Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 22, 1892, p. 2

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j r u bqrs ft vkpt i r ijuruic on tliemli twtlclnrt mtit it ol lutjd mc start of otl km i in iuiiic ii hip hui kepltulr n n in cnnrtwri on tlic ttlt rtl i lii amuuvwai tlit uinta ac too oo lb yismt in hn- j v llw ur wtlliw a talk of the d4y an epitome of thft world doing during th weak j car in knuriej on lirkb sfptctuwr iri t 1 n v jihn mcwmi i p in i be tina stmt i vn oir ir1i tift j 4n infant oi of 11 4th lthr tvur1 ltith a moul lutkat kocl cxx ou tlmrvl tikiiitf k lili vury uuno ulcw it tlic ti ivriu iuck of krtsiotsv ej h jr ilocirio car ire now tannine in moa- rail j mnitnst i tiwiiijj fine wcfthcf tor liar- vrrtjti xutrmur 10 will iwj lltiikfivii uv ill citu i there luvo lccii fcrtoni lloodt in norll ernlim vrut lvu ibo tuttu etmiot ciny choice itu tlie vnk5 fchouiifr luitie sltaj f to be oonfitotvi the ljamtltoii yacu vert liai been wrecked st ttriii wqrtht bills tw iid by bunkthbw df urct and rated noood l iiljc rtatt jfrw jrcss thursday skltkubtu ltli notes and comments uicfwiej hat sr jgliu abbott il ooiititiue to be rrvinifr perliapa until cthtms knj tht at the wiih of hit colleague he will uit unci and as the trtmier cf th domibiou initj ol uthe netiroj hcj of the administration the minister cf customs hat tent io- uructioub to the collector of cuetoms throahout canada to exerpis the prates t txjssiblc vigilance in order to locate any apicipii8 article in which cholerainfection mifbl nist nhich may be imported from infected localities in the tnit the trades axd libor canada on monday adopted favoring the taxing cf land held for uiative parpcse m hichly improved land in other words it favor the iiucte tax evidently the members of the codi cil believe that the henry george plan o taxation has some degree of merit about it the cse against john k- arnoidi at the aiizes at ottawa was brought to a clofce iloaday cnder direction of the court the jury acquitted amoldi of fraud or falw pretelcea and fonnd him ruility of roal- f tasicce in ciffioe with the understanding that a cue wmhd be rerved forargamnt before the chancery divition as to whether the evidence justified the verdict mr george johpton dominion statiati- cian htajuf t prepared a new edition of the handbook of canada for circulation in earope during the winter at the request of sir joseph- hickson chairman of the rohibtica cimmiesion be has also in readiuesfl fcr fubmiion to the commission a memofaniam on crime for the last jen year and its relation to the scott act although the population of the united kidgdom ii close pon 3s000000 the teguter of vol era barely exceed gw00oo as the last centos testifies to the existence of 6000000 families each of which pre- eumably contains at least one adult male wlether father or elder brother it is clear that the register falls thort of manhood eanvage bj- about 200000 votes by tome meiicrl authorities la grippe is regarded a a more bioua malady than cholera inasmuch a the person who re covers from the last mentioned disease is no worse off phteically than he was before it attacked hhn whereas the grippe under mine the constitution weakens the bodily functions and leitesiis victim an eaayprey to other maladies moreover the cholera can be warded off by strict eacitajyreeuia- tiocs and only attacks a email proportion cf the population but the- insatiable grippe tcows do rank age oc quality and bafis the effottu of medical scientists to arrest ita progreas me acids are death to the cholera bacillus eiys dr koch and eeveral other experts there is tufnedent acid in the secretions of a healthy fctonfach to destroy the bacillus sulphuric acid is one of the best preven tives ai disinfectants known if the acid theory of rheumatism is true that it conus cf acid in the blood then rheumatic pereoni will be the ones least apt to get the cholef some cf the best physicians of the day believe that diluted sulphuric acid taken in lemonade in the proportion of twenty drops to a tqmblerful will eurely prevent any pereon from getting cholera if precautions as to the absolute cleauiness and healthful food are observed a cpmmuniction has been received from the administrator of the colony of new fcandlapdr inviting the dominion govern ment to appotpt delegates from the minis try to confer with proper representatives of the newfoundland government on trade and fishing matter the dominion goytrncitdthas accepted the invitation and the meeting will be held in halifax tf ttr the 10th of october the conference it may be remembered is the outcome of the negotiations of last winter and spring in june last canada withdrew the duties on newfoundland fish and the eister colony remeved the duties on certain canadian products pending the holding cf the con ferehce disastrous explosion seven men killed and twenty more badly scalded coiij 15 a boiler in- force dickinsons stave mill at staples a small villgc on the leamington and st clair luilway five miles from here exploded by which wvtii men were killed outright one fatally injured and about 20 more or less scalded the particulars were a follows about cji am the night watchman gave way to the regular day engineer at that titre there were 2c pound of steam in the bailer that exploded the fire wasincreae el and it is supposed that there was so pounds prett ore on the boiler at the time of eipljsio fortunately there were a ijca rjunler of the hands auent owing ti tle arlv hourbrit ib likely the fatalities iijlit ujzu greater the scene was hirclv jii the- est re mi arms and limb were literally joril from the bodie cf the victiiji ulnlt their tculle werecrutheijand the lraiu- naltued hbotit ltt ahott bud andtnon of comber were ummor and did all in their power to relitvtihc wouuded tliow dead are john ivttiug michael dupuie joeph pep- iueau jtaiali cbauun jtrcme hauvin two lroiherm w peter causo nd moue oullette the air itf all u rtfmors regarding the nuionoftbeboifcribomb contend it wa old and unfit for whitean employe ofthemiuaay that the boilers were in good rurjijingcooditioo ifyoawantnretclsguephttbahd doors at guelph price t ktainztu fill cur order at bis planing mill trials ytirk ntw thf re arc rtlit jitt tralcil plccl lripnrrt in inith ttw ih fittff fuml in new amaatm t- cut faoolks sfrllrl rms are under arrett at port iuri for fmcliii tg a carco of dk rof th 000000 is rn roxtr frcai vacroaxcr to new rnrtr urk annie uobinson waidrocned in a ell at st catherine friday uonjjohn mckinnnn legislative coun- cilior of nova cjcotia is dead auolj crimean soldier milucl galla gher died at stratford this week the chief joiticetsf the soprtme court sir wm ititthie is dangeroasljf ill it i said that if r ilagh john mtodouald m p for winuipec will ooo rigu the government has agtn employed the allan lino to carry mails to england judge falconbtidee was banqaeued by the bar of hamilton last friday evening lieut governor schultl and royal arc utmed as the late senator girards success or ten thousand barrels of apple were shipped from halifax for london on satur day a victoria b c despatch say a ship ment of sealskins left for london yetterday worth 500000 the sultana gold mine atjiut portage has been sold to english aud arerican capitalist for 8125000 immigrants have bsen stealing a march on the officials at detroit by rowing across the river in small boats george mahler a well to do farmer of delaware township hanged himself in his barn on saturday morning a true bill ha been found against the proprietor cf the goderich imtftor crimin ally libelling m c cameron state senator sparks author of the sparks election law in missouri has suicided by cutting his throat at farrellton ont on saturday evening a brakeman named joe bice aged 21 got caught in a frog and lost both feet anuggttof gold weighing 3l7i ounces and worth tf000 was brought to halifax from eaftville n sbn saturday a woman- in north carolina has just presented her husband wnhsix children at one birth they are all boys and jare living rev dr talrnage went to europe for worked so hard that he contracted in somnia and is now returning home for rest i the tints for trial of the petition against the return of mr bennett as member for etit siracoe has been extended until de- cemberis the spanibh government bis decided to declare october 12 a perpetual national holiday in commemoration of the discovery of america a petition is being signed in hamilton for the release of john callahan who etole 15000 from street car boxes and ii in the penitentiary t the trial of the petition against the re turn of hon j c patterson as m p- for west huron will not take place before december 11 next a yokohama paper says a ynuug mui in bango province japan slew his wife to secure her liver with which to cure his mothers failing eyesight the london siftudantt berlin correspond ent sajs it is reported that the kaiser has invited queen victoria to be godmother of his recently bor daughter the one hundredth anniversary of the opening of the first parliament of upper canada was fittingly celebrated io queen park toronto oosatnrday leonce labelld was tried at ottawa on saturday for the mardepof his wife the case collapsed an dt belle wa discharged with some whoiewcre advice in montreal on saturday mrs william selby tn aged lady while carrying a lamp fell in ao epileptic fit her clothing took fire and she was burned to death bergen gne of the ratn who burglarized the house of rev mr erb at berlin ont a few weeks ago was convicted monday and eent to kingston for 10 years a young miti named dow son fell on a taw at cane son factory in newmarket tuesdayand his right arm was lacerated to that amputation was necessary somebody sent an infernal box to govern or flower of new york a day or two ago but the nature of the machine was dis covered before any harm was done mr james loudon ma professor in physics in the university of toronto has been appointed president of the university succeeding the late sir daniel wilson a man named tobin got caught in the machinery of the blast furnace at ferrona pictou county n s on saturday he wae drawn in between two largo dram and crushed todeath mr samuel wils3nof wbitewood man while driving to a neighbouring town on friday night wae shot and killed by the accidental discharge of a gun that was lying in bis bugiiy bergmtnn the anarchist who shot mr h c frick at the carnegie works flome- stead hasbeen found guilty and sentenced to 24 years in the penitentiary and one year in the workhoafre mr james uckilvery while driving a load of oats down a lull near sbelbarne ont on saturday afternoon fell from the waggon and one of the wheel passed over hi bead hews instantly killed mr george mahler fifty five years of age a farmer living iu the first concession of delaware lownthip near the village of del aware ont committed suicide cki friday morning by hanging himself in his baro the r ando steamer coriatuiao which left toronto for montreal on monday wa bnreed to the water edte just below coteau rapids tarsday evening no lives were lost bat th passenger lost most of their baggsge jame b lundy was last thursday tried at the peel asauxc at brampton for tb tnarder of hi wife by shoot fog the prisoners daaghter gave ronch damiging evidence against him the jury retarded averdiciofcaaqsfaagliter theseateace of the court was twenty var n the peni tentiary tueqticocttmot witx iy uio sharpers who laocodwlla paiiiaj hundred ofi dol lars of worthless pruoo edward island and v si confederate state bill ui toe onlo during lltocxbjui lon ihowa ihl good many people thaulc paste ihlila their notebooks the folio wl ig btlfs tuued by defunct banks arc rated no good colonial bank oc cauada tor ato j commccxlaj bank of now bruntwicl st john n b consolmatcxl bank of mda moatroal etchango bank of cana fi toronto far men joint 6tock banv rig company to ronto international tin nk of canada to ton to mechanics bank montreal mechanic uank st jem nb- metro tolitian batik montreal provincial bank of canada titan bank montreal real avc tutor wick monctoa montreal zim uppe canada real toronto 4ritfs milton manppde3 hvs boerx lutmtnt the to ctiiodfri tthmultofdlaptw v in l6vi lead qte royal canadian stada ina bank mont- land ba ik of now brans- n b union bank of nerman s bank j bank of torout j rodeomed at 75 cent on the do iar cc itrol bahk of to ronto exchange bank of canada mont- aftricultu al bank of upper canada i canadian bank toronto bank of the people toronto bank of clifton clifton bank of b run ford h rant ford bunk of western canada cliftan bank pf acadia liverpool n s bank of prince edward island central bank uf new brunswick frederictaan b charlotte county bank 6t andrews n b city bank of montreal anmp resigns st john nb sept 15 the resigna tion of mr c n skinner up for st john has been forwarded to the speaker of tfio house of co mm on a some time ago mr skinner wa appointed judge of probate here iu the place of hu brother lately deceased mr skinner coo tinned to sit in parhmcnt when premier blair returned from england be gave mr skinner a week to saywbethr he would resign his seat in part lament or resign trom the probate coart omagl pocket i poctan honor upon honor and success upon success advices have reached the torodto office of sunlight soap that the manufacturers lever bros limited of port sunlight near birkenhead eng have been honored by the appointment under royal warrant as soap makers to her msjesty the queen an honor and a privilege enjoyed by no other laundry soap manufacturer in the world sunlight soap has been in use in windsor castle for over three year his also worthy of mention that such has been the unparalleled increase in the sales of etkight soap that the firm has given instructions to their architect to ex actly double the him of their works already the largest of their kind in exis tence when it is remembered that the present works were only entered upon iu july 1ss9 and that the main building covers four acres some idea may bo form ed of what colossal premises tbe forthcom- ing enlarged work will be i it goes with out saying that a soap which has met with such phenomenal success throughout the civilized elohe must be more than an ordi nary soap sunlight has the worlds record for honors and extent of sale and these laurels have been won principally by the acknowledged superiority and purity of the eoapi in canada the sales of son- light are increasing at a rate which mast be gratifying to those concerned in its success toronto mall a valuable business journal io addition to his local newspaper a business man to keep np with the times bhould regularly read some reliable business paper one that is devoted to trade in gen- eral must we think prove tbe most valu able to the merchant or manufacturer who aims to bo well- informed such a journal is tbe toronto itphrtary tintei the haud- some special fall edition of which is jast to hand between its artistically designed covers in browu tad gold the reader will find a fair sample of the ground that is covered in each weekly issue from the contents it in not difficult to see how this journal for the past 25 years has been uni versally accorded the leading place columbus day the minister of education for ontario has issued a circular requesting the publio schools to hold a columbus day celebra tion on tee 12th of october as a contri bution to this clebration the pop alar yoang peoples paper onward toronto iasaeji a special columbus number with 1g colum bus pictured and copious sketches poeme etc together with a suggested programme for school celebration this programme has been submitted to the deputy minister of education for ontario and to other leading educationists and is by them cordially approved price of this special columbus number one cent each in quan tities of en or more specimen copies will be serit free to teachers making application to tbe publisher william briggs toronto oa iuii 82 wa i fc and la hit home saturday even ing wi h i ballot hole through hs head and m bo yiaterribletttofdecompofton tbe fi s are lomawuat lingular stewart lived vit i hit mother on the tith line traitl fur township and abaatiivu and one half alia west others riohii lately hood emplo cd with john johnstone of poitvfhe in th tl reshlag bail nan- hit mother went i 1 tie over t week ago o toronto oihibf iot ud at iba same imo to visit her d ug iter residing u that cuy last jialurt ay evening ono of the women of the ueighlarlood was wajkttig by stewartt hoata aic noticed ft very unpleasant odor some toj abort weat to tho home forced open i to i oor want ujitalrt and bo held a dread il i igbt stcwsxta body was lying across th bod with a bptlct hole in bit head a 32c hi re revolver wat found on the floor loaded at done chamber empty the dead man v it dressed in his best clothet com plete a note was found on the table in tho sai ie room in hit writing dated wed- ncsdaj uorning at 7 oclock it merely stated jho wished to be buried at he wat at mdnot to search his pockets hit v ere examined but nothing of im portance found the funeral took place suada a tornooa an f nqucst bzing deem ed unt yy atary his fnothcr was not homo for th fc icral stewart was last seen at drumi ui on tuesday why deceased took st ch desperate step is not exactly known t is alleged however that reverse in love was theprime cause stew art ha b en keeping company with a young lady fc c s imo time lately a rival seemed to be tie favorite bjewart made threat that 1 ould shoot his rhul and then shoot linself deceased had been coa sidcrcc a hoerful sensible and respectable man enjoys both ie method and results when fiyruj af figs is taken it is pleasant nnd r freshing to the taste and acts f itlj yetpromptlyonthekidneys iver aid bowels cleanse the sys- em e fictnally dispcb coldr head aches md fevers andcurca habitual consti pation byrnp of figs is ths only epedy of its kind ever pro duced pleasidgtp the tist ndao- ceptai la to the stomach pr npt in its actop and truly bcnelcial in its reparedonly from the most dagreeabfesubctasces its ecllentqualitieoommendi nd havo made it tho most remedy known ftyrti of figs is for sale in t5 bottle i iby all leading druggists any l jfiabk druggist who may not have ij on hand will procure it prom try for any ono wno wishes to try ia manufactured only by the mw fig siffldp ca fbiahc oil effects healti many to all pope clifford blackman a boston boy eyealght savedperhapc hit life ur koodi saparlla blood pol- toncd by conker rd uia fouons from a piileful mold r iu boy w bcarlot ytnt whtt i ytuk aid mi it kit iilra ry weak nnd with liloot ikuoe wlk cuktr hu ttn lieuun lolnsuncd osatus luffcrinjt ircrclnteue ind far icrctt weekt lis could not open hit eyec i look him twice durluj that llraa la uia erd tni er iojrmary on cliatlcj ilnel bat uiele remedies failed to do htm uio falateat ihadowj of jood i commenced jlttaff wm hood garuparlllii and it ooa cured mm i iiaio never doubted lhat it nnd liu iur ctea if ku terr you nu uw umanlal in anr wa r y ou cuoom l am alwr readf oiound the praise of hoods 8asaparila because of the wonderful good it did my son aubik v buckiux 2s8s washlngfon st boston mass get hoods kooos pllls hsnd ntsde sad are per tva la cnpoltro praportloa sad sparace thafall futrt 80 norlhsro walicertoa september 27 to 0 southern drtnttord sept 27 to 29 north perth 8tratford sept 29 and 50 centra wellington eton october 6 md 7 north bruoe port elgin sept 22 and 23 i wilmott new hambarg sept 29 and 30 east huron braised oct g and 7 northwestern goderich sept 23 to 80 eookton worlds fair kocktonj oct ili and 12 palmerstoa eorticultnrat palmenloo sept 2g and 27 acton union at acton oct i and 5 hilton at milton oct g and 7 soah waterloo gait oct g and 7 princles am the review of reviews one of the most useful department of the ilericic of ikrnm is its claasified sum mary of new books with brief pointed notices this classified list is usually pre ceded by a more ectended review of one or two books entitled to be regarded aa espec ially the books of the month in the sep tember number of emile zolas wonderful account cf the downfall of france in the war with prussia is made tbe book of the mouth and an extended review is accom panied by a rood portrait of the french novelist there is also notice of hr hobert louis stevensons history of samoa with a new portrait of that brilliant author those who made sweeping chargea of corruption against the manitoba govern ment have not much taitb in their asser tions notwithstanding tho statement that there waa wholesale bribery in r green- ways constituency tbe time haa elapsed for petitioning and his seat haa not been at- tacked three petitions have been filed against supporters of tbe government and five against members- of the opposition the charges of bribery fall to tho ground because no one ihiuts it worth while at tempting to provo them had iveht ve pressed the inducements and t ie claims of oar business jpon ou probably yon have icted pn our suggestions and joined the constantly increasing numb jr wfio look to us for reli able i ry goods or possibly you have ifsmissed tbe subject and said oh well they blowlikothe rest i ou cant believe these ad- vertis sments anyway and there by ha e lost tho golden oppor tunity be this as it may we keep lfiramering away and here were at you again with the in- vitatiin to come aud see the choici st cheapest and best stock of dr goods thats being offered in gujelph this season we are not jiyen to random or wild statements certainly such an aggre ation as our stock presents you cmnot nfford to pass goods pureli ased direct from the maker selected with the care labor and espet epce bought under such favors ble conditions and marked on as close a margin of profit as ours entitle them fe your atten tion there isnt a department that loesnt show the enviable result of our purchasing powers if r care to see tho pick of tho tpade then call and ee our dress goode o our table linens id our cloths and tweeds o our cloakings e our millinery 33 our mantles see our clothing saej our staple goods sad our faucy goods s jo our carpets sid our curtains confiuhptioncdtim an old physician retired firom practice having bad placed in hie hands by au east iodia missionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and per manent ciireof coummptiob bronchitis catarrh asthma and all throat aud lung affections also a positive and radical care for nervous debility and all nervous com plaint after having tested its wonderful curativo powers in thousand of cases haa fell it bis duty to make it known to all his suffering fellows aetaatedi by this motive and a desire to relieve bunlaa suffering i will send free of charge to all who desire it this recipeiu german french or english with full directions for- preparing and using sent by mail by addressing with stamp naming thlf paper w a noras 820f oreii clock eflohoaler n- x 10 watches pringlos 12 watches prinss i prtrtgtas s1g watches j prtrtgtas 6 18 watches j prtngtes j 20 watches prtngtes jj 2o watches 1 the above are all stem winders in either silver or nickel cases the movements in the nickel cues being u much finer u the difference in the value of the cases ladies watchesall peioes gdpringlk cuslph mj88 lundy agaia in charge of thisdepartment and j p epared and childrens garments in the very lates t styles andweguaf- antee perfect fit and satisfac- tion ot r prices are much riles of newfal i to make ladies shopping by mail a smart fellow hs made popular the phrase a postal cafd will do npplicctfo shop- ping by mail think ininirfe of the time and ex- jxnsc and burden of ajrajlroad jouriicy arid then ponslder that hcrt arc ho difficulties in ihcwaj ptpurchasiriggoijdj by mail cithfljr imjagipary or real which cannot be ovcr- comc if iropir care is cxcr cised jlny who iiavabcdime familiar with the simple dc- tailj find it oftentimes less troublesome lian shopping in person 1 thet iaton ocnr it0j 1m is igt stmt tsruirr hi iwvvww tto kbbextiitmtidf the fall iettt it deaigaa are turn qoods arriving every da rabijermyn l02ficuo acton ont ha 3 the tufrns dut the best photos in the county pnoys a provincial reputation for excellence this department of rapidly wa have spared dressmaking department under the mantfpment of 1 ready to carry of iatructas neithe ith tho or clever dressmaking 1 ia frequently loavsight of and the trimmings handsome in the cost of making haa the sake of 50o or a dollar materials stylishly made frit bomeii and he drejsa tu3 cltbcc wa tut asuiuu aaa asyvjuw4 a uoa roald i truer ecodomy if econbmy is the object 620 special belfast towels at half price belfaat tablinga at half price belfast napkins at half price e 25 k thi ordered clothing depart ment is stocked with nobby stylisl cloths suitings trowser- inge dtercoatings and material forg nts wear of every descrip tion and a tirstclaes reliable cuttei is at your service to take your tibasure try us and see if wodout give you a better suit for les 5 money thafi you have been gettin r elsewhere j ii bollkhr co 27 lower wyndham st gjjellphi our position is an adv particular tastes without style and fit of the work d for inferior fork which we if yon have not as yet your interest to do ao gb british isli 18 h h f r notwithstanding the draw fall and winter needa of he thousands of and varied than ever before and at priced w possessing a thorough knowledge of the marks made customers receive this benefit in the aertving daily the eollowingj aasottment of new ebtamine heroes allwool crepoks in evening shades f fn all the standard makes including tbe cone bilks as pongee duchesae bengallna pea chenille portiere curtains in great variety made linings another lot of oalyieyed of very choice ladles mantles in sealetta new blhbons a few special lots 0 i5o per yard boms of them were foemerl8t diagonals in navy and black at slo per yar please enter by the dodr of the new wanted first olasi ifanllemakora hamilton september 7th 1892 accessories best instrument s and iwllg baifness is now ia full trouble- bought nor most ample facilities iro6ghly experiencect and 1 o suggest ideas til im ntag largint intend dc is as one in th ese respects outoftheiway prices i our dressmaking to maintain iven c ur dressmakers a ttial on ryknis co are in ball lace da tew ofci and expense or good wcil detent are coming in equipping oar kmsnanip it is artist one equally luiportanoe to every stylish woma a fbut this fast imes whenjthe dress material ia of eiteellent quality eipensive a lady it shon sighted enopgh to economite made op by an incompetent dressmaker and for t of the garment u spoiled a dress of cheaper we can ittiafy the moat further we guarantee the department lias a reputation fro th tl do hlefold bac a of re uildior tbe spring of the eight house deceldedly ow v hiob to buy paying no abeoiall low price noticeable i li8t of goods plaoel dug 0nal8 arid wales or wedding dresses c slove every pair of whiok pongeeaj sfoirea spot pcjinl laoes large a nefllea the use ol the people w material new betlett r oortdb offbbing at b lbi 1 da iblefold alhwool csshmi re sieolatlotofauwool storj oorp t of king and hughaon 10 oclock saturday bii iriih r eyei ini rhoma3 a will find it decidedly io guelph jr t w increased very largely pnreh lz i will be toand i parens ting direct ffom ihemanafsoterertrfor commission or profits to agents a gi lnbtook thc8 week a bmjw r m l2 pwfav hbw v najuam bfumaln urey ruin1 i greets wat stock ka irut of ivalli paper has arrlt iwins brxtg btore th andartlstio t letiv that eomlorbals iwne dwelling near his 0 ts 00 mui street aeton applyon tk premises to i i mb wkiout s0e8aebi jetveealuk 3 also a few i noghlned leicester ram lemba jiroihlre ram laipba apply to wit kbwtos tilniehonsa helpjpjsted rpb to the wwilywasiing of a amallfamdrat f x the home lot applicant or partfealats- eauat i i jj fltess p1ies8 offjcbi j t 0 ment the proprtj oleh larson alely vacated btj wfteare tnereris a foot dirsmos r noose bank bart stabls and- garden situated f ma irom t- t i i j j acattvl grain wakted jobn boobbti j wit wanted j i- d i a fe w uuetlfog lioots to sen nonfcry stock a a salary of moptrmosiui and expansa write for paitjcnlara 1 i ij j iubxebaawbu i 3enetavht jaluable pronlert lor aie a bush farm on lottj eofijtta tbaitowi ahlp of fedllbaeres1kuilodwaai j4il8ttmberliwtth bteeb1 tiaple bsasloek pmereedar rbci anavfott aa s or eras 1 eleared exeapt ta iji i ajscrastcffliaodrooiitwejefieb and two eellara fmne asabljf wtjfsf kud on anelphuaiia and oieen straets in the tula of acira wihiue or atx btjuitak iota separately if deairef j trexmatjiieuiiid cash orcbsdge for other property- 4 the pwmja qbl eu ben ia basnets in knov tn4t when people ire i das fresh ml p owle tt tbey go wbi we offer onlr the beat tot sequence now enjoys a pal oar hignest sntieipatiolu wa sjwars endeavor tp j well aod aa a conaeqnenoa v secure now ones i 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