Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 28, 1892, p. 2

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f 1 li i p i nu itorx smmk im himltnn on lie imt july ui i1 dl v hnarrpkcntmitrtrtriutivi f ft 1alr uiital tlir ktnr ilth july vim hie i1 o l mrlrrn 11 a of t rtm karri tilt ht mcinrumatjvl wuiuitinoti lti u julv ur ai1u1 k ktleotn ulm jiik ruvrltiulo vtrlundutotcachrtla t co 11 nflr on tk uui julv imhc rrt- iti iw li nliuuirtil v krv j mi ue- 1iht ofhof icv to mi atiiulhllft aviiito rtaclitcr ot flrt while vn ii llmtca- ci ivvi lt t m ihr tvcitktkr ol ill itmvt nurlitr hiii4tk itmticon tucivuy jilljr it use hvv v cuunltishimet oauh lmlrr mu o llir lria tntlctfcll s ritrlc t uiofinn oi k ofathr le to intft i ilviictitinf ln utoiirrro illce fifteen mitls on the tho estimate broufht dowtt aad acton rau f i md it lhl low ftgufo taxes payabtcsept ano dec liiafi i vax bin h fn at ton uii mt on hit ash july peter l cl tlio imtm julv kami 01- tli epm veir mrkvln tilfr nn mnmuv july ltli ijiruc cmcft tvui el jolmuck tivl i3jirt notes and comments winn mr idlone take ofiice ucrt moiuli he will break the record by becom ing imnitr of fticljtnd for the foarlh lime in fct enly one pndevcesor lord derby htld llio trcmicrthip three times senator vest introduced in the united sut sccite on mordiy a joint realutioo antheming tbe prciideat to proffer to f great britain gtpaitny vcfi frtuoe u ku inducement to cuter into tn iovernt- tioail irtcmemt for free coimce of silver tk reduction oi per cent 10 the uxifl duties on textiles bird wire etrtbenwtxe tot plw the resolution wp tabled a prominent citizen erf baftvlo who u- urrdy iuttrcited in like trtffic hu poiot- ed oat to bit felloirooqqtrymen tbtt if rrwident harrison pertiu in hit policy 6t retaliation ttinst cinidm to tbe mat ter of cnti tolu tbe lime kiln croctjng on the lctroa river wkich is opdeniably ciutdiin water ahboohindicpenaable to american veasejownew may be closed ttint them hon kdward blake icaa not tbe only cantditn who took part in the recent elec- tioacampain in tbe united kingdom in tbe interest ot gladstone and uome rqle premier fjjelding ct nova sootia who is noi isiunj kcland ad dr eased pohlic nwtius in hamtead iind sheffield in candidates and created jpression tbe london daily yfir and other british papers rpeak highly of mr fieldings epeechea tbe luecits ri inter announce that tbe ontario eutotos for last ecsion will be rtdy for dtetxibatioa about tbe second week of ancat the ud usual delay ia publication is acconntejl for by tbe fact that many ery large and importtntttatates are contained therein four hundred and fire bundredpages is as a ally considered a large volacio bat the fortbeomrne one will be aboot 10cj pies the largest ever icsaed by the province i tafport of liberal c u cxcellcct impt tbe pikers in connection with the sooth norwish locil optiod cue oa which the supreme court will e txked to pass tn opinion as to tbe constitutionality of the provincial local option act were fent to ouawa on salnriay argnment will not be beard mil the fall term of tbe ooart in october the hotelkeepera it ieemi can tell cniil may 1 next their licenses hiring bn renewed joet before the court of appeal rttosuted tbe bylaw which chief justice gait has qnafbed tbe buyer fcr a leading commission and and apple house ialiverpool is passing throughtte country considering tke oat- look for this seasons crop he repocu big prospectsin every part seen thus far all thit is needed he cays to secare top prices in tbe biggest etlket in the world that of great britain is to make quality tbe first rejaisite of everything we ship establish a brand and then keep to it as you would tothe moral law and the de mand will exceed our possibilities of supply at least for years to come a newspaper is always printed in a rosk nys thj new york san there is always something in it that should be left oat something left out that should have been put in it is sometimes too qaick to act but with all its faults and shortcomings there is more education in a bright newsy paper than there is in any novel yon will find the brightest boy on practical tensibls every day events is tbe boy who reads news papers in the boasebold where no news- paper is taken yon will find poverty of the direst kind poverty of the mind the use of a telephone during a thunder storm is always fraught with dtngr in large offices thib is understood and while electrical disturbances are io progress the wires are grounded subscribers being an- able to communicate with the central office it would be a gooijthidg to introduce this bjtum in tbe smaller offices as well people take chances enough of having their earthly careers suddenly shortened as it is without going out of their way to invite destruction lightning is noi a nice thing to have isthe house by alawplaced on tbe dominion statutes the new dominion criminal code declares it an oftcncc punishable by a fine not ex ceeding ta lor anyone to tell or give any pistol or air gen or any ammunition there- 1 for to a minor under tbe sge of 1g years unless he can establish tbe fact that he has used all due diligence in endeavoring to find out the age of the minor before miking such a sale or gift another sec tion makes it a fineable offence to neglect to register the dale of the sale of toy air gun or pistol the name of the purchaser itnj make of the weapon tbe overwhelming majority io favor of prohibition given althe kanitoba elections last aturday of no legal effect- will no doubt give a tremendous impetusto tbe agitation even now takinga stronger hold upon the thinking people of tbe dominion the total prohibition of the lijuor traffic is an important and aggressive question tbe pltbscite just taken in manitoba has given tbe people an opportunity to ssy dcitivtly tbty want no more of the liqaor carle a vote of tbe entire province was taken on the qae6tion are yoa in favor of prohibition y and from the retaros filasitobas answer would seem to be t emphatic yes een in winnipeg the voe was 2 to 1 in favor of prohibition while in tome of he country constituencies thefiroportionsrts much larger portage la prairie gave 710 for and lwtgaiost it if to be hoped a strict and workable prohibitory ilqttof u will mw be encted and enforced by the authorities in the prairie province aooyernmrut enq o th provlnoltt liord tkt evldano jones summtti anthrax monday was- the dato tor the regular tcnii monthly ttiwtft g o the council but as there was no quor jtn tint evening the meeting wa ireld on tuesday tint of tho most important mat set ofl the year was taken up ttio ptssir g of the estimates and striking the rato of taxation tlf mem bcr were all prtcnt after j careful scrutiny of the rewi and expenditure of the year the rate wis filed at fifteen mills which it is estimated will not oiijy laect all the years outlay bat leave in life treas ury a balance oiittii leut to tho respcctablo sum with which tit yeefs buiirtcss was inaugurated for t lis result the members of the council certainly deserve credit and this they will no doubt receive fpom tho ratepayers gcnerallj they have managed the business of tic municipality with pretty general satisfaction and th streets and walks and public properties ro in fair state of repair it is true sonio very tioccessary improvements have not as yet been effected but several committees we understand the litvo these under oou- sideration of course the premium oa tho school debentures xuitributed in a small degree to the reduction of tho rate the estimates wore presented and passed as follows ueokuts cemrurv r 1i5 w townhsll 15 10 part i t license i iw fines l ij m doitax f tollta 15 00 taxes from asacsiinirnt oteiptij at limtlu i si trcmluui on ficliool detaturrs 10 00 1 tun 00 kxrksditfhks titsn hall dcbeutoife and tntcrrsl e tn no psrk dbenturv interest 150 00 cemetery dcbentere interest ram rudlic school debenture interest 1uc10 county kate iu 00 printinc f iumie school 1coco 16m 00 salaries 1 520 00 lamps oils ac mo no iut 100 03 cemetery chartlic continpenciw 171 co ton hall 50 co elrrcti1 walk 750 co fit w 6 56 2 00 icii o a bylaw for the levy of fifteen mills was introduced and patsed through the usual stages moved by j b pearson seconded b john harvey that the time for pxyaoent ot the taxes for tbe current year be- and are hereby fixed for seftember 3rdand decern ber 3rd carried t the twelfth rcfert of the committee on finance was presented at follows a staacer work on streets luchardcook do james grant cartace constable 1st july w james llctavuuwark at park 75 moved by alex seoord seconded by a o beardmore thttthe report be adopted carried the reeve mentioned that incompliance with the requisition of rev g b ceoke and others that friday 19th august be proclaimed civic holiday he had issued a proclamation for that date the street and sidewalk committee referred to the difficulty they had experi enced in getting gravel of a suitable quality to cover the metal on main street they hope toon to put it in shape the couucil adjourned about 10 oclock stole the tropies xh mean seforth burglars make a considerable haul ot goods th i 1 blew ju seirsxni ont july 2j the safe in c w papsts book store was bargtarized last mgbt and tbe thieves were rewarded with rlo made ap of postage stamps coppers and silver tbey also entered l prem isee of jackson bros next door and took one silver and two gold watches also a meerschaum pipe the prizes which were on exhibition in their window for the bicycle tournament to be held here on aug 5 grand encarrjpment i o o f bsavtronb ontl july id the grand encampment crtoof ppened- here to day the following officers were elected grand patriarch fred doggett st thomas grand hh priest tjdaniels ottawa grand senior warden a h blackaby gait grind scribe m d daw- ton london grand treasurer e beltz london grand junior warden s b merrick carleton place grahd repre- tentative d moore peterboro killed on a railroad track moeclshrco oni july 2 the body of a man named timothy cochrane aged 5j years was found early this morning lying on the grand trunk railway track here the remains were in t fearfully mangled condition 1 the heed was severed from tho body thai skin of the face was hanging to the track and the arms and legs cut in two cochrane mast have tried to jamp on the special freight train which pasted befor midnight and missing his footing felluuder the cars and was crashed to death i shot through the heart ciuiilorrrros s jpel july iij on saturday mary jane aged 1g eldest daughter of michael mccarthy of this city was accidentally tiot through the heart and instantly killed deceased was spend ing her vacation with her uncle she was in a room talking with her cousin a little child who picked up a loaded gun which wis standing in the corner and accidentally discharged it with the above fatal result the girl was being educated for a nnn at notre uame convent boiled her children alive io to symba tbe leveller for the gen- tone lazarus spectacles to sai t all sigh u driilik july 2- a terrible tragedy is reported from the village of guheen in ballygarnon county roscommon ireland a woman of the village having become in sane 6eized her three children one after the jother and held them head downward in a pot of boiling water until they were dead she fhen attempted to comreit suicide in the sams manner but was disjoovereo be fore life was extinct though not until she was to severely scalded that her recovery is impossible au official commiaiettion wju recently received by tbe dominion government from washington enquiring i whether it was understood by the ctoacfian author ities that under the terms of tie bill paw ed by the commoai last session the prin ciple of reciprocity in wrecking and towing vessels of either bat iotitlitief io waters of the other extended to canal systems the communication sppiart to have been some what smbigooatly worded inasmuch as wrecks are practically unheard of in oar ocntls it is ietrad however that tbe canadian governujeot has forwarded s reply to the government of the united states answering toe enquiry in the affirm- ttive that is to the effect so tic u con cerned towing incidental to salvage the principle woaid extend to the canals cases iry health nilast art dpi as ihe fret puns umoaated tut week a meeting ru hu li it friday to enqalf into the cltcttuituiios isutrooi u tag 111 oat breckot authrttoa lots sindifl et- queelug below acloa itll lsiti dr e 0 kitchen i v at st aeorge presided and had ass ciated trtth htm dr j d mellobild ot i stmutooj kad prof i j kckende officii 1 bacmctollglst sad ttilsit and uc t t xatlucmay atuafl grspher reprosenllnn the praiaclsj board of health- all tho iiiccnlns of aeton board ot health aid a ni caber of the members ot esqaos ug board wetj tiio present kwurn ovidenoo wn givcti wuehing tipoa the matter by dr vebtter tad richard dick as members ot he etqtetiag board bycol allan owner ot one area tud an agent of others wherithetroiblappearedj by mcurs arch mel liertoo if artia flyaa thomas statham a id ada a lalng who had lost animals lasl cummer by j law son vs as to syn ptoms tjnd death of the snimals attectet by messrs wh storoy v tobey colling ood waltsr and a 0 ueardmois u to tho effect of tanneries on the wat r of th streams upao which they are loctted at 4 by george wilds proving that uambe ot speckled trout had been cau ht in be stream in qaestion daring tbe iresent xioath much of the evidence wilt rsitectttoa ot what has aires ly appeared in these columns eouccrniug the troal letome matter under review bat several v ry iateruttng points were brobgh oat ia the extmla ations mr tobey of colingwool stated that when in the tannery bu tine is ia actoa s3 jctrs sgo trouble h a arista ia the fist below acton a nam xt ot ci ttle died and graham ltwson t is gnnifalher of j lawson v8 institu ted salt io recover 100 clsimed to be the vtjao ot tt 9 cattle which died bat failing w prove ihe tannery in any way rcipoasiblc lost tae sait col allan testified to having lost a cow sudden ly in the flat at the tannery 25 or 2g yean ago which he bur ed there arch mc pherton stated that until list year it watt castomary to haul animala chich died on the farms ia bis heiihborhod to the bash where they werelcft and nol buried tho evidence generally pointed tc the codclcutoa that the flats them ti ives have been alloc tod for many years and that the trouble has never appeared exo pt when the season is very dry the pasta e short and cropped very dose by the an mals pasturing evidenco respectiig the filtering beds put in last summer jy beardmore s co at the suggestion ot or bryeo of the pro- viacial board of health to clarify tbe water was also take 3 a document from acton board of health stating that in the judgement of the board they were satis factory and fully corjiplied with the plans and suggestions of dr bryoe was read mr richard dick of the township board stated that after complaints were made to the board respecting the pollution of tbe stream a committee ltras appointed to visit the tannery in company with other members he nude the official visit saw the method of filter beds and the construction of the ximmittee considered them satisfactory an 1 so reported to the board he had vii ited them again the morning of the pre nt meeting and was well satisfied that satisfactory now as first inspected them all tbe evidence ac daced will be present ed at a meeting of the provincial board of health on the 17th ufinst and the result of the deliberations c f ttkatbbdy will there after be given oar renders the manitoba elections premier green majority of cabinet among winmiti july 25 tions in manitoba tbe next legislator the defeat ot the entirely due to the which aroused very he beds are just as when the committee sustained by a two of his the slain the provincial else saturday made little change in the com plexioa of the parties will be composed of 25 government 14 c ppositioo and one in- constitatim have been dependent all the beard from but dane bin which is conceded to the opposition opposition is almost separate school cry bitter feeling tbe government is also charged with bribery and it is reported that htget and wood oppositionists defes ted in kildonan and carillon by small mtjoritic will immedl ately appeal among the slain are two cabinet mints ters hon d mclean who wsa defeated in dennis city by j f frame and hon j a smart who was defeated in brandon city by w a macdonald by a majority of it is not likely that other seats will be found for tbe cabin it ministers but that the cabinet will be filled from those now elected bob watson who reigued his seat in tbe dominion gover iment for marquette bad a sabstantial mijorityj io portage la prairie over w j cooper premier greenwaj bad a narrow escape his majority in mountain being pulled down to 100 the prohibition p ebiscite resulted in a largo majority all over the province for prohibition the vote being nearly three to one in favor of it the fell fal western london industrial ex to 17 wellesiey n e 20 to 21 central tuelph centre bruce south grey durli 28 peel county bn and 23 northern walke 30 southern bran north perth stra centre wellington 7 north bruce port 23 wilmott new east huron northwestern rookton worlds and 12 palmerston hurt sept 2g and 27 1 acton union at miltoo at milton south waterloo oa taesday sev were shipped from l british market valued oa sunday night driving down williscp the breeching strap b to a gentleman with oat to stop the horse stone fell and broke dr fisher set the li doing well t n f- -m-4- t- 3ept v to 21 posi ion tirouto sept 6 hope wellesley sept september 20 to 22 paiiley 4pt 20 and 21 im september 27 and nptnn septeniber 27 oo september 27 to tford8eit 27 to 20 ford sept 20 end 30 etors october g and eluin hamburg sept 20 and 30 bras els oct g and 7 goterich 8ept 2a to so fair kockton oct 11 cultun tpalnleriton aton oct and 5 oct g tod 7 alt oc 0 and 7 sept 21 and car toads of cheese towel station for the at rliarly 13500 while jr wlgie mi streithlllwiarioo jiving the iiaes i nke lim thl doctor jumped when is slipped oa a tits lei at the ankle rib and the patient if f alk 0 the day ilcotltn trope trs suffering from kova dtaugtit icebergt ate till reported of bells boacl tret tit lilt beet oxtort otwhetl atp t wild from new bra rev jccssrt tiagefi ornf of durin th worldi dolngt r th weak ctplartjt couuly to lbs in the vicinity icing smiggler hu at arrucrs oxbect 0 batlielt tire austria wilt coi city to hs world i mtnll ibt rotec ofprohllittlonoa i dr tjmtge ijio uieguij i tons etei of j thektai iciii foe hoc to rale john at is- i mr drownoc iay mr ai fulton klichie tribute an ideal austrian i fate overwhelmingly in favor saturday brooklyn divine met an friday irawfaerrlst i are shipped us rick o boston c rassley and hunter he darned frooa england vote is said to stand 1 15820 sgatnst 789to lor ot montreal wai atnahoquc while bathing hon ts hfve 10- ptf it tie heirs micx fulton toronto bargurtgot change froca on monday uigh coal has beeu hamilton with vance oc august for tiiest plght thire were chicago three i tho insritim have arr ved at prtitcs of he k baycity otl00cmoby than 3c ilocks s brant brd lu 176000 to the no its co nfletiot 1 wrmay was deoc yed sort boston c barged a dec atcb there wi i he crops of oregon mrs j rusht ridgetoirnj wsa friday hits tal i owing to ttv gretna ifan province from ton the n iva plied for 2506 mines arid mi fair fro a net tl entered lightning brantforl on bui all the inktrumet onfirc u g elected hon j tut week grand faster ontario a ltd ot 15 i bathing i i the n too far oc t was drowned dr fa mer of his boggy on very seric us inj and injuries totl a hug numb r northern mexicc cr ips i sen elerti ti sasarer 1 vttion the owing to prolong d at the tactanc sheriff ilerhas the windsor will be kept r excounty sged 70 dropped day whil unnii leaves tn estate tbe daughter spain wtf marri bbereceie4 ove eats including regent chrittim max limon w worth 50j000 wdtking for 7 a ho is one of tbe bit wealtli is lot sir henry tyl great notth ire aboot the grand irani of redacin expei ses froin rev e of the asoensio tin invittt on lukes ch irch of that pa rish there are sere gretna man there by aj chin carefully quartm itightest fur ot i a six of mono bid his mower isst week little fellow u the machine w formerly of the firm 0 co died on saturday ft in stamps and small s book store in seatortn idvanced to so per ton in prospect of a further to 1 i ending sunday mid- 25 casea of sunstroke in fal r province delegttet who algary are load ia their ctbwest luffsred to tbe extent re monday night mote re destroyed week voted a bonus if w railway via hamilton into toronto it john k b merchant ss the line and taken into ritb smuggling portland oregoo says a gfeat shortage in the grain d washington o living three miles from killed by lightening last log through a telephone smallpox outbreak tt railways now enter the tooth by wty of enter sool an government hu tp- v uare feet of space in the building of the world the telephone office tt day night and cleared oat ts also setting the plsoe bton of hamilton ru to the important ofiice of the masonic order id anted boedecker while tgtna river tuesday got aght by the current tad neuter wu thrown oat saturday and suctaiaed having one leg brokea e head i of the inhabitants ifr are confronted with stair- are again a failure drouth of the bank of montreal appointed receiver f rio railroad the cats u usual nehemiab ualeu dead at duluth on moa g to catch a train he rorth 750000 j if expremier stguta of 1 at madrid lut friday 200000 worth of pre- rich gift from queen was a hebrew banker n ubles in russia ia now week for a chicago firm polled jews and most of and mr hubbard of the im railway nt england eo mafcf a thorough inspection of railway with the object p crtfwford rector of the church hamilton hu accepted the congregation of st httliftx to become reel itipend 2000 a cases of smallpox it he disease wu brought man the place tuubeep thed and there it not tbe i ny spread of the disease on of henry l atkinson left foot amputated by it on his fathers farm the laying in tbe grass where at work and wu net noticed by his eh er brother who wu driv ing until to lsteto avert the accident te action and ikith this metl od and results wheit fiyrupotfigb s taken ivis pleiganjt rnd refrishin to tho taste and acts ttly yet pro nptly on the kidneyr ver and bo vela ccrnrj3 the syi m effetncll dispch colds heat aciwand fevi rg andenroa habita censtiptiiion srntp of figs iat ouly rcincdjr of its kind over tii luced pteasii g to tho taste jncf i cpfabla to th stomach pn ypfc truly bencucial i fleets ritcpar donly from the nil jcalthyanaaj reeabfosubstanceg iis ianyexcjoilen iqualitiea commend t to all and hi re made it tha mott rjopukr ieme y known i ryrup bf f gs is for ealif ia 7sa lot tics by al leading druggists anyreliidlec ruggist who may not ijare it ion i jind will procure it irromptlyi for any one who wishes to try it ftfan liaiuredonly by lie caufornu fig sybup icqj tux ra lwoiflob oal wvumajt- ipvrtostt riilmivillyii ttr t7o it sitnply awful wont case of so ofula the dootore ever saw canpumv cured v itoods sahupaawla when i was 4 or 5 years id i had sterol- ufaui sate an the middle llnget of my left liind which got io ld hut he doctors eat the llnsrr otr nd liter took air mare uuu half mf liiml then the sore brake out on ray srm cadi out ua my ueefc sud ice an botlt sides ncirly ilektroyiuit tlie slglit ot one eye alio oa my rhjut ann uoctors said it was the wont cate of scrofula uiey ever taw itwas stssiplr awfal five years sfo i uegiit to ukehockt sarianarllla ursduihr i found that ui ikes wcro besln- rtfnsc to heal i kept on till l lid taken tea botuet teat aeltars justlliluk ot what a return i ret or that avettmentl a ilt- taac per ceatf yet nuu tliouuud for the past t years i itave ltid nb sores t work all the time before i cl st wrk i know not wlut to say strong enough to iipf ray grat- i llude to hoods kitrtspartlls or ray perfect i cure cieottae w toitxkic fanner ual- way saratoga county n v i re symsbde clothing djyopcls suite in mens youths bays tnd children t i and odd pnn tlcklnsri towetlinft icottone cottonadee shlrt8sqckf suspenders hat sand cape this attyn but wabl in n or ler hoo1 s s the chance ot your ufa for bar- u we are determined to undersell t the guelph or toronto houses i i cmember yon must pay tbe cub c i cant pay the cub we dont your eastern this must be done to compete with other cash men wh reduced nttces on masi line 5 fin right house thej namerdas departments here the mantle department offers his season formerly tl new 3 jackets formerly g now higher priced gtrnwal j the millinery i bconeti all tt reduced prices unttlmtned btrk cf milliuerr goods piiss of dress goods reduced u tot of tweed dress goods double width only 1 reduced to 15 and 0 each dress joods focmerl at 120 sea the spedal tot of allwool colored formerly 2 a few dozen of ladles white lisl 10a lot pf hosiery and gloves at reduced pciet good are being received daily io keep the numar i ltdlea new bilk tnd chiffon ties a very choi ideu in ftnt kew ftncy htlrpins kowi co from iso a beautiful sitortment of new style are perfectfitting garments and will give yoa s be tare tnd teal tbe surprise corseu ipoite waists jut tohtnd special attractic be made to purchasers of these goods a i ctrpeta are held tnd ace made on the looms at hfebeit art mutlint and swiat brussels sad other carta king and hughtoa streets during july and august from next saturday hamilton july gth 18w we have just passed into stock a job m worth of which we hought at 65c on the iv l ym mow for bargains a alt wool suits wdrth pants worth and crey cottons worth e 800 fors450 300 for i so 10c for 7c hundreds of suits to select from in til sixes and style kelly bros acton droius a fostat ir you wknt sample and piicci of anything in dry p ofjren- eral mercrhiindiso ckir ilhe far retail ilorc in all oiifid trith over three acrt of selling space and half a thousand em ployee and a npstalcafcl is enough to bring althc facilities i of the store w yqurjhotric jist as- much as though wci were ideated in your town i hiinlc of accrkcduated to know fashion changes rrierchan- disc qualities sty arid colors- being at yotir beck and call when- ever you wish i itiats shopinrby mail the t eatonjcoy ltd h xim strtet efht fit i r i i a yi j tt tta 3l5ttttfissitiits for sale atfractipns feldht house if spring and summer- goods havebeek maije at the m crowded with attractive bargains i a few of hem only eaa be mentioned a a yle in ladies and childrenr jackets at greatly reduced pnoet jaeaets i jacket formerly j now 1550 similar redneflom hate been made on fie t epartment is offering stylish trimmed and untriouned half and ri this years lyle clearing oat tt tory imr prices be inrg aiid- thete cheap charing prises double fold dresa tsoods redoced from eoe to 5o a bargain a lot oc ityhah oostame length of wty choice goodfcrinfct 19 w 15 tl reduced to 5o lou of allwool dres ooodt in goodshadet eleanrur oot llentiettu ii inches wide at soo a yard blouse at 6so some ot them were undervests with short sleeves at 50c worth shout 1 each ladies ests at a many lines of staple and hottsef arnislting good at special prices msr asdepartmenu well assorted with goods thatar wanted for tha toucuy trade assortment of new belts a special lot of ladies belt at 2se each kaw tea underwear good white shirt tt ov chemise 65c corset com white ltwn ftncy bilk and bltck sarah btlk blouse jotreeeitd tfiey tition another lot of those desirable sajnnjer corset la white m 75o per soo per pair thij tre retiry worth- u- there 1 a great roth i for them j as in the carpet department dating july tnd aigntt speeial iisdcweineatt vtriety of wiltons axmiustert yelveu brussels tapestry and wool it mtkers in the world furnilara coteringt silk drtperie cretonne iis in profusion pleue enter the store tt tbe door of the new bmldingy corner the right honee will close on sttarday evening at 7 oclock commeneicf tati iftctian t welomlajb or watbpn a few reminders about reasonable coods for julsy rnd rucust it is hardly necessary comfort hu been carefully pi dvided of oacj batineu principles f we deal vfe yo draw your attentic l ever necessities tt this time waterproof cloaks in heptouettes and oihei abaat driven oat of ujte the aj ly the fsxhioa is in tbe hepto manufactured oe all kinds parasols they go pltin parasols ftnoj in sty e of best quality and reasoi for our extra value in large quantities tce a speciality with sarpsised have yoa seen gaiagjfut all wool deltincj at 25c in tha regular way a ltrgn e can furnisrtyou with the best pn ccuntry and at lowerpi ta do more than remind yon that every item summer ed for your necdsdurtng the hot weather that is one fy u near as possible all demands in the line in which peqeekty for 8le in acton t the undersigned has been mstrac ed by- hsnhy bruqd6 ri t to sell by auction on saturday evening 30thjiilyat 6 tkoeik v vjhe hosse and lot no u uata street aatt to agnews hotel i the property is centrallr located is la a food stste ot repair and wm make a eook fortable home ttirms made known day of bile- wm herristreet aietjonw to a namber ofi seasonable articles which are more than year tnd whichwe can give yoa the best of value in makes suitable for dust and travelling wrtps theyve j black sticky rubber garments once so largely sold all j and we bay them direct from leeds where they are parasols j r one dollar foe two for three four firejand up u high u jj and extra fancy if yoa wish to have a parasol tbrrect 1 iwest price we will show you the very one yoa want the n paruols is that price is governed by quantity and we bay cloves ill price varieties colors and ia quality sot to be jar new germtn gtuntlet gloves it 55c 50ot they ar these are the same goods yoa hire pud tlo a yard for issbrtrriedt to choose from i gbryknco cuelph pr isses for cpuntry news and job work to be had in this ices than tor any other newclinder press cbkb to kcton ktsdsisb gur improved pounry proutypress kt xaork a- i i i the free pres is printed ort no 1500 drum cylinder we have run the proutyj for eight year tnd t to handle coat little for repairs tnd li easy sy for the money catn tnd see oar pre tt tbom we can give you your ohoioe of a namber 9 think of it a new 8 col fp orjan 8coi bool the above press and the work illustrates its merits press can do better newspaper or poster work lilongerwi run it the better we like it it it simple easy to ran easy on lyoe 1 the erinteripookit book we oall it the beat pre to be bad in the worm votk if you desire sample of work send for them and rwe will gladly furnish different sixes and style otpresseiatallirice- h f io or 5 coh qto power press forwy 6ooto press for8oo full particulars from v 700 agent or canada acton omt sk nrstcuss moeh oaxsjl psrtsdssy cash or bankable paper also mllksgon and eani two cood mares for sale or xebangsior youngcsttl applfto cftobe 1 artoo trespassers tfjke notice the andersleueiiertbr tfre nchiealaitt sfter this date any person or vnomi matter on tbpremltesatst and vttt lots mots k the a ftiwrltht tann lot 30 eon v b ntwnt shootlnc berry picking or in any otter waywui taprostcaled seeenltng to lsw joflbfb ztasby tbobvcmoobel acton julrlltb 1891 l cme in pound i- otice tslmmbjivenlhat ibavjtapotnaj jct edthunbeadetvouaseatuel twarej spotted twetjear olds tod yearlings oos uj- btacktndwbte r j the owner it nsqoetted ta prove nroertt pt eirpena and remote themj q aetott i7ui jaly li copittble valtiablc property forsile 4 a bush ann oo lot it con kt n thfjown- i ship o feel us tern with lot dwellinj xla umtwred wlttj beech maple bemlcca pine eedar rock and soft elm s3 or 30 seres cleared except tmrnln the brash t alto t stone sad roach cast dvellinan rooms ud two cellars trame statjle with ikb lots o land on quelph uaria and queenatriats intba vfllife of acton will sail ire or six bitlmhis lotseptiitelyudealred tvtanns ooetblrdfcath or exchange or otbei property ap laqror actoa unt g1vig hgliiayj proclkkhtioni wreeeas a reqiuaition has been presented to me by the eer g b cookaxnd othezm that pridajr 19tii of arigtibt be proclaimed a civic holiday for has muuid- pality ft i i therefore proeaim the 19th day ottaagust- the ciric holiday for this village andi would rfr- spectfuuy request that all dtixena observe the same i l whlovirbtt f eeete beeves0ffleehtrtjulyi89i 3500 in the canadian agncultaritts geat half yearly literary competition cdn the fifth halt tearlr literary cdmpetltioo or 1893 o the canadian aericaltnxlst amer leas eld and reliable iuostratttf family alagaxine will close june 30tball lettsrs besr ing nostmazk not later than june 30tb jwuieoiuit no matter where posted the foiiewln splendid prizes will be gtveh tree to t sending in the greatest namber of wor m out ot letters contained in tbe words- tub ltr lcmuted acoucclrmust larbtenr one saudin in s- list ot not lest that 100 words- will receive a valuable present of ttlterwar 1st grind beward 300 in gold 8w- ud i 3rd tth itli ttb tth 8th 9th grand piano valued at 4500 i ftssolaoold rgan ttlnedst mod hiilc0in0old gents gold wttch lull jewelled ladles gold watch od jewelled 4 6t la odd- 10 bewards b mo each ino kext id prises a silver tea bets quadruple plate warranted kext 50 prlxea 50 silver dessert sets wtrranted heavy plate j keitlooprliet 100 sliver butter ditlet tc wtrranted beary plate l kext 500 prizes consists of hearr hattd silver ksttleaibuttar dtthet fruit baskets blteolt jsrt sutar shalli butter knivea icae all lullr wtrranted tnt kins a total ol 68s rpteodid rewards the value tt which will aggregate aisoo this grand literary competilioo is open to everybody everywhere- tbe following are the condmont j 1 the words must be ecnstructed only from letters in thewardsthi ixxcstbjltzu aaaicrv- romrr and most be only such as are f oond la websters unabridged dictionary in the body of tho book none of the supplement tote used 9 s the words must be written in rotation and numbered 2- andso on or facllitatlnc inda cidiflg thewinnsrs 3 letters cannot be used oftener than they appear in tbe words thxrlllcmutad acmf cuxruiust for instance tbe word eeg caa- uot be used as there ts but one h in the three worda t the list contaicing the largest nfimber of words will be awarded first prise and so os in order ofmerit each list asiit is received iu be numbered afls if twowmore tie tbe tail received will be awarded first prlstv and so on therefore the benefit of sending lnearly will readily be teen t 5 ach list must be aecompaoled brl for six months subacrition to ths aabiccxtorurr tbe following geutlemehate kindly eonaeat- ed to tcr u ladies i j g mtcdonald cityclerk reterbotongh canada and commodore calcutta peterboroagh our lut competition got tlsoo prise all right utl at brandon vancouver b c tbanki cor 500 prise g w cunningham donald a c prist received 0 k i d baptiewettsuperiorjwla 30pprlurived vhanks3 v bobertaon toroato and 300 ethers n united bute snd canada thuusijulnpymerltoniy wul count t6 reputation for ralroestgainw by tax aoai- c ltcnirr in the past is ample guarantee that this competition will be eonductadjn like man- nar sendic stamp orlallpartitnlarsto the agbtcultukist ateiboroaab canada it r h ki t a little innocent nmsunderstaodins is sometime very useful in helping one over- ahardplaei mabel said tlvteseher jou may stjell kdoabte i-t-e- n uiduabej kitten bu tiatbeso ii hu itf yea maam anr kiuen hu i d 6rlou tidawili insert uelh at 16 and m pei set for next three tnontns extrsotion free special care given to fimng officmsithewtbtoik acton x i r i tskjks

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