Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 11, 1892, p. 4

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notes here a rr ioctif of all i a grstliguxs t ltil iiln tt evnltein fttiet llit nfrfr fsur wit vt rii ailui worn till h t c- ima aot m iolnulithk tli uuf tuiictr lllj i lttw uticftir cntltnito jifcruiti ut today mr tft lu rf1ir onlbc ttrwt ot rtmrut little- cap l icwr t ht he waited therv vjhu liotnflilt rtp ll- loi the lsnd freal my utttd atiwlicnl rtmifcdtny pro he trrsrf trunll it up tor tofc tthfcmlraiitt of srto lit ftx not vutatidcro kdalwin hi fmc it trully ltflel wbit fid nine lilt tslalout as it t p crc lcilb4 up tti i i jr to if i yoa i llr stwa int thedoar ilpriuiton crrikh willliiciv to tote snl mill snd ttore h tlnryi c ru wmrc lilluklf hrhl1t u ii iip cm vgr if t litvtavmttirr tlrf il mini r liifckrllir 11111 at 1 11 rfm lis lueine ttjr inlinr ici3 ijic ulp t i luv ra lip pniliili y if li than nrcr full heme of carter intereat to press ftiadajrs cane ooma t tender eoru painful eottaj toft bleeding come rd come borne uode end tt all alt are alike removed in a tew day by tha una o pttluemi faintest corn extractor fxtver alia to oara utter eaoee pin never leave deep spot that are mere annoying luau iha original die- pomfort give pulaaiua painless porn extractor a trial beware of stbeutule sold by draegitl everywhere poison at co ktngttoo proprietors why do yon tmbluu to otcry record of crime t asked a eeadaoart of lh lata horace qnty because they are tha tin nre of the paper wtt tha reply awards for youthful genlub canada btiig conciliated everjfvther 00 he excellence at bar menataeture art stained glua la prominently in tha rent rtnkof her luprovemenl thank to ixecaualant rt tun of toronto who for 0 yetf have labored not only to eecamu- late money bat tcj rake stained and orna mental glata of all kinde a creriit to tha dominion f an old bachelor who ii not at all poatad at to the fttlnont aaya ha voald like to know what thn differeneo til between a travelling dreaa and a walking jiut b of ftp prodcwid rtw um uututt and nouhlooi i ot qiiitoni fiffi 6ombod with lb ntcdtofntt tlrtqm ot punu known lo bt mott imqcffdel to thbamtn if item tou pmufoa ttto kldatjt lvf no 4 bomu ffcauy ol nio ht iy tura dtpllla 6owt iod h rcdiaho tnd catin hnbut odutupcltoa taecbfo e simple e know vlotlat ot igtucoo uii i4aarer wh tiuat iui- ivj6dtocmclthitrflfrf uowcki joa kaowt ukid ta mditor bcom hobcco killed htai in 18m wis the sndlfl prtnictb chilttt nthc ncmr olfive hundred win are moyc the rtdcr of arjr fnjl lire to be nude hippy by the rcctifit of prices for urticlea pf their own work that lliev hitreent in to the pabheh- crs of ihcmictcino thee avrticle con- kit cf ol tu3 tneul arork pen dniwlo oricinil imtrtcd fan description of bxki rrtd pjiia tnd fancy sewid taoea in3 cnbrcidtry tlie ertt prize a fine bicycle has been awarded tcurducrm gale tccd fifteen of 0io niy for a- cutter it bu been rcacli ajnuivd by uitoce amy opt r howajvl tiatuvton of the navy reourkei tha the hiies ol thf cutter are very fine alice uvcnt ttfed nice of tocapkinstille ri was iwanlia prize of a fioe mtho cny ireury for a erv rpirited pen-and- irk drawing cfa ftstital party that would hive ijone crft to a prown qp person alice lfiis all the girl wba havecompeted for prites orton meifi of wathiogton dc receivti a pnz for a wellnished c tbiret bx kittie unjar aced fifteen of st john b cot the first money prize for an ril painting on velre and sforton ptio pcn of garden city li waa civen f 2 jt a rnojtl of a locomotive that was well known in the georgia raids dor- ici the kif it census of two hundred iiid twectose pieces and took three txonths to make the judges considered it a very rerairkable piece of work seth b haichiuen ael foarteeo of south dikota tent in a list ofbie hundred books chat be had read with a brief sketch o each hcidcj by a picture ia pen and tik it was considered the beet contribn- tio in this kind of work c eraect sott apedlifteen of alma mich read two ikiuired and nine books and also gets a prize ghirit9 mertens of erie pa tet a itry cooi electric motor and switch and ccs a money prize alice winatan- ity actd thirteen of yokohama japan tent a pretty pair of mittens and emma kiddeof hobokea nj a fice point uoe hiedkerchief wilharn j aylwood aed fiien of milwaukee sect a tery good penandiek eketch of a ship and robert w crnra who lives near banjor atesent t pretiy model of a echooaer sails set in refnyrlfr j glxtleklx ilwat suddcnljprottnted while at work by a severe attack of chor morbus we sent at once fcjc a doctor hot he seemed do able to help an evacuation ajkiut every forty fcninatw was fait wearing me out when we fsent for a bottle of wild strawberry which saved my life itts j n van ntter ifoaot bcydfiea ont a tailor on the way lo his ship met a boy on his way to a circus i am going sea said the aaijor i am coicp to see too reponded the boy wbeu thn merits of acocxlthing are con- aidered it only reqairea prooi lil the following lo convince and settle any 3oobt uonstantine kfch u s a feb 1c 1687 waa troubled 30 years with paina in the back from strain in bed for weeks at a ume no relief from other remedies about 8 years ago i bought st jacobs cfl aud made about 14 applanations have been well and strong ever since have done alt kinds of work and can lift as much as ever no return of paio in years d i rtubick the young lady who had apooc partner in the waltz changed him for a more skilful one because theaaid she believed in the better whirled two paintings probably the smallest paintingever made was the work of the wife of a fiemiih artist it depicted mill with the sails bent the miller mounting the stairs with a cack ol train on his back upon the terrace where the mill stood waa a cart and hcrae and on the road leading to it several i peasants were ehown the picture was ibeaoiifnlly finished and erery object was aery distinct yet it was so amazingly tec all that its surface so the story goes could be covered with a fjrain of com in contrtdietinction to this the largest parntin exclusive of frescoes and panor amas is tintorettos paradise it is huze iu the qrand salon of the doges palace at venice and is si feet wide and 3i feet hih ifichael anpelos fresco in tire eistice cbspel of the vatican com pletely covers the vaulted roof which measures 1s3 feet in length and 43 feet in width ttne pointing delineates the crea tion of man his fall and the early hietory of the world with a reference to mans nl redemption and falvation necessity isthe motherof invention gen jem thumb in his latter days be came a fclae to drink often beingunable to lrar in public oa account of intoxication a rraiietr undtr whom he was playing dturmilod to wutch him and never let in cut r f his m at one lime he had ocaijn tj lent the- btek tnd deterraioed ra to iikt ny rhince- locked the general vi hi- rorr when he ttantd he was ttryl h dlts vitli ttonithnient the r t 1xkcd hji stretchei upon the hjrjt v h tom thumb as druuk kt a lord it vss t- eiprfcd kotaonerhad the rrlftir jtft ihm tie gntrtil rattled tte vyyt until i iitirtcttd the attention of the btiloj slirpinn adollar under the door uiiducei the toy to co toa taloon bay a pint cf whukey lud kxi crdicarv day pipe when the boy returned the ceneral told him to put the pipeitem through the kev hole and pour the liquor itto the pipe- bowl he did rd and the dwarf standing on tiptoe placed his jipa to the pipestem and drank himself iiito totil unconbcious- cees when are fckippiug ismbs like library volstnts when they are houndin sheep a pooclriihmtnseeinfia approaching aikad what wu la was a a we red a raaa baried oh ho remarked eternal vfcllancf 1 is the price of health but with all oar precaution there are enemiea always lurk ing about our systems only waiting i favorable opportunity to assert themselves impurities in the blood may be hidden for years or even for generations and suddenly breal forth anderminidg health and batten ing death for all diseases arising from impure blood hoods samparilla is the unequalled andunapproached remedy it sounds the same but it makes some difference lo the criminal if the judge decides to satpead sentenoe instead of sen tencing to suspend if yu want to boy or ceil a farm ad vertiae in the tonoto tfatig tfu that parier reachea 100000 farmer homea every week and yoaradvertiaemecit should meet the eye of someone whowxnta to par- chase advertiaemeou of this ciaac are a- serted iatho toronto weekjg mail foe five centa a word each insertion or twenty cents a word for five insertions address the mail toronto canada i a young lady attending bails and parties should have a female cbaperooe until she is able to call some other ehap her own wbn baby was riefc wq par her ctfcoria when she vu child she cried for castoru wben sbfi btecsie kiss tha dsnctooactorie fneoscudodrcictfcatetfccasxodfc stick to the right right actions sprinc from right princi ples in cases of diarrbcea dysentrr cramps colic lommer cbaiplalntl chosscv morbus etc the right remedj isjfosfler extract of wild strawberry an nnfatiling cure made on the principle that natures remedies are best never travel without it servant to head of the house the butcher boy sir is at the door with the bill whitehall tell him eirt head ofihe house tell him to send a ten pound sirloin roast for dinner mr h b mceinnon paicter mount albert aaya last summer my system got impregnated with the lead and turpen tine used in painting my body was cover ed with scarlet spots as large as a 2cent piece and i was in such a state that i could scarcely walk i got a bottle of korthrup at lymans vegetable discovery and at once commenced taking it in large dose and before onehalf the brittle was used there was not a spot to be seen and never fell better in my life if 1 would box your ears said a young lady to her stupid aud tiresome ad- mirer if- if what v he anxiously asked ifj she repeated i could get a box ittrge enough for the purpose it u the licit dear sirs- i have used your b b b for the past five or six years and and it the bet cure for sour stomach and bilious- neb i have also used burdock pills and can recommend them highly amanda fortune huntingdon que powder plastbfll8e17bef caatataafcjsfam amacaht uac i psonataaiortiylfarfcat of lett toronto ont em rmsni3ae3fx for conh colda broocbitia and all iunc and throat trouble there ia no pre paration of medicine can compare with bickles anticonsomptive syrnp it never feila to afford prompt and perman entrelief it removea all toreneta and heala the deceased parte it immediately aootbea the most troobleaome coagb and by promoting expectoration removea tba mocci which ftopa up the air tubea which cauaea difficulty in breathing thereby givea relief to that deprea king tigbtneta experi enced in tbe cheat public apeakere and aincera will find bicklea auti cooadmp- lire syrnp of inealimable value aa it tpeed- iy tad effectually allaya all irricction and hnikioeta in the throat and oroocbitl tubea tad giro power to the vocal rorda reader- iag the voice clear aud aonnrou if pap enta wiah to cave hie livu if rltctr children jabl themaelvca frutti much anxiety trouble cad etpeaw irt them procure a oottle ot bfcilea aiilicontotnpdve ryrp and whenever a child haa taken aold haa a eooghor hotrreott give the syrup accord- im to direetiona klnardn uolaeat c tie kalr kntorer thoaai lulolerably palntut and eooataatly birauiug hioga called pllea which trouble aoraauy pedplr are toon haalad by dr thomia ecleotcto oittue neal eiternal rtmedf fur phytic lafforing tad meant ot relieving paint a very ttnau quantity achlave reaulla of the moat j gratify tn kind a cloabtail after tnltering for tbrae weaka from cholera infaotam to that i waa noteipeot- ed o live and at the time oau even have been tlad had death called me ta great waa my tafferiug a friend reoom- menied dr fowlert extract ot wild strawberry which acted like roajo on my avttem but or this modicine i would not be alive now joit tv binutiur 393jst rial st uoatjml pq vj mimih ilpndh marlii eallan iloem ayhil iat baooma o thi mwojawtt wbali t maan thajliwji mawtr aorrtotad aoott la t high my japlha ttld mrl jonee tlarnly job hart bean drinking tartod mr a aaoc ft ing wbn joa arc toa crard ofpeopla lie matter log to be ih atop to tee thtt for we carry them to to biihrfln our oountry do not delay in getting relief foe the little folka mother graraa worm exter minator ia a pleuaat and tun cure if yoa love your child why do yon let tinder when a remedy it to near at bot f hljueitatvard t at the universal cookery and food ex hibition held in london and opened by the lord mayor may 3rd 18m malar w- g dunn co of croydoa loadao and hamilton canada obttiqed tie highest award for baking powder this it not what ita cricked aa the miner aaid who palrerired qcartc tor gold and- found only mica fretful crying children should be given dr lows worm 8yrnp it rejulefee the system and removea worms stronger every day gcstixuxi i have been ill np to be for a long time with lame bock and wea kidneyt and at timea codld not getup wi izoat help- i tried bbib and with two bottle am almost well i find my back ta stronger every day tfonra truly i mm l tnoursox oakv lie ont what man is it that when yoa have any dealingi witb him yon always like to have give yoor gla your tailor coogbing leads to coffin unlet stopped by dr wood norway pine synip the beat cure far coughs colds land lung troubles coxsuhpnoxcukkd aa old phyaiciaa retired firooi practioe having tad plaoed ia hit hand by an east india tstsaiobary the fonnda of a timpie v hi remedy tor the speedy j tad par manast curejof consumption bronchiua caurrh asthma and all ttrott land lung aaaotiona alio a positive toil radical can foe kecvoat debility and all karroo com plaint after baring tested it tronderfal carattve powera in tbouaand of ptte haa fell it hi duty to make it known to all hi coffering fellows actuated by thi motive and a desire to relieve human suffering i willeecd fcw of charge to all whodeaire it thi recipe in german french or engliab with full direetiona for preparing and using sent by mall by addreawing with stamp naming this paper w a notts 620 power block rochester x y life ia full of golden opportunttiet it- mark a pbiloaopher bat they arent worth their talt when yoc try to cash them tha third page of the toronto dtuf ucm t noted for want advertisement if yoci want to boy or tell anything if yon want a situation a mechtoio a bust nets machinery lodgings if yoa jhtve lost or oond anything or if yoa want to find ont where anyone ia advertise in tha to ronto pady hail and read the advertise ment on the third page of that paper the charge is two cent a word each in aertion addreas the mail toronto can ada j one reason sthy women excel id archery is supposed to he because they have a natural liking and apitudefot bending beaux i j wliat stronger proof is neeeed of the merit of hood sarsapaj rills than tbe hundreds of letters contin uallycoming in telling ofmarrelloaa cure it has effected after all other remedies had failed truly hoode8araapariila possess es peculiar curative power nnkuown to other medicines hoods pillejcare constipation by restor ing the peristaltic action of the alimentary canal they are the best family calhrtia a lady of inuch experience saya tha mating comes a natural to a girl aa a cunning fly to a bald head i aa a hair dressing and for the prevention of baldness ayert hair vigor ha no equsl in merit and efficiency it eradi cates dandruff keeps the scalp moist ilean and healthy and give vitality and color to weak faded and gray liauv tbe moat popular of toilet articles i hits philadelphia and so yoa enjoyed your tour of europe hits boston oh indescribably did yoa see thi aqueducts in iromo7 ye and they ewembeentifully swam whatswamr the aquaduefca ot course ulnards liniment is the fair kettorrr surprise tow wrtt yoar cotton linons flannels alwnyg twoct cfeart nowy whits i i you jwant the wash dono thei easiest thsi clean est tha quickest tha-lcheap- oatvttyrt suhphfsesoap the sur prise way without bolllntror scalding gives these results ion t llmbt will iw oa t righ hit ko msn hat a eion on the pli he eolirted this it what i cl the bat ball player for having faa with t jontt who i had not otnt yoa taihr kvll qasatlon f hat borrowed oar lot r mtwnt mrs jooe oame d wn ilalri and looked tha tclkd man tt then tha laid jtptht u tcttejnt aty it ting t- youll get it in tfcat i ay bat jonet uld he badnt any volea foe tinging nit tbeolqstroii tne pttu to rsmamber la the forest wild remember thai 1 1 p ilnft of mi rompata ea be lod froai it by tha following aloplobtvl6at thtildtoft tree oa which most of he iioet it found it the north if fa ve ii upoted to th tan the httvletl tad the south tide frtr- i oo ahead id hit boyhood it ytwng mo tltrayl hu amwllodlto b tooimblng or to do tonit thlob tie id tmioas to b tills that or thi other hi hut lute for tbtt a uum foe tbatot hi may m ibahk it war but knownnt if a genlat alaa far him l b anfoldt bit bops o hit ildari i if william bhakmpuni r iildlto lilt grindfalbsr i iblak i ooald write t jay jibellare loan eipreat my self prelly wdl tie i havtnot tht sllgbt- est doubt the old bsnllemao replied mnoi no i 00 da ii i wrluf ifoa wrlmth ideal why yvjad make yoursolf a laughing stock if you itedl and if titian men- llonid to his grand uocle lhat ha had painted a head and thought ha ooald paint another ihtgrtadanola doubtless replied try to palut a barndoor int youd tven botoh that ptintara art lorn genlateej j old people never remember lhat all tba great mea la til arte tad profeiifoaf weri otee only yoallu with ambition andhoe perieooe to apply for a pan ic waa half thot when high comedy tald bo had been flood 5 ia umpire fanainitiauoaoi mr jacob d mill i wtaroabladjwlth eye to lhat antn the maimer of 18b1 i tooktevtral botjl maat vegeubl sabverj great pleasure ta i ifo m me of my afftiat on medicine for coil bj r if iit a gars and p tliug apptter ine wine theeycrtdj kawbaryj write lastrnmatloa ot tb nearly the whole of e ooald not work i of korthrop ly- and it give me yoa lhat lt oared it it an exoelleut oda to phyaiciaa ia wbalt lb best nine columbia mltlerl of the year i baseball btrai wuhtngtoo i la the district physician at judge that it ft qunlov ie its t tonic tad iavlgar- ifut urns aromalfcquin ooasldered tt tir mr it l han dufferin lit oi ed with a moat parte containing af ord thi ill other part of dpffer oooutiet an or do yoa sal then sail s cea1 rtlothle iratiti far bom cure nothing the ear a spier did addreatpaok earning the tigaal iproaohat that mora cjoat imptiaa ask your for the stks of risk and do nothing irom experience that lure your oaagh it oh w tctt cough i will you heed i he perhap of tha 1 1 s terrible disease telveaif yoa cat taring wc to r ii for it we klcjw shiloht care never fail when a man leclajret himself to be in toxicated with i una alar air he may be ught county treasarer of hoaiiay evening preaent- ffat eriog addrea and a 300 by friend ia ortogeville shelbar le grand valley and a pee tad eimcoe yoi deaf irfi m noise ia the bead and i wiq tend a unt icing full particalara coat comparatively rork on deafhea and gciuirmoatretl ttiip hict aactioaetra batt bid biffab cj c c jacob u s express eclectrio oil cqrad hm pilot of 8 almost every buffalo physii the oil cared recommended too bight y year knovn hic lod way of acoeptfeg he hae we any ant day some jril aa employe of the ayt dr thomia of a bad case ot ttahding having tried n medy beaidea two without relef bat think it caonot be y rsat menatthepret- ioui t it and ask to be shown the modere- waahuigtos franklin thitmay be of one tbei never waa a great- ayere sartaparilla sov ing wild oatt bat romaa sowing any or webaur howeter thing wo are tare er btoodparinerihaa we bear ot met wbo ever heard ol thing bat tares t y rs 1 c c riciunos i geutlemea fojr troubled with face i have spejnt trying to effect a e ire i am happy to tty rae likimekt enly cjired heartily recommend i medicine in tbe bayfield ontj world been have scrbfuldat scree upon my 1 indred of dollar rithaat any retail battle pfmikabds me and 1 can to all aa tha beat hilt roes bridiet call j bridget jyis towtd me tbe ither nay back and i diiat baatld mclnnet did yoa hear me mum bat yoa uiver to tnswer ye lints from drjis 6ics for suffered from liver gave her no help wtv cared her completely it to all i muamwu 3 it ha been remarked a small town is ia gat another lawyer place and then thty basinets m ilaiat i an er of starvlag he settle in the tame nth do a thriving boots wa hava jurt receivi boot and shoe fi factarertjia cam petition in style orj we make a sp ality of years my lister a doctors b b b which can recommend lyons ont that if a lawyir in shoes or fall stock of tbe best menu- anddefycomi quality pkioe j uliilwim v fanny thing tomellme btppen in chatcu 0a of them occurred npon t recent sjindty when t yoaog man oame to charchlatatllppeda an unoccupied teal and tat dowirdlrectly on top of a high silk hat belonging lo the man la the next pew thehatlgave way with a loud crack and attilieo he clergymens voice arose in solemn tocentt reading he first vtrtaa of the ptafter for the day o lord jtboa hut letrched me oat and known me ihou knowett- my dowaiikiug and mine upritingj ano 1ori ileconlcr yoa ami headache last nigh aid not hart had hat throbbing had yoa taken a burdock pill teeth i teeth man a teeth for he next three mouths too sud tsxo par au ierfect fit guaranteed and besttualily djstirton lds arsdutt of toronto school of dentistry sad karat ctauega of oeutal bargeou orricekuttott office acton princles p stiwatches i 16 watches prtiglss 18 watches prliigtes 20 watches prtctgfas 4 25 watches the tbcjve are all stem widaert la either silvsror kickel catet the rdovemenfa in tha nickel case being u much finer u the difference a the value of the caaet ladrea watchesall prides gid prinale cu8lph shilohs conujjiptioncure thtt orkat cough caoe liut tueoesstul jcpnsdmption cdrb is without a parallel in the history of medicine all druggist are authorized to sell it on a positive guarantee a eat that no other cure cam aacceaafully stand ifyauhama cough sore throat or bronchitis ate it for it will care yoa if your chad ha the croup or whooping coagh use it promptly and relief it tare ix yoa dread that insid ious disease consumption dont fall to use it it wiii care yoa or coat nothing aak your druggist for bhilohs cure price loct jsoct and floc if toot lungf are sore or back lame uae shiloht parous flaiter met i i puos bauanlr torcatask it as llecceus3stat7maadchaimst catarrh ifomldniiiuoriatbrniantim et ttisriffntt wureti fs tj sli pure powdered l rv e purest 6tronqest drforomtaknrfftiantltr pornauiv floajii bafuoioa wstr mwnfclnr irit ahandnd otlmt ssss taaolartuaiiwus iu trj all c gij drtftiite st ts7 grxjtttth2 z lk i the kfito health cnlocks all the clogged avenue of tha bowels kmnerj and llvar ounying os gradually irithoat weakening the sys tem all the inrparitie and font humor of tha secrelioiu at the same time oaf reotlng- ioldlty of the stomaofi oorlog blupusness dyspepsia headiohes dizziness nearttraro constipation drynes3 of the skin dfopjy nirnness of vision janrt- dice salt hejum erysipelas soro- fniaflott touroess totes and m yield to the i blood br tblbum iocpropileton toronto and general debillt oyl other similar comp rinfluenoeotbd vii ii4lksirz 1 thwnl4avfhltmvfltfinprt uv-v- kbestfriend tsali in canada rthtumatism spralat mm m utf 8llfhm swsftlags jtukukt n rlw swii sim rhs 0hasts4 a vooiisa mimny wtm ifejm 1ridln doubt tpwiolltp omi ci f known snifir i tb its 0 su1 lotalll within late ovfetaaoiecjftedtoehljdretith recos nendllasourrfcrtoajpreacriptloe w e a aaewxa u d of so oxlord bti nreoklrn it jr use of paatorlk it ao rmlversal aod so weutrnow that it seems a work in erceaticatoeadaneit rewaretbe is ctfsj5wldomlxeeoattorte in imtmck i l- 1 nawtorkcny j tforjjfoomiiixilatoaeloroiedcsiardi casks pauee so as it bat iulttr eomtt tiss whjthropi 13th street and tactttriin ooscfuit tt lfinutlt i ftras kaw tosot we have just passed into stock a job lot of j500qqq worth of reajdymade clothing j dijygoodg which we bought at suits i inmentyoalhaboysvndaiidrens ind odd plants ticking 8hhnft rfowetlfngr cottons cottbnaaes shw suspenders hat 8and caps thi it gains any of but rec if yoa wanty in orde houses i le yi ii men whits 1 65c onthe bo chance of roar life for bar- we aredelermiued lo uudeneil gaelph or xoronto hoates ember yoa mint pay be cash atot pay tha caah are dont r custom thismustbedooa to corapele vith other cash s all wool a l and cray suits worth pants worth cottons worth hundreca of suits o select front jn all sireasnd styles ato- tthave kew york city crand truvik railway- if oontot ootfliatr j ijjhji eiiirtaa- 1 jnaj q ijc kipveaar hmaja s mixed v wh fas u rots or ctismo kjilai aotiwt3snitiid5rin v ooio east w t3 fcil and 5 0 po this time uble kent into iffoetoidetemwr ftblsn t uoi ejprets 1 18 am mall bipreas i m ptn faaangst- do pit summer isai r-f- m tweeds towelf 8ocks now for bargains 800 fwsjeo 300 for 1 53 focfor 7c kelly bros acton uulmm photo art is acton ont has th ac essories best insiruments and turns c utthebgst photos iri the county if enjoys t provincfal reputation for i come acttn v for portraits of to wjktches new our if your jvatch do fine irchased stock purchased of elgin and waltham and watch es iohi ft lpeiglxt rnltfure 5t tyndeirtklng onr bfock of fotilitore tnyarllole defraud any u anyeae of want at r r n ine in itsm ladlacture bat we pay caah lor it and can sel in lhetri j iu is now comptela lor the bpriog trade at d we oanj supply be lowest possible pticas we donl steal cur furniture nor low for caah ve can bed 8pn i- a full htllfctioil oonnectlii w association of cotfti aa to prioe hady oomh n oan gi iti feassisc cood rjnees are reason t go well try usas we make t specialty of watch repairing savage co soa p ovq you a room set complete for 14 ve mattresses for 4 ng9 for 3 8ld boards at cosv lounges for 750 j exti inslbn tabjta 750i chaprs at any price ufrii dthiiisc4 i casket ltflb etc elwe in atobk we oan give you we desire tn imprest opon tl pnblid lha taol that we have ifi nallon and our prior are nt i overned by ha dnderjakers you the beat tha market sgi rd at very reaaohable price arse and outfit for siejghtt5i uble funeraln son the mammoth georoetoivin oldreas qpods delaniea ffinfed if ualiris silks millinery mantles parasols remnants of all kinds of dress goodr and prints we are weediueont a geat deal of stock and tbe enstotners will get great snaps if theyny come and see itict ladies straw jhats from 5c upwards mens straw hats fromic upwards groat bar gains will be given thrbagbouf the tore remember onr car pets oil cloths and cprtaics boots and shoes snap bargains oar dressmaking and millin ery pepdrtm4nts are open tor orders they are- anxioria willing and able to torn out- the work well and pleasd you oar gents furnishings beady made clothing hats caps are in first class shape bargains to be had oar assortment of suitings overcoatings and general ctotes are second to hone and pur ordered department which r is superintended by pur cutter mr millar leads in thevan of first class jclcthiog establislimedtb in the province orders and patron- age reapectfiilly solicited a the mammoth i wjmcleqipco i oeohaetowh 51ji jl n f 1 vm l cures j y h- c2f etsssss ib3 j b a m oct abb h -i- s 1 4ib ii mtu-i- price bcvar t of ih lrsclentiflo amrfosui ajescy for attnts osaioaj oopvuqrl srlsssvaawcsgsree the pfue by ascate tires xn of el h i t is r i spsfw awju i awacssss tsssmsesm ertfflk beadcl ccejtatjpecarjr asanwarat staltaacaaai 1kb ksi i jl i-f- ti m i- o fm pit s fccs

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