Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 4, 1892, p. 4

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tvr u ii acta mm t ttat m nss notes herb and there tecb8dit iconsr ign chr gcung 3fetjt s r 4 vi n r ro r tt o wv 8uj feer swi khenjstic cocfiict it tsetse wmslla4ttrfitrt tie limirtl load ttt with ifrlt tfc4 ttrrfcgth ill yosr fortes cnciclnc for troth ltit r dtitv filtitlo the list isefsltlifal to tlcvo who litre filth in rour rwre kni roced jca licit l3acet tfteclloni line thrown xnil vhttefrreltc perltti your loyilty eherisfc ana stand liy jodx ova ii ellb u voce laloa tod fortune l imlllttc ant friends rtuicrvotiud oa in ciliirftv ttrouch ittiii of rletare joar footsteps leccihii i where riclict ml taionr irt toon twept tnr in irtlfut loaf jroar firuicesi procltiralns tot evil noclort tnd retnlfxoe tone anj jmlv ucbeejinc the tlrrat ofl rondinc stinjttini iy jour own tims ttrrnclnin dilly the toads oeiffpctlen tfce heart will eckacetit daues perfonn kni lini in secariac uie lorej otts protection lyori trill imrtidibc frwn sorrow of ttoctn thoufltv iltae imj lrytilh tier chtplet to crcn oa yoar nunc upctn hislvj tfe ik- unlttotro tii in lirirer recorovl atkl turn wt ixwirdtvl ytio muds ty hit 00 a sure sign uemt of artrt ltrtrttorfr prot retders uk tfce rtrddf wlloa of hie gtest ptiu tan polsous ketvtttw to rdrtvlwt u tnott tnttttm ptln l e millet of woflrler v tit wh6 we vr it tjherijltfag itrnrftiact lit tit retail oc itll raueot ho ttrotitost potest mcl most efficient rtmejiee known in mediaine nervilitie coree tooiliterrelastinuy cramp la five miastee ntartltf titter two epplictttoat rheamnictnit tt onoe relieved by lu un and tti time miy be stid of til kinds of psto simple bottle ousting only 10 oeott it iay drag hoc the ltr battle only is oeate poltoos kerviliae told by irofxitt tn country dealer mr 0 u youni 1 sally street grote streel lirerpool eifc rit thct lh oontennof one bottli ofstjoobt oil cured her o lamsico iff th had tfven op all liopea of vec being baiter there were two terrible occident in to ronto on friday a man named unldoon raa run over by a grand trauk railway tram and had hit let cut os lit lay on the track from ten ocloekpm tburtday till 6te a m oo friday when hewaa taken to the lioepilal a young mitr named woojiort cot exuftht in ttie maehiaery of taybre don valley trened brick work and had hit log torn off lie will hardly recover intuaaiu carwl mrjatobpltlilw flmbntr hfal i wit iroabted uh infttrnmauon ot lb kytt w hat dorluk nearly lh wholt o umommar of lift i ooald not worki i t look aevaral bottlw of kotthros a ly majit vnpiubta duoovety and it im m great ptetaare to infarm jroa thai it trartd m oe njy attliollon tt l ait eollal medielae for ooatlienem a mtdfoal man ult uc that tht habit among women ot uuatos lhlht4whtn tawing it the chief caw ot bloodpoitotr a6are and dleittnt toaia and intrigot tling pptlaor milbarnt aromatio qola awo a imroiter with aome ipirilaalutio ten dency loci hit wife several monlae ago and ikntly he atteaded a teance where the t pirits were abnndaut i6vlike to hear from the spirit of my wife he taij the medium hnttled arcmud and pretty aeon three distinet ra were heard she it here annoaneed the medtam aofemnly ill she in heaven inquired the bereav ed huband the medium hutued bat coald eel no anfwer lathe happy inijnired the hatband perteveridcly tie medium failed to cetan autwer after three or four minutes effort 5he refutes to talk announced the medium finally cgh growled the husband reaching for hit hat ihat aint my wife detroit frrt prut she handles lots of coin lita calhoan one of the mut expert money handlere in che trecaary depart ment it wafhiccoa hat the remarkable record of cccnting tvooo coina in a tingle day each coin passing through her hands and to deljcat ha ber eecte of loach be- eoane that tnonii there be a eoanterfeit ooin in the lot she would detect it even when coanting at ihis tremendous rate 4tftreada ibe ootce apoo ureegxs top deek and draws them off with the tips cf her nepers one two three or four at a time at the pleases fcr her four fingers are equally well educated in the work her eyes have nothing to do in the detection of false coint her fingers do it all toey have become so very familiar with the ex act weight of a true coin the feeling of it and the amount of resistance opon the glatt deck that a piece of rpnrioas gold silver nickeor copper money attracts her atten tion instantly when and wwat to read ii you are impatient sit down qnietly and have a talk with job ii you are just a little ttrocgheaded go and see kotes if you are grftting weakkneed take a look tt elijah if there iifiotong in yoar heart listen to davidl ii joa are a policeman read daniel if youart getting sordid spend a while with ixaiah ii yoa feel chilly get the beloved disciple to pat bis arms around yon if your faith ts below par read paul if you are getting lajy watch james if yoa are losing sight of the future climb up to revelation and gf a glimpse of the premised land bid you ever try vinegar a mizlnre of alum glyoeriae and water for rooexjoito bites salt or ashes for removing discoloratious from coffee cups or other dishes cleaning the lint from a clothes wringer jjvith a cloth saturated in kerosene alcohol to remove grass stains from the childrens while aprons skirts etc yiltetixed chalk tod ammonia for re moving etaina from marble bafint and closet bowls to clean a gilt picture frame by uiiug a sponge wet with hot spirits of wine or oil of turpentine then leaving it to dry good ha told the truth i 4 spihooc came home the other day wita a dew eaaiton where did you get that boat 7 asked his wife 1 at a bspopdmiand clothing store oho that coat it your old coat i sold a pedlar last week he has fixed it op and palmed it off onyon for new by thunder jo i know what the bena meanttnfant when he uid it filled me like as if it had been made for me i thought at the time be was lying but i see i was deceived in him honeyalone will notmake ady kind of religions work successful wherever yon find s spiritually prosperous church an ag gretsite missionary enterpiisethe problem of city evtngelizttioo or of reaching the neglected classes in the conntry on a way towrrdiplntioayoa find that some men sad fiomeo fcxrs been putting their brains their efforts their sympathies their pray ers into itr- watchman the teltltaouult published in behalf of hoods sartaptrilla are not extravagant are not written np nor are they from its employes they are facta and prove that hoods sartaptrilla poetesses absolute merit and is worth the full confidence of the people hoods pills are purely vegetthle-per- fectly htrtnlesc effective bat do not cause pain or gripe be tore to get hoods quakers are said to bo unusually long- lived canada is being coogratalated everywhere on the excellences of her manufactarea art stained glass is prominently ia the front rank ot her improvements thanks to uccautland son of toronto who for 0 years htve labored not only to accumu late money but to make stained and orna mental glass of all kinda accredit to the dominion syrip of flgt produced from the laxative and nutritious juice of california figs combined with the medicinal virtues of plants known to be most beneficial to the banian system acts gently on the kidneys liver andj bowels effectually cleansing the system dispelling coldi and hetdeehes and curing habitual conttipttion belgium is declared to be the most in- tempertte conntry in europe those intolerably painful tnd constantly harassing things called piles which trouble to many people are toon healed by dr thomas eelectric oil the great external remedy for phytical suffering and metns of relieving pains a very small quantity achieves retails of the most gratifying kind a close call after toffering for three weekt from cholera inftntam so thtt i was not expect ed to live and tt the time woald even htve been gltd htd detth called me so great wts my suffering a friend recom mended dr fowlers fixtrtet of wild strawberry which acted like magid oo my system bat for this medicine i woald not be dire now joax w bbjoabaw sv3 st pjal 6 l montreal pq the owner of the detroit garbage boat wts fined four hundred doiltrs on friday tt amherttbarg oat for violation of the customs itws in discharging cargo without clearance papers the cargo consisted of filth gathered in detroit tnd dumped on the ctnadisn tide ot the river near am- herrtherg do yoa feel u thaagh yoar friends had all deserted yoa basinets etltmtlies over whelmed yoa yoar body refuting to per form its duties tnd even the sun htd taken refige behind a cloud then an xorth- rop ev lymsnt vegetable dircovery and hope will return and despondency disap pear itrk bvbtker ingoldaby writes i am completely cared of dyspepsia thtt caused me great suffering for three years northrop lymans vegetable discovery ia the medicine that effected the cure after trying many otner medicines there are 270 religions in the united kingdom stronger every ity- grvrlcij3 i have been ill jfor s long time with lame back and wets kidneys and tt times coold not get op wjthautbelp i tried bbb tnd wjth two bottle tm almost well i find my btafc4 stronger every day yours truly lltifcl tnoarsox oakville ont four times more irishmen reside nbe cnited states than englishmen coughing leads to coffin unless stopped by dr woods norway pine syrop the beet care for coughs colds and lung troubles covsumptio cuekd during last year only one person in 45- 000000 passengers was killed by a railwty accident iftes yqu want jtour cotton linens flannels always weet clean tnowy white yqu- want the wwh done the eostfest the clean- eat the ejulckeat the cheap 1 eat way oh what a cough will oa heed the wtrning tb6 ligttl perkapi of tho cats tpprotch ac hat mart tetrlblv diietse cansatflplloa alt yoar selves f yoa can afford for the sake of saving 606 to ran the ritk and do nothing for it vfe know- from eidetteow thtt shltons care wilt care jroac ooagh ii never falls mr it l ixaun county treasurer of dafferio was on uondty eveaiug present ed wilh a most btlteriog jtddrsm tnd a parte containing 1300 by frieadt a ortngeville shelbarne qrtad valley tod other parts ot duherin peel and simooe ooanties 1 b tyurprise soap the u iprtoe way wfttiout bodlntr bmudlng ghras theee reavlt i bead3raw br th5s stttn sf- 1 ts 1 hj j a t jpv an old physician retired firpm practice having htd placed in his hands by in east india missionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and per manent cure of consumption bronchitis catarrh asthma tnd all throat tnd lung affections also a positive tnd radical care for nervous debility and all nerroas com plaints after having tested its wonderful curative powers in thousands of cases has fell it his duty to make it koovnto ail his suffering fellows actuated by this motive sod t desire to relievebnmtn suffering i will send free of charge to wifa desire it this recipe in germtn french or english with foil directions for preparing and using sent by mail by addressing with stamp otmidg thil paper w a notes 620 powers block rochester n v it woald teem that dearly a quarter of all esses of ipttnity tre hereditary tnd animals tre not free from ihis visitation hollowcy core care destroys til kinds ot corns tndvtru root tnd brtuch who then woald endare them with such t cheap and effectatl remedy within retch sodden- prostrated gotltxer i was suddenly prostrated while tt work by a severe attack of cholera motbat w teiitlt once for t doctor bat he seemed antblo o help ao ertcattion about every forty roinutes wts cut wesartog me ont when we aentlfor t bottle of wild stnwberty srhtcb steed my life itfivvstcktttisv koant brydget oqt ilkcuialt jranwst itiiie hair restorer mi ii- rase klgltettawtrd at the uojverstl cookery tnd food ex hibition held ia loudon tnd opened by the lord lltyor icty srd 1kb messrs jl g dtian co of croydon london tad hamilton canada obtained the highest awtrd for baking powder the french government has given its officii authorisation to the project of hold ing a universal exposition in paris a the year 1900 there will therefore ba eight years of preparition for ft if the peace of europe be mtlnttiued if germany or russia or austria ot italy or spain oc england does not raise any rumpus in which france will be involved in view of the relations between ha virions powers ot europe it otn htrdly be expected thtt they will til keep qaist until the twentieth centary ot christianity the germans have been made to angry wilhia tho past month by the suggestion of he puis exposition thtt they will surely find it hard to restrain their wrtlfi tgtint t france for eight years especially if the prospects of the berlin exposition of 18 shoald be blighted under the shadow of the frerlch project nevertheless let us hope for the continuance of peace wbeo btby wts rick ro tits her otstarfs ween the wa a cuijj tho cried for csstortt when the became his the dmiewosstorls rcrthlrhnnirmrtre the americana matt not be very fond of tea when they drink eight times as much coffee ts the bererige thtt does not in- ebritte it is the beit dear sirs- i htve used yoar b b b for the past five or six years and find it the best cure for tour stomach tod bilious ness i have also rued burdock pills tnd can recommend them highly amanda fortune huntingdon que in england there is one horse for every twelve pfrsoni tnd only tn average of four hoars dtily sunshine in which to ride oc walk for coughs colds bronchitis and all lung and throat troubles there is no pre- ptrttion ot medicine csn compare with bickles aoticontamptirn syrup it never fails to afford prompt and perman ent relief it removes all soreness sxia heals the deceased parts it imrseditteljr soothes the most troablesome coagh sxtrl by promoting expectorttioa remorse the mucus which stops up the tie tabes which causes difficulty in brctthing thereby gives relief to thtt depressing tightness experi enced in the chest public speakers tnd singers will end bicklei anti-coasamp- tita syrup of inestimable value as it speed ily tnd effectually alltyt all irritation and hoskiuets in the throat tnd bronchial tabes tnd gives power to the vocal cords render ing the voice clesr tnd sonorous if par ents wish to save the lives ot their children and t from much tnxety trouble tnd expense let them procure l bottle of bickles anticonsumptive syrup tod whenever a child his taken c 3ld has coagh or hoarseness give the sy rup accord ing o directions stick to tire eight right tctioas spring from riht prinet pies in cases of diarrhcet dytentry cramps colic summer eomplsi it cholera morbus etc the right remedy s fowlers extttct of wild strawberry 1 1 unfailing curermsde on the principle th tt nttoree remedies are best never trtvl without it i accordiogtot recruiting serietnt few men btve legs of equal leogtb t id thtt in every thousand men in the be tith army only eighteen tre orur six feet in hefght yoa woald not htve had that throbbing headache htd yoa taken t bujrdock pill list night if yoa wtnt to buy or tell t farm ad vertise in the torimto wahy mail thtt ptper retches 100000 farmjrs homes every week tnd your advertisement should meet the eye of someone who wants to par- chase advertisements of this ejus tre a- serted in the toronto weekly uail far five cents s word etch insertion or twenty cents t word for five insertions address the mail toronto canada fj uantioikw ifwtmwmlmi tmin3 i twsjtmmwmowpms would bs eomtiid ulicffflottot nsvstraibjs sis vyorj4urthrlhti reset out darjlnf cttthtbstrpwn lponooibrow wmmuiitrtbsto rotytvnwt y jbt mia at th if ao now ahlhsss uuis lo sold khftri i hew tbry point c ir mtmorltt btek to the hast wordt and utlotut jtrtwa alojsi oor btekwud track utrtt those tlttt hi tdt cumlnd ua- aa in snowy bio tbtylls ffol te mists fbtt sbat roses voroar rsapknil r tadbyt btnaftwtmtsrt lit tba mule tdlthstweeivtv sd bird hat gewni strings thtt its ah old alight tut vtolita tu1 ths lore y tt wtn art seat strufs thtt lumu sr islet tad tunthlnt nsrer tsroijialf a fair j as whsa wiatsit t icwy plnloui ghtkf uisfr kbit dawn in tbt sir i lips from which u t tstt of tlltaoe koatbataoket iralltwiy i kersrblosiotnyi nthbtutyj as adorns um an uth today 1 and sweet words tt at freight oor mommy with belt umui ul pertaoui oomt to at likw ttr teeeatt throagh the pec sis ot lbs tomb let us tlhez art tl sunbeams i lrlog ail ilioi i ir path i j 6sf at ktsp the t set tad roses casting out the t lorna act chaff let es fiod oer tw stest oomfor tauieblemfuft lodtyi with t ntlfeoi hti d remavlac j all the briers fro a oar way uarf rilti om m- fro a irotm dtit 8tt4frjr te ertlyetrsjmy lister tuffsred ram uier oo nplaint as doctor gave her oo hi ip jwe i rted b b b which oared hec cortipletely ft to tif mus 0 ixnut lyons out only tea ire ttid o go pa reel a mtne fore thttger t retdpmest of ween he tfres jetrs etch nexntt tvtrage forty- nk letters the pott whlc l mts o oat of every rnuiiafi throagh it oh if i earlier la life woald have exckmition rheumttism trills soorejt cord aainsltna wts witness ptrty ia the when asked t tnd then pitofied her 1 charged d limed an eisnfler tn old artillei ym in charged oar hitlery meta whisky german school boys i heletict i eta recommend the flraat wrtjy oompation ct th wolph wordjlu tult adverilument i psut tht unit btokwird it forwtra t thl i itt rare opportunity tor every madam ana mitt tvery fathtr tnd boo b not re t splendid prfte wsxrlixs every week throui lout ihft gretiijoottiprtilion prltes will bsr-dla- trlbnted m followi the first ocrrtet diwec ntcelved the noitmtrlc dtie on etoh loiter o be taken at tht dtlt motived t iheofbotof tht ladlei horn uagailu tcu kthnttf veik daring 1808 will get 300 the itoond rjorreof miner wloo the third 150 fotrth t bentlfulilltertertloe fifth five oolook lilver mtvlee tnd thj next so correct antwert will get prises rtiiglng from 115 down o 2 every fifth oorreot tniwtr irrespective of whether a j prise winntrrir not will get t ipecfal jprite competitor residing la he southern bute as well u other distant poisuhtva h equil chtnoe with those nearer home if the potlmirk will be our lalhority in every cue i bom utah list of inswert mtit be icoompenied by tt to pty foe six months sabsarlpupa to one of he best home migixine ia america i iliiaikcssv the imlet home ilaga- ti i well tble a carry oat its promises eterbaarougb j 0tnsdt rimes splendid paper and financially iiroag hastings canids mar every prise winner will be tore to receive jutt what he is entitled to korwoodcanada reauer money inoald be seat by post office order or registered letter address the ladict fforae uatfulne cetetbatoagh ctm i t ltbrtdor a country which we tlwtyi usooftts with arctio luowdrifts oeburgi els his poo species of flowering plaott 60 ferdssni over 250 ipeciet of moueii tnd lichens mmsm kpssfis sdardtoafldreouis itmsopertetoaay prescription o me 11 a atcbtt tt d ui so oxford sti strcouya xx csi ettalssotetl ireoofl nexul known tin ts of inletli wir liln ttyresci if not niched be- wenlyfite and the de- it most marked be- hirty md forty five epgfind sends oa in yearly through ily tweatygo tstrty letters which go ttkon this medicine years of ntffsring it was the touching had beta cared of i so of ayers stntp- eases ire on re- r no tisct of thrctwing ones self shoat evenings ago tt t t yoaagltdy who ting fijrit tdssect her head otce myself o ice tz- ton dlcl replied i rho knew him yoa i fty cents t drink foe c criauri s k co gentlemen f jc retrt i btve been troubled will to rofu oas soret upon my face i htvi i spent hundreds of dollars trying to erteet a rare without any result i tra htppttdttrone bottle of itlkards iiiuuiimlui airedl me tnd i cart it to all u the best likiifekt intirely heartily recoomind medicine in the wfortd bayfield oul edison tho to and ststts at i h a gentium i tell htm haw tnd he replii hti yet h prices is he the boy who moo school good books it honor tad passed throagli t lava indhewhc education coi reading it beti life thtn he or university taste ttktt eir owt i ery used took i to ii irootem a friend if he ooald ctnvts back dock t got its ft as ay one tt present which trouble me fat rea caarse wih jet r inuainoe higt his gilbert l orkney sootlsnct ed by leversi friends eel of dr thomas lot got fromyoa teversl cues kf relief when doctors to htve tny effect of this medicine thaojd thtt the millions of ba world mi discovery k yearly oatlty of dollars shows ameria vertisiug aieyou 0r do yoa tiffer then tend s cent ttta vsluthlatri for home aarej which nothing a ipjendrd ths etr addri pcoig boatld mclnaes tew- people know voices letvetftt he end of a com- t love for reading prepared for t life of than one who fats school witfaoat tay tn ordiasry school th s taste for good iquijped for the duties of uttejof the best college try withoat thst c land kirgsrets hope t i tm reqaett- arder another par- oil the hut been felted in ifu given icinae hate failed excellent quilitiet be made known ufferers throughout by its providentiti ee ectric hiving bhe imituim r ledi tie tweaty millions of s enterprise in id- deaf frc n noises in he hesd pshd i will tend a tafniog fall psxtfcalsrs costs compsrttivefy i ork oadesfnets tnd ciunrkontreil an employee of ger nta clerks ttvt that they work twcjty cent slower thaa english ones the third jfait is noted if yaa wtnt taj yoa want t sit nessmschiriei or onndiny oat where tnyi ranto dally mi menis oa the the chtrge is tertion add tdt re ot ths toronto dtuf wi at sdverltsemintt oay ai tell anything if tion mechimc a busi lodgi igs if yoa fatre lost ig or f yoa wtnt r to find he is i dvertiss ia the to- tnd read the tdvertise- hird tga of thai paper wo ce its t word oich in sir the mail toronto csn p as tn titer dtaaer itomtch miiitldigestitn biiidas tendenhes a fidered the best beirjg tra ts fgreeiblfl is msy be taken liy the consamptioii i believed vtlent iu ireland thai or wales fretful crying children dr lows worm syrn tystern snd removes w rmt when ihe falkltt t visited by mir be w approached him without trenlon dstfrtou ldff vflsndwper let for extrtotioo fne spatial filling dffloe tftthe4i go fo symon the nine lsrsros ijieattole to strengthen the tad correct tny ers pills tre oon- sugtr coiled they ny confection tad delicate to be mors pre in either england shoald be given it regalttev the itlindt wrreifirst id dogs foaqd here either fetf or will insert teeth it eit throe months ctre given to mock aoon eweller for the gen to sait sights shilohs conumption0ure this great codgh cdre thtt taoeetitalconsditptioh oure is wildcat t ptrtilthataanfitory of medicine all druggists tra aathoriierl a sell it on a positive guarantee a teat thtt no i other care csxi taooetsfally ittnd if yoa btve t coagh bore throat or bronchltit use it for it will can yon if yoar ohild his the croap or whooping coagh ase it promptly tnd relitt it lure if yoa dread thtt insid ious disease cok80uptioh dont fill to ate it it i will care yoa or cost nothing ask your druggist for shlloes core price 10cts wets snd 1100 ic yoar langt tre tore oe back lame ate shiloht porous pinter j5els plir bsteedrrarotlsrb l lbs dot eiuertlou4iodcjiart catarrh si sombjdmtilsiirmtbrraflbem iet ftlwillnh wms plu sa j powdered lye purist 8tronogat but etltljrtiwia tibrqiisnutr far mtmjur bdtu tot leainc wttcr miiofcxilnv tzihsndnqibii otm xoftaoqaluihiutthesutjclju f u lrr- alt ctxrcr we drextuj the key to health ooloeks all he doggod twenaet of thai bowels kidneys and urer earting- aff gradaallr witxiant vrcskening hssyo temjsll as impurities tnd foal hamani of ea sccretioru at tho crime tima cot reotjng acidity of van stomtfcri earing buiorasiicss dyspepsia headaches dizziness heartburn constipation drynesscr the skla dropsy dimness of yisloa jatin- dlee salt rheam erysipelas s4to- faia flattering- of the heart ner vousness and general dobuitrte these snd many other timilte compjsindi yieidto ha hippy iahaanoaot bdhuwcrl bloob brrteks i rorfixstifrnijiiirt t mjom co proprietors townlrx dunns baking powder thecoofcsbestfriend uirdcst sale in cnaotr 3500 in rewardsi the ctnadisn agnnnltnrliti gntt half tearly literary competition the fifth half rttrlyliterirr copirietition for lajl of the ctntditn agricultaiitt amer icas oh snd reliable illustrated family uitrasine will do lejuna tb all letters bear intj rostoivrknot later tbaa jaae aotdirul cotuit no matter where iicetod the oll6wlag splendid prizes will be given free to nersans sending in the greatest somber of words intde ant of letters eanttined la the words rme ii losnuttxi aaiuccitcmst tatevurt one sending fci s list of not less thin 109 words will roceire tlrtlaible present ot tilrenrire t ut grind eewird imowgoid tnd 1 grind piano vtlued it tjoo ij50wooid orgixt vtlued at taoo ii tlmutooid anttaoldillifnljerlld ltdles gold witch full jrsued mo is gold ei5flaoid w rewires of 10 etch j eiay kext so prlzos 20 surer te fists qatdruple piste warranted t kext so prises jo silver dessert sets winknted hetrr plate i kext 100 prises um silver butter dishes 4c warranted heavy plato i kext 500 prises consists of hoivr pitted fillver kettles butter dishes fruit baskets bsicrdt jirs fingar shells batter knives e sus all fullr warranted making a total of 689 splendid rewards ths vaiao of which will aggressta s3sco 1 esiww this grand ulerary oompetlttoa it opetr to everybody everywhere the foliotuig tre the t the wards must be constiucted only from lettsrs in thewordstra iixcrnutin aatliccl- 5 foand to webtteri uotbrldged dlctiansry a tht body of the book nene of the supplement to be used x the words oast be written in rotttiod sad aambered l 2 s and so on for facilitating in de ciding lbs winners i j i 8 letterseanuot be used ofteoer thau they app ig ttje words f tax illobnutsn- itonx- coltumsrrt for instance the word era 7 can not be qtedks thsra is bat one g n the three words it j it i eontsjnlng the itrgest number of words will be twsoled first prise and so oo in order of merit each list salt is moelved will be numbered sudlf two or mors tie the first received will be swarded tint prise and so on therefore the benefit of seodlnf tnesrlv will readily be seen f eeohlfmmaitbeeecomrsiledbyslforalx m sybaeriptlon to trnt aaoreoltdnitt the following gentlemen have kindly oootent- jon in ioikloff geatlenifla bara wndl ooamnt- d to t mjadfl j g miodqdftld cuy curk 1 surborotfib cauidi ind commodore cjeott patau fvtmw it rwth m- brtodon vsnoouver jl w p- o- wcnnnln donild bc prise reeelved 0 k- ftltisljwbdperiorwis tsoo prise ree thtntxo v bobertsoo toronto in others in tjnistd states snd canada this lb kijlottbbymerit tbs reparation for fairness sine c trotutie ito the pssvls ample t this competition will be ooddaetedln like huk- ir will cptjnt rsniee lou- iflthtl wjshw ts m petuetblars to aoaiculitllbibt tstarbeceabhrctntds cbb gjm ate of osstortt is to universal tnd to weuknown that it seams a work wtalolt few are she a who da not keep c kswpotttarl i thewtorkcur lsierfjtorblooniliisdalebetceinedcliurcn r2l2is22oi qflni asjp lajrsteotes dl- rrnv t fax x 0 ttsndtih kewtorkcltf i j l otwwtoopia street snd tib ave r t i r v v4r rat i i tn osjbaob coiitast tt k aisu brssst stvr ton oods ou in in wli defines challies prints tad btfeenf i the jvery cretmof wtsh goods ia stock now colored challiet at s oenta which cost 50 o mtnafactare i sams one has lost money oa tpem we didnt bat heres no plunder in hem for as this is t plum thtt cannot be picked ap every dty the pile il going down ftsi deity it dtngeroui j dlklnes htve the ran this summer and deservedly ro there is nothing prettier oc more servicible go where yoa ms r yoa cannot find t nicer vsriely thtn we show in ihu linej think ot a pretty delaine tt 12 c tnd thenj imagine the loveliness bf a 60s one if yourpnrse limits yoa we htve it big variety at 15 2p25 0 and 50 cents prints we open this week a esse of extra wide fine ability print ftst colors at 10 oents this is the regular 13j cent print tit over ths country another lot of blouses in thil week bonn bengaline snd cotton very cheap and just the thing for the hot weatherj theyre going like hat cakes tnd so wonder the price and style kllsfhem j i i extrs vilve in lisinless cotton hose the color will not wish oat r rub off sixes in cashmere and silk hosiery 25 per cont os ituiinety foe ihe btltnbe of he setton rb jermyn jukyie92 shiw grundy guelph at during this moath weill sell the balance of large and ijvell assorted stoclc oil hats furnish- i s and summer clothing at bona fide cost price jrder to make room for our fail importations ch will be more extensive this season than usual i i i r this will beaqeuiiiiiecieailinifj sale i must be pid for shrm k igryndv j goods sold at reduced prices ime of purchase the mammoth oeprojptoiittn oidresb g oods botanies printt ifuslins silks muiinerymarjila parasols remriaata of alt kinds of dress goods nnd prints we are weeding outa great deal of stock arid the jcustomers vsllget great snaps if they tinly csroitqdl gee- nice ladies straw hats jfrom5c apwardsmeng straw hats from 5c upwards great bar- gains will be giren tbrottghont the store eemember par car- petj oil cloths and curtains boojt ivnd shoes snap bargains oar dressmaking dad milliri- ety departments arc open tor orders they are anxious willipa aid able to tarn out the wom well and please ou oar geiis fariiishiugs ready irnade olpjhing hats caps are iti tirstclass shape bargains to ibe bad 1 t i oar assortment of saiunes overcoatiqga andgeueral cloths are second to none and pnr iordered j department which is anperinfenddd by our cutter mi millar leads si the van of first class clothing establisxitixenfeh in- the province orders indparvoh- age respectfully solicited v the mammoth w mcleod co qeohoktovrh mp at i s vj i a 1 1 smi pwr pi pwit q etwbl jst 1 j pski3s flk j stbbi lept leffiit tttsttwct ttsebbbbbbbbb bvl4s il ssp i h iivf m ii v wild children i price vii srj 8tl merchant tail are whtchesi if your vvatch dont go well try uri v- a fine mf ev w stock purchased of elgin and waltham i batches i our ptk es aire reapnable a watch rbpa as w emake a specialty of ring- m udt1e busr lohils i it pleases ttvsti ftwsby kln prmneea wllrt- trfcbrnrbt s vijchente fotn ffi7si swii dock tt night and rr i 5 v leyrteut world tmpta oaueqipasirr i prlooj tenswti if- f b jr- t ji fusil i m rki mmm wm

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