ludicrous a fool ter being hood pilfc tbey mlndad phest five oclocl and the train goet bat five ia i wont i tve time watch back in bit pocsa add telegraph d bit wife to tend it to albaov by express but horace gneley said depew was mote abseutm ned than drew do ypa renremlver he instance j i asked ye ivhitefatirlteid aid when gree- ley left the trvmne c bee ona day h put a card oo three oclock hspp ning tb fettjrn at imr and teeing in tha ball and wait- ee oclock greeley offico coor will retarn at shiloh consumpton cure 1 thit great codgh ct re thta aaooeasful c0nsd5cpti0n f uite it without a parallel in the history 01 medicine all druggist are authorized to s ill it on a positive guarantee a test thtt no other care can successfully stand it oubtve a cough sera throat or bronchitis ate it for it will care yon if your child ha the croap or whooping c mgb use promptly and relief it sure if yoa dread that iniid lout disease c0nsu1 ption dpntftil to use it it will care ask your druggist far irlce locts cocts you or cost nothln 8hiloii s ode kod tooj if yoar ngf are sore or btiik lime aio shilohs poroat platter 15et prli lfl you want linens fla sweet olsan you want dono the oaft ett the quicisrt eat way i butcpristvl prleowny w aoftldlng giv wf n irour cottona tnols always tnowy white t the waah urtt the clean the aheap- loap the sur- lout faolllniror those results tha idle call it a hstvy tax when time i coaufed a gold a remedy for e y sehe and bain and science through o tteles activity and ex periment ia edntta ttly wresting tha secret ot her domain a new and wonderful dis oauryhaateoentfi been made by jmean oi which ten of thou nods will be freed from pain kecviliua c r nerve pais care rep resents in very cor xutrtted form itha most patent pain relievi g substitute known to medical science a d strange to ay it it composed at tabsti nee solely vegetable in origin poison servilina is the moat prompt certain a d pleasant pain remedy in the world itry nertiliae for toothache neartlgia cramps ic always tafe and efficient 18500 ib the canadian fi noultorist great halt yearly tita ury competition for rewards tie fifth halt vo irly literary compcutioo jrlhb of tho can idfan agrl lots old and rel able illustrated famlly atacarlac wludose tune 33tu all letterabear ingpostmukdoc iat thsn iaae nth will count no matter where iiosted tho following splendid prices will be given free to persona aendlag fa tha gresta t namber of wards made oat of letters coottk 3d in the words tee ixj ncsraxreo aamcc tvjkist liseyert onei sending in a list of ot lest than 100 words will receive a valuable pi ent of silverware 1st qrand seward spoiaocld lad jrd th 5th 6th 7th etb 9tb rand piano valued at an flsoinooid orgau valued at 30q i031nald gei isgoldwatchfalljewellad la iosgoldwatcbfull jewelled smiaaoid zilngom 10 bewtrds of 10 eadh 103 kext 10 prsccrk f uvcr tea sets qaadruple plate warranted ext 0 prlsesrso fii ver dessert sets warranted heavy plate jfeitlob prltes10o rjllver butter disbct ie warranted heavy p ato kast 600 prises cousi tsof heavy plated fillvcr ketuet butter dis let fruit baskets biscuit jars sugar shells butter knives c arc sll tally warranted m jdng a total of oftspleadld rewards the vaia i of which will tggragace j5fo t this grand lltera y cerapctltlon is open to everybody everywbc e tho followlug are the conditions 1 tbs wordsmust e coastructed oatv from tetters intbewnls kk itlcstftntcd aoiacnn ttjatsr and must l j only socb u aro found in websters m lt the i the vordsmutt jo wrlttfa in rotation and numbered l2ftaa4 to ou for facllilaubg in do- efding tho wiaaers i 5 letters caonot o ased oftener tlso they appear la tbe iords thk fnlcstratkd aani culttnast for in tancethe wordepg can not be used as there s bat one g in the three words i l the lfst caatala ng tbe largest nulubar of wards will be awardi 1 first rise sad so ou la order of merit esc i list s it it needed will bo numbered slid u two or moro do the first received will be a rarded rat prise snd so erefore ba be ontof sending luoazly will rtadllf be seen 5 each llstmostb i accompanied byi for six months sabserfptlon to tuk aomccnttiuist the following gent eaiea bsvo kind coastal odj uuisl mjitx uiukb u tuir sucu aa aro louna in websters unabridgc 1 dictloaarr ia the body of ie booknone of tin supplement to bo used i the vordsmutt jo wrlttta in rotation and ilrco cify ed to set ss lodges 4 q ktedautld city cttrlr peterboroagn canai i and commodore caleutl peterborouib i i oar last competaifcn- jot lim0 prf all rutut m at bi lodoa vancouver b o tlisuasfor 1500 pi so o wcunninibsrni donald b c i prl e rccelvod 0 k v di btptle west bdpsrto- wit x prize recelvi tbsaksa bel etuon toronto and others in united ble es tad cansds thtalssulotte ivmoritoulywtll eouirli isluedbytmaant nple guarantee thai bis comptiltlea wll be conducted in ills man oar bend ie sump lor full particulars io the aqbiouituu 1st i etertkmjutrticanada vlmirdi llalaienj curr if orlppe j i the reputation lor f i mess 8 ltuairr in tbef t it tmple guarantee thai come to acton for portraits t stringer why are those policemen hi rrying around the corner i citixen there is going to bo afight j whcre around the corner t i no it is going to be here kkjs itemed tacattrrn la tb best easiest to use tad caescwwt j catarrh soil sir dnicittu or teat kf tool be h gtmtirrflfnn vttmn rpu ltflaj tbi key to health i unlocks ill the dogged itennej oftha jowels kldnerx and lirer ctrrrioj off grtduilly wtlhout weakening the rysv em all the impurities and fool homors it the secretions at tha same time cotv ncting acidity of toer stomach rurtiig- bllloasness dyspepsia jeadaches dizziness heartburn mai flattering or tne heart her- rooiness and general debuitr alj has uii many other similar compuunff told o he happy infiuanoa of b oedoch 5l00d bmees i for bait by all dcaurc fekmdmwprietejomii pure dowdered l y e purest 6tromoe8t but ienfaawawr a aeaacaaljfuacstlbods lata r all orwcrs aildnlftrlita i w sarrrtrtitt maconto j which we bought at j 65coiitlitef ia mens youth siy and children 8uli and odd pants ticking 6hrtnr tyotda towels tdwetllnk cottons cottohadesfhlrts socks suspenders hat sand caps 3 elgin qrdwaltham watches qur prices are re isonable try us as we nake specialty of n crand trunk railway cwtko west 0006 ritpres 1 13 all d ajn sprsss- pm all t ktsonger- p m tixzor closoiu ituxt c oing west aft amtaad s so rni oiog ess 1 lfl s5 tif sad i jb paa this time ulo weat into iff eel iblml we have juj5t passed itltb stocka job lit of 50qq0l worth of 3ootsfcs ve have jo si received oar fall dtock of boot tod shoes from tbafeekt msna- t i ficlurers in canada anddelycom- l petition in either quality 1 style or price j we make a speciality of thi itheciiinca ot yoar lite for br- gtii s a we are determined to anderteli an pt the guelph or toronto houses bai remember yoa must pay the cub if jn cant pay tha cash re dont wst t your custom this matt bedpne in order to eocnpeui with other casl hoi tes now for cash hleikll wool suits worth pants vvbrth white and grey cottons worth hundred o suit to select from in all size and kelly bros barcains 00 3100 for 450 for f 50 foc for 7c jylaa acton 10 per cent disopttiit kehneybrosif actori 11 confiri b cjurinc june 1 quly 3 d sale of boots during the rnc lowing ten their discount shoes 6 cish parcl nionthif yoiiwant to benefit by the reduction trunks a a full stocl tith of j une al- r on all come this d valises all indebted to the firm ap reqaested to call and settle at once fieikihinb ks usuku i l kenney bros actoi quelpti pi9 t hal scotch twetad s largest and finest assortment we have even shown x ife- shawfc country and at lower pr coma- t3 qiujidy merchant tailors prnters can furnish you with the best presses for country news and jhbworkto ces than for any othernew oylinderpress kctcin knd sbb ovifft mpfoyed country prouty t work press da tbem we have ran the proufy for eight y aid thfc longer we ran it the beiterwe like u it it a handle costs utile for repairs and ft easy oi itha printer fooset book waoalf itlhe the free press is printed on hej above press and the work no 1500 drum cylinder press can do better newspaper r it t r r usui 11 sua 7 for tha money corna and see our press at irk it yoa desire sample ot work aenditor we can give yoa yoar oholoa of a number ot iffjrant tins and styles olprestea at ail iprum thiiikof it anew 8 coj fol or ai 8 col book 5 i lust rates br poster impleay beat pre tn 0 had in the world them aud v 6 or 5 qolqto power press iress for jj800 fullparticukrs from agent for fo only 6 ce hada jejhad in this boots a- vnicii for style fit tad wear cannot be j excelled espremil 10 iuaeflgti la 6 06 pm ioo uteagai express mall mixed 10 mp 121 6 detictabtr i oes tm wicliams kt- the mammoth 1 geqrgltojn aoton sarnmer sale ot dress jgoadg sfaslifis sewsd muslin hmbroi- c eries millinery marjiw para tote hoiaeryqloves closkiotrb 1rints satejene qhecke4 shirt- t lags qioghamb table jjinns owemings itapery ofaitjldniis sedts fnraishingaj gents bivit- iagsvlisadyinade bumrriefccloth- i ng carpeti oilclithgj cnrtaibn oofs and shoes we havs heaps bfllhe above toek arid you will find among them genuine bargains nice rioted muslins for 5cpiryard dhceidress goods lr 5cjieryarl 1 nd il yds for 100 wehave the loveliest lot ofdresa gocrfls j ver exhibited toaiscriminotjig ublia we have a clearip liuu t 2oc that astonishes the people 7 our millinery deparlniedtjis deplete wjth all the novelties for summer decoration j oar dress and mauthyinakidg epartmentis in bplendid working c rder oar dresseis equal aiythitig t lat can- be got anywhere md far cheapef i- onrtailoringdepartment pew tj ejijaal us and none surpiss us earn anxious tpo4yusiniss rarasois 25c up ilv ts rnents work to rant etsy on 33tjo700 iyp orfd will rladly tarnish a ton ont convince you yon gen nine sad inspection will t jat we can give bargains aiidto the farraors wo would gjetitly remind them tb it we would like fo have their wool aid will give them the 1 ighesft price iu cash drnigrchanolisa iatl cish prices j i the mammothi w mcleodcb oeoeqlltowji