yoluatyp xviiiiro ijhe ftoii- jtrcc prtss 11 rttrlttktt- every thursday morning it tre free fyt stem iriatlne ootee uox street actox ost ftutierst rtfrirrioxonc dollar rr yw u mii in or within uw death fro kfnnlooir lrrtyrlt not 10 paid sutoich everr jubacrlptiea pl isttoted by the date nilae dtns libcj ldttrnu rites tranaiaat idrvrtlfe- jwtt f ru rr nonpareil ta t em la artuoo t mil per line tootch ntiwqupt iasfaruoo- kjctiurr llitri the following ubli thows oos rues tor tliff- iniertioo or adrcrtitamoau for iprcttd rwif troeho 1 t e io b ico kou 600 mm ib bo it no 350 it00 too too i lko n loo tatwrtisenirnu- without cce directions cl ba kctil till rt04 ul chirsl mgtj tagfr tranvicnt adrerueemanu matt be paid uairansa adwcllnru 111 be chacjwl onoomch u u liml rot ehai oftar than oauborta competition must u rii i tor xtcu ntca cthrceafitiactiherlimnjent rnut b in the octca by coou on tueidar iliwiooiie editor tnl proprietor susiness biwrtorp j f itiun m i c ii 03ct il reii-lrace- sawctt acton corner vlill krvjcrick sa mlklagik u d irjbu- of riaity cow drio4u- of trinity collt- uetnber ol oaflcecirfcrnfila cd sarccn lhtoctiato off t1 ccluf of iuvticii mi scrcssoua fcdiebcrt 0caci rrijnrr lr ijovryi utc rrci- ee fcd a krjenck uct acton l l dennett zds dentist ocikoctovk oxtajuo m cleas a mclean 4rnir sointora oun contrjivnceri t esrte funis to lots 02retorn hiji acton wr a uclcax jso a mclux 1 a mowat bittlitcu saucitoe notlztpceuc uosey to lout orrcz dirtaeittai sturiy actoa cpiuirt orncekimidi blot r j mcnabb cmlunan ccllrrrvin ktc tcaj 5i ccusta ufctci accct fire fcci ucc to laoa the niott ltorbl term jav0vars0arc actoa qjhiltos wallbridge stone bxnitcr solicitor at totoxto txd gloegitowh 0c- crtlmjii block goixob la d trfcin brk cbaler d voaje t toroato patenta secured foe inventions 6exbv guist ottavi cutiri tety t u erectioc no ptat no tit vrru hekstbeet lickseh arcnostm for the cntie of wellington ind hilton orenlefluthoftzx pt osce actoa or upyrecdac in actoa will be rroartlr t- i44to terra reuonble v al cisaey to iota oa the inot frorble tralai it the lovect rt ol tsaiof ftjftjiai cptrdi intcrt4 in john day arcixitect grciru ovt omcewjnilain btrctl grass mmocks laroe strong pbclkt i price okstore aotntirio thursday augfu6tji l 1892 or oanaea toun orrtd nirnro cirttil atmuucxo itfojoo oifttilpiloct xxuc loatfuito- uooo00 v auelph braoh oorvkb op vtkotuk 1xo ducc rtuxtf 5ttlmbinkdpkntnl per one paid os lasu o 1 1 ud oinrudi mm utaot drjit w diu olnmntl or oom- poandal hilt rtrlr oa iuc iur uut hh so- talmr cmpottt buoiptt luit utalruom mtd to mpoalbl finnan stgrllnj ricauco boacht ind 10ij dnfu land rxjnbla it ill polau a th unlurf hum a ceartl builttuff ludaom tivxuutad a f b jose8 uietauciphbruicli bank of montreal capital rest 13000000 6000000 a savings iljsiaktlfst hm boon cicnst in ooiinpctionwrith thli dtunch luttmt allofil i carrrnt ert jas hfenlay kituc ocelph bliinaf w barber bros paper makers georgetown ont mice a sreculti op machine mm boofc papers high uradf weekly news the pp utd in thi jonrntl ic from the above mill to bahber c bros steel engravings trtol etcliiupt colored picture iloom nd pictcre uosldicc iv0ry frames silver oak gilt artists materials a lull tuck of wictor a swton kitke white iocblc tobc uowney itfc 6xlqdci photo frluic eomrlt 3c 5 ftrt corctee polf brui fittlcti t3c oar wall papers are tij to t the tttt klccttd in th city waters bros kstablished ln st george s square ouelph new peaning mill -xxi- sh tnd door factory john cameron contractor bu sttd up the balldlcp on lliln stfett littlr occcpied u t trunk tcctorrwtthnew tntchinerj- md f prrpcred to fcniilb iilin ipclflctioai lad tito4t or j1 cuk ofbtiillidci lad f ancis kunan silcoettortat ichpcia b00kd1ndkk ttooorjeislcir goloourio atoat book of all kioc nude to oilder feriolti of evrj description ctrtfollrboand atlicrleitlt and pronplly done fp3e haxlan barber shop mill s rtrrt aero 1c lutiui ttylith htircntcood itifoim itiliarttiicihtidpoolwxtipteb rucor t3tudpotl trtclu coadltioa ldi tfil ctiirta hair tutilj cnt h wobdestontorlalartua acton liodge no 204 loof meets itilbeoufellovihali hilltslock rr edelt ereninc- vuitinc breth- ntbtlwejtejcosje for copy of cobrtitctjon tad if applj to the cudinif ced or in of the w wlfliajiji nfttcorden becrettrj salesmen wanted lt mi ul trrelliii lud locil lesmea t rejrrat the old established fontliill jcjeri ualary 1aid kiwi the start m ijoiiin irml io ojr line libenl 7i lrmdent itntiou l t rt coder cultlntion mioniuiolfrircliiok orrrit fetr uuif rj for hnbim ocurio nd mini- jf2rf jf w guaiuntee ocr- 1uk atfy tor arm at onoe we wnt oaov stone wellington toronto ont agents wanted in etery townthjp to teu the pictorial cyclopedia of live slock and complete stock doctor the laottuiajeterrl comprehcnlve work lonbod iuuthbriund et the bead v d hare a contlnenul repn- it eiht iu cold to anr one if s h h tttle blte iotltrr ijvi or jti a grind opiortciolty to make ijaey bet ure territory at oncel addreu e n moyer publithej- 120 yonge bt toronto crecate til kuidiof dltfssing uatchucq anduoulding kate ill ttles or stthe doon and window and door frames and drtsgsed ltiniber add keep a stock on land all order promptly oa to john cameron j plush parlor s uttes sold from 30 p sprk5ge cualph the rlfsh for our low shoes t walnut rames etc oompl up at cut prices continues leadinn boot siw store w mclaren cuelph tco g nt seas0n1u91 v thile retorninc rtini for tbelrfiber a ve wiib to in term yoa thu thpflrt la the put tnrhtentp8d into id rrrfneement with li tttevttrt qnelph tokeepcocctxntlron bada fall ttocj of th ordinuriteof sash doors nd till alao cnnply uj ipeclil cuc on tliort notice lt guelph prieec frames of all kfnds made to order wetlio kp lj ctock line of bwe window tnd door cufn corner bloci ttc j yourlsnltfr dretd wkle yoa wcll itlnde- acton livery bus line tbc unxricnrodrmioctfantcnciuthettron te of ttio puwic ad iniormi them that well equipped and stylih rigi can tl- w7i tw secured at liissuble a comfortablo bnt meet ai tralns betea 9 a m and 18 p m carefal attention circntoetcrj order tbe wahu of coramercia trtrel- lcn fully met john williams wellington mutual fire rsmce compm lhjxbubuzd 1m0 head office cuelph lascrectttiildincuercbaiiditeuannfactorte tod all other description ot iniontfle property on the cm b and premium jvste hyebem p w stoke chas davtdsoh precldent hunger john taylor aoeht bell pianos wzbu awarded hamiltons marble works i rawiltos isiock rfonnerly httcbi block te cjrifcjriifr of wooicb tnd norfolk lj out john h mawiltom u proprietor kuotlt tia rtuil lealtr and direct ilniiorter jn1 uiauuftctnrirof all kind ofgranlte bd atari e jjonuiiitlu totnuuidm ete harfnt jwari tuoiiie eijrirtice for tbelait icyean e ubir rtlf oa cettinc all ifciiericir artciet at k cheiw rate than any otb dealer 11j iit v t 1 hr yti lent bff on a direct order re- uiidfortit detld4i organs awarded the gold medal jamaica international exhibition 1891 in couietitioti with americcrtgennaiiecfillati and cctiadiaxi manafacturtn haon s m cook co oeorgetown lkeued auctlonftera appraisers valu- atora collectore real estate and general land agent fob the colktiea or on peel wellington slwcoe y or and ontario untier to ioah from iqq an at tii per cent aruefcplaine tbeir aaim or otber butineca id out lead rill uarthecataeprotdptlyattea4d to ataiodtrtalf lttge omar ajcd balm rookuui 6tg6orc- town- or ftddrese bcl ihc k u cook t co tsakch0rrtce31qneea sceaat toronto s u go ok ft co aacuonaert georgetown aad toronto thtnte t o oar taany pat oatecntrd etc pumps being better able than heretofore ve rill coifply either wood or iron pumr rromplty all work euaranteed tatiifactorj flee call and inspect bifore rarcbtxing elthere tttos ebbage ifaaseer grtndells machine repair shop ic addition to mtcbinerv preparea toe ic horse shoeing general eiacksmi thing la a mod tttiefxetory manner paln altotqadn careful attention given to a 1 work brought in an machine or implement manufactnred will bo repaired like manner plow and machinery repal band hekrv ng i am now woodwork re- by wbomioever in a workman constantly on grikdell 09 upper wyndhjtm steeet fresh arrivals tine scotch surratas hew spbjhu wors ted suithfa ovebcoatmanevest colors opened today choioa new llnealn fins ingliah hau in fedora and all nswit sntprn to be told at clow special drives bemember oar famoai c on monthly or qaarterly fayaienu only t 1 g w kellys iinio stohjb- i r ij iowcr wyudbam itroet guejpb phono i7m j tele- acton saw mills coal and wood yakds jkvtes br0wn xuracttracb axd dealeie or lnuiber ltili fiuiiicl coal and wox1 coalatvtvvoof alwas ittatoelc ahi proffltitlr delitered to any ncrt of theloro at recrab prloea ffardwoojaadtlabc cnt ttote l0tfa alway on band tetepbone cauuattnieauoa 99 upper wjndhtm prloes n hats aau to order wee a the fine bprtad th urtnjaatiji fpc a pil b flat wctu i procmctoejt ooit rm oomiiit 305 aoiie atnac uo ae mtiiuiftletfiit seuiri roamoo gloving fa ho bu ehoh i yoar mr im h ua llatne to r a over kfaa f no tnutake 1 fllxeeka an goirluir kl like tll mr jtotle louliil free l inf ttoqie my laula and tne rurkuu all uaketke latltaibar when he e tie tible let hie pat watt a ot t fia t he e aadhowstaf 1 wtlunc auucueea bithfory andjltt beet peractrlc andlino wlthur and my mo otttoclui and he coa racllx elamr child i 8ooobe gotiatoa xitd your brtnj my l and my br illrer kn hribt a merry sreetlac tnoc tonhxht allattrdeintfee txlll he 1 hell he to dad voa lul me j iar inc he 1 eotna deer adietthtebe be here cay blue rfaiiou rjettlei t dree uce cap and kre hlef iitntor ye vll your ttel la it u hie falheri plctare ralotedloi eafo vjbeo he irai to me what jtuilo lito rea t raktow ollhatbe re here to meet hiui i vet hell at ire our joy wtien fratn 1 eeren bo ceo tic darling ecome 1 ime oar hoy aibt kikkc sftlid ntulij juaiing aster em irtin s gji bt kjt t etzx vlujm wheajuio illp id clergy man ocv walked lotno from char h with hie wrto ad hi arm anjuloo train of olive branchca coddling trippicj and tamping along be hind him ho eon itimea aaw ifrt kcsitr in widow of u rtin iickartiti of that ik roll op to hec gate in bet little phcton ho proder vehicle of tho day and alight at ler boaatilal litt s dwelling known ec wit- ri coilago ler dreaj jolt wl rotild giro a 1ttl oft imiie an her faoe and at a welltodo still far rom oldl eridow i idyi ahoald be then he atgh aa ha ancvered her age ana rather as not decide tc had vrittea of h coming tci live and had added ithotjld like to forbidden her to penaewhatcver meroenary ideai oatdoorai more of jiach fan id get dont yoa aee think i aint oaiet tti ehrewd iand a bright red the tcaia arri broaght old if re e nelson tasaioaaols olotbier btaaelph pose nation igood oat of hamng o the kitchen frank burcess house painter pa per hanger sign writer etc i prepared to execute orwre in any of the abate una la tbeben meaner end etreaioaelile term eton ob hating mrperwoe attention i can aararo eutomera eompleta latiaiaetion graining to all wood a ipeciilty order left at my naldane4 main 8c acton will reeeire prompt attentioi toafee been fart nrr dear of oarae 1 pleaaa t ly poor ura u luartia their h inikerc tiefi and applied them o their pj et nc cr had matfera been on ao charm ig a fool ing betveen them and to the phi iton ito iped at wfataria cottage kow philip he factotam of theektb liahmei t altra c knew when tar expect bii lady he me and job prinj tkolbniko book rimplileu foarbm l bedcircairfae i eieented in the bii t itylo of the art it moderate price aad on hort notice apply or ddrfe apuoobb faax p ofeajr actoa hoen klna i table deer he o taint old china la near i loagmdng journey the tea r it my ioa iimle to me koary vaitlog and me an eatloui inajlnc heart i tltrflllng lheartejoyi iramu are rclehlng mrboy iliygoat ow and aay t hie good helpmeet liana jmy dear really to be di mow it jtlreaiyly the lack of it it inly of late that lit ifcuartin had really ekthatoootcnt rhichtheaacamedioweil ilef little mpaev we going fut and the elt that the fate o might look dark for her joy for though 1 e waanataraliyht grand ndtherg heir th t lady wet hard to man ci inky and might a likely leave it ail to tome one ela- thoogh no ote ooold aay to whom all hail been d mbtcnl until the old lady r own accord to propote ith her daaghlcrunlaw i orenae uartdn a littler and a i am eooipetec to put oa my ow cape i tbaot need a roe d thank heaven t at roar house it u virtaillj aoccpting martin a her heir ifrt mcuert n that her mother had lniutntly written nlaw matt come at onoe had act apart thb boit room for her and hlnk of being at juiy ci- bbe would to enjoy ihving her and now t oagh the woald not pat in little ifartint mind the talked ptoatl to bim about jii ctaty to ibji poor papat mamma and begged bim to promite that 1 e would be xery quiet and make nq anooml irtatle doiki j you froat be it yoar dram or toot your team engine in the house the inflated fromtte trumpet or play will yoa dear m to which lltjttcr iltrtiqt tentnttadt reply wa j then gimme iboy i know baa i billygoat ever other id be ot one why m my vacation and id have eady to tit down indoor it maket me mad when i gt one andtcan keep retaaoning aounded well the mother like 1 to humor her bjy and no accident hat happened o voting goat driven to her i owlodge accordingly ie purchtecvfor matter martin a goat of line dark color with rpleh- did home a poli hed red tnd black wagon harneas and having teen him driving it jo ously down the road or dered the phae on and went to meet her motherinlaw a the ttatiod feeling quite jtafe aboiit her k a and hi protpect od without accideat and ucuartinin an untttually amiable mood rith trunkt and hampers in good order what a oomiprttma turnoat yoahatts the nidi at the tettled herself under the canopy i nev r felt to happy in my life for ive teen i think the latt of jane fiaher the ta d to her daaghter in law that wretch it ick pint into me an pur- hands alwayt smelt of ive got room on the a id her tcented loan pih lover npar eh 1 yet m i mi led if n ucuartin auidtiaechi ti with thetweetett little daitiet i a it ci lna to match ouettep to he din ng roo l acrou the hall to the iew from the window and very attentive to niy com- itid old iirt mcifartin thoutd do ait i ooald to lutbaadt dear ma tighed then both ladiet lookout flrit and uoldiag toptyt heiii hat her mnlhorliilaw might detcehd h tafeiy crieo i z jnttga right in ma dr ejulip will bawretooa ill wait topty hula frfntrv a arid the motherfntaw obeying placidly wd ed ap the paili award the front door butjhorror of horror t- what it thu whais object wa hit that flying site ihe wlntf appeared upon the pathf f k thing wilhjhornt tit rod and black tomelhlng behind it thrieking whoohl whoehl whoah l itwattho goat who not yet well j broken in wtt ufurly boyond bit matlcrt oontral- stop ho would not let matter marttn roar and mrt mclfartin thriek at hey would and pljilip wtt ilill uptfalrt adjutllng hit paper eollar rtt take a minute or ioto tell tj ale bat it onty ook ano tocond ta eutet it duly lowered hit head at old hrt momrtin and plump went that lady into the miktt of the great clump of foliage plant whojre tho lay thrieking whilo ho revolving fountain act to playing in her honor gave hct an im promtu thowcr bath now drenihlng her bonnet now her thoct now her new black ttdn cottume i etppily the wa not much hurt billy hadoaly butted the flouncet not bo ladyi she wac thaking and very- wot when philip the cook hrt mcmartln the young er and a ttrange gentleman whotappeqed to bej patting bore her into he houe therfwere no injuria to be ditoavercd bat he low of her false teeth wllich were found tafo the upper t n the sap of a call lily the under araoogtt the reou of a motiroae butli but the look a her bed and remained there two dayt denoancing matter martin a her murderer he did it oh purpose august the theres ho knew never before had tailed to ttep defcoroatly forward to hold the bone and ul a after iharge of him tcjday of alt day he wt i not on the tpot the fact was titt he joel whom he had been patlinf llad laddenly teired- aoon and detour d ihe cl n paper collar with which he was about i o adorn himself and bald tmsasp ewatly in hit haad and be hadgone to bis jedrooo orer the liable to gt a- otber jedrooo there ire hrt homirtin iauglrted reieratod to her daughterinlaw not a doubt of that in my mind he was to bo my heir a childlike thttl ob mafdmahow can you dream it p tabbed the yoanger mrtl mcmartin j e dont believe yoa were an accomplice aid tho old lady with a doabtfahair but i know that it it my duty toditin lenthim have you had the goat killed t v j have bad him tent away i aid mr meitartin and poor martin it retched sol he wts about the lots of the goat however nothing iho oould ta r in any degree tof tcned the old ladyt heart she had her lawyer telegraphed tor aind mode a will leaving everything to the new society for the protection- of insects and reptile of which the had jutt received a protpectat however my deer madam tiio lawyer whltpered to mr mcmartin i have no doabt my eroellent client will call me in again itamatcsher to write wills and destroy them i h t poke the trutli the lady having re covered and gone to take a short talk was btttep by mosquitoes in tome tarubbery the lawyer was at onoe tent fori and the money ief t to another organization and he daughterinlaw resolved to how a-dis- interested kindnecs to her ged connection which would at last win her to forgive the only child of her only ton who after ail was not to beblamed for what had happen- ed- so the months patted on not happily for mrs mcmartin the elder could not en dure the presence of mstter martfn in any room the occupied and i poke of him in terms onty to be endured by tho mothef for the- ekaof the hope that he might ajb ait be forgiven i however a year pattoct by tad the grandmother had jut made mother will in which her property wat left to he wealthiest church in her native own when a late tapper of fifteen croquettes ehoco- late lobster salad and pistachio ice cream resulted en a severe iliac and poor mrs uautrtin lay atthe point of death she laffered terribly but herfmemory- was good and the laid her illuet to the terrible injuries inflicted by that horrible boys goat and having tent for her lawyer altered her will tnd left half her fortune to the church aforesaid and half to certain pertoot whose duty it should be to par- chase and assassinate all goats to be obtain ed anywhere in the united state it is done the said i howpunithed my murderers i then the took the will and tending every one from the room read and reread it with satisfaction i meanwhile mr mcmartin who had done her best for the old lady and who had oonaeientioutly warned her tbt lobster after to many croquettes waa not whole- tome overcome by mingled feelings wept in her own room and master martin in theitabie was in clover billy who had boea away only so far is a neighbors stableyard had come home on a vkiti safe from the ppervition of his mother at lacha time martin harnessed his treasure and drove him op and down the road until at last fearful of reing betrayed by the servants he released billy from the traces and woald have led him back to bis place of exile junfortunately as it then teamed billy wis not disposed to be lad but turning butted his master in the chest overset him and rushing into the house crossed tie hall threv himself against the door of ti a invalids bedroom burst it open and bounded in and upon the bed the terri fied old lady for the moment dumb with horrorj lifted the only weapon at hand her folded will against him and he fanaying it s kindly offer of refreshment instantly soiled it in his mouth and began to devour it when the shrieks of the terrified lady who at this tight found her voice return to her had summoned the household to her aid the will was gone and billy was tlowly rolling the bit of red tape that had tied it under his tongue ss a choice baitxe bottck over which he lingered loving- lyi he knew what was in it auguita hes sttanic gasped poor old mrs mcmartin he came here on purpose to destroy it take him away he has killed me at it really seemed so for a while but c ntndjna mcmartin wat not ready for her tombstone yet she recovered and lived many yean she even grew fond of ma rtin the tight of the goat wtt however imuf- ferable to her ever after and a supersti tions belief that thegoat would return if she did to withheld her from ever making an- otb er will to that her fortune fell to martin in he regular coons of inheritance it spring time of year men bays a wild yeirhinic 0 work in heir burden that lhr dont hive when the weeds begiato wj i iii what hoods 8irsirll actually ia that ells the story nt its merit and a general thing yoingltiiiei tr thuch tndrs elf pctsetied when bay first jo into sooiet i thtn yoang gerillsinen tnd srhfle hd gi 1 of siiteen is helped out by he kind ness c older women and he attention men tsy i pay to rotebudij it they are pretty orjplc ling he boy of eighteen or nineteen it isft o do ihe best he otn for himself and i ie it modest wallbred and nolcon- oeed he often retires trim toclety tfier a few bi ef ptonges into ilwitha feeling that hi it i pt wtnted here ind will never be sited for ft yet tfter ail hollo u eclel it in miuy profftriont it is uteetx tary f t a young msn ol bold hit own and add tj pear well 6u social occasion it ft tleoi relief o any one whose feel- lags i re slraiirsnd io it tpt a grow melto holy in loiuade d have tamtwhete tcj go r presume msny orlginsily ible meu v ho hive become oadief grown oarele i n their habittj tnd oflentive i their i iinners might have been comfort- able a d well liked it jhey had taken a iktle iluslo know a few people and to be loagh at least in sorasj imalt circle of tociet lor igo lord chosiorfitld said to hit ton- yoar figure it like other peopiet i hop you will take earn to drest to too why i itnthoald you be uhtmed why not gt into mixed oompltny t freely is o yoar irn room 1 ani he adds i i imemberlbat when with all the awkw rdueia ot college about me i wt first ii reduced into good company t wat ftight aed outaf my wiit if i iw people whisp r i was auto it wtt aboat me and houg t myself he abect of ceniure or ridicu i ot he whole company who heavt t knows did hot irouble bemselve about ne in this wty i taffered sntrlyr- dom i nd thoutd certainly have renounced polite society futever ii i had not been absblt ety cenvinced o the necessity of form g my mtnyen r remember k last gainlc intrepidity enoagb to go up to a fine w man tnd fell her thtt i thoughtit wasa eery warm day she answered- me very c villy hat the thought so too upon which ha conrenatida on my part ceased until i leremaked goodnaarediy return- tog it i see your ambirrisstneat and lai lure e few wordi you mid o me cost yoa 1 goo deal but do not be discouraged all yo waut if manner aad yoa do not wtnt ist s macli u yqu think yoa do lor chesterfield wisjiapposed to be one of the nost elegant men j of his day and the ba hful boy who made an effort to say it is wsrm day madam to a lady- be came mbatstdor to the jhtgue viceroy to irelsn secretary ot elite and a member at the cabinet ha hid ail the element of social access with himind yet no doubt he mi it have gone o be wait but for bat deterc iuatiou to form his mtnnen iu good kiel and what was said so many yean ago to t hashfal english youth a bashful boy o my nation diay read with benefit lo n t ba discouraged all you want it manni and you do not want that as much as yot think yoa do a bad bargain it etie man were able to cause all the otterj tickets which are issued in a year by th boa great lottery of f iba country to be bat ditupia hi interest in order that ha mr it hi perfectly sure to get til he prizes he would receive back twenty mil- lions t d9llart in return foe forty millions srpen fed thatit forty he would hive lost ot fright twenty million of dollars all ot whi ih would haregone into the coffers of lhitery company thd ttatetnent is bated trpaa the safe estimi e that the annual receipts ot ihe lottery company are forty millions of dallart and its payment in prize twenty milltoi i it ijiustrrtes it well aasnj- thiug sould the folly of buying lottery ticket the pedplo of the country ss respects such s i enterprise may ba represented s one m a as long as ihey auppdrtit they are an latlly paying out forty millions to getba ktwenty thii is certainly notjan act in harmony with t is supposed tsgicityot the american people to go on indefiuitely paying out two dc iirt to get btck one it not exactly tbrigl t and bustnessiika proceeding tho gh americans wera among the first ot peo e to despite tad prohibit lotteries no pec lie probably tax themselves mare hesril today to buy these unprofitable latter tickets uai ir oar taws it is impostibte forlhe sentin sat of tbe country itlsrge to bring about he entire sappcessiott of this great evil che majority of j people of the slate from hich the lottery hitherto has oper ated b vo dona what tlieycould to suppress it b t in tha meantime the common tense f the people of the whole country fully t alising tha very btd bargain which tha lft erji offers should id kreatly dimin ish thii profits of th schema at to reader it ytsfy lens powerful in its awn locality roiffafy vompanioii j i i i tho edltorfs dream i given it he isrgest sale of auy nidioiue with also gists men fori grlui charming it ii hi hurry prattle of lanoceni childhood it is not ptrtlcalarly agreeable atabodt i oolook in the morn ing wheu oa an dead for sieep there are yoang aad talaaiire children who have ncj more regard for yoar feelings or for ilia poopcleliet of life thta to open heir peeperi with i imp ill orimsad seek ta engtae yoa in enlivening dtslogaet bfthlsmrt i -ptpaj- you bink you will pay no need to the imperative little rotes hopingthtt siltnoe tin your btrt will keep the yoaogrter quiet but igtln he boy ot 8 pipes onl sharply papak weli you tty you ike papal yes jjsosiae yes i hesr thit you ire yoa ssy with cold sar asm what da you wantf oh nulla well he still tnd go toileef then i itai sleepy ptpat well ttm young raau is yoit i itnt not a bit i say pap papal well if yi a were rich wlwt woald yoa buy me j 1 dors know go to tleep i woa dnt you bay mo uufsat j fl farcy so- now you i what papal f i wed a team aqgiue maybe now yoa go o silsep j with a whistle that would sound papa yesjye now yoa go u tleep andj would the wheels go round paps 1 oh yea yawning shut your eyas now i aar paptj ho answer pspal weil what now i i ytja traid ot tha dark kofdrowtiiy i isnt either papa wp i wjmt a jink i koiyou doat i do papa j erperienoe hat aaght you that there wilt be no peace until yoa have broagtiuhe jink and yon scurry out tolhe bath room inibe dick knocking your thins against everything in the room as yoa go now i doat want to hear another word rota yoa tonight you tay as he gulps down l mouthful of water he didnt want two minutes liter he nys ptti look here laddie papa will have to punish yoa it i 1 can speltdog papa i well nobody wants to hear you spell it at 1 oclock in the morning i bflgdog i that right t j yes y now yoa tie down and go to ileep instantly i ttfenltball be a goi boy wont i ptvf j yea i youll be he best boy onesrth gbodjuight dearie bp w wel 1 what now j is it your itfle boy f yes ye of oourte some- mans havent got any little boys but you have havent yoat i yes- dont yoajtsh you hsd wo free nine iebes twenty iix ninety ten free hundred liltlejboys 7 tie men possibility ot such a remote and contingent calamity to paniyzes you thtt you be speechless for ten minutes daring which you hear a yawn or two in the bed by your side a little figure roils over twoor three times a psir qtheeis fly into the tic once or twice a warm moist iitiwhand reaches oat sui toochei yoar face a mike tare you ire there snd the boy is stleep with his heed where hit head ought to be 1 care of clothing- r itor tat in hit office chair his ere patched his clothes threadbare s fsce looked weary and worn with whiletadlyj thinking of business debt rpheut slowly iroundhim crept tnd be knew it he soundly slept aid ileepi g drempt that he wat dead and trots troub i and toil his spirit hid fled snd net cowbell tolled for tha peaceful rest of his mwhide sole and i be wandered amon the ihaduthii smoke and scorch ih lower hsdes ha thortly observed an iron door sit creakingly hung on a binge ajar but tl a entrance wat closed with a red hot bar t d satan himself ttbed peeping oat wait g for travellers here ibout and has o ih- passing editor spoke come in my dear t thill oost yon nothlug snd never fear this is the ptscei cook beooeswho uevei pay their subscription sum or thoai i la lite ihey rosy escspe theyll find whet theyre dead iwiiiotioo lae i will iho yoa the place where i raeltthera thin ed hot chains tnd scrips of flu tnd here i comb their heeds with broken thd moiled leads tnd ifot refreth- they only think therei boiling wtler em a drink the hat grindstone to their nose and red hot ring to wear oiil sir toes aud if they mention they don like fire ill sew np their months with red ot win and then dear sir youll ther tqairui while i urn them over to cool indarn wih these last words be edit r woke and bought it all a practical foki emember seeing ayoaugirloba ire- centiiummert day ilartiug to ttke a moru- fng pleasure ride in i pbeton which she was to drive she took hold of the reins with her hands encited in a very fine pair 61 lightcolored kid gloves i remonstnted telling her the would rain the beautiful glavjs bat the treated the milter ftshlly saying sha did not care if it did ipoll them on hec return from the drive 4 noticed that her gloves were indeed ruined the train of he reins having split themia several places besides discoloring them whn i called her sttantiod to this fact she nally seemed to think the hsd done something tmirt she probably meant to impress ore with the fact thtt a pair of nice kid gloves was nothing in particular to her whit the did imprest me with was the fact thtt the hsd boea guilty of a vulgar piece ofjwantou dettractivenessand ilh a conviauoa hat si yoang lsdy of such thoaghtlessaess was- not a desirsble compahica foe susceptible young gitls when a few days afterward i saw her taktrfine pocket handkerchief to wipe the dust off her shoes and liter siw her use the oorner ot a very fine embroidered whita apron to iwipe dampness off a window seat i fait convinced that there u a radldal detect in her dhtractec in the direction ot refinement snd sense of propriety i con cluded alto that no kind mother pc teacher had ever instructed her in the real value of beaklitul things v one cause of the great difference in at tractiveness of tppearancet in young girls is to be found in the different wsys in which they takscars ot articles ot personal adornment lues embroideries neckties ripbons gloves slippers snd in fact illtfle little elegancies of a ladys costume dej pend for the looks on the care of them it is not only bad taste and bad maunen but if ihows ar lack of personal refinement for a lady to wear crumpled torn or soiled finery there is no header exalte for it aluhese delicate lifllearticlasptdtesscan be to oarefally itid tway whennot in use thit their freshness and beaaly wilt be preserved but if a little girl or a lady throws her gloves ribbons isces hahdker- cfjleft and neckties oarelessly fogetherin boxes or bureau drswerstbey wilt never look nice and freth is they would if hs ctfefally folded aud laid thema way thif it me ilto of good garment of any kiadf to see in ejegtat silkorlace gown ail full ot wrinkles looking ss though il had been theraurmer of a waurfall a mile twiy the rustle whan i robin light idpon a spny tbe lipping of i lownd stream on dripping bongbi the sould ol paitnif irom i herd of geeks cows theeche from the wobdod hill ofeockoos eill the qoirer hrdagh the meadow grin at evening fill toosubtialrethalshirmoaies for peo ind rule r each matiel not anderstocd by iny school bat whoa the bnin tstemoasbt tthstbi spell beyond ill humta skill and power to mike ft well- r the memory of i kindly word 1 for long gone bv the iragrutieoti fading sower sous loringiy the gloaming of i suddcu smtie or sadden tear tbe winner pressure octbo hand the tone of cheer the hash tblt mains e einnoc speak bat e hive beard r the note tbit only beirs1 vsna from gods own word saohtiny things we hardly count aljpinistrr j i thegivert deeming thay hlvaihown aint svmptthy 4iat when the heart is oroarrougbt oh who can tail tha power of such tinythings to make it well bl ira emlcy ffarerja m 1 twa a miss who wrote this miss l b robertson ofafobile alt hss won a prizetbr the best esssy on the subject hdw o hole a hatband she tayt do not inialge in prying into his cffiict it he does fool youauttte are yoa thetiappier by detectingit 7 besdryour- self place on the center able a toft glow ing light lay his papers on he corner ind specially never tear up his latest eat slipper ind dressing gown in easy reafh dressed in a dainty becoming gown it you nied to mo u his sweetheart greft hini wintomeiy however late the hoot honey entices bees vinegardever to prevent bis eyes from ever f drntng to teekersce in other women mike yoarselt is street lind ittnctire- looking it home is lies within yoar power do nrtheoome extremely sffectionste whenyon wnf something he will toon learn tbe trick thethy tremor in your voice will never meet refusil though he miy ba tu anan- las himself be truthful at ill times noth ing wrniri mans heart into stooey self- will like a womans prevarications above ill da not poat study his idiosyncrasies riever combat them openly go iround hke you would m obtttcle in the rotd soon you will govern him completely by letting him rule you miss robinsons ideas hsve not met with mpchipprovil imongheriex how to ran hnibandt by tjndetgroand methods how to make hyprocnte of wives the proper crt of mile lunatics ite vsrtous comments of women journals sod clubs quite legal- a certain english laborer who was nbted for his great size snd itrengtli once thought of in original fashion of avoiding toll the incident is described in the autobiography of an engliihgimekeeper ther laborer wss going along the road mounted on bis donkey fhich wat ijgood- swed inimaj when be cimeio tbe lorbpike haw much dojoa charge for my -oo- j key to walkthrough ho used ilbe pike- man v 1 twopence was the reply and how much do youohargeforicarryi ing a piroei through the gate v nothing whoa i whoa 1 cried joslin snd qqiet- ly dismounttag he deliberitely slipped his head under the donkey seised bit forelegs with his handi lifted him off the ground carried him through the and set him down on the other side i 1 geeup seddyr ha cried eettingon the donkeys back and off they went well content spidars paraeverance precfated not ap i j ever lince the story of robert bruce tnd the spider thst insect has been proverbisliy held up toview s in example of pertin- scions skill an attempt to etabtuh in- tlinct is a guide to reason it however a fallacy the setting hen inn exsmple o instinct not maternal oonstsnoy this persevennce of spidenmiy have been an encouragement to robert bruce but it it often a discouragement in engineering work insinkiag plumb lines dowu shmfti for middle headings in tunneling in order to obtain in tlighmeht for tbe tunnel the accuracy ot the work is often seriously im pairedby spiders attaching their webs jto the lines snd driwingthem toward he walls often with tdfficient tention lb in troduce miterial errors in the position of lie plumb bobs cor tniwcttinj v tta i- t ssi m ii 7i youths at the worlds fafr provistoa has been made for the holding in chicago ai he time of the world fair of a congress oomposed of youths of all nationt of the worldi delegates will be sent it is expected from england japan france cjermany norway sweden spain austria italy kussiajihd oountriea ot the orient eseyoungmenaretobeielected feom tbe high schoor tnd tbe grammar- school grjde tpteir ages are to range be- tweenl3 and- 30 years no worlds fair congress had been thus far arranged for it it thought that will eiciie more interest than this project theidea is to get from eachcountry not more than fromiftieato forty or fltty students all fold ii is in tended to have 5000 attheongress ind t special committee has been appointed to see that proper encourigemeutis lent- to induce attendance- j v iv bnt at timessoreiididll teenr bat he cjnnot biiieve it wis ill i dream ind he ihinkswith a chuckle and grin ot ater ot those who save their tin and pay the printer i -a- shape and dotted with lint through having been carelessly bang np under other gar ments in i olotet or wardrobe it otfantive in the extreme to refined ante iwerior banana peel on the sidewalk the street car hid passed butto eiteb it he reekonodj babe nn like i deersnouted indlieckofiod tnibaplantodljisbael on i smooth bit of peel j thahhaiiw half i million of start fnliecond- he wis in too great a harry better have waited or mother car there tre cases however where htite is necesiary if you have nighttweets feverishness do weak sore inngt and a hacking ooush slept in or a handtoue cloak ill oat of jot lose an hoar in obuiuing a supply of it ii seldom that a rood bank telle will tell auythlng about hit bank l tiikirxii dr pierce golden i medical discovery delay in inch otsss is dingerons u may be fatal before ttt disease ha made too great progress the golden medical dlk- oovery ii i certain cure j in faot ift guaranteed so benefit or euro or money paid for it promptly refnnded fekiki rilm