Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 22, 1892, p. 3

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i i ttte methodist church aotok hivosepttstx3k rrotice tltntineit pastor prflllc pi rlnkht andsjopm cntrfir tiocls- llitleusfaoandtxetedbrth tnr allcofhallv invited rlrarcff a ti tort alwa cbtirr o rr at the door elcotne aa bank of hamilton htad office kakiltok trnt yaw cr tl itmu 11 h h st tn i in 1 r ut t xmirx 1 iuvta i 1 ii j i i i i nj i uai t r dl 1 j n v t m m l aeorqetowh agency notcejditf it tcl im mwr x tnrtf rn h luittlijcwct mil pum i n u wmsif v an 4i tii l mir i m i n in i ais m t ibo iomimvt or 1 1 h ii i i i 1 1 l i i rtlov i nur a ll t it me tlti on ti i fuwtufi terms samsgs pvrlttu st pcrotitft tcoln3 oi si ml pnrl m tti urfft ho4 rrota dx ct iicjxhlt to dst of krecul derosm altorccctmitcttrtwt nt4 dltrti no coucoi iibdrl repaired sgitoftiie btc watch ill uuaktlks 10k walthamand elgin watches in silver gold and gold idled dim proof cacb spectacles from ioc to ss oo pa pair rodger kmus spoons and forks ciold and plated jtcllr our show casts are lull of tin latest stks ve carvt largest stock our price are the 1iwel all tinit of lchif tlixk and jcwellcrv repaired mckcl clocks irom a 1 00 me ni a call geo hyhds acton ont txlje rton jfree press tuvrsdat slpttmut 1 j 1s9- r- j little local brieflets which caught the ees or ears of free press reporters this week 1 gaeph tnubiuon close to di hest is qootcj at from coc to 70 gcelpli pretbter trss id temcd thst city oq tcesdy it u reported thst th rxutc ire be ptmrg to rot im this till tbe tv furs we otr the township ijd couotj thows u w httil tbe run mr t h hwdidg hi- becu uij op for 6erl dsjt tetheresuit ofovtrmiidp fu apple ire erj plentiful and cheap 2cn to 3c a bi i all ther bnufi at present painter are boej idatl parts cf town merxhanta an c tizcs areitnrrointl cir larroaniingt the cocnt 1 ihibition at miucj on the fib aad 7th prox la jikth to be a very moe4lal affur a c i to be put dowvxu mam teet froii tlo c moore lacf io jamea brown i the latest prize fibt is bttween tie oyster and tlje ice cream dub with the odi in tkqt of the obiter a tting of the jndce scourl of reus ion will be held in the town hill on mon day 17tb oztober at three p ni heur chnstie a henderson are re pairing and imprownt their hoese id atsoiatioa terrace on bower ateaoe owing to haret thankgiting krvioea s in koekwood nett bundaj the even dr service at st albans church las ben 1 withdrakn the wcrkj of the acton tiering co which were clotei for a few dajs for re pain to the engine are not in full running order af am grand fbonocrafbic concert iu the melhoiiit ebcreb ceit mondij eieuing loa and all joar family will be admitted f-o- thirtj five cent rev j lde ib preaching a courte of sermoni on tbe beatitudes hjb tob- jectneit fcrnday morwoc will be bleated are tbej that mourn mr c qnitcernpet do went to the g t u on batnrda eeiin to meet his raiitresa andtn nncaonj ventureender tbe train coct bim hii life jiet ifr jsortoo preached au impreifi jre aermon in tbe baptist church on tsur day tfternooq and referred specially to tbe lue chtrle leppinton at oraogenjie assizes toeday dr island secured a verdict for 10 agaiut the towcehip of amaranth for id janes received through a defect ne roidway the serrotm b rev mr mclnnif of elora in knox church leet fnda ws ery mach enjoyed by thtt conreatinn t1ie rev feutlmaa is a strong preicber id the list of prices of acton union eibibition ibe special piten tj kennej ijroa w f or 20 poaads hom made cbee inatead of 10 pounds as appears in some of the printed lists theexecutneof fuitoa bundaj school association trill meet at miltoo on friday ost 7th at tedb clock to arrange the pro gramme for the countj contention to be held at oaktille nett febrasrv the splendid iist of special prizes offered for competition at tbe coming erhi bition of actou union acncultural society on tbe lh and 5tb october will be found io another column of the fere pns v the fete vllas it in receipt of a copy of the worker neat little monthly published by rev cbtc a cook id con dectioo with tbe first baptist church bioomfield k j it is quite an interesting tci uutrcctive paper rev g b cooke preaxhed thanks tf vmfi fr vices at t george church georgetown and fit johus stesrarttown op saady last rev joseph feooell of jtofretowrj oocopied the riojptt at st a i bens iery accepuiy rajyigiaxh0me mottle of local character and evary tttm lntrtlne vnotd ta afuntonj 1 x qaift voddtuit took piece at the pceahjtetiau minus on toesdaj mottling lw wiluce a lftibi wcouu ion c joasjpli lssbjlr and jcwfe daohtcr of ptcr audettioa all ot tulau toitrw by kit j re the brmtt ir left qq the niicatn tcala for a tnp to laoodoti ud ouicc xuau vest the atfw schoof iufdatf the shok wwkm m nw school hu last bea oompuud md oio back pointers have enislicd thtr otk tlio alu f ent a handiome apjicaraiko the deck on the pot u usnry fluuhed and cock on lh ulterior will uow bo pushed forward tho tsjutsjeiuitt oorcmeuosd thjir workraoo have psalntod th baiter w t li coraiilcted but ttatrpeutttt sni uol ihonfili wtlh it j tt do voar fare to artec if ti chours loour it matohtuij wctt rd very raptdiy aod ha ai ready rttaaad now york there c oo orthis hair won it nu l reported as bnox tecoxed a foot hold in canada u lliactfow behofcvm all our citiaeui to look to the c aanhne4 ol their tttmuec mpcctally oe lire to mo that uo decajfd vtceuble ar niilowed to remain ihcre or elsewhere il 3 to aoder lake the frequent dionfectir fl of all oyt buildium a tsnrcatdtotrot at the annual onnunliud of the national rrociatioa of retail 6hoe utalcn held tn tlotun the other dta oovl deal of time wis devoted to the dtguisioii of the subject of advcriuipp for a ot hour the mem bcra cxpred luttc vtewt cirojlara otr putting jour nsma ou couutr fences and baron decorating so called ad xerttiiug cards in hotel barrooms kilh jcur umip all these methods and many more were dicusrcd but the ultimate colcluncn cf the ttl cm g as that vod legitimate cewspsper advertising tu the only profitable items of gctiug before tho public the 4jir crop ifcrr the splendid apple crop u tbi section this season hsb induced siers cook a cook ofclmlon a rommeit firm ot apple buer to come in and oar farmer are dipoingof their appe crops to utter ad antapethau usual alrtad seine 0000 virrela hae tctn purchsked and the bajcra are cow bu packing and slupt iug k lare number of experienced me6 are em vaed in this work the first car was shipped from acton on mondsj the utsl shipment is cf the fall aletle the entire crop will b shipped to luerpxil for the bntih marles wbcrccanadiao apples are the faiorttts and 1 ring tbe best prices th ssmc firm will ship from nonsl and gu rttin rvllcr sitlt tfonm xt e committee appimtcd td cartas the farmers of thiicctiou with a uew to se curing subcription to the amount of 1500 in order to meet mr uaney m his propos ition to pgt in a full roller process ic his tail hare beea at work tbe past wetlwith coueiderable eucces seteral hundred dollars have been secured this week two or lhre cf our busintsi men waited upon a number of citiics and tured ecbtcnp tiols agirealmg upwards of 5300 which will probablv be urge algtriiitej this act on oo the part of the peo le cf acton who e idtccr is not near to direct ab t of the farmer is a practical manife tation of rapithy in the motement and should stimulate ot r farmer friends to push tbe raaitt to a succcsful ihiue the lrolaeial s s- convention the annual cotneuliui of the buuday schl a vciation of ontario will this ear have more than usual attraction for the fiucdaj scbool workers cf tins section for the reason that as it is to be held in guelph man will have tho pnwlcge df at tending vvuo canuot usually do fo tbe ooer who hsje the i rortunme ta hand antic pate one of the best eoiventioua this ydr in the assoiat ons 1 tmor theist of speakerd ia et quite complete but when we submit imodg others tbouamei o txc lt schtofler of new york fthoce prominence and efficiency oa a sunday school man is attested b nis superior article id eerj jesuc of the sunday kchsa ti nt dr barbour of jvfoutreal dr sjtherlardof hamilton principal caven toronto poanbly wm rejnolda es of the worlds s s abtocittioc chicago there is ample guaraneethat an exception all interesting meeting- may be expected mr and mrs harry blight of torouto whose musical aoiltt is well known will have charge of the singing a strong local committee was appointed last week from the various sunday schools at guelph to tirrane the billeting and other local detailp and a wcrth reception and hearty wel come is assured from the royal city 6ix hundred delegate ire bein prowded for tbe date cf the ccuveution is 2jth 26th j7h octobtr the cou a nawjltoinibuprludby coptm- pondenu and ex jhang erin i mr d uohetly ot w u juitht t co toronto wu purobsss griu hero thts this fal tho rev j a kcty ot uuudtf pto ach ed tho lunlvqrtmry itrvlcei ta the beltouu tain tuitst church test bibutlt utv u fowlie whs baa rduruod from h la trip up the lakes proiched a florcl lecmoa to tlio chttdcea ot the bar us oharch poanguttoa oa haadsy moraine milton ihe tjwti council hit dctldf 1 to dfccou tlnae l ho quarterly pigment 9 125 towirdc the saliry of a nigtttwatcltuice the wmmtttee ot j3raoe cliurult oca cert to bo gixen oafrtday evoufo 7lh of october last night of the fair hive near ed the services ot mrs catdwth soptiuo mr w i rimle the favorite oomio liagcrandmr o deuhotm baras elacu- uoaisl of himlltan thc fc now a protpoct ot loearlufc telephone connection for milton a iciiloa of tho judges oourt of rows ion was held on moaday mr w u bell returned to milton list week from a visit to dakota ho sc ho prefere etaltoo to dakota ckamnon oeorqetown the gth annua1 fall fair of lsqucsing agricultural society will bo held hero next week arrangements arc about oomplcte and all that is necessary to make tho fair of s one of tho most successful ever held hero is fine weather a largo number of goorgxtowu citiz and othen in this locality attended tho inhibition at toronto last cdacsday ft was farmer s dr the high school board is advertising for a fourth teacher at a salary of 50 mr ii grant md family arrwed home last saturday evening after a tvo mouths trip to trcotland mr gnult refwrt that they hail an enjoyable trip anrj arc well phased with tlw auld countric miu anna ruddy superintendent of italian girls home new lork city visit ed friends in town lost week ihe dibciplcef have about completed the repairs on the old lesley an methodist chur h rcocuth purchased by them tho chuvch prtsents a cn creditable apifcar j aiice the opening seniors will bo held the firfct sunda in october and will be conducted by the rev mr carpenter harvest home services were held in tho lnglish and prcsbyttnan churches last sunday they were well attended the ltna lacross clubs second twclvu went to strcctsvdlo last saturday and ercted sticks with the lacrosse team of that place they were defeated by four goals to one this is the first timo the time have met defeat this summer hop picking is finished in this locality the crop is good and is an excellent sample knatckbull on wednesday one of our reu dents borrowed a neighbors horse mid rig to go actou with apples after he had sold his load and done his tdioping he visited some of the hotels and got loaded with tangle leg and started for home when near hoatchbull his head got too heavy for the reu of hnn and pullei him oat of the rig with the eat on top of him he wasn t much hurt beyond a little shaking up this ought to be a lecson to hi in to leave whikej alone a painful and what may prove a fatal accident occurred to the eldest son of mr jonathan v adams6tcl ntattigtwcya the other day the little fellow wis lty ing around a fiuuing mill wben he got bn left hand into the cog wheels crushing his fingers badly the doctor wis summoned and drecsed the wound and he seemed to be doing well for a day or two bat lock jsw set in and it n aoubtful now whether he will recover the rev mr willougbuy ot aberfoyle preached in tbe ebpncxer church lttct baa day morning his tcrmoa wu listened to with great pleasure and was appreciated by all who heard him the apple buyers have been around and bought up nearly all tho fall and winter apple the price paid was ii oo per barrel all around mr thos wilson lost a fine yearling heifer on sunday from bloating the animal was all right in the morning feed ing in a clover field and at noon when one of his boys weqt oat it was ly ing dead in tbe field tho iocs is considerable tiitwis his best yearling some of the farmers ire brushing up for the gaclph central exhibition which cornea off this week messvc tarnsd mr c ming and going vllt ri to and prom aoton and v rliiusotharpononalnota mr ii i mokabb l lul keck to vfll itltai a ktrkflld mn rabt shlami ot wawanuah ylilkd aoloa rinnd a wek uu barak lair j ltt oil uaulay a lake a lilai lion at uobcajneou mr a caof mr toffd mn fiv maialaiot ullchalt ra lu lou 8 0f dajf ot lnc week bl uclcucau ii hom ram jaliiif hv uc t week ot two ilalo ot toronto iiaa beta jtayloc ot 0eo sound waa agueit kxadiodid eittaatgfi aat k rtom kna4ft o parry saauo fiyluk vialt to acton laic batarday fill forcter ot palmantoo called fw a hie acton rieadi on sitar- inry tovoll o walkettaa iricat caji tbe paat wck with frlaadc drokn and ioo ot utdiat wera hiltren tlico daring lbs paat ht rtietl if iclon tnnd llili week a mokabb aud w spatght rc- trpm lirascbtldko laat week ohu uckoovtii ot bcatortb watths fioit cjc kada lir daring tho wk un attbo itr madaij ur opoa a day ur i lercral hero urt gaotla week lire ltko f sand itr loo bet itick aud tamllf arovintiag tho ton icca tatlier at acton oraorevillo adtxrti e otra ala hall returned tram lierfoar weoka it to fncnja at onllk arpene tang la ii saturday itr clioraia rimibaw ot wroteter ipeat t rpor threa daja during tho vceck v tpn relatlut moore left ou fri pond a week or two with triendc at londut and florence itr xr i- smith waa in itamiltoa ovor mtiuf a trotlicr in lav who t ih typhoid fctrr rphn brmght arrived homo com ponnor and daughter of duffaria o cuetti at sunderland villa over with ai itr day to the municipal c6uncil the semimonthly budget of busi ness transacted to ler t6al amail or baitdinj on kaio 6tret at present oaod aa a law oeoe ioaaeaioa 15ih october ifu fo a blcgli ooi wool i lare qoautitiea want ti hitt pno paid jokx kewio a bova lifaehoaa faaleemau wantrf salary and eipenf- pen droro broa ch kaferyain toronto ont iew o any building raidooe or aeetion ot the town made at any time 4 v kej t oo haod or aale h bakouw wool wool higbert pb tn cuh ovldry sood will tn firenforany qaanlttyj ot ood merchanubu wool w mclou ti oeorisetowa com tooaaad often klax4uilieiituuibert loadarj aat frldaf etenloc she it grad- iniifj her ttreoittb f stewart lata editor ot tho otttarht uaa jotaod the ttaff ot jock sftuirrt rerftv itr it ijper who baa been m ban- ib llralford tor aoma time haa return ed to s atorth where ha haa entered into partote ihip with a torracrtinplayor u 3 cleaver d a paatoc ot tho st faul si roct kcthoditt church st cath arine formerly of borltugtoahta reoeieod an ini atioa to beooma putor of lh lead ins lie hodii t church in ictoria b c to ukecflct neat june lira andrew llobbieot ltueiinif ifrt wkiiu i ifartln ol eanover ifr wm uobie eiqneticfj and hit too andrew tweito eara ottgfi compciia repreaeau- tie ot foarcenertttonr til took tea at lha homo sir charlea kirkpatnck cburcl btreet mr dobbie is lira kirk patrick mother and n in her ninety fourth j ear itec kerr editor of the bruuelt pott honors tho fctr pccn atnetum with hit fuial feaenoe on satarday after a drive about t rrn he concloded that acton wac a very ti place and that ita krg mauufac tonaa d apltndid ret idenoea were a credit and lal taction to the place lie further pointed out that if wa only had tome ot graaae i una buciaeaa blocka actou would occupy a very enviable poaitioa among towns ita in r caption of kan e blik toco ho sept so the toronto branch of the i tih kational league oa monday night t resented itr blake with an address of welc ime at the pavilion ot the sotlfcnl tural g cdenc toronto to which itr blake made a elaborate reply in the nouraa ot which le aid what the irith members of parhai lent wanted and what ha believed ifr 01 idatone was prepared to grant was local g ernment for the management of local a tatra with all poesibla aaieguards for the fights and liberties of the roiuori ties i l8e sunlight do you rockwood council met on mod laj evening at eight o clock ihcrc was onlj a tmall amount of lubintsq before our local legislators jicmlr6 absent iiccve lowrj and cojnclljor iu irdmore miuutb of hfct meeting rcul and con firmed the elerk read a commnnlcation from the hcadclice of the bill telephone co stating that arrangements have been made for painting the poles in town and their punter would coiiimcncc vork hi a few davs the e xtccnth rjwrt cf the committee on finance was presented and adopted the following accounts being therein passed i grant exj reis ind crteie t f g a 1 jcljrdsjd cotton rojle 1 20 fi hnd e ationery 2 07 c ilrown work on s tree t i j2 v luwt tcimini i 00 x morrow work on street 3 gj a cool cvel li jo it i oorr rnctiutaud oovcrllkins 13 10 s57 mr jarncs brown farmer interviewed tbe council as to tho rabuilding of the sidewalk from the cis track to the limits on slain street councillor becord explained that it waa tbe intention to lay a gmtel walk whero the old plank walk had been remored it will be attended to forthwith i the neoeasity for a fetr loada ot clean gravel around tbe purnp in the town hall 6quaro was referred ta and tho gravel ordered to he put do a the town hall commitlee reported that a new tin roof was ordered o be put on the deck of the roof at coat of 0 00 george ilanll has the contract councillor berdmore entered at 8 25 and took bis seat tho council adjourood before nine oclock i just arrived a fine aa rtmentotflower tpta at t h hiaowa grocery d stirtoo hd 8 wjill irrtrt teeth at 6 and ljper ret far next three monthf eitraetiod free special care tren fillfng office mfttthewajbtoci aotoo the pastor of bt johnb church itev g b cooke has arranged for the annual har vest thanksgiving servioos to be held on sunday next 25th inst scmces will be held at 3 and 7pm when appropriate 6ermoos will be preached the church will so beautifully decorated with the returns of the harvcat and an occasion of interest 19 expected the methodist church artho centre inn hrvmosa has lately been undergoing re pairs it has been beautifully painted throughout re carpeted and new heating apparatus placed in it the congregation spent in the neighborhood of 20 lp re pairs m gibson of cnn has completed mov ing the agricultural hall and a fine largo horse nng has laid out these wilt give increased accommodation to the er hibitors mr and mrs george clarkson spent sunday m acton pmacle council b t of t continues to prosper it has about 50 members over 60 of whom have tho select degree there are initiations every month one day last week misa edith ifcfarlano daughter of mr john mcfarlane eramosa while flaying at no 1 school house york road fell from the fence and broke one ot her arms on wednesday evening ot last week miss anna c baddy superintendent of italian missions now york delivered an illustrated lecture fa the methodist church oc e ebanuble purpose the- bell telephone co haa tt large staff of men at work bringing their telephone line into the village messrs chas and edwin harris have gone to attend pickering college during the present terra exhibition not to iieo sunlight soap on wash day and c ery other day is to stand in your own ii ht became it will rave yott labor ind fi el prevent joa rubbing the clothes to ptet es keepyour hands soft and healthy and u ake you delighted withht for every- thiug hat needs to be kept clean and sweet t has won g gold medal acton union to bo held in the pajkjatj aoton on tuesday and w ednesday october 4th 4nrf 6thj 1892 list of specml prizes hokb l best roadster team style and snojjd to ia considered ly n j clark hotel 1st pr cash lfl h snd prise caah 1 l 8 00 2 boat hurdle jumping horse best hu i bybagnowlitbrlk- nh 3 m 2nd prize casli j 2 00 8 fasting trotting or pacing horse ice ai und nog best 2 in 8 tat prlae cash 8 00 2ud prize cash i 1 2 00 a best trotting colt i j oar old and nr ler ii at never won public money style and gait lo bo w uldtrt i a riding bridle and martingale by o iuinhiirtgunip i varu i j 00 5bt ladyhlder pair kid boots by v willi ims value 1 i 00 0 novelty liaoe la harness hitch and t it anon around track horse blanket by j h matthews valuo 8 00 7 best span general purpou horses nc showi in agncult ural class ona bag truck by grindell wrif it valia 1 2 60 8 fasting walking horse stnglo rig ont arour i track by a fgrant expressman caah 71 2 00 0 most stylish turnout single rig by v e bt nth cash 2 00 10 best lady driver single rig by j w 3raat baker cash 2 00 cattle akn shpi p i 11best herd ot grado cattle 100 lbsl ijeri loyal spied by t masonvaluo 1 s 00 12 best toke oxen farm right of tec for enn esquesiog and nasmgawcv a by jsz matthews tlue l 5 00 18 best fat sheep any breed by dsp rriat co cash 1 100 h best herd ot thorough bred cattle o a mo er winner to pay 130 by john mclean agent value b otter and dheise 15 best 25 lbs butter donorlo receive but er by peter savers casli 1g best 20 lbt home made cheese donor o roce v cheese pair of kid boota by konncy bros 17 best 10 it butter donor to receive bo tcr w w h storey t son cash l 18bcat 10 lbs butter donor to receive h titer by wf kerns m p p cash i lj best 10 lb butter in prints donor to r ceive 1 utter by d l bchulti cash 1 1 20 best 5 lbs batter tn roll donor to j o nelson 21 best 15 lbs butter donor to receive bailer aciorated tea sett by l g matthews i ii best 12 lb batter in tolls doaor li receive batter silver plated cruel by geo hynds t 23 best 5 ltia butler donor lo receive batjbr 5 its lea by mcraedrco j 1 2 beat 12 lbs butter in crock donor to receive batter by cash 1 t 25 best 10 it bolter in crock donor to rfceive butter by h s holmes- cash 1 2i best 1 16 roll or print ot batter by kef y broi goods value 27 kcatcst and beat lb of fresh butter h y moore acton fkek an x hu ve butter 5 lbs 50c tea by t henderson e deitch 20 j y pacssonavear second prize fan poesk six mbc hs 28 beit 0 lbs batter in printa donor lo re eive bitter by j c hill cash miscella eoi 3 best loaf homo mado bread oo igate tetlle byj geo hanll valuo j 30 largest collection of flowers hy r i jermyn caah si hand painted mat on plush 12xh alnnt 21ock byj a p symon 82 best barrel northern spy apples doi re to r have apofes by h h worden caih j 2nd prize donor to receive applesi by jol n williams cash s3 best while shirt humei made donj r to r scctvo shirt by kannawin oae photo album vali i 81 lady obtaining largest number of cizea n fancy work i dozen recciva slippers by mclean a- mclean caah v j best j gat strained hooey donor to 1 weivel coney by mrs smith cash j j 37 best i doz turnips grown from seed nrchased from donor by john arthurs caah 1 l s beat cake mado from pure gold bak ng powder label fo be attached d monroe traveller to get cakevn assortment jot pure gold goods value 39 beat barrel korthern spy apples de jor toj sett by t h harding value 0 beat collection of fruit by cook c ok ap l beat breeding pen fowl i hena and 1 cod harvey cash 2 largest coueclioa fancy work by he dersoo mcraei co caah s largest colloctioa of pataloetj by t f iathant caah if best halt dozen jars canned fruit aa rted fjfiiupby fn unmarried young lady cabinet of wedding cai is by acton fact picas value 5 best barrel winter apples any vanetj donor to receive apples by r agnew caah j fl best pair woollen socks doaor to roc ivo socks by r agnew cash 7 best pair woollen mitts donor to reoejvc mitjs by r agnew cash john duff president alex waldie vice prlsidenlj we have just passed irj 5oqopo 50 oo 10 00 too 500 500 2 50 2 50 500 5 00 2 50 8 00 8 00 1 00 1 oo 50 200 receive apples ona tea da buyei any crt clinton auk vaiety by john j 1150 200 500 3 00 2 50 3 75 2 00 2 50 1 op i 00 250 s 25 5 00 200 250 i 00 s75 8 00 1 00 1 00 qreht summer sale ii v makes the weak strong ayers sarsaparilla m for scrofula catarrh rheumatism debility- boeawbatj no other bloodfiurifler in ex- latence cijn do it bciudies out he poisons scrofula catarrh niieunjtf tlsd and debility and expels them harmlessly through tbe proper channels it is the great healthrestorer and health- malntalner it parities the hood aharpl ens the ippctitc strengthens the mines and invigorates tbotvliola system dr c d moss ocafyeli c ij w va voices tho experience of scores of eminent pbjslcians when ho tcsttflei i have used avers inrsaparillaith abun dant aucct ffl in tubercular deposit and all forrru of sctofu- loufdlseaie 1 hae scarcely eer known it to fail ai an alterative itjis bejond nil praise botltfor old and young i am convinced lhil after iia log beeii sick awholeyear from llverjcomplaint ajers sarsaparilla saved my life the best iilijsfclans etiig unable to help me and having tried other tned clues flliaui benefit i at last took avers saaa- i parilla anil wacured mary schubert kaniaatity kanj a yers sarsaparilla prepared bv dr jt ayer0o lowell man sold by all dragguu r has cured others will cure you jv s geoitge hvnds socrefarytreasurer to stock a job lot of wort readymade ciotfcin pryqoods which we 65c on in mens youths b ya an t childrens suits and odd pants ticking shirlne tweada towels towelline cottons c6t ona las shirtsjsocks suspenderb h it sa id caps this is the chauce of your lite for bar gains aa wa are determined to undersell any ot the guelph or toronto houses bat remember ou must pay the cash if yon can t pay tha calx o doui want yoar custom this must beduue in order to compete with other gash houses mans alt wool suits worth pants worth whits and cray cottons wor hundreds of suits to select f of bougl it at tse kein the leladelt wlestern fair london sep mr john smstl collector of ctutomsit toronto suggested to tha department at ottawa that passengers from the united states be ins peeled at lewiston instead of on arrival by boat at toronto and the suggestion waa eoneacred in the fifth general council of the alliance of reformed churches holding tha preaby- uritn system waa opened yesterday morn ing by public worship in st james square oharch toronto emmiaeat theologian from every country will take part la tha proceedings canadas favorite live stock exhibition 2oo added to the prize list over 11500 going to the horses cattle sheep pigs and poaltry classes ember loth to iith 1892 vial arssnd eihfbttors are promised fuora for tbsir i loner tits rear ilian erar before 8ut ing and space allotted on receipt ot on- trlas spot lal attrscttoos m bs of aaattraetlvs and alanoi ate kind 8 moial xxcunioni on all hallways for frise list and all information apply to cap r a w porta tarowne imaldsnt saeratary e ftpliits i i rs l terrible slaughferof ready- i made clothing boots shoes i these tw o lines must be clear ed ou regardless of cost alsb big drives in colored dress large goods tt milliner we have just opened up a range of new prints ginghams shirtings flan nelettes l hosicrj whichjwe are doing at close paces umbrellas gloves and gents ties special quotations tor teas ia and ugars in large lots hendeifsoii mcrae 6a co now for bargains 800 for 450 300 for 50 toc for 7c am in kll sirea and styles- rosi acton t thai evclopinant occoitoauat producing kcuntr hu been lomethlng ledsational it iwaa no till atal disease broke oat among the icortee ilanta atteatlon vai siren to tha cultivation of t wben tt was foundtbst the grewjargef and nrodueed mors svon those f i indian hardens snd laday thaw are aver 90 1 ho acres trader cultivation juiabouia export at tea from oijlon to bngtand was onlv hums bs and ill 1b90 it had reached th mouairotmrtiona mom0m ttsand whils in lsitlii consampflon was indian and i carton 1013 000 china and others 123 m0jtau jhj pgnras ware india and ceylon isiyooooo china land ot era stjooooo thus showing clearly that ttndiaa and cesiaos are 6rowhi8p jn popular tavor jclaim the largwt tea depart- niontli canada asd gits prominence to india and c don ls i hamilton cbolc now koroltlos la scarfs ties aud neckwear just opened up the finest baogo of choice new suitings flnetrowserlngs close prices for cash my bobolaltyirtoet flttiug it pants u order r e nelson merchant tailor ind oents furnisher 99 upper wyndnmm st ousich 6 n 1100 75 00 so 40 85 9 si ita ny kind coflset rallalis tfi lbs of t cocoa t forw60 t 8m t 7u t 175 t mo t 185 for si bploesorbakl ing powder for 1100 ii 1 alarm olcjcksj alarm clocks when you come io guelph see our newkinclof atarrrt clocks relabt reliable skvagre co optioifcns hnd jehzsliers 1 i company t a jxrts and speelallata wholesale and retailjl soatb aid ot kfog strmt west nsdtt baak or bamil oh hamilton bend 5o in ltorsoent stamp for umple pound which will be senti frtab mail 0t your neighbor to join jouln wholeaa ftrm the oldest largest ii eheapeat bstasperlneed and moat par nnihriokable natnral all woo funnilujonm nitiok dt sons umahobej booi1n the dominion tperln imlnurt rti john speight fcson furninrrssc vntrtkkina oar stock ot farnitij re is now complete for thesprins trade and wa can supply any arliola you want at the lowest possible prices we dont steal oar furniture net defraud any one in ita man ifacture but we pay cash for it and can sella low for caah as any dealers in the trade we can give you at bedroom set complete forl4 wo v mattresses for 4 r m 8prlns for 3 sideboards at cost j lounges for 750 extension tables 750 r chairs at any price j tivndertkkingr af all line of coffinsjcaaketi rones etc always in stock wa can cive you satisfaotiou aa to prices ie desire to impress upon tbe public the act that we have no oonoectlon with any combination and o prices are not governed by the undertakers- association we eansive ypn tbe beat tfia markets afford at very reasonable pjce cood hearse and outfit for funerals vfl speight st son

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