bokv t it i km 0 h cobw4ictu rroan m gpcti4 oo lh wh ant u irtrt bf j hulki of ioq tnjniln n intern wpjft on th5li aagvi uic wi1 rt ivfo tliomw of too at lio pfcrtootro daa4uk malilvot4ufiiier m- kiirirkkk moucihhoo tti aac i- j ij r j smith 111 jmit w mfcprto jlhiirivilkmltctck lt of ool ph 1lh h-wflris- al 1i0 rljooa of u10 tr imfli v uiltnr trotttwwn tr rv 1 t luustvunoaut aiiuunrfrt fitch hilrti kuin chit to kt ue- 1tnmiiui irt uttflilor of tlio tut i or m piimfcmnvtl iiwpert died f r it- m ilii riki kttiilwpn vmiijl i jul tit itc of tier t j smith of i rat jm tmrvftrmt toronto on h ac sir niiml ilon ttxmmt oi tor- cm vntv fpty 4t t rrt avrtti i on or t tnr tvt h rwldrnorof ii fon liieu j v mott iuelpli briitcf 1 in irripv tin titli ycr of hu fi s ii at uk- rtml vxliwlv ii jul aii lifuu tuuciiter of tliuio t mm v ml tvmtt ii m wrm it of iu tj smith r alje rtonjrw n ihrusdvy algtst 11 is92 notes and comments so fr tin cr over cifbl million l jiuli cf cin livc bu portci from ic port ot mnnlreil thu u nttty little the output for rtro ume period in 11 a rtmovtl o the ducrimiotunfi ril rcl itc voulil be ft blow it uu- irtdf p t l 1 cotncvucot4i mooter woald like ihitits to rcrqavm s they ire the uue of the foreuin commerce olthe lisitcj stale lt8t yer ni v5wm per li j c population while the vtdae of be fort in commerce of ciutdft to the ume period was hg01 per hd the valac of cxporu froaa the tuited stte u 15w per head inj frotn canidfc 2325 per head that is a comparison of which we may well feel proad dr bourinot the dietiucmihej clerk of the lomimon uoase of commona referr- iue to the decision of the priry coaocil in the macitoba school qccctioo it id the other day tat deciaion jf the etjipire which declare tht no rights bavebeeo in terfcrh with leaves no room for any other appeaj otfor remedial lefiitlttioo ainoe in isw acl id fact it ii declared that there is rothio to remedy cmproraiec seem to be inthe air now cracerninfi the sail ilaitoa r grand trunk kttlway the ooanty claim in- ciuimc costs and interest tregilci l id notwithstanding the tbrte jodge- mclts m hiitoni itvor it is reported the kailway comruittee of the county council jitcred to accept 00o0 and stop proceed icc verily it looks very mnch u thongb there was more than one mao in faror of comprcrmte jcstia mccarthy intimated that reforms of the toting system and other liberal intxsarei will be carried aloag aide by side ith the home utile measure thoogh the ilur will be pat throagh the commons lrsi he predicts that the lords will re ject it the rst time and peas it the wooed nther than have their hoose flooded with a lot cf newlytreated teen pledged tohome rule he allocs three years for the com petion cf the program and the life of the parliament it is understood the kdacatioo deptrt meat will reoommehd the teachers of ontario to have aitawe celebrations in their ccbools to commemorate oct 12 the discovery of america by colamba there is no doabt the foar hendredth tclivereary of the discovery of the oon- tinentof which canada forms tnch an itn- rcrtarit part would be a a stable opportan ity for bringing to the notice of papils by songn essays recitations and patriotic ad dresses the greatness of that hit tori oal a bulletin issaed by the united states cuas commissioners recently gitea the distribution of population as to the nativity w and color of the total population cf i2r250 there are 320g73o maiea and vvj5iy0 females of the ital popala- lion 53s52703 are native bom and 9239 17 foreign born whilst 549838jo are rrbite and 7gss3g0 are colored the native born population daring the hut ten fcrb ldcresiel by 22 7c per cent and the fdrtin born ly iial percent the native bjrn colored population increased 1311 per cent whilst the whites increased 5cc8 jercent caneda offerb her whs a good career bat the dots not owe them a living they on the contrary owe something we mty say ury much to bcr they oaght to stick to the dominion and work within the con fines of the old home working for the good cf tile country as well as working for pcrcbnal success oar country bo matter how it may be viewed is as good a country teany that eiista on the face of globe it has turned out splendid specimens of instihood and womanhood it 1b rich in jjatural advantages and in material and ijfilrial wealth all we want is popola- iijr the raw material comes to as from llroad in the ships but we want oar cillant ourjfi tons to remain and work the hvne jutrry atcacbcr eufigets that ab the promotion tiammatiou results ere nowbeing pablith- lj aoi it ie found that a few names are lot amom the sucoeeefal ones parents in head or finding fault with those who failed thould gently press them to their bosoms and tell them not to care about it cheer iheif youthful hearts and make them happy and tell them that their good time is coining the disappointment of notsee itig their namea in the paper is sufficient lurfltn without the additional one of bcolding from those they love if hey are thus cbetred they will do better nxt term at school and will like to go there as well give them now a kind worlaud let them eijoy the balance of their holidays without uufcind reflection mr ii liiali commissioner of inland ilevennc recommends in his report on the inspect do of gas throughout tbedominioo thbt 11000 be placed in the estimates for preliminary work in establishing a system of inspection of electric jfght kr jobn- ttone citief inspector of sundard found in his recent tour of fncpectioa that the managers of gas companies are geoerauy complaining of what they declare t co in- juuireon the part of the gornmeat in compelling cas producers to submit to the mspectioo pftbeir meters and of theillum initing power and parity of their gas while electric light companies are allowed to sell tfitir light without qorernmentj ia- fpecfioa of aay kind either m ol its cjuuremrnt or ujcmiaating power ifr limit etpecu that tisctric light ooosaawn ilia all probabiiity sooo xke up be jcustioti and for their own protection deraind faspeetioa of electric light 8ucce88ful candidates- rctutt of th rcnt hlch jsahool exmtnatranlat0orttijp th tollarlag it lh hitlar uoun ot in cdidil who mooaal ta pt- ioa th eumlsiugat l hocgetawn ulgu schoolla jaly j qlmcdlwtsk ittrrika taacher otrrtrohe nytoot li sl itttymccofialck u m u vlkec l mo rrcinalil ttuber fi9 jtrtjarline korton 580 luydrbec j je18 laaulrantloe j 507 mm ugnlha 7t irtcy hrtlion 471 ji vthrali v w jnlai aitcu cs cantunoo rcrtxr go bcilw lfiie 3i thuiu avylie lit- willum ttxiclor s0 vr cjc tp lmnl8ouit i i annie uaddtll m nucmnj uclead 411 dtth t lor 407 aciieamccot miek s38 uituitllckrclmie slo williim ballon i ijo ikrtlnboott s7 actos t t moore tetcher chulm u uoorc 519 fred r 473 helen sjmon 41 j betlcioe petkioi 411 fnnk uclutotli 410 rollie wsmllh 410 arthur peircos 404 gordon deu wi john lutan s8g giekktuukk t norton tcher vlloe mcgrcror flso alm vlkiut 4j7 utbel enni 40 strth forgrmte 4g3 ktie uortop 49 utryboerd 441 smicrtovx j h uorriioo techef jtmeereid 4gj 8 s no 13 esq a c elliott tecchcr emily kennedy 430 8 8 no 6 nuuuoavita john a storey s91 8 s no 11 cbixocwotit silinael e wigini 441 ucrki reqaired to put 382 thce mtrked with to uteaiik took timpertuce or agrfcaltare lod were re qaired to mike 421 mtrki the tbore report wa rfttirled by the edacctioa department on aagaiit 3rd the oertificitea will be iuoed when ichool opem aagut 2111b alei h giiiiuen ba 1riocipil high school tha following ntndidttr frotn rockwood tnd eramoca schoole were caefal rt the recent extraiattioat tt gaelph colleg- itfie iattitata uuyw puaiore 8ertmoi j97 jtniek armttroog 4ermoe sti mtry i scree 8 ettaoa s09 albert bitek 8 erunon 55j liz ucfuiuie 1 ertmou 512 edithfstrtckkodrockwoodp8 499 uionie copelcnd 6 ertmon 494 hertntn tocell 7 erunou 459 agne moore 1 erusoct 448 chtrle jolliffe roctwood p b 444 wubert ttlbot 7 ercmot 430 archie ifcncbb 8 erunota nellie btrtchm rock wood p 8 ale stewtrt koekwood p 8 reeve lowrv resigns 424 398 387 8ir danl wltfl dead ttlkcf th vttiirttfe prwwnt of toronto an epltam of wlvwrtlt oit hit pott 7i- towm uv aug hjr dnol wutoa the hoaw pthideoi ol toronto univw- ity peiecd nwjt sstl pte oa 8lardy hat long bctonj that hoaroomolomaem ht4 le mm ito uy u aoio la a deep ind ipehoccul sleep and at tho cihimlloti of tho vital focoea bemmo complete tho alcnoit miccphlowfltatloqoiiod fittingly enough this great uliiloeoplwrt ufa endod in tho midst oc lira bookc which were tha companion of litttetiuro luiurt for at hie rcqacat lite bod hail been oiand into bit library j on saturday mornhigit i evident jiat the cndwaa near sir daniel became oin- contcioui and ai tha day von ou he kitchen at tliohediido law that the filial park wat faatdylng away tho end w apparently ninleaa at tho bedtldo won miaa sybil wilton tho only living child ot the doocaacd uiu ncllia willn sir daniel niece prof ramsay wright and rev cnon8wccnov rector of 6t phtlipt qiurch tho immodiato causoof death ia traceabla to no spociflo dineace but to tho cxuatulion of tho overlaicd ciiergieo the dcoooied lia wit 71 years old bat not withstanding this advanocd ago continaod to actively discharge tho ccactiug dutica of hit high office which were rendered additionally oncroua by tho great qro which iwept away tha uuivcreity in february 1890 tha calamity was a terrible btovy to him bat ha set to work to rcorgiuiauan and roooa- struction with an energy and dctennlnatiba far beyond tho limit of his phyticial strength and by tho unremitting effort succeeded in restoring order out of chaoa in hla eagerness to oompleto the work that lay before him he gate little thought to himself anl paid no heed to tha kindly solicitations ol old fripnda who coald hot fail to notice that tho strain waa too heavy and too constant for one of hit years finally nature broke down under tho strain and sir daniel waa forced foe a tima to give up the work so dear to him alter a bncf rest his strength seemed to bo renewed and ho returned to work about two months ago the beginning of the end came and slowly the groat and noble life ebbed away until saturday evening when dissolution occurred sir daniel wilson was born in edinburgh january 5 1810 being woond sod of archibald wilson a prominent dry goods merchant one of his brothers was prof george wilton who rose to a position of great eminence ia tho literary and scientific world waa widely known for his skill in chemistry and at tha time of his death was- professor of tech nology in edinburgh university sir daniel was educated at the high school edinburgh and subsequently at edinburgh university one of the highest tributes paid to his memory was by his pastor ray dr sweeney at ihe servico on sundayevening lie said edinburgh has lost one of her most illucirious sons whom on tha occas ion of his last visit to the land of his nativity sho delighted to honor with tha freedom of tho city canada baa lost ooo of her foremost scientists toronto bat lost one of her most distinguished citizens st philips church has lost one of per moat devout consistent and hdmbleminded worshippera and his own immediats family have lost a pcloved parent und guardian a collision at b rafjtpfrom n j clark appeals to havejpart of of his license fe refunded the council met in regular ieation on ilonday evening uembera present heacrt pearson har vey and secord conncillor harvey was moved to the chair the minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed the committee oa finanoe presented their thirteenth report recommending pay ment of the following sums atutln ewaethaser pet mb h p uoon lrfaulisro4trsluue 19 s3 adam coot travel 3 t moved by ate secord seconded by jno harvey that the 13th report of the finanoe committee be adopted carried mr n f clark of the station hotel addressed the council appealing for a refond of a sum equal to two months license feesas that length of time had ex pired before begot his license he stated that he bad paid 170 to the license inspec tor as the council nave not yet received their portion of tha fees they declined to take action for the present reeve lowry tendered bis resignation aafofowi to tha members ot the y council assmbled gcstltaux as i purikise removing tou ibis muiieipclttjr within a few dars i deem it roydctj to tender to you lay resluttloa of the omee of bseve t w h lowat general regret was expressed by the members of the council that tha doctors removal would necessitate hit severing his connection with the council the follow ing resolution was passed moved by j b pearson seconded by alei secord that the resignation of w h lowry esq reevr be laid over for con sideration by the whole councilcarried caretaker graham reported that a pah of the fence surrounding the oemetery was in a bad state of repair the council adjourned at nine oclock j board of education a new teacher eneaeed for third department ilerntni nt cuo against hoqrtevy 3uuoll a will coma to trial ia list w ek there were 1161 death irk city 100 of which were from at fletcher two trains wrecked but only one man seriously injured bcaxiton aug 8 a jsariout railway toeident occurred here al 745 saturday morning tha qtr chicago express in charge of conductor james t bridge was approaching the station which it j situated abost 200 vardt est of the c p r tracks which cross those of the grand trunk at right angles atthasamaymaaqanadiaa piciflo way freight in chargeuf conductor ginnet and engineer mahoney was oomiag sjoog the cpr tracks aqdowinc to tome mistake tha two trains oollidedoo tha crossing fortunately the passenger cart were not struck and though the violence of the collision threw two ox theta off the track none of their occupant were hurt the freight engine crkshid through the express car and splintered it to fragments the violeneeofthecollision tamed thecpr engine half round and itj rested parallel wild the gtr rails tha smoker was lifted up and waa carried on top ot the locomotive right across tha ditchjone tod resting upon the van and the other on the top cf the engine there were several pass engers in this car but all were aiinjuxad nobody wat injured exeept ciaduetac bridge of the express who had one of his little fingers crushed off wrecking trains were at onoa telegraphed far from toronto and loat no time in clearing away the wreck it took about 12 hours to get the track clear and in the meantime all paas- engers were transferred land the other trains during the day went by hamilton the lost amounted to abont 20000 will hold an investigation fjamtt ptyt itt drawnad m ntpanat fiiardy fft si juhstotj bslurdiy iilght oaaied 10001s thtpetih crop la the nligita district will be poir dstroitl at of rsotory shows a popola- tloa of 503512 tha nuira ot john liiytoa if p for poutlto i prolan id tha lisrvciliuj oparetiuaa haveooramsn- oed in tht north west italys wheip i rqp will fall short bat the grtpe hartstt wl show a good yield thomn haul ah of port hope hai baen gortc to dei ih by a vldoit bull judges oath slid talt will luvealijala the chsrgi tgali tt sic adulphs caron ifr blake has becu eleclad ou tha man agiurf cuutialllet b the natlausllst party iir eaiiet ii tie daughter at ottawa wat chokud to d islh by swallowing t toy jack a ball aeraiiec a locomotlvb near indian tpotit tha other lay and tho eugiueec wat kilted the cornerstone of the uev board of trade ba tdlug t winnipeg was laid oa friday the go and the qjtobec during ianaw y sunstroke late viekdrjuiguautt if 1 fur yam salts was prob bly fatally stricken with paralysis la an asideui oa theqaebea st john railway baturda night coaductor norton wat kilw statloa satarday john 8eptejiber otlt to 17tlt lc59 enlarged qrodadt ntwhtlfmila track new grand staud and mahf other tmptoytmeulr croafar and battor than ever entries close august ulb ksw and varf attrsetfoot of a superior astneurs and amostaa lh eautt and qrsadest eihlblts la slldepart- cliartctar fostraeurs and amosti fuvtallonr meats i the people t atmt annual ouwg cheap sxcorafoa oa all uallwejy cor prlia usuprojruimsnf all uiformatloa address jj withrow h j him 1nnwsuc iiaajortoreuto it- hawklatjtectioi i foreman oa the u c r waslattajitlykiied johu b tck i f fer ons of the first exporters of call to to great britain died in liverpool latt cek thomai cans ff tha old tttgecoachmaa between i ellevi e and stirling died sun day ereni lg ag d 75 lord tennji jn celebrated his 83rd birthday oa sat dsy ia lis home at aid worth near hai emer rerejp ciiwford late of uamiltoo hat been jiadaci id at rector of st lukes chorea at halit x nb in wlnnipe satarday robertsons wholesale hard are hotte was dsmaged by fire to the exten of 00000 dlplomatio n lationt between madagas car and france ire suspended oa account it ia said if bri ish intrigue ifr w j l ifckay of orangerille bat bees appelated oaaty crown attorney foe daseria la pit e of elgia slyert fire potpoc ivo chinese ttadeatt or michigan unll irtity were admitted into detroit batard y froca wiadtor the damage rom the fire tt tha btbr- most cotton a ills oa thursday night is estimated at frc a 140000 to 50000 the freight ai led of the ogdeasbarg and lake champlai i railway have been barn- ad at ogdeotha g at a lost of 15000 the scotlanc brant county batcher named slentbt igb who accidentally im paled himtelf o thursday bat died of hit injuries kr i w betgaagh has retigued the ad- itorahip of grip which he founded ha is about to runt i ngtand and may join one of the london c imio papers ijesfc way of s bout to the railway authorities cttigatido i i cattle poisonedi the board of trustees of acton public school met on monday the principal businesswas the engagement of a new teacher and the ratifying of the architects orders in favor of the contractor oil the new school i members present hynds in the chair cooke mclam and wallace minutes of previous meeting read and confirmed messrs harding and holmes entered and took their places the committee on finanoe recommendv the payment of the following secants j liston contractor new school 63300 03 hpkoore stationery postage iff a steibeqaoo repairs k3 ad vertixlng for teacher 4 7s mxh it moved by t h harding seconded by geo b cooke that the report just read be adopted carried 1 moved by geo b cooke teoondeov by jaa mclam that having readoverand con sidered the different applications received from applicants for the third department the board accept that of mite sarah sbortt of salem at a salary of 27500 per annum carried the board then adjourned the body of maggie stephen of guelpu one of the four victims of the boat accident of july 27 was toand at i pjn monday floating oa tte water aboat 200 yei dt from the oxeaden dock two miles from the scene of the capsize rye chop containing parlsl green scattered in tho pasture fileld james cawtletos ont aug i mr cooney a farmerliving in the tcith con- oestion ot cramahe had time fino stock poisoned yesterday in the evening wheat he went to the pasture field o get rjiacattla he found two valuable cows dead while a third was dying heat onie concluded it was poison and on looking ver the posture field found a quantity of rye chop in several places an examination showed quantities of paris green in it mr i wney has not the slightest idea of the peq etratocs of the fiendish act as ha himsel remarked i have not an enemy in the w irld that lam awareof this is tho seoo id case of stock poisoning in this township this summer home timo ago mr winn hid some horses poisoned in the same manni r sir richards narrow escape i m hie skiff upset by a squall on tha river st lawrence knsnstox aug 7 on satuaday about noon sir richard cartwrig it left tha city in a skiff to row to his co ntry bouse oa the btnki of the st ltwrec ce a few miles down when rounding poii x frederick be was caught la a terrtfio tqu ill which was accompanied by hail and u rreutt of rain hit boat wit captid in i sir richard thrown ont tha accident waa wituet ed by 1 men of a battery at the btrriclj and major drnry and captain gaadet hurried to the rescue sir richard cluui to the over turned boat tenacioatly ai d wat water nearly half an hour t ia ttorjm beat ing fiercely about him hon t cbate cttgrtio lattorueygea erii of quebec has sworn tut a crimlaal information against hon c uarlet iter charging him with hav ug accepted a 1400 bribe in ooanactfoa w th the provin cial sabtidy to the here ord railway company in 1890 go to syraon the jewell r for the gen nine lauras spectacles to it majmwbaaea it all 1 ghls both the me hod and results when syrttpofjfia ia taken it 13 pleasant and reftpsmi 5 to tho tasteand acts fitly rftpf mptlyon thekidneys jter arid b wcls cleanses the uys- jam effectnal y dispcla colda head aches and fei ers and cores habitual constiptioa syrup of figi is the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced rjleaai ig to the taste ind ao cepfabla to t o stomach pre ipt in its action ant truly bcncucial in its effects prem edonly from the most healthy ima a rreeabfe substances its rnanreimelle ltqualiticscommendit to all and i iva made it tho most popalarlreme iy knotra syrup of i igs is for sale in 75os bottles by c 11 leading druggists any reliable iruggist who may not have it on tmnd will procure it promptljr foi any ono who wishes to try itiai niactured only by the caufqrnu fig syrup co wstajcttsrt nsx oaxkx the nsw s yillalri op acton meat market with first c sttjli hat toca ih bos last la actoa long eaouth to know that w icn p ple aro supplied data freih meats efowli c t ley 1 1 where such can be secured wa offer ool tha jest to be had sad at a con sequence no- r enj rt a natroosia which is about our highest atfel wtfoa eat tvor to treat our customer ecus iqueace we retain the old and wo alwavs well sod as sacaraaew hfthcst cash pt ce paid for perk hldoti tal low ic 7 iartlsbai iufit staac tosellarorootosted tosall o stulu vodeby list 1892 notice pf iie first potiw notice ii her oy irison that c have traos- mfttad i rdel vend to lbs parsoos mepuoa- mlauiihhldc fourth sectioosof tht voters list act iu con st required tirsaldsaouoato be so trsasai uad r doilterod of the list made nonuaat ta said tctof all persona apptarlos by tha last rt rise assessment boll of tht said munlcipallt ta i s snutltd to vest fntfai said vtunfolpallty at i leeuoot for members of ibe ucislsuve a sam ilyaad atvualclptieleuant tad that said list at ant posted up tt my office tt actoa aa lis t xth day of auiutt lsv tud remafnt for 1 ispei uoa electors ar i call id upon to ezamlat tht said ust and u aa r om ssfoas or any other errors are found thartlt to lake immediate prooea lints lo btvt ho i aid rrort oorrected aooardl icto law r dated this over ii dar of a nans t- mm tf os t moore of tha said uunldnallt in a runaway near walkervllle sunday william mqartgof u v for eitex had his left leg broken below thekaee and sat ttiotd other untt ojanet the goodland rala company took a 11000 contract lo produce half an inch of rain over 600 square mllet in textt rain wl ccptaasly bat skeptic lay it would hara coma just tha tame wllhoat the efforts of tha rsia mskerf waste time ana moftey putting onadulterated ris grceri but come4frecttb headquarters for tlie pure article wehandleonly one kind namely pfire i m c smi t h co no 12 wyidham st guelph ont rgdldonesf mechanical ccencivi i voqp engraving ioking st east toronto send hinvyour order for any class of wood engravirlg you desire a creat dry c00w when jou kome to toronto bear in rnindi tkat igo to20q yonge street is a meeting aiid rcstintj and raiting place as i well as the biggest store in canada thcrff are i reading and sitting ijoops lor you terepfione add mail facilities ytjur parcels will cared for withou- charge avc try to mak you welcome whether yw buy or not you knowj that there is no worthy thingibftvear or home use but we have itj 1 u you cantcomij tcj the si write for whatever y6u want sam- ple or good shopping by mail has comcho be simple and certain afcwkratches ofapenandjallthe facijities of the store are yours ji in short a shop for j you as we would for qursdves anrtsuch sejryice coswyou nothing extra i tot j eaton oot1t1 th rt ttim t 3b lvfod tdfm mm h ltef 15 v v i i 3j9 1 f 1 kfeib rt- vbm 1 i s lm tb i vss 33 jbm wj- v r 1 jtp mr jviifttietft ttdfi trespasser takfc kotifiti hatq you seeil the special bargiainsat thericht come and examine the piles of goods n hlchhtve been marked down to verv low prices saminer goods- have been reoctnprtclodearlnamotttbtfotareceiilgtheeaily autumn goods btrgainsin every department of thej righthooas- fir wann weslhar white fasoy lawjit jlusli t in a variety of makes at reduced prices ladieacotlpa embroidered kight dreetes at 9e mads from nice eotton chemia t s5c drawert at he corieta covert at i5c bammer conetsit jss per per pair riioy are really st cereals telling at half price a tpaoial lot ot rarpaira for 60or- a lolot finn lisle thread white undemau at 50o esh 2 and co some of them formerly zso per yard bilk hilts various lots at i0e cowels at 13c or 2 for 23c must be mtnuoucd again ii yoa tee them yoa wni er sold at the right house a lot ofifancy check ginghams at so per ysrd pair have yoa teen the surprise corsets at 50 ladies fast black cotton hosiery axigo per pi which is jnat aboat half price lots of laces a lets than half price those large si all linen bay them tney tre the best vtlao in towelt c iolbtr totst so pec yard bold thete aingliai it are very cheap printed chillies si o pec yard tndlott of other goods will be offered daring august at prices that will clothing tt special bargain prices the car ioott make a clearance of tbem a large lot of tweeds for mans and chfldreof nstvifen- have been very busy carpets of allsmps are bedra cu5aked out doriko the it nth at special prices a fall tstortaieiit of hoatefurniiuingi will beifomdlauiifdeptrtaiant new goods- l very stylieh lot of ladies chemisettes and collartkew outing berget ta oavy bine slid black nsw ttylas in ladies belts ci ttelaiue bags bottdn bagtvftnt ladies felt tourist has nearalylaw platte enter his stores by the door in the new store co evening during july and august lit september hamilton august 3th 1892 wtnled a 6 stclatacarpet sttetman also experienced mantle makert steady work front thidisacs a wtkiisrs a few keiiimders about julay it ft hardly necessary seasonable goods for ever necessities at this tima i of xll kinds pkruola they go plain parasols fane in style of best quality and ace a speciality with i surpassed have yoa seen going fsst all wool beleiaet at 2 in the regular way a iargi g b ij can furnish you with the best ppsses for country news arid job work to be had in this country arid at lover prides than for any other new cylinder press comb improved the onderatimod hereby afro n afta uiis date aar person or persosu iwjmj fttj- naisfog on fhefr premises east and van w it eon j or the a b wright fannlot0eilty sahfng sboouagkerrr piesinctwli i aay caber warwulbercuteaaeeoidinsfolaw jogbpbtpasbt tb08cmoobe1 war will be pre i j aou july lath 1bmj valuable p ik b08hlannonio17ootnljto tbalaw a ship of peel 118 aerea siuf to dwafllm majs unbared with i b nuioavtbajaloea pioe cedar rock an4 sett elm 5 or 30 tern cleared except barniaf the tabab alto a stone and rough rat a roejaa and two cellars frame stable with its iota j land on goal oh harts and oaten strtettjapn rulace of acton wu1 sau ivt or su baflauag iota sepaiately if dealred terms ouetbird cash or exehaagt for other property apply to alaeqactoiollt ner king and hdghsou strectt the tloret will olote aaolcwkijalnrday knd kucust o do raoro than remind you that every item of inmaec- comfort hat been earetullyi cavided for ypnr uecdt darihg ijie hot w-eaiher- that it one of our business principles k wedml satisfy ianeir atpottlblo all demanda in the lines in which we draw your attend n to a number of seasonable articles hich are more than f year and which wo can give yoa th best of value in w aterproof cloaks inheptonetls and ofhi makes suitable foe dast and travelling wraps theyve about driven aat of uso the gly black sticky rubbergarmentsoncc so largely sold all tha fashion ia in tie heptoc ttee and we bay them direct from leeds where they are manufactured parasols t ic one dolltrfor two for three four five and up as high as and extra fanoyi it yoa wish to have parasol correct 1 owest price wo will show yoa the very one you want the reason for oar extra value it pirasolt is that price is governed by quinlity and wa bay in large quantities gloves t all prices varieties colors and in quality not to be our now germsri gauntlet gloves at 85c jool they are pheso aro tho sarao goods yoa have paid fic a yard foe assortment to choose frpm i i 5tco cuelph any otner jnliw cylinder rctoniknd sbe gue ouhtvy prouty press ht mbrk j f to think pf it the free press js printed or the above piesir and the vork iljustratesyts meiits no 1500 drum cyjinde press ca do bkter newspaper or posterbrk k 7 i i we ran h w8 lik8 uit p y o ran euy on tyoe auytahtidlotelltthtotmrreaodtaaiiy n printer rpoow book wacall it the batt pratt to ba had in the tworld touyforihe money ounaancl tee onrpretaa work ii yda desire tample of work tend for them and we wiu mf tmuh ibem w ou gfe you yonroholceof nomber i differontsites and ttylet of protsetat fllprioet- w a new 6 cbh tdioor 5 col qto power press for only 600 to s700 orjan 8 cpl boo press for 800 full particulars from s3 huti i- 1 j i i- ttl cr i- agen for canada acton ont civic hpeidat let a it j iur prooikvthtiqn vithebe as a vcqufsiubn hat been that totner the berg booce friilayi 19th of august b nrpclahneda arte holldlyior lht tttrdelj f tnerefor prtcjalii the iwl isrsf aujtt the cirfc holidtrtotii vniase sad woslat s- tpecttnlly request that au citltent obeefn f um wbwbt hmvosofflecwt3ijtiiyl89i f j i 1 kchlhpiftv acton cornet band bat completed arrancebienta i tor a grand jl rliil tournsmehrl athletic sports 1 1 tope held in j oj- tr tuesday 80th jaugust wbeo iho following handsome priaet will be offered tor eompetluoa band tournament 1 openio second class bands only uxedtad to twenty phi jtrs j ftntnrdad5seeco entrance fee as entries mult be made with seetstary on or before august tod beat equipped band unhcrtiistnnotos and csneral appearance to be eenauared spaefar- int onplex snare dram talis sis y whaley kotos a cojfutte boats m r- presented toronto lacrosse match 11 am risesavertiltlngwaterritclisrabaaoutt t valac ss0 entrance fee s3 match to be plareiondot ci l al bolts with official reftree j 1 i athletic sports amuebievclflbaestopeo entry si 1st prise silver uedaitalue sis 2nd psjle qoubtedts ooly wa cane value w 1 mile bieyele race countir of jhastoa entry l fit prize ebony clock value 2nd prtie 6ilver oapvalae 15 i jaiile foot bece protesslonal lit prlte mo tadprtaets purse given by campbell bent entrr l i v i mde foot bece amateur entrr l 1st prtie silver waterl pitcher value ia ted prise totltt case value si i 300 rvrd foot baee profeaiional xatn t porto by poininionlloase 1st tlo ind is mo yard foot babejamaleur entry soe- lit gladstonobaflviluaes tod olfar oast valut hx yard foot baeej professional iatry tie purse by butien hotel lststed ioc yardfoot baeejamatenrj bntry f3c 1st bujer modal tev 2nd surer cdp a kb rani foot rc bandsman eolr lb aalrosra j sndbl ko eitrsnee fee- 7 jau bound athleto county of bti bntry 1 evonttrinulnb junrpfii ting shot rrite dressing cateran only andpatl rmie dtetsing caaerrvalntll pole vaultluj bntry 60c lriiansbartiif set value ss sndltauisreollarandcmlfbox value si tf j tag of war open to any munitlpalitym men prise li eatrr l 1 t boys baca las vardt unaeru years 1st ndtl ko entry lo r insji racee 1 to rntarand3tosu 4grand coocert in town hau ibis evexdag at which ut prise band wiu atalat r bplendld lar eioalient tiakoad aaatinj bands will parade u town ball u 1 pjxo sharp and ohreh to the park arraaeemente hlvre been bus lor railway rates ratarn at folfcws braninton nu sorrel goorgetown i llmehoase boekwood guelph- breafaa i berlin i aliltonv usmsewdod m stewsr towa4 chelteihami idilawicd oardlli farsut i elora l hetpekr galtl- i u n i bauidsmea in ttdiiimnctniq- matickl lostni- meattbalf th eicjralon finv passengers allowed to start the evenlni of h andmolat ptathrotatnt aagimstt ff come and enjoy apleasant dijjs onting in oo of the eleanett moti thrtvlag and plstaraaqat villafes in ontario- f t7 admlaslorr to park is binti carriages is cenu ettral jcbnt abbicxlo 1 wsraas conductor a cb troasom eserttary t mill fit ii- rr if you want fin olast poajpfi aasband doors at quelph pi ices t eiaint ess fill your order ath t planin raill rtv i